
What do white chrysanthemums mean? Chrysanthemum is a fire flower.

Chrysanthemums are presented to men and women, young and adults, colleagues and relatives. A variety of shades and shapes of inflorescences allows you to choose a bouquet that is appropriate for any situation. To date, flowers of different colors have been bred: white, yellow, red, pink, purple and others. Fantasy and knowledge of the “language of flowers” \u200b\u200bwill help to make the right choice.

How did it happen that chrysanthemums appeared meaning

It is believed that the "language of flowers" - selam - originated in antiquity in the countries of Central Asia.   With its help, women of the East could convey their emotions and experiences. At the beginning of the 18th century, an exotic custom spread to the countries of Europe, and then was adopted in Russia.

Species and their shades were given certain meanings. Initially, plants were endowed with properties caused by associations and personal emotions, later they were fixed by tradition. Different plants grew in each locality, national and estate features existed, so the flower alphabet was somewhat different. Selam was attracted by poets and artists of the Romantic era; by the end of the 19th century, the enthusiasm for “flower” messages had passed.

Interest in the "language of flowers" revived several decades ago, modern villages enriched with new meanings.

Despite the huge variety of cultures, the plant occupies a special place, it is called the “Queen of Autumn”. Ancient China and Japan are considered the homeland. For a long time they were accessible only to royal monarchs. Symbolized power, wealth, nobility.

In the Land of the Rising Sun, chrysanthemum is a symbol of the state. For many centuries, a stylized image of a 16-petal yellow plant is the imperial seal and the state emblem. The color of this symbol is orange or yellow - “golden”: it is the coloring of the first known chrysanthemums, the name of which comes from the Latin “gold-colored”.

Luxurious spectacular views amaze with a variety of forms:

  • Bush, with small simple or terry inflorescences;
  • Bright balls;
  • Large inflorescences  - simple or semi-double “daisies”, flat or three-dimensional, needle-shaped or pion-shaped.

In addition to traditional yellow, white, pink and red chrysanthemums, today varieties with a fancy color, unusual lilac, green and blue are bred.

Why do white chrysanthemums give?

White varieties are presented as a sign of love, tenderness, purity. They symbolize honesty, sincerity, loyalty and devotion..

They are presented to relatives, as well as in cases where they want to emphasize the high moral qualities of the person to whom the bouquet is presented.

What are yellow flowers talking about?

The traditional symbolism of the yellow varieties is the wish of longevity, health, wealth, power, wisdom, greatness.

Modern interpretation of a solar plant- declaration of love, assurance of friendship, openness and sincerity. The giver informs about the desire to be with your loved one, to maintain a trusting relationship with friends.

It is appropriate to present yellow chrysanthemums to both women and men in official ceremonies. In this case, express gratitude, wishes for success in business, well-being.

Once the yellow varieties could only afford members of the imperial family. Later they were allowed to use in marriage ceremonies. Since then, it is considered acceptable to give yellow species during a wedding.

Who can give red chrysanthemums?

Red, carmine, burgundy, wine shades choose, if you want to report hot love and affection. Emphasize the grace and beauty of the donee. Of these colors are monochrome bouquets, or used as an accent in complex compositions.

They give red species to lovers, relatives, loved ones.

What do pink and lilac flowers symbolize?

The symbol of love, romance, tender feelings consider pink and lilac chrysanthemums. Buds of light pastel shades give young girls and girls. Adult ladies are presented with flowers of saturated, bright colors.

Lilac individuals  with fancy coloring, bred by modern breeders, symbolize originality, creativity, originality.

Blue chrysanthemums as a gift

Blue color is an achievement of breeders, therefore it has only a modern interpretation.

Like other exotic colors, symbolizes originality, bright individuality of the one to whom such flowers are presented. Emphasize his special position in the life of the giver. They are presented to male colleagues, partners, friends.

Another meaning of blue is wish success in service. They are presented, escorting soldiers, as a sign of fidelity in a long separation.

Chrysanthemum is a flower of joy, a symbol of the sun. Focusing on a beautiful romantic “language of flowers” \u200b\u200bone can express innermost feelings and attitude. It is important at the same time to show imagination, attention, your emotions and preferences of the person to whom the bouquet is intended. It is not necessary to follow stereotypes, you can create new images. The main thing is sincerity and creativity.

Blooming garden decorations are a favorite theme for any modern gardener. New varieties of beautiful flowers are constantly appearing that can decorate any flower garden and rockery.

This page offers a small catalog of new species and varieties of chrysanthemums with names and photos. It presents such types of flowering plants as chrysanthemums for cutting; perennial and annual flowers, white chrysanthemums, spherical, and even single-headed. Korean species of chrysanthemums, white and new varieties of this plant will also be described.

It is impossible to describe and disclose all the names of varieties and types of chrysanthemums in this article, so only the main, most common, as well as the most amazing and attractive in appearance will be affected.

Each plant variety will be characterized in terms of the shade of inflorescences, their shape, diameter, as well as the time when they begin to bloom, the sizes of shrubs as a whole are considered. All varieties of chrysanthemums are accompanied by photos that show the richness of color and the variety of bud forms:

Large-flowered chrysanthemums for cutting: varieties that allow you to create bouquets

Bouquet forms of flowering plants are a great opportunity to decorate your home and delight loved ones with a great gift. Varieties that allow you to create exquisite bouquets include varieties that have a fairly long stem and a compact arrangement of buds on their tops. Indian cuts of chrysanthemums or, as they are called in other words, large-flowered are most ideal for cutting.

Indian chrysanthemums are usually grown indoors. These plants bloom in late autumn, are used for perspective cutting. Subject to certain agricultural techniques, large-flowered chrysanthemums for cutting can be grown in a garden plot by seedlings.

Variety "Gazelle".

The flowers have the shape of a hemisphere. Large in size, terry, snow-white shade. The diameter of the flower reaches 12-14 centimeters.

The leaves are medium in size, light green in color, rarely located on the stem.

Color begins to start in mid-August.

Variety "Valentina Tereshkova".

This variety of chrysanthemum bred in the Crimea.

The leaves of the plant are large in size.

The upper part of the petals is red-raspberry colored, and the lower one is a lighter shade.

It begins to bloom in the first half of September.

Grade "Alec Bedser".

The plant grows in length to 65-70 centimeters.

The flowers have the shape of a hemisphere, cream color, 13-14 centimeters in diameter.

The flowering period is September-October.

Perennial and annual chrysanthemums: varieties and their photos

Perennial varieties of chrysanthemums include all types described in this catalog, with the exception of those that are annuals. These plants are distinguished by the ability to give magnificent flowering for 3 or more years without transplanting and rejuvenating the bush. They are usually used to decorate flower beds and flower beds in landscaping of a personal plot in park areas.

Among the currently selected and widely used species of annual chrysanthemums, there are several varieties that are resistant to adverse environmental conditions. Next, you can see the annual and perennial varieties of chrysanthemums in the photo and evaluate their attractiveness for growing:

Tricolor Chrysanthemum.

This plant variety reaches a length of sixty centimeters.

The leaves are thick, gray-green.

The diameter of the inflorescence is four to six centimeters.

  • Flammenstahl  This flower has a tan core and red petals.
  • Nordstern  This is a rather large flower of a snow-white color with a yellow-red middle.
  • Kokarda  This variety is a snow-white flower with a carmine base. Color launches in June-September.

Sowing (field) chrysanthemum.

Sowing chrysanthemum grows to a length of thirty to sixty centimeters.

Leaves below are pinnate, and dentate above.

Flowers are associated with large-sized daisies. They have light or dark flat means, their color is snow-white, gray-yellow or pure yellow. The diameter of the flowers is three to five centimeters.

Crowned (Crowned) Chrysanthemum.

Crown chrysanthemum reaches a height of forty centimeters to one meter.

The leaves are pinnate, somewhere pointed.

The flowers are three centimeters in diameter. The reed shape of the flowers has a yellow or white hue, and tubular flowers have a greenish-yellow hue.

Spherical garden varieties of chrysanthemums with names and photos

To add variety to the flower palette of the garden, several varieties of one botanical group can be used simultaneously. At the same time, the gardener receives an undoubted advantage, since the care is the same, and the result pleases the eye with its variety and flowering time. Spherical varieties of chrysanthemums allow you to get beautiful and large buds with different colors of petals. Garden varieties of chrysanthemums with photos and recognition of spherical types are shown below.

Chrysanthemum "Ida".

It is a bush in the shape of a ball, up to sixty centimeters long, and a flower diameter of three centimeters.

Color starts in late September - early October.


The flowers of this plant are yellow, in the form of a pompom, up to three centimeters in diameter.

The bush reaches a height of up to thirty-five centimeters.

Starts letting out color in October.

It blooms profusely, namely, up to 160 flowers at a time.

Chrysanthemum "Multiflora".

This type of chrysanthemum has a spherical shape of a bush.

It blooms profusely.

The color scheme of flowers is extensive: white, yellow, orange, pink, plum, red.

The flowers are small.

Color launches in the month of September.

Korean chrysanthemums - placers of small inflorescences

Representatives from the group of varieties of Korean chrysanthemums are a great decoration for landscaping the garden, making bouquets or landscaping the interior of a country house. These varieties are distinguished by a long, and in sheltered ground, almost continuous flowering. Bright colors and excellent decorative properties of soft, slightly pubescent foliage prevail. These are small-flowered chrysanthemums, placers of small inflorescences of which can be seen further with names and photos:

"Viva Botanica."

The bush reaches a height of up to fifty-three centimeters, in diameter - thirty-five centimeters.

The leaves are green in color.

The flowers are semi-double, their diameter is six to seven centimeters, a yellow tint. They have a pleasant smell.

It blooms profusely, the period is 62 days, from mid-August.


The height of the bush is about fifty centimeters.

Flowers in diameter up to seven centimeters, tan.

The color of the inflorescences changes during flowering - the raspberry buds, when the flower blooms, the color changes from orange-brown to golden yellow.

Kibalchish Boy.

The height of the bush reaches about fifty centimeters, and the diameter of the flower is five centimeters.

Inflorescences have a rich red tint.

Altyn Ay

The plant reaches a height of 50-57 centimeters, and a width of 47 centimeters.

Leaves have a dark green tint.

Terry flowers, diameters up to eight centimeters, yellow in color. Fragrant.

This variety blooms for 66 days, starting in mid-August.

Single-headed large-flowered varieties of garden chrysanthemums (with photo)

A real miracle from the world of flora is single-headed chrysanthemums, varieties of which can be found further on this page. Using such varieties, you can create bright accents and stylistic spots on the flower beds and flower beds. Such cultivars can be grown as varieties for bunch cut. All large-flowered varieties of garden chrysanthemums are accompanied by photos that illustrate the richness of shades and colors:


The bush has the shape of a ball.

The shape of the flower is unusual: long petals in the shape of needles look up to the center, and in the center they tightly surround the core so that it is not visible.

The flower has a green color. In diameter reaches ten to twelve centimeters.

The stem of the flower reaches seventy to eighty centimeters.

The leaves are green.

In a vase in a cut state, it can stand up to twenty days.

The variety is fragrant.


It has the form of chamomile, semi-double.

The core of the flower is a rounded shape with a large number of short petals that have not opened, and the outer petals are arranged in a row and slightly elongated.

The opened flower has a bright yellow hue, its diameter is up to nine to ten centimeters. Fragrant.

The stem of the flower reaches sixty to seventy centimeters in length.

Leaves are bright green.

"Regina White"

The flower has the shape of a hemisphere, terry.

The petals of the flower are elongated, bent up, and in the central part they tightly surround the core. The outer petals are spread apart.

The opened flower has a snow-white color, its diameter is ten centimeters. It has an aroma.

The stem of the flower is sixty to seventy centimeters.

The leaves are saturated green.

White varieties of chrysanthemums - refined freshness and purity

Garden varieties of these flowering plants would be orphaned, if not to mention cultivars with pure snow-white color of bud petals of various shapes. White varieties of chrysanthemums embody a real dream, it is a real refined purity and freshness that you want to touch, smell and admire it endlessly.

"White Korean"

The bush of this plant is tall.

The flower reaches a diameter of up to eight centimeters. Its petals are slightly curved, silver-white.

Color starts from September until the start of frost.

"Snow White"

Plant height 25-30 centimeters, stunted.

The diameter of the flower is approximately three centimeters.

Bushes are spherical in shape.

The flowers resemble chamomiles, the period of their flowering is the end of June - mid-autumn.

"Eleanor White"

This variety is an anemic type of flower.

A flower in diameter up to 15 centimeters, white, yellow or pink.

When cut, it can stand in a vase for up to two weeks.

Evelyn Bush

Flowers have a snow-white shade, the shape of a hemisphere, in diameter - 12-14 centimeters.

The height of the plant as a whole reaches approximately one and a half meters.

The leaves are medium sized, dark green in color.

Early varieties of chrysanthemums with names and photos for growing in the garden

When spring comes, we rejoice at the first emerald green and a simple bud of primroses, which must be planted in your garden. But I already want a riot of colors and the exquisite charm of a mixture of spicy aromas. The early varieties of chrysanthemums for growing in the garden in seedlings help to get all this. They are recommended to be planted on seedlings as soon as possible, as soon as daylight hours begin to reach 9 hours. This usually starts in mid-February. With such sowing dates, flowering bushes can be obtained already in the second half of May. It is worth paying attention that it is impossible to plant immediately in open ground. Hardening is required for 10-15 days. Well, by the time of landing, spring return frosts should completely pass.

The following are the most popular new early varieties of chrysanthemums with names and photos:

Zembla yellow

Yellow flowers, large in size, spherical in shape, their diameter is fifteen centimeters.

It blooms in the month of September, and with the seedling method of growing, flowering periods shift to the beginning of June.


This plant looks like chamomile. It has a lilac color with a white border.

The color starts in September, with the seedling method of growing the first buds are tied already in late May ..

Stern des Orients

A feature of this variety of chrysanthemum is light yellow petals and a dark core. Flowering begins in mid-June and continues until the first frost in the fall.

Garden varieties of chrysanthemums in the catalog with names and photos

Pompom garden varieties of chrysanthemums have magnificent double terry inflorescences.

Cirrus allows you to get terry flowers, the core is not visible, since the petals hide them.

Bristles are similar to cirrus chrysanthemums, only the petals are thinner, sometimes curved. Flowers are associated with a brush, hence the name of this species.


The flower of this variety is very similar to chamomile. The name is derived from the Italian word "stella", which means "star". Long flower petals look like an asterisk.

The flowers have a combination of purple and white flowersand the core is green.


The flower has a yellow color, a variety of single-headed chrysanthemum.

The flower is large in size.

Translated from Latin, chrysanthemum means "golden." This flower is considered the queen of autumn for its warmth and gentle beauty. The name of the varieties of chrysanthemums themselves speak of beauty and give joy and a smile - “Sky-high heights”, “Spring Dawn”, “Joy of Return”.

Initially, the chrysanthemum was only yellow in color and symbolized power. Only the emperor and his family could put on clothes with chrysanthemums embroidered on it, and ordinary people were allowed to attach a flower to their clothes only for a wedding.

Chrysanthemum is a universal flower. It can be given for all holidays and for all occasions for men and women, for weddings, anniversaries, anniversaries, birthdays, March 8th.

Chrysanthemums come in different colors and types, which allows you to create a unique and beautiful bouquet  for any holiday. In the world there are more than 150 species of these flowers. Chrysanthemum can be with large flowers or bush. Spherical chrysanthemums will be a wonderful gift for a wife, beloved girl, as a symbol of timid love and tenderness. For women of age, bright shades of flowers - cherry, red, wine red - are suitable. Yellowish flowers symbolizing nobility, influence and wealth are suitable as a gift to men. Chrysanthemums can retain their appearance for a long time, this allows you to give them to everyone and for all holidays.

Chrysanthemums are different colors  - white, yellow, red, violet, blue, orange and even a greenish tint. A variety of colors allows you to create a bright and unusual bouquet. It is believed that each color of chrysanthemums has its own meaning.

A bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums symbolizes trembling love, fragility, trust. The person who presented such a bouquet speaks in this color of his trust and respect.

White chrysanthemums speak of innocence, sincerity, honor and tenderness.

Cheerful disposition and mind are symbolized by blue flowers.

Strong affection and passion are red chrysanthemums.

Naive youthful love - pink flowers.

Some florists, when creating a bouquet with chrysanthemums, use glitters or tint chrysanthemum flowers, this allows you to emphasize the beauty of flowers and create a spectacular bouquet.

The most important advantage of chrysanthemums is that they do not fade for a long time. If you give a large bouquet of chrysanthemums, then you can buy them in any quantity without fear. Chrysanthemums are a wonderful decoration for the home. They do not need special care and are unpretentious, long remain tender. To preserve the flowers longer, it is necessary to clear the stem from the flowers before leaving them in the water, leaving only 5-6 leaves at the inflorescence, and to prevent the flowers from shedding, you can instill molten stearin inside the flower. Chrysanthemum can be given in winter when it is very cold outside. It easily tolerates low temperatures.

Rybachuk Anastasia Anatolievna

The Feng Shui doctrine has accumulated a lot of knowledge about domestic plants, their benefits to humans. It also reveals the hidden meaning of flowers. A special place in the study is given beautiful flower  - chrysanthemum. The intriguing name "chrysanthemum" from Greek literally translates as "golden flower" (although they come in different colors). What is hidden in this name of the flower, what is its effect on human life? Where did the exaltation of white chrysanthemums come from?

Chrysanthemums, especially bush ones, have very large flowers and a long stem. It is these flowers, according to the teachings of Feng Shui, that would bring more benefit to a person, growing in his house. But bush chrysanthemums cannot be grown in pots. It is difficult to imagine that the shrub fits in the pot. But in Asian countries this has long become a tradition, even when human civilization was far from modern life (in the 5th century), the chrysanthemum was tamed, creating potted varieties. For many centuries, chrysanthemums have been grown in China and Japan at home, and this has become a whole cultural tradition, rooted in the teaching of "Buddhism", and then entrenched in feng shui. For the Japanese, for example, symbolizes the longevity of the owner of the house.

Varieties of domestic chrysanthemums are distinguished by small flowers, not the kind we are used to, and a short stem. The flowers of these varieties are mostly yellow. But there are white frutescens (shrubby), Snow Harol, Little America, Oregon, Cameo.

The Chinese doctrine of feng shui about life-giving energy (feng - water, shui - wind) extols white chrysanthemums. The significance of this flower in Feng Shui is ambiguous. She brings peace to the house, gives harmony in the family, reduces conflicts, establishes the intimate life of spouses, and tries on emotions with the mind of every inhabitant of the house. Potted white chrysanthemums give their “master" self-confidence, give them the ability to contemplate life, cleanse the mind of unnecessary emotions, and help to develop spiritually. White chrysanthemum  teach self-giving (this will help family relations, especially if the couple is on the verge of a divorce), help to identify hidden problems and solve them, unite the loving in their common aspirations, strengthen family ties, teach to be truthful with each other.

But the main thing is precisely the white chrysanthemum, the meaning of which lies in the granting of light, life, warmth, will improve the health of a sick person, will help heal a serious illness, heal mental wounds. White chrysanthemums will draw the attention of the Almighty to your humble person if you desperately need it. After all, it symbolizes purity, truth, peace, integrity, goodness.

If you grow white chrysanthemums at home with love, they will repay you the same. Put a pot of flowers in a sunny (but not too) place, where sometimes it is slightly dark (by the window, on the sunny side of the house). Water abundantly (several times a week). Transplant as needed. Be sure to fertilize the ground. Provide chrysanthemum with fresh air, coolness. Perhaps it is better to grow chrysanthemums on the balcony. When chrysanthemums bloom poorly (temperature should not be higher than 20 degrees), bad, but bloom! To prevent the plant from getting hot, spray the leaves once a day.

Any (not only white) will help to establish business relations, if it is in the office. It will have the same effect on family relationships. It will attract success and love into your life if it grows on your sunny windowsill.

Feng Shui talks about the strength and benefits of many plants for a person, since it is the cultivation of flowers that provides him with the necessary vital energy, positively affects his home, family and himself. But only chrysanthemum is a sacred flower for the founders of the Feng Shui teachings.

Bouquet of roses  - The most popular, traditional and always appropriate gift. Chic and velvety burgundy, delicate pink, yellow, orange, cream or white - the choice of color of roses is very large. Since ancient times, beautiful roses made all nations bow and served best remedy  to express feelings in love. One presented rose means a declaration of love.

White Rose  - at all times have been a symbol of purity and innocence. Presenting the snow-white buds of roses, the giver as if wants to say: "You are heavenly and pure," "I admire your unearthly and pristine beauty, you are as perfect as these white roses." Most often, it is white roses that give in honor of sincere love, as pure as the pristine white veil of the first snow. It is most appropriate for a young girl to present a bouquet of white roses. White roses are the exact opposite of red roses, which give, expressing their passion and crazy hot feelings.

Red roses  - a symbol of love and passion. When you receive a bouquet of roses of any color as a gift, you understand that the giver thus expresses to you to various degrees his love, affection or appreciation. Red rose is the most popular. Therefore, the red rose is deservedly the queen of roses. Red roses exuding an amazing aroma express deep love and impossibility of being separate from your beloved half. The symbol of the red rose is passion and passionate desires burning with desire. In addition, red roses at all times were given as a sign of respect and admiration for the object to which these flowers are intended.

Burgundy roses  - Like the scarlet ones, they mean a passionate feeling of love, frantic passion and admiration. A bouquet of burgundy roses as if trying to confess to its recipient: "You are so beautiful that you do not realize it." It is this color of roses that is considered a traditional gift and the most popular means of expressing feelings on Valentine's Day. A bouquet of 101 burgundy velvet roses Grand Prix will show your chosen one the depth of your feelings.

Pink roses  - are a symbol of elegance and sophistication. Pink color is characterized by the richest range of shades, a combination of which is used to compose complex, promising and often eloquent messages. You can express gratitude by presenting roses of bright pink or cherry color as a gift. At the same time, you can express a feeling of sympathy by presenting gently pink flowers of unopened roses. The pink color of roses and bouquets of these beautiful and noble colors expresses gratitude and pride, sympathy and sweet thoughts, gentle emotions and a sense of admiration. Pink roses often symbolize a new beginning of a relationship, a hint of a feeling that, possibly in the near future, will flare up in full force and will hit two lovers in the heart.

Yellow roses as part of a bouquet or a full bouquet of yellow roses means that your chosen one cares about you. At all times yellow  meant an active and freedom-loving beginning. Therefore, a bouquet of yellow roses is a frequent guest of various celebrations as an expression of congratulations to the hero of the holiday. Yellow roses are a way to emphasize pride in what has been achieved and open, and to celebrate this event with the addressee. For some reason, the separation of yellow roses is considered more common among the people. However, this value is completely inconsistent with the real symbol of yellow roses. Quite the contrary, yellow roses are a symbol of friendship and recognition, worship and admiration, as well as respect. When long-married people give yellow roses, they mean the regularity and sweetness of family relationships, but in some situations, these flowers can also symbolize infidelity.

Orange roses  - in the language of flowers they express the best wishes, warm feelings and enthusiasm. If you are possessed by a heady feeling of love, orange roses will help your lover to tell about this. The orange color of roses can convey not only charm, but also pride in the object of your feelings.

Peach roses  - This is a manifestation of modesty. They are often presented in honor of the successful completion of affairs. With peach roses you can express a warm attitude, feelings of joy at a meeting and gratitude. These natural flowers serve as the best decoration of the festive table, set for any occasion.

Green roses  mean abundance and generosity. It is unusual green rose buds that are a symbol of fertility. These flowers will be appreciated by successful and successful individuals. As psychologists say, green is balance and stability. It is impossible to express love with the help of green roses, but they are able to talk about jealousy.

Everything light roses  friends can give each other without much subtext, because they are a symbol of friendship.

Chrysanthemum  is an in the best way  to express friendly feelings. These beautiful flowers mean joy, openness of sincere friendly feelings, fun and relaxation. The red color of chrysanthemum traditionally means a declaration of love. White chrysanthemum means sincerity. And yellow chrysanthemums are a symbol of tender love.

Tulip since ancient times symbolizes great happiness. This flower is a symbol of pure love, and it can also mean glory and pride, and a tulip is also an excellent lover. Red tulips, like all red flowers, mean a love revelation, as if they want to gain your trust and express irresistible love. Yellow tulips can mean admiration for the smile of a loved one, comparing it with a ray of sunshine; and they can also mean hopeless love. The colorful color of tulips means an expression of admiration for beautiful eyes.

Orchid  is a symbol of sophistication, wisdom and aristocracy. Orchid often symbolizes love and beauty, as well as family comfort. The pink color of the exquisite orchid petals means pure affection.

Lily  means immaculate purity, beauty and hope. Most popular is white color  lilies. The white lily, being the most popular among buyers, symbolizes innocence and purity. This flower is considered the flower of the immaculately conceived mother of Christ - the Virgin Mary. According to all Christian traditions, until this day the lily was yellow. Yellow lilies symbolize fun and gratitude. A bright shade of yellow lilies can also express lies and frivolity. But the value of orange lily was previously negative. She symbolized hatred and disgust.

Gerbera  - bright and in shape very reminiscent of a daisy - in the language of flowers it means a secret, a smile and can be a hint of light flirtation.

The language of colors - the meaning of colors

  • Azalea is a symbol of femininity, fragility, meekness, restraint, devotion, passion and sadness.
  • Amaryllis - Pride
  • Pineapple - Perfection
  • Anemone - sincerity, hope
  • Anthurium - courage, passion
  • Aralia - intimacy
  • Asparagus - e flowers simplicity
  • Begonia - "Beware!"
  • Verbena - Sensitivity
  • Vicar - "Will you dance with me?"
  • Bindweed - Beauty
  • Gardenia - secret love, you are beautiful
  • Gauleteria - harmony
  • Carnation is a symbol of matrimony and fidelity, charm, female love, passion, honor and freedom.
  • Carnation (white) - “Sweet and beloved”, innocence, pure and tender love, luck
  • Carnation (yellow) - "You Avoid Me," Failure
  • Carnation (red) - admiration, deep love
  • Carnation (striped) - "NO !!!", denial, "I will not be with you"
  • Carnation (pink) - "I Will Never Forget You", a symbol of maternal love
  • Dahlia - caprice, inconstancy
  • Geranium - stupidity, recklessness
  • Gerbera - secret, smile, flirt
  • Hyacinth (white) - charm, charm
  • Hyacinth (blue) - consistency, integrity
  • Hyacinth (yellow) - jealousy
  • Hyacinth (red or pink) - game
  • Gypsophila - Caution
  • Wisteria - "Welcome!"
  • Gloxinia - love at first sight
  • Hydrangea - coldness, indifference.
  • Delphinium - modesty, unpretentiousness
  • Jasmine - sensuality, femininity, elegance and attractiveness.
  • Iris - trust, wisdom, faith, hope, fearlessness. located at the top of the bouquet is work, below is the kingdom.
  • Cactus - Perseverance
  • Calendula (marigolds) - "I am subdued"; jealousy, anxiety
  • Calla - "You are great"
  • Camellia - admiration, perfection, gratitude
  • Lily (white) - a symbol of purity and integrity, "It is divine - to be near you !!!"
  • Lily (yellow) - gratitude, brightness, but also frivolity, a lie
  • Palm Leaves - Victory and Success
  • Daisy - purity, innocence, true love, "I will never say"
  • Mimosa - colors of sensitivity, modesty, shyness, "I hide my feelings"
  • Myrtle - love, fun, joy
  • Monstera - Purposefulness
  • Forget-me-not - memories, true love, sincerity, constancy, fidelity
  • Mistletoe - "Kiss me", affection, overcoming difficulties, the sacred plant of India, magic flower  druids
  • Orange Flowers - Innocence, Eternal Love, Wedding
  • Orchid - love, sophistication, beauty, the Chinese symbol of childhood
  • Fern - charm, magic, grace, trust and patronage
  • Sunflower is pride, but also is worship
  • Primrose - "I Can't Live Without You"
  • Rosa (scarlet) - the messenger of love
  • Rose (white) - purity and innocence, “I am worthy of you”, “You are an angel”, mystery
  • Rose (bud) - an innocent heart
  • Rose (yellow) - jealousy, an attempt to maintain feelings
  • Rose (red) - in the language of flowers LOVE, "I love you", passion
  • Rose (pink) - in the language of flowers the highest happiness, "Believe me"
  • Rose (teahouse) - "I remember. Always!"
  • Chamomile - youth, innocence, incredulity, romance
  • Lilac - beauty, love, the first excitement of love
  • Strelitzia - victory, masculinity, originality, determination
  • Tulip - in the language of flowers, a symbol of pure love, great happiness; glory, pride; superb lover
  • Tulip (yellow) - "Your smile is like sunlight"
  • Tulip (red) - declaration of love, "Believe me"
  • Violet - dignity, modesty; innocence, secret love
  • Freesia - Trust
  • Fuchsia - Benevolence
  • Chrysanthemum (white) - true
  • Chrysanthemum (yellow) - fragile love
  • Chrysanthemum (red) - good luck, best wishes
  • Chrysanthemum (ordinary) - in the language of flowers "You are a great friend", joy, openness, fun and relaxation.