
What prompted Dubrovsky to become a robber. Why did Vladimir Dubrovsky become a robber? Humiliated and humiliated

The central character of the novel, the son of a poor nobleman, the cadet cornet Vladimir. Fate played a cruel joke with him, in an instant deprived his father of his livelihood, a cloudless bright future. The culprit of all the troubles of the protagonist, without realizing it, becomes the landowner Troekurov, a friend of his father, a personality also entertaining. A man of a cruel disposition and a limited mind, not used to reckoning with others, Kirila Petrovich Troekurov strikes terror not only in ordinary peasants, but in representatives of the noble society. Sometimes the emerging manifestations of humanity are immediately suppressed by the imperious landowner, not giving vent to feelings. This can be seen in his behavior after the won court proceedings against a friend of Andrei Dubrovsky and in relation to his daughter.
Poor but proud nobleman Andrey Dubrovsky is not frightened by the state of his neighbor - a landowner, nor by his tough disposition. The consequences of the quarrel between the poor nobleman Andrei Dubrovsky and the cruel landowner Kiril Petrovich Troekurov turned out to be devastating for everyone who was at its epicenter. As a result, several unfortunate people, the most tragic of whom is the noble robber Vladimir Dubrovsky. Educated, brave, generous, he is endowed with the true qualities of a real nobleman, which earned the love of the common people and later became the leader of the robbers-peasants.
In the image of Dubrovsky, protest is expressed against the society that reigns in the landlord world, in a world where the law is on the side of the rich and influential. It is not the desire to get rich, not the thirst for profit that seduces the hero. Vladimir Dubrovsky, by the will of fate, having lost his father, the estate - the only source of income was not at all going to become a robber. But the thirst for revenge, indignation from the lawlessness that befell his family, unrest among the peasants, the whole palette of experiences played a role in the further fate of the noble nobleman. The blacksmith Arkhip, who hid behind the door at night with an ax in Vladimir's house, seemed to have read the secret thoughts that settled in the head of his master. But the murder of the clerks was not part of Dubrovsky's plans, he ordered the door to be unlocked for Arkhip during the arson of the estate.
And now Dubrovsky is on the slippery path of robbery of wealthy and influential people and a beloved hero for the peasant world. Driven by a sense of revenge, and wanting to punish the culprit of the madness, and then the death of his father, Dubrovsky settles in the house of his enemy under the guise of a teacher, the Frenchman Deforge. But passionate, spiritualized love for Maria Troekurova eradicates the feeling of revenge in him and Vladimir forgives his offender. Dubrovsky is in a state of temporary happiness, but, as expected, the intransigence of Masha's father and the shadow of Vladimir's robber life do not promise absolute happiness and a shared future for his beloved.
Perhaps everything for two people destined for each other would have worked out much more successfully if two stubborn and wayward representatives of the nobility had not collided. The root cause of all the destructive events of the novel lies in the quarrel between Troekurov and Dubrovsky the elder, in the class prejudices of the noble society. All the rest are tragic consequences of an irreversible process.

Roman A.S. Pushkin's "Dubrovsky" was written in 1832. In it, the writer shows the life of the Russian nobility at the beginning of the 19th century. In the center of the narrative is the life of two noble families - the Troekurovs and the Dubrovsky.

Kirila Petrovich Troekurov, because of a stupid quarrel, decided to deprive his old friend Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky of his estate. Both friends were passionate hunters. But Dubrovsky could not afford to keep a good kennel. Once he could not refrain from envious words: "... the kennel is wonderful, it is unlikely that your people live the same way as your dogs." The huntsman Troekurov took offense at this phrase. He told Dubrovsky that some noblemen might envy the life of his master's dogs.

This gave rise to a serious quarrel that ended in court proceedings. Because of this cruel litigation, Andrei Gavrilovich fell very ill. He fell ill. The nanny who followed him decided to write about everything to the landowner's son, Vladimir Dubrovsky.

This young man was brought up in the Cadet Corps and now served in the Guards Regiment in St. Petersburg. Father spoiled Vladimir, did not refuse him anything. Young Dubrovsky drank, got into debt and dreamed of a rich bride.

But, having learned about the terrible news, Vladimir immediately rushed to Kistenevka. Before his eyes, his father was getting worse and worse. And once, having met with Kirila Petrovich, Dubrovsky Sr. could not stand it. A blow was struck with him, and he died.

The last evening at the estate was full of sorrow and memories for Vladimir. The author often mentions that the young Dubrovsky lacked a family and home comfort. His mother died early, he did not know his father well, but he felt great affection for him. After the death of his parent, Vladimir felt deep loneliness. On the last evening, he sat down to go through his father's papers and accidentally found letters from his deceased mother. Having read these letters, he plunged into the atmosphere of family comfort and forgot about everything in the world.

For Vladimir, the thought that his family estate could go to enemies was intolerable. Therefore, he decided to set fire to the house. The hero did not want victims, ordered to unlock all the doors before the arson, but the serf Arkhip did not obey his master. Because of him, the clerks also burned down in the fire.

Dubrovsky took his loyal serfs, whom he treated like a father, and went with them into the forest. This hero became a noble but cruel robber. One thing was surprising - he spared Troyekurov's estates, always bypassed them. Later we learn that even then Vladimir fell in love with Masha Troekurova and therefore did not touch her father's estate.

Why did Dubrovsky become a robber? Not finding protection from the law, he also decided to live by unwritten rules - the rules of strength and cruelty. But his noble nature still limited the hero in this, made him a “noble robber”.

Vladimir Dubrovsky is bold and decisive. In a critical situation, he knows how to quickly make decisions and find a way out of any situation. Let us recall at least the episode with the "bear's room", when Dubrovsky came to Troekurov's house under the guise of Deforge's teacher. Finding himself alone with the bear, Vladimir overcame his fear and shot the predator. Thus, he aroused involuntary respect from Troekurov.

Even becoming a robber, Vladimir did not violate his strong moral principles. In Dubrovsky, there was enough wisdom to discern her best qualities in Masha Troekurova, despite the fact that she is the daughter of his worst enemy. No wonder Pushkin emphasizes all the best in Dubrovsky, calling him a "noble robber."

Roman A.S. Pushkin's "Dubrovsky" was written in 1832. In it, the writer shows the life of the Russian nobility of the early 19th century. In the center of the narrative is the life of two noble families - the Troekurovs and the Dubrovsky.

Kirila Petrovich Troekurov, because of a stupid quarrel, decided to deprive his old friend Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky of his estate. Both friends were passionate hunters. But Dubrovsky could not afford to keep a good kennel. Once he could not refrain from envious words: "... the kennel is wonderful, it is unlikely that your people live the same way as your dogs." The huntsman Troekurov took offense at this phrase. He told Dubrovsky that some noblemen might envy the life of his master's dogs.

This gave rise to a serious quarrel that ended in court proceedings. Because of this cruel litigation, Andrei Gavrilovich fell very ill. He fell ill. The nanny who followed him decided to write about everything to the landowner's son, Vladimir Dubrovsky.

This young man was brought up in the Cadet Corps and now served in the Guards Regiment in St. Petersburg. Father spoiled Vladimir, did not refuse him anything. Young Dubrovsky drank, got into debt and dreamed of a rich bride.

But, having learned about the terrible news, Vladimir immediately rushed to Kistenevka. Before his eyes, his father was getting worse and worse. And once, having met with Kirila Petrovich, Dubrovsky Sr. could not stand it. A blow was struck with him, and he died.

The last evening at the estate was full of sorrow and memories for Vladimir. The author often mentions that the young Dubrovsky lacked a family and home comfort. His mother died early, he did not know his father well, but he felt great affection for him. After the death of his parent, Vladimir felt deep loneliness. On the last evening, he sat down to go through his father's papers and accidentally found letters from his deceased mother. After reading these letters, he plunged into the atmosphere of family comfort and forgot about everything in the world.

For Vladimir, the thought that his family estate could go to enemies was intolerable. Therefore, he decided to set fire to the house. The hero did not want victims, ordered to unlock all the doors before the arson, but the serf Arkhip did not obey his master. Because of him, the clerks also burned down in the fire.

Dubrovsky took his loyal serfs, whom he treated like a father, and went with them into the forest. This hero became a noble but cruel robber. One thing was surprising - he spared Troyekurov's estates, always bypassed them. Later we learn that even then Vladimir fell in love with Masha Troekurova and therefore did not touch her father's estate.

Why did Dubrovsky become a robber? Not finding protection from the law, he also decided to live by unwritten rules - the rules of strength and cruelty. But his noble nature still limited the hero in this, made him a “noble robber”.

Vladimir Dubrovsky is bold and decisive. In a critical situation, he knows how to quickly make decisions and find a way out of any situation. Let us recall at least the episode with the "bear's room", when Dubrovsky came to Troekurov's house under the guise of Deforge's teacher. Finding himself alone with the bear, Vladimir overcame his fear and shot the predator. Thus, he aroused involuntary respect from Troekurov.

Even becoming a robber, Vladimir did not violate his strong moral principles. In Dubrovsky, there was enough wisdom to discern her best qualities in Masha Troekurova, despite the fact that she is the daughter of his worst enemy. No wonder Pushkin emphasizes all the best in Dubrovsky, calling him a "noble robber."

The work of AS Pushkin called "Dubrovsky" literary critics call it a robber novel, then a story. It was written in the 30s of the 19th century, but the author himself considered the plot unfinished. Pushkin did not complete his creation, intending to return to the story and continue working on its content, to complete the study of the fate of the main characters. The idea of ​​the novel was gleaned by the writer from the stories of his close friend Nashchokin about a certain Belarusian nobleman who was imprisoned in a prison after a brutal litigation with a wealthy neighbor.

Reality and reality

As can be seen from the diary entries of Alexander Sergeevich, he was extremely interested in the adventurous romantic history of the life of the landowner Ostrovsky. It was in the events of his fate that the writer found plot lines for his story. And the conflict that broke out between the prototypes of the work explains to us what circumstances forced Vladimir Dubrovsky to become a robber. The small-scale nobleman Ostrovsky, after the intrigues of his noble and unprincipled neighbor, was deprived of his estate, land and serfs. The same happened with both Dubrovskys - father and son. With a small handful of loyal peasants, Ostrovsky began to rob, taking revenge on the clerk for the wrong and then on other landowners. This is what caused the rebellion of a real person. These are the circumstances that made Vladimir Dubrovsky become a robber after his father died. However, there is a significant difference between the heroes of the real and fictional stories. Pushkin had to speculate and generalize a lot, for his hero is not just a cast of a specific human fate, but also typified and containing many characters. And the story itself is a vivid example of Pushkin's realism, showing the formation and development of the method in his work.

The origins of the conflict

To understand what circumstances forced Vladimir Dubrovsky to become a robber, it is necessary to carefully study the beginning of the story. Its first lines are dedicated to Kirill Petrovich Troekurov, a wealthy landowner treated kindly by the authorities. Pushkin calls Troyekurov shortly and accurately - a tyrant. Indeed, the whole district suffers from his furious indomitable temper and cruel tricks. Kirill Petrovich doesn't need anything to ridicule, humiliate, offend everyone in the neighborhood. And with complete impunity. Serf lords are as arrogant and unprincipled as their master. Only one person is on an equal footing with Troyekurov - old Dubrovsky, his old friend. None of the neighbors understands this friendship, as well as why only with Andrei Gavrilovich, extremely independent and proud, Kirilla Petrovich behaves respectfully and complacently. But an accident destroyed the idyll, and yesterday's good comrades became implacable enemies. It is this event that sheds light on what circumstances forced Vladimir Dubrovsky to become a robber.

Humiliated and humiliated

Kirill Petrovich conceived, in his own way, to put Andrei Gavrilovich in his place and to punish him approximately, so that everyone in the province could not think of disobeying Troekurov in any way. Turning to the clerk in court, he declared his rights to Kistenevka and the adjacent village and a birch grove. The meeting of former comrades in court is one of the most tense moments in the story. It was at the time of the announcement of the court decision that Andrei Gavrilovich and Troekurov, instead of triumph, experienced burning shame, regret and remorse. The desire to avenge his father is another thing that made Vladimir Dubrovsky become a robber when he learned about the reasons for the old man's mental suffering.

Bad visit

The nanny of the young heir, Yegorovna, wrote about everything that happened at home to her pupil in Petersburg. She begged Vladimir to come as soon as possible - to support the priest and take care of them, the unfortunate peasants, whom the judges are going to transfer under the rule of the hated Troekurov. Dubrovsky Jr. immediately returned to his homeland. The meeting between father and son is described by Pushkin as sincerely devoted and loving people. Ironically, on the same day and hour, Troekurov, extremely regretting everything he had done, went to Kistenevka to ask a friend for forgiveness, to offer to forget all misunderstandings, return the documents to the estate and live as before. Seeing a carriage with his foe through the window, old Dubrovsky became very agitated and died in the arms of his son. The death of his father, his only loved one, the desire to take revenge on the offenders forced Vladimir Dubrovsky to become a robber.

Fire and riot

The last straw in the fateful coincidences of circumstances was the arrival of the police chief in Kistenevka with the judges. Vladimir faces them immediately after the funeral. Representatives of the authorities came to make an inventory of the property and put into possession of the estate of the new owner - Kirill Petrovich. The peasants rebelled, Dubrovsky barely kept them from a bloody skirmish with the newcomers. He had already decided what to do. When the judges settled in the house, made a mountain feast, and then fell asleep right in the dining room among food and drinks, the courtyards, by order of the young master, set the house on fire. He instantly burst into flames. The servants closed the windows and doors so that no one could get out from the inside. Public opinion blamed the former owner of Kistenevka for the arson and murder. And the robber Vladimir Dubrovsky, having put together a detachment of the most loyal peasants and courtyard people, began to drive fear into the neighboring estates, slowly approaching his main enemy - Troyekurov. Under the guise of a Frenchman, Desforges, a young man enters the house of Kirill Petrovich. But love for his daughter, Masha, changes his vengeful plans. After many dangerous adventures with a broken heart, Vladimir goes abroad.

Cool! 17

Pushkin's novel "Dubrovsky" immerses us in the historical events taking place in the post-war years, the end of the Napoleonic invasion of Russia. The author of the work accurately describes the way of life, in the Russian villages of that time, of the common people and the fun of the landowners.

The work is named after its protagonist Dubrovsky. The plot of the novel is based on the story of a young landowner, his fate and worldview, which changes throughout the entire work. Vladimir Dubrovsky is a typical representative of the nobility. His life was measured and unhurried. The only heir to the estate, the future master, after training in the cadet corps, served in an infantry regiment in the glorious city of St. Petersburg, never for a moment thought about the hardships of serfs. Dubrovsky led an uncomplicated lifestyle, did not bother himself with thoughts about the future and gambled on his father's money, regularly sent to him in the required amount.

Like a bolt from the blue there was a letter announcing the illness of the protagonist's father. After this news, troubles rained down on Vladimir one after another, this is the death of his father, whom the main character undoubtedly loved, and the loss of the estate, not without the help of the betrayal of Kirill Troekurov, his father's friend. This left an imprint on the future life of the young man. The events that took place forced Vladimir to look at life in a new way, he was no longer an irresponsible young man, but a man in whose hands was the fate of the peasants who were in his submission.

The desire to take revenge, not only for himself, but also for the forced people, leads Dubrovsky to the robber's path. He becomes a robber, but a noble robber. Vladimir instills fear in people throughout the province. No one could feel calm either in the villages or outside them. Having robbed the landlord's house, he simply burned it down. The main character took money, like the famous robber Robingood, only from the rich, without resorting to murder.

But like many of the heroes of Pushkin A.S. the image of Vladimir is rather contradictory. Is it noble to be a robber, forcibly taking away property? Robbery and violence is a deadly sin. Could the main character have chosen a different path? He could serve in the army, earning a comfortable life. But Dubrovsky did not pay attention to all this and acted at the behest of his heart.

To implement the plan of revenge, the main character penetrates, like a teacher from France, into the house of Troekurov. But the love boiling in Vladimir's heart for Masha soothes his "thirst for blood." Dubrovsky no longer wants to take revenge on his sworn enemy.

For the first time the author describes the appearance of the "villain" in the house of Troekurov. Pushkin stops in detail, describing his features: average height, brown eyes, light brown hair and age twenty-three years. But the author paid more attention to the composure and courage of the protagonist, who was not afraid of a hungry bear.
Pushkin presented the hero of the novel as an adventurous knight who finds himself in non-standard situations and emerges from them in an unconventional way. Like a romantic young man who uses the hollow of an oak tree as a mailbox to send notes to his beloved. This image makes the character unrealistic, but very interesting and unusual.

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Roman A.S. Pushkin's "Dubrovsky" tells us about an honest, noble man, a young nobleman Vladimir Dubrovsky. Throughout the entire work, we see his life path, and the question inevitably arises: why did the officer of the Guards regiment suddenly become a robber?

Vladimir's father, Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky, stupidly quarreled with his neighbor Kirila Petrovich Troekurov. Both friends loved to hunt. But Andrei Petrovich could not afford to maintain such a beautiful kennel as his neighbor had. And somehow Dubrovsky jealously dropped: "... a wonderful kennel, it is unlikely that your people live the same way as your dogs." The huntsman Troekurov took offense at this phrase. He replied that there are nobles who can envy the lives of his master's dogs. Because of this, a serious quarrel arose. After her, the trial began. Because of this litigation, Andrei Gavrilovich fell seriously ill. It was decided to inform his son Vladimir about this, who at that time was serving in the Guards regiment in St. Petersburg.

Vladimir can be called a spoiled young man, his father did not refuse him anything, supplied him as best he could with all possible means. The young man was not accustomed to deny himself anything, he led a riotous lifestyle, revels and dreamed of a rich bride. His life flowed easily and cheerfully, until the news came that his father was not feeling well and the deplorable state of the entire estate, which was about to pass into the hands of a neighbor. We must pay tribute to Vladimir, despite the fact that at first he looks like a simple rake, a reveler, in fact he turned out to be a kind, sympathetic person. He instantly leaves for his native Kistenevka.

When Vladimir arrived in Kistenevka, he saw that his father was getting worse and worse. After one of the meetings with Kirila Petrovich, Dubrovsky Sr. can not stand it, a stroke happens to him and he dies.

After this moment, Vladimir begins to consider Troekurov his blood enemy. Kirila Petrovich was not stopped by the death of his neighbor (and once a friend), and he continues the litigation. In addition, Troekurov treats the son of Dubrovsky elder badly. As a result, Kistenevka with all the people is given into the possession of Troekurov.

Dubrovsky spends his last evening at his former estate. He is very sad. He is sad and lonely from the death of his parent, from the loss of the family estate. The author often says that the young Dubrovsky lacked home warmth and comfort. On the last evening at home, he began to sort out his father's papers. This is how the letters of his late mother fell into his hands. Vladimir is read by them, it is as if he is plunging into that atmosphere of tenderness and warmth, which he so lacked for many years. He is so carried away by these letters, by his feelings that he forgets about everything in the world.

Vladimir becomes unbearable to think that the house of his ancestors could go to his enemy. He decides to burn down the house so that Troekurov does not get anything. Vladimir is not an evil person, so he does not want sacrifices. He wants to leave all doors open so that people can escape from the burning building. But the serf Arkhip violates the will of the master, and the clerks are burned in the fire.

As a result, Dubrovsky takes the loyal serfs and goes with them into the forest. It is important to note that the young man has a fatherly attitude towards his people, he feels his responsibility for them.

Finding no protection from the law, Dubrovsky becomes a cruel but noble robber. Interestingly, he never attacked the estate of his enemy Troekurov. Then it turns out that already at that time he was in love with his daughter Masha.

Despite the fact that Dubrovsky lived by the cruel rules of power, he still remained just a "noble" robber. One can even say that his moral character was much higher than that of those guardians of the law who allowed such injustice as the transfer of property to someone else's possession to happen.

As a result, feeling the inevitability of his sad fate, Vladimir dismisses the people loyal to him. He wants them to live a new life, calmer and more righteous. The hero himself disappears.

It is a pity that this is how the life of a kind, sympathetic, decent person turned out. After all, now, in order to survive, he will have to hide all his life, most likely, he will never see his beloved girl again. I think that Dubrovsky's path is not an option. He decided to administer justice on his own, without having any rights to do so. Robbery, no matter how noble it looks, is not a solution. It seems to me that Vladimir has forgotten about the High Court, which really does not make mistakes, and which will reward everyone for his actions.


World literature is well known for the image of a noble robber with a romantic soul. Most often, such were the nobles who experienced betrayal from close friends or felt the whole injustice of the law.

One of these knights, appearing under cover of night, is the hero of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, Vladimir Dubrovsky. True, he did not immediately become a robber.

At the beginning of the work, we see Vladimir doing military service in the Guards regiment after training in the Cadet Corps. He leads an easy life, not burdened with problems and worries - playing cards, getting into debt, dreaming of marrying a rich bride. Vladimir does not feel a lack of funds at all, his father will send as much as necessary.

Only behind this outer shell is the soul, deprived of maternal affection and warm confidential communication with the father. The young man respected and honored his parent, Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky, with sadness and anguish he recalled his native village and houses, where his carefree childhood years passed.

The elder Dubrovsky dies, unable to survive the loss of the family estate, which was falsely taken away by a former friend and colleague of Kirila Petrovich Troekurov. Learning about what happened, Vladimir burns the estate in which the whole family of Dubrovsky lived, and together with his devoted servants he goes to rob. It is easy to find an explanation for this seemingly monstrous act: under no circumstances can one leave the memory of the closest people, letters to his beloved mother, to the enemy's ridicule.

Vladimir Dubrovsky, who suddenly lost his father and home, understood what the future was in store for him. Hopelessness and poverty push him on the wrong path, the path of robbery and robbery. A gang of people loyal to him burns rich estates, rob people on the roads, only Troekurov's estate is not attacked, because his beloved Masha lives there. It was the feelings for this kind girl that extinguished the anger in Vladimir's soul, forced him to abandon the long-borne revenge. But it’s just impossible to finish with the robbery.

Attacks are increasing. And although, continuing to show nobility, Vladimir does not take revenge on Troekurov, does not kill Prince Vereisky, who has become an unloved husband, dear and dear to Masha's heart, but he continues to follow this path, continues to trade, and more and more daringly and cruelly.

But everything comes to an end. The nobility of the robber also ends. From the category of protector of the poor and innocent, he turns into a murderer. The death of an officer can no longer be justified. Vladimir understands this very well and dissolves the gang. Robberies and robberies stop. The epic of the noble avenger Dubrovsky ends.

Probably, you can find words, understand and explain the behavior of Vladimir Dubrovsky, analyze all the circumstances that pushed him to robbery. But it will not work to justify the young man. He crossed the line between good and evil, he became a criminal. And this is a fact that cannot be undone and forgotten in any way.


I consider Dubrovsky a victim, he is not a robber, because he only stole from the rich, he wanted to restore justice and prove to the rich that money is not the greatest value, that it does not give power. If you have power and great powers and opportunities, you need to remain human, treat people humanely, see them as equals, and not exalt yourself above them, and not allow yourself to treat a person as a thing, as Troyekurov does. For his amusement, he sent a living person to be torn apart by a fierce animal and laughed at it. Dubrovsky would never have done that.

From dinner at Troyekurov's, we understand that he never robbed the poor and honest, one woman says that Dubrovsky wanted to steal money from a landowner whom she sent to send money to her son. After reading the letter and learning that it was money for her son, he did not commit theft, and the landowner took the money and blamed Dubrovsky for everything, then he came to this lady, disguised as a stranger and told the whole truth to restore justice. Vladimir was stealing money not for himself, but for his people, because he had no other choice. By his actions, he shows that he does not put up with fate and is not going to depend on Troekurov, his decision is correct for the current situation. If he gave everything to Troekurov, it would be unfair to his people.

Dubrovsky had a hopeless situation, so he became a robber, but honest and just. Vladimir takes the side of the people, he treats them as equals, does not look at them as servants, does not mock them, but only helps. He sees in a person, first of all, a person, and not a servant like Troyekurov. He understood that Masha was the daughter of his enemy, but he did not regard her that way. He examined her inner world and realized that she was an honest and decent person, she was not at all like her father, Dubrovsky appreciated this. In a person, he values ​​positive qualities, material wealth does not interest him, he himself is ready to give the last to the people.