
Star Wars 7 Kylo Ren. Harrison Ford is a famous Hollywood actor. Han Solo performed by Harrison Ford, as well as Olden Airereny. Son Hana Solo (Actor Adam Driver). Luke Skywalker becomes an exile

Return of Ja-Ja-John, Rodality between Kaylo Ren and Rey, the death of Chubakki and other fascinating versions of the plot that are discussing fans waiting for the premiere.

Before the premiere of the film "Star Wars: Awakening Force" remained less than a month, the fans have no strength just languishing waiting, and to take themselves, they come up with various theories about what plot turns should be expected from the 7th part and why. Time magazine site chose ten most exciting.

Ja-Ja Binx will return

This is probably the most carefully substantiated from all the fan great theories, and maybe there is a real secret of Lucasfilm Studio, but it's hard to believe in it. According to it, Ja-Ja-Ja Binx actually - Sith, Antipode of the Master of Joda, like him hiding incredible power under the mask of a ridiculous animal. It was Ja-Ja-Ja-Ja-Ja-Ja-Ja to Chancellor at the head of the conspiracy against the republic. When you read a complete substantiation of this theory, you first laugh, then you are looking for the jaw on the floor: all the facts that we know about the ridiculous inhabitant of Nabu are so deftly. The problem is only that, even if the scenarios and there was such an idea in the "episode I", then in the second and third series they refused it, because Ja-ja-jaja was cut out of the plot, appearing a couple of times in random episodes. Nevertheless, some fans believe that Ja-Ja-Jae will return and become the main antagonist of the episode of VII.

Here, too, everything is clear. A black guy who is marked in the Jedi, and the Jedi, as we remember, except Luke and Lei in a distant-distant galaxy left. Strength, say, was everyone in your family? Okay. But where are the lei, to which Lando was so clearly not indifferent, could the Black Son be born? Fans found a children-puzzle on Amazon, in which, suddenly Finn is directly named Son Lando. Maybe this is an error due to unusually branched marketing support, and may also be a spoiler. There are no other candidates for the role of Mamia, so ...

Kaylo Ren wants to resurrect Darth Vader

It is believed, of course, with difficulty, but why not? Kyle is clearly in the process of gaining strength. Kylos should have some kind of mission in the film, separate from the organization the first order to which he joined, and from the Ren knights, which he seems to be headed. Such a mission may well be an attempt by the help of the force to return to the life of Darth Vader, to which Kaylo is clearly not indifferent: either directly live, or at least in the form of a ghost, as Obi Van.

Luke Skywalker becomes an exile

The consonant of this theory, which is supported by the fact that in trailers and merchandising hatch very little, if not to say it is not at all, Luke, like Obi Van, went to voluntary expulsion, because he is the strongest acting Jedi, but does not consider himself enough wise to deal with evil. Instead of waving a light sword across the Galaxy, he sits somewhere at home, on the edge of the universe, and juggles in the air of furniture objects, following the equilibrium of power in the world.

Luke Skywalker switched to the dark side

Here the same argument: the hatch is not in the trailers, nor in posters from the word "at all." It is quite possible at the end of the episode III to save friends and defeat Darth Vader and the emperor, he switched to the dark side, just forgot to report it to the final titles. And now he, it turns out, Sitx. That would be a steep turn, of course.

Luke is iodine

Well, not in the literal sense (although, you know what? Wait, it is a good thought ...) Just evil, judging by the trailer grows and multiplies. The heroes of the light side are more reminded not to the knights, but the team of defenders of the Emerald city: a frightened black guy, a schoolgirl, a pensioner on a starship from the past millennium and a major primate. Someone should revive the Order of the Jedi, so that the dark side does not take the top of the final, and the best candidate, which has matured and has become more experienced for 30 years, not to find a master's role.

Resistance hides on the planet of Fetta beans

In the trailer (in the third, to be accurate) in one of the frames, banners with Manadalian symbols are visible - Bob Fett was born on Mandalore, which is still the worm worm of Sarlakka on Tatooine, where he remains a kind of "Schrödinger mercenary", because To digest it, he needs to sit there a thousand years. So, so far, it is possible to be sure, it can be removed from there alive and unharmed. So the probability to meet him again in the "episode VII" is very and very large. Moreover, he was always a favorite villain of the most loyal fans of Sagi.

In this article you will learn:

Kylo Ren (Kylo Ren) is the main villain of a new film from the Universe of Star Wars. This character appeared quite recently and immediately received contradictory reviews. Kaylo Son Khan and Lei, as well as the grandson of Darth Vader. The villain is part of the canon.


The present name of the character - Ben. He was born in the family of smuggler and princess. Approximate date of birth of the hero - 5-6 PBI. He was born after the victory of the republic over the empire in the battle of Endor.

Ben was a power sensitive boy. Parents were afraid that he would go in the footsteps of his grandfather, so as soon as the boy had reached a certain age, sent uncle to study.

Perhaps Khan and Leia were not perfect parents, so their son left his teacher at some point, becoming a member of the Dark Organization of the Knights Ren who belonged to the first Order, followers of the Empire. Running on the path of dark power Ben took a new name Kailo.

As a sign that he belongs to the knights, the hero took the prefix Ren (just as the Sith before the dart consoles took).

In place of the usual light blade, Kaylo assembled the sword of an unusual design, which was extremely stable.

After the departure of the son, Leia led the resistance, Khan went into the roar, going to a long journey, and Skywalker feeling guilty for the failure with the student - disappeared.

Ren performed by Adam Driver

Awakening of power

This is the first film where the hero of Rena appeared. His role was performed by actor Adam Driver (no comment!).

Kylos became the Master of the Knight Ren and worked under the leadership of the Supreme Leader of the first Order - Snowka, on a number with General Hacks, on the basis of Starkiller (something similar to the star of death, only large scale).

The hero studied the entire history of his grandfather and became so much obsessed that he swore his business. Like all Knights Ren, the character wore a dark robe and a mask.

While Ren chasing the fugitives, a battle took place in the Baza orbit, which ended with the destruction of the ordine weapons.

Kaylo managed to catch up with Finn and Rey. In a short fight with the Finn, who used Skayupler Sword, the Dark Pupil went out the winner, but his strength was not enough on the Rei, who defeated Rena. Kylos could die from the hands of the traffaceous, but the base Starkiller began to fall apart on parts and Ren and Rey, turned out to be divided.

After the failure, the surviving Kaylo was delivered to the snouse.

Since in the spring of 1977, the first painting from the epic "Star Wars" was published on the screens. Contrary to the opinion of the skeptics, over the years, the audience interest in this saga did not decrease, but, on the contrary, increased.

One of the favorite characters of Kinoner is Khan Solo (actor Harrison Ford). In 2018, it is planned to remove a separate film dedicated to his adventure at the time of the stormy youth, before the events of the tape "Star Wars. Episode IV: New Hope. " In the future painting, the solo will play another actor.

Khan Solo - Star Wars Cult Character

Unlike other positive heroes, concerned about honor, justice and universal good, Khan Solo was just a witty smuggler, accidentally turned into political games. However, he loved the audience precisely this simplicity, as well as unprotected nobility.

Meanwhile, life was not balung hero. In early childhood, hitting the ship to the famous criminal Shraika, who kept hundreds of young thieves as slaves on his ship "Good luck merchant".

Khan Solo managed to escape from this bastard only at nineteenth aged. Later he entered the Imperial Military Academy, which he graduated with honors. However, the career on the fleet did not work out, because the young man did not obey the order of the head and refused to kill the innocent slave of the WOOL, having remembered his slave childhood. As a result, the hero retrained into smuggler, becoming one of the best in the whole galaxy. The saved WOOD became his faithful companion, known to all fans under the name of Chubakka.

Spectators for the first time are encountered with this heroes in the fourth part of "Star Wars". At this time, Khan Solo (actor Harrison Ford) owed a lot of money to the famous criminal authority of Jabbe Hatta. To pay, he takes to take the hatch, his mentor Obi-Vana and two droids on the planet Alderaan.

However, the planet is destroyed before the arrival of heroes. Khan helps his passengers to penetrate the star of death, and later participates in the salvation of the Alderaan Princess Lei, in love with. He also helps the Alliance and gets a medal for it. But Jabb's mercenaries manage to find solo and deliver to Hatta, frozen in carbonite.

Leia, in love with the smuggler, along with Luche and Chubakka, fly to the planet Tatooin, where Jabba dwells, and liberate Khan. After that, he becomes the general of the rebel army and helps to destroy the new star of death.

Harrison Ford - actor who played Hana Solo

Before becoming a performer of the cult character of Star Wars, this artist was considered a loser who missed his chance. The fact is that in one of the first serious kinocartin, where the young man got a role ("Zabriski-Point"), all staffs with his participation were cut during installation.

Upset, the actor decided to leave the profession. However, Harrison noticed and invited to play in his filmcoming "American Graffiti". Later, Francis Ford Coppola took an actor in his picture "Talk." Next, there were several small roles in the passing filmters, and again he was thinking about the care of the actor.

Khan Solo is this role that forced Ford to change the solution. Playing this character, who instantly became cult, Harrison turned into one of the highest paid actors in the world. Now he could choose which projects to be filmed. In addition to participating in the two episodes of the epic "Star Wars", the actor played the "Apocalypse today", "Hannover Street", "Running around the blade", "business girl", "fugitive", "Sabrina", "K-19" and other projects.

Along with the character that glorified his character named Khan Solo, the actor of the Star Wars embodied on the screen and another hero, which became cult. This is an archaeologist Henry Jones Jr. in Nickname Indiana. Ford played in four paintings of this series and there are rumors about the soon yield of the fifth film about the adventures of a resourceful scientist.

As for personal life, the actor was married three times and is the Father of five children.

At the moment, it is not known whether the Solo Solo series will still be involved in other paintings in the upcoming project of 2018. However, the audience will hoped that Ford will play a witty smuggler several times, despite the fact that the producers of "Star Wars" clearly took the course on Replacement of the main composition younger actors.

Olden Airereyk - New Khan Solo

An actor who will replace Ford in the role of a beloved character of Millions, will be the Great Hope of Americans Olden Airerenike.

Debuting in one of the episodes of the "supernatural", a talented actor starred in several short films. Later, Francis Ford Coppola noted him and removed in his paintings "Tetro" and "Between".

Real Glory came to the young man after the role of Itan in "excellent creatures". In 2016, he played the main characters in two major projects "Ava, Caesar!" And "the rules do not apply."

Entertaining facts

Initially, Khan Solo was supposed to have gowns and green skin. Later, he wanted to make one of the Jedi and only in the last editor, he turned into a desperate smuggler.

Initially, the name of the character was

George Lucas principal did not want to take in a new project of actors who played him earlier. Harrison Ford he invited Lei and Luke samples as an assistant who had to read the text of Han. However, Lucasy liked the Ford game so much that, contrary to his plans, he approved him for the role of solo in "Star Wars".

According to books, Hana Solo and Princess Lei born three babies: Jane's daughter and two sons of Jaysen and Anakin. Jasein later went in the footsteps of his grandfather.

Kylo Ren - Son Khan Solo and Princesses Lei

Soon after the events of the seventh episode, Khan and Lei born the son of Ben. When the boy has grown, he became a Jedi. His mentor was Luke Skywalker. However, the young solo did not share the ideas of parents - he was obsessed with the grandeur of his grandfather (Darth Vader).

Wanting to be a closure with him, the guy chose and, betraying the hatch, destroyed many Jedi. Later, the young man took the name Kylo Rena (Adam Driver played - a young American actor).

Khan Solo tried to form a son, but he wounded his father and threw him into the Starkiller Planet Mine. Later, Kyle was defeated by his cousin Ray. But before the destruction of the planet, he managed to escape.

Adam Driver - Actor who played Ben Solo

Many critics after watching a new picture from the epic "Star Wars" celebrated the magnificent game of the artist role Kail Rena. Despite the modest experience in serious projects, this guy was able to play a multifaceted character who forced the audience to feel mixed feelings towards him.

He began his career Adam Driver with participation in the Broadway production "Profession Mrs. Warren". Fame to him came thanks to the role of Adam Sakler in the television series "Girls". After there was a series of password roles, until in 2014 he played in the "hungry hearts". For this work, the actor has become a winner of the Prize of the Venetian Festival in the "Best Actor" nomination.

The son of Hana Solo is a role that has already brought several prestigious awards to Adam and may allow him to make a stunning career in the future. Now the driver is preparing for shooting in the eighth episode of Star Wars.

In the seventh picture of the cycle, the audience said goodbye to one of their favorite characters - Khan Solo. Meanwhile, the project producers do not yet comment: whether the hero has died or he managed to escape. In the list of participants in the eighth episode, Star Wars Harrison Ford is not listed. However, fans do not leave hope that Han Solo survives and appear in the following pictures.

Character of the Universe of "Star Wars". Kailo's parents, the captain of the Sokol Millennium Space Ship and General of the Rebel Alliance, and the leader of resistance forces. Dramatic is the image of Kaylo adds that the hero kills his own father.

Kylo remarkable appearance: long black hair, brown eyes, an angular face and an awkward figure with high growth. The age of the hero is about 30 years. It has the ability to penetrate someone else's mind and feel someone else's presence. Owns telecision - can stop the beam Blaster in flight and control at the distance with a light sword. Masterfully owns weapons and together with a partner can scatter the crowd of opponents.

History of creation

The script for the seventh episode of the "Star Wars" wrote the director and the Scenarists Lawrence Caesdan and Michael Arndt. The studio "Lucasfilm" in 2012 was sold to the "The Walt Disney Company" corporation, so the Creator of Saga in the development of new heroes did not accept.

Kaylo Ren first appeared in Teaser, who came out in 2014. Then the character had not yet had a name, but the audience had already had the opportunity to assess the spectacular light sword Kailo with Garda. Previously, such weapons in the fictional universe of "Star Wars" did not know. The name of the new hero of the Star Wars fans learned later when a series of collectible cards with character images came out.


Kyle Ren first appears at the beginning of the episode of the VII "Star Wars: Awakening of Power." The hero is chairs in the elite detachment of the first ordine attack aircraft, in the ranks of which the Finn was at first, one of the main characters of the film. Kailo learns that the card was in the hands of fighters of resistance, which indicates the coordinates of the missing unknown where. The pilot of Dameron resistance flies for the map on the Planet Jack, there Kaylo intercepts him and takes off.

The map goes away from Kaylo from the hands, but the hero penetrates the mind of Demeron and so learns that Droid Droid - BB-8 hides. A young traffacege of Ray, which will be tightly connected with Kaylo Ren in the future.

One attack aircraft - Finn, who, together with the Rei and the Droid, surprises from the first Order on the "Millennium Falcon", decesses. Having met at the spaces of Cosmos Khan Solo, the fugitives recognize the prehistory of Kaylo Rena. Kaylo was a student of Luke Skywalker, but betrayed the teacher, switched to the dark side of power and changed his name. After that, Luke Skywalker disappeared.

This is only part of the story, and in the next episode - "Star Wars: the last Jedi" - the audience get the opportunity to look at the situation on the other side. The cause of betrayal of Kaylo was the fact that the master Luke tried to kill the hero while he slept. Luke felt in the young man the chapel of the dark side and was afraid of the consequences. But it turned out that while the master stood over him with a naked light sword and hesitated, beat or not to beat, Kaylo woke up and made his own conclusions.

From the episode of the VII, the viewer learns that, leaving the Jedi path, Kaylo became a student of the Supreme Leader, who heads the first Order. And also - that before the change of name Kaylo was called Ben Solo. Accordingly, he falls the son of Khanu Solo.

In the same episode, for the first time there is a connection between Kylo Renom and Rey. The hero takes the girl in captivity and tries to penetrate into the Ray Ray to "get" from there the image of the map with the coordinates of the hatch, which the girl saw. But Ray, against expectations, gives him a rebuff and penetrates the mind of Kylo, \u200b\u200breading the emotions of the hero. Rey, and with her and the audience, learns about the greatest fear of Kaylo - never to surpass Darth Vader in terms of glory and power.

To be closer to the idol, Kaylo carries a mask, but the viewer repeatedly can see the hero without this helmet, and in some episodes - even shirtless.

At the end of the film Kaylo faces his own father. The internal struggle does not prevent the hero after all the same kill Khan Solo, and Kaylo himself turns out to be wounded. Another serious injury to the hero receives from Rey. The girl first uses the power and goes into the move against Kaylo the light sword, which first belonged to the idol of Hero Darta Vaderu because of Anakin Skywalker.

During the battle of the planet, where heroes are, it starts to collapse, and Rei flies with buddies. Kylos risks to die, exploding together with the planet, but the hero on the orders of the Supreme Leader of the Snowboard pick up "their own".

In the film "Star Wars: the last Jedi" communication between Kylo and Rey continues to fix. Heroes are able to establish contact at a distance. During one of these "sessions", the Rei comes to the conclusion that the thrust for the light side of the force still remained in Kylos. The heroine believes that it may awaken the bright side of Kaylo and goes to a meeting with him.

Kaylo, however, arresting Rei and accompanies to the Supreme Leader Snow. He tries to manipulate the hero once again, but as a result, Kaylo kills the snowwork and steamed with the rear with the surrounding bodyguards of the supreme leader.

Kaylo offers Rei to a couple to establish a new world order in the galaxy, but that noble refuses. After that, Kaylo quietly dumps the murder of a mentor to Rei, and hesitates the new Supreme leader of the first order.

And the first order of Kylos becomes attack on the base of the rebels. The first orders troops approach the shelter, where the latest resistance strengths were hidden. At the last moment in front of the Kaylo ship, Luke Skywalker appears by his own person. The hero orders to fill on it from all guns, but Skywalker after shelling only shakes dust from the shoulder.

Then Kaylo himself goes to beat against Luke Skywalker, but the old Jedi only evades blows and does not attack the hero. By telling Kylo that the war is just beginning, and the last Jedi is not he himself, Skywalker gives Kailo to pierce himself with a sword. It turns out that all this time the hero fought not with his old teacher, but with his projection. Skywalker himself did not leave his island. While the hatch distracted Kylos, the rebels managed to leave the base and hide.


The film "Star Wars. Episode VII: Awakening of Power "came out in 2015, and the next episode -" Star Wars: the last Jedi "- in 2017. In both films, the role of Kaylo Rena played an American actor, and Alexander Koyigers voiced in Russian dubling.

Critics Forestly responded about the driver's operation in these films. The actor handed the controversial nature of Kaylo and made a gifted bad guy from him, with whom, "a lot of interesting things can happen." The hot temper of Kaylo, its complex biography, anger, anger, unpredictability of character and high emotionality make the hero more believable and close to the viewer.


Many phrases Kylos remember the audience:

"Forgive me. I felt him again ... The attraction of the light. Supreme leader sees everything. Direct me, show the power of darkness, and then I estimate all obstacles. Direct your grandson, and I will complete what you started. "
"No need to worry. Together we will destroy the resistance and the last Jedi. "
"I am unresponsible to the light."
"You need a mentor. I will teach you to control the power. "
"Let the past dies. Kill it if necessary. Only so you can become the owner of your destiny. "