
Victor dragoon biography for children. Viktor Dragunsky short biography. Ksenia Viktorovna Dragunskaya

Viktor Dragunsky brief biography is set out in this article.

Viktor Dragunsky short biography

Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky- Russian writer, author of the cycle "Deniska's stories"

V. Dragunsky was born December 1, 1913 in New York City. His parents moved to the US from Belarus before their son was born. When Dragunsky was one year old, the parents of little Victor decided to return to their homeland.

After his father's death, he was raised by his mother and stepfather. The family (together with the second stepfather) moved to Moscow in 1925.

Due to the difficult financial condition, the boy started working early. In his free time, he was fond of literature and even attended a literary and theater circle.

At the age of 17, Dragunsky was attracted to the theater. In addition to the circle of writers, he also began to go to the theater studio. Developing his acting talent, Viktor Dragunsky was able to get into the world of cinema. He starred in the movie "Russian Question".

Dragunsky was also a member of the Blue Bird parody theatrical troupe.

In parallel, he wrote humoresques, short stories, scripts for funny scenes and clowning. Then, when the Great Patriotic War began, Dragunsky joined the ranks of the militias. But he didn't stop writing. In those years, Dragunsky published many humorous stories.

Many of them have been filmed. Among other works of Dragunsky - "He fell on the grass", "Today and daily."

(1913-1972) Russian writer

Despite the wide popularity of Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky, biographical information about the writer is scarce and fragmentary. It is known that Victor was born in New York. His father died early from typhus, and the boy was brought up by Commissar Voitsekhovich. At the age of sixteen, Dragunsky's work biography began, he tried many professions: he was a worker, a saddler, a boatman.

For the first time he was able to realize himself as an actor when he entered the Literary and Theater Workshops, where A. Dikiy, V. Kachalov, V. Toporkov taught.

Since 1935, Viktor Dragunsky worked as an actor at the Moscow Theater of Transport (currently - the N. Gogol Theater), the Theater of Satire, the Theater-Studio of a film actor. He also participated in circus performances and even acted in films, playing a small role in the film The Russian Question. It is possible that his work in the theater determined the special structure of his stories: each of them is built on dialogue and is a complete scene or miniature.

During the war years, Viktor Dragunsky fought in the ranks of the people's militia. Returning from the front, he continued to work in the theaters of Moscow. In 1948-1958, he directed the ensemble of the literary and theatrical parody "The Blue Bird", which grew out of skits that were arranged in the Theater-studio of the film actor. Together with his colleague in the Blue Bird, L. Davidovich, he tried to compose songs, and later collaborated with composers L. Lyadova and A. Tsfasman.

The literary biography of Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky began in 1940, when he began to compose feuilletons, texts for clown reprises, and scenes for pop numbers. Known for his miniature "The Magical Power of Art", for some time performed by A. Raikin. Dragunsky later collected some of his works in the book Iron Character (1960).

Fame comes to the writer in 1961, when the first sixteen stories about a boy named Deniska appear. Usually Viktor Dragunsky gave the name to collections based on one of the stories - “He is alive and glowing” (1961), “Tell me about Singapore” (1961), “The Man with the Blue Face” (1963), “The Girl on the Ball” (1964), "The Old Sailor" (1964), "Deniska's Stories" (1966), "The Dog Thief" (1966).

Over a decade of active creative activity, Dragunsky created more than 90 works. On their basis, scripts for films and productions were created ("Merry Stories", 1962).

The image of Deniska is a collective one, the features of his prototype, the writer's son, are intertwined in him, and the strokes peeped from the children of the same age may have reflected the childhood impressions of Viktor Dragunsky himself.

Deniska actively perceives the world, is in constant motion, something happens to him all the time, and he vividly reacts to what is happening. In this unfading immediacy lies the secret of the charm of the little hero.

The main thing for the writer is the study of the behavior of a child and, to some extent, an adult in a specific everyday or everyday situation. Therefore, the narration is usually conducted in the first person, which gives it a special confidential intonation. Deniska is both a commentator and the protagonist of the stories.

Together with Nosov, Viktor Dragunsky managed to create a new kind of story, in which the comedy of the situation determines the alignment of the characters and allows the author to come to the necessary conclusions. He does not teach or moralize, but simply presents possible behaviors.

The author constantly distinguishes between the world of the child and the world of adults. The phenomena of the outside world are explained through realities understandable to the hero. Deniska's characterization is given in the stories "What I love" and "What I don't like", which have become a kind of autobiographical description of the writer. The author does not idealize Deniska, shows both the strengths and weaknesses of his character. Denis is afraid of the dark ("Twenty years under the bed"), likes to ask questions ("You must have a sense of humor"), likes to command and be a leader ("And we!").

A special place among other characters is occupied by the image of Mishka's childhood friend, which interestingly complements Deniska's initial characterization ("What Mishka Loves", "Childhood Friend", "Space Distances", "Exactly 25 kilos", "Fire in the wing").

In the stories of Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky, temporal realities are accurately conveyed. Talking about the puppy, father and son dream of the time when they will live in a larger apartment. The characters enthusiastically play astronauts, watch movies, sing songs. It is from these details that the atmosphere of the action taking place in the sixties of the XX century is formed.

The typicality of the situations created, the brilliant disclosure of the child's psychology do not allow the writer's stories to become outdated. Using one-part sentences, rhetorical appeals, specific vocabulary, simple and vivid language, the author creates a dynamic narrative.

In addition to stories for children, Viktor Dragunsky wrote two stories, also created on a biographical basis, but addressed to an adult reader. The first, "He fell on the grass" (1961), is dedicated to the events of the Great Patriotic War, the second - "Today and Daily" - to the circus and circus artists.

The special lessons of morality presented by the writer in his books attract new generations of readers.

Dragunsky Viktor Yuzefovich is known as the author of the children's collection "Deniska's Stories", and his biography is so extensive that it is not easy, although possible, to collect briefly the most important thing from the long life of a famous person. You can get acquainted with the main facts of the life of the writer in the version of the list of main achievements.

Victor was born on November 30, 1913 in America, in New York. The Russian family of the future writer migrated to the United States in search of a better life. Not finding a decent job in a foreign country, Dragunsky's parents returned to their homeland, settling in Gomel. It was this city that Viktor Yuzefovich recalled as the place where he spent his childhood. Then the following changes took place in the life of the future writer:

  • after the death of Jozef's father in 1918 from typhus, Viktor's mother married a second time, and together with her new husband, an actor, decided to move to Moscow;
  • the boy, wanting to help his parents improve the state of the budget, got a job at the Samotochka plant, but was soon fired for violating the rules of conduct in the team;
  • in 1930 he went to work at the Sport-Tourism factory;
  • then he began training as an actor and poet at the Literary and Theater Workshop;
  • having received a diploma on obtaining a specialty in 1935, a turning point for the country, he became a member of the troupe of the Theater of Transport (now the State Theater named after N.V. Gogol);
  • in 1940 he published the first small draft collection of short stories "Iron Character" and began to perform in the circus with author's clowns;
  • during the Great Patriotic War, he joins the ranks of volunteers, and in 1943 experiences the death of his half-brother by mother, Leonid Rubin;
  • in 1947 he starred in the historical film based on the play by Konstantin Simonov "The Russian Question" in the image of a radio announcer;
  • in 1948 he became the artistic director of the Blue Bird ensemble, organizing a small troupe of the most talented artists, which was disbanded 10 years later.

And such songs as "Motor ship", "Three Waltzes", "Birch", "Wonder Song", "Star of My Fields" and are now regularly featured in productions for modern young celebrities on the Russian stage.

Film career of the great author

In 1959, the first stories about the mischievous hero Denis Korablev, familiar to every child, were published, called "Deniska's stories", on the basis of which a number of children's and family films were shot:

  • film adaptation by Algimantas Kundelis and other directors of Funny Stories (1962);
  • children's film by Levan Shengelia and Gleb Komarovsky "The Girl on the Ball" (1966);
  • the comedy of the honored figure of cinematographer Vladimir Khramov "Deniska's stories" (1970);
  • a project worked on by Yuri Oksanchenko, Vladislav Popov and other screenwriters and directors "In Secret to the Whole World" (1976);
  • the comedy "The Amazing Adventures of Denis Korablev" (1979), filmed with the joint collaboration of Igor Dobrolyubov with numerous colleagues;
  • film adaptation directed by Valentin Gorlov "Where it is seen, where it is heard" (1973);
  • the television movie of the famous Ayan Shakhmaliev "Captain" (1973);
  • children's film by Yevgeny Tatarsky "Fire in the wing, or a feat in the ice" (1973);
  • comedy directed by Mark Genin "Spyglass" (1973).

Frame from the film "Russian Question"

Fascinating adventure films shot during the life of the writer bring Dragunsky a resounding success. In subsequent years, the name of the author is associated with children who grew up under Soviet rule with something cheerful and provocative.

Viktor Yuzefovich also becomes a screenwriter of such films as:

  • the comedy The Big Wick (1963) about the work of the machinist Sergei Makhalkov, collected from several of the most popular short stories;
  • melodrama "Magic Power" (1970), consisting of three author's works;
  • film-play "The Clown" (1971) about the famous clown Anatoly Vetrov and his adventures upon his return from the tour.

In subsequent years, the writer published such unique works as the stories about the first days of the Great Patriotic War “He Fell on the Grass” (1961) and “Today and Daily” (1964), which tells about the life of circus workers.

Based on the stories and short stories of the famous author, issues of the popular children's film magazine Yeralash were filmed. Currently, the masters of cinema are releasing new films based on stories familiar from childhood, making the frames of the heroes' adventures more vivid and colorful due to modern technology.

Family of a popular writer

Dragunsky died on May 6, 1972 from cardiac arrest and was buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery next to other equally famous people. Victor was married twice and both marriages pleased the writer with the opportunity to become a parent. With the actress Elena Petrovna Kornilova, the author of "Deniska's Tales" had his first-born Leonid back in 1937. After the divorce of his parents, the boy preferred to take his mother's maiden name, leaving only a patronymic in memory of his father.

Later, Leonid graduated from the prestigious Moscow State University and worked as a journalist until his death due to natural causes, the date of which is listed as November 5, 2007. After the death of the publicist, his daughter Lidia Kornilova remained, whom her father preferred to call Lika.

The second wife of the famous humorous author was the actress Semichastnova Alla Vasilievna. In a happy marriage, two children were born: son Denis in 1950 and daughter Ksenia 15 years later.

Denis Viktorovich Dragunsky is known to the Russian community as a political scientist, journalist and screenwriter who managed to make all dreams and desires come true.

His daughter Irina, who was born in 1974, is a well-known Russian artist and designer. Ksenia Viktorovna Dragunskaya continued the work of her father, becoming an outstanding writer-dramatist, creating magnificent collections for children. Also, the daughter of Viktor Yuzefovich is a member of the community of Russian theater workers.

Report on Viktor Dragunsky outlined in this article. A message about Dragunsky will help prepare for a literature lesson

Message about Viktor Dragunsky

Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky- Russian writer, author of the cycle "Deniska's stories"

Viktor Dragunsky was born on December 1, 1913 in New York, into a Jewish family. His parents, emigrants from Gomel, arrived in the United States shortly before the birth of their son.

However, in 1914 the family returned to Russia and settled in Gomel, where he spent his childhood. In 1925 the family moved to Moscow. Victor started working early to provide for his livelihood. However, he did not immediately become a writer.

After graduating from school, he worked as a turner at a factory, a saddler, a boatman, and a buoy worker. From 1931-1936 he studied acting at the "Literary and Theater Workshops" of A. Diky's studio. Since 1935, his acting biography began: he was a theater and stage artist, for several years he directed the Blue Bird Theater (1948–1958).

His team instantly became famous. And also Viktor Dragunsky worked as Santa Claus on Christmas trees.

He was also a clown in the circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, a red-haired clown in a shaggy red wig. And being a clown is very difficult, because he must be able to show tricks, and do somersaults, and walk on a tightrope, and dance, and sing, and be able to communicate with animals. Viktor Dragunsky knew how to do it all.

During the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) he was in the militia, then performed with front-line concert brigades. Fate measured him only fifty-eight years, but it seems that he lived several lives.

Dragunsky lived one, but extremely diverse, rich, intense and whole life. He had a rare fate - to be unlike anyone else, to create his own style both in life and in creativity.