
Story about Grandma from the work of the childhood of Gorky. Description of grandmother from the story of M. Gorky "Childhood". Portrait of sharul Ivanovna

In the story of "Childhood" M. Gorky spoke about his children's years, in which he hardly did the main place to her grandmother. Streamed, very complete, largest, with huge eyes, loose reddish nose.

In the life of the boy, the grandmother appeared when his father died, and until the end of his days she was always there.
The boy sees and understands that the inner grandmother is beautiful, it is soft, affectionate, good, trying to understand and help in any situation.
With its fullness, the grandmother went very easily, smoothly and deftly. It was driving on cat.
The grandmother had a very pleasant snow-white smile, the eyes flashed with warm light at the same time, and the face became young and light.
She had black hair, very thick, long and naughty. Therefore, when the grandmother was broken by rare-skinned crest, it was usually angry.
The grandmother said fun, folding, rapidly. Often mentioned God. Everything she said was warm and affectionate, so the boy made friends with her grandmother from the first day with her grandmother, she became the most faithful and close friend, the most understanding man. Later, he realized that her grandmother was the man who gives his love disinterestedly, she loves the world as he was.
M. Gorky recalls her grandmother, and, perhaps, it was a disinterested attitude towards people helped the writer in the future suffered a story M. Gorky "Childhood" autobiographic. Everyone who surrounded Alyosha Peshkov helped to grow a writer, let the memories, offend, but it was a school.
Awesome, still unconscious love caused his grandmother Akulin Ivanovna in the boy. Man is rich in soul, colorful appearance, possessing that wisdom, which is peculiar to the Russian people.
Alexey saw her grandmother for the first time, when she "over the sixth dozen summer-spring swung-went." So, the grandmother around the world perceived, no one could. From a bumping past, from recessed in the sky, the churches of churches, she could splash or laugh. And who else could tell the boy such fairy tales that the famous bearded sailors asked: "Well, grandmother, tell me something! .." For Alyosha Peshkova, grandmother has become the light that everyone should be in life. She became the most faithful friend, "the most clear and close man." "All of it is dark, but shone from the inside ... Non-day, cheerful and warm light."
Outless love studied Alyosha at her grandmother, as Dedov Family, where he involuntarily fell, he lived on the harsh rules established by the grandfather. It seems that there is a good occasion for occasionally in it, but the shell is snapped. And do not lose, it will be rogging. Grandma knew the character of his grandfather, was not afraid of him, unlike other family members. For anyone, she could become a mountain if his grandfather is wrong.
Its warmth was filled with a house, her love and light, lively energy. She put all the soul into taking care of her children and grandchildren. Nobody needs the right gypsies, raised under the gate of the house, was adopted by a grandmother as his own, she focused and went out a boy. Working from dawn to late night around the house, grandma saw everyone and everything that happened around, paid attention to everyone who needed it.
And her heroism during the fire was equal to the elements. Both, and the flame and grandmother, fought for the workshop. Who will win. She saved what was expensive her, was her home, economy; The fire burned what he considered his prey. The fire was awesome, the grandmother got burns, but also found the word of consolation for others.
M. Gorky passed the school of generosity and severity, love and malice, but all his life he was trying to analyze his actions, love to give, and to educate themselves. And thanks to the fate that he had such a wonderful grandmother.

description of grandmother from the story of M. Gorky "Childhood"

  1. you only gave his story to split \u003d (
  2. Grandma - Akulina Ivanovna, was for Alshi the beam of light in his alley, because no one defended him from the war in the house. She supported him because of all his might, and it was not even friends.
  3. Dada, they all drag everything from there. Think the smartest.
  4. thank you, we also asked it)))
  5. All characters and events in the story of childhood are described by the chief hero of the Alesh Peshkov. The boy lost his father early, so he grew and brought up in the house of grandfather and grandmother.

    The image of sharul is Ivanovna helps to better understand the main character. Alyosha loved her grandmother very much. This woman replaced his mother and warmed his love. Ivanovna Akulina is depicted as the full opposite of her husband a kind, affectionate, empathizing. A special mental pain was brought quarrels of sons and beatings of her husband. She was unhappy with the orders of reigning in the house, but it turned out to be unable to change anything. The fact that grandmother was a good man confirmed her eyes emitting warm light. Her share fell a lot of tests. One of the most severe death of fifteen children. Only three survived.

    Akulina Ivanovna became for Alyosha in the most important person, a good angel who is tuned to the path. She tried to protect the grandson from the cruelty of life and evil people with all their might. Some used grandmother's kindness for mercenary purposes, but she could not be offended for anyone. The material benefits did not play an important role in the life of the Ivanovna shark. Grandma suffered very much when Gypsies died. But she believed that all events, even the saddest, occur by the will of God.

    When the fire occurred, Akulina Ivanovna opened Aleche on the other side. She turned out to be decisive, bold, who knows how to give a clear order. After this tragedy, the boy was forced to bother. Grandmother cried increasingly, worrying about the future of the grandson.

    The brush image was so light, sincere, real, which was preserved in the soul of the main character for many years. She became the personification of the spirit of the Spirit, restlessness. Akulina Ivanovna was never sitting without a case, constantly worked on the housework, without regretting himself. This was the meaning of her life to be useful others, despite the fact that they did not understand such a sacrifice. In the fire at shark, Ivanovna burned hands. Despite this, she did not refuse to help and accepted childbirth, overcoming pain. And when five meshs pounced on a man, she, without hesitation, rushed to fighting with a rocker to stop cruel injustice.

    Grandma was a man with a solid life position. Unexpected turns of fate did not change its moral principles. In joy and grief, in wealth and poverty, she was a kind and responsive, worthy of unconditional respect.

  6. Grandma describes the juvenile grandson, watching her, talking to her, listening to her, he knows people and peace. The grandmother was round, the bigger, with huge eyes and a funny loose nose soft and amazingly interesting, Souvea, almost humpback, and moved easily and deftly, exactly a big cat. This is only a description of the appearance, but already observations: the whole is dark, but shone from the inside through the eyes of non-vacuum, cheerful and warm light.

    She has a really dark life: she asked her alone with a disabled mother, then she took possession of the mastery of the lace, in fourteen years they got married, there were eighteen children, of which only three were survived. The husband all his life is brutally beats, and not a word across in response, everything justifies: it's angry, it's hard for him, old, the failures you don't hurt me sorrows me, too, too, and guilty. The sons of the beasts, and all the defense rushes and teaches the grandson: who is to blame for this thing is not yours. Lord to judge and punish. What saved her, gave the inner light? She knew a lot of fairy tales, danced, as if he told something, talked to God (he will understand. It will tell him that he will tell him) and the Virgin (joy source, the beauty is the above, apple tree in color! ..) Like with Equal, with horses (what, dyatko? What, kitten? To fill up hunting? Well, wishes, Bogova fun!), birds, plants, houses. A lot of power in it, inland fire, restlessness of life: Grandma Strank, sewed, sinking in the garden and in the garden, drunk all day, exactly a huge cube, customized by an invisible braid, sniffed tobacco, sneezed savory and spoke, otiya sweaty face: Hello, Peace Honest, forever and ever! During the fire, I slept everywhere: I managed to order from the house icons and to lead the children, pull out the cunery from the workshop, stop the horse, to organize and thank the neighbors, childbirth took birth after a fire. Five Meshan beat a man grandmother rushes to the rescue

  7. thank you so much
  8. Tale M. Gorky "Childhood" autobiographical. Everyone who surrounded Alyosha Peshkov helped to grow a writer, let the memories, offend, but it was a school.
    Alexey saw her grandmother for the first time, when she "over the sixth dozen summer-spring swung-went." So, the grandmother around the world perceived, no one could. From a bumping past, from recessed in the sky, the churches of churches, she could splash or laugh. And who else could tell the boy such fairy tales that the famous bearded sailors asked: "Well, grandmother, tell me something! .." For Alyosha Peshkova, grandmother has become the light that everyone should be in life. She became the most faithful friend, "the most clear and close man." "All of it is dark, but shone from the inside ... non-day-free, cheerful and warm light."
    Outless love studied Alyosha at her grandmother, as Dedov Family, where he involuntarily fell, he lived on the harsh rules established by the grandfather. It seems that there is a good occasionally in it in it, but the shell is snapped ... and do not lose it, it will not be rugs. Grandma knew the character of his grandfather, was not afraid of him, unlike other family members. For anyone, she could become a mountain if his grandfather is wrong.
    And her heroism during a fire? She was equal to the element. Both, and the flame and grandmother, fought for the workshop. Who will win. She saved what was expensive her, was her home, economy; The fire burned what he considered his prey. The fire was awesome, the grandmother got burns, but also found the word of consolation for others.
  9. Streamed, very complete, largest, with huge eyes, loose reddish nose. In the life of the boy, the grandmother appeared when his father died, and until the end of his days she was always there.

    about the image of grandmother in the story
  11. In the story of "Childhood" M. Gorky spoke about his children's years, in which he hardly did the main place to her grandmother. Streamed, very complete, largest, with huge eyes, loose reddish nose. In the life of the boy, the grandmother appeared when his father died, and until the end of his days she was always there.
    The boy sees and understands that the inner grandmother is beautiful, it is soft, affectionate, good, trying to understand and help in any situation.
    With its fullness, the grandmother went very easily, smoothly and deftly. It was driving on cat.
    The grandmother had a very pleasant snow-white smile, the eyes flashed with warm light at the same time, and the face became young and light.
    She had black hair, very thick, long and naughty. Therefore, when the grandmother was broken by rare-skinned crest, it was usually angry.
    The grandmother said fun, folding, rapidly. Often mentioned God. Everything she said was warm and affectionate, so the boy made friends with her grandmother from the first day with her grandmother, she became the most faithful and close friend, the most understanding man. Later, he realized that her grandmother was the man who gives his love disinterestedly, she loves the world as he was.
    M. Gorky recalls her grandmother, and, perhaps, it was a disinterested attitude towards people helped the writer in the future suffered a story M. Gorky "Childhood" autobiographic. Everyone who surrounded Alyosha Peshkov helped to grow a writer, let the memories, offend, but it was a school.
    Awesome, still unconscious love caused his grandmother Akulin Ivanovna in the boy. Man is rich in soul, colorful appearance, possessing that wisdom, which is peculiar to the Russian people.
    Alexey saw her grandmother for the first time, when she "over the sixth dozen summer-spring swung-went." So, the grandmother around the world perceived, no one could. From a bumping past, from recessed in the sky, the churches of churches, she could splash or laugh. And who else could tell the boy such fairy tales that the famous bearded sailors asked: "Well, grandmother, tell me something! .." For Alyosha Peshkova, grandmother has become the light that everyone should be in life. She became the most faithful friend, "the most clear and close man." "All of it is dark, but shone from the inside ... Non-day, cheerful and warm light."
    Outless love studied Alyosha at her grandmother, as Dedov Family, where he involuntarily fell, he lived on the harsh rules established by the grandfather. It seems that there is a good occasion for occasionally in it, but the shell is snapped. And do not lose, it will be rogging. Grandma knew the character of his grandfather, was not afraid of him, unlike other family members. For anyone, she could become a mountain if his grandfather is wrong.
    Its warmth was filled with a house, her love and light, lively energy. She put all the soul into taking care of her children and grandchildren. Nobody needs the right gypsies, raised under the gate of the house, was adopted by a grandmother as his own, she focused and went out a boy. Working from dawn to late night around the house, grandma saw everyone and everything that happened around, paid attention to everyone who needed it.
    And her heroism during the fire was equal to the elements. Both, and the flame and grandmother, fought for the workshop. Who will win. She saved what was expensive her, was her home, economy; The fire burned what he considered his prey. The fire was awesome, the grandmother got burns, but also found the word of consolation for others.
    M. Gorky passed the school of generosity and severity, love and malice, but all his life he was trying to analyze his actions, love to give, and to educate themselves. And thanks to the fate that he had such a wonderful grandmother.
  12. The grandmother's character is soft, compliant, she loves people from the heart, knows how to appreciate the true beauty, very attached to the house: "I remember the children's joy of grandmother at the sight of the bottom." It is the grandmother who becomes a good angel guarding the boy from evil people and difficult living conditions for Alyosha. She does not know how to keep offense for a long time, be cruel. People enjoyed her kindness, but she never complained about life. Material benefits were not
    The life values \u200b\u200bof the heroine. Pity, compassion for people is the main qualities of grandmother's character. Living along with his grandmother, Alyosha listens every evening the stories about the Kashirin family, he loves to listen to her stories.
    Difficulties that fell in life, wise woman perceives like God's tests. What heroism she showed during a fire. She was equal to the element. "Illuminated by fire that seemed to catch
    Her, black, she rushed across the courtyard, shattered everywhere, allowing, all seeing. "Both, and flame fire, and grandmother, fought for the workshop.
    She saved what was expensive her, was her home, economy. And after the fire, the grandmother received burns, but despite this, she found the word of consolation for others.

All events and heroes are depicted by a writer through the perception of a little boy.
Main part
The image of the grandmother helps the disclosure of the character of the main character:
- Grandma is opposed to grandfather;
- portrait of grandmother, her eyes;
- The character of grandmother.
Pity, compassion for people is the main qualities of the grandmother.
History with Gypsy.
Grandmother's life went for the benefit of people.
M. Gorky wrote a story "Childhood", where the autobiographical character was brought in the image of the main character - Alyosha Peshkova. All the events and heroes of the works are depicted by a writer through the perception of a little boy.
The image of a grandmother, which Alyosha loved so, helps deeper to reveal the nature of the main character. Grandma is a complete opposite of her grandfather, her husband: affectionate, kind, ready to help everyone. She is very worried about the constant quarrels of her sons, dissatisfied with the sternness of his grandfather. Especially on the face of grandmothers, the eyes were distinguished, thanks to which the heroine "glowed from the inside ... non-regained, cheerful and warm light." The grandmother's character is soft, compliant, she loves people from the soul, knows how to appreciate the true beauty, tied to the house: "I remember the children's joy of grandmother at the sight of the bottom." It is an inconspicuous grandmother becomes a good old angel guarding the boy from evil people and complex living conditions for Alyosha. It was she who grabbed the hero in his arms when the grandfather punished him for a spoiled tablecloth. Grandmother did not know how to keep offense for a long time, be cruel. People enjoyed her kindness, but she never complained about life. Living along with his grandmother, Alyosha listen to the stories about the life of the Kashirin family. When it comes to the business life of the family, then the grandmother "said laughing, alienated, somehow issued, for sure the neighbor, and not the second in the house for seniority." The material benefits were not the life values \u200b\u200bof the heroine. Pity, compassion for people is the main qualities of the character of grandmother, so she is experiencing, suffers after the death of the princess of Gypsy. Difficulties that fell in life, a wise woman perceives like God's tests, that's what she tells her grandson about Vanya-Tsyganka: "The grandfather wanted to carry a Vanya to the police in the police, yes I discarded: Take, they say, herself; This god sent us instead of those who died. After all, I had eighteen roened ... Yes, I loved the Lord of my blood, everything took and I took my children to Angels. And sorry for me, and and joyful! " During the fire: "Illuminated by fire, which seemed to catch her, black, she rushed across the courtyard, having sakes everywhere, all seeking, all seeing." Becoming practically beggars, Alyosha was forced to be born. Little crumbs he brought her grandmother, who "looked at them and silently crying," experiencing a grandson for the future.
All the life of the grandmother went for the benefit of people, so her image was imprinted for a long time in the minds of the main character. Wise woman smoothes "lead abomination of wild Russian life," spiritually enriching the difficult life of people.

Grandmother of the main character of the work of Alesh Peshkova Akulina Ivanovna is a character to whom a special role is assigned.

The writer depicts the heroine in the image of a complete woman having a big head, large eyes and a funny loose nose, distinguished inner warmth, mentality and kindness, in a sensitive attitude towards others and disinterested love.

Acoune Ivanovna is characterized by a special conversation manner, in which words are pronounced in the affectionate, folding form of the Narasphev. Having an extraordinary innate giftedness, the grandmother tells the grandchildren of fabulous and real stories that have a significant impact on the development of the personality of the future writer, helping to overcome the vital difficulties and receiving valuable lessons.

Being a skillful needlewoman, Akulina Ivanovna performs orders of citizens, wearing exquisite lace creations and embroidering bizarre patterns. Being a lovers of dancing and fun, Aleshina Grandma presents the usual dance in the form of the action filled with the inner meaning, telling about his dance.

Granny masculinity, courage, heroism is brightly manifested in the description of the fire scene, when Akulina Ivanovna rushes in the yard, the time and save people, and animals, and also dispose of fire extinguishing, without paying attention to the burns and pain.

Since childhood, Babushkin's life was not easy, early remaining without a father, she had to work to help his family to help her family. Being married to harsh and cruel grandfather, she submits his crucible and beatings, experiencing his grandchildren and children who do not get among themselves, explaining that her husband is much older than it and it is necessary to show respect for him and patience.

Grandma is very religious and in her soul God occupies a special place, helping her patiently and steal all the difficult situations. She talks daily with icons, detailed by the Almighty events of the last day and their spiritual experiences. At the same time he loves tobacco snuff and will not give up the glass of wine.

Many of the surrounding, looking at Akulin Ivanovna, consider her blessed, but the writer claims that all the characteristic qualities of the grandmother are based on her human wisdom, which does not put the material benefits in the head of life values, despite the burial existence, feeling to the world around him only Sincere disinterested love and compassion.

Option 2

In the work of Gorky "Childhood" an important character is the grandmother of the main character. From the story we learn that the grandmother's name is Peshkova Akulina Ivanovna.

The author describes it as a complete woman with unusual for all sizes. On her big head, the big eyes are banging and to the conclusion of the image loose, a little funny nose. Her soul was disinterested, to everyone treated with kindness, from her and had an inner spiritual warmth. This statehood was manifested in its conversation manner. All words pronounce aculin were in a decrease in smear form.

In the life of the main character, grandmother played not a small role. Her stories and stories folded the psyche and the worldview of Alesh since childhood. Namely, these fictional and real stories affected the development of the personality of Alesh, as a future writer. In an already more conscious age, all the stories that Alyosha had heard from the grandmother, helped to cope with the difficulties that met him. From all heard grandson, all the most necessary and valuable was removed.

Worked by Akulina Ivanovna, when she took orders from citizens and fellow villagers. She, possessing wonderful skill of knitting, performed different lace creations. On knitting, her talents do not end, she loved the dances and dances and could turn the usual dance into something unusual and deep, made with the soul.

It was filled with such qualities as: courage, masculinity, heroism. All this we can observe during the scene with a fire. She, without thinking about the pain gained, saves at the same time, and people, and animals at the same time a carcass.

Since childhood, Akulina meets many obstacles on his life path. From an early age, she had to go to work to provide a family. Since the father died, and the mother was disabled. Because of the qualities brought up in it, Akulin suffers all the curses and beatings of her husband with the thought that he is older and need to respect him, thinking about the tranquility of children, whom, unfortunately, no. Children and grandchildren do not get together.

Faith in God helps sharul to overcome all the difficulties and adversities that occur with it in life.

Writing grandmother in story childhood

Childhood Alexei Peshkova passed in the numerous family of casciries. Vasily Vasilyevich and Akulina Ivanovna were the parents of Mother Alesh. After the death of her husband, Maxim, Kashirina took the Alesha with his mother in Nizhny Novgorod. Alexei Grandfather kept his own workshop, and, besides his sons, they had masters in their house. They all had any influence on the boy, but grandma became the most close and beloved person.

Grandma Akulina Ivanovna was already an elderly woman, she exceeded her sixth ten. She was complete, round, she had big eyes and a long hair mane, which grandmother always broke for a long time. Her appeal attracted the views of all surrounding, she was all shone from the inside of good, gentle light. Ivanovna Akulin was a craftswoman to tell fairy tales and old legends, listening to a lot of people who were always gathered. A talented storyteller, she forced her listeners to laugh and cry over their stories. The grandmother could and go out, and her dance put on the audience the same fascinating effect, as well as legends.

A special place in the life of sharul Ivanovna occupies sincere faith in God. Grandma daily leads conversations with him, tells him about the events that takes place, consults with him for any reason, communicating with him, as with a living close person. Belief in God helps Acoune Ivanovna to overcome all the lives of life, and her life is not too bald. She grew up without her father, and since childhood she helped her mother in the economy. Then she got married. And she had to tolerate her husband. But grandmother, as a truly Russian woman, persistently and courageously transfers all life adversity.

Especially brightly, its strong and strong character manifests itself during a fire that happened in the house of Kashirini. Fearless grandmother rushed into a scratching workshop, to bring a bottle with a vitriol from there, received strong burns there, but he managed to stop the horse rejected on the punch, and did not leave the courtyard to the end of the fire.

The courage and perseverance of shark Ivanovna, her kindness and caressing, a benevolent attitude towards others, and the future of the Great Writer had a huge impact in the formation and formation of his personality, which in the future recognized Maxim Gorky himself. About Akulin Ivanovna can be said in words of another great Russian writer, N. A. Nekrasov: "There are women in Russian selets ..."

In the first part of his autobiographical trilogy, the writer M. Gorky impartially portrayed the "lead abomination" of life, surrounding the main character, Alyosha Peshkov, in his childhood years. The boy was lucky that in this difficult time there were people responsive and kind people with him, which were Akulin Ivanovna and never unwinning Gypsies.

Light image of grandmother

In the story of Gorky "Childhood" Akulin Ivanovna Kashirina, undoubtedly occupies a central place. She, as an angel guardian, protects the grandson who has fallen from a friendly family in a completely different world, filled with envy, cruelty, mutual hostility. Reading the work, unwittingly asked about how grandma, who spent many years in the atmosphere of Kashirini's house, was able to preserve those best human qualities that were given to her at birth? Fate never dismissed this woman, but every time she found her strength not just to live according to the laws of God, but also to kill the people around her.

Biography of heroine

The image of the grandmother in the story of the bitter "Childhood" is evaporated gradually. We learn about the life of Akulin Ivanovna, mostly from her conversations with Alesh: how, together with his mother's disabled, before nine, she asked alms, as he learned from her wonderful art - to weave the lace, as for fourteen years she was married to Kashirina. Gorky was her further life. Gave birth to eighteen children, and only three of them survived. Yes, and they never got along with each other. It hurts to look grandmother, how to death beats the two of her son because of the inheritance. I did not regret my wife and grandfather: even in old age he often fell. And although there was a heroine much higher and stronger him, shouting and beatings silently. I thought: everything that happens to a person, God's will is spelled out. A considerable test was the fact that before the death had to earn grandmother to earn a piece of bread: the grandfather soldered all the property and left her with anything.

Portrait of sharul Ivanovna

The image of a grandmother in the story of bitter "Childhood" is given through the perception of its Alesh. With the first acquaintance, she seemed to the boy "Round, Bolsheg, with huge eyes and ... loose nose." Despite the high height and stuff, the Akulina Ivanovna moved softly and smoothly smoothly than reminded the cat. She was especially transformed during the dance: young people and good.

The grandmother had dense black hair, which she was delivered for a long time. Maybe therefore, it seemed to be outwardly dark. But with a careful look at her, a feeling arose that the heroine glows from the inside. This cheerful, warm, restless light went from her big eyes.

And the grandmother was an excellent storyteller and knew the innumerable many interesting stories and folk legends - some of them introduce the bitter in their story. And in general, wherever Akulina Ivanovna, she like a magnet attracted people to him.

In concerns about other

Alyosha did not remember the grandmother had ever complained. On the contrary, she often tried to take someone else's guilt, could substitute himself under the blow to get rid of others from pain. So it was that evening when the grandfather exposed Alyosha first punishment. And when the ombre Mikhail began to break into the house of the Father: Grandma tried to calm the son, and he broke her hand. And at all at all thought Akulina Ivanovna about himself, when it rushed into a burning workshop to protect everyone from the explosion of the vitriol. Even the horse excited about fire, who did not obey her grandfather, behaved next to this fearless woman as a mouse. It was not by chance that the heroes of the story "Childhood" of Gorky in a difficult minute of life went to her.

And Alyosha loved to look very much and listening like grandmother prayed to God. Every evening she told him about what happened in the house. And necessarily asked for someone to help someone to enjoy. This prayer, emanating from the heart, was close and understood by the boy, in contrast to the learned words that the grandfather pronounced.

So, the episode behind the episode, the image of a grandmother in the story of bitter "childhood". This is a portrait of a kind, responsive, sincere, moral, bold, decisive woman. Much has experienced many years, but remained unchanged, "exactly from Copper Lita," as our difficult life itself.