
Do-it-yourself bird from flowers. How to make a bird with your own hands - a selection of unique master classes with photo examples. in buttonhole technique

To decorate a children's room, or a garden, homemade products are used for setting a festive table. Birds made from plastic bottles or wood are used as decoration. Another manufacturing method is from rubber bands. It is worth considering each option, choosing the most optimal one for yourself.

Birds from bottles

Lawns are often decorated with homemade products. As you can see in the photo, the birds complement the style composition with their own hands, emphasize the advantages of the place.

Manufacturing does not take much time, all family members can be engaged in it. Turn this process into a holiday, during a collective creation. Thus, you can spend time with your family, have fun with your children.

In order to make a peacock with a painted tail, you will need five-liter eggplants and many plastic bottles of 1.5-2 liters. Prepare trash bags, scotch tape, foil. You will need scissors and a stapler as tools. Use a brush and acrylic paints to decorate a decorative item. The varnish is used as a fixer.

After preparing all the materials and devices, you can start the main work. First of all, plastic containers should be processed. From the inside, it must be clean, without a trace of glue or liquid. In the worst case, you will get dirty and slow down your work.

One of the most difficult components is the bird's tail. The middle part of the bottle is cut into three long tongues. The bottom and neck of the bottle must be cut off beforehand.

Round one end to a feather, and make very small cuts around the edges. A blue oval is attached to the rounded ends, for this you need plastic bags, a circle of foil. Using a stapler, you need to fasten these elements of the product.

Note! In order for the bird's tail to be voluminous, fluffy, many such homemade blanks should be prepared.

The last step is painting the bird and securing it with varnish.

Bird for the garden

In order to find out how to make a bird with your own hands, you should use the following recommendations.

Prepare a five liter eggplant. The neck should be cut off, the bottom is also not required. Next, cut out a semicircle from the middle section. The feathers will then be attached to it with a stapler.

Then they start making the base - the body of the product. Cut the neck from 5 liters and 2 liters, fasten these two elements with a wide tape.

The bird's head is made as follows:

  • cut the neck, twist to create a beak;
  • connect it with a cut off large neck. To do this, use scotch tape;
  • fasten the part to the base.

The advantage of such products is their long service life. Plastic material, like polyethylene, does not deteriorate due to bad weather, in particular, it concerns snow and rain.

Cut strips from garbage bags, then attach in rows to the body of the bird. Move gradually from the top to the bottom of the bird's body.

You can fasten the base and tail of the peacock with a rope. Before this, a hole should be made in the place where the mount will pass.

For fixing already directly on the lawn or in the garden, a stick should be attached to the bottom. Using acrylic paints, paint eyes, beak, and other elements as you wish. Then fix the result of painting with paints.

Note! For additional decoration, use a crown made of foil. A little sand should be poured inside so that it is heavy, it does not blow off the bird's head.

Bird for children

A kindergarten product is easier to make than a large bird. If you have the opportunity, you can complicate the process with a wire mesh frame. This will be the base, along with the foam, from which the bird will turn out.

With the help of acrylic paints, the product is painted, varnished. Car tires are often used to make a product.

Manufacturing techniques

There are many manufacturing techniques and materials. The French weaving technique is often used. For this it is worth choosing the right fittings. Real creations are made from wires.

The kanzashi technique is considered to be quite common among needlewomen. In addition to hairpins, flowers made using this technique, you can make other crafts.

For the manufacture of poultry, a wire frame is used, then they are wrapped with threads. A semicircle cut out of cardboard serves as the basis for the tail.

Another manufacturing method is from threads. You can make a pink chicken, for example. Manufacturing will not take much of your time.

Make paired cardboard blanks. Wind the threads until the hole is completely filled. Cut from the outer edge, thread through, tie a knot. Thus, fluffy balls are made to decorate other products.


Birds are popular among lovers of home art. Various materials and manufacturing techniques are used as material. These can be plastic bottles, colored paper, threads, and other improvised means. Manufacturing techniques differ in complexity, you can choose the one that is right for you.

With the help of such art, you can have a good time with children, have fun. At the same time, the decoration will delight the eye for a long time.

Do-it-yourself bird photo

Bird crafts have always been very popular among lovers of home art. Figures of feathered creatures are especially relevant on Bird Day, which is celebrated in the spring of April 1 in kindergartens and schools. The holiday is dedicated to the return of migratory birds and marks the onset of spring and the renewal of awakened nature. On this day, children of all ages make bird crafts, and older schoolchildren make birdhouses and hang them on trees.

Bird crafts can be made from a wide variety of materials: cotton pads, colored paper, plastic bottles, salt dough, natural and any materials at hand. There are many options for creating birds - from simple ones for young children to complex ones, which schoolchildren can easily master, resorting to the help of adults.

We bring to your attention several lessons on creating birds with your own hands with step-by-step instructions, diagrams and tips. We hope that they will help you learn all the intricacies of this exciting process and be filled with new bright ideas.

Peacock for a summer cottage from plastic bottles - a master class

We will need: plastic bottles of various colors, polystyrene, a wooden block as a stand, a metal rod, foil and thin colored plastic, a glue gun.

Step one, Cut out the body of the peacock together with the head from the foam, not forgetting to make small indentations in place of the eyes. We attach it to a wooden block with a metal rod, which plays the role of legs.

Step two. We make a sufficient number of peacock feathers from plastic bottles of different colors. We need three types of feathers: long for the tail, short for the neck and slightly longer for the body. To do this, cut off the bottom and neck of the bottle and cut it lengthwise into 3 parts.

We round off one end of each strip with scissors and cut its edges into thin stripes so that it looks like a bird's feather. We decorate the rounded end of the feathers intended for the tail with two or three multi-colored ovals made of foil and plastic. You can attach them using a stapler.

Step three. Cut out the beak from the red plastic bottle and fasten it in place. Next, step by step, using a glue gun, we glue the feathers on the body of the bird, starting with the tail and ending with the neck. We attach the feathers with a little overlap, as shown in the photo. Do not forget that medium-length feathers are intended for the body, and gentle ones - for the neck.

Step four. We cut out a crest of any shape from colored plastic, which our imagination prompts, and glue it on the head. Using acrylic paints, paint the peacock's eyes. You can glue eyelashes cut from a clear plastic bottle to them.

Step five. We start making the tail, using an abrasive mesh for this. We make holes at the base of the feathers and attach them to the mesh using a thin wire.

We start making the tail from the end, gradually laying the feathers on top of each other in rows, until the luxurious long tail of the bird is fully formed. After that, we attach it to the body and put a peacock, made with our own hands from plastic bottles, on an area among flowers and greenery.

Do-it-yourself salt dough firebird - master class

For Bird Day, together with children, you can make a voluminous firebird from salt dough. The work will take little time, require very few materials and will provide the children with a cheerful and festive mood.

We need: salted dough, gouache or watercolors, colorless varnish.

Step one. Making salted dough. To do this, mix a glass of flour with a glass of salt and knead the dough by pouring 100 ml of brewed starch into it. We prepare it as follows: dilute a tablespoon of starch in 100 ml of cold water and pour a glass of boiling water into this mixture.

Step two. Divide the salted dough into 5 pieces and paint them in different colors. To do this, add gouache or watercolors to each piece and knead it slightly again. Next, we draw a sketch of a firebird and sculpt the details of the bird on it: wings and a body. Dry them in the oven at a low temperature.

Step three. We make the tail of a fabulous bird. We draw stencils of feathers and sculpt them from pink and blue salted dough on them. Dry the feathers in the oven. Next, we paint all the details of the bird with paints, cover it with colorless varnish, and connect. We decorate a colorful festive panel with crafts. The salted dough firebird is ready!

Birds from cotton pads - master class

Another very cute craft that is perfect for decorating a kindergarten on a wonderful holiday, Bird Day. It's easy, fun, and fast. Young children can be involved in making birds from cotton pads.

For creativity we need: cotton pads, wooden skewers, colored paper, narrow colored ribbons, plastic eyes, glue and scissors.

Operating procedure:

  1. We take 5 cotton pads to create one bird. We cut one disk into two halves, and leave four whole.
  2. We fix two pairs of cotton pads on the skewer with glue so that it is inside. One pair of discs plays the role of the bird's head, and the other - the body.
  3. We glue the halves of the cut cotton pad to the body on both sides - these will be our wings.
  4. We glue the eyes and beak cut from a piece of colored paper to the head, and decorate the bird with a ribbon. A cute baby bird from cotton pads is ready for Bird Day!

Colored paper owl - master class

You can make cute owls for celebrating Bird Day at school with your own hands from colored paper. We will need directly colored paper itself, scissors, double-sided tape and glue.

Operating procedure:

  1. We make a cylinder from a sheet of colored paper, glue its edges on one side, as shown in the photo, and press the middle so that we get ears.
  2. Cut out a heart out of paper and glue it to the bottom of the cylinder - these are the legs of an owl.
  3. We cut circles of the same size and glue them on the central part of the cylinder as plumage. In order for the circles to add volume to the craft, it is better to stick them with double-sided tape.
  4. Cut out a triangle in the same color as the legs, and glue it in the upper part of the plumage - this is the beak.
  5. Last of all, we glue the eyes by cutting out circles for them from black and white paper. The do-it-yourself owl is ready!

Do-it-yourself bird of paradise made of polymer clay - master class

Delightful birds of paradise are made from polymer clay that hardens in the air. This modern material is also familiar to us under the names "self-hardening plasticine", "mass for modeling" and "velvet plastic". To make charming feathered creatures, we need 1 mm diameter aluminum wire, polymer clay, foil, scissors, round-nose pliers, a stack, a glass for rolling out the clay, a little patience and diligence.

Operating procedure:

  1. We create three birds at once - while we sculpt one, the rest dry up. Cut a wire twice as long as the planned tail. We wrap half of the wire with foil, crushing it and forming the body of the bird.
  2. We make paws from wire, as shown in the photo, and insert them into the body. We take a piece of clay, shape it in the shape of a sausage, then roll it out and flatten it. Carefully take out the wire from the bird, place it inside the clay sausage, rolling it up with a glass. Insert the finished colored ponytail back into the body. In the same way, we make the blanks for the other two birds.
  3. We take a piece of blue, yellow and red clay, roll them out and gradually, smearing them with our fingers, stick them around the birds until all the foil is covered. We will have three blanks of bright birds.
  4. Starting from the center, we stick around the legs. Then we take a piece of clay of the corresponding color and make the cheeks, crown and beak. We sculpt eyes from balls of black clay, not forgetting to squeeze the upper and lower eyelids around them with a stack.
  5. Create a ponytail and a tuft. To do this, we cut off several wires of the desired length and roll them into clay. When it is dry, round off the tips with round nose pliers and insert the tail details into the bird's body. We make shorter feathers from thin clay sausages by twisting the ends.
  6. We make the plumage effect by putting pieces of clay rolled out in the form of droplets on the body and working with a needle in the direction of feather growth. With the help of a needle, we make feathering all over the bird's body. For shine, the peephole can be varnished. The wonderful DIY bird of paradise is ready!

More ideas and schemes for crafts birds from various materials

For needlewomen who are familiar with the isothreading technique, it will not be difficult to create pictures with beautiful white swans with their own hands and decorate a holiday dedicated to the Day of Birds with them. Threads for creativity are better to take floss or iris. Draw a swan on the seamy side of the cardboard and draw waves. Divide the drawing into details, drawing shapes of different sizes, and embroider using the isothread technique.

A very charming feathered creature is obtained from woolen threads. You can easily create it with your own hands according to a simple and understandable scheme.

And according to this scheme, by introducing children to creativity, you can make a bird of happiness from a beautiful bright fabric.

Even small children can create such a colorful bird from circles of colored paper.

A charming bird can even be made from a strip of colored paper and a clothespin.

A do-it-yourself bird for Bird Day can be placed in a nest glued from paper plates.

Simple clothespins in the hands of a craftswoman can turn into an extraordinary fairy-tale bird.

And finally, ideas for making birds from natural and scrap materials: cedar or pine cones, painted feathers, cardboard and plasticine.

Making crafts from various materials is a great way to keep your child entertained both at home and in an educational institution. This type of activity well develops thinking, imagination and fine motor skills of hands in children. Today we want to invite you to start making another interesting craft - a bird. These representatives of the fauna are of great interest to children, so they will definitely be delighted with the opportunity to make one or more of them with their own hands.

Owl from the preparatory phase

The owl is an excellent prototype for making children's crafts. There are a wide variety of birds in nature, but not all of them can be made by a child. Fortunately, this does not concern the owl, and even a very young master can make its application, however, with the help of adults.

So, for work you need to prepare the following tools and materials: scissors, cardboard, colored and white paper, a simple pencil, a compass, a ruler and glue. You will also need templates for a number of geometric shapes, since they will serve as the basis for making this bird craft. It will be much easier for a child to make this application with his own hands if he has all the necessary figures at his fingertips, however, the older baby can be invited to do this on his own. That is, draw all the figures with a ruler, pencil and compass, and then cut them out.

Making an owl applique from geometric shapes

So, making an owl from geometric shapes should start with the eyes. In the upper part of the cardboard base, it is necessary to place and glue two blue circles of the same diameter next to each other, and in their center along a green circle, but already of a smaller size. In the middle of both green circles, you will need to draw the pupils with a black felt-tip pen. Further above both "eyes" it is necessary to place right-angled triangles - these will be the "ears" of the bird.

To make the body of an owl, use isosceles triangles. To do this, they need to be placed next to each other slightly below the circles. To make the body, you will need about 3 rows of five triangles, 1 of four and 1 more of three. The beak will serve as a yellow hypotenuse located upwards and glued in the middle and below the circles, slightly overlapping on the bird's "body". At the final stage, you can draw a contour around the owl with a brown felt-tip pen and cut it out, thanks to which the finished bird crafts look more realistic.

Volumetric birds: creating blanks

Applications on the basis are not the only possible crafts of this material, they can also be voluminous. To make them, you will need double-sided colored sheets, scissors, toothpicks, glue and a clothespin. These birds will be composed of the same elements as many others - body, head, tail, beak and eyes. However, the manufacture of parts has its own characteristics. First you need to prepare strips of certain sizes, depending on which part of the bird they will be used for. So, for the body you need 5 paper strips 2.5 cm wide and the following lengths - 7.5; 10; 12.5; 15; 17.5 cm. For the head, two strips of the same width, the lengths of which are 6.25 and 8.75 cm, and for the beak, the strip should be 5 cm long. For the tail, you need to prepare 5 strips, 3.75 cm wide, the length of which will be 5; 7.5; 10; 12.5; 15 cm. Two circles with a diameter of 1 cm should also be cut out - these will be the eyes of the bird.

Collecting bulky birds from paper strips

The blanks are at hand, and you are probably already eager to learn how to make a craft. A bird from paper strips can be made as follows: the blanks for the body should be twisted into a circle and the ends glued. Then put all the circles inside each other and glue at the base. Until it dries completely, it is better to fix the bonding place with a clothespin. Similar actions should be done with blanks for the head. When both parts of the bird are ready, you need to connect them and start making the tail.

The tail strips should be triangular with scissors and the wide ends curled slightly. Next, lay the parts on top of each other and glue them on the narrow side, and then attach to the body. The beak and eyes remained. To make the first, you need to fold the strip in half, then bend the corners from the side of the bend and fold them inward. Eyes are made by winding a small circle around the tip of a toothpick to form a ball. Now you need to attach the last two parts to the corresponding places - and the craft is ready.

Bluebird from an egg: an unusual do-it-yourself craft

The child will be interested to know that the egg can be used not only for eating, but also for making poultry crafts. For this you need to thoroughly wash and dry the egg with your own hands. Then make a hole on both sides with a thin needle and "blow" the contents into the bowl. Next, the egg must be given a blue color - this will be the body of the bird. This can be done using both special paint and watercolors.

When the workpiece is dry, it should be placed horizontally and the wings should be glued to the “back”, and the tail should be glued to the back. To make these parts, you will need strips of blue chiffon or mesh fabric. The beak must be cut out of yellow paper and glued to the appropriate place, and two eyes must be painted with black paint. Thread the fishing line through the holes in the egg made earlier and tie the ends together - this will allow you to place children's crafts in a conspicuous place. Birds made from eggs by your children can beautify any space in your home or educational institution.

Eagle from a cardboard tube

The eagle is one of the most majestic birds, so why not invite the kids to craft it? Moreover, this work does not require any special materials, the main thing is to print the templates below in advance. In addition to them, you will also need a cardboard tube from toilet paper or kitchen towels, scissors, glue, colored markers, pencils or paints. If the child will paint the eagle with pencils, then it is better to do this before starting to make the bird by painting the patterns on another sheet. If felt-tip pens or paints are used for this purpose, then it is better to do this after making paper crafts. The birds will then look neater.

So, all the materials and tools are at hand. First, the tube must be pasted over with white, or better yet, brown paper - then you don't have to paint it. Then, turning the workpiece vertically, attach an oval - the "belly" of an eagle in its lower part. Paws should be glued to the lower front part of the tube, and the tail should be turned by turning the "body" of the future bird backwards. Above the abdomen, it is necessary to attach the head so that it only overlaps the lower part of the tube. Wings should be glued to the back of the eagle and you can start painting the bird's craft, if you did not do this at the beginning.

applique with drawing elements

The most famous migratory birds for children are storks, therefore, it is their silhouettes that will form the basis of this application with drawing elements. It is worth noting that in this work, children will need not only basic skills in handling scissors and other tools, but also imagination, thanks to which they can imagine an autumn day and storks flying away. Craft "Migratory birds" should be made on the basis of children's ideas, so do not limit the little craftsmen in their aspirations. All that is required from an adult in this situation is to print the bird silhouette below and give it to the child as a template.

Possible variations in making migratory birds

Storks can be cut from white or black paper, depending on the weather conditions, which the child will portray in his work. In addition, ready-made templates can be doubled in the center, creating a new silhouette of the bird, or you can glue the bird to the sheet only with the central line, and leave the wings "flying". In addition to storks, all other elements: trees, clouds, falling rain, the sun, the child can complete with paints, felt-tip pens or pencils. Therefore, make sure in advance that he has tools for drawing in addition to scissors, cardboard, a simple pencil, glue, white and colored paper.

DIY "Bird" is one of the most common options for children's creativity. This is due to the diversity of the bird world, the attractive appearance of their representatives. You can create such crafts from a variety of materials, and even kids become masters. Ideas are prompted by nature itself, and you just have to be observant.

Features of crafts

Bird figures and images can be made using different techniques - depending on the age and abilities of the children. It is important that the child is provided with unobtrusive help from adults. The greatest interest in the bird theme is shown by children in preschool age, but adolescents can also be interested in such creativity.

The relevance of crafts increases on Bird Day (April 1). At this time, spring comes into its own, and migratory birds return. Competitions and exhibitions are organized in many places. Children's crafts can be taken to kindergarten or school.

The technique for creating homemade birds and the materials used can vary. In early childhood, plasticine becomes the most beloved ornamental material. Drawings and appliques are very popular. You can create from paper and cardboard at any age. Original crafts are obtained from improvised and natural materials.

Autumn crafts

Autumn provides a unique material for creativity. The foliage is painted in bright colors, a variety of fruits ripen in the garden, and in the forest you can find peculiar gifts of nature. These materials become excellent raw materials for original and beautiful autumn bird crafts.

At this time of the year, you can create the following crafts from natural materials:

  1. Application "Owl". For her, you need to prepare brown leaves of different shades. Leaves of oak, birch, willow will do. They must be dried, for example, in this way: by squeezing them between book pages. The contour of an owl is cut out of cardboard, the main details are marked with a pencil. Next, the dried leaves are carefully glued onto a cardboard blank. Plumage is best made from elongated willow leaves. They should partially overlap each other, providing volume. Ears and feet are made from birch or oak leaves. The beak and eyes are cut out of colored paper. A craft stand can be made from a tree branch.
  2. Application "Firebird". It is necessary to dry the bright leaves of birch, linden and rose hips of different colors (yellow, reddish, orange, brown), prepare pumpkin seeds and a branch of a tree (preferably thuja). The body of a bird made of a linden leaf and a head made of a birch leaf are glued onto a thick sheet of paper. A tail is formed from the leaves of the wild rose, and its additional decoration is provided by a whole branch of the wild rose. Pumpkin seeds are needed for the eyes and pinpoint decorations of the torso and tail. The final point is a tuja from a twig of a thuja.
  3. Owl made of cones. You will need such material: pine cones, acorns, felt, plasticine, maple leaves and superglue. Caps are separated from the acorns, plasticine balls are installed inside them. Paws are made of orange plasticine, on which a bump is installed. Wings made of maple leaves are glued to the side. You can use colored paper. Eyes from acorn caps are fixed in the right place. The beak is cut from thick orange paper.

A very simple craft can be made from a roll of toilet paper and autumn leaves. The roll plays the role of a bird's body. A dried leaf is fixed on top, which is preliminarily (before drying) given a certain shape - conical, arched. Paper eyes are glued on it or eyes are drawn with a felt-tip pen. Big eyes can be made from buttons. Spread wings made of elongated leaves are fixed on the side. Such a bird can be "planted" on a tree branch - it will become a fairly stable base.

Spring crafts

The arrival of spring is marked by the return of migratory birds, active colonization of nests and birdhouses, and the appearance of chicks. These features are reflected in spring crafts:

  1. Application. A beautiful bird couple in a nest against the backdrop of a bright sun is a perfect example of spring applique. You will need a white sheet of thick paper, colored paper, a twig of a tree or bush, straw or thin stems. The basis of the composition is a twig on which a nest of grass stalks (straw) is placed. The sun and birds are cut out of colored paper and glued. Young green leaves and paper flowers are fixed on a twig.
  2. A flock of their origami birds. Very simple, small, colorful birds can be made using the origami technique. To do this, strips are cut out of colored paper, which are folded into a knot, and so that one end (tail) is slightly shorter than the second. At one end of the strip, a bird's head is formed with scissors, and at the other, a tail. It is enough to plant such birds on a branch, and they will be transformed into a flock of returning migratory birds.
  3. Application "Flock". It is easy to make from pieces of rag and paper napkins. The bird is formed in the form of a half circle. The most suitable napkins with corrugated edges. Such blanks are glued to a white sheet. It is enough to draw on the paws with a felt-tip pen, glue the beak and eyes out of paper, and the craft for the kids is ready.

The materials at hand can also come in handy for making spring crafts. A cheerful bird family is obtained from milk cartons, kinder surprise cases, colored paper and small feathers. Holes are cut in the bags and they become birdhouses. Kinder surprises are ready-made bird bodies. It is enough to glue feathers or down to them, and the birds will get plumage. The rest of the necessary parts are cut out of colored paper.

Crafts from bottles

Plastic bottles in skillful hands become a good craft material. You can do the following bird crafts with your own hands:

  1. Peacock from bottles. It is necessary to prepare: plastic bottles of several colors, polystyrene, a metal rod, foil, thin plastic, a log and glue. First, the body of the peacock (together with the head) is cut out of the foam. Small indentations are made at the locations of the eyes. The torso is fixed on a metal rod, which is attached to a piece of wood used as a base. "Feathers" of different colors are cut from plastic bottles. There should be 3 types in total - elongated tail feathers, the shortest - for the neck, medium size - for covering the body. One end of the workpiece is rounded, and a small notch is applied on the edges, imitating a feather. The tail unit is decorated with small ovals cut from foil and thin plastic. The decor is fastened with a stapler. A beak is cut from a red bottle. The feathers are alternately glued to the foam body. They must partially overlap each other. The tuft is made of colored plastic and has an arbitrary shape. The eyes are painted with paint. The tail is shaped using a mounting mesh. Its assembly starts from the tip and is done in rows. The finished tail is attached to the body.
  2. "Bottle flamingo". To create a bird, you will need: plastic bottles for 5 and 10 liters, PVC pipe (length 220 cm), plastic corrugated tube (60-70 cm), foam, wire, acrylic paint. The body is formed from a 10 liter bottle. Cut holes in the bottom and insert PVC pipes (legs). The plumage is cut from 5-liter bottles in the form of feathers of different, but rather large sizes (the width is about half a bottle). Cuts are made in the torso where feathers are inserted. The neck is formed from the corrugated tube. Then it is inserted into the cap of the trunk bottle.

The bird's head is carefully cut out of foam and sanded. Eyes are drawn on it, a beak is attached. A wooden or metal base is used as a bird stand. The plumage should be glued starting from the tail. To make the wings, a frame is first cut out of a metal mesh. Then plastic feathers are attached to it. The final look is given by staining it pink.

Simple paper crafts

Any child can make original and cute birds out of paper. The following ideas are suggested:

  1. Birds from paper, disposable plates. Plates are painted in the desired color. Eyes are drawn on them, a paper beak is glued. The wings and tail can be made from natural feathers or colored paper. Such figures can be used as appliqué details or hung on ribbons.
  2. Lark. The torso with the head is cut out of thick cardboard. A slot is made approximately in the middle, into which the paper strip is squeezed. It is preformed by an accordion. On both sides, the strip spreads out to form wings. The tail of the bird is also made from the accordion.
  3. Stork. This volumetric applique looks very nice. Circles of different diameters are cut from white and black thick paper. They are folded in half and glued in one half to the base sheet. The second half, bending back a little, provides volume to the plumage.

Thread crafts

Girls can create lovely birds from threads and yarns. As an example, consider making a filamentous sparrow. It requires yarn, tape, beads.

Manufacturing procedure:

  1. A template for the body and head of the bird is made from cardboard.
  2. Yarn is wound around the template. In this case, the chest and wings are formed by winding in the transverse direction, and the back - by the longitudinal arrangement of the threads. Brown yarn is used for the back, gray for the brisket, and dark gray or dark brown threads for the wings.
  3. The yarn is cut at one end. At the wings, the middle of the yarn is tied with a thread.
  4. The yarn on the chest and back is folded in a cross.
  5. The brisket is wrapped in a back yarn and fixed with a brown thread.
  6. A lump is made from the newspaper, which is wrapped in yarn and becomes wings.
  7. All the details are tied with a thread. If necessary, the yarn is combed to add volume.
  8. The wings are fastened.
  9. Legs are made of wire and wrapped with tape.
  10. The eyes are laid out with beads, and 2 seeds are fixed as a beak.

Other birds can be made using a similar technology. To do this, you need to use multi-colored yarn.

Dough firebird

You can create real artistic masterpieces from salted dough. The photo shows a firebird made from this material. Raw materials for crafts are prepared in the form of a mixture of flour and salt in an equal ratio, with the addition of starch (100 ml per 1 liter of the mixture).

The craft is created in this order:

  1. The dough is divided into 5 pieces, which are dyed in different colors by adding dye.
  2. A firebird is drawn on the cardboard.
  3. The body and wings are molded from the dough. The blanks are dried in the oven.
  4. A stencil of tail feathers is made. Feathers of blue and pink dough are molded on it. The blanks are dried in the oven.
  5. All details are combined into a single composition.
  6. The final painting and drawing of small details with acrylic paints is carried out.

The finished picture must be covered with a colorless varnish, after which it takes on its final appearance. Such a craft can be stored for a long time.

Birds in flight

The flight of the bird is amazing, and the child with great pleasure will want to create a craft on this topic. We can offer a frame technique for making light models of soaring birds. The process requires precision and patience. For manufacturing, you will need: thin transparent plastic, adhesive tape and multi-colored paper.

The basis of the craft is a frame made of plastic strips. They can be cut from sheets or use plastic bottles. Using scotch tape, the strips form the skeleton of the bird. Next, feathers are cut from colored paper, with which the frame is pasted over. The photo shows a crane with spread feathers. Such a craft, possessing lightness, is capable of floating in the air itself. You can fix the craft on a thin inconspicuous thread, and then a long-lasting effect of the bird's hovering will be ensured.

The bird theme occupies a prominent place in home art. With the help of simple technologies, you can create beautiful crafts with your own hands that are not ashamed to be shown at a competition or at an exhibition. It is important to carry the child into the creative and production process, and then he will become a real pleasure for him, and the final result - pride. There are a lot of ideas for crafts, and you need to choose the most interesting and exciting option.

Birds have always attracted the eyes of others and many are attracted by their ability to fly. Their variety is simply amazing. For example, swans or storks fascinate with their size and beauty, a woodpecker and a jay with an unusual appearance, an owl and a crow with severity, and magpies with restlessness. Each has its own disposition and character! And how many birds, which are not visible, but their sonorous singing is heard at long distances.
Not surprisingly, many needlewomen like to depict birds in different techniques. Today we will consider several options for making feathered friends from different materials.
From sand.
On the grass of the lawn, you can make a beautiful composition of colored sand. White dove, with delicate daisies along the contour, looks great on a blue heart.

From iris leaves.
This gorgeous weave of green iris leaves looks unusual. And the long tail gives the bird extra charm.

From polyurethane foam.
Polyurethane foam is applied on a hardboard base, cut in the shape of a stork. It is easily painted with enamel and retains its beauty for a long time.

From plastic bottles.
Plastic containers are a fertile material for handicrafts. Can be cut into any shape and painted in all sorts of shades. Such a bright cockerel is obtained from just a few bottles.

If the feathers are carefully collected, then you can make a magnificent craft that looks just natural. The bird frame is made of plaster, which is pasted over with real feathers.

From paper.
Plain office white paper can come in handy for. You just need to circle the child's palm, cut out a lot of such blanks and glue them on a voluminous base. Another dove of peace looks magnificent and majestic.

From disposable appliances.
And this soaring dove is made of disposable tableware. The frame is formed from a metal mesh, on which feathers from disposable spoons and forks are fixed. Original and unusual.

From a milk bottle.
For this little bird, you need to take the white bottles in which they sell dairy products. Cut out all parts of the body and hold them together with all-purpose glue. You don't even need to paint anything.

From fabric.
The splendor and texture of the craft can be achieved using a synthetic winterizer and transparent fabric. Such a bird can be easily sewn by that craftswoman who knows how to work at a sewing machine.

From dry grass.
Someone is preparing hay for cows and horses, but for needlewomen it is a fertile material for creativity. Such a bird, woven from grasses and ears, looks not only unusual, but also somehow magical.

Another fertile material that is easy to cut and keeps its shape well. Styrofoam birds look realistic and do not need to spend extra money on making them.

Of flowers.
The main thing in this craft is a wire frame. And then you just fill it with flowers and you get such a hen-mother with chickens from threads.

From the hay.
This large crane is made from dry grass and looks amazing. It is necessary to tie the haystack with a thread and give the shape of a bird. Crafts using this technique are not often seen.

Such beautiful birds can appear in your yard if you put a little effort into making them.