
The name of the father Skywalker. Who is Anakina Skywalker? Actual topics of modernity in "Star Wars"

The Star Wars Cinema Equipment is a world-famous history about the cosmic adventures, life and struggle of various heroes - both positive and negative. The latter refers to the completely ambiguous character Darth Vader, he is a dark lord, called Anakin Skywalker as a child.

"Star Wars" and Darth Vader

The history of the creation of iconic film cards, and then the universe of "Star Wars" originates in the distant 1971, when the director and producer George Lucas concludes a contract with the studio "United Artists" for shooting the film "Star Wars".

However, it is believed that everything began in 1976, after the release of book-novels with the same name under the authorship of D. Lucas and A. D. Phoster. The producers of the film company feared the fact that the film fails at the box office, and decided to be reinforced by releasing the book. In 1977, D. Lukas receives a reader's literary premium for this novel, and doubts of producers are finally dispelled.

In May of the same year, the first of the nine films of the Cinepopesee, which is called "Star Wars. New Hope". In it for the first time and one of the main characters appear. Who is Darth Vader?

Characteristics of the main character

Darth Vader is the main negative character, the cruel and cunning leader of the Galactic Imperial Army, which dominates the entire Universe. It is essentially the most powerful Sitch, and also learns from the emperor Palpatine itself and is on the dark side of power.

Darth Vader fights against the rebel alliance, in order to prevent the decay of the Empire. The alliance, on the contrary, wants the restoration of the Galactic Republic and the Union of Free Planets.

But initially Darth Vader was a positive character, one of the Jedi named Anakin Skywalker. Its transition with bright on the dark side of power and transformation into Darth Vader takes several reasons. To understand who Darth Vader must be viewed on all stages in his life.

Childhood Anakina Skywoker

Anakin Skywalker, who later became Darth Vader, was born in 42 to the battle in Javin on the planet Tathuene. His mother was a slave named Semi Skywalker, who did not tell anything about Anakin's father. Jedi Qui-Gon Jin, who found the future Darth Vader and who considered the boy elected, argued that his father was a light power.

Kwai-Gon Gin frees Anakin from slavery and takes the Corrussant with him on the planet. Kawai requires the Jedi Council of the Jedi for the training of Skywalker, but it receives a refusal, motivated by the fact that his student already has, and because of the age of Anakin. Also, the reason for the refusal was the anger and fear that he had from slave times. In the future, Skywalker becomes Jedi under the mentoring Obi-Van Kenobi, and the Council is humbled with it.

From Anakina Skywalker - to Darth Vader

Anakin 10 years later becomes an adult and acquires Jedi's skill, although still Padavan Kenobi. At the same time, Shiv Palpatine (he dart Sidius, the future emperor) proceeds to fulfill its plan, who hasnden for many years. He was to make Anakina Skywalker with his student, luring him on the dark side of power.

Palpatine uses the loss of Enakin's confidence in his Mentors-Jedyam and the Forbidden Love Skywalker to the Queen of the Planet Nabi - Padme Amidale Verber. One of the main reasons for the transformation of Anakin becomes his pain and anger that appear after he revenge on the death of his mother with chimnee-dusted nomads. Having engulfed his grief and hatred due to the loss of mother pushing Enakin on merciless murders, in which women and children die. Of course, Skywalker still does not know who Darth Vader, but the process is already irreversible, and, to the joy of Palpatine, Anakin, not being aware of the whole occurring, it turns out on the dark side of the force and becomes a student of the emperor.

Dark Side

Chancellor Palpatine is captured to the separatists, and to free it, Anakin and Obi-Van come to the fight. During the fight, Obi-Vana stuns the leader of the rowers Count Duku, but Anakin wins him. After that, the Chancellor orders Skywalle to cut off his head unarmed graph. Anakin obeys the order, but doubts the correctness of the prisoner made, because the murder of the captive is not a Jedi case.

Anakin returns to Coruscant, where the padme on which he was secretly married, tells him about his pregnancy. Palpatine makes Skywalker with his representative in the adviser of the Jedi, however the meeting, subdued by the will of the Chancellor, does not enerk Anakin in masters. Also he is also charged for Pipatin, after which the future Darth Vader finally loses faith in the Jedi.

Later it turns out that the Chancellor is in reality and there is the very master of Sitchov, followed by the Order for a long time. Magister Windows and several Jedi are sent to arrest Chancellor. Anakin is followed by them and finds the duel between Palpatin and Windows. Chancellor from a deadly blow protects Anakin Skywalker, stopping Windows, after which Palpatine kills a master.

Darth Vader.

All the events described above and the death of his beloved wife Padme finally inclined Anakin on the dark side of power. Skywalle is not back the way, as he, in fact, became an accomplice in the murder of Master of Jedi. He brings an oath of loyalty to Darta Sidius (Palpatin) and gets a new Sitch name - Darth Vader.

After some time, he receives an order from Sidius - to destroy all the Jedi, who are in his temple. Darth Vader kills them with his own hands, without sporming ends, nor Padavanov, the clones soldiers help him in this atrocility. Also, following the order of Sidius, Vader destroys all the leaders of the Confederation on the planet of Mustafar volcanoes, naively believing that he will achieve the long-awaited peace in the republic.

Iodine and Obi-Wan, having learned who made a slaughterhouse in the temple, decide to kill Darth Vader. In the duel, Kenobi cuts out the left hand with a light sword with the left hand and both legs, after which, dying, he falls to the river bed from the molten lava, and his clothes begins to burn.

Suit Darth Vader.

Semi-winning and burnt wader saves his mentor Sidius. In order to maintain life, Darta Vader is put on a special hermetic suit-space. He was a portable mobile life support system, without which Vader could not do after the wounds and burns from the lava river could not do after the wounds and burns in the duel. These armor were created using the ancient alchemical knowledge of Sitchov.

The main thing in Darth Vader's costume was the most complex respiratory system, with the help of which he could breathe, because after burns to do it was impossible. The armor was created according to all the traditions of the Sith warriors and provided good defense to their owner, although they occasionally broke, after repair continued their work. One of the elements of the costume was and a helmet of Darth Vader, in front of his grandson, will bring an oath of loyalty.

Weapon of Darth Vader.

Darth Vader, being another Anakin Skywalker, he studied with a sword owned by one of the most powerful masters of the Jedi-Yoda Order. Thanks to his teacher, Vader studied and mastered all the styles of fighting by a light sword.

He preferred the fifth form of combat, distinguished by increased aggressiveness and rapid pressure aimed at the physical breaking of the enemy. Also, Darth mastered the technique of simultaneously posing with swords, which was useful to him in numerous battles.

Unusual character abilities

As a result of catastrophic wounds, obtained in a duel on the planet Mustafar, most of the Waider's strength was irrevocably lost. However, the Dark Lord had enormous power and a greater degree of skill, sufficient to win in almost every duel victory.

Dart possessed the highest degree of skill of Telekinis, as well as perfectly owned the techniques of stroking and push the strength that he often demonstrated in the fights with rivals. In the wars, Darth Vader used the art of Tutaminis, which made it possible to absorb, reflect and redirect plasma streams produced by Blaster.

Dark Lord was a magnificent telepath and could penetrate the thoughts of opponents, manipulating consciousness, subordinate them to his will. Over time, he managed to restore the power of his bangled limbs. Although not without the help of a costume, its strength increased significantly. Using all your skills and dark strength, Vader was almost invincible.

Return to the light side of power

Darth Vader builds plans to turn to the dark side of the strength of the grown and became Jedi's sole son of Luc Skywalker. After he learns from the master of iodine about who his father, he surrendered to the soldiers, subordinate to Palpatin, and meets with Darth and the emperor. The emperor tries to convince Luke, give will his fear for friends and anger, to bring it to the dark side of power with this. Darth Vader at that time penetrates his son's mind and learns about his sister's sister. Darth Vader's voice in the head of Luke threatens to turn her in the Adept of the Dark Force in case of his failure.

Luke goes on his rage and almost kills his father, but in time she pacifies anger and throws away the light sword aside, not wanting to apply a fatal blow. The emperor is trying to tempt the Luke Skywalker in power and requires him to kill Darth Vader, however receives a decisive refusal. The enraged ruler attacks the son of Vader, using the power of lightning, Luke asks for help from his father. Vader suppresses dark strength and helps his son, throwing the emperor to the death star reactor.

The death of the main character

During a meeting with her son on an unfinished star of death, saving a hatch from Palpatine, Darth Vader dies, struck by death blows, who sent the emperor on him. Although he was afraid to rebel and betray her mentor, but he was still unable to destroy the only son, knowing that he would pay for this life.

It is worth noting that Darth Vader was a peculiar head of the emperor. Those wounds he received from a lightning directed by Palpatin could not kill him, because in comics about Darth Vader, his costume could withstand more significant attacks. In fact, the Dark Lord dies due to the fact that his energy relationship with the emperor, who contributed to the maintenance of life in it. Later Luke Skywalker bury his father as a real Jedi.

In the universe of "Star Wars"

George Lucas was created by the Universe of Star Wars, which included absolutely all materials concerning this filmaging. It is widely represented by all films and television services, books, cartoons and animated series, as well as toys and computer games. Here you can see numerous photos of Darth Vader and other heroes of this story.

Vader is one of the most famous and favorite film processions in the world, despite the fact that he is more negative hero than positive. The American magazine "Empire" awarded Darth Vader ninth place in the list of the greatest film processions of all time. Of course, without this, the hero will not be so exciting, and the plot would have lost a lot due to the loss of intrigue.

It is worth noting that a unambiguous answer to the question of who Darth Vader cannot be given, because in this hero, they were combined both dark and bright parties of force.

Preliminary Note: This article is designed for insatiable fans of the star-wars of the "Star Wars", and it is not necessary to perceive too seriously, it's just another point of view on this classical franchise, as well as one of the most revered villains who have ever appeared on the movie screen.

Darth Vader, undoubtedly strangled with the help of the methods of the dark side of the force a certain number of its colleagues, as well as those who stood on the path of the empire, seeking complete dominance in "Star Wars". But did he, in fact, were 100% a villain, or, to a greater extent, the influential pawn, which turned out to be in the center of the intergalactic chess party, which began thousands of years before this between Jedi and Sithami?

In fact, Vader at the end of the film "The Return of Jedi" performed the "prophecy", again bowed the balance in favor of the power, killing the power of Emperor's evil and retaining the life of his son Luke. It probably took it for this 30 years, but he returned back to the man who he was before put on the mask, that is, to Anakin Skywoke, and, perhaps, during this time he discovered that it was not and from the Jedi , and at Sitchov.

The dispute here is not about whether Wader was saints, we are talking about a friend - just that the Jedi and Siths are also guilty of his wicked actions, like that war, which in these films is held everywhere, even "in the most remote parts of this galaxy. "

And now, before the Internet, it will rise against this theory, let's turn to the facts.

New direction

We are moving to the show in December of the movie "Star Wars: the last Jedi" (Star Wars: The Last Jedi), to the second series of new trilogy, and here, perhaps there is another point of view on the Jedi, even from the Icon of Skywalker who has already become an icon. Perhaps they are not considered as absolutely clean heroes, as they have always been perceived.

Even in the first trailer, the "last Jedi" hatch (Mark Hamill played) says: "The Jedi time comes to an end." This phrase can have a huge number of values, although it is part of just a two-minute tizer. However, it fully relates those disputes that are conducted on the Internet from the moment when in 2015, with the "awakening force" there was a return of "Star Wars".


What could mean the name "Last Jedi"?


What we learn from the new "Star Wars" trailer

Süddeutsche Zeitung 04/19/2017

Actual topics of modernity in "Star Wars"

Dagens Nyheter 12/15/2016

"Star Wars" suck out of the finger

Süddeutsche Zeitung 12/14/2016

Why "Star Wars" - Great Film

The Economist 06/10/2016
This film says that the new "emperor similar to the emperor" character is not a Jedi, and not Sitx, and the same applies to his student Kylo Renu (Kylo Ren). But why so? Shouldn't there be divisions on light and darkness?

There are rumors that received confirmation in some of the trailer's frames (from this point on, we are talking about the intricacies and details intended for very large fans), that we are likely to know more about the first Jedi, which existed thousands of years before the presented events. They cannot be attributed to the light, nor to darkness, and the alleged balance in force will differ from what we saw in the first six films.

In addition, it seems that Luke - maybe he learned that his father first joined the dark side, and then began to train and make a Jedi from himself - there were doubts about whether a person, including the Jedi, Be completely on the side of good or evil. There are shades of gray, and if you remove them from life, then you, ultimately, and get Darth Vader.

Anakin Skywalker

Let's remember a little about the time preceding the birth of the hatch, and focus your attention on the life of Darth in the previous series.

Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christiansen plays him) was in the disciples from the Jedi, who told him that the various kind of attachment and emotions were not peculiar to their family. They were peacemakers who did not have the right to marry and have children. They had a more important calling - to protect the galaxy from those whose only purpose was to rule.

Everything is fine, if we talk about feelings, but in life everything happened not quite so, and this was noticed by Young Skywalker.

First of all, Anakin Skywalker married Padme (Natalie Portman), and then discovered that she would have a child from him. He also dreamed of a dream in which she dies during childbirth, and therefore he began to look for a way to save his love and his still unborn children. He could not do this with the help of the Jedi Code and the Soviets of the Master of Yoda, but at that moment one of his mentors told him to spy his friend. Does anyone see a problem here? Later when Anakin himself is going to tell Mais Windows (Samuel Jackson) that his close friend and mentor, the emperor, was thereby connected with the dark power of the Lord of the Sith, whom they are looking for, he understands that Mace instantly decided to make it Kill, and not lead it to court and give him the opportunity to appear before the law, because, according to him, "he is too powerful to stay alive." And therefore, Anakin begins to act, overthrow Windows and declares his loyalty to the emperor. Later he made a few dubious things (Khe, Khe, killed the cub), but all this was done in the name of love.

In no case of the Jedi did not act perfectly impartially and only in accordance with his teaching, and he knew it. Perhaps they manipulated Palpatine, but his observation was not particularly helped by what other Jedi did. In his opinion, he made a choice in favor of a smaller of two angry.

"Anakin, Chancellor Palpatine - Villain!" - He says Obi-Van during their great battle on the planet Mustafar - this is the battle in which Ovi-Van wore all his limbs and leave it at the moment when he is already covered by fire.

"In my opinion, this is the Jedi villain," the Anakin is responsible.

Jedi's return

And now let's turn to the trip of the hatch and to the fact that the events ended in the film "Return Jedi".

In the films preceding the "Jedi", the hatch was misleading about what happened to his father, and then he was told that he would not save his friends, because he needed to continue his classes from iodine. "Let them die, and you have to improve your skills of owning a light sword" - so, mostly it was told him.

At the time when he fights his father - now it's already Dart - and wins him, he again refuses to kill him or give him to die and occupies his place next to the emperor based on the Code of Sitchov. After that, the emperor tries to kill the hatch, but at this moment the Darth interferes with the events.

Instead of observing the death of his enemy (his son), he interferes, ignoring both the Codex Sith and the Code of Jedi, and acts as he tells him his heart. He kills his mentor, then dies himself, but saves his boy. That is, Darth Vader does it all for the sake of love that was prohibited by the Jedi Code, and thus he returns balance strength and galaxy. In addition, he may create a sample for a new lifestyle - this is no longer Sith and not Jedi, but gray.

It looks like Kaylo Ren says in the "awakening of power" when he looks at the melching Mask Darth: "I will complete what you started, grandfather."

Ren is the son of Khan Solo and General Lei, and, in addition, he rebels against the teachings of the Jedi, leaves the new Academy of Luke and is trying to eradicate the Jedi once and forever.

Wait, but he killed his own father. So what, he is clearly a bad guy. But is it? Only time will tell.

Insurance materials contain estimates of exclusively foreign media and do not reflect the position of the EOSMI's editorial office.

IN Episode 1: Hidden Threat Mother Anakina, Ohm, said he had no father, although it seemed to me that she doubted that.

There is a canonical answer, who is Anakina's father? If so, who?

Daniel Bingham

According to the rule that the prequelits do not exist, this question remains unanswered. Anakin is a father, we just did not introduce it;)


It will be shown in the future film that Luke travels back in time on the Roswelloine planet and becomes his own grandfather.

Richard S.

Well, his obvious, look at his nose, he is a Roman :)



Also, although the Darth PLAGUEIS made an attempt to influence the Midichlorians to create a weapon of Ultimate Sith along the Darth Sidius, the experiment was ultimately refusing, and Midichlorians, feeling inherent in the evil intention of Sitchov, and not only refused to do this, but Anakin Skywalker was in response, To destroy Sith times and forever.

So, in accordance with this, neither Darth Plagueis nor Sidius are Father Anakin Skywalker, then Midichlorians really conceived him without any exterior direct intervention.


Article over in secrethistoryofstarwars (take this connection with a pinch of salt, I have no idea how "canon" is), specifying the early work of the script of rotten tubers, in fact there was DART PLAGUEIS "manipulates Midichlorians" to create life, creating an enakin .

Michael Brown

Palpatine turns to Annakin and says: "Annie, I'm your father," therefore the circle is completed.

Robert Brim

Smey specifically declares that the father is not. Late conversations between Jedi, he, as a rule, should conclude that Midichlorians created Anakin in OM to bring balance back into force.

She never claimed that a virgin when he was conceived, so it is not necessary to consider that this is a imminible conception, so it has never been a biological father.


I would say that the birth without a father is practically the same as the virgin birth. Noteworthy birth quality is the absence of a father, and not the amount of sex that the parent had.


When writing ghostly threat The answer was not really planned by George Lucas, as it simply repeating the story of Jesus Christ.

But in the first project Revenge Sith When Palpatine is trying to lure Anakin on the dark side and the young Jedi learns that Palpatine is actually Lord Sitkhov, Palpatine tells him that he was one who organized the death of his mother,

In the same scenario, there is no mention of Darth Plageuis, but Palpatine says Anakina, that he adopted him through Midichlorians in his mother.


This is interesting information, but since it is from the first project, he never did for the final script and it is refuted by later publication, it cannot be considered Canon. But still interesting information (+1).


Contradicted who? George Lucas? Lukas Philms? Spent universe?


Extended Universe, Star Wars: Dart Plagueis Roman.


Oh! Thus, you rather "believe" something from the consumed universe than the fact that Lucas was originally ... Good!


@ ARC-VILE CM / ... Your first project falls under N-Canon, not a G-Canon, since the project was "cut from the canon" Lucas. Books are C-Canon.


Canon "Answer" is that the force itself caused by Anakin to be understood without an explanation as biophysics participating. IMO, it was accepted so semi simply announces in the episode I that Anakin was not a father that she got pregnant w / on the benefit of sexual intercourse (bad semi, for all that grief and work she deserved at least One night fun), it is the "wonderful" conception of Jesus Christ. In the same way, following the scenario of the episode I, does not exclude the biological father for Anakina, but also does not give any hints regarding the identity of the said father.


In the first film Phantom Menace, When Anakin Skywalker is a boy, his mother says that he has no father. I thought Darth Mol - Could Dart say to be the father of Anakina? It seems that when Anakin becomes a sieve in the role of Darth Vader, his son Luke is struggling with him. Maybe the father and son of struggle or feel each other in these films? Perhaps Anakina's mother knew that Anakin's father turns on the dark side and becomes this sieve in the first film.


Sorry, but Dart Mol is already established by the prehistory. In addition, he is not a man, he is Break, so he could not be the father of Anakin.

Height 202 cm Eyes Gray Weapons Red light sword, dark power Vehicle SID-Fighter, "Palace" Belonging Galactic Empire, Sith Actor Hayden Christensen (II, III), David Pizz (IV-VI), James Earl Jones (Voice, III-VI), Sebastian Show (VI, Face Darth Vader and Spirit)

In the original trilogy, Vader is represented as a cruel head of the army of the Galactic Empire, which rules in the whole galaxy. Wader acts as a student of Emperor Palpatine. It uses the darkness of the force to destroy the rebel alliance seeking to restore the Galactic Republic. The suitable trilogy tells about the heroic lift and the tragic fall of the original Vader's personality, Anakina Skywoker.

The name "Darth Vader" consonantly named "Dar Wind" from Roman I.A. Efremova "Andromeda Nebula" (1957).


Original trilogy

In the original trilogy Star Wars Darth Vader is the main antagonist: a dark, ruthless figure, ready to capture, torture or kill the heroes of the film to prevent the decay of the Empire. On the other hand, Darth Vader (or, as it is called otherwise, the Dark Lord) is one of the greatest figures in the Star Wars Universe. Being one of the most powerful sites, he causes sympathy in many fans of anthology and is a very charismatic character.

New Hope

Vader is instructed to return the stars of death stars stolen plans and find the secret base of the rebel alliance. He captures and tortures the princess leu author and is located nearby when the commander of the death stars Grand Muff Tarkin destroys her native planet Alderaan. Soon after that, he fights on light swords with his former teacher Obi-Wan Kenobi, who arrived at the Star of Death, to save leu, and kills him (Obi-Van becomes the Spirit of Power). Then he meets Skywalker Lucaoker in the battle on the star of death, and feels in it a great ability in strength; This is confirmed later when the young man destroys the battle station. Vader was going to knock the hatch on his LED fighter (Tie Advanced X1), but an unexpected attack Millennial falconHan's Solo piloted, sends Waider far into space.

Empire is negotiated

After destroying the base of the rebels "Echo" on the planet, the forces of the empire Darth Vader sends head hunters (English. bounty Hunters.) In search of "millennial falcon". On board his star destroyer, he executed Admiral Ozzel (who was a completely incompetent commander) and Captain NIIDU for mistakes made them. Meanwhile, Mandalorto Beob Fetta can detect "Falcon" and trace it for its progress to the Gaza Giant Bean. Having found that the hatch is not on the "falcon", Vader captures Leu, Han, Chubakka and C-3PO to lure the hatch trap. He makes a deal with the administrator of the cloud city of Lando Calrisian to convey the Henn hunter for the heads of Bob Fetta, and freezes the solo in carbonite. Luke, which at this time passes training with a bright side of force under the guidance of iodine on the planet Dagoba, feels danger to friends. The young man goes to the cane to fight with Vader, but tolerates defeat and deprives the brush of the right hand. The then Vader reveals him the truth: he is the father of Luke, and not the killer Anakina, as told young Skywaper Obi Kenobi, and proposes to overthrow Palpatine and rule the galaxy together. Luke refuses and jumps down. He sucks into the garbage chute and throws a cloud city to the antennas, where he saved, Chubakka, Lando, C-3PO and R2-D2 on the "millennial falcon".

Jedi's return

Vaderu is entrusted to follow the completion of the construction of the second star of death. He meets with Palpatin on board half a complete station to discuss the plan for the handle of the Dark side.

At this time, the hatch was almost completed by the art of Jedi and found out from the dying master of iodine that Vader is really his father. He learns about the past of his father from the Spirit Obi-Vana Kenobi, and also learns that Leia is his sister. During the operation on the forest moon of Endor, he surrendered to the imperial troops, and he leads to Vader. On board the star of death, Luke resists the appeal of the emperor to give the will of his anger and fear for friends (and thus move to the dark side of the power). However, Vader, using the power, penetrates the Mind of Luke, learns about the existence of Lei and threatens to turn her into the servant of the dark side of the force instead. Luke succumbed to his rage and almost kills Vader, banging his father's right hand. But at that moment, the young man sees the cyber hand of Waider, then looks at his own, understands that it is in dangerous proximity to the fate of his father, and curbs his anger.

The design of Vader's costume was influenced by a suit that wore zlinnium, the villain in the television series "Battle with dogs of the devil", and the masks of Japanese samurai, but also traced the similarity of the Vader's armor with a suit of Super Sloda of Comic Marvel, Dr. Death.

The canonical noise of Vader's breathing was created by Ben Bear Trott, which was breathing through an underwater mask with a small microphone in the regulator. Initially, he recorded many variations of respiratory noise, from rattling and asthmatic to cold and mechanical. Basically, a more mechanical version was chosen, and more rattling - in the "return of Jedi", after Wader received fatal damage to the zipper of Sidius's power. Initially, Vader had to sound as an ambulance, with clicks and beeps, as long as he was in the frame. However, it turned out that it was too distracting, and all this noise was cut to one breath.

One of the changes in the canon on the costume was that to 4 PBI, the left shoulder Waider was completely artificial, and in 3 Pbia, after a collision with a hatch on the cane, he noted that the right shoulder healed well. Since the bionic shoulder could not be inspired, the right shoulder Waider had to still consist of his own flesh, although earlier, on the Mamban, the right hand of Waider was amputated from the shoulder .The information may be somewhat incorrect, because during the 2nd and 3- His episodes, we see as Anakin Skywalker first lost his right hand below the elbow (in battle with a mouse (replaced by a prosthesis in the same episode 2), and then lost his left hand below the elbow, and both legs below the knees (duel with Obi-Woman), which were also replaced by the prostheses at the end of the "revenge of Sitchov", during the final transformation of Anakin in Darth Vader. Anyway, whether Vader spoke about this healing literally, sarcastically or metaphorically - unknown. Another change was that in the episode III costume Vader, absolutely new, made different from the original design, although only slightly, to give it a new one, just created. Several small changes in the length of the neck and shoulder clutches were given by Vader movements More mechanical view. Another change in the canon is that the breast Waider panel has slightly changed from III to IV and from IV to V and VI. The canonical reason for this has not yet been called. In addition, on this control panel there were oldwheat characters, which, as certain fans believe, are translated as "his acts will not be forgiven, as long as he does not deserve it."

On the suit several times referred to the extended universe. For example, in the comics "Star wars: inheritance" Cade Skywalker appears in a pair of pants, very similar to part of Waider's clothing. Also in "Star Wars: Association", when Mara is trying on wedding dresses, one of them is like Vader's armor. Leia tells the designer that the reason for which Mara had rejected him - "the bride does not want to dress as the father of the groom."

Secret student

According to Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, immediately after the events of the 3 episode of Darth Vader took to himself in the disciples of the son Jedi, whose potential in force was much superior to his own. Vader wanted to overthrow the emperor and seize power in the empire, and so that the student becomes stronger, Darth Vader ordered him to destroy the 66 Jedi's orders after the execution of the order. Later, a secret student, an Starkiller nicknamed, understood his mistake and switched to a light face. After that, having received the confidence of the rebels, he swore them in this battle, but they were found by Darth Vader, who captured the rebels, but Starkiller could hide. He swore to take revenge on his former teacher. Arriving on a star of death, he fought with Lord Sith, strongly kneading him, but still died on the hands of Emperor Palpatine and thereby saved the rebels.

President Lucasfilm Keitlin Kennedy He stated that, after the end of the third trilogy of the Space Sague "Star Wars", the characters of the Skayokrov family can be excluded from the plot. It is known that in the ribbon "Izgoy-one. Star Wars: History »Luke Skywoke is assigned an episodic role. Spin-off "Izgoy-one. Star Wars: History "starts at the box office on December 15.

The story of Skayoks in the invented George Lucasthe universe includes four generations - starting with the Tathuensk slave with Skaioker and ending with her grandchildren. Members of this family contributed to the Order of the Jedi and in the ranks of Lords Sith.

Anakin Skywalker

Anakin Skywalker was born 42 to me. b. His mother sima refuses to talk about the father of the boy and argues that Anakin had no father. The film states that Enakin is a great focus of power in a living creature. It first appears in the first part of Episode I. Hidden Threat "as a nine-year-old boy. He and his mother were slaves at the Old Eastern and Spare Folder Wratto. For 10 years, who have passed from "Episode I: Hidden Threat," Anakin matured and became Padavan. Meanwhile, Palpatine dreams of making him his student, turn to the dark side of power. After the transition to the dark side of the force accepted the name Darth Vader. In the films "Empire puts a retaliatory strike" and "Return Jedi" opens that he is the father of Skywalker's father and lei organs.

Luke Skywalker

Luke Skywalker is one of the main characters of the "Star Wars" Universe, Jedi, Senator's son with Nabu Padme Amidala Verberry and Knight-Jedi Anakina Skywalker. Senior twin brother lei solo organs. Born on April 11 in the Medical Center Polis mass on the day of the creation of the Empire. After the death of Mother Luche, he was sent to Tatinen to the consolidated brother Anakina Owen Lars to hide from Palpatine. On this planet, under the supervision of guardians and Master-Jedi Obi-Vana Kenobi, Luke spent his childhood.

At Tatooine, Luke grew not knowing about his origin, but his life completely changed when his uncle acquired two droids, R2-D2 and C-3PO, carrying the drawings of the super-arrangement of the empire - "Stars of Death". After his aunt and uncle killed the Soldiers of the Empire, he went to a dangerous journey to deliver the drawings of the insane alliance. Becoming a member of the insurgent alliance, Luke participated in a variety of battles with the forces of the Empire, headed by Vader.

Ben Skywalker

Ben Skayuker - Son Luke and Mary Jade. It was named after the first mentor of Luke Obi-Van (Ben) Kenobi. He became the father of Cola Skywalker and his son Cade, who was the last living Skywalker of his time.

Leia Skywalker

Leia Organ (Born as Leia Amidal Skywalker) - Daughter Anakina Skywalker and Senator Padme Amidala Verberry, as well as the Sister-twin Lucaocker. After birth, Bale's Bale and Queen Breech, making her princess Alderaana. The senator's excellent education, she became unshakable leader during the Galactic Civil War and other subsequent galactic conflicts, and one of the greatest heroes of the Galaxy. Later she married Khan Solo and gave birth to three children: Jane, Jaysen and Anakina.

The system of calculating the time in the fictional universe of "Star Wars", the point of the report of which is taken by the battle in Javin.