
Drawing animals in the senior group in stages from a photo. How to draw pets (the easiest drawing lessons) How to draw animals with cubs

Drawing master class. Algorithms for drawing animals in teaching the visual activity of preschool children

Tushmakova Natalya Nikolaevna, educator, ANO DO "Planet of childhood" Lada "kindergarten number 203" Alisa "
Description: the master class is designed for preschool children.
Purpose: teaching preschool children to work with the algorithm.
1. To develop aesthetic perception, aesthetic emotions and feelings, an emotional response to the manifestations of beauty in the world around.
2. To form the experience of perceiving a variety of aesthetic objects, to develop aesthetic interests, the desire to learn about art and master visual activity.
3. To lead children to an understanding of the value of art, to promote the development and use of various aesthetic assessments regarding the manifestations of beauty in the world around them, artistic images, and their own creative works.

The world around a person is beautiful and diverse. A child, experiencing a great desire to convey his impressions on paper, often encounters difficulties in depicting what is conceived in a drawing. Not every child has the ability to independently and step by step correctly convey the image of this or that creature. Most often, children experience difficulties in the beginning of drawing, i.e. don't know where to start or don't know what to draw next. In this the child can be helped by samples depicting the necessary sequence of drawing various objects, i.e. algorithms. With the help of them, the child can easily navigate the number and shape of body parts, see their proportional relationship, as well as the final result.
As a preliminary work, you can use the templates of various animals. This will help the child navigate the number of certain parts of the body, their shape and size, but it will also make it possible to convey any movement.

In addition, you can invite children to find analogies between body parts of an animal and the most common geometric shapes, as well as drawing in this simplified system. For example, the image of an elephant can consist of the following figures: its body is an oval, its legs are rectangles, and its head and ears are triangles. It remains only to finish drawing the details, the tail and the trunk - and the drawing is ready.

To convey the image of an animal to a child, an algorithm can also help, with the help of which he can correctly and consistently depict what was conceived.
For children in younger groups, it is better to use algorithms with the smallest number of steps. The algorithm should be executed in color and built on the basis of an oval.

You can accompany the show of drawing an animal with an artistic word. For example, when displaying an image of a bunny, you can use the following words:
We're painting a snowball
The ears were made later.
And just instead of eyes
We found the coals.
The bunny came out as if it were alive!
He has a tail and a head.

For children of older groups, algorithms with a large number of steps are used, since more details are added. It can be done graphically. In addition to oval shapes, the structure of a figure can consist of axial lines that coincide with the axes of the bone. This method of drawing is otherwise called "stick". A lot depends on the shape and nature of the axis (it can be straight and curved): the figure is standing, moving or preparing to jump. The artist immediately sees this constructive basis, the skeleton, and constantly keeps it in his head while drawing, without displaying it on paper. But a beginner needs it, because it disciplines the drawing, allows for proportional accuracy and typical likeness. But in time you need to make sure that the child does not press hard on the pencil, because the centerlines are subsequently removed.

I will give several more options for drawing algorithms for animals.

And here are the works of the children of the older group, performed using the algorithm.

I wish you all creative success! I hope you enjoy the result!

Exotic animals that's why they are called exotic, because they are not ordinary, and common in certain geographic latitudes.
Today exotic animals have become quite popular. Exotic animals settled in the apartments and houses of many of our friends and acquaintances. This could not but affect the fact that the sale of exotic animals increased: amphibians, spiders, lizards, snakes, and after them the demand for terrariums and accessories for animals increased. However, I would like to note that not all exotic animals, photos of which you meet on the Internet, get along well at home.

The main reason for this is that exotic animals do not always have the conditions that they need. Buying exotic animals is one thing, but keeping and providing conditions for a normal life is quite another. In addition, exotic animals that are sold, shall we say, by not quite qualified sellers, may suffer, which is most often the case. And this, in turn, can be an emotional trauma for the owner of the animal.In order to avoid such "surprises", and in order for exotic animals to be healthy, it is necessary to responsiblygo to the choice of a future pet, read the recommendations for keeping it inevola, determine for yourself the most suitablethe kind of future pet.

The next step is to find that specific animal: turtle, spider, snake, that suits your tastes and needs. Exotic animals must be checked for health before purchasing. They should look and act cheerful and active. Also take careon the acquisition of an appropriate terrarium or insectarium for its maintenance. Designed specifically to accommodate various exotic animals. You can choose and order a terrarium, insectarium and accessories for them on our website.Our specialists will be able to help you with all of the above issues., amphibians, invertebrates and other exotic animals.

Here you can get a qualifiedmy advice on how tocontain exotic animals. Choose your favorite pet, purchase or order a terrarium and equip it. We also offer a wide range of live food, vitamin and mineral supplements, specialized ultraviolet lamps and other products necessary for the successful keeping of your pet. In addition, with us you can get qualified veterinary care from one of the best specialist in exotic animals.

We will try to give you as much information as possible so that neither your exotic animals nor you will be harmed.

Drawing lesson "My favorite pets".

(With older preschool children.)

Target ... To teach children to convey objects in drawings, different in shape and size, based on the results of their impressions; navigate the space of a sheet of paper.



To teach to depict animals from rounded shapes: to highlight the main shape of large parts in an object, to convey their position (an animal in motion, add small details, convey proportions).

Practice the skill of arbitrary regulation of the force of pressure on a simple graphite pencil when creating a preparatory drawing.

Teach children to paint over an image of an object along its contour.

Correctional and developmental

Develop an eye, mental activity of children. Strengthen children's knowledge of pets, pExpand active and passive vocabulary.


To foster in children responsiveness, attentiveness, kindness to others, the ability to empathize and help them in case of trouble.

Dictionary: four-legged friends, help out, body parts, silhouette.

Equipment. Cards - silhouettes with images of pets; demonstration material - pictures of the same pets; easel; magnetic board; album sheet for each child; an envelope with a letter; riddle about a dog; simple and colored pencils.

Methodological techniques:

motivation for activity; making riddles; questions for children; problem situation; exercises for the development of fine motor skills; finger gymnastics; exercises for the development of lexical and grammatical categories; exercises for the development of logical thinking; physical training; talking with children; surprise moment; the result of the lesson.

Relationship with other activities .

Cognitive-research: observation of a dog and a cat while walking; reading books, learning finger gymnastics about pets, looking at illustrations in books, making riddles about pets; construction of buildings for pets. Musical: singing songs and learning musical scenes about pets.

Course of the lesson .

Look what the postman brought us. What is it? (letter)

Guys, do you want to know who the letter came from? Then guess the riddle:

He is friends with the owner,
The house is guarding
Lives under the porch
The tail is in a ringlet.

The teacher praises the children: “You have guessed the riddle correctly. The letter came from our friend - Sharik's dog. And how can you find out what is in this letter? (You can read it. You must first open the envelope). Who will read the letter? (You can ask an adult). How can you ask with what polite words? (Please help us to read the letter) I am glad to help you and of course now I will open the envelope and read it. This is what he writes: “Dear guys! I woke up in the morning in my booth and immediately went to visit my friends. Yes, that's grief - what a grief! It turns out that while I was sleeping, the evil wizard bewitched them all, turned them into silhouettes (outlines). The owner will be back soon and will be very upset. How to be now? I know that you are great friends of pets, therefore I am turning to you for help. Please help to disenchant all my friends. Thank you in advance, faithful dog Sharik.

Well, children, let's help our four-legged friends, pets.

Guys, the dog Sharik sent us the silhouettes of all the enchanted pets. Let's take a closer look at them.

Did. game "Contours".

Please come to the first easel. " The teacher puts pictures on the easel with the outlines of enchanted animals, asks questions: “Who is this? Why do you (you) think so? What do you know about a cow? How does it benefit? How can you call her affectionately? (Cow). Etc. about all domestic animals: horse, pig, goat, cat. dog.

Children, we've looked at all the silhouettes. You are great, you guessed right away whose they are? Since we all love our four-legged helpers, pets, we are friends with them and we know everything about them, we can easily help them. To do this, we need to draw them with magic paints and pencils. Let's say a fabulous spell so that miracles come to us. "

Children pronounce the words:

Clap, stomp, bow

Turn around yourself.

Let the brush be magic!

Draw and don't be lazy.

Let your pencils

They will try from the heart.

Conquer the evil spell

Free all your friends! "

The teacher continues: “So, children, our paints, brushes and pencils have become magical, but not everyone can draw with them. Only those who can and knows how to draw. Only then will miracles appear. And we both know how to draw animals, right? Let's remember the basic rules for drawing pets.

Walk up to the second easel, see who you see here? (pictures with illustrations of pets.)

Tell me, what body parts do all animals have? "Children list:" Body, head, paws (legs), ears, tail. " At the same time, the teacher shows these parts in pictures and finds out from the children what form they are. What part of the body will we start drawing the animal with? That's right, from the biggest one, from the torso. When do we draw small details? At the very end of my work. Well done! You remembered everything, you know everything. For the magic to happen in your drawings, your fingers must do exercises.

Finger gymnastics "Pets".

One, two, three, four, five,

What animals should we call? (alternately bend the fingers on the left hand)

The closest, most faithful-

Everyone knows them, probably (clap our hands).

Horse, cow, goat, dog and cat (with the index finger of the left hand, bend the fingers on the right hand).

What shall we call them?

Think a little (we spread our arms to the sides, as if asking others).

They live together in the house with the owner (we depict the roof of the house over our heads with our hands),

So everyone calls them home.

Guys, think about who you will draw, what pet you like the most. Well, now we pass to the tables. It's time to help animals out of trouble.

(Children sit at tables and draw, the teacher reminds how to sit at the table, helps with advice.)

Children, a magic spell helped us. All of you have great work (portraits). Let's take them to the exhibition and take a look. Slowly, do not rush, carry your drawings to the table (to me).

Analysis of finished works .

The teacher calls 2-3 children for analysis. Children show the drawing they like and explain why they liked it.

The result of the lesson.

Whom did you help today? Why have pets become our four-legged friends?

The drawing process begins to interest kids from the first years of life. Most of the kids' drawings are animals. In order for the picture created by the young artist on paper to correspond to what he wanted to depict, you need to show and teach him how to draw animals in stages.

When teaching a kid the basics of drawing animals, take three main points as a basis:

  1. Explain to him what figures the selected animal will consist of. Most often it is a circle, oval or rectangle.
  2. Show your child how to sketch, which will become more detailed in the future.
  3. Start learning by mastering the simplest plots. Only after mastering the technique, proceed to more complex objects.

To create simple drawings, you will need paper, a simple pencil of medium hardness and a soft eraser, as well as a set of colored pencils for coloring the finished picture.

Animals from circles

The easiest way to teach a child to draw pets and wild animals is to use ordinary circles as a basis. This option is perfect even for toddlers of the preparatory group.

See how easy and simple everything is! Each time, the starting point for creating a drawing will be a regular circle. The task of the young artist is to strictly follow the sequence of actions.

Start with the simplest characters - a puppy and a goldfish, or a curled up kitty and a cute owlet

Want to portray a forest dweller? Why not draw the face of a kind teddy bear. Please note that the basis of the picture is made up of just a few circles of different diameters.

How do you like this snail with a house on its back? To create it, you need to perform only 6 simple steps: draw drop-shaped figures of the body, point your eyes and mouth, draw up a twisting spiral of the house.

The creation of a drawing of the inhabitants of the underwater kingdom will not cause special difficulties. You only need to add the head and limbs to the round body.

The idea of ​​such drawings is simple: the circle simply “grows” with ears, noses, eyes, paws and tails. Using this simple technique, it will not be difficult to depict not only animals, but also cartoon characters beloved by many, for example, the same smeshariki.

How to draw a raccoon

Some animals amaze with their unusual appearance and funny habits. These include handsome raccoons. These cute creatures captivate by skillfully portraying emotions. We bring to your attention two options for how to draw these animals.

Cartoon character

An easy-to-execute option will be able to be mastered by both novice artists and young creative people.

We will carry out the work with a simple pencil, and remove minor flaws with a soft eraser that does not leave marks on the paper.

  • First of all, draw the torso. To do this, in the lower half of the sheet, closer to the center, we apply the outline of a vertically elongated oval.
  • We outline the location of the head. At the initial stage, it will be an oval, slightly elongated horizontally. Its size in relation to the body is 2/3.
  • Give the head an outline, highlighting the area of ​​the muzzle. In shape, it will resemble large lips. Give the lateral contours of the upper part of the head a concave shape. The result should be a hat-like shape. Wipe the original contours of the oval with an eraser.
  • Draw a raccoon's ear in the upper part of the head with a slight offset to the side. First, we direct the outer contour of the auricle, and then the inner one.

  • We give the correct outlines to the body of the animal. We direct the left part in the form of a curved line, making a slight narrowing in the central part. By the same principle, we direct the right side. Both lines should be symmetrical.
  • Draw the animal's second ear, placing it at the same angle. The oval, which originally marked the body, is carefully wiped off with an eraser.
  • Let's start drawing the limbs. The left leg is depicted bent at the elbow and pressed against the body. After that we draw a thin inner line, the outlines of which duplicate the outer one.
  • The inner line is the outline of the raccoon fur border. It should be done in the form of waves or zigzag.

  • We decorate the raccoon's face. To create a contrasting combination, select the area of ​​the eyes with two drop-shaped shapes. Draw round eyes inside the spots. Under them we place an oval nose and a mouth that spreads into a smile. Draw the contour of the cheeks with uneven lines that imitate strands of wool.
  • Draw the lower legs of the raccoon. In shape, they resemble human ones, only of a very small size. We depict them in the form of feet turned to the sides. We depict the brush of the upper paw in the form of a clamped cam.
  • The raccoon's tail is as long and fluffy as that of a squirrel. Its main decoration is a motley coloring. At the final stage, it remains to draw on the right foot. She is raised up in a sign of a friendly greeting.

The picture is almost ready. You just need to remove unnecessary lines, draw small details and paint using black, white and gray shades. If desired, the raccoon can even be portrayed as a beloved by many character named Rocket from Guardians of the Galaxy.

Realistic image

Do you want to portray a real forest dweller? Take as a basis the guide below, which details how to draw animals step by step.

First of all, we outline the locations of the main elements on the sheet. Draw the contours of the tree trunk and the branch on which the raccoon sits.

We outline the size of the figure of the animal. We depict the body in the form of an oval, the thigh and head in circles. Focusing on the contour of the circle, sketch out the face of the animal expanding to the bottom. Place the eyes and nose in the central part of the oval.

We draw the contours of the body, directing them with an interrupted line that imitates wool. To obtain the desired effect, they should be placed close to each other, keeping the direction in the direction of the growth of the animal's hair. Using the same lines, we select the front and hind legs, the hanging tail.

Let's start drawing the face. The stages of work are clearly presented in a step-by-step diagram.

At the final stage, it remains only to draw the fur on the rest of the body, and then select the fingers with tiny claws.

For a finishing touch, emboss the trunk of the tree. Complete the picture with blossoming foliage and fluttering butterflies.

Lion is the king of the animals

Felines rarely leave anyone indifferent. These graceful animals in the form of pets make children very happy, supporting the company during the games. But the true delight is a truly royal cat - the lion. So why not invite your child to draw it?

Cute lion cub

There is nothing difficult in drawing an adorable lion cub:

  1. First, in the upper part of the sheet, closer to the center point, draw the head of the animal. It has the shape of a circle. To maintain symmetry, we divide the circle by two perpendicular lines into 4 sectors. Since the lion cub is at an angle, we make the lines curved and slightly shifted to the left.
  2. We draw the body to the head, depicting it in the form of a slightly curved oval. Note that the oval is somewhat narrower at the top and widened at the bottom. In the area of ​​the lower sectors of the head, draw a smaller circle. This is the basis for the future muzzle.
  3. In the lower part of the oval we select the area of ​​the hind legs, in the upper part we draw the outline of the erect front legs. All paws fit snugly against the torso. Draw the tail, depicting it with two parallel curved lines.
  4. Draw the details of the face. To do this, closer to the intersection of the lines, we outline the contours of the eyes, a little lower - the nose, shaped like a heart. We draw the lower jaw to the circle of the head, forming first the outer contour, and then the inner one - the lower lip. Around the nose with an approach to the lower jaw, select the area of ​​the cheeks. The cheeks should be symmetrical.
  5. How can there be a lion without a mane? To highlight the shaggy head, stepping back 2-3 cm from the contour, outline another circle of a slightly larger diameter. Give its frame a jagged shape.
  6. At the final stage, it remains only to remove the auxiliary lines. After that, draw on a tail brush, paint over the pupils with black, and sharpen the main contours.

How to draw an adult lion

If the child has mastered the basic drawing skills, it is worth trying to portray a more complex, but at the same time realistic figure of the king of beasts.

Initially, you should divide the sheet into 2 parts: left and right. On the left, we outline the outline of a large vertically located oval. This is the future head of an animal, framed by a luxurious mane. Draw a circle on the left side of the upper part of the oval - the face of the beast. Slightly below the oval, we outline the location of the front paw.

On the right side, draw a 2/3 circle in relation to the oval. This is the pelvic part of the torso. From the circle, 2 connected ovals go down - a bent hind paw.

We connect the main elements of the figure using smooth lines. We finish drawing the hind paw, we draw out a curved long tail. We supplement each paw with an oval - feet.

We decorate the head of the animal. Select the pointed nose, make a direct transition to the brow ridges. We form a beautiful smooth curve of a lush mane. Draw the ear just above the brow ridges.

We guide the contour of the second front paw. We make a clearer outline of the thigh area, connecting it with the lower leg.

We outline the location of the eyes, mouth, sharpen the nose. Select the transition from the nape to the back area. We emphasize the developed chest with a curved line. We draw the details of the limbs: select the knee joints, fingers on the feet.

We decorate the lion's mane, making the lines clearer and brighter. Parallel curved lines create a thick effect.

The drawing is almost ready. All that remains is to do the shading. It will add volume and liveliness to the image.

Finally, a little advice: do not be upset if the first drawings do not meet expectations. The main thing is to teach your child to follow the stages of work and use blanks in the form of lines and geometric shapes. This will keep the proportions and avoid gross mistakes when drawing the elements of the animal.

How to draw a squirrel:

How to draw a cow:

The favorites of all young children, of course, are pets. Tagging and beating, they are so addictive. So a little man wants to draw the same one, coming from a contact zoo or looking at a picture in a book. Well, nothing could be easier. We bring to your attention step by step lessons on how to draw pets. Simple lines and simple shapes will turn into a cow or a goat before your eyes. These drawings are so easy to repeat that the workshops are suitable for the youngest children, and they will succeed. Of course, under the guidance of adults :)

How to draw a cow

At first, the drawings can be simplified by drawing the head, too, round or oval, like the body of the animal. And the next time the child will try to repeat a more complex form. The kid will try to simplify the drawing even more, for example, by drawing the tail with one line. Everything is in order, so your young artist can already analyze and generalize!

Draw a goat

Draw a lamb

How to draw a pig

Draw a horse

As you can see, everything is easy and simple. Beautiful creations for you and your children!