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What is the name of Jedi with a double sword. Characters of "Star Wars" are the famous inhabitants of George Lucas Galaxy. How to come up with a name for star wars

1. How to come up with a name for star wars?

You probably saw how people come up with intricate names? But, you probably do not know how?

With the help of the formula below, you can easily come up with yourself the name "Star Planovskoye".

There are several such formulas, here is one of them:

  • Take the first 3 letters of your name.
  • Add 2 last letters of your last name.

It turns out your "starryovskoy" name. Later:

  • Take the first 2 letters of the mother's virgin surname.
  • Adop the first 3 letters of the city in which you were born.

This is your "starryovskaya" surname.

Example: Let's say your name is Vladimir Putin. Mother's Mother's Mother's name - Turin (I do not know the name of Putin's Mother of Putin). You were born in St. Petersburg. So, the name is Vlad, the last name - Tusan. So, your name is Vlad Tusan. By the way, my name is Makov Sovor.

Another variation of George Lucas formula to find out your name:

  • Take the first 3 letters of your last name.
  • Adop the first 2 letters of your name.

Is this your name. The surname is defined in the same way as in the previous case. Then, if your name is Vladimir Putin, then you call in Starranovyovski - Tusan Puttv. And then call me - Basma Sovor.

To change the name to a little more, add "Starnerynovskoye Appeal":

Dart Vlad Tusan

Grand Moff Vlad Tusan

Obi-Wan Vlad Tusan (at least "Obi-Van" - noble appeal)

2. Other names in Star Wars.

The names of the characters "Star Wars" are by no means random. There is an explanation why Lucas came up with such names. That's what he says: "Simply, I came up with the names of phonetically. I wanted a part of the character in his behalf. The names were to sound unusual, but not trivially, as a science fiction" Zenon "and" Zorba "."

Darth Vader was taken from the Danish language, and it can be rudely translated as a "dark father".

The name of Anakina Skywoker was taken from the name of the race of giants from the book "Origin" (Anakin), and Skywalker - to show his character - in translating from English Skywalker means "walking across the sky."

Heng Solo. Han is a derived from John - a very simple name. Solo means that the person adheres to the philosophy of loneliness.

Chubakka. Some love to chew tobacco (Chewing Tobacco). Previously, the names were given by occupation. How do we know, can the ancestors of Chii loved to cheb tobacco?

3. The unique structure of iodine proposals.

Iodine, great sage Jedi, uniquely builds his suggestions when he says. Here are some comments to his manner talk:

"If iodine, so in force is powerful why proposals can not build it right?"

"When you are 900 years of age, and look as well, you will not." - iodine

Personally, I like how he says :).

Obviously there have been no problems with the inventing of their heroes - the inhabitants of the famous galaxy of "Star Wars". The characters of the "Star Wars" are so diverse and raspberries that literally the diva is given: head hunters, Guggar, the Jedi infantrymen, Admiral Akbar, Droids, Leki, Imperial Thugs, Kororelians - and this is far from major actors.

Khan Solo against Luke Skywalker

Without a doubt, Hannubov in the world is much more than the Lukomians, it is explained extremely simple. After all, Khan Solo (Harrison Ford) is almost a postmodern concept, the hero, which deftly and successfully comments on the storyline, part of which is. He is the best pilot (smuggler), sarcastic, arrogant shirt-guy compared to which even skillful Jedi "nervously smoking on the sidelines." His fans are hotly convinced that neither Leia (in Bikini Slave), nor the star of death, nor the power and the plum-forming tragedy of Vader do not make a fantastic epic itself in the world in the world - she personifies Han Solo. This is not some cloned character of "Star Wars", this is a real protagonist and faithful friend of Chubakki. By the way, in history, where dedication and loyalty occurs quite rarely, but the deception and cunning flourishes, such a powerful two-year vevor, the viewer is always happy to see next to his favorite hero, especially when it becomes hot. The hatch is profitably allocated among other actors in that he is complacently allowed to grow. In the history of the story, the character not only successfully passes the course of the Jedi training, but also tweems the "old friend" of Khan, manages to intimidate the emperor. In the end, he puts all the points over "and" both for himself and for the viewer. But his fans are much smaller than that of the awesome and liberated solo.

There was no stories without antagonists

Darth Vader, in a long black raincoat on the mighty shoulders and a hybrid mask, a samurai hat and an attack aircraft with a gas mask - a real axis of evil (and visually, in the plot). The viewer even impresses the fact that he does not work for the empire, his goal is Obi-Wan, whom Vader wants to eliminate, in order to remain the last and only Jedi. And after the greatest confession ("I am your father") in the prehistory, most of those who wanted sincerely wanted to keep the hero of the hatch to the rebels joined the dad and built the powerful empire. He undoubtedly enters the top that make up the main characters of "Star Wars".

Combining the Dart Mol - the embodiment of pure aggression and evil, which is simply looked at the killings of the galaxy knights. He is really creepy, so the decision of Lucas eliminate one antagonist at the end of the "Ghost Threat" was wise and right.

The antagonists listed above are the characters of the "Star Wars" - in causths and the power of intellect are inferior to the thoughtful villain - Chancellor / Senator / Emperor Palpatin. It he unleashed the clone war, it is responsible for the destruction of the Jedi ("Order 66" - the end of the Order), it is for a long time in the political life of the Universe. Undoubtedly, the emperor is the most vicious hero in the history of the cult epic.


Everyone, without exception, love the "non-residential" mechanical heroes of Sagi - R2-D2AR and C-3P0. Although they are very different, but admiration and sympathy cause equal. They immediately became the most recognizable "emblem", the symbol of the Skyopopie "Star Wars". The names of the robot characters will forever remain in the memory of the people, because they are unique in the field of design, smart, are true to their friends and sometimes even sensitive. These two "cars" have become a bright example of a unique (especially for that time) of the ability of a cult saga to revive the generally accepted dry stamps

Girls are not inferior

The universe of "Star Wars" would be incomplete without representatives of the charming half of humanity. The two most outstanding ladies of Sagi: Amidala Padme and Princess Leia - adequately represent the female floor, they are considered one of the best heroines of the fantastic genre. The power led organ, irritable, self-confident and self-width, not just a princess, she senator and an indispensable brave leader of the rebel alliance. Padme is charming, smart and strong morally. It is not clear how she could die from completely uncharacteristic for a strong nature shortage of courage! These are such different women - the characters of "Star Wars".

The best of the best

With an unidentified planet - a master of iodine - it looks rather small, but is positioned as a Jedian wisdom vessel. He is 900 years old, he raised not one generation of Knights of the Cosmos (some managed to go to the dark side). On the etymology of his behalf, disputes are not stopped and today. Some fans argue that "iodine" happened from the Sanskrit term "Yuddha", which means "Warrior". Others authoritatively declare that from the Hebrew word "iodine" - the meaning is definitely "knows". Disputes continue, despite this, the entire epic "Star Wars", the characters with the photo (especially female) became revered relics for millions of kinogurmen.

Ben Kenobi managed to make "Star Wars" realistic and convincing. Kenobi is a rattling mixture of Gandalf and Merlin, a mentor teacher who transmits the main hero of the highest wisdom.

Anakin Skywalker is the so-called "doubtful" character. Which in the history is transformed from the boy in the excuse, languishing from love, and after and in the adherent of the dark side. Here's how it could come out of good an evil of an universal scale?

Obi-Van Kenobi is a real hero, fighter. Discroligated Darth Mall, looked down (despite his light sabers) and neutralized Anakin.

Clones as an option

Without attack aircraft, whose aesthetics perfectly combines the threat and style, the epic would be fresh. The cloned character of "Star Wars" - Stormzovik - looks extremely futuristic. Their popularity was checking time, they still devote sites, communities and groups in social. networks.

1. How to come up with a name for star wars?

You probably saw how people come up with intricate names? But, you probably do not know how?

With the help of the formula below, you can easily come up with yourself the name "Star Planovskoye".

There are several such formulas, here is one of them:

  • Take the first 3 letters of your name.
  • Add 2 last letters of your last name.

It turns out your "starryovskoy" name. Later:

  • Take the first 2 letters of the mother's virgin surname.
  • Adop the first 3 letters of the city in which you were born.

This is your "starryovskaya" surname.

Example: Let's say your name is Vladimir Putin. Mother's Mother's Mother's name - Turin (I do not know the name of Putin's Mother of Putin). You were born in St. Petersburg. So, the name is Vlad, the last name - Tusan. So, your name is Vlad Tusan. By the way, my name is Makov Sovor.

Another variation of George Lucas formula to find out your name:

  • Take the first 3 letters of your last name.
  • Adop the first 2 letters of your name.

Is this your name. The surname is defined in the same way as in the previous case. Then, if your name is Vladimir Putin, then you call in Starranovyovski - Tusan Puttv. And then call me - Basma Sovor.

To change the name to a little more, add "Starnerynovskoye Appeal":

Dart Vlad Tusan

Grand Moff Vlad Tusan

Obi-Wan Vlad Tusan (at least "Obi-Van" - noble appeal)

2. Other names in Star Wars.

The names of the characters "Star Wars" are by no means random. There is an explanation why Lucas came up with such names. That's what he says: "Simply, I came up with the names of phonetically. I wanted a part of the character in his behalf. The names were to sound unusual, but not trivially, as a science fiction" Zenon "and" Zorba "."

Darth Vader was taken from the Danish language, and it can be rudely translated as a "dark father".

The name of Anakina Skywoker was taken from the name of the race of giants from the book "Origin" (Anakin), and Skywalker - to show his character - in translating from English Skywalker means "walking across the sky."

Heng Solo. Han is a derived from John - a very simple name. Solo means that the person adheres to the philosophy of loneliness.

Chubakka. Some love to chew tobacco (Chewing Tobacco). Previously, the names were given by occupation. How do we know, can the ancestors of Chii loved to cheb tobacco?

3. The unique structure of iodine proposals.

Iodine, great sage Jedi, uniquely builds his suggestions when he says. Here are some comments to his manner talk:

"If iodine, so in force is powerful why proposals can not build it right?"

"When you are 900 years of age, and look as well, you will not." - iodine

Personally, I like how he says :).

- a b c d e z z and y k l m n o p r s t u v w x y ... wikipedia

Cover DVD version of the original Trilogy Star Wars. Artists Tim and Greg Hildourdt Star Wars (English Star Wars) Fantastic Saga, conceived by American director George Lucas in the early 1970s, and later expanded. First ... ... Wikipedia

The counts of time in the "Star Wars" universe is maintained regarding the victory of the insurgent alliance over the empire in the battle of the planet Yavin IV. Accordingly, the dates are indicated as "to me. b. " (BBY) to the Yavin Battle (English. Before Battle of Yavin), and "p. I. B ... Wikipedia

Cover DVD version of the original Trilogy Star Wars. Artists Tim and Greg Hildourdt Star Wars (English Star Wars) Fantastic Saga, conceived by American director George Lucas in the early 1970s, and later expanded. First ... ... Wikipedia

Cover DVD version of the original Trilogy Star Wars. Artists Tim and Greg Hildourdt Star Wars (English Star Wars) Fantastic Saga, conceived by American director George Lucas in the early 1970s, and later expanded. First ... ... Wikipedia

- a b c d e z z and y k l m n o p r s t u v w x y ... wikipedia

- a b c d e z z and y k l m n o p r s t u v w x y ... wikipedia


  • Star Wars. Characters, Wallace Daniel. For the first time in Russian, the most complete illustrated encyclopedia of the characters of the Galaxy "Star Wars". The book contains detailed literary and historical biographies of all your favorites, ...
  • Star Wars. Characters. New Encyclopedia, Daniel Wallace. For the first time in Russian, the most complete illustrated encyclopedia of the characters of the Galaxy of Star Wars. The book contains detailed literary and historical biographies of all your favorites, all ...

10. Kaylo Ren.

It is still too early to set the final estimates of the heroes of "Star Wars" from the current cikes, but it is already obvious that Kylo Ren turned out to be a very interesting character. We first see on the big screen of a novice Sitha - a guy, which has not burned down those who have burned off his contradictory emotions. Passion is controlled by Kaylo, and they throw it from side to the side, making young people uncontrollable and unpredictable. At the same time, it is very strong in the Sith martial arts and, as it should be the warrior of the dark side, is inclined to deception and manipulation. So Kylos is extremely dangerous, which does not interfere with him sometimes be ridiculous and comical. Let's see where his fate will be headed.

9. Asoca Tano

Asoka is strangers to those who know "Star Wars" only on game movies. However, she made his debut on the big screen, in the full-length cartoon "Star Wars: Clone Wars", and she fully deserved a place in the Pantheon of "big" cycle heroes. Tano begins his adventures as a complete naive enthusiastic girl-Padavan in learning from Anakin Skywalker, and it for five seasons of the animated series "Star Wars: Wars of Clone" grows in the willar-life of the warrior. Like Anakin, Asoku is disappointed in the Order of the Jedi and in the end leaves him. But she does not go to the dark side and continues the war, even when the emperor wins victory. Some of the further pretties of Tano can be seen in the series "Star Wars: Rebels", where it acts as an adult member of resistance and even gets the opportunity to explain and fight with Darth Vader.

8. R2-D2 and C-3PO

Honestly, the droid duet would have to divide and allocate each place in the list. But we will not breed at different points of those who usually together and who perfectly complement each other. While the C-3PO robot translator, coward and comic in each of his words and gesture, his dormitatory "bipos" partner-navigator R2-D2 is the most brave and reliable bucket with bolts throughout the galaxy. It would seem, it would be impossible to force the public to fall in love with a creature, which is most likely on the urn with a lid, but George Lucasa succeeded.

7. Luke Skywalker

Against the background of his colorful environment, the hatch seems to be a fresh and boring hero. But such is the karma of the central character - the rod, around which the plot of the first trilogy "Wars" rotates. The hatch does not stick to the legs, but it has something to admire. He takes a big way from a naive guy from the farm to Master-Jedi, and he adequately overcomes all the trials, hiding in the final of the first trilogy, not a fighting, and moral and psychological victory over evil, which can be easily seen in the movie genre. In addition, now we have not only a pressed hatch from the first trilogy, but also a colorful and fancy elderly hatch from "Star Wars: the last Jedi." This is an ambiguous addition, but it definitely made the hatch more interesting.

6. Chubacka

Is it possible to become a visual pet, without uttering a single state of understandable? Sure you may. Chubakki did it perfectly. George Lucas came up with Vuki, inspired by his dog named Indiana (thus gave the name of Indiana Jones). Hefty dog \u200b\u200boften traveled with the master in the front seat of the car, and Lucas imagined that sorrows space together with the shaggy first assistant. Love for the dog helped the director to make the Chubakka the charming alien and the faithful associate for the main characters of "Wars".

5. Leia organ

In adventure fiction a lot of stereotypes, and Princess Lei could well be one of them - a template sexual "Verine in trouble", which the main character saves. However, George Lucas and his team were able to rethink the pattern and make leu fresh and original heroine. Yes, it has sensuality and sequapil, but they do not define leu, but are only two of the many manifestations of this decisive and heroic woman. The aristocracy of the princess, the courage of the warrior, the shaver of the secular lady and the leadership of the general. She is ready to be at the time of the slave to save a friend and a loved one, "says many things in itself. True, in the end, Leia turns out to be a bad mother. But sometimes you have to make a choice between the son and the galaxy.

4. Emperor Palpatine

In the world of "Star Wars", the emperor embodies the absolute evil, and he looks horrible. Such a villain could easily be a caricature, but in the emperor there is its attractiveness. He is very hither and cunning, and he masterfully manipulates even those who opposes him. And how the emperor enjoys his evils and plays with a hatch like a cat with a mouse, just fascinates. This bastard is worthy that victory over him is one of the main events in the history of the Galaxy.

3. iodine

What does the Great Jedi teacher look like? How can a mighty warrior? As wise magician? How does the ruler? No, like a fun marsh animal, which at first looks more like a pet than a reasonable creature. As a result, Ioda turns out to be a delightful combination of hidden power, paradoxical wisdom and an explicit Commission. He simultaneously mix and causes deep respect - at least until we learn from the trilogy of the prequel, that he fights the emperor and could not win. But, as they say, it happens to the old woman, and the iodine does not claim the iodine.

2. Darth Vader.

One of the most charismatic villains in the history of genre cinema, Darth Vader cuts into the memory of the audience, as soon as first appears in the frame. His powerful figure hidden under black armor is terrified, and it seems that there is nothing human in this creature. However, in the course of the story, we learn that Vader is much more difficult than it seems at first glance, and that he can not only return to the bright side, but also to once again become the hero of Star Wars, which Anakin Skywalker was in his youth. When the first trilogy of the cycle comes to an end, we understand that Vader was her hero to the same extent as the formal protagonist of the hatch trilogy. After all, he also passed a long spiritual path and won the evil - not so much on the imperial throne as in his heart.

1. Khan Solo

"The most humane man" is not said about Kane Solo, but it is fully applied to him. Unlike the other main characters of "Wars", Solo is not a born savior or the conqueror of the Galaxy, and the ordinary smuggler, which at the beginning of the cycle only tries to earn money. And although in the future he becomes the general of the rebels and the military hero, the solo to the end remains a dubious type with a tendency to spruce and with love for adventure. For this we love him. Khan hesitates, Han brags, Khan is joking, Khan is mistaken, Khan does not always know how to do it. At the same time, he is charming, courageous and faithful to friends. His humanity looks in every word and act, and she contrasts with epic pathos "wars." Well, the game of Harrison Ford turns the Khan in one of the most attractive characters of all world film fantasics.