
Stalin's grandson spent half his life apart from his wife. Stalin's grandson spent half his life in separation from his wife Leaving this life

Alexander Burdonsky

Theater director, People's Artist of Russia and grandson of Joseph Stalin, Alexander Burdonsky died in Moscow. He was 75 years old.

As RIA Novosti was told at the Central Academic Theater of the Russian Army, where Burdonsky worked for several decades, the director died after a serious illness.

The theater clarified that the civil funeral service and farewell to Bourdonsky will begin at 11:00 on Friday, May 26.

“Everything will take place in his native theater, where he has worked since 1972. Then there will be a funeral service and cremation at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery, ”said a representative of the Central Academic Theater of the Russian Army.

"A real workaholic"

Actress Lyudmila Chursina called Burdonsky's death a huge loss for the theater.

“A man who knew everything about the theater left. Alexander Vasilyevich was a real workaholic. His rehearsals were not just professional pursuits, but also life reflections. He brought up a lot of young actors who adored him, ”Chursina told RIA Novosti.

“For me, this is a personal grief. When parents die, orphanhood sets in, and with the departure of Alexander Vasilyevich, I became an actor's orphanage, ”added the actress.

Chursina worked a lot with Burdonsky. In particular, she starred in the performances “A Duet for a Soloist”, “Elinor and Her Men” and “Playing on the Keys of the Soul”, which were directed by the director.

“We had six joint performances and have already started working on the seventh. But there was an illness, and he burned out in four to five months, ”- said the actress.

People's Artist of the USSR Elina Bystritskaya called Burdonsky a man of unique talent and iron will.

“This is a wonderful teacher, with whom I happened to teach for ten years at GITIS, and a very talented director. His departure is a great loss for the theater, ”she said.

"Knight of the Theater"

The theater and film actress Anastasia Busygina called Alexander Burdonsky “a real knight of the theater”.

“With him we had a real theatrical life in its best manifestations,” the “360” TV channel quotes Busygina's words.

According to her, Burdonsky was not only a magnificent person, but also "a true servant of the theater."

Busygina first encountered Burdonsky when staging Chekhov's "The Seagull". She noted that the director was sometimes despotic in his work, but his "love united the actors into one team."

How Stalin's grandson became a director

Alexander Burdonsky was born on October 14, 1941 in Kuibyshev. His father was Vasily Stalin, and his mother was Galina Burdonskaya.

The family of the leader's son broke up in 1944, but Burdonsky's parents never filed for divorce. In addition to the future director, they had a common daughter - Nadezhda Stalin.

From birth, Burdonsky bore the surname Stalin, but in 1954 - after the death of his grandfather - he took his maternal name, which he retained until the end of his life.

In an interview, he admitted that he saw Joseph Stalin only from afar - on the podium and only once with his own eyes - at the funeral in March 1953.

Alexander Burdonsky graduated from the Kalinin Suvorov School, after which he entered the directing department of GITIS. In addition, he studied at the acting course of Oleg Efremov in the studio at the Sovremennik Theater.

In 1971, the director was invited to the Central Theater of the Soviet Army, where he staged the play "The One Who Gets a Slap". After success, he was offered to stay in the theater.

During his work, Alexander Burdonsky has staged the performances "The Lady with the Camellias", Alexander Dumas's son, "The Snows Fell" by Rodion Fedenev, "The Garden" by Vladimir Arro, "Orpheus Descends into Hell" by Tennessee Williams, "Vassa Zheleznova" by Maxim on the stage of the Theater of the Russian Army Gorky, “Your Sister and a Prisoner” by Lyudmila Razumovskaya, “Mandate” by Nikolai Erdman, “The Last Ardently in Love” by Neil Simon, “Britannica” by Jean Racine, “Trees Die Standing” and “The One Who Does Not Expect…” Alejandro Casona, “Harp greetings ”by Mikhail Bogomolny,“ Invitation to the Castle ”by Jean Anuya,“ The Queen's Duel ”by John Murrell,“ Silver Bells ”by Henrik Ibsen and many others.

In addition, the director has directed several performances in Japan. Residents of the Land of the Rising Sun could see Anton Chekhov's The Seagull, Vassa Zheleznova by Maxim Gorky and Orpheus Descends into Hell by Tennessee Williams.

In 1985 Burdonsky received the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR, and in 1996 - People's Artist of Russia.

The director also actively participated in the theatrical life of the country. In 2012, he took part in a rally against the closure of the Gogol Moscow Drama Theater, which was reformatted into the Gogol Center.

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24 / 05 / 2017

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Vasily Stalin, the future lieutenant general of aviation, was born in the second marriage of Joseph Stalin to Nadezhda Alliluyeva. At the age of 12, he lost his mother. She shot herself in 1932. Stalin did not engage in his upbringing, shifting this concern to the head of the guard. Later Vasily will write that he was brought up by men "Not distinguished by morality ... ... He began to smoke and drink early."

At the age of 19, he fell in love with his friend's fiancée Galina Burdonskaya and married her in 1940. In 1941, the first-born Sasha was born, two years later Nadezhda.

After 4 years, Galina left, unable to withstand her husband's spree. In revenge, he refused to give her children. For eight years they had to live with their father, despite the fact that a year later he had another family.

The new chosen one was the daughter of Marshal Timoshenko, Ekaterina. The ambitious beauty, who was born on December 21, like Stalin, and who saw this as a special sign, disliked her stepsons. The hatred was manic. She locked them up, "forgot" to feed them, and beat them. Vasily did not pay attention to this. The only thing that worried him was that the children did not see their mother. Once Alexander met her secretly, the father found out about it and beat his son.

Many years later, Alexander recalled those years as the most difficult time of his life.

In the second marriage, Vasily Jr. and daughter Svetlana were born. But the family fell apart. Vasily, along with children from his first marriage, Alexander and Nadezhda, went to the famous swimmer Kapitolina Vasilyeva. She accepted them as family. Children from the second marriage remained with their mother.

After Stalin's death, Vasily was arrested.

The first wife, Galina, immediately took the children away. In this, no one interfered with her.

Catherine renounced Vasily, received a pension from the state and a four-room apartment on Gorky Street (now Tverskaya), where she lived with her son and daughter. Either because of a difficult heredity, or no less difficult situation in the family, their further fate was tragic.

Both did poorly at school. One because she was sick all the time. The other was not interested in studying at all.

After the 21st Party Congress and the exposure of the personality cult, the negative attitude towards all of Stalin's relatives increased in society. Catherine, trying to protect her son, sent him to Georgia to study. There he entered the Faculty of Law. I did not go to classes, I spent time with new friends, I became addicted to drugs.

The problem was not immediately recognized. From the third year, his mother took him to Moscow, but could not cure him. During one of the "withdrawals" Vasily committed suicide at the dacha of his famous grandfather Marshal Timoshenko. He was only 23.

After the death of her son, Catherine withdrew into herself. She did not love her daughter and even refused custody of her, despite the fact that Svetlana suffered from Graves' disease and a progressive mental illness.

Svetlana died at 43, completely alone. Her death was learned only a few weeks later.

Vasily's children from his first marriage were more successful.

Alexander graduated from the Suvorov School. A military career did not interest him, and he entered the directing department of GITIS. He played in the theater, received the title of People's Artist. He worked as a director of the Theater of the Soviet Army. He considered his grandfather a tyrant, and his kinship with him "a heavy cross." He loved his mother very much, lived with her most of the time and bore her surname Burdonsky. Died in 2017.

Nadezhda, unlike her brother, remained Stalin. She always defended her grandfather, argued that Stalin did not know much of what was happening in the country. She studied at the theater, but she did not succeed as an actress. For some time she lived in Gori. Upon returning to Moscow, she married her adopted son and teska Alexander Fadeev, gave birth to a daughter, Anastasia. Nadezhda died in 1999 at the age of 56.

Vasily had no other natural children.

The last wife was the nurse Maria Nussberg. He adopted her two daughters, just as he had adopted the daughter of Kapitolina Vasilyeva before.


His grandfather is Joseph Stalin, his father is Vasily Stalin, his grandmother is Nadezhda Alliluyeva, and his aunt is Svetlana Alliluyeva. Each name is a page of history. A boy from such a family had every chance of becoming a "royal" son, but he deliberately abandoned the magic surname "Stalin". Alexander Burdonsky did not participate and did not participate. Favorite student of Maria Knebel, he has been serving in the theater of the Russian Army for forty years. In the filmmaking profession, pedigree does not play a special role. Whatever ancestors stood behind your back, you are alone with the stage.

"Why shake your last name?"
- Alexander Vasilyevich, the legendary Sarah Bernhardt said this phrase: “Life constantly puts a point, and I change it to a comma”. Have you ever had to change punctuation marks?
- Life has put me to an end many times. Sometimes I wonder how I survived and don't find the answer to this question. I don’t know how I didn’t get drunk, didn’t lose my mind, didn’t go down, didn’t go on some other road. The genes were probably kept by my mother. The point could have been set when I fell out of the window in Germany along with the frame. There the second floor was high, but I fell on the crown of a blossoming tree.
- Children with loud surnames often arrogate to themselves parental merits. On their faces it is written in large letters: "Do you not know who I am?" And you are such a humble person.
- It couldn't be with us. When I was a boy, we went to the dacha in winter. I was sitting glued to the glass, and a policeman was on duty at the turn to Rublevskoe highway. I could not resist and stuck out my tongue at him. He stopped our car, and my family got in such a way that for the rest of my life I disaccustomed someone to build from themselves. In general, I never referred to the surname "Stalin" as myself. There was someone up there, and it didn't touch me much. I first learned about this when he died. Then I studied at the Suvorov Military School, they put me on a plane, brought me to Moscow and put me in the Column Hall. Everyone was crying there. And I didn’t understand why I should cry. I didn't have any emotions. How could I be killed because of Stalin's death? He is Stalin, and I am who? I had no connections with him, neither internal nor external.
- You never called him grandfather?
- It was not accepted. And it would never have occurred to boast of kinship. I saw Stalin two or three times, and then we stood in the stands, and I watched him ascend the stairs. I did not relate it to myself in any way. When I said about this somewhere, I received a letter from one woman: “Shame on you! You are a cultured person, and you allow yourself such a lie! I myself saw how he played with you in the sandbox! " Well, happy ...
I was born in the 41st year. What are the grandchildren when the war? Then he had a severe heart attack. My father changed wives, Stalin did not welcome this, and in general, then everyone had no time for us. He was a cold and tough man. Svetlana got something, because she was a girl. But after the Kapler affair, her relationship with her father was also maintained at a distance, and it was better.
- Did you change your surname after Stalin's death?
- In my metric the surname is "Stalin". At school I was Vasiliev. Why shake your last name? And I became Bourdonian when we were returned to my mother. This was my decision. My sister Nadya was also a Bourdonian at school, and when she began to receive a passport, she took her surname according to the metric.
- Did you know at school that you are Stalin's grandson?
- This was not given any importance. No one has ever fawned at me. I remember my first teacher - a lovely woman Maria Petrovna Antusheva, her kingdom is heavenly, she gave me the first grade a four, although it could have been five. Years later, I realized that with this she also put me in my place.
- Could classmates come to visit you?
- We lived in a mansion on Gogolevsky Boulevard, I could not stand this house and my room. I had a friend - Volodya Shklyar. His family lived in a two-story house right behind the school. His grandfather was a tailor, with sidelocks, in a kippah. At home I liked them very much: there were balsams on the windows, in the small rooms it was cozy and good.
- What did your room look like?

“It was as long as a pencil case, and very austere: a soldier's bed, a desk, a chair, a nightstand and a wardrobe, painted with oil paint. The only luxury was a radio with one chupka that could be played. Since I loved to read and read wherever possible and impossible, I was sitting with a book on the stairs, a light was on there, and I was listening to the radio under my pillow. Since then, I have known almost all operas by heart.
- But did the chief's grandson have any privileges? For example, a car with a chauffeur?
- I have? These are fables. In the first class, they began to take me by car. Probably just watching. I asked them to stop the car early so that the guys would not see. This is probably my character trait. I sometimes look at Ksenia Sobchak, who is such an official leftist girl, with the support of Putin and Medvedev. A traffic police officer stops her car and hears a tirade: "Do you know what I will do with you?" I never felt like I belonged to any chosen circle. They dressed us very poorly, because there was not much money. My clothes were altered from some old things. There is a childhood photograph of me in a coat buttoned on the left side, that is, turned over.
Some to bunk, some to binge!
- How did your parents meet?
- They were introduced by her fiancé Volodya Menshikov, at that time a famous hockey player, handsome as a Hollywood actor. The first meeting took place at the famous skating rink on Petrovka. Mom then lived on Kirovskaya, and my father flew over the square and threw flowers. I rode a motorcycle and put it in a rack. Grandma liked it, but grandfather was categorically against it. And he said: “She will marry only through my corpse. For this prostitute in trousers, she will not go! " And his father was afraid of him, even quieted down in his presence.
- Alexander Vasilievich, did you have any communication with your father?
- I was afraid of him and did not love him. Sometimes we dined together, but in general he lived separately, his own life.
- Your childhood was tragic.
- I must please everyone who is very concerned about the Stalinist family. The destinies of all were very dramatic. Both grandchildren and children.
- Tell me, do you communicate with Svetlana Alliluyeva?
- I communicate. Svetlana, like me, is a person of mood. When she calls, I am happy to talk to her, If she writes, I answer. I love her penultimate book "Another Music" very much, it turned out to be very personal, like a confession with a second plan.
- Which of your relatives are you grateful to?
- We were brought up very well by Kapitolina Vasilyeva, my father's third wife. We went in for sports, I swam, ran. I remember her period with a kind word, with the exception of the Suvorov School, in which I really did not want to study. There was a reason for that. My grandmother came to my school and arranged a meeting with my mother at the entrance. We didn’t even speak, we just cried: we hadn’t seen each other for eight years. Someone probably reported, because my father found out about it, beat me in a terrible way and sent me out of sight.
- How to explain that he did not even allow you to meet?
- He did not forgive that she left him. He did not give us to her. At first, the father wanted to divide the children, but my mother did not agree to this. It was a wise step, because my sister and I are the weather, and together we survived. For the first time, my mother left her father in 1943, when she was pregnant with Nadya, and her father had an affair with Nina Carmen, the wife of director Roman Karmen. And then Svetlana turned to Stalin. Mom was given an apartment, a dacha and a car with a driver. Father twisted, twisted, then came running: "I love you, I'm sorry!" And she, of course, forgave, to which Stalin said: “All of you women are fools! Forgiven - well, in vain! " And when, at the end of 1945, mother again left her father, and Svetlana tried again to poke her head at Stalin with this, the answer was: “No, let them decide their own affairs. It was difficult for her - I helped, but I don’t want to help her anymore. ”

- Did your father try to get her back?
- Tried to. But she didn't want to. Then he went to shoot her at the windows. Mom lived in Yeropkensky Lane on the Arbat, where my grandmother had two rooms in a communal apartment on the first floor. Fortunately, grandmother was shot in the diamond earring. She vomited from her ear, and her mother ran through the kitchen and hid with friends. These were such paratov's numbers: "Do not get you to anyone." My mother had her favorite film in her youth, "Dowry", where Paratov Larisa threw a fur coat under her feet.
- Despite subsequent marriages, Vasily Stalin continued to love his first wife - your mother?
- In any case, he did not give her a divorce. She wanted to get a divorce, because they did not take her to work: there was a stamp in her passport, and everyone was afraid to take her. And then the woman house manager at my grandmother on the Arbat said: "Galya, give me a passport!" I threw it into the stove, and my mother was given a new one without a stamp. So, when his father signed with Katerina Timoshenko, he and his mother were not divorced.
- When did you manage to live with your mother?
- In 1953, after Stalin's death, she wrote to Voroshilov, and we were given to her. The father has already been arrested.
- Was Ekaterina Timoshenko really an evil stepmother?
- I did not love her very much, and for a long time I remembered her unkindly, but when I got older I began to feel sorry for her and understand the reasons for her cruelty. Once she called me after the death of her father. I came to her at two o'clock in the afternoon, and we finished the conversation the next day at the same time. We talked for a day. He beat her and never loved, this marriage was gathered by "well-wishers". The head of Stalin's security, Vlasik, said to his mother: "Galechka, you need to say things that you can hear from the pilots." But you need to know my mother: she refused in a harsh manner. Vlasik replied that it would not work for her in vain. And Catherine probably agreed. In any case, she is punished. The son died of a drug overdose, and the daughter was very ill.
- I read that she and your sister beat you with mortal combat. Nadia was even almost beaten back. How can you beat a child to inflict such injuries?
- Lash. We had dogs. They held a leather whip for punishment. If you take it the other way around, you can kill a person. I don’t want to remember. Let it remain on her conscience. I realized that everyone should be forgiven. Perhaps the profession speaks in me. Before playing a character, you need to understand why he did this and not otherwise.
- Did you visit your father in prison?
- I went. I felt sorry for him. For many years I did not forgive his mother and my whole life, but after years, of course, I forgave everything. He understood that his life was crippled. Once, when he was fuming, my mother said: "Vasya, can you not pull yourself together?" She was ashamed of his drunken brawl. He said to her: "Don't you understand that I live as long as my father lives." And so it happened. He was imprisoned less than a month after Stalin's death.
- Psychologically, you can understand him ...
- Probably. Here the war also played a role, which gave relief and crippled his life. After all, my father at the front began to fill his eyes.
- There are many rumors around the death of Vasily Stalin. As if he had been poisoned or given a fatal injection. Kapitolina Vasilyeva recalled that she did not see the stitches, which means they did not do an autopsy.
- What to say if you don't know. You read so many lies about your family! Do you know the first law of history according to Cicero? You need to be afraid of any kind of lie, and then you can not be afraid of any truth. There were seams. I saw it, and Nadya saw it, my visual memory is like an instant photograph.
- Did you feel grief?
- There was overwhelming grief when my mother died and when my sister, people close to me, died. I felt sorry for my father, I understood that his life was ruined, but then I still did not forgive him. This came later, when I myself reached the fortieth day. Then his mother forgave him, she loved him, of course. She said: if you get older, you will understand that your father has a terrifying environment and a terrifying life. After the death of his mother, Nadezhda Alliluyeva, everyone tried to do something on him, to lure him somewhere: some to a bed, some to a binge.
- A lot has been written about the life of Nadezhda Alliluyeva. For some reason I remembered that she wore darned things.
- They did not live well. These are not the current leaders. She gave birth in an ordinary hospital. When my grandmother went to Germany, she brought herself some outfits. Then they gave us a chest with her things. She was buried in one dress, and, as I remember now, there was a black silk dress with a black jacket, very elegant, with appliqués, a beige summer dress, a coat with a cat collar and shoes, which I gave to the Sovremennik theater for the performance.
Shakespeare for Stalin
- Have you ever been offered to play the role of Stalin?
- They did. This is vulgarity, I would never do it. Once I jerked a little when Sergey Fedorovich Bondarchuk invited me to play in the film "Red Bells". I even went to audition. Then I was a little like Stalin. Then I came home and my mother said: “Think, do you need this? These are such nerves! " Once they offered a frenzied fee. I would agree if it was directed by Visconti and there was an amazing script. You can work with a great master so as not to portray good or bad Stalin, but the truth of history. It's actually interesting to play it. Maybe someday the future Shakespeare will write his character in all contradictions and complexities. But so far this has not yet come across.
- Who of the performers of the role of Stalin came closest to all?
- Everything was done according to the template. Perhaps the most interesting of all of those whom I have seen is the American actor Robert Duval, who played him in the film Stalin. It was an interesting attempt to show precisely the polysemy of personality.
- Alexander Vasilyevich, how do you feel about the initiative of the Moscow authorities to hang portraits of Stalin in the city by May 9?
- I don’t care. Let them hang or not broadcast - it does not touch me much. I, too, have a difficult attitude towards him, but you can put the victory aside from him, but you cannot leave him from the victory. And nowhere to go - this is the truth of history. We can say that he was a fool and did not understand anything about the war, and won in spite of him. But there are Zhukov, Konev, Baghramyan, Rokossovsky, tank and aircraft designers - people who communicated with him and were amazed at his erudition and preparedness. He was the commander-in-chief, they won the war under him, and his name played a very important role. I'm not going to worry and twitch about this topic. I believe that the truth, this thought belongs to Francis Bacon - the daughter of time, not authorities. Today - one, tomorrow - others. You have your own idea of ​​Ivan the Terrible, I have mine.
- If you wanted to stage a play about Ivan the Terrible, would you invite Mamonov?
- I would never have invited, because I understand perfectly well that this is not a poster, three-kopeck image. Grozny was a completely different person, this is all PR around him, as well as around Peter, who has much less good and more evil. We judge him from the old film by Petrov-Bytov with Nikolai Simonov in the title role. When Peter died, Russia was celebrating.
- When Stalin died, many people, excuse me, also celebrated!
- It was not as they say now. Listen, everyone considered themselves anti-Soviet, counts and princes. Actors especially love to do this. The time was different, and one cannot look at that period from today's point of view. Stalin became a myth, he became a legend. And the myth is a drain hole. Previously, it was told about him in heavenly tones, now - in hellish ones, but Stalin is between the one and the other.
- But he almost became the name of Russia. No other figure causes such a split in modern society.
- It seems to me that this is created artificially. We're red and white. Stalin could not stop after the civil war, and this opposition continues. Why are the Stalinists and their opponents being pitted? After all, there is a purpose. Society does not live well, and this can keep the minds occupied. As soon as the country goes into a crisis or a turn, Stalin is immediately taken out, and they begin to shake him. Forget it already! 55 years have passed since it is gone, during this time it was possible to build three different societies. Why don't the Germans brandish Hitler? In post-war polls, 45 percent considered Hitler to be an important figure. But life got better, and the number of adherents fell, reaching three percent. If our people lived better, the need for the figure of Stalin would disappear.
- What period in Stalin's life is of interest to you from the point of view of drama?
- Stalin was a very smart man, he knew and understood well what he was doing. I would be interested to understand what he thought when he sat for hours at night in an armchair and looked out the window that looked out onto the forest. What thoughts was he going through? Why did he want to confess? After all, there was a confession. The priest was shaken under Khrushchev with terrible force, but he said nothing. What was the confession of a man who raised himself to God? I love Ibsen very much. I am fascinated by the theme of a man left alone on a cold peak. None of us have ever been to the summit where Stalin was, not a single journalist, not a single writer.
- You met with the grandchildren of Roosevelt and Churchill. What impression did they make on you?
- Completely uninteresting, particular people, there is nothing to talk to them about. We were invited to Kiev for the presentation of the Babiy Yar International Fund. When I realized that Babi Yar was a reason for collecting money, I didn't go to this event anymore. Looked at Kiev and left.
- Are you a lonely person?
- Why lonely? Sister Nadia has a daughter and a granddaughter. She is an excellent student and is going to enter MIIT.
- Excuse me, why don't you have your own children?
- I didn't want children. I have lived my life and I know what it is. My wife understood me. We lived happily for twenty years, then life divorced us. Dalya died two years ago.
- Recently the premiere of Alejandro Casona's play “The One That Doesn't Expect” took place, where Lyudmila Chursina triumphantly played. Are you more interested in Western drama than modern ones? The same Ibsen, for example.
- Ibsen is, of course, difficult for a viewer poisoned by television. But I have been in the theater for 40 years, and I can stage what excites me. And this is my happiness, although my career probably required something else. Then I am an adherent of psychological theater. Nothing above this has been invented yet. There was a play "Snows have fallen" on the theme of the war, it was shown in our theater for 17 years with tremendous success. I put on Boris Kondratyev.
- Alexander Vasilievich, you staged Chekhov, Gorky and Williams in Japan. How was it working with Japanese actors?
- Awesome. I love them and it's mutual. Once Stanislavsky dreamed of just such an acting brotherhood. They have our school. Our teachers taught in this studio. The actors understand the language of the Russian theater. They don't have to say it twice. I had a contract for two months, and within a month the performance was generally completed. This is impossible with us. The producer explained, "First, you know what you want, and second, Japanese actors have been getting used to attention and discipline for centuries."
- How do you save yourself when it is bad?
- Differently. I'm generally a book reader. Sometimes I can drink, even hard. This, however, does not help, especially over the years.
- Have you ever visited Stalin's grave at the Kremlin wall?
- Not. What for?

The famous director Alexander Burdonsky passed away the night before

Late the night before, in one of the Moscow clinics, Alexander Vasilyevich Burdonsky, the director of the Theater of the Russian Army, the son of Vasily Stalin, the grandson of the "father of peoples", was gone. His whole life was overcoming the circumstances of his relationship. More details in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

Black chick on the escalator

We met Alexander Vasilyevich in October 1989, in one of the first conversations he spoke about a documentary film that he had once seen at the Moscow Film Festival. It was a film by Hungarian filmmakers about a poultry farm. There, yellow chickens ran along a long belt, and when they reached the machine, he dumped them into the basket.

But then a black chicken got on the tape, and it also ran to the right place, and the photocell did not work: the chicken was of a different color. It's hard to be a black chicken, not like everyone else. Alexander Vasilyevich initially, by the fact of birth, was "not like everyone else." It is no coincidence that when he graduated from the directing department of GITIS, Yuri Zavadsky invited him to the theater. Mossovet for the role of Hamlet, the "black prince". After much deliberation, Bourdonsky refused.

In honor of Suvorov

He was born on October 14, 1941 in Samara, then Kuibyshev, where the Alliluyev-Stalin clan was sent to evacuation. His parents met shortly before the war, Vasily Iosifovich literally stole his fiancée from his hockey player friend, the charming blonde Galina Burdonskaya. He looked after beautifully, for example, he could fly up to her yard in a small plane and throw off a bouquet of flowers.

The father, together with his friend-pilot Stepan Mikoyan, flew to Samara a couple of days later - Vasily Iosifovich wanted to show off his son. He named him Alexander in honor of Suvorov and planned a military career for him.

Galina Burdonskaya and Vasily Stalin with little Sasha. Photo bulvar.com.ua

The parents divorced almost immediately after the end of the war, and Vasily Iosifovich, in revenge on his ex-wife, did not give her children and even forbade him to see them. Once Alexander Vasilyevich violated the ban and saw his mother. When the father found out about this, the punishment followed: he "exiled" his son to the Suvorov School in Tver.

Burdonsky never saw his grandfather, Stalin was not interested in his grandchildren. For him, his grandfather was a symbolic figure on the mausoleum, which could be seen at demonstrations. Galina Burdonskaya has never seen her father-in-law in her life either, although it is known that even after the divorce, she did not fall under the hammer of repression thanks to the protection of Stalin. Once he called Beria and told him: "Don't you dare touch Svetlana and Galina!"

When Stalin died, the grandson was brought to the funeral of his grandfather, and he sat near the coffin, looking at the long procession of people walking. Stalin's death did not arouse any emotion in him. Soon his father was arrested, and Alexander Vasilyevich, together with his sister Nadezhda, was returned to his mother.

In recent years, Vasily Iosifovich, an ambiguous, tragic figure, spent in exile in Kazan. Here he died under mysterious circumstances. Burdonsky and his sister came to Kazan for his funeral. Alexander Vasilyevich later recalled that the death of Vasily Stalin was not officially reported, but the news of this spread throughout Kazan, and a lot of people came to say goodbye to him. People walked and walked to his apartment on Gagarin Street, walked in silence. Men in civilian clothes approached, opened the hem of their coats, and orders were visible under them. This is how the front-line soldiers said goodbye to a combat general - a brave pilot. Vasily Stalin was really an ace and did not hide in the war.

"He is Stalin's grandson"

Burdonsky never dreamed of a military career, from early childhood he thought only of the theater. Two of his childhood shocks are Galina Ulanova, seen at the Bolshoi Theater, and Vladimir Zeldin in the play "Dance Teacher".

Vasily Stalin at the farewell ceremony for his father. Moscow, Column Hall of the House of Unions, March 6, 1953. Photo jenskiymir.com

He decided to enter GITIS, the directing department. The course was recruited by the legendary student of Stanislavsky, Maria Knebel, whose family suffered from repression. She later told Alexander Vasilyevich: “Before me stood Stalin's grandson, and I understood that now I could decide his fate. It lasted a split second, and I said to myself: "God, what am I thinking! .. He's not guilty of anything." Burdonsky later became her favorite student.

He graduated from GITIS, where he studied at the same time and was friends with the future chief director of the Kamalovsky Theater Marcel Salimzhanov, but could not find a job in Moscow. Nobody wanted to hire Stalin's grandson. Maria Knebel helped, she took him as an assistant for her production of "The One Who Gets Slaps" at the Central Theater of the Soviet Army. And after the successful premiere, Alexander Vasilyevich was hired to work in this theater, which he did not change until the end of his life.

Helped "Look"

Burdonsky never advertised his relationship with Stalin. His view of his grandfather was always balanced and objective. In principle, he never staged performances about Joseph Vissarionovich, although there were such proposals. And he never got involved in politics.

During the years of perestroika, he rehearsed a play based on Erdman's comedy "Mandate", and they tried to close the play, which was daring for those times. Aleksandr Lyubimov helped by inviting the director to the then super popular Vzglyad program, then many learned that Aleksandr Burdonsky was Joseph Stalin's elder grandson.

Alexander Vasilyevich was one of the brightest representatives of romanticism in Russian theater. Theater was the greatest love in his life. He worked in line with the Russian psychological theater, never cheating on him. And this now requires a lot of courage. His Charades of Broadway or Invitation to the Castle were impeccably stylish. "The Lady of the Camellias" - nostalgic and beautiful. The performances of Chekhov's plays are like gentle nocturnes.

Theater was the greatest love in his life. He worked in line with the Russian psychological theater, never cheating on him. Photo molnet.ru

Several years ago, Alexander Burdonsky came on tour to Kazan, his performances were sold out. He could no longer visit his father's grave - incomprehensible "relatives" by this time had already reburied the ashes of General Vasily Stalin in Moscow.

It's hard to be a black chicken. It is difficult not to fall into temptation, feeling your "peculiarity" due to stellar kinship, just as it was not easy to endure the years of the overthrow of Stalin and the dislike that unwise people projected onto his relatives. He passed all the tests with dignity.

Tatiana Mamaeva

Alexander Vasilievich Burdonsky(born October 14, Kuibyshev, RSFSR, USSR) - Soviet and Russian production director of the Central Academic Theater of the Russian Army, People's Artist of Russia (), Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1985).

The grandson of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR I. V. Stalin, the eldest son of Lieutenant General of Aviation V. I. Stalin.


For ten years, together with Elina Bystritskaya, he taught at GITIS.

Childless widower. He was married to his classmate Dala Tumalyavichut, who worked as the chief director of the Youth Theater.



Central Academic Theater of the Russian Army

  • "The one who gets a slap in the face" by Leonid Andreev
  • "Lady of the Camellias" by A. Dumas-son
  • "The Snows Have Fell" by R. Fedenev
  • "Garden" by V. Arro
  • "Orpheus Descends to Hell" by T. Williams
  • "Vassa Zheleznova" by Maxim Gorky
  • "Your sister and captive" L. Razumovskaya
  • "Mandate" of Nikolai Erdman
  • "Conditions are dictated by a lady" by E. Alice and R. Reese
  • "The Last Ardently in Love" by N. Simon
  • "Britannica" J. Racine
  • "Trees Die Standing" by Alejandro Cason
  • "Duet for a soloist" T. Kempinski
  • "Charades of Broadway" by M. Orr and R. Denham
  • "Harp of Greetings" by M. Bogomolny
  • "Invitation to the Castle" by J. Anuya
  • "Duel of the Queen" by D. Murrell
  • "Silver Bells" by G. Ibsen
  • "The one that is not expected ..." Alejandro Cason
  • "The Seagull" by A. Chekhov
  • Elinor and Her Men by James Goldman
  • "Playing the keys of the soul" based on the play "Liv Stein" N. Kharatishvili
  • "With you and without you" K. Simonov
  • "This madman Platonov" based on the play "Fatherlessness" by A. P. Chekhov

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An excerpt characterizing Burdonsky, Alexander Vasilievich

She stopped. She really needed him to say this word, which would explain to her what had happened and to which she would answer him.
“Nathalie, un mot, un seul,” he repeated everything, apparently not knowing what to say, and repeated it until Helen came up to them.
Helene, together with Natasha, went out into the drawing-room again. Not staying for supper, the Rostovs left.
Returning home, Natasha did not sleep all night: she was tormented by the insoluble question of whom she loved, Anatole or Prince Andrew. She loved Prince Andrew - she remembered clearly how much she loved him. But she loved Anatole too, that was beyond doubt. "Otherwise, how could all this be?" she thought. “If after that, saying goodbye to him, I could answer his smile with a smile, if I could admit it, it means that I fell in love with him from the first minute. It means that he is kind, noble and beautiful, and it was impossible not to love him. What should I do when I love him and love another? " she told herself, finding no answers to these terrible questions.

Morning has come with his worries and vanity. They all got up, moved, started talking, the milliners came again, Marya Dmitrievna came out again and called for tea. Natasha, with wide eyes, as if she wanted to catch every glance fixed on her, looked anxiously at everyone and tried to appear the same as she had always been.
After breakfast Marya Dmitrievna (this was her best time), sitting down in her chair, called Natasha and the old count over to her.
“Well, my friends, now I’ve thought it over and here’s my advice,” she began. - Yesterday, as you know, I was with Prince Nicholas; well with and talked to him…. He decided to scream. You can't shout me down! I drank everything to him!
- But what is he? The count asked.
- He is what? madcap ... does not want to hear; Well, what can I say, and so we tortured the poor girl, ”said Marya Dmitrievna. - And my advice to you is to finish your business and go home to Otradnoye ... and wait there ...
- Oh no! Natasha screamed.
“No, go,” said Marya Dmitrievna. - And wait there. - If the groom now comes here, it will not do without a quarrel, and he will talk it over with the old man alone and then come to you.
Ilya Andreevich approved this proposal, immediately realizing its full rationality. If the old man softens, the better it will be to come to him in Moscow or Lysye Gory, after; if not, then it will be possible to get married against his will only in Otradnoye.
“And the truth is,” he said. “I regret that I went to see him and drove her,” said the old count.
- No, why be sorry? Having been here, it was impossible not to pay respect. Well, if he doesn't want it, it's his business, ”said Marya Dmitrievna, looking for something in her reticule. - Yes, and the dowry is ready, what else can you expect; and what is not ready, I will forward it to you. Although I feel sorry for you, you'd better go with God. - Finding in the reticule what she was looking for, she handed it to Natasha. It was a letter from Princess Marya. - He writes to you. How she suffers, poor thing! She is afraid that you will not think that she does not love you.
“She doesn't love me,” said Natasha.
“Nonsense, don't talk,” cried Marya Dmitrievna.
- I won't believe anyone; I know that she doesn’t love it, ”Natasha said boldly, taking the letter, and her face expressed a dry and spiteful determination, which made Marya Dmitrievna look at her more closely and frown.
“You, mother, don’t answer,” she said. - What I say is true. Write an answer.
Natasha did not answer and went to her room to read Princess Marya's letter.
Princess Marya wrote that she was in despair at the misunderstanding that had occurred between them. Whatever the feelings of her father, Princess Marya wrote, she asked Natasha to believe that she could not help but love her like the one chosen by her brother, for whose happiness she was ready to sacrifice everything.
“However, she wrote, do not think that my father was ill-disposed towards you. He is a sick and old man who must be excused; but he is kind, generous and will love the one who will make his son happy. " Princess Marya further requested that Natasha appoint a time when she could see her again.
After reading the letter, Natasha sat down at the writing table to write the answer: “Chere princesse,” [Dear Princess,] she wrote quickly, mechanically, and stopped. “What could she write next after all that happened yesterday? Yes, yes, it was all, and now everything is different, ”she thought, sitting over the letter she had begun. “Should I refuse him? Is it really necessary? It's awful! ”... And so as not to think about these terrible thoughts, she went to Sonya and together with her began to sort out the patterns.
After dinner Natasha went to her room and again took Princess Marya's letter. - “Is it all over already? she thought. Is it really so soon all this happened and destroyed all the old ”! She recalled in all her former strength her love for Prince Andrei and at the same time felt that she loved Kuragin. She vividly imagined herself as the wife of Prince Andrei, imagined so many times the picture of happiness with him repeated by her imagination, and at the same time, flaring up with excitement, imagined all the details of her yesterday's meeting with Anatole.