
Who wrote a picture of Senokos. Overall - description in the picture A.A. Plastova "Senokos. What is shown on it? What is the picture genre? (Slide15)

Scenario of the lesson "Preparation for the writing-description

according to the picture A.A. Plastov "Senokos" in grade 7.

Teacher Ryzhova V.A.

MBOU SOSH No. 25 G. Ulyanovsk


    To acquaint with the work of A.A. Plastova and its picture "Senokos";

    systematize knowledge acquired by students about the description of the appearance and actions of the person depicted in the picture;

    improve the skills of oral and written statement on an art historical subject;

    prepare for an independent description of the picture;

    cause respect to people's labor, show the artist's skills in the image of a simple person; Rail in students aesthetic taste, love for the beautiful, sense of patriotism

Type of lesson: Speech development lesson using ICT.

1 Teacher's word about the topic, lesson purposes

2. Preliminary work - design tasks for lesson:

    Get acquainted with A.A. Plastov's life and make a story about the artist

    What do I know about the word "senokos"? (Lexical importance, method of education, morphological signs)

    Pick up poems, proverbs and sayings about hay

    Work with the dictionary and give the concept of the words-Terminams: Portrait, Landscape, Still Life, Genre Painting, Composition, Coloring

    Prepare a story about the painting "Harvest".

    Prepare a story about the picture "Flying Pale"

    Who is depicted in the picture, describe these people.

    What flowers are depicted, bring poetic strings about field colors.

    What kind of music would you choose to this picture?

3. Task: During the lesson, we work with handouts, which will have to help in writing an essay (Appendix1: WORDAL WORK, ORDER OPTION, ORFOGRAPHIC OPERATION))

4. Reading students by heart the poem A. Hedozokov "at the homeland of Plastov"

Evening. In the district quietly.

Waiting for the nature of calm dreams.

Village among forests!

Here so bright and

So solemn

In September, golden forests,

And nature -

like a young woman

and the skies of the beauty laughs.

And native arkadia reservoi

Like landscapes of his paintings,

Middle Autumn Autumn public

In the silence of golden plains.

There are enough happiness and lich,

Here you do not need trivial words,

Hello, Russian leaning,

Village among forests.

five . Story about the reservoir. Slides number 5-12.

Arkady Alexandrovich Devstors born on January 31, 1893 in the village of Santorich's former Simbirskurry. After graduating from three classes of rural school, in 1903 he entered the Simbirsk Spiritual School, and in 1908 - to the Symbirian spiritual seminary. In 1912, the reservoirs went to Moscow and began its artistic education in it. First in the workshop of I.I. Mashkov, then in the Stroganovsky school. In 1914 he entered the school of painting, science and architecture, since 1935 A.A. The reservoirs became a member of all large art exhibitions. A. A. Plastov was awarded the title: the Honored Artist of the Arts of the RSFSR of the Fully Member of the Academy of Arts of the USSR, the People's Artist of the RSFSR, the People's Artist of the USSR. A. A. Plastov was awarded: a medal "For valiant work in the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945.", the Gold Medal of the USSR Ministry of Culture, twice the Order of Lenin, the Gold Medal, awarded with Indian Society in Calcutta, was awarded the Lenin Prize for the series of paintings "People Kolkhoz Village. " From 1957, the reservoirs were elected by a member of the Board of the Union of Artists of the USSR and the Union of Artists of the RSFSR.

The whole life of A.A. Plastova is connected with the native village and its inhabitants. He was not only an artist, but also a pahara, a cosos and a reaper, could heal the cows and horses. Everything did well. A man came out of him - pride of the nagging .. How did you need to love my land, so that the whole light was enough native sense. After all, the theme of rustic labor, rural life, life is the main in his work. Heroes of his paintings were countrymen, rustic guys

"Writing the children - pleasure. Children are fabulously good. How to describe their charm? Where does such beauty live in children? Can not understand! I am in all the pictures of the truth and the harvesters of the children fit! " - said Arkady Alexandrovich Bedevi.

A.A. The reservoirs left the people the invaluable inheritance - the "picture of the peasant life - to be" will unfold. It was he who was called one of the last war of the land of Russian. And the strength and amazing wholeness of his talent still keep his canvas.

Picture "Senokos»

1. What do I know about the word "senokos"? (slide13)



Heavy, joyful

Kit, sweating, eat

Senokos - Sacred occupation from the peasants.


    Method of Education

Senokos - hay, mow (way of adding bases with connecting vowels)


What poems, proverbs and sayings about Cenokos found?

Conversation in the picture

3 . Consider the picture.

    What is the plot of the paintings? (slide14)

Morning. Summer in full swing. Polyana in a young birch forest. Everywhere rabily flower herbs. Four kosts became in a row and waved the braids.

    What is shown on it? What is the picture genre? (Slide15)

    D. aite the concept of the words-Terminams: Portrait, Landscape, Still Life, Genre Painting, Composition, Coloring, Palette(Slide number 16-18)

    What is the composition of the picture? (slide19)

    What flowers are depicted in the picture? What is the mystery picture?

Bells, chamomile, bunk, primula, clover, royal curls, Kupava - this is not just the flowers of one meadow (usually these flowers do not bloom at the same time) these are all the flowers of the Motherland, blossoming to the fame of the winners.

    Due to what the feeling of dynamism, movement?

(People work, together cheat braids)

    Who are they? Describe the characters of the picture? (Slide20)

People depicted in the film "Senokos", not just attendants depicting the kosstov, and relatives, relatives, festivals, his fellow villagers.
After all, the young man in the foreground is the son of the artist Nikolai, a woman in a white chapcoat is like a spouse Natalia Alekseevna, and two elderly kosary - Countrymen Arkady Aleksandrovich - Fedor Sergeevich Tyzhin and Peter Grigorievich Chernyaev

    Compare the poem of N. Balan "Senokos" and the picture of the plastov

Grass strong,

Herbs, childish trembling,

Stych, warm juices swallowing.

Surrounded the villages, it is not breathing

Horde Golden Distribution;

Tattarnists approached the very houses,

All in spines, ready for the fight,

And increasingly, it will light here, then there

Their red hats over the paragraphs.

So she came, the golden time, - to Znitva,

Senokosa week.

Even birds, trampleting chicks,

Like a bee, pollen householders.

And Cosari stand:

Who will go ahead?

In front of him only the wind flies

Blowing in the back of him Polerevni.

He comes out

Berented by sunbrow

There are no shoulders yet in the tan.

Stripped like a fire.

And when along the shooting juice wall

He went and lowered ...

Do not you remember? The same thing was before the war

Your father, that the war did not return.

The poem is good close picture and on the topic, and in the manner of the letter: the same bright, juicy, solar paints. Lev Burdin, the poet and critic, wrote about this poem: "The ability to paint truly reservoir paints clearly appears in the poem" Senokos ". An amazing time of the Senokos: everything is in bloom and the highest bloom. Multicolor Nature: Golden, Red, yellowed.

Grass strong,

Herbs, childish trembling,

Stych, warm juices swallowing.

Surrounded the villages, it is not breathing,

Horde Hard Golden ...

The last metaphor emphasizes the abnormability of space, and strength, and the willingness of the Graffiti to fight the Kostes. And the Kospers are worried:

Who will go ahead?

Who for glory persecutes ancient?

And here he is a man of labor:

He comes out

Bottled with an eyebrow,

There are no shoulders yet in the tan.

It is in it to ragged fucking blood

Do you remember? The same thing was before the war

your father, that the war did not return.

The motive of the war already sounded in the fabric of the poem: "Horde Golden", "Tattars", "ready for the fight", "shooting the juice wall" and at the end of the poem again a rapid pain on the irreplaceable loss of strong men. This pain breaks out. Long will still be coming to us piercing echo of war.

    What is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe painting of Plastov?

Senokos "- anthem of native land, the Russian people, a stagnant and won in the brutal war.

The painting of Plastov is the anthem of blooming nature, peasant well-coordinated work, peaceful silence: difficult war, but life continues.

    What sounds can be heard by looking at the picture? (foliage noise, bees buzzing, grass rustling, braid ringing)

    "Senokos" is called a symphonic poem. What kind of music, the corresponding canvas, would you suggest?

Joy and happiness is the main motive in this picture.(Listen to music)

Good painting is a song, this is a melody "(slide23)

Michelangelo Buonaroti

Specographic work (with self-test) Slide 24-25

jealous sunny day; ; violent pore .. enough herbs

mature work ....o; Spit (c) wreck

"After once, they crossed the braids ...";

    Triptych ("Fascist Fly", "Harvest" and "Senokos") was exhibited at the Tehran conference in 1943. When the paintings showed Churchill, he said: "Now I know why Russia won the war." What do you think, how to explain such an assessment of Churchill?

    Representation of the pictures "Fascist flying", "Harvest" (slide26,27)

The war, like a folk tragedy, as an encroachment on the sacred laws of being, is reflected in his canvas "Fascist flying", dated 1942. And the inviolability of these laws, the inviolability of the foundations of the people's life is in the restrained "harvest" (1945 g). The tragedy of war here is hidden, it is in the absence of fathers and senior children sitting next to the elderly peasant. It is impossible to stop and defeat the natural course of life. Her celebration in the radiance of sunlight, the riot of herbs and flowers, the width of the Russian landscape, the simple and eternal joy of labor on the native land imprinted in "Senokos" (1945).

Triptych ("Fascist Fly", "Harvest" and "Senokos") was exhibited at the Tehran conference in 1943. When the paintings showed Churchill, he said: "Now I know why Russia won the war."

Memory of the writer in the city (Slide 28)

Registration of the folder with the materials prepared by the materials.

Reflection (Slide 29)

Do you help you today's lesson on the description?

What was the most interesting for you today?

Do you have questions for individual advice?

Homework - write an essay in the picture (slide30)


Preparation for Composition

pictures A.A. Plastova "Senokos" (1945)

Morpheme and word-forming analysis

Senokos 2 -

Senokos -


    Introduction. Word about the artist

    Description of the picture

    What is the plot of the paintings?

    What is the composition?

    What color, how does the author's intention help to understand?

    What genre features?

    Describe the landscape (field, flowers, birch, heaven) What role does he play?

    Describe the heroes of the picture - kostov (appearance, action, beauty of labor)

    What is the idea of \u200b\u200ba picture, the main motive?

    • Conclusion. Your perception of painting, mood

Picture idea: _____________________________________________

Spelling work

Rados? Naya gamma paints; rich ... liter; jealous sunny day; screens ... le ... in the air of a hot day, bright different .. juicy herb; Well ... lily veins? Chica flowers, leaves on birch gold? Xia ; violent pore .. enough herbs

beveled grass gently stele ... tsy; Herbal ... oh forests; free movies to .. s ... (no) light, but happy work;mature work ....o; Spit (c) wreck

"After once, they crossed the braids ...";

Bedets - Senokos, 6 and 5th grade

Summer is a wonderful time of the year, time to rest, have fun and enjoy a sun. But in the village is the time of work and labor. After all, it is for the summer, there is the hardest job.

Artist A.A. The layers in this picture accurately depicted everyday life of rustic life.

Looking at this picture, it can be assumed that it depicted post-war time. After all, women, children and old men work. And it is immediately clear that they work with great zeal, because from how they work will depend on whether the cattle will survive after the cold and hungry winter. Depicting people, the artist accurately noticed their mood with accuracy: right from the canvas, heard a ringing laughter and joyful children of children, and the woman's tired voice drawn, to the forever shaking old man.

The picture is incredibly beautiful and bright. Summerly shown on it, with an accuracy of the viewer, after looking at her, you can feel this magical flavor of wildflowers, a drunk smell of healing herbs and amazing buzzing bees and bumblebees.

In the background, the painting is seen forest. Unfortunately, it is not completely depicted, because it is very difficult to convey all the beauty of the summer forest. But it can be concluded that it is in him resting, hiding from the Sun, all the hayflowers working on this immense field.

Oh, how beautiful the unfortunate summer time is!

  • Bustodiev B.M.

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Description of the painting of the Plastov "Senokos"

Summer months - this is not just a time to relax, but the most active time in the life of rural residents.
So much you need to have time, do not forget anything: and the hay is to prepare, and the crop to collect, and the food for home the houses is stock.
Work from dawn to dawn.
We told about it in my picture of the layers "Senokos".

The artist showed that during Senokosa everything is working, from Mala to Velik.
Every workers' hands are important to manage to manage work faster, because the upcoming winter depends on it.
Most likely, heavier time is shown after the Great Patriotic War, because children, women, old men work.
Or the rest of men are occupied by other physical labor.

In any case, the picture shows how good it is when youth helps the older generation.
They cut the grass under the scorching sun, they are engaged in another difficult work.
Despite the severity of work, the artist showed the picture amazingly bright and bright.
After all, in the summer in nature you can meet such a variety of colors! The sky is bright blue, grass of juicy green, the golden sun illuminates its light all around.
The picture turned out very colorful.

I could not bypass the face of the artist and white birch trees, which are the symbol of our homeland, for which you can admire infinitely.
The sun is overflowing in their crown, giving the leaves different shades.
Birch grove is the only place in the picture where workers can relax, hide under the trees from a hot day.
Only this landing from Bereza resembles a small coolness.
Leaves on the trees The author showed blue-green paints.
The artist was so realistic painted the picture that we feel wind noise, dragonfly dragonfly, the buzz of other insects, and surprisingly clean air is filled with the smell of bevelled herb and flowers.

Russian Teacher and Literature MBOU Emelyanovskaya Secondary School №3

P. Emelyanovo

Krasnoyarsk Territory

Kuznetsova Nina Vladimirovna

Essay - description in the picture A.A. Plastova "Senokos"

The purpose of the teacher's activities: Create conditions for the formation of skills to analyze the text (definition of the topic, the main thought, type and style of speech, language tools), independently refine the topic and the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe composition, create your own text using various language products.

Planned results:

Subjects - determine the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe text, the lexical means for the most accurate transmission, isolated microthelers, make up text on a certain topic, disclosing the main idea, respond to the questions


Personal - give an adequate self-assessment of educational activities, realize the boundaries of their own knowledge and "ignorance."

Cognitive - structures knowledge.

Regulatory - take and maintain a learning task, plan their action in accordance with the task, make the necessary adjustments to the action after completion on the basis of its assessment and taking into account the nature of the mistakes made, are able to evaluate the correctness of the action at the objective assessment level, adequately perceive the assessment of the teacher.

Communicatives - able to formulate their own opinion and position, ask questions.

Type of lesson : Speech development lesson.

Equipment : Reproduction of the painting of A.A. Plastova, poems, proverbs, signs, presentation about the artist, the presentation of the Festival of Lugovy Flowers, cards with tasks for students.

Epigraph: Lover of herbs, I believe that beautiful herbs

there is nothing in the world.

A.A. Plastic

Scenario lesson

1.Shological mood of the class. Poem of I. Broodsky "Aria insects"

Bees, butterflies, bugs-

We are like music badges.

Our role should not be narrowed

Before the ability to buzz.

Our music is simple:

Retaining, dear,

Falling, quiet.

Returns, fluttering.

What did you pretend to listen to this poem? (Summer. Bright green grass. Many buzzes insects in the meadow).

Which of you was in the summer in the meadow?

What is especially remembered? What feelings arose at the same time?

What work is performed in the summer in the meadow?

2. Call stage.

Read the epigraph. Explain how you understand its meaning.

Word the subject of the lesson. Put your own goals.

Today we will get acquainted with the work of Arkady Alexandrovich Plastov "Senokos". Write an essay by picture in which we will try to express their attitude to the subject of the description.

3. The word is provided to a group of students who prepared a presentation about the work of A.A. Plastov.

Ask questions to each other for understanding. (Taking "fat and subtle questions").

4. Stage of understanding.

Conversation in the picture.

Carefully consider the reproduction of the picture A.A. Plastov "Senokos". What do you think, what time of year he depicted in the picture?

Which summer month is such a young, fresh greens? (In June)

What did the artist pictures in the foreground of the picture? (In the foreground, the artist depicted a flowering meadow).

What paints and colors used A.A.Plastov for the image of meadow flowers and herbs?

What insects are depicted in the picture?

Who do we see in the center of the picture? (Kostov)

How many kosstov in the meadow?

What do these people do?

How do brass work? (Kospers work skillfully, controversial, concentrated).

Teacher's word: the layers knew different peasant work. He knew how and loved to mow the grass and was proud of his skill of Kosar. Personal feeling of a fusion with the outside world, nature, knowledge of peasant life, respect for the peasant labor was given to the artist the opportunity to recreate the feeling of the naturalness and convincing reliability of the life and work of people in their native land.

What do you think the artist called his picture "Senokos"? (The artist called his picture so, because the peasants slam the grass in the meadow).

What do you see to right? (On the right there are beauties birch).

Did the artist portrayed the sun? (Not.)

Why do we understand what is worth a clear sunny day? (The artist showed what the grassland of grass, leaves and trunks birch in the sun, and what's in the shadow).

What do we see in the background pictures? (Pure Blue Sky).

We continue to collect material for the composition.

Music Fisminet "Two Hands"

5. Fill three tasks. Cards with tasks you have on the tables.

Task number 1. (Vocabulary replenishment)

Find the correct answer to the question. Connect the line.

1. What summer month is young greens?

Artist the picture did not depict the sun with a yellow or red. He saw his sensitious eye, what shade the green grass in the sun, and what's in the shadow.

2. What grasses and flowers painted the artist?

Only In June, there is such a greens fresh, bright, clean.

3. Why do we understand what is worth a clear sunny day?

In the shadow of A.A. Plastic Posted by trunks juicy, intense paints, and in the sun - bright, bright. Color drops of grass, colors, leaves created shine of sunny color.

4. Consider how the color of the birch stems lit by the sun is changing.

Artist drew bells: small purple and blue big, fluffy pink "cancer cakes", white chamomiles, yellow dandelions, Ivan - tea, fragrant peas with multi-colored petals - all the flowers who are pleasing to the eye at the beginning of summer, bloomed under the artist's brush on canvas.

5. What paints wrote an artist grass and leaves?

Kosmov Work skillfully, spore, focusing. Peasant labor appears heavy and festive.

6. How do brass work?

Green L. the Etia and herbs artist drew not only green, but also blue, blue and white paints.

Mutual task completed (pairing)

Task number 2. (spelling)

Insert the missed letters. Name spells.

Roast S.Netz, all vychlo and Ra. Calvo, f.olovoyyovoy and blue k.lokolchikhchiki, Zh.Ltoy R. Mashiki, in nach.el Resistance to thin shoots, juiciness and fragility of st. Wheel, carved Och Earth, work appears that good.

Checking the correctness of the task. Discussion of text content.

Task number 3 (means of artistic expressiveness)

Pick up adjectives to words. The game "Who more?"






Mood picture

6. Composition of an essay plan. (Collective work. The teacher writes on the board. Students - in notebooks for creative works).


1. The tracking. A.A. Floors - a wonderful artist - a landscape player.

2. Home part. Description of the picture:

a) meadow flowers and herbs;

b) heavy and festive crosses;

c) whittle birings in the radiance of sunny color;

c) Blue sky.

3. Transcue. My feelings and impressions.

6.Tell statements of students. After the description plan is drawn up and the 2nd options are selected, several students tell, they would describe the picture. Rabat in pairs: Students tell each other, how would they describe the picture.

7. Summage of students. (Work in drafts).

8. Reflection.

What work did you meet today?

What did A.A. Plastov told about "Senokos" painting?

What is your mood?

Homework: rewrite an essay in the Castovik.

Writing in the picture: A. A. Plastov "Senokos".
The layers seem to create the life-giving music of nature. His canvas show that a person is an integral part of the universe. In the picture "Senokos" depicts a summer time in which a rustic person has to work a lot. This is an exciting topic for Arkady Alexandrovich Plastov.
The center of the "Senokos" painting is workers of different ages that work at the same level, trying to perform the movement synchronously, being close to each other. From this we can conclude that work is for them the usual thing. Looking at the canvas, a sense of the elder's dialogue is created with a teenager: "How to bathe, so sing!".
The picture shows us a difficult post-war time, as people in the picture are thin and filled with the desire to work in order to safely survive the Lituya Winter. Old man, woman, teenager and men work in full force, despite the summer exhausting heat.
Bright summer colors of pink, yellow, purple, variety of meadow flowers, juice Green grass overlook the foreground. We, as if hearing the wind and rustling of birch leaves, the smell of just bevelled hay and herbs, a sweet aroma of flowers, the sounds of singing birds and the buzz of insects. So I want to breathe this pure, filled with aroma air with full breasts!
There was a dark green forest belly, in which, apparently, and take away from the heat of our workers to relax a little and again to work for work. A huge field of warm yellow color suggests that there is still a lot of work ahead, and the clouds in the sky carry a slight coolness of a hot day. Thin, gentle birch trees, sympathizing with difficult labor workers, as if they try to cover their branches from the heat and heat. Everything around is filled with harmony and the natural beauty of Russian nature, among which the Russian man wants to live and carefully store gifts of generous land.
Awesome attitude towards a simple Russian person, painted artists in their canvases. After all, a friendly attitude towards nature, and to the world as a whole, it will help to achieve complete harmony and love.

Essay in the picture "Senokos".
Summer is a hot time in the life of a crawler village. At this time, various blanks for the winter are made and a hay is harvested for livestock. If the peasant will spend the summer carelessly, it will not survive the cold and hungry winter. Knowing it, many peasants were going to groups, helped each other. So, during the workpiece of the hay, it was often on the field with families or villages.
On the picture of the Plastov "Senokos" we see the family that came out on the field. They work so clearly that it becomes clear - they make the usual work. It is noteworthy that they kit on the picture of a woman and a teenager. This can be explained only by the employment of men on other, heavier, works.
The artist chose the brightest paints that could invent a person. In the picture, red, purple and purple flowers. They attached among ordinary herbs, which will soon be crushed. And after the whole process, slender birchings are observed, which are a national symbol.
I really liked the picture because of my bright performance and plot. She glorifies simple work and shows it from an idealistic side. I want to believe that this picture will remind the person that not only devices can perform all the work, but a person should work.
This picture contains all the joy of our Earth. It reflects the entire rainbow world with the singing of a funny horn, bird gomon, with ruddy clouds on a gentle pink sky. June. Haymaking. We hear how every flower from this thousands of colored bouquet sounds, as gently ringing lilac, blue, laasers, turquoise, yellow, saffron, punching crimson, purple and gold paints. Powerfully sound pipes of white birches. They are scattered with silver tape under the dungement of the summer breeze millions of leaves. Magic carpet of solar clearing. Dark armor. Emerald meadows. Blinds away Dubrava. High sky. MiG silence. And we hear the cuckoo and the buzz of the shaggy bumblebee, the hardworking song of the bee and the steel sound of the braid. "Senokos" is the anthem of his native land, the victorious people who survived and won in a cruel and bloody war.