
Where better to beat a street fight. Always hit first

If you could not repay the conflict at the beginning, you were hit, and you withstood the first attack, tune in to the battle to the end. Do not count on pity from the striker, not the fact that you are being separated, not the fact that the police will be there. Fight like the last time in your life. To survive, you don’t need a sophisticated martial art that has been honed over the years by a la Stephen Seagal. You need the simplest and most powerful punches. Like these ones.

Beat One: Right Straight

He is cross in boxing terminology. If you are right-handed, then your right hand is stronger - use it. The fist is pressed to the jaw on the right, the elbow covers the ribs, the right leg behind. While pushing with the right foot, twisting the toe of the right foot (the foot is screwed into the ground, as it were), you simultaneously forward the thigh and shoulder and sharply throw your fist into the lower jaw of the attacker. As much as possible and faster. Beat your knuckles with your index and middle fingers. And look, do not hit his forehead - you’ll beat off or even break your fist. Already beaten off? Then the next hit.

Beat Two: Left Side

He's a hook. Why left? Because if you are right-handed, then your left hand is closer to the opponent - and he will probably not notice a side blow to the “beard”. Transfer the body weight from the left to the right leg, twist the toe of the left leg inward, turn to the right, throwing forward a single design “hip-shoulder-elbow-fist”. The shoulder is raised (protects the jaw), the elbow is bent at 90 degrees. Fist vertical ("beer mug"). Hit the base of the jaw. And here you have the simplest shock combination: the right line - the left side. Or vice versa, first lateral, then straight. For a complete set of street fighter it remains to add kicks.

Third kick: with a foot in the groin

Sneaky punch. Not good. Real men do not beat like that ... What other nonsense will stop you? In no sport (well, except for Vale Tudo), these attacks are not allowed, and therefore few can defend themselves from them. Beat the lower third leg from the bottom up, pulling the sock on you. Begin to lean back - you will get a bang. Will come closer - will run into a shin or knee. Hit - hit with a fist-hammer from above in the back of the head. Didn’t hit - hit your favorite combination: the right line - the left side. He covered his head with his hands - kick in the groin. He lowered his hands - work in the head. And so on until it falls.

Expert: Maxim Shramkov, instructor of the club "Self-defense 100%"

First of all, all skirmishes are divided into individual and group. The first will be described in more detail below. Firstly, the one-on-one battle is complicated by the fact that any opponent has its pros and cons. A professional fighter can identify them immediately and in large numbers, you just need to assess the situation in general. And remember, you are not in a competition, by all standards of hand-to-hand combat, a fight should not last more than 10 seconds (contrary to the opinion made up of American fighters) - during this time the enemy simply must be defeated.

Now, imagine that you still got involved in a fight or already at the doorstep. If it cannot be avoided in any way, hit first, it will stun the enemy and give you the opportunity to leave the battle or bring it to the end with a winning result.

Elementary combat technique  everyone should know without exception:

1) Correct stance. Legs are slightly bent at the knees, one stands in front of the other, body weight by ¾ is transferred to the front. Hands (hands) just below eye level; the one in front is parallel to the body. The spine is straight, the head is easily tilted. It is very important that the whole body is relaxed, but any muscle should be ready for a sharp attack. No need to stand still, it is better to move in any direction, however, without losing clear support under your feet.

2) Breath  can be of two types. Either even and calm, necessary for delivering powerful and accurate blows, or frequent and intermittent, like a dog. The second type (predominantly for non-professionals) is needed so that the blows are sharper and faster, and also so as not to blow your breath after they beat you, for example, if you were hit in the stomach, then the consequences will be much easier and recovery It will take several times less time.

3) Another important factor, which in any case will interfere with your fight, is pain. Here lies the only, but very important point - do not go away from the pain - you need to go to it. Rather, in the direction where its action is directed. I will give a simple example - when you are pulled by the ear, if you pull in the opposite direction, you will most likely feel more discomfort, but if you go where you are pulled, the pain will pass and a certain way out may appear. The same thing: if a blow is directed at you, you will go in the direction where it is directed.

4) For greater efficiency, you need to know, and how to beat. This can be done with the fist or edge of the palm. When you strike, you must put all your strength into the palm of your hand and, as it were, lean on your body a little, giving extra weight. A fist is thrown swiftly, parallel to the whole arm. The thumb on the fist should be located at the very bottom from the side of the wrist, you need to beat the phalanges of the index and middle fingers closest to the hand.

A few more small points necessary for your victory. You shouldn’t just beat it anywhere - be trickier. The main points to be aimed at are: eyes, nose, jaw, throat, solar plexus, kidneys, liver, groin, coccyx, kneecaps, ankles. If the enemy is much better than you in physical form - then universal today is not a very pleasant, but effective technique: capture the inguinal region - the more you squeeze, the easier it will be for you to manipulate the victim.

All the best to you, and walk carefully along the dark alleys ... Good luck!

Fights in most cases begin with verbal skirmishes, claims and mutual insults. If such a situation arises when you feel that fights cannot be avoided - hit first, do not wait until they hit you.

At the same time, you don’t need to wait until the opponent’s vocabulary runs out, you need to hit unexpectedly, when your opponent is not waiting for this ...

If he is not going to relax and you see that he is ready to dodge your blow, then you can try to distract him. For example, to say ... "There are cops coming from behind" ... he will turn his head back to see ... see that there is nobody there ... will begin to turn his head back ... now at this very moment you need to meet his face with your fist, or even better with your palm .... Try to strike from a position convenient for you. It is advisable to beat sharply, in the chin area, if you fall then this fight will end, and your offender will be dreaming for several minutes. You will have enough time to finish off or leave ...

The jaw is a very vulnerable place for any person, it is easy to break it, and even with a weak blow, a person goes knocked out for a few minutes. In general, even a fragile girl can cut down a boar. Yes, you yourself have probably seen videos more than once, when they hit the jaw, people pour to the ground, like dead people. And here it doesn’t matter how much you weigh and how much you press in the bench press, skip it - and good night, put out the light)) By the way, the blow to the back of the head is also quite effective, as the result says, but the main thing is not to overdo it - you can kill ... You can read more about vulnerabilities.

I had an interesting situation with my friend Nikolai - he is a programmer - thin, feeble, weighs kg. 70 from strength along with winter boots. We sat somehow in a cafe with him, discussing all sorts of things about work, about women, etc. On the contrary, a man kg sat and thumped. 140 probably, well, very healthy, shorter. I told Kolyan about my next chicken, well, we joked, laughed, and Kolyan glanced at that guy from time to time ... In general, this closet thought that Kolya was laughing with him, he clearly didn’t like it ... He gets up from behind the table ... Kolya’s smile immediately gets off his face ... he comes up and says - “Let's go out, moron, let's talk”

Well, I’m Kick to Kolyan, I think to myself ... they have different weight categories ... but Kolya did not think twice ... “Well, let's go out” ... In general, Kolya gets up and goes with the jail to the exit, I go for them ... They approach the door to the exit ... Kolyan opens the door and makes a gentlemanly gesture, letting the veril forward, the verzil passes and starts to descend from a small ladder ... At that moment Nikolay flies in and hits him with all his strength right in the back of the head. ..All ... a happy end ... the closet plops down its face on the asphalt, and freezes! We quickly return, pick up things, leave the waiter for tea, and stepping over a 140-kilogram carcass lying we go to another cafe)))

This story once again confirms that you need to beat first !!! And only the first! I’m even scared to think what would happen with Kolyan if they stood up and started the battle, so to speak one on one, all with garlic!)) It’s good that everything worked out and the next evening went without consequences and adventures ... That's it it happens! In general, draw conclusions))

Let's face it, size matters, but that's not all it takes. Even if you are smaller than your opponent, you can be faster, smarter and smarter than him. Benefit from everything. Having a mind is much more important than animal power.

Unlike a collision with an equivalent opponent, certain difficulties arise in a fight with a larger opponent. The following steps will help you win the fight, or at least stay alive and safe!

  • In a fight against a higher opponent, you must be able to correctly use your range. This applies to rapprochement and distance. You must be able to determine when it is best to go beyond the reach of the enemy, and when to get close to him. Benefit from your small reach radius, neutralize its lift by reducing the distance. Never be in his reach.
  • Keep an eye on the enemy. If you are trying to use a throw, do it quickly before it gets ahead of you.
  • In practical self-defense, as Bruce Lee claimed, the defense line should start with a side kick to the knee. This is very effective due to the comparative static and instability of the knee position, in addition, the kick has the largest attack zone. Kicking a knee does not require a long range of impact, and this is one of the most easily accessible and vulnerable parts of the body. But you need to develop impact power in order to be able to inflict strong enough damage.
  • Sam Langford, the heavyweight boxing champion of the early 20th century, popularized the statement "Hit the body and your head will fall." His height was only 170 cm, but he defeated almost every taller opponent in the ring. In a fight with a high opponent, undersized fighters should try to hit the body, since, given the difference in height, this is more acceptable for them. A head punch may follow a powerful direct punch or uppercut to the solar plexus or kidneys.
  • Training sparring with a larger and higher rival will serve as a good practice for the development and comprehension of mastery and technique.
  • Rely mainly on kicks (especially if your larger opponent uses only fists) because your legs are longer than your arms. This will help compensate for the lack of reach. Punching can be used in close combat or at medium range.
  • There is nothing wrong with living in constant expectation of a fight. The statement “Prudence is the best part of valor” means that there are things that even a brave person will not talk about: escape is not a cause for complacency, but sometimes it is the only way to a favorable outcome of a fight.
  • The upper blow with the back hand is carried out in a circular motion from top to bottom towards the opponent’s head. This is a very clever counterattack technique used to defeat the “blind zone” of a larger enemy.
  • Always remember that dimensions really matter. A large adversary can do more damage due to the strength of their strikes. But much more important is the presence of strategy and brains. There is an old boxing saying: “A good big boxer will always beat a good little boxer.” Following this rule, if you are smaller than your opponent, then you should not be as good as he is, but much better. If he is bigger than you, you must be smarter. The main condition for victory is the belief that you surpass it in skill and have the best fighting technique. Availability of equal  skill level is not enough, as he has an advantage.
  • Scream. A loud, high and unexpected cry will not only surprise the enemy, but will also be a signal for passers-by who can come to your aid.
  • The solar plexus is the vital center of the body. An uppercut directed to the solar plexus can cause excruciating pain or even death. Due to the fact that the blow is directed from the bottom up, the high sensitivity of internal organs to pain leads to severe shock. With a bruise, a pain signal arrives in the brain, causing partial paralysis, rapid breathing and unbearable suffering.
  • Thai Muay Thai boxers practice a devastating shin kick. The best way to learn this trick is to train with a punching bag.


  • Reception capture is effective in a battle with one opponent, but is useless in a fight with several attackers. You must understand when you can use this technique, and when not worth it.
  • Use an object as a defense tool (for example, a pen, bottle or stone), but in no case for the purpose of killing. Your task is to cripple and immobilize the enemy (unless death threatens you).
  • Do not rule out the escape as one of the best options, especially if you do not have enough knowledge and training to deal with a large opponent. If you can’t fight off him, it’s better to run away.
  • The purpose of this article is to provide an understanding of how to behave when confronted with aggressive elements. She does not call for violence, but only teaches the use of the basics of the art of self-defense in deadly situations. By opening your mind, you can use the broader approach to better understand the meaning of this article. This page contains only the worst case scenario.
  • Learn at least the basics of martial arts and self-defense. It’s better to be able to defend yourself using a scientific approach, rather than thoughtlessly getting involved in a strike.
  • This article will be useful for a fighter of any size. There will always be someone who is taller and larger than you, and it is better to be prepared for such a collision properly.

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