
Open physical lesson in the middle group. Synopsis of an open lesson in the middle group on physical education “Travel to Africa. Synopsis of physical education classes "I’ll get off at every station"

Abstract of open physical education in the middle group using game moments and elements of rhythmic dance.


- in walking, running in a circle, to fix the execution of the main types of movements consciously, quickly and deftly; continue to teach games with elements of competition.

Goals: improve agility, endurance, speed.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthis proposal is to organize a "Team Athletics Olympiad" to facilitate the integration of students from 5th to 8th grade, so that they all feel very gifted to make every effort without resorting to the privileges of only those who have the best results in every event.

The teacher organizes with students. Each team is organized to register a certain number of students in each series in each case, and all students must participate in a minimum number of events. These figures should be thought out by the Committee, advising the teacher.

To foster a positive attitude towards physical education.

Benefits:sultans (2 pcs. for each child), audio recording for the rhythmic dance "Lambada", 2 benches, medium balls (one for each child), 10-12 hoops, plastic balls for the game "Salute", 2 baskets.

Warm up

Normal walking, with tasks. Running with different intensities (2-3 laps). Walking with breathing exercises.

Synopsis of physical education classes "I’ll get off at every station"

The team of champions of each race is the one that receives the highest individual points of all team members. The winning team of the Olympics, in turn, must reach the maximum amount in all races. To complete the event, it is interesting to conduct an assessment with students, to identify the positive and negative aspects of this form of organization, with the aim of improving it and adapting to the expectations of students and teachers.

Type: Methodology. Our visual impressions, for the most part, are more developed than impressions from other senses. This proposal aims to change this model and allow students to capture information from the environment through other senses, emphasizing the importance of synesthetic perception when performing movements.

Rhythmic dance with sultans.   Performed to the music of "Lambada" (each exercise takes 4 times.)

    i.P. standing, hands below.

1-Hands to chest,

    raise your hands alternately. Look at the sultans.

    Standing, hands forward. Hit the wand on the wand.

    Turns in place. On toes, arms to the sides.

    Kneeling Sit on your heels, arms back. Wave the sultans.

    Speaking about the purpose of the activity, the teacher organizes the class in pairs and offers fabric that serves as a bandage. One student will be blindfolded, while the other will guide him along a specific path. When the total time ends, the doubles return and invert the roles. Who was guided, leadership and course will be different from the previous one.

    The course should take into account the experience of walking on motors, exploring ramps, stairs and differentiated floors; passing through narrow and wide places, more or less sunny, among other possibilities; walking from the front, from the back, running or jumping. During the “walk”, the leadership is responsible for the safety of the satellite, which does not see, must warn him and protect him from dangers using a non-verbal language, since one of the rules is that partners cannot communicate verbally.

    Sitting legs apart. Hands to chest. Tilt forward. Knock the sultan on the floor.

    Standing, hands to the sides. Sit down, hide the sultans behind.

    Standing, arms bent at the elbows. Circular rotation with hands. "Started a motor."

    Standing, hands below. Tilts forward. "Show the sultans."

    Standing, hands to chest. Crouch while twisting the body.

    The stimulus for the race or the invitation to jump should also be carried out through non-verbal communication. It is necessary to set aside time for partners to change roles, and then exchange their personal impressions of experience. The teacher must explore the wealth of information that experience allows and discuss with students the importance of these observations, even when we are wide open.

    As often happens in game situations, the affective and social problems of children appear in the everyday life of classes, expressed in relationships as refusing to participate in activities when a person is not in the same team of best friends; leave in the middle of the game, complaining that no one is passing the ball; scream after defeat; send pleasure to the losers.

    Jump up. Sit down, turns. Knees to the right, to the left.

    Standing, hands below. Big swings in front of you.

Reorganization into a column, and from a column division into 2 columns.

The instructor:Guys, I suggest you compete in agility, courage and speed today. Will you play with me?


Instructor:  Then we begin our fun starts! 1, 2, 3 start the game!

Interestingly, the teacher anticipates situations such that, if they arise, they can be dealt with more easily. The way should be to talk about the feelings that these experiences can extract, making it clear that you understand them and are aware of the difficulties with them. But the fact that life in society often means giving up expectation, in turn, to resolve conflicts. Solidarity coexistence must be exhaustively sought and therefore work.

One tip is to change the separation of commands. It is important to note that until the separation of the teams, many students are likely to remain in different groups than their friends. Although it’s hard to accept, these changes are great opportunities to meet the best colleagues you’re not used to treating. Sometimes we even change our minds about specific people, because we are more closely related to them.

An explanation of the rules and the implementation of game exercises.

Game exercises for two teams.

    "Crossing." Children stand in two columns. Before them - 5 hoops. On a signal, the children, one after another, jump through hoops to the other side of the “river.” Someone will quickly cross over to the other side.

    “The ball is on the bench.” Children stand in two columns, each holding a medium-sized ball. At the signal, the children roll the balls on the bench one after another and put them in baskets on the other side of the hall.

    It is also important to use every conflict that appears in the classroom as an educational opportunity for everyone, taking care to perceive the feelings that underlie explicit messages and behavior. If we understand what is happening to another person, we can answer from the point of view of another person who is showing an important line, even if we do not agree with the facts.

    Another important point is to return to difficult situations that aroused feelings and were poorly designed. Through constant and careful conversations, collective goals can be set and achieved. In the 5th or 6th grade, teachers of mathematics and physical education can develop interdisciplinary work, including the specific content of measurement systems and athletics, which is very important for the student and theory.

    The game of low mobility "Salute." Children of both teams stand around their baskets in which they will collect balls. Balls spill out of a large basket onto the floor. At the signal, the children collect the balls in the basket of their team. Whose team will quickly collect the balls and build near their basket, that is the winner.

Used literature: Game exercises: Uterine p.65

In math classes, students can take responsibility for the concept of measurement and know the standards and tools of measurement. You can even use a very interesting book on this subject: “Measurement of Length,” Nielson Machado. In physical education, the goal of this activity is to provide students with the opportunity to increase their body knowledge, through their own measures and measures for their implementation in some of the main athletics tests: racing, jumping and jumping. The idea is to play with measures that, being accurate, reflect the outcome associated with a specific time and a certain physical condition.