
An essay on the topic: The Life of Starodum in the Comedy Minor, Fonvizin. Undergrowth - quotes characterizing the heroes Analysis of the character starodum from the undergrowth

There in the old years
Satyrs brave lord
Fonvizin, friend of freedom, shone.
A.S. Pushkin

The comedy was written by Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin in 1782. In it he not only laughed at Mrs. Prostakova and her relatives, but also showed serfdom "in all its glory." The power of the landowners at that time was unlimited. And when the landowners were like Prostakova and Skotinin, this power was to the detriment of everyone: both the landowners, because they felt they had the right to push other people around, and the peasants, who were treated like cattle, if not worse. The peasants had no rights: neither personal nor civil, they paid an exorbitant quitrent, went to corvee. Almost everything they cultivated with their own hands, they had to give to the insatiable landlords, who grew rich, while the peasants starved and died of hunger.
The serfs were ignorant, but this was not their fault, while the nobles, who seemed to have the opportunity, hardly differed from the serfs in this. The upbringing of the younger generation was entrusted to courtyard people, and the education of young noblemen was carried out by foreigners (who often in their homeland were coachmen, janitors and had nothing to do with the sciences), retired semi-literate soldiers and clerks who forced their students to memorize the psalter. Many young nobles lacked a sense of duty to the Fatherland. They served not for Russia, but for ranks, honors and money.
But Starodum was not like that - the main character of the comedy. He was a nobleman brought up in the time of Peter the Great. He was sure that “a nobleman would consider it a first disgrace not to do anything when he has so many things to do: there are people to help; there is a Fatherland to serve. " Starodum highly appreciated the soul in a person, honor and rules. He despised flatterers - people striving for wealth, ranks. He was at court, but "judged that it was better to lead life at home than in someone else's hall." Starodum said: "I left the yard without villages, without a ribbon, without ranks, but I brought mine home intact, my soul, my honor, my rules." The old mind is characterized by such qualities as purposefulness, nobility, honesty, and good manners. He always followed his rules, and "from his very nature his tongue did not say yes when his soul felt no."
In his youth, Starodum had a friend, a count, the illegitimate son of a nobleman, who "had a special occasion to learn what was not yet part of their upbringing." When war was declared, Starodum invited his friend to go to war, "to become worthy of the title of a nobleman." But the count refused. Then Starodum understood that "sometimes there is an immeasurable difference between casual people and respectable people, that in the big world there are very small souls and that with great enlightenment one can be a great stingy." Then, when Starodum was in the hospital, he learned that the count had been given a new rank, and he, who had many wounds, was bypassed. He took his resignation, but then realized that "a downright loving person is jealous of deeds, not ranks, that ranks are often begged for, and true respect is deserved, that it is much more honest to be bypassed without guilt than granted without merit."
Even Starodum's speech characterizes him, it is full of aphorisms. This is the speech of a wise man who has lived his life in such a way that he has nothing to be ashamed of, he never once deviated from his rules.
Starodum despises people like Prostakov and Skotinin. Prostakova is an evil, rude, unpredictable, ruthless landowner. Prostakov is a pitiful, weak-willed person under the heel of his wife. Mitrofanushka is an illiterate, lazy, selfish goof. Skotinin is a cruel, ignorant, cattle-like landowner who adores pigs and compares everyone with them. All these people flatter Starodum, try to present themselves in a better light, fawn, imitate benevolent people, because they want to force his niece Sophia, the heiress of a large fortune, into marriage. Greedy, selfish, ignorant people without a sense of duty, self-worth can only cause contempt. But Starodum treats his niece, her fiancé Milon, and Pravdin with love, because they are noble, purposeful people, ready to serve their Fatherland.
It seems to me that Starodum is an ideal hero of the era of Russian classicism, because he is a patriot of his homeland. I believe that Starodum is a person worth following, because he never deviated from his rules, did not flatter, did not grovel, devoted all his strength to serving the Motherland. I am sure that at least a few people who have read the comedy "Minor" will learn something, draw conclusions for themselves, and I will try to make every effort to never be like Mrs. Prostakova, her husband, Mitrofanushka and Skotinin , but try to cultivate the qualities inherent in Starodum.

Starodum is Sophia's uncle, her mother's brother. As prototypes for the image of S., they named the educator of Paul I, Count II Panin, and the freemason-educator NI Novikov. The surname "Starodum" means that the bearer follows not the customs of patriarchal antiquity and not the new customs of the modern world, but the principles of the Petrine era, which were distorted under Catherine II, when education and upbringing took false forms (too new and too old). For this reason, the playwright contrasts S.'s genealogy and his upbringing with Prostakova's genealogy and her upbringing. Barely appearing in Prostakova's house, S. tells about his father: “He served Peter the Great”, “My father kept telling me the same thing: have a heart, have a soul, and you will be a man at all times” (d. 3, yavl. I).

The role of S. in comedy is a reasonable one. In dramatic works, the usually wise old nobleman was the reasoner. The area of \u200b\u200bhis moral teachings is most often family problems. Fonvizin originally rethinks the function of the resonator in comparison with the old drama. The moral maxims of the resonator, in which the author's point of view is expressed, in "Nedoroslya" becomes a form of presentation of the political program. S.'s speeches are reminiscent of the monologues of the heroes of the Russian tyrannical tragedy, both in terms of their content, and in terms of civil pathos, and he himself is akin to such heroes.

In the comedy S. appears in the third act of the first phenomenon, relatively late, when the conflict has already been identified and Prostakova's entourage has revealed itself. S.'s role is to save Sophia from the tyranny of Prostakova, to give a proper assessment of her actions, Mitrofan's upbringing and proclaim the reasonable principles of state structure, the true foundations of morality and correctly understood enlightenment. The function of the "deliverer" is somewhat weakened (in the strict sense, Milon and Pravdin are being saved and Prostakova is being punished; S. sums up the moral result: "Here are worthy fruits of evil!" - no. 5, the last is evident), but S.'s function is strengthened - political thinker. Positive heroes from his speeches should "theoretically" realize why "evil" prevailed in the Prostakov family, and viewers and readers should understand the reasons for Prostakova's collapse. Therefore, S. simultaneously addresses both the actors and the audience.

S. considers noble idleness to be unworthy of a nobleman, and considers his upbringing to be a state matter; the main thing is to return to the nobility its true content. Here S. (and Fonvizin), influenced by the experience of Russian life, diverge from the ideas of the French enlightenment. "Enlightenment" and "education" are not reduced for the reasoner and the author to "enlightenment of the mind", "education of the mind." S. says: "An ignoramus without a soul is a beast." But without a soul, “the most enlightened clever girl is a pitiful creature” (d. 3, yavl. I). There is no need to explain to S. what the lack of education of the mind and bad manners of the soul lead to: this is a comedy. An example of an intelligent, enlightened, but petty and insignificant person is the comrade of youth S, Count. “He is the son of an accidental father, was brought up in the big world and had a special opportunity to learn what was not part of our upbringing yet” (d. 3, yavl. I). However, S.'s patriotic appeal to the count to serve the fatherland on the battlefields is met with a cold rebuff. The figure of the would-be teacher Tsyfirkin is an opposite example: the arithmetic teacher is uneducated, but he has a soul, and S. sympathizes with the former warrior, forgiving him his lack of knowledge. The French "wise men", according to Fonvizin, put mind (reason) in the first place and forgot the soul. Reason found no support in anything but itself, and, left in neglect,

    The comedy "The Minor" (1782) reveals the acute social problems of its time. Although the work is based on the idea of \u200b\u200bupbringing, satire is directed against serfdom and landlord tyranny. The author shows that on the basis of serfdom arose ...

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This famous play by Fonvizin was written by him in 1782. The heroes of the comedy were people of different social strata of the 18th century: nobles, serfs, government officials and self-appointed fashion teachers. Before revealing more fully the topic "Biography of Starodum", let's dwell a little on the inhabitants of the Prostakovs' house, because everything started with them.


So, the main characters: a minor - sixteen-year-old Mitrofanushka - and his mother, Mrs. Prostakova, who is the main negative character of this work. She is cruel and willful and wants to marry her incompetent son Mitrofan, who is absolutely indifferent to everything. He does not like his mother, he only pretends because of her strong and domineering character.

Prostakova, having learned that her husband's niece Sophia (a very decent and educated girl) became the heiress of a huge fortune, which her precious uncle Starodum bequeathed to her, decided at all costs to marry her off to her lazy Mitrofanushka. However, Starodum's relatives buried him long ago, and now from that very moment his name comes to the fore. In the Prostakovs' house, everyone is starting to go crazy because of Sophia's inheritance, because 10 thousand was not a trifling amount at that time. Who is Starodum and where did he come from?

Biography of Starodum

He introduced Starodum as one of the noblest and most positive characters. He became his associate. Indeed, in the work "Minor" a lot of political, social, pedagogical and moral issues are touched upon.

The writer deliberately leaves the question open whether Starodum was a landowner, but it becomes known that he did not take root at the royal court and then went to Siberia. According to the hero's own words, they get money there without changing it to their conscience, they don’t basely curry favor and do not rob the fatherland, earning it from the land, which does not know hypocrisy and will be more fair than people, and even pays for honest work faithfully and generously.

"Trading nobility"

Fonvizin in Starodum's entrepreneurship reflects the real process of the economic life of the Russian nobility, which attracted his special attention after the writer translated a French treatise entitled "The Trading Nobility, Opposed to the Military Nobility."

The biography of Starodum says that he enriched himself in the gold mines, his goal was to ensure a comfortable future for his only and beloved niece, Sofyushka. The thoughts of Starodum are wise and valuable, he tells her that he has amassed such a fortune that can allow her to marry even a poor, but most importantly, a worthy person. He does not associate the well-being of his niece with the possession of a serf.

And this is no coincidence: Fonvizin wrote the play just at the time when Russia was trying to learn from the peasant war of 1773-1775. and pondered over its reasons, which almost led the feudal-noble state to destruction and destruction. But, suppressing popular indignation, the state nobles of Catherine II further strengthened and expanded the privileges of the ruling class. Poor people in the face of the law looked even more powerless and helpless. In the play "The Minor" these political issues became very acute and topical.

Freethinker, revolutionary and reformer

The biography of Starodum, which he himself tells to his interlocutors, in particular Pravdin and Milon, includes information that he is 60 years old. His last name suggests that he follows the principles of the old era - the era of Peter I. Starodum recalled the words of his father, who always told him that you need to have a heart and soul, and then you will be a man at all times.

In this satirical play, Starodum appears only towards the end of the first act. Together with Pravdin and Milon, he relieves Sophia of Prostakova's bullying and assesses the upbringing of the ignorant and stupid Mitrofan.

The characterization of Starodum suggests that in his soul he is a great reformer and revolutionary. He is fed up with state injustice, where truth and honest service have long since depreciated, everything is decided by connections, opportunism and servility. The upbringing of Starodum did not allow one to calmly look at how some of his close friends, with cunning and arrogance, achieved their goal. That is why he left the service, because he could no longer watch how the wrong people climbed the career ladder, and the smartest and most worthy remained outside the door.

Aphorisms of Starodum

Thanks to his honest heart, education and moral upbringing, he proclaims where all the laws of government will be reasonable and fair.

It is also interesting that Starodum's aphorisms are worthy of admiration, because he says very correct things, for example, that without a soul, the most enlightened clever girl becomes a pitiful creature. He does not get tired of repeating that the upbringing of a real nobleman is a matter of the state. And this should include the education of the heart and mind. In doing so, he puts the education of the heart in the first place.

Starodum's characteristic testifies to the fact that he is straightforward, simple-minded and perceptive. He sees through and through the whole rotten Prostakov family and says everything he thinks of them into his eyes.

Premiere of the performance

In the play "The Minor" Fonvizin conveyed his personal idea of \u200b\u200b"honest people" and observations about what they should be in their living embodiment. And therefore the image of Starodum here is not accidental. The production of "The Nedorosl", for obvious reasons, was delayed for some time. "Evil" arrows fell overnight, with the help of which those persons who saw themselves in the play in an impartial form, wanted to prevent its exit. And, apparently, Fonvizin himself had to resort to influential patrons to remove all obstacles.

In 1782, on September 24, the premiere of the play nevertheless took place on the stage of the St. Petersburg Free Russian Theater. The director was the author of the work himself. And, curiously, the play did not have to change a single syllable, so the success was deafening.

One of those who saw the premiere said that some comic scenes caused fleeting laughter, but serious scenes with great thirst and attention were listened to by the entire secular audience, who at that time loved hints and remarks about the secular weakness and savagery of some of the customs of that time. The play, thanks to the liveliness of the dialogue, humor, aphorisms, interesting quotes and educational character, helped some to see the Prostakovs in themselves, who then expelled false educators such as Vralman and Tsyfirkin from their homes.


The play "The Undergrowth" became the only one that was firmly established in the Russian drama of the 18th century. In the era of classicism, she condemned the traditional noble upbringing, the "savagery" and "evil" of the provincial nobility. All characters are clearly divided into positive and negative, which is hinted at by their surnames: Starodum, Pravdin, Prostakovs, Skotinins, etc.

The image of Starodum in the comedy "The Minor" cannot be understood without the plot of the play. The article will tell you about how events developed and why in certain situations the hero showed generosity.

Background to major events

First, the author introduces the reader to the Prostakov family. The work begins with the mistress of the house scolding the servant for having badly sewn a caftan for her beloved son Mitrofan. Other, equally unique personalities appear on the stage - Mr. Prostakov, who constantly listens to his wife, and the woman's brother, who is also not distinguished by kindness.

Among all this booth, their distant relative, young Sophia, amazes pleasantly. The girl has graceful manners and a gentle character. The mistress of the house plans to marry the beauty off to her aforementioned brother Skotinin.

But everything changes when the characters find out that the young lady's uncle, whom they have long believed dead, unexpectedly sends a letter. In it, he notes that he wants to transfer his great fortune to his niece. Therefore, Mrs. Prostakova changes her plan and wants to marry her unlucky son to a girl.

Meanwhile, officer Milon appears in the village, who is sincerely in love with Sophia. The beauty is also not indifferent to a nice man.

Sympathy for an unknown guest

A very multifaceted image of Starodum in the comedy "Minor". The first impression of him is formed even before his appearance on the stage. Most of the characters are so narrow-minded, illiterate and wild people that the reader is immediately imbued with sympathy for the unknown hero. Against the background of the greedy Mrs. Prostakova, her weak-willed husband, unreasonable son and selfish brother, Uncle Sophia seems to be a reasonable and kind person. This is evidenced by a letter he wrote to his niece. The man notes that he missed his relatives very much and regrets that he could not keep in touch with them. The hero also says that he can serve as an example of how to honestly earn big money.

Generosity is not alien to him. Starodum decides to give his wealth to his niece. "The Minor" (characterization of each character in this comedy requires a separate article) is a work in which feelings float on the surface. Therefore, among people who value money above feelings, the hero unknown to the reader evokes great sympathy.

Mysterious figure

This person first appears in the third act. He talks for a long time with his old friend Pravdin. From this dialogue, we learn more about Starodum. It turns out that the first impression was not false. The man is actually very wise and kind. He says that his father, who served with Peter the Great, raised his son according to the old laws. People were then addressed as “you”. And "you" are those who considered themselves worthy of several. And now, as the guest says, "many are not worth one."

The education of Starodum is also covered. The Minor is a comedy that compares two generations. So, the hero recalls that in his childhood he was taught only one thing: the main thing in life is to remain human. There was no need to "stuff an empty head with someone else's mind." And a person without a soul, even a scientist, can be equated with an animal.

The reader learns the story of the character. Many years ago, the hero was betrayed by a count, whom he considered a friend. That man bypassed him in the service by cunning and cunning. Therefore, after returning from the war, Starodum decided to avoid such people and places that could "infect" him with anger and hypocrisy. He said: "The doctor will not help, unless he himself gets infected."

Wise mentor

Then the uncle meets his niece, whom he calls "the daughter of the heart." He notes that it will be a great joy for him to snatch a good girl out of a family where greed reigns. He says that he will free "innocence from the network of deceit."

Here, the attentive reader understands how similar these two characters are in the comedy "The Minor". The biography of Starodum takes on new features. So, we learn that the man is about 60 years old and he went to Siberia, because there you can honestly earn money. Also, the uncle declares that, guided by natural desires, you will not be poor, and by human motives, there will always be something missing.

There is no less wisdom in the following lines of the character. He notes that a smart child does not need money, and they will not save a stupid child. A man disagrees that wealth leads to respect. The only reverence that the hero recognizes is spiritual.

After this short acquaintance of the reader with the special image of Starodum in the comedy "The Minor" leaves no room for doubt. His undoubted wisdom is the law for the reasonable Sophia.

Philosophy in conversation

Meanwhile, Mrs. Prostakova and her brother start a fight in front of the guest. When a woman finds out that this man is the very rich uncle, she begins to crawl in front of him. But the man remains indifferent to hypocrisy. He announces that tomorrow he will take his niece to Moscow and there he will marry someone whom she considers worthy. Starodum is sure that the choice of his daughter will be correct in any case.

The young lady reads the book, and the uncle says about the author: "He will not corrupt his morals with his pen." Next, the hero talks to Sophia. Their conversation is like a philosophical treatise. They think about simple but important things for a good life. Here a man acts as a teacher for a girl. His words are clever, and their content is simple. He easily explains to her the difference between real happiness and shadow, office and nobility. Advises on family life: "Have a friendship with your husband that would be like love." Therefore, the reader is drawn an absolutely clear image of Starodum in the comedy "The Minor".

Fatal meeting

Further, the uncle says that the girl needs to find a good husband. He was praised in Moscow by an officer named Milon. But the hero says to himself that marriage is possible only if his adopted daughter agrees.

In a moment, these two people meet. As it turned out, they have a lot in common. Starodum and Milon spared no effort for the sake of the Fatherland and believe that the main thing in a person is the soul. Subsequently, everyone learns that the young people are in love, because the uncle gives his blessing for the marriage of the officer and the niece.

One of the most beloved heroes of the play for all generations is Starodum ("The Minor"). The characterization of this character allows us to conclude that he has a lot in common with Milo. One gets the impression that the author acquaints the reader with the image of his uncle in his youth through a portrait of an officer.

Exposing evil intentions

This hero has a good sense of humor. When he "attentively" listens to Mrs. Prostakova and Skotinin, he frankly scoffs at their greed. They are so carefully trying to confuse the head of a rich guest that they do not notice an important detail: the uncle immediately saw through the insidious plan. Further, the man admits that his niece has already become engaged to Milo.

But the stubborn Prostakova does not stop. She tries to kidnap Sophia and secretly marry her to her son. But a loud cry rises, and the officer saves his beloved. The mistress is threatened with trial, but once again the good nature of her uncle and niece is shown, and they forgive the cunning woman.

Denis Fonvizin ("The Minor") also introduces another line in the play. Starodum and other characters learn that because of the mistress's bad behavior, the village is coming under the control of the just Pravdin.

Tireless kindness

Starodum and his two associates show considerable wisdom to the teachers who worked with Mitrofan. The professor who demanded money for the time spent, they refused. The second teacher who refused the funds because he could not teach the guy anything is paid compensation. And in the person of the third teacher, who was actually a coachman, the guest recognizes his former servant - a charlatan who pretended to be a professor. A wise man takes him to his place to give him a job.

When Prostakova says that her life has no meaning, the rich guest replies that this is a punishment for evil.

A funny, deep and interesting comedy "Minor". Starodum's quotes are relevant in today's society. Such a hero, like his principles, will always be relevant.

Starodum is a rather interesting image that appears before us, the readers, in the comedy "".

Starodum was Sophia's uncle. Judging by his surname, it can be noted that he was a man of the old era. Decent and humane principles were deposited in his thoughts. He expressed his opinion that one should remain human in any situation, follow the dictates of the soul and heart.

The hero Starodum does not appear in front of readers for a long time. His image appears at the moment when Sophia needed his help.

Starodum frees Sophia from despotism. Looking at the life of the lady and her son, he expresses his true opinion and evaluates their lives.

Starodum criticizes such an ill-mannered and illiterate creature like the son of Prostakova -. He expresses his opinion that the descendants of the nobility should be taught by the state and inculcated in them a desire for knowledge, educate their hearts. And what is most interesting, feelings, cordiality and humanity are much more important than mind. Starodum insists that such qualities should be laid against the background of negative and positive examples.

In the comedy, we see a clear description of Starodum. He is a hardworking man who previously served at court and retired in his old age. He worked in Siberia for a long time and made a fortune. Starodum seeks to help Sophia in life. He gives her all his earned fortune and inheritance, finds her a groom. And he has negative feelings towards the Prostakov family and expresses them straightforwardly, not hiding the truth.