
What are the Jedi. Opinion: Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order is a game about Sitha, and not about Jedi. Revan: The most terrible man in the galaxy

In the Universe of Star Wars, there is an endless war between the dark and light sides of the force and the main soldiers in this infinite battle are sensitive and waving the Jedi and Sith's light swords. Even in a new canon, which, we recall, includes eight films, four animated series and current comics and books, you can find many powerful users of strength, but the old extended canon, now named "legends" also offers its gaze into several outstanding personalities on both side of barricades.

It is difficult to say which of them is the strongest, because the strength has a lot of paths, not always obvious and unequivocal. Few characters from this list could be measured by the forces in the battle (at least because between some temporary gap in several thousand years) and we can only be compared with their potential. Therefore, this list will not be the top, but only the enumeration of the strongest in our opinion of the personalities of the victims of strength.

In almost all works on the star wars of Shaak-Ti, there was a secondary character, in addition to the story arch in the Multi. "Rebel", fully dedicated to the hands of the Krasnok Tweed. But the chair in the Council of Jedi did not occupy not just and during the battle of Geonosis was part of the shock detachment arriving for the salvation of Anakina, Obi-Van and Padme. In almost every frame of this battle, you can see Shaak-Ty in the background, skillfully packed with droids.

Her composure helped to disclose the fact that behavioral chips are implanted in clones, and although Palpatine did everything to hide the truth, this information helped save the ASOCA and Captain Rex. Although she never was a central character, Shaak is strong enough to earn a place in this list.

Chief Antagonist Knight of The Old Republic II, Darth Nihilus to some extent a vampire of power. Calling himself a "gap in strength" Nigilus was able to absorb power from its other users.

Thanks to this, his skills developed very quickly. He was much surpassed his teacher, Darth Tryu, a woman who, with the help of Telekin, fought three light swords.

Nichilus, though not the most awesome Lord Sitchov in the Universe of Star Wars, but he approached this rank is dangerous close. He was able to destroy the entire Council of Jedi simply absorbing their power of strength and destroyed the connection of his former teacher with force.

However, Nihilus has one weakness - if it does not "focus" for a long time, it begins to weaken. In addition, it is easy to fool or deceive, which significantly protects its high skills in handling force.

Each Jedi must have a cool name, and whale is not an exception. But in this Master-Jeda, there is still something in addition to a steep name and design.

Fisto played a small role in the "attack of clones", having participating in the battle of geonosis and helped save Obi-Vana, Anakina and Padme. However, Fisto's ability to fully appreciate the ability of Fisto in the animated series of "Clone War", where he had to fight with General Grievous. In the battle of Fisto easily cut off android hand and showed impressive skills of possession of a light sword, at the same time throwing in the direction of the Grievous wise particles of their Jedi wisdom.

Calm manners, high discipline and accurate combat skills make easily made by one of the most reliable members of the Jedi Council. His skills highly appreciated even Windows, who took Whale Fisto to the team, who intended to arrest the emperor Palpatine. Though he was one of the first to died by the hands of Lord Sith, the importance of Fisto for the Council could not be overestimated, and his dedication and ability to fight forever remain in human memory.

And so hidden behind the wahwood secrets, the history of this Lord Sith was completely the steer after the rebranding of the universe of the star wars Disney. However, his mention in the "revenge of Sitkhov" suggests that one way or another, but he is still part of the canon. Based on those grain of information that we have already met, Plagas was a Palpatine teacher in the period before the start of the trilogy of the prequel. Fearing to lose your loved ones, Pragas opened the secret of eternal life and lived for many years. In addition, we only know that he was killed by his student, as this and the rule of two. After him, Lord Sith became Palpatine, who also took his disciples.

Such a mysterious figure with such a mysterious past could not not become one of the most discussed topics in the midst of star wars fans, especially when it comes to the future development of the universe. Despite such a small number of information about him, Palpatine teacher remains a powerful and inspired personality to deserve his place in the list. And the fact that we don't know much about it only gives us a reason to fear it even more.

A very pleasant addition to the Canon of Star Wars, Asoka Tanno quickly became one of the key figures in the "War of the Clone War" and "Rebels". Capable, but inexperienced Padavan, who was transferred to Anakin to teach, during clonic wars, she became a Jedi-rig. And even though these two were close, her decision to leave the Order of the Jedi was one of those factors that Anakin pushed on the dark side.

Strong and with deep character, Asoka became a sip of fresh air in a distant-distant galaxy, where there was not enough serious female characters. Seeing its development during the lack of "clone wars" and "rebels", where she agreed to help resistance, we understand how independent it is. Her Jedi skills speak for themselves. While Padavan, she was able to fight with General Grievous, and in the "rebels" she had already successfully fought in a duel with a former teacher. Armed with two light swords (for which it is always pleasant to watch), Asoka has established itself strong (albeit former) Jedi.

The relative newcomer in the universe, Kaylo Ren still shows itself a skillful student-Sith.

Born under the name Ben Solo, the only son of Hana Solo and Lei organs, Ren faced the same problem as his grandfather - he was stuck in the eternal struggle between the light and darkness inside him, just at the same time he gave a loud name of the family. As a result, the dark side won and Ren joined the first Order. Although we did not see his full strength, we can already say that he has a huge potential, at least by how he froze the shot from Blaster in the air. After this, we understand that the leader of the Ren knights, whoever they would not have reached unprecedented heights and continues to improve their skills.

Although he does not have the habit of Vader to meditate regularly, in all the rest he imites his grandfather, carrying a similar helmet, even in the end he refused him. Also in his possession of the light sword from the crystal of unstable energy with Garda, which makes it one of the users of the force that abandoned the more traditional options for this elegant weapon. Though formally, his workouts ended, Kylo Renu is to grow, therefore, without a doubt, in the ninth episode we will see it much stronger and more dangerous. In the meantime, we can only lean in our chairs and wait for his rapid takeoff ... or fall.

In each work, there is necessarily a character who rebels against the established order and is a certain bundle in relation to the rest of positive characters. And even though he never left the Order, in films such a character became CVI-Gon.

Unlike traditionalists like Windows, Qui-Gon interpreted the code of the Jedi to be more freer than everyone else, without fearing to violate it if it considered it necessary. He played a major role in the formation of Anakin "Selected", which will return the balance into force and was going to become his teacher, even despite the refusal of the Jedi Council. In addition to its Bunlet Spirit, Qui-Gon also repeatedly showed his prudence and wisdom, which was reflected in his student Obi-Vana.

In addition, the cunning knight-Jedi became famous for the fact that He actually made Anakina Jedi, but also in what was able to unravel the secret, in fact, immortality. It goes far beyond the abilities of users of force before it. Although the nature of his immortality still remains a mystery, there is no doubt that Qui-Gon continues to live being a conscious part of the power itself.

Of course, there were problems in the trilogy of the prequel (okay, they were full), there are also some undoubted advantages. Perhaps one of the main - Student Sith Darth Mol.

Palpatine brought up and trained the mole from the young years and he became an ideal student. Determining and faithful, under the leadership of the future emperor, he reached considerable heights. In the future, his role in the occurring events will only grow, so, for example, he was sent to Nabu to kill Queen Amidal. There he met with Qui-Gon and Obi-Vanya several times before falling into a decisive battle. Later, in the "Clone War" it turns out that he did not die on Nabu and will continue to delight fans with his appearances, including (attention, spoiler) in a recent film about the young Khan Solo. Unfortunately, the film did not show himself very well at the box office and we are unlikely to see in the future the continuation of the history of the red-skinned ink.

Training made a perfect weapon from the mall, in battle it is incredibly trap and aggressive. His sword with two blades, reminiscent of the pole equally good for both protection and attack, and the power he learned to use for especially high jumps and significant acceleration of movements. Like is the undisputed leader in the spores of fans about who is the best student of Sitchov (besides, of course, Vader), and no one should never underestimate him.

One of the most outstanding Jedi in the Council, Mais Windows famous his skill in battles on light swords. Usually calm, discreet and courageous Jedi, on the battlefield, he becomes a real demon. If Jedi such as iodine or Obi-Wan, in addition to fighting skills, are known for their intellect and wisdom, Windows has proven itself as the strongest fighter on light swords and has repeatedly confirmed its power during clonic wars. And his rare sword with the blade of purple color only emphasizes his coolness.

Strictly adhered by traditions on his way Jedi, Windows was the only one who managed to defeat Emperor Palpatine in the battle one on one, although he killed the other three masters in this battle. If it were not for the interference of Anakin Skywalker, Windows would have managed that she was not able to anyone before him - she would have overcome Palpatine in the battle. Aggressive and unpredictable warrior, who knew the very essence of the force, on the Baba Field of Windows is an example for imitating very many Jedi.

One of the key figures in clonic wars, the Duku is another noble warrior, who left the Order of the Jedi, who settled their motives and goals. The former teacher of Qui-Gon and the last student of iodes long before Luke, Duku replaced the mall after defeating the last on the hands of Obi-Van. Becoming the face of the Galactic Empire during clonic wars, he continued to study the path of Sitchov, repeatedly faced with former Jedi comrades.

As for the ownership of a light sword, the Duchow was undoubtedly one of the best duelists, with ease of overcoming Obi-Van in two different battles. Apparently, it was possible to compare with him in battle, perhaps, only iodine and Mais Windows. In addition, he is the only Sith in addition to Palpatine, who used the lightning of power, which gave him a significant advantage in battle. The ratio of the oak to the strength was very reminded by his former teacher. Despite the fact that his death from Anakina's hands was planned by Palpatin for a very long time and he could not prevent her, the Duku remains very strong and dangerous Lord Sitchov.

In the "last Jedi" we clearly saw that Rei and Kylos are about equal to the forces when they fought for Skywalker's sword. Of course, it may seem strange, but canon is canon.

Rey trained much less, but already reached the level of skill to fight with Kylo Renom. And although it is quite possible that the power is managed inside her, the young Jedi should not be underestimated.

Rey took possession of very many skills in a very short time, for all this it is very smart and she has already had a combat experience gained from heavy childhood on Jacca. It was thanks to this that she could become such a capable and strong student of Luke.

By the end of his storyline, the ray may well be one of the strongest users of the strength of his era (and maybe all time), but before that she is still very far away.

Snooch does not look like a typical villain from star wars, it seems, he is not interested in the eternal struggle of the Jedi and Sitchov. And although he, in fact, was not Sith, the Snow was undoubtedly a real master of the dark side of force.

Although his personality and the past still remain a mystery to us, he showed an incredible possession of force, especially in the "last Jedi". He could throw a ray as a rag doll with one of the movement of the finger and without any difficulties penetrated her mind to find out the Loca Luke.

Snowka also managed to mentally connect Ray and Kaylo with the help of power, attending only with one of them. Later, Snoak pressed Hax to the floor being somewhere at the other end of the galaxy.

Like Phagas, Darth Bane is a very mysterious figure and did not even be considered a canon character, until he was mentioned in the "wars of clones." Although he is not the founder of Sitchov, it was he who saved them from full destruction. Anticipating that the growing number of situhs will lead to the eternal inner struggle, he came up with the so-called "rule of two", according to which only a teacher Sith and his student should exist. Since then, Sith strictly observed this rule. On the way of the dark side, this is definitely the most important law.

It is not necessary to even know about its possession of power and power, enough of the fact that his appearance determined the future of Sith and his shadow - on canon or not - continues to be hidden in the darkest corners of the universe of star wars. He is already saying that Sith screams of the power of the rule invented by him, even iodine knows about. It can be considered a "shameful father" of Sitchov and his knowledge still passed from the teacher to the student. And this is something already says.

Marvel comics about Darth Vader are very good. Seriously, if you did not read them, then you will definitely familiarize them, there is a Jedi, who uses a sniper rifle. And in this series, one of the most important and strongest Jedies is Kirak Infil'a.

This knight-Jedi served the Order as one of the main fighters and was considered the best warrior among all the others. As a result, he brought an ancient oath, which was called Barash's oath, which, as a punishment, forbade him to interact with other members of the Order. During the clonic wars, he meditated and strengthened his connection with force, and when Kirak Died Vader, he cut off his legs and dropped him from the cliff, glanced to find Sitha teacher.

As a result, Vader destroyed a whole village to put out Kirak, and in trying to save her inhabitants, he could not protect himself.

Bashed between the bright and dark side, Anakin eventually became the most ruthless person in the Galactic Empire and are unlikely to survive a meeting with Darth Vader (if, of course, you are not his long-lost son). Proclaimed once selected, the future of the Savior of the Galaxy from Sitchov, Vader (in the past life of Anakin Skywalker) noticed Quea-Gon and Obi-Van. Born in a slave and managed to achieve success, Anakin was a talented pilot and a fighter on light swords, his skills did not even give way to Masters-Jedi from the Council.

Of course, the influence of Emperor Palpatine spoiled and from the depths of the consciousness of Anakin, the dark side awakened Lord Vader. Under this person, he became a cyborg and no one descended the failure, even his own. Though he did not shoot with lightning from the fingers, his appearance, skills and connection with force - not to mention the impact on pop culture - make it one of the greatest sites of all time, and exactly the most popular.

Old-fashioned Jedi, who trained according to all the traditions of the Power of Power in the Temple of the Jedi on Coruscant, Obi-Vanci Muz Much Much Muzhezdahl from his teacher Kwai Gon, especially his ideas of the restraint Jedi. Although his past is mostly unknown and we meet it already by Jedi, Kenobi quickly and quite well deserved the title of general. The veteran hardened in battles, Kenoby defeated very strong rivals, including Darth Mall, General Grievus and even his former student, Darth Vader. It was after this battle that Vader was forced to use all available technologies to keep their lives.

The magnificent duelist on light swords and a skillful user of power, Kenobi, however, is sometimes lost in the shade of other well-known personalities, for example, Vader or Skywalker Luke. Maybe he is in something and is inferior to Cheset Skayokers, but his intelligence and ability to quickly make decisions in battle compensate for any drawbacks and make one of the greatest Jedies in the Galaxy.

Lord Sith, whom we all know, and hatefully love, Emperor Palpatine for a long time and successfully ruled the Galactic Empire. Shiv Palpatine was born on Nabu and made a brilliant political career, quickly becoming the Chancellor of the Galactic Republic. In addition, he managed right under the nose from the Jedi to rebuild a huge empire and to lean the Senate to his side, forcing them not to trust the Order of the Jedi. All this resulted in the mass extermination of the Jedi and the sunrise of the Galactic Empire. For a smaller Palpatine would not agree.

His calculating mind policy already inspires fear, but in addition, Palpatine was a powerful Lord Sith, even though he had to change many students. An ardent supporter of the rules of two, the emperor particularly skillfully owned the lightning of the strength, one of the most complex arts of the dark side. His ownership of power was brightly manifested during the battle with iodine, when Palpatine moved into it with several huge platforms at once. A magnificent combination of advance planning and possession of power makes it the greatest Lord Sith at the moment.

The son of Darth Vader, born after the extermination of the Jedi Empire and the capture of the Galaxy, Luke Skywalker quickly tired of the life of a simple farmer on Tatoin and he managed to become a jedight, compared with the Almighty Darth Vader in battle.

Luke is not only one of the strongest and beloved fans of the Jedi in the Universe of Star Wars, he also skilled pilot and arrows, who managed to blow up the death star with one single shot. Before becoming a student of iodine, Luke, after the death of Kenobi, learned power himself and showed himself a good student, even despite the lack of proper instructions. In just a year he was able to master the jumps and telekinesis.

His powerful flexibility is far beyond the limits of acrobatics and ownership of a light sword. Thanks to this, the young skayoker managed to become one of the strongest Jedi of his time (although he, in fact, was the only one). His natural kindness and patience made him the best candidate for the revival of the Jedi Order, although it was indeed indeed.

Revan, perhaps, was the greatest Sith of his time, but was captured by the Jedi, who made him memory and forced to join them. He was also known as a Jedi defender and had a ridiculous effect on the Order.

Honestly, Reven is difficult to definitely attribute both to Sitham and Jedi, often he acted as he considered it right. It was he who killed Darth Malak, who captured a lot of Jedi and used a star blacksmith to pick up and assign their power to himself.

When he felt the call of the dark side, he disappeared and no one had ever seen him. But even at the time of Anakina Skywalker, Revan is considered one of the strongest Jedies at all times, and his uniqueness is that he successfully visited both sides of the force.

When you are 900 years old, then we can say that you have seen a lot, and this little green aliens seemed even more some, reaching the peak of Jedi's capabilities. About his antiquity and wisdom has already been said enough. He trained almost all Master of the Council, including Windows and Obi-Van, thanks to him the Council flourished for many centuries, since he received a master's rank.

Without a doubt, at the time of the execution of the order of 66 iodine was the strongest Master of the Jedi. His connection with force is so great that he felt the death of every Jedi, who killed clones. He also showed the ability to absorb the zipper of Sith, what no one did.

But the main difference between iodes from the rest of the Jedi - his immeasurable wisdom and patience (for 900 years it is difficult to not learn this), and any Jedi has something to learn, whether it is Padanava or already visited veteran-Jedi. In all the possible senses of this word, iodine is a perfect magister of Jedi.

Jedi (Eng. Jedi) - Some of the main characters of the "Star Wars" Universe, a kind of knightly order, which is mainly a peacekeeping function during armed conflicts. The main task of the Jedi orders is the protection of the republic and democracy. In their ranks, any humanoid could be joined, capable of managing force. The ability to handle strength gives the Jedyam some supercopiness.

Jedi never strove to power as such, supporting the republic exactly so much as its policy corresponded to the Code. In the new trilogy of the Franchise, the Order was subordinate to the government, but after the revival of the republic took the form of an independent organization. Nevertheless, when making decisions, Jedi has always taken into account the opinion of the authorities.

origin of name

The word "Jedi" was invented by the Creator of the Franchise George Lucas. He claims that, as a basis, they were called the name of the Japanese cinematic genre "Dzidaygaki". This genre refers to the historical drama, the leitmotif of which is a samurai life path. Since George Lucas is a big fan of Japanese culture, most likely, the image of the samurai was taken to them as the basis of Jedi as a character.

So with whom is power?

According to the plot, the force exists, because that everything alive in the universe is connected with each other by means of symbiotic creatures - Midihyloian. The more their content in the cells of the body, the stronger contact with force. However, the presence of Midihyloian does not guarantee proper control over force, this art requires a long and intensive work.

High content, myidihyloan children specially found and with the permission of parents were given to the upbringing and training of the Order. Those who have passed their studies to the end and coped with five tests, received a knightly rank. Occasionally, the knight could be done without any tests - in case of an exclusive feat.

The most famous Jedi weapon is considered a light sword consisting of plasma produced by handle. According to the tradition, the newly made knight should make the light "blade" with their own hands. The ability to own this weapon is usually combined with high focusing and harmony with force. In addition, due to the power, the jacium is characterized by increased dexterity, ownership of telekinesis, hypnosis, as well as the gift of foresight.

Of course, the Jedi has sworn and strong opponents - Sith. Unlike most Jedi, they have a rather unpleasant appearance, since the appearance of a person who bothered the dark side is changing under its disastrous impact. The brightest distinctive feature of the Sith are "cat" eyes.

Siths themselves were once Jedi, however, who were passionate about the dark side of the force, chose the path of separation and moved to the deserted planet of Corriban. The planet was inhabited by the race of the Red Humanoids, also had the ability to force. After a couple of millennia, the immigrants enslaved them and became called the Order of Sitchov.

Jedi Code

In many books through the Universe of Star Wars, the Jedi Code is given, including the following truths:

  • No excitement - there is peace.
  • No ignorance - there is knowledge.
  • No passion - there is a serenity.
  • No chaos - there is harmony.
  • No death - there is power.

Hierarchy of Order

As in any professional environment, the Jedi has a hierarchy based on the level of possession of force:

  • Junling. Thus called children who have abilities to strength, selected by the Order and brought up by Jedi as a jungle.
  • Padavan. The knight could take on training as an apprentice of one of the jungle. Fadavan followed his mentor everywhere and received the invaluable knowledge of "first-hand". When the teacher considered it necessary, he could have been tested to determine the power of the Spirit.
  • Knight. After successfully passing the tests, Padanan was recognized as a knight and could take his own student. The knights were full members of the Jedi Order and submitted to the Council.
  • master. The most deserved and respected knights were elected to the Council and appointed magnesses.

Jedi among us

Due to the great popularity of Star Saga, a peculiar teaching of the Jedism was originated. Of course, it is rather subculture than religion, however, in the UK, Jediism is officially registered religious movement. Only in this country subculture has about half a million participants and is popular in many European countries, Australia, New Zealand. Modern "Jedi" consider themselves all the same noble knights that follow the path of light and trying to fit this rank. Whether the real followers of the Jedihasis force are a mystery.

In this article you will learn:

Star Wars has gained millions of fans worldwide, few such people who would not know Luca Skywalker. With the growing popularity of this fantastic universe, the question arose - who is the strongest Jedi from the existing things.

Top 10 strongest Jedi

10. (Legends *)

Zayn got to Jedi with difficulty, as he had a weak connection with force. Of the special abilities of Kerrica, it was possible to easily converge with any creatures, which meant that he had a huge connection with a living force. Also, Zayn could predict the future. Yes, he was very bad in fencing, but was strong in spirit, since during the time of Mandalor's wars was the only one who managed not to turn on the dark side on Malakore V. Cerrick played a significant role in the first cleaning of the Jedi and in the victory over Darth Nichilus.

9. (Canon *)

Master Jedi brought up such a hero as Obi-Wang Kenobi. His deep sense of power, forced Ginno to help the galaxy oppressed in different parts. Qui-Gon was very wise and promoted the living force, believing that even the plant and other forms were impregnated. The hero was an excellent engineer, a philosopher, warrior. It was he who opened the secret of immortality, subsequently having learned this Yoda and Kenobi.

8. (Legends)

Mithra was known under the nickname extension. Her mentor at one time was reban himself. Of the special abilities, Surik were: the ability to copy the masters technique simply watching them, subordinate animals, control the breath, reading thoughts. Almost Mithra could feed their strength by the death of the enemy. She was the best fencer and proven itself as an experienced hand-to-hand fighter. Many masters feared her, which allowed her to become the greatest of the Jedi.

The consequences of Mithra actions were felt in the galaxy of the whole 4 thousand years.

7. (Legends)

Suit descendant of the great genus Jedi Shan. Her ancestors were such heroes like Bastil and Revan. The girl had a very strong connection with force, could absorb energy (once stopped the sword with his bare hands), owned powerful telekinesis (crumbled trees and stones), was distinguished by wisdom and soft character. Despite his softness, she played a key role in the very beginning of the Great Galactic War and retained the fragile world during the cold. For the head of Shan, the imperials were scheduled for 100 million loans.

6. (Canon)

Eni was very sensitive to human strength. His level of myidihylorial in the body was more than that of iodine. It was believed that Skywalker was elected, which will establish equilibrium in force. Enakin possessed the abilities of foresight, hypnosis, telekinease. He had to be the most legendary Jedi, if he had not moved to the side of Darkness. By winning his teacher Kenobi, Anakin could reach the peak of power.

5. (Canon)

Master Jedi possessed fantastic speed and was famous for the best fencer of the Order. He even developed his own fencing style. Mais could easily resist the dark side, having the opportunity without prejudice to apply the tricks of the dark side. His inability to raise large objects Windows was compensated by a huge force.

4. (Canon)

Legendary person. Kenobi was the first for 1000 years, who defeated the sieve, defeated Darth Mall killed his master. Also, Master Jedi defeated such characters as General Grivus and Anakin Skywalker. Ben was the second who survived the order 66. Kenobi was a magnificent strategist, deuel, but his knowledge was weak, but luck came to the rescue. After leaving the exile, Ben has mastered the secret of immortality, thus even after death continuing to teach his student of Luke.

3. (Canon)

The Master was famous for the strongest and wise from the Jedi, despite his such little growth. The hero was owned by the seven forms of attacks by the sword, he was insanely clever and fastened, could lift huge items into the air and unail in the heart of hope.

2. (Canon Legend)

Legendary person. Son Darth Vader. Student of upholstery-Vana Kenobi and iodine. Although he began training very late but achieved significant results, affecting the fate of the Galaxy. Luke trained all the techniques of fighting, could use lightning in battle, owned by Telekinis, foresaw, deception of reason. If you believe legends, Skywalker fought in many wars, always bringing peace to the galaxy. He trained many Jedi and was built not one temple.

1. (Legend)

Another legend since the old Republic. Revan was the most gifted in those days, which allowed him to become the greatest Jedi. Many masters claimed that they had never seen a man who owns so power. Having been on the dark side of the force, becoming a master of Revan could easily use both sides of power. The hero was an excellent leader, a genius of military tactics, a wizard of espionage, a technician, a rider. Possessing the Great Power, even having captured to Sitham, Revan was able to subjugate their will, allowing the Galaxy to live in a world of 300 years.

And who do you consider the strongest Jedi?

For many millennia, the Order of Jedi has undergone many changes, and from the weakly organized group of "Cherryev", which he was in antiquity, in the days of the old republic turned into an organization consisting of disciplined warriors, peace and justice advocates. Some changes occurred gradually and were carried out only after careful examination by Jedi; Others arose as a quick response to unforeseen events and political cataclysms.

Despite all these transformations, the most significant aspect in the history of the Jedi is the fact that the creatures endowed with the power and power were not just united together, but began to use their opportunities for the benefit of others. Jedi can tell the use of their skills in handling force, but the Order of the Jedi has become a real unifying factor for them.

Strength and her mythical origins

Power is an energy that permeates and unites time, space and living beings. Although the predecessors of the very first Jedies are often called the discovers of this phenomenon, in fact the power existed always, and the Jedi was not the first of those who used it as an energy source. An ancient story knows many creatures that have discovered special abilities (and showing them). This indicates that they were foresyuzers and understood the nature of strength.

Although such individuals have always been in a minority, there are assumptions that in reality such creatures are much more - at least those whom can be attributed to the category of susceptible to strength. It is understood that they are in one degree or another are potential, allowing them to become forssyusers in time.

Approximately thirty thousand years ago there was such a biological species like a rocket. They used power as a source of energy for most of their technologies - including spacecraft engines that allowed them to move in hyperspace and attend remote worlds. Despite the existence of a variety of ancient reliefs, illustrating the scientific achievements of the Rakata and their dominant position in the Galaxy, some historians believe that the Rakata may have borrowed technology from the mysterious creators of the Korelian system, which existed for many millennia to the Rakata.

Relying on the breakdowns that preserved on the dilapidated information disks, the researchers tried to trace the history of the Jedi, from the current era to the time of existence of several long-standing organizations - including the Mystical Order of Gov Benda, followers of Palaua in the legendary "Academy of Chatos", or the parishioners of Ashla on Titon.

Great Golokron sheds a little light only on the organization located on the Titon; That to the rest of the groups, then it seems, everything that remains from them is the name.

First Jedi

Approximately twenty-five thousand years ago, the development of hyperpriced flight technologies led to the fact that most of the core planets were formed into a democratic union, known as the Galactic Republic. According to Veliky Golokron, the first community of susceptible to the power of creatures was formed on a young planet called Taton, where the forms were manipulated by the positive energy, which they called "Ashla". This energy allowed them through telepathy through huge distances. She also helped them to exacerbate feelings, heal themselves and see the future through a veil time. In the end, they found out that this energy is not limited to Taton alone, and permeates the entire galaxy. Apparently, it is precisely these forms or their descendants who ultimately become known under the name of the Jedi - Warriors who confess the religion of harmony, knowledge, tranquility and peacefulness.

Jedi Titon came to understand that the power has two fundamental aspects: a bright side, or Ashla, and a dark side, or a boom. The bright side was regarded by them as a quintessence of creation, equilibrium and development. They believed that it was originally naturally inherent in the whole galaxy. The Dark Party, in their opinion, was selfish inherently and consisted of negative energy, which made it simultaneously more separately and more destructive.

Jedyam required generations to learn how to handle strength and turn it out of what was once considered witchcraft, to what was considered science. When they learned that the strength permeates all the space, they went to other planets to take away and train creatures, like them susceptible to strength. Some Jedi elected a diplomatic launch, while others became experts in the field of martial arts. They began to call themselves, respectively, the Jedii-Consuls and Jedi-defenders. Jedi, who has been debated by the service of the Galaxy, have become known as "Jedi-Personal". The Great Golokron stores the word record of Sarah Agorna, the Jedi-Consul epochs of the early days of the republic:

"The ability to manage force may seem unusual, but this is not a unique phenomenon. If there is a sufficient number of time and suitable ingredients, almost everyone can learn how to use power and move small objects or affect weak minds. But this is not the jaci path. The desire to use such skills for the benefit of others, and not for the sake of their mercenary thoughts, and distinguishes Jedi from everyone else. "

The Jedi's meditation and spiritual practices found that, avoiding such emotions as hatred, anger and desire, they became more powerful in the use of light side of force. Jedyam Antiquity Order did not allow to have a close relationship with someone or marry. However, it was believed that strong emotions associated with such relationships could have influenced the actions and behavior of the majority of the Jedi. Most of the members of the Order led the monastic lifestyle. As some legends say, the first of the Knights-Jedas visited Kaamas's planet in order to learn the moral principles of local residents. Jedii tried to understand how to relate their abilities with ethical standards.

Studies of force were continued at the Gedi Philosophy School, based on the OSS, after the Great Hypercosmic War. Jedi-students studied the art of conducting a battle, at the same time comprehending the fact that patience, humility and self-sacrifice is the way to enlighten. That's what Master Odan-Urr said:

"Master Jedi always tells it to his students before the first lesson:" Try to cross the unfamiliar river without checking her depth and unwanted shames, and you drown in a stream without reaching the intended goal. " The same applies to the formation of Jedi. You must be able to recognize traps and choose the right path - otherwise you will only bring an ordinance and shamelessly donate. "

As the Jedi, thanks to its actions and accomplishments, gained fame and fame in the entire republic, the Jedi Masters did not forget about the essence of the dark side. That's what Master Bodo Baas said:

"Jedi does not impose power. Jedi is not a dominator and not oppressor. The desire for power means refusal to force. Such an individual ceases to understand the strength - besides its dark side. Thought the authorities - it means to stand on the path that leads to destruction. Dominator - enemy, it is. But the Jedi does not use the Dominator's dark meals against him. "

At Jesus, the Jedi began to come to understand that the bright and dark sides are a reflection of the real aspects of the living force, the unique manifestation of vital energy, and the unified force - the planetary embodiment of the prophecies and destinies. Speaking more accurately, they realized that both sides are closely intertwined and necessary to each other, as they provide an universe equilibrium. Jedi can avoid relationships with a dark side, but they cannot ignore its power. After a millennium, the understanding of the unified strength was lost by Jedi, but was again open during the war of the New Republic with Yuuzhan-Vongami.

Cal Kestis wakes up the light sword of traditional color, but draws strength from non-conventional sources.

To telegraph


Cal Kestis wakes up the light sword of traditional color, but draws strength from non-conventional sources.

Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order tells the story - Spoiler - an unsuccessful attempt to revive the Jedi Order. Padavan finds a contradictory mentor, fighting with evil, follows the light side of the force and turns into a real Jedi.

In any case, everything looks like at first glance. But if you think about, considers Kotaku observer Zack Zwizen, Jedi Fallen Order This game is not so much about Jedi as about Sitha. Or, in any case, about the transition to the use of the dark side of force.

The universe of "Star Wars" in general and the Jedi in particular, recalls Zack, were a kind of answer of George Lucas on the War in Vietnam. Lucas came up with a very peaceful concept of power as energy connecting everything alive in the universe.

His Jedi is partly reminding Hippie: they do not seek to untie the aggressive wars and develop through self-knowledge, self-improvement, the study of spiritual practices and training. Cal Castis acts otherwise.

In Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order The game immediately reports: Know opponents, earn experience and become stronger. Killing and pumping, Cal opens up new abilities associated with force; In addition, murders restore the amount of force that is available for use.

In the "Star Wars" universe, Zak notes, the force does not work so - in any case, Jedi. Sith, and perhaps the sisters of the night are able to draw the power of the murders, but for the Jedi connection with force through violence and death is unthinkable.

Power is not the power you possess. Not something that can earn. All creatures in the "Star Wars" universe are associated with force - even those who have lost their entire light and left on the dark side.

The idea that killing various creatures or people Cal fills its level of force, completely contradicts the original intention of the force. Zack Zwiesen
At the same time, Zak adds, from the point of view of the gameplay, such use of force is justified. In the end, Jedi Fallen Order is a role action and the character needs to be powered and becoming stronger.

Theoretically, the main character could replenish the level of force or receive experience, blocking attacks or evading them: so force would not be issued for obvious violence. Or perhaps the rate of force was worth it to increase when the player avoids battles with knowingly weak opponents.

Interestingly, according to the journalist, Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order developers have tested if not all, then almost all the mechanics described, which allowed the power to replenish the strength due to the murders. During the playlists it turned out that these mechanics do not work.

I am sure that with force you could come up with something better. But, on the other hand, I really like hacking opponents with his light sword. Perhaps I'm just Sith in the depths of the soul and you need to reflect the smaller. Zack Zwiesen