
Skywalker Luke ("Star Wars"): character history. Who played Skywalker's hatch in "Star Wars"? What happened to Lucky Skywalker in the "Recent Jedi"? Explanation of Luke Skywalker Vukipedia Star Wars

Born on April 11 in the Medical Center Polis mass on the day of the creation of the Empire. After the death of Mother Luche, he was sent to Tatinen to the consolidated brother Anakina Owen Lars to hide from Palpatine. On this planet, under the supervision of guardians and Master-Jedi Obi-Vana Kenobi, Luke spent his childhood.

In his honor, he was called Crater Skywalker on Charon.


Born after the collapse of the old Republic. After his father appealed to the dark side of the power, the mother died, and the sister was committed by Senator Bail organ and taken away to Alderaan, the hatch was brought up by Uncle (a consolidated brother of his father) and herifies on the desert planet Tatuene. Imperial attack aircraft, who flew to Tatooin in search of the stars of death abducted by the rebels, killed a uncle and hatch hatch. Then the young Skywalker, instructed by the old Jedi Obian Kenobi, adjoins the rebel alliance and becomes a significant figure in the Galactic Civil War. Being involved in the secrets of power, he revived the Order of the Jedi, practically destroyed by the Jedi religious antagonist - the Sith emperor Palpatin.

the main galactic, Khattsky, Aqualis, Bokka, Lasatsky, ITORIAN, Robresky, Evoksky, etc.

Screams and lights in the enemy army took place because at the time the order of Napoleon was read by the troops, the emperor Himself traveled around his bivouaks. The soldiers, seeing the emperor, lit up the bunches of straw and shouting: Vive L "Empereur! Failed behind him. The order of Napoleon was the following:
"Soldiers! The Russian army comes against you to ignore the Austrian, Ulm Army. These are the same battleions that you broke with Hollabrune and which you have had been haunting constantly before this place. The positions that we occupy are powerful, and as long as they will go to bypass me to the right, they will give me a flank! Soldiers! I myself will lead your battlements. I will keep far from the fire if you, with your usual courage, bring the enemy mess and confusion into the ranks; But if the victory is at least one minute doubtful, you will see your emperor who is the first strikes of the enemy, because there can be no fluctuations in victory, especially that day, which is about honoring the French infantry, which is necessary to honor your nation.
Under the pretext of the injured wounded, not to upset rows! Each will be completely imbued with the idea that it is necessary to defeat these mercenaries in England inspired by hate against our nation. This victory will graduate from our hike, and we can return to winter apartments, where new French troops will find us, which are formed in France; And then the world, which I will conclude, will be worthy of my people, you and me.
Napoleon. "

At 5 o'clock in the morning it was still very dark. The troops of the center, reserves and the right flank of Bagration were still motionless; But on the left flank of the columns of infantry, cavalry and artillery, the first to descend from heights, in order to attack the French right flank and discard him, on the disposition, in Bohemian mountains, have already stagged and began to rise from their overnight stays. Smoke from the fires, in which they threw everything too much, ate eyes. It was cold and dark. The officers hurriedly drank tea and have breakfast, the soldiers were chewed with a crush, beat off the fraction, warm, and flocked against the lights, throwing the remains of the Balagans, chairs, tables, wheels, risks, everything is superfluous, which could not be taken with him. The Austrian columns were again between the Russian troops and served as precursors performances. As soon as the Austrian officer was shown near the parking lot of the regimental commander, the regiment began to move: the soldiers flew away from the fires, hid in the top of the tube, bags in the wagon, disassembled the guns and were built. The officers were fastened, put on the swords and the worsens and, smoking, went around; Oboy and twins hardened, laid and tied the carts. Adjutants, battalion and regimental commanders sat down with tops, baptized, gave the last orders, instructions and instructions to the remaining messenger, and sounded the one-povered hundred thousand feet. The columns moved, not knowing where and seemingly from those surrounding people, from smoke and from an amplifying mist or the terrain from which they came out nor the one in which they entered.

On December 15, a new episode of the "Star Wars" "Zongo-one is coming out in Russian rental. Star Wars: Stories "..

On this topic

"Knife-one. Star Wars: History "precedes the fourth episode of Sagi and talks about the former crimination and an experienced soldier Jin Erso, which was entrusted with an important mission. The director's chair this time took Gareth Edwards. On his account some projects, but we will not worry about the fate of the film, because among the scenarios and George Lucas himself, and he knows his business. Let's see what happens from a completely new story that will differ significantly from the previous ones. Alas, we will not see Luke Skywalker, although in the I and II episode it was also not, and in the III episode he only born. Whatever it was, we decided to figure out the chronology of the plot, and at the same time and trace the evolution of the main hero of Sagi with a laser sword.

"Star Wars. Episode IV: New Hope "(1977)

Producer: George Lucas

Cast: Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, David Prizes, Peter Kashing, Alec Guinness, Peter Maikhu

On this topic

The history of the universe "Star Wars" began with the IV episode, when Skywalle was already 19 years old. All these years, he lived did not exist on a moisture farm on Tatooin under the supervision of Uncle Owen Lars and his wife Beri. Obi-Van Kenobi secretly looked after a guy, than heavily annoyed Owen, who tried that the hatch did not think about wars and did not repeat the fate of his father. But hunting in the forest: Skywalker sleeps and sees, as will leave the dull Tatooin and go to the Imperial Academy, will become a pilot. Everything is ahead, but for now in the shower only the uncertainty and a squall of emotions about and without. Luke is a lubricant blond, but not a slack: it makes itself felt unrealized power. At the same time, he did not start at all, so friends even nickned him with a worm. And now they all left their native Tatoubs, and the hatch had to put up with the forbids of uncle ... But there would be no happiness, but misfortune helped. Meeting with a charismatic pair of C-3PO and R2-D2 droids and Obi-Vana Kenobi in the blink of an eye changes Skywalker's life. He recognizes his father's story, gets his sword and decides to go to Alderaan to help the princess Lee. From now on, the history of Skywalker is begins - Jedi and the hero of the Alliance.

Producer: Irwin Kershner

Cast: Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Billy Di Williams, Anthony Daniels, David Praus

Favorite heroes reappeared on the screen in full, to give a disgrace with the dark side of power. Fans were worried that after the IV episode Mark Hamill woves and will play randomly, but lucky. The hatch did not lose his charm, charming and modesty, although he saved a whole republic in the previous series, for which he was produced in Lieutenant-Commanders of the Alliance's troops. It awakened power, and he wants to manage it, for which it goes in search of the master of iodine. Learning was not easy, as a result, a self-confident and impulsive hatch threw and went and went to save friends. The hero evolved noticeably externally and internally: he became more courageous, the muscles increased, learned to control emotions, I realized what he wants from life - to remain on the light side of the force. An epochal battle with Darth Vader has become his battle baptism: he miraculously survived, but did not win dark power. The decisive battle for the fate of the Galaxy was ahead.

"Star Wars. Episode VI: Jedi's Return "(1983)

Producer: Richard Markuend.

Cast: Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Billy De Williams, Anthony Daniels, Peter Maikhu

Luke can not find out: he even more matured, keeps confidently, leadership. Now he is a real Jedi, albeit not finished courses of the master of iodine, on which great responsibility is entrusted: to restore the balance of strength and save the galaxy. In this episode, the young Skywalker, together with the princess Lee, Lando Calrisian, the Chubakka and the C-3PO and R2-D2 droids returns to the native Tatooin, to save the Khan Solo from the chain lapties of Jabba Hutta. Luke enters the fight with monsters, discovering the outstanding abilities of the Jedi. The battle is impressive, although almost all the "work" made Princess Leia. After the victory of the paths of friends temporarily diverge: Luke returns to the master of iodine to finish training and finds out that it will become a real Jedi only after the victory over the father ... And now our boy is opposed to the dark forces and finally returns the lost Vader Waider on the bright side. Family idyll lasts long: dad, he is Vader, he is Anakin Skywalker dies ...

Tatooin grown on the stubborn planet, Luke Skywalker was the adoptive son of a married couple of farmers. Fate fits him into a long journey and, overcoming unthinkable tests and survived a deep personal tragedy, he eventually becomes a real Jedi knight and the hero of the Union of the rebels.

Luke's childhood passed on his uncle and aunt, Owen and I take Lars. Luke had a very vague idea of \u200b\u200bhis origin - he knew only that his father was a hero who died in the war of clones - but there was a gloomy mystery behind it, which he still had to learn. Working on the uncle's farm, Luke dreamed of becoming a pilot and desperately sought to enter the Academy, where his friend Biggs Darklyer had already studied. But Uncle Luke, Owen Lars, constantly kept him, not holidaying from the farm.

Fate knocks on the door of the house of Skywalker's house in the guise of two droids, C-3PO and R2-D2. So the adventures begin, which more than once experiencing his bravery and devotion to the light side of the force, helping him to know himself.

Luke passes the tests that would be tested for durability for any of the mortals: it takes responsibility for the destruction of the super-weapon of the empire, the star of death, takes the lesson of patience and wisdom from iodine, Mentor Knights Jedi; He has to choose between the completion of learning or an attempt to save the captured friends; He faces a terrifying truth about the fate of his father, and at the same moment he has to make a decision, which way to accept. And finally, he ventures the incredible risk, going straight into his hands to his enemies, hoping that in the depths of the dark soul of one of the most terrible villains of the Galaxy, there was still a little kindness.

In the end "Star Wars: the last Jedi" Luke Skywalker dies, whom 40 years later executed Mark Hamill again.

IN "Star Wars: Awakening of Power" Skywalker did not appear on the screen until the last seconds of the film. Everything he did in the final was turned around and removed his hood, and then looked at the light sword for a long time. Rey. He does not even say a word! The scene, no doubt, is one of the biggest "teasers" in the history of the movie, and she forced fans to discuss what would happen when he returns to the episode VIII.

What happened?

IN "LAST JEDAYAH"we learned that Luke went to exile after his student and nephew Ben Solo turned to the dark side and destroyed the Jedi Temple. Although it was a Snoak, who poisoned the heart of Ben, Luke accused himself that he created Kaylo Rena. In the film, we learn how deeply it wounded it. When Rei comes to ask him about helping in the battle with the first Order, he refuses, and when she asks him to teach her strength, he says: "Jedi's time to put an end".

However, in the finals of ribbons, the hatch still uses power to distract the attention of the first order and give a chance to escape resistance. The moment with Kylo Renom became a swivel in the film. Their fight is not similar to any battle on light swords that were in "Star Wars". It was tense, although not so spectacular, but its completion cannot be not called spectacular. The new Supreme Leader understands that the former teacher deceived him, but it was already late - the enemy flew away.

Luke is an illusion projected by force through the galaxy. Also previously communicated Rei and Kaylo. Skywalker uses a blue light sword, and not green that he stayed after "Jedi's Return". After the "battle" with a nephew, the hatch comes out of meditation and simply disappears.

Mirny care

Due to the fact that Luke, who fought with Kaylo, is simply an astral projection, what happens next will certainly be the fact that fans will be discussed for a long time. After the illusion of the hatch disappears, the film returns to Ah, to the real hatch. To project your image on the whole galaxy, the hatch used strength, focusing all its energy at the other end.

He looks with a serene and encouraging expression on his face, looking at the sunset - and sees the sunset of two suns, reminder to him Tatoo. When the hatch is watching the horizon, he slowly disappears, leaving only clothes, and his robe blows away the wind.

Unity with power

When the hatch with horror looked like Darth Vader killed Obi-Vana Kenobi, he was shocked, seeing the body of the old Jedi just disappeared. But, as we have already learned, those Jedi, who are in the balance sheet, when dying and are associated with force, can save their vital energy and still communicate with alive after death. The first Jedi, who studied this ability, was Qui-Gon Ginn, although his studies began only after he had already died, so he returned as a voice, and not a ghost of strength.

It was Kuai-Gon, who then taught Yoda and Obi-Vana this technique, and when they died, they were able to appear in the form of ghosts of strength, communicating with Lyuk. Luke seems to have also learned this. Most likely, we will see him in the form of a ghost of power in the future.