
Star wars weapon Django Feta. Dzhango Fett: Character Biography. Son Bishop Catherine Kurtz

The warlord, we too often look from the standpoint of dualism: Jedi or Sith, light-dark, proper wrong. But this blade has three blades, not two; They are opposite and similar at the same time. The third blade - Mandalorian. All three blades do not distinguish between classes and races, they are true only to the unifying code. Mandalorian remain the most dangerous enemies of the Jedi, but Sith do not always become their allies. Mandalorian even worshiped the war itself, but then turned away from their God. You need to try to understand them once.

- Audge, explaining the galactic policy of Yuuzhan Vongam, shortly before their invasion of the Galaxy, 25 ABY

Coruscant. 24 ABY: lower level, quarter in which no one reasonable will wander at night

Bob Fett raised Blaster and aimed.

"You can run," he said. - But you will only die tired.

Missed through the vocoder, the voice was similar to the gnash; He never needed screaming - because he was always heard. The goal of Fetta - the Rodinian Fake Vak Bur, unusually fat for his race - forced him to chase himself along a confusing and almost hopeless labyrinth of the depths of the quarter, and now found himself in a dead end.

In the Rodansky "HAK" meant "lucky". VAK did not have the drill.

"Alive or dead," Fett reminded him. Thermal Application Blaster firmly captured the habit; He helped the fact that he radiated warmly from under the filmed boxes. - Dead easier. Come on. I have a lot of things.

- Why did you pounce me? I never moved the road, Fett.

"I know," Fett replied. - But you started selling fake art objects Gebbu. Hutta belong to this very sensitive.

As in the old days. The cloned foot is the gesture of politeness from his former Kaminoan keeper Town Ve, - still well served him at pursuit. Fett never asked his mood - good or bad; But now he could say that he feels as good as he has never felt. He almost felt that something pleasant would happen in the future. Since childhood, he did not feel this.

Alley was a width of fifteen meters, and stretched twenty meters ahead; There was no exit. Just a trap, which flew frightened rhodian. A quick inspection on the weapon (here it was impossible to be careless) showed that Vaca has a hidden blaster, which can not be worried about. Fett slowly approached moving and rustling boxes.

"Come on, went," said Fett, checking chrono in the form.

- You have no chips morally! - Vacu said often proceeded from the mouth of the fakes. - It doesn't look like hebbu is a victim. Why don't you hunt for real criminals?

- Because Gebbu considers you something special. Are you going with me or not?

Boxes moved. Vak did not get out. It was a kind of answer.

- Okay. Nothing personal, - noticed Fett, threw bluster, focused on the target visible in a thermoprity, delayed breathing - as many times before it - and pressed on the descent ...

Bar "Jaranzes". Nar Shaddaa, Hattov Space, 24 ABY

The pagans call it the preparation of the battlefield. This is a thorough job requiring patience - clearing the path for the attacking army truly believers. I am preparing well: I leave nothing to the will of the case. I, Mr. Anor, performer, and my occupation - implementation and destabilization.

And in this dirty place I am looking for allies.

Do you need the Allies in this disgusting galaxy? Not. Sooner or later, we are almost great cleansing of worlds from cars and rotting creatures that went into slavery to them. But I am practitioners, and practice never misses the opportunity, and do not leave the army for your enemies.

The heer says that the warriors, called "Mandaliarian" - the most stubborn enemy, who generally met the Jedi, in addition to Sitchov. So, being a practice, I think is better to have them nearby than behind. And, like all the local abomination, Mandalorian is sold by the sacred craft of war - for money. They do not fight for the gods - it seems they are not more diveged than I - but for the sake of wealth.

What, in their opinion, more expensive and more important to honor? Why do I even defile myself with contacts with them?

It must be done, and I will gladly suffer this pain.

And since Mandalorian is cheaply selling their honor and art, I can buy them and use.

So it is easy. I am pretending to the pagan and I will convincingly talk to abomination. I can look like them and talk like them; But I should never become such as they, and I already hid so much time among them ... Sometimes I am afraid that I likened it. As a precaution, I pray to Yun-Harlu (if she really exists) instruct me on the way - so that my life in lies did not deceive me.

Under the table, so that the pagans do not see, I spend the palm with a knife and use pain as a prayer and a point of concentration. I need to hold out another year before the arrival of the fleet.

I do not believe in the great, but I can be wrong. And I practitioner, so I take into account all the options.

So I ... I order El. And I will sit in anticipation.

Bar Jaranza, Nar Shaddaa: Buy-one-get-night-free, Fifth month 24 ABY.

Signboard over the door, fed by blaster fire, read: Bar has always worked; Despite any number of wars, clashes and small armed disagreements between business partners, he has never yet close.

Goran Bevyin passed through the door of "Jara" - welded in an open state, which - to the local one owner; Delivered, considering an unusually crowded bar.

"There's," the bartender engaged in creating a complex cocktail, woven his head toward poorly illuminated in the far corner. In his hands there were many pieces of fruits, chopsticks and a heavenly blue spiral bottle of merchant for two hundred credits with nasty chicks of heraff, bugged inside. - France in a black suit. Looking for help from Mando.

Bevin turned his head, spending an old-fashioned inspection - on the eye. Ha, the guy was ugly. True - the face resembled a crumpled speaker and was almost as dirty. Bevioin thought he was worth offering an extra helmet - so as not to scare the interlocutors. But they were as busy as a bartender - studied foam on beer, or pieces in glasses of Vosh, becoming a ferry. In such bars, visitors make every effort to not look at each other - and then you can get a vibratory in the stomach. Local staff was proud of the strict rules of the bar, so Bevyin took the bottle of Ale, going to cose her later; Here he was not going to shoot a helmet.

- We are not a beauty salon.

Barman pulled two bottles to him, and the mercenary put them in a bag hanging from the belt.

- Did you see him before?

- Such a person is not forgotten ...

From the far wall of the bar heard the explosion of female laughter, and Bevyin noticed a woman and a young girl in a complete Beskar "Gam - Mandalorian Armor - shifted at the table; Looks like they were shared by jokes.

- Again the night for the ladies, as I see.

- Listen, I do not need problems.

- I do not plan them.

Bevyin did not recognize them. It seems that they spent the fun - and not particularly worried about what was the only non-working women in the bar. In this sector there were small Mandalorian communities, but Mercenaries, looking for a job, were gathered in Jare, so women could come from anywhere. Their armor was dark red, with a black sword icon on Kiras - which spoke of belonging to one clan. Looks like Mother and daughter. Helmets were laid on the floor.

In this article you will learn:

Dzhango Fett (Jango Fett) - Famous Mandalorsk mercenary, killer, head hunter. Star Wars Universe Character.The story of Fetta consists of legends (books) and canons (the original story of films and books written since 2014). Since Django died in the film, there are no reason to not believe in his life before he became a mercenary.


Birth and childhood

The hero was born of 66 dB, on the agricultural planet Concord-Down Sector Mandalor, in the Fett family. Django had a sister Arla.

As a child, Dzhango witnessed the murder of parents, when the civil war was broken on the planet and the father was covered by the True Mandalortians at home.

The death hall, led by the Visno, killed Fetta's parents, and his sister took hostages. Django miraculously managed to escape, hiding. He helped Mandalores and they took the boy with them.

Wanting revenge, Dzhango participated in an ambush to the dialing of death, where he undermined the tank and shot the killer of his parents.

Arla's sister, for a long time was captive, but eventually fell into the hospital in Coruscant.


Young Fett

Django remained among the Mandalortians, where he began to raise and train the leader Jasper Mel. All his youth he spent in training.

Having become an adult, Django became the leader of the Dzhango Trees. His first mission was the distraction of a group of thugs, but the enemy turned out to be much larger than it was supposed. In this dawn, the fett mentor died - former, thrown by a colleague Montross.

Dzhango managed to reach a gathering point with the dead leader in his arms, after which he accused of all the Montross, forcing him to go out, and he himself became the leader of the true Mandalortians.

As a leader, Django continued the merchant, performing orders in the galaxy.

Dzhango and former

A real problem for Fetta was the Jeszla Thor who tried to restore the dialing of death and accused Mandalortians in the discovered and murder. He even called the Jedi to deal with them.

When the Jedi's Camp arrived at the Jedi camp, headed and Padavan Mosquito Erae, Fett was angry with a visruse and ordered to open fire.

All Mandalorsians ran in this fight. Hazardized Django, did what he glorified him - he defeated six Jedi, bare hands. However, the outcome of the battle was predetermined. Fett is the only one who stayed alive.

Slavery and revenge

Dzhango sold into slavery and he was a slave on the ship carrying spices. His capture lasted until pirates attacked the ship.

Bezhav, Fett went to the place of the last battle in search of his armor and revenge. Finding armor, Dzhango took the search for a visa. He found him on the ship "Diezhent Wheems" in a fight. The end of the battle happened on the planet Kornellia, where Fett got a blow to a poisonous blade, and the wounded visaslo was confused by wild cats.

After the death of the leader, the death watch visor disappeared, which put a point in the civil war on Concord-Down.


Head hunter

The plot of the canon begins with the first film where the hero appeared, in the film "Attack Clones" (the actor of Teamere Morrison played his role in the film), but there is a small prehistory of Django, as he actually subscribed to the creation of the clone army and became a legendary hunter.

After the end of the war, Fett left Mandalortians, becoming a famous head hunter.

Django was famous in the criminal world of the galaxy hunter for heads. He was the embodiment of strength, dexterity and calculation.

In the fight against the enemy, Fett used a smooth armored helmet and armored vehicles.

In 32 DBI, the famous hunter received a tempting job offer. A certain person, named Tiranus, for a huge amount, suggested that he would hunt for the former Jedi Komari V., who was one of those who destroyed the Fetta team, and now fastened the criminal organization "Bando Mountain".

"My congratulations, Dzhango Fett. I am Tiranus. I have a suggestion for you. You are one of those selected to participate in a special hunt for special prey. If you succeed, your reward will be expressed in five million credits of the republic. "

In long searching for Komari and her organization, Fett met the hunter named Deputy Weshell and acquired a new ship "Slave I", in returning the destroyed "Jaster heritage".

Another hunter, with whom Django, was prepared to commence the old acquaintance - Montross. He traveled him down on the way to the Bogdan system, where Bando Mountain was located and attacked. Fett came out in this battle winner.

Having found a prevail, Dzhango was captured. Komari inflicted him a lot of scars on the face, trying to make her slave, but the hunter was saved by Deputy Weshell. Together they defeated the fallen Jedi. Dzhango could kill the mosquito, but did not, instead it made him the tenant, who was in the room - Darth Tiranus, he is the former teacher of the eight - Duku.

Tiranus was struck by Fetta's abilities, how he fought with Jedi and killed them. All this was only a test for Django, which was offered much more than 5 million credits. The hunter was asked to become a donor to create a clone army, which will need to execute "Order 66" at one time.

Attack clones

Fett agreed, going to the firewood, where his exact copies were created.

At the request of Dzhango, another clone was created without genetic modifications, which the mercenary was dubbed. He raised him as a native son and hoped that he would ever be headed by True Mandalortians.

In 22 DBY, Duku gave orders to mercenary to kill Senator Amidal. From the task of Fett laid on the old familiar deputy Weshell. After two unsuccessful attempts, the deputy was caught by Obi-Wan Kenobi, after which Dzhango had to kill her poisoned dart.

In 22 DBY, Django and his son attended the speech of Darth Tiranus on the planet Geonosis. The sudden attack of the Jedi, forced Fetta to fight again against powerful enemies. He managed to hit several Jedi, when he attacked him. Mace was much faster than Django because of which the famous hunter lost his head.

After that, Boba hated all the Jedi and swore to kill Mace Windu.

In this article you will learn:

Bob Fett (Boba Fett) is a ruthless head hunter, clone, Mandalor from the Universe of Star Wars. For the first time, the famous hero appeared in the film "Attack Clones" as a little boy clone. Its history is filled with legends and only a small part of the canon (original history).

Boba was created on the planet Kamino approximately 32 DBY, at the request of Django Fetta ten years before the clone war. Django wanted the heir, who received in the form of a small clone boy, unlike other clones that were made exclusively adults.

The boy grew under the supervision of Fetta, who cared for him as a native son. In addition to Dzhango, the hunt of Weshel's shovel and the Kaminocan tone, which was considered a boys's adopted mother of the boy.

Bob did not go to school and most knowledge received from travels and books. The fighting skills he gained, training with adult clones.

Little Fett almost everywhere followed his father, who performed dangerous missions hired by Darth Tiranus known as.

Clone Attack (Canon)

In the "attack of clones" we first see Bob, the role of which was performed by Daniel Logan.

Bob was about 10 years old when the Jedi flew to the Camino to investigate the case of the attempt on the Senator Nabu - y (which was performed by Django). Then Kenobi and the Jedi Council, learned about the creation of the army of clones for the republic.

Django and Bob urgently left the planet on the ship "Slave 1". It did not cost and without a small battle with the Jedi, which ended in a draw.

Bob with his father went to geonosis, to his tutorTrying to shock with the tail of the syncing Kenobi. On the planet, mercenary and son, have witnessed the beginning of the clone war. When separatists opposing the republics attempted to execute the caught Jedi: Kenobi, and so Senator Amidal, the troops of the clones were invaded for geonosis.

Boba watched his father from far away and saw how the head hunter fighting with the master, suffered a defeat having lost his head. After the fight of separatists and clones of the republic left the arena, Bob, finally, was able to leave the shelter and pick up the father's helmet. He swore to revenge Windows.

"Maybe I would have grown a cute guy if the Jedi did not cut off his head my father right in front of me!"

Formation of the head hunter (legends)

Father's death has become a shock for young fette. In the fact that he stayed alone, the boy Vinyl Order of the Jedi, especially Master Windows. The desire to keep with Jedi, forced Bob to unite with the hunters for the heads of Bossky, Orré Sing and Kastas.

To start, Bob was introduced to the brigade of young clones, which worked with Anakin Skywalker and Windows, but nothing came out of this. All attempts to kill the masters ended with failure.

Together with the orra, Bob knocked a star destroyer "persistent"After taking the hostages and demanding the appearance of Windows. When, Sing killed a companion Kastasas, Bob, finally, saw how cruel and repented in his deed, however, it was too late, since the Jedi Po Coon and Padavan sat on the footprint.

After the arrest of Fetta, Kun found out his place to find hostages, whom Tano freed. Together with Bossk, Bob was sent to Coruscant. There, the boy personally met with Windows, who told about his hatred for the master and regret what he did.

In 21 DBY, Bob managed to escape from prison. He went to Tatoin, where Jabba Hatt took him to work, in his return to his father.

In 19 Dbia, the hero found out that Windows was killed. At the same time, the republic was reorganized into the Galactic Empire.

In 15 DBY, Fett decided to start a "normal life", after which he married the hunt behind the heads of Sintas. The girl gave birth from the beans the daughter called - Isline. Unfortunately, Fetta had to leave the family.

In 5 dbya, Bob received an order for Khan SoloBut it was possible to catch up.

At this time, the mercenary performed some tasks from. Among the orders from Lord Sith, there was an investigation into the death of the Amidala Padme.

The Empire is negotiated (canon)

The subsequent hunt of the matured beans was to capture the elusive Khan Solo. Fett followed him everywhere, while Darth Vader, did not assemble mercenaries who could track the movement of his ship. Bob was the only one who succeeded and together by Vader, he arranged a trap for "falcon" on the cane.

The solo was frozen in carbonise and by agreement was given to mercenary. Finally, the smuggler was caught and Bob went to Tatinen to Jabbe.

For solo, Fett received 250,000 credits, instead of 100,000.

"This little sculpture is Khan Solo? Not. What I brought is art, the art created by a dark lord, which used solo as a material. "

Hatt asked Fetta to stay in the palace, in case the friends of the captain will come after him.

Jedi's Return (Canon)

Bob appeared in the 6th film, where his role was quite small.

As Jabba assumed, his friends came to save Hana, and who were also captive. Princess Leia was given to Bob as a concubine, but Fett refused her due to moral considerations.

Bob stayed on the execution of friends in the failure of Karkun, trying to convince Jabba to give Skywalker to him. After the failure of Hutta, the mercenary decided to save the hatch, after which to deliver Vader.

During the execution, the prisoners managed to free themselves and practically destroy all the jabb's apprentice, including him. Himself, Bob in a fight with Solo fell into the pit Sarlacca and was counted dead.

Subsequent life (legends)

Killing Sarlacca Rocket, Bob was saved.

For a long time he was in the shade for a long time, since everyone considered him dead, but when an impostor appeared, Bob was forced to appear to deal with the scoundrel who assimilated his name and achievements.

Soon, Fett replaced the head of Mandalors - Fenna Shisis, on the planet Mandalor.

24 Pbia, Boba concluded a deal with Mr. Anhor (Yuuzhan-Wong), without understanding who he really is.

When, in 25 PBI, the bloody war was broken out with Yuuzhan Vongami, who was previously unknown race, Bob decided not to terminate the contract and suffer to confidence in the invaders to learn their weaknesses. Fett secretly transferred information for the New Republic, however, his efforts were not evaluated.

Mandalortians managed to work for the enemy for a long time, sending information to the republic, while in 29 PBIs did not divert them. Bob, together with his people managed to hide such planets as Horde Mantell, Tolatin and Gindin. As a result, the war was finished with a victory for joint efforts.

In 40 Pbia, when Bob has shouted for 73 years, he learned that he was seriously sick and live him left for two years. While Fett died, he decided to find his daughter Aylin and pick up a new leader in his place.

Looking for daughter Bob with bitterness learned that she was killed by the son of Khan Solo -. Now this Jedi has become for the mercenary target number one. Despite the sad news Bob found out that he has the granddaughter of Mithra Gevwhich herself found him and tried to kill, for the fact that he threw her grandmother and mother. Grandfather and granddaughter, who became the head hunter, were recalled, after which the body was reburied by Django Fetta and Isline, on Mandalor.

Soon, Fett was cured using bone marrow transplantation. Having learned what was happening with Jasein Solo, who became Lord Sith, Fett sent Khan, a sympathetic gift, hinting at his son.

Together with his granddaughter, Bob found out that his wife Sintas was still alive and returned it to Mandalor. In the substitution of lost years, Fett presented his wife a pendant, which contained all codes for the huge property of the hunter.

After a while, on the planet, the daughter of Khan, who wanted to learn from Fetta to the receptions of the Jedi murder, as she wanted to kill Sith's brother.

"Fett, you can teach me how to destroy the Jedi. You did it quite often. "

Jane was very sfitted with Metroi and helped the Fetta Mandalors in several military operations, becoming a friend of arms for them. Although with the people of the beans, Jane and became friends, he did strictly and rudely with her, since he had not seen the difference between Jedi and Sithami.

After the victory of Janes over his brother, Fett witnessed the wedding of Mitra who married Mandalor States HPP Orade.

(Boba Fett)

The ruthless hunter for a reward, which, not knowing the tired, the decades were pursued by Khan Solo and Chubakka throughout the galaxy. Folded in Mandalorskaya (Mandalorean) armor, Fett is a walking arsenal: its equipment includes blasts on wrists, grenade launcher, miniature flamethrough and fracturing cable-whip. His helmet is stupid by the most different highly sensitive sensors, and the system of life support system is built into the costume. Fett, the only one who escaped from the mouth of the insatiable Tatooinsky Sarlacca, perhaps the most serious and stubborn enemy of the heroes of Javin.

Race: human.

Height: 1.83 meters.

Planet: Unknown.

Affiliation: not.

First appearance: "The Empire is negotiated."

Full biography

Numerous legends go about the past of Fetta beans. According to one of them, reflected in the "Stories about the Bounty Hunters), Fetta once called Jester Meryl (Jaster Mereel), and he served a hired defender (local name of law enforcement guards) on the planet harmonious dawn ( CONCORD DAWN). Meril coped perfectly with her duties, but one day killed his unprincipled college bribe. Without repenting in the tried in court, Jessister Meryl was sentenced to confiscation of property and expulsion from the native planet. According to other sources, Fett participated in the wars of clones and met with R2-D2, C-3PO, Luc Skywalker, Khan Solo and Chubakka long before he led Darth Vader to the rebels in a cloudy city.

Oddly enough, very few legends are told when and as Fett mined his powerful Mandalorior armor. Mandaliers called themselves members of the sect of frantic warriors, founded more than 4,000 years before the Galactic Civil War. During the wars of clones, the Jedi Knights caused them a crushing defeat, but individual representatives of the clan could stay alive. Communication of Fetta with Mandaliers remains a secret, but it is obvious that the hunter for a reward seriously worked on the advanced armor. The helmet was built into the macrobinel, broadband antenna, motion and sound sensors, a night vision device and a comlink to communicate with the ship of Fetta "Slave I". In gloves on the wrists, lasers and lasers are hidden, as well as a durable cable, designed to progress the victim. Also, the number of useful trifles includes studded shoes, mini-rockets in knees, grenade launcher and a rocket launcher with a turbo-thrown magnetic "cat" and a 20-meter cable. Favorite weapon of a reward hunter - Blaster Rifle "Blastech EE-3".

On the right shoulder, Fett wears the WOOL scalps, braided into the pigtail. These trophies are a symbol of the hunting valor of Fetta, because the wook is extremely difficult to track down and kill. Fett hopes to replenish the collection of Chubakki scalp, but the hero of the Alliance escaped this sad fate.

Fett received hundreds of awards appointed for a variety of creatures, but the biggest Kush ripped, having tripped Hana Solo in a cloud city. Since Darth Vader, Jabba Hatt, was hunted behind the solo, Fett put money in his pocket and from the other. Another acquisition from this mission was the envy of other reward hunters, including Bossk (BOSSK) and IG-88, who pursued Fetta to the jabb Palace, where he delivered a solo body frozen in carbonet. Fett remained at Jabb until the hatch, Leia and Chubakka, trying to save the solo, did not fall into the hands of Hatta. Jabba sentenced heroes to slow death in Sarlacka's womb, but the birds escaped from the cage. In the resulting fight Fett, he tried to capture the hatch again, but temporarily blinded Khan Solo accidentally pushed the hunter into the sarlac. There I would also kill Beob Fetto, a thousand years experienced intolerable suffering, while Sarlakk would slowly digest the unfortunate hunter for the reward ...

However, Bob Fett appears in almost any story, the action of which occurs after the battle at Endor. It is said that he got out of the stomach Sarlacca and was found a good acquaintance, a hunter for the reward Dengar. Recovery, Fett resumed the persecution of Khan Solo. Its further adventures are described in such sources as the "Dark Empire", "Dark Empire - 2" and "Bob Fett: a dual destruction machine" (Boba Fett: Twin Engines of Destruction). Although he repeatedly tolerated defeats from Khan, Chubakki and Lei, the obsession of Fetta does not decrease, and perhaps one day he will again capture the solo.

Behind the scenes

Bob Fett originated from the early sketches belonging to Darth Vader. Initially, Lucas assumed that Vader would be a galactic mercenary and a hunter for a reward. In the end, he turned into a more suitable knight of the character, but the "criminal" component of Vader subsequently developed in Bob Fetta.

Bob Fett, whose appearance was developed by Ralph Mcquorry (Ralph McQuarrie), first appeared in the 11-minute animation ribbon from the "Star Wars Holiday Special). In this cartoon, Luke Skywalker with droids is sent to search for Khan Solo and Chubakka, missing in search of a mysterious talisman. The hatch on his Y-wing fighter is crashed into one of the moons in the Panna system (Panna), and Fett comes to help. Together, they find the "millennial falcon", but soon it is removed that Fett works for Darth Vader. After contractions with the hatch, Fett disappears.

After the appearance in the "festive special issue" and the accompanying printing products of Fett became one of the most anticipated characters of the film "The Empire inflicts a response." ILM has put a lot of time and effort, creating a fette bean suit for filming. Many details were added by Joe Johnston (Joe Johnston), which also made separate parts of the costume. The changes continued to be included in the costume even after the start of the shooting, and each of them was recorded on the film. For example, the first version of the helmet of Fetta beans over the observation slit was eye-like marks.

English actor Jeremy Balloch (Jeremy Bulloch) spent on the shooting of the "empire" about 20 minutes to wear Fetta beans costume. Balloch was filmed in the role of a hunter for a reward both in the "empire" and in the "return of Jedi", but his voice was subsequently duplicated by the American actor. In total, in the trilogy of Bobba Fett only gives four phrases.

Bob Fett also appears in the special edition of the "New Hope", in the scene of the conversation of Khan Solo and Jabba Hutta on the landing site No. 94. An ILM employee was dressed in the costume, which was removed on a blue background and inserted in a neatly way into the frame. In the same way, several new frames with Fett in the "Jedi Return" were made.