
Evaluation of the Roman I. Turgenev "Fathers and Children" in Russian criticism (Case Stadium method). The cooking "Criticism of the novel" Fathers and Children "I. S. Turgenev's opinion of Antonovich about Bazarov

Article D.I. Pisareva "Bazarov" was written in 1862 - just after three years since the events described in the novel. From the very first rows, the critic expresses the admiration for the gift of Turgenev, noting the impeccability of the "artistic trim", a soft and visual drawing of paintings and heroes, the proximity of the phenomena of modern reality, making it one of the best people of their generation. According to Pisarev, the novel memes the mind due to its amazing sincerity, feeling, the immediacy of feelings.

The central figure of Roman - Bazarov - the focus of the properties of the current young people. Vitality hardened him by making a strong and solid, genuine empirical, trusting only personal experience and sensations. Of course, he is calculated, but just as sincere. Any acts of such natur are bad and glorious - they arise only from this sincerity. At the same time, the young doctor of Satanica is self-sufficing, which means not self-confession, but "completeness", i.e. Unchechatia with petty fuss, the opinion of others and other "regulators." "Basareaschina", i.e. The denial of everything and the whole, life with their own desires and needs is a true cholera of the time, which is needed, however, to overcome. Our hero is struck by this illness of no accident - in mental attitude, it is significantly ahead of others, and therefore, one way or another has an impact on them. Someone admires Bazarov, someone hates him, but it is impossible not to notice him.

Eugene cynicism is dual: it is an external disconnection, and inner rudeness arising from both the environment and natural properties of nature. Growing in a simple environment, survived hunger and need, he naturally dropped a signer with herself - dreaminess, suspension, tear, magnifractions. Turgenev, according to Pisarev, does not favor Bazarov at all. The man is sophisticated and refined, he is offended by any kind of cynicism glimpses ... However, makes a true cynic the main character of the work.

The need comes to compare Bazarov with his literary predecessors: Onegin, Pechorin, Rudin and others. According to the established tradition, such personalities have always been unhappy with the existing order, were knocked out of the total mass - and therefore it is so attractive (as much as dramatic). Critic notes that in Russia any thinking person "Little Onegin, a little Pechorin." Rudins and Beltov, unlike the heroes of Pushkin and Lermontov, are eager to bring benefit, but do not find the use of knowledge, strength, mind, the best aspirations. They all outlived themselves without ceasing to live. At that moment, the bazaars appeared - not yet new, but not older-mode. Thus, it makes a critic, "Pechorins there is will without knowing, Rudiny - knowledge without will, the bazaaries have a knowledge and will."

Other characters of "fathers and children" are outlined very brightly and apt: Arkady is a weak, dreamy, in need of care, superficiating; His father is soft and sensitive; Uncle - "Svetsky Lion", "Mini Pechorin", and possibly "mini-bazaars" (with amendment for its generation). He is smart and has the will, appreciates his comfort and "princehs", and therefore the bazarov is especially antipatic. There is no sympathy for himself by the author himself - however, as well as all the rest of his characters - he does not "satisfy the fathers or children." He only marks their funny features and misses, not idealizing heroes. In this, according to Pisarev, the depth of the writer's experience is. He himself was not to be bazarov, but he understood this type, felt him, does not refuse him in the "charming strength" and brought him a tribute to him.

The identity of the bazarov is closed in itself. Without meeting an equal person, he does not feel in that needs, even with his parents is bored and hard. What to say about all sorts of "bastards" like Sitnikov and Kukshina! .. Nevertheless, it is possible to make an impression on a young man: it is equal to him, beautifully externally and developed mentally. Drinking by the shell and enjoying communication, he can no longer refuse him. The explanation scene laid the end and did not begin with the relationship, but Bazarov, oddly enough, it is in its character, bitterly.

Arkady, meanwhile, falls into the love networks and, despite the pittaliness of marriage, happy. Bazarov is destined to remain a Skaltolen - smoothly and unlawful. The reason for this is only in his character: it is not inclined to restrictions, does not want to obey, does not guarantee, it is eager for a voluntary and exceptional location. Meanwhile, he can only love a smart woman, and she will not agree to such relationships. Mutual feelings, therefore, for Evgeny Vasilich, simply impossible.

Next, Pisarev addresses aspects of Bazarov's relations with other heroes, first of all - the people. The heart of the men "lies" to him, but perceived by the hero, still as a stranger, "the jester", who does not know the true of their troubles and aspirations.

The romance is completed by the death of Bazarov - just as unexpected, how and regular. Alas, to judge what the future would be awaited by the Hero, it would be possible only to achieve his generation of mature age, which was not destined to Evgeny. Nevertheless, great figures grow (under certain conditions) - energetic, volitional, people of life and affairs. Alas, Turgenev does not have the opportunity to show how the bazaars live. But it shows how he dies - and this is enough.

The critic believes that die as the bazaars - already a feat, and this is true. Description of the death of the hero becomes the best episode of the novel and is hardly the best moment of all creativity of the ingenious author. Dying, bazaarov is not sad, but despises himself, powerless before chance, remaining a nihilist to the last breath and - at the same time - keep a bright feeling to Odse.


In conclusion, D.I. Pisarev notes that Turgenev, starting to create the image of the Bazarov, wanted, struck by the uncomfortable feeling, "break it in the dust," himself gave him proper respect, saying that "children" go on a false way, at the same time laying on the new generation of hope and Believing in it. The author loves his heroes, enjoys them and gives Bazarov the opportunity to experience a sense of love - passionate and young, begins to sympathize with his creation, for which neither happiness or activities are impossible.

There is no need to live Bazarov - well, let's look at his death, which is the whole point, the whole meaning of the novel. What did Turgenev be said to say this untimely, but expected death? Yes, the current generation is mistaken, it is fond of, but it has the power and the mind that will bring them to the right path. And only for this idea, the author can be grateful as "the Great Artist and Honest Citizen of Russia."

Pisarev recognizes: Bazarov is bad in the world, there is no activity for them, love, and therefore life is boring and meaningless. What to do is to be content with such an existence or dying "beautifully" - to solve you.

I barely overlook, the novel caused a real flurry of critical articles. None of the public camps took the new creation of Turgenev.

The editor of the conservative "Russian Bulletin" M. N. Katkov in the articles "Roman Turgenev and his criticism" and "On our nihilism (about the Roman Turgenev)" argued that NiGilism is a public disease with which it is necessary to fight by strengthening protective conservative principles; And the "fathers and children" are no different from a variety of anti-drug novels of other writers. A peculiar position in the assessment of the Turgenev novel and the image of his main character was taken by F. M. Dostoevsky.

For Dostoevsky, Bazarov is a "theorist", which is in the disadvantage with "Life", is a victim of its own, dry and distracted theory. In other words, this is a hero close to Skolnikov. However, Dostoevsky avoids a specific consideration of the Bazar's theory. He faithfully claims that every disturbed, the reason the theory is divided into life and brings a person of suffering and torment. According to Soviet critics, Dostoevsky drew all the problems of the novel to the ethical and psychological complex, whose socially universal, instead of opening the specifics of the other.

Liberal criticism, on the contrary, was too fascinated by a social aspect. She could not forgive the writer of ridicule over the representatives of the aristocracy, offacarious nobles, his irony against the "moderate noble liberalism" of the 1840s. A low-speed, rude "plebey" of the bazaars is mocking over their ideological opponents and morally turns out to be higher.

Unlike a conservative-liberal camp, democratic magazines dealt with the assessment of the problems of Turgenevsky Roman: "Contemporary" and "Spark" saw in it slander on the Democrats, the desires of which the author is deeply alien and incomprehensible to the author; "Russian Word" and "Case" occupied the opposite position.

The critic of the "contemporary" A. Antonovich in the article with the expressive name "Asmodener of our time" (that is, the "devil of our time") noted that Turgenev "the main character and his buddies despises and hates from his whole soul." An Antonovich's article is full of sharp attacks and disappointing accusations against the author "fathers and children." The critic suspected Turgenev in collusion with the reactionaries, allegedly "ordered" the writer knowingly slanderous, an accusatory novel, accused of departing from realism, indicated a gross schematics, even caricature of images of the main characters. However, Antonovich's article fully corresponds to a common tone, which was taken by the employees of the contemporary after leaving a number of leading writers. Personally, Turgenev and his work became hardly the responsibility of the Nekrasov magazine.

DI. Pisarev, editor of the Russian Word, on the contrary, saw the truth of life in the novel "Fathers and Children", taking the position of a consistent apologist of the Bazarov's image. In the article "Bazarov" he wrote: "Turgenev does not like a merciless denial, and meanwhile the personality of a merciless negative is the person of strong and inspires respect for the reader"; "... no one can in the novel neither by the strength of mind, neither by the power of character to compare with the bazaarov."

Pisarev was one of the first to remove the accusation of caricature from Bazarov, erected by Antonovich, explained the positive meaning of the main character of "fathers and children", stressing the vital importance and innovation of such a character. As a representative of the generation of "children", he took everything in Bazarov: and dismissive attitude to art, and a simplified look at the spiritual life of a person, and an attempt to comprehend love through the prism of natural scannesses. Negative features of the baza carriage under the pen of criticism unexpectedly for readers (and for the author's author himself) acquired a positive assessment: Frank rudeness to the inhabitants of Maryina was issued for an independent position, ignorance and lack of education - for a critical view of things, excessive self-confidence - for the manifestation of strong nature and etc.

For Pisareva Bazarov - a man of business, natural source, materialist, experimental. He "recognizes only what can be commemorated with his hands, to see the eyes, put in the tongue, in a word, only what can be certified by one of five feelings." Experience became for the Bazarov the only source of knowledge. It was in this Pisarev that saw the difference between the new man of the Bazarov from "extra people" of Rudine, Onegin, Pechorins. He wrote: "... Pechorins have the will without knowledge, Rudina - knowledge without will; Basarearov has knowledge and will, thought and things merge into one solid whole. " Such interpretation of the image of the chief hero was to taste the revolutionary-democratic youth, who made his "new man" with his intelligent egoism, contempt for authorities, the traditions established by the world order.

... Turgenev is now looking at the present from the height of the past. He does not go for us; He calmly looks for us, describes our gait, tells us how we accelerate the steps, as jumping through the pivots, as sometimes stumble on uneven places of the road.

In the tone of its description, irritation is not heard; He is just tired of going; The development of his personal world ended, but the ability to observe the movement of someone else's thought, to understand and reproduce all its bends remained in all its freshness and completeness. Turgenev himself will never be bazaarov, but he thought of this type and understood him so true, as none of our young realists will not understand ...

N.N. Straars in their article about "fathers and children" continues the thought of Pisarev, arguing about realism and even "typical" of Bazarov as a hero of his time, a person of the 1860s:

"Bazarov Nimalo does not excite disgust in us and it doesn't seem to us Mal Eleve nor Mauvais Ton. With us, it seems, all the actors of the novel agrees. The simplicity of appeal and the figures of the Bazarov excite in them not disgust, but rather inspire respect for him. He is welcome in the living room Anna Sergeyevna, where even some kind of bad princess meeting ... "

The judgments of Pisarev about the novel "Fathers and the Children" shared Herzen. He wrote about the article "Bazarov": "This article confirms my point of view. In his one-sidedness, she is more or wonderful than her opponents thought about her. " Here, Herzen notes that Pisarev "In Bazarov, he learned himself and added himself and added what was lacking in the book" that the bazaars "for Pisarev - more than their own" that the critic "knows the heart of his baza carriage, he confesses him."

Roman Turgenev stuck all the layers of Russian society. The controversy of nihilism, about the image of the natural source, the Bazar's Democrat continued for a decade on the pages of almost all magazines of that time. And if in the XIX century there were still opponents of apologetic assessments of this image, then by the XX century they were not left at all. Bazarov was raised on the shield as a forerunner of the coming storm, as the banner of everyone who wanted to destroy, not giving anything in return ("... no longer our business ... first you need to clear the place.")

In the late 1950s, on the wave of Khrushchev "thaw", a discussion caused by Article V. A. Arkhipov "To the creative history of Roman I.S. Turgenev "fathers and children." In this article, the author tried to develop an earlier point of view of M. Antonovich's criticized. V.A. Arkhipov wrote that the novel appeared as a result of Turgenev's collusion with Katkovoy - the editor of the Russian Bulletin ("Credit was evident") and the transaction of the same Katkova with the advice of Turgenev P. V. Annenkov ("In the Cabinet of Katkova in Leontyevsky Lane, as expected , a transaction of liberal with a reactionary ") was held.

Against the vulgar and unfair interpretation of the history of the novel "Fathers and Children" in 1869, Turgenev himself strongly observed in his essay "Regarding" fathers and children ": "I remember, one critic (Turgenev meant M. Antonovich) in strong and eloquent expressions, directly to me turned to me, introduced me together with Mr. Katkov in the form of two conspirators, in the silence of a secluded Cabinet to plot his vile, slander on Young Russian forces ... The picture came out spectacular! "

Attempt by V.A. Arkhipov to reanimate the point of view, ridiculous and refuted by Turgenev himself, caused a lively discussion, which included Russian literature magazines, "Literature Questions", "New World", "Rise", "Neva", "Literature at School", as well "Literary newspaper." The results of the discussion were summed up in the article G. Friedlander "To disputes on" fathers and children "and in the editorial article" Literary criticism and modernity "in" literature issues ". They have the universal value of the novel and its main character.

Of course, there could be no "collusion" of Liberal Turgenev with guardians. In the novel "Fathers and Children", the writer expressed what thought. It happened so that at that moment his point of view partly coincided with the position of the conservative camp. So do not please all! But on which "collision" Pisarev and other zealous apologists of Bazarov started the campaign to exalt this quite unambiguous "hero" - it is unclear so far ...

None of the work of I. S. Turgenev did not cause such disgraceful responses as "fathers and children" (1861). Otherwise, I could not. The writer reflected in the novel by the fracture of the public consciousness of Russia, when a revolutionary-democratic thought was replaced by the shy liberalism. Two real forces collided in the assessment of "fathers and children".

Turgenev himself dively perceived the image created by him. He wrote A. Fetu: "Wanted to scold Bazarov or extract him? I myself do not know this ... "A. I. Herzen Turgenev said that" if the Bazarov written not only was not angry with him, but he felt the attraction. " The heterogeneity of the copyright feelings and noticed the contemporaries of Turgenev. The editor of the Russian Bulletin magazine, where the novel was printed, M. N. Katkov was outraged by the allocality of the "New Man." Critic A. Antonovich in the article with the expressive name "Asmodener of our time" (that is, the "devil of our time") noted that Turgenev "the main character and his buddies despises and hates from the whole soul." Critical comments were expressed by A. I. Herzen, M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. D. I. Pisarev, the editor of the "Russian Word" saw in the novel the truth of life: "Turgenev does not like a merciless denial, and meanwhile the personality of a merciless negative is the person of strong and inspires respect for the reader"; "... no one can in the novel neither by the strength of mind, neither by the power of character to compare with the bazaarov."

Turgenev's novel, in Pisarev, is also wonderful by the fact that he excites the mind, leads to reflections. Pisarev took everything in Bazarov: and dismissive attitude to art, and a simplified look at the spiritual life of a person, and an attempt to comprehend love through the prism of natural scannesses. Material from site.

In the article D. I. Pisareva "Bazarov" there are many controversial provisions. But the overall interpretation of the work is convincing, and the reader often agrees with the thoughts of criticism. Not everyone who spoke about the novel "Fathers and Children" could see, compare and appreciate the identity of the Bazar, and this is natural. Nowadays, the restructuring of life on such a type of personality can be equal, but we need a few other markets ... It is important for us and more. Bazarov selflessly opposed the routine of spiritual stagnation, dreamed of approval of new public relations. The origins of the conditions, the results of this activity were, of course, others. But the very idea - to remake the world, the soul of a person, inhaling the live energy of the donning - can not but excite today. In such a wide place the figure of Bazarov and acquires a special sound. To see the external difference between the "fathers" and "children" is easy, but to understand the internal content of controversy between them - it is much more difficult. N. A. Dobrolyubov helps us in this - the critic of the magazine "Contemporary". "... People of the Bazarovsk warehouse," he believes, "decide to step on the road of a merciless denial to find clean truth." Comparing the positions of people of the 40s and people of the 60s, N. A. Dobrolyubov said about the first: "They sought to truth, they wanted good, they captured all the wonderful, but the principles were higher for them. The principles called the general philosophical idea, which was recognized as the basis of all their logic and morality. " The sixties of Dobrolyubov called the "young acting generation of time": they do not know how to glisten and noise, no idols are worshiped, "their last goal is not the slave loyalty to the upheracted top ideas, but the attachment is possible greater use of humanity." "Fathers and children" are a "artistic document" of the ideological struggle in Russia in the middle of the XIX century. In this regard, the cognitive value of the novel never runs out. But the Turgenev work cannot be limited only by this meaning. The writer discovered an important process of changing generations for all the epochs - the change of consciousness of consciousness with new ones, showed the difficulty of their germination. The fact that I. S. Turgenev found it a long time ago, conflicts were very relevant for today's days. What is "fathers" and "children" that they bind and disconnect? The question is irresistible. The past gives many necessary benchmarks for the present. Imagine how much the fate of Bazarov would be ease if he did not cross the experience accumulated by humanity from his baggage? Turgenev tells us about the danger of loss of loss by the subsequent generation of achievements of human culture, about the tragic consequences of hostility and separation of people.

Which is usually associated with the work of Rudin, published in 1855, - the novel in which Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev returned to the structure of this first of his creation.

As in him, in the "fathers and children", all plot threads agreed to one center, which formed the figure of Bazarov - the Middle Democrat. She ragged all critics and readers. Many wrote various critics about the novel "Fathers and Children", since the work caused genuine interest and disputes. The main positions regarding this novel we will present you in this article.

Significance in understanding the work

Bazarov became not only the plot center of the work, but also problematic. From the understanding of his fate and personality depended in many respects the assessment of all other parties to Roman Turgenev: the author's position, the character system, various artistic techniques used in the work of "fathers and children". According to the chapters, this novel saw criticism and saw a new turn in the work of Ivan Sergeyevich in it, although there was a completely different understanding of these stems of this work.

Why did Turgenev scold?

The dual attitude of the author himself to his hero led to the censure and reproaches of contemporaries. Turgenev was brutally sculpted from all sides. Critics about the novel "Fathers and Children" responded mainly negative. Many readers could not understand the idea of \u200b\u200bthe author. From the memories of Annenkov, as well as Ivan Sergeevich himself, we learn that M.N. Katkov came to indignation, familiarized with the manuscript "Fathers and Children" on chapters. He was outraged by the fact that the main character of the work is underestimate and does not meet anyify a delometon. Readers and critics of the opposite camp also cruelly crossed Ivan Sergeevich for the inner dispute, which he led with Bazarov in his novel "Fathers and Children". Its content seemed not quite democratic.

The most notable among many other interpretations are Article MA. Antonovich, published in the "contemporary" ("Asmodener of our time"), as well as a number of articles that appeared in the journal "Russian Word" (democratic) belonging to Peru D.I. Pisareva: "Thoring proletariat", "Realists", "Bazarov". About the novel "Fathers and Children" presented two opposite opinions.

Pisarev's opinion about the main hero

Unlike Antonovich, who assessed Bazarov sharply negatively, Pisarev saw a real "time hero" in it. This critic compared this image with "new people", depicted in N.G. Chernyshevsky.

The topic "fathers and children" (the relationship of generations) in his articles came to the fore. Explaced by representatives of the democratic direction, the disgraced opinions on perceived were as "split in nihilists" - the fact of the internal controversy existing in the democratic movement.

Antonovich about Bazarov

And readers, and critics "fathers and children" worried about two questions: about the author's position and the prototypes of the images of this novel. It is they who make up two poles, according to which any work is interpreted and perceived. According to Antonovich, Turgenev was malicious. In the interpretation of the Bazarov presented by this criticism, this image is not at all written off by "from nature" by the face, but the "evil spirit", "asmode", which is released embittered on a new generation writer.

An Antonovich's article is withstanding in the Fakelian manner. This critic instead of presenting an objective analysis of the work, created a cartoon on the main character, substituting the Sitnikov, the "student" of Bazarov, in place of his teacher. The bazaars, according to Antonovich, is not an artistic generalization at all, not a mirror, which reflects the critic believed that the author of the novel created a whisstice, whose one should object to the same manner. The goal of Antonovich is to "dissolve" with the young generation of Turgenev - was achieved.

What could not forgive Turgenev Democrats?

Antonovich In subtext, his unfair and rough article reproached the author in the fact that he turned out a figure, which is too "recognizable", since one of the prototypes is considered to be Dobrolyov. Journalists of the "contemporary", moreover, could not forgive the author to forgive the gap with this magazine. The novel "Fathers and Children" was published in the "Russian Herald", the conservative edition, which was a sign of the final gap of Ivan Sergeevich with democracy.

Bazarov in "Real Critics"

Pisarev was expressed another point of view about the main hero of the work. He looked at it not as a caricature on some individuals, but as a representative of the new social and ideological type as the representative of the new socio-ideological type. This criticism was least interested in the ratio of the author himself to his hero, as well as the various features of the artistic embodiment of this image. Pisarev interpreted Bazarov in the spirit of the so-called real criticism. He pointed out that the author in his image was biased, but the type itself was estimated highly - as a "time hero". In the article called "Bazarov" it was said that the protagonist depicted in the novel, represented as "tragic face", is a new type that Literature lacked. In the further interpretations of this criticism of the bazaar, more and more from the novel itself was broken. For example, in the articles "Thoring Proletariat" and "Realists", the name "Bazar" was named the type of era, the difference-cultural trainer, according to the worldview, which was closest to Pisarev himself.

Accusations of tendentiousness

The objective, calm tone of Turgenev in the image of the chief hero contradicted accusations of tendentiousness. "Fathers and Children" are a kind of Turgenev "duel" with nihilists and nihilism, but the author had complied with all the requirements of the Code of honor: he was respected to the enemy, "killing him" in honest battle. Bazarov as a symbol of dangerous misconceptions, according to Ivan Sergeevich, is a worthy opponent. The moon and caricature of the image in which some critics accused the author, they were not used, since they could give a completely opposite result, namely the underestimation of the forces of nihilism, which is destructive. Nihilists sought to put their lzhekumir at the place of "eternal". Turgenev, remembering his work on the way Yevgeny Bazarov, wrote M.E. Saltykov-generous in 1876 about the novel "Fathers and Children", the history of which was interested in many that he was not surprised, why for the main part of readers this hero was a mystery, because the author himself cannot fully imagine how he wrote him. Turgenev said that he knows only one thing: there was no tendency in it, no bias of thought.

The position of Turgenev itself

Critics about the novel "Fathers and Children" responded mostly unilaterally, they gave sharp assessments. Meanwhile, Turgenev, as in the preceding novels, avoids comments, does not draw conclusions, hides intentionally the inner world of his hero in order not to put pressure on readers. The conflict of the novel "Fathers and Children" is by no means on the surface. So straightly interpreted by criticism of Antonovich and completely ignored Pisarev manifests itself in the composition of the plot, in the nature of conflicts. It is in them that the concept of the fate of Bazarov, represented by the author of the work "Fathers and Children", the images of which still cause disputes of various researchers.

Evgeny in disputes with Pavel Petrovich unshakable, however, after a difficult "testing of love" internally broken. The author emphasizes "cruelty", the thoughtfulness of the beliefs of this hero, as well as the relationship between all the components that make up its worldview. Bazarov is a maximalist, according to which any belief has the price, if it is not in contradiction with others. It cost this character to lose one "link" in the "chain" of the worldview - all others were revalued and doubt. In the final, this is already a "new" bazaars, which is the "Hamlet" among nihilists.

" Turgenev managed to catch in the face of Bazarov and portray the most burning phenomenon of the modern life in which no one had time to understand.

Fathers and Sons. Artistic film for Roman I. S. Turgenev. 1958.

The conservative journalists looked at any manifestation of a "new life", and therefore, a strict court of Turgenev on progressive young people saw the joy in the loser of Bazarov, and was delighted by this court.

The radical part of Russian journalism saw in this "court" the apostasy of the progressive writer from his liberal beliefs, the transition to another camp, "and became (Antonovich) to throw Turgenev with evil reproaches, proving that the novel represents Paskville to the younger generation the idealization of" fathers ". However, voices were heard from the progressist camp, which, ignoring the question of the attitude of Turgenev himself to his hero, praised the Bazarov, as the perfect embodiment of the "best parties" of the 1860s (Pisarev).

The vast majority of recent Tourgeyev admirers did not take the point of view of Pisarev, but a view of Antonovich's gaze. That is why from this novel begins cooling in the relations of Russian society to a recent beloved. "I noticed the coldness that had reached to indignation in many of me close and pretty people, I received congratulations, almost lobsias, from people who was opposed to me camp, from enemies," says Turgenev in notes about the "fathers and children." Says.