
Guitar and its types. Types of guitars. Differences between guitars

The choice of guitar is very important, especially for those musicians who only make their first steps in learning the game on this musical instrument. Despite the fact that there are at least 4 main types of guitar, everyone has a similar structure. Moreover, my tutorial playing a guitar game for beginners is suitable for classical, and for acoustic, and even for an electric guitar.

Often, the guitar is chosen as clothes - only by external sign, but this is a wrong approach. The external aspect is, of course, is important, but it is far from the main one. After all, today there is a huge set of tools - all of them have different properties and qualities. They have different specialization and invented they were for various purposes. Very often they go to this article after the question "How to choose a guitar?". Indeed, how to choose it if you do not know the differences between guitars?

So, what are there types of guitars?

Classic guitar

For a tool of this type, a well-established form and parameters are characterized. If you compare two completely different classic guitars, they can even be different firms manufacturers, then externally, and in size and form they will be very similar. Thanks to this form of the case, the highest quality, complete sound is achieved.

This guitar has a wide and convenient vulture, are used, as a rule, nylon strings. It is good because it is intended for any music: classic, old, modern, blues and jazz. Allows you to use both finger techniques and a game with a mediator, playing and fighting, and accompaniment. The classic guitar is as universal as possible and convenient for learning.

Acoustic guitar

Designed for the game by the mediator, or for the chord game fight. It has a loud, interesting sound. For a finger game, for solo music, as well as for training azam games such a guitar is suitable less.

Electric guitar

If the previous musical instruments sound themselves, without additional technical assistance, so that we heard the electric guitar (the sound itself is deaf enough), you need to connect the likeness of rock stars to amplifiers and other acoustic equipment. To remove the sound on the guitar, pickups are provided.

Externally, this guitar is distinguished by the presence of a hole for connecting to a computer / amplifiers, a volume controller and timbre, it is possible even a built-in tuner to configure. It has a fairly uninformed vulture, regulators and switches are located on the housing.

Bass guitar

It has a long neck and thick strings. The name itself suggests that the guitar gives bass. Configured at octaves below. Usually, they are 4 strings, but it happens 5 (a notched subcontrolity is added), and 6 (plus "low" and "high" strings).

By the way, the bass guitar is even in the acoustic version.

The main thing, choosing "that very guitar" to understand for what purposes, you need it, and you need to be guided by the feelings, as the tool falls into the hands, the convenience of the game, sound, and only then exterior design. Good luck to you in choosing a musical satellite of life, which will serve you for a very long time!

Currently there is a huge set hitar specieswhich are divided according to various characteristics.

By the number of stringsthere are species: Sixtars , seven-fold, twelve string guitars. The guitar masters conducted experiments and added additional strings to the guitars, which led to the appearancerussian sevenrous And even nine, ten- and fifteen-string guitars. Of course, none of thesespecies did not receive such widespread use as six stringguitar.

The main factor in which guitars are divided into types

All people are classified types of guitars According to another property, according to a way to enhance sound.

Acoustic guitars

Acoustic guitars sound without any amplifying equipment quite well and loudly, due to its housing. For such guitars, an important sound factor is wood and quality of performance. Depending on the forms, widths, the thickness of the case, the width of the length of the grid and the bar mechanism acoustic guitars are divided:

    On classic guitars: have a rather wide neck and bulk body. Rings are located from different sides, three on each side. Strings can be both synthetic and metal. This kind of guitar is the most common.

    And on a variety of acoustic guitars: Western, Flamenco and others, which differ in various forms, widths, body thicknesses, grind, and the type of slicer mechanism.

Semicoustic guitar

The semi-acoustic guitar is similar to the acoustic, but the vulture is similar to the neck of the electrical guitar. The guitar has a pickup. Without connecting to the equipment, this guitar sounds bad, no effect of an acoustic guitar.

Electric acoustic guitar

Electric acoustic in its view is also similar to an acoustic guitar. The main difference from the semi-acoustic in good sound without connecting to the equipment. That is, the electro acoustic guitar also sounds well as acoustic without connecting to amplifier equipment, well, it can be a little worse, but quite decent.

And if you need to strengthen its sound for a concert or write to some carrier, then this guitar can be connected to electronic equipment and get high-quality sound.

Electric guitar

The electric guitar does not have a housing that enhances the sound, so connectivity to the equipment. There are a large number of all sorts of lotions and effects to the electric guitar.

Our advice: When choosing a guitar, take a musician better with you.

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Guitars are very different. However, their great diversity can be reduced to several main types and groups. And at the same time streamlined the terminology, for a number of names are used not quite accurately, and sometimes not at all.

To start, Guitars There are no "electric". Electric guitar - This is a separate tool, with its history and rules. They do not have a "living" sound and involve connecting to an amplifier or a commiss. Guitar, on the contrary, self-sufficient, and plays without any additional items.

Everything Neelectro Guitars are divided into two unequal groups: classic Guitars under the synthetics and actually acoustics with metal strings.

Classic guitar

Classic guitar came from Spain, so otherwise called "Spanish". This is a small tool with characteristic. "Classic" Case, wide (52mm) and flat vulture and synthetic strings. The device of classical guitars is that they are successfully sounded under synthetic strings, but the metal strings are contraindicated in principle (the load from metal. Trucks are almost three times than from synthetics). They have lightweight hulls, a vulture is almost always without anchor, the grip head has characteristic "lumets", and the shafts of the rings of increased diameter. The stand is as very characteristic, the strings are attached for it with a simple node-loop.

Music schools usually explore the classic guitar. On such a guitar it is easier to start learning - synthetics less cuts the student's fingers. And the distance between the strings is large (due to the width of the grip). Synthetic strings have a deaf timbre, to enhance brightness it is desirable to grow nails on the right hand. The mediator on such guitars do not play. They are not very suitable for rock music. There are many famous Spanish brands: Alhambra, Almansa, Alcora, Sanchez, Rodriguez ... Russia has long known Strunal Czech guitar (Cremona). There are many cheap Chinese brands - Martinez, Madeira, Hohner, despite the origin, these guitars are suitable for primary learning. Classic guitars are very "regulated." Those. The main dimensions and design of tools of this type are very similar to all manufacturers. "Whole" (4/4 size) guitars have a 650mm menzur. For children under 8 years old apply 1/2 guitars. Up to 12 years old - 3/4. The size of the tool must be specified with the teacher. For classical guitars, case materials are very important. Differences between the sounding of the guitar with a solid dece (Solid Top) and a guitar with a laminate deck will easily notice even a failed person. Palisandrous shells and bottom add volume. A neck of a mahogany with inner cut-in (instead of an anchor) will live long and successfully confront the charge. The body of the classic guitar is very fragile and intense, but durable - as an egg shell, which is known to be crushed into a fist ...

Separately, mention guitars flamenco. It is too spanish guitarsBut designed to play in a certain style - flamenco. Print and bottom of them from cypress or maple. Deck of ate, and very thin. They have a sharp, loud sound, poor low frequencies. Play them with a special plectrome or "claws". For an ordinary classic game, they are not very suitable.

Acoustic guitar

Acoustic (or "pop") guitars - a large family of dissimilar tools, united by the type of string. I can vividly distinguish them by corps.

Dreadnought (Western Dreadnought). This is a large massive guitar, her body is heavy, with a wide waist and expanded bottom.

Grigon is narrow, convex, with anchor rod. The head of the grid is almost always small, "shovel", the flasks are located on the inside. The stand is flat, the strings are attached "buttons". Strings are hard, not thinner 011, sometimes even 012-013. On the dreadnights they usually play the mediator. The technique of the game can be close to the electrohytaic. This type of guitar gained fame thanks to American firms Martin and Taylor. It was created for accompaniment in jazz and falkar groups. The amplifiers were not yet, and came up with a loud guitar for the scene. Despite the bulky and rigidity, the dreadnights are now very common. They are successfully done in Asia, including under licenses of well-known firms. The load from rigid strings is very large, so the main requirement for materials and design is durability and reliability. Such strings can be found in the parcel box. For amateur purposes, there is no need to search for western by all means with a massive deck. In many cases, the guitar with laminate sounds comparable. But a good vitality and warranty will be useful.

Super jambo. It is also a big and massive guitar. But the body has more rounded forms. And the guitar itself does not resemble a rod or Sumo fighter. Although the most large guitars are just Jumbo (Jumbo is huge).

Like dreadnights, Jumbo are made under tough strings and under the mediator. On the sound, they are even louder sometimes. But in general, the differences between these types rather stylistic.

In fact, the folk guitar Martin called the usual western-dreadnights. But now Folcom is customary called "Small Westerns". These are guitars with a small hull, similar to classic, but with a narrow Western vulture.

Those. These are small guitars under metal strings thick 010-011. They sound noticeably quiet western, but more compact and play it easier. Therefore, for homework, such guitars are very comfortable. Otherwise, the design of the guitar is similar to Dreadnought. Grief necessarily with anchor. Stand sometimes looks like a classic one. But the springs under the deck have a completely non-classical device. And the guitar is very durable.

Grand auditorium. This is a fairly common type sometimes called simply jumbo. These guitars are similar in debtors for super jambo, but significantly less in size. However, the greater compact folka.. From here their versatility - they play quite loudly, but less brutal than Dreadnought and super jambo.

Russian guitars .

Russian guitars - 7-string. And not in the sense, as there are 7-string electric guitars from Western musicians (with an added string SI). They have another system, from re (not in quarts). Therefore, chords and receptions of the game on 7-strings are not similar to the usual for 6-kits. This system is rarely used in modern music. But another 50 years ago, the majority of guitars were 7-strings. Some bards play it until now (Nikitin, Rosenbaum). There are lovers of such a building and among young people.

The 7-String is similar to classic guitars, but the neck is a bit already. The case is less deep. And in general, the guitar is small, especially "gypsy". Head of the grid with lumen, as in the classic. The neck is often with the fastening on the screw. Under the dece, a very simple scheme of Sherezra springs.

Ovation. So called acoustic guitars with an urgent body. Wooden (or laminated) they have only deck. And the shell and the bottom are molded from synthetic material - carbon fiber, epoxy, polyester resin, ABS.

Such guitars came up with the American engineer Kaman in the middle of the 20th century. By the name of his Ovation brand, the type of such guitars itself is called. Kamam was a big technocrat and a cub. Therefore, actually invented a new music. Oveyevny for a number of criteria is superior to traditional guitars. But their lively sound is still quiet. Therefore, they are used more often as electro-acoustics - they are an excellent source of signal for the piezodatrik. Real Ovation from America is terribly road. Their Korean branch is cheaper - Applause. There are also cheap Chinese analogs - Martinez, Crusader, Adams.

12-string guitars. Such guitars are on the basis of reinforced Western and Jumbo buildings, sometimes ovation. The vulture is wider. The guitar itself is very massive and noisy. Receptions of the game resemble the usual 6-string, but there are also their own features.

Structural strength for 12-stakes is the main criterion. For the load from 12 metal strings is huge. Fix the 12-String repair can be repaired regardless of the cost. But cheap will die completely quickly. 12-string models are in the rules of most brands.

Electroacoustic guitars. Strictly speaking, any acoustic guitar It can be turned into electrical acoustics. For this, special equipment is installed on it. Some (seemingly acoustic) tools for live sound are adapted by little. This is usually folki and ovation with a shallow body. Alive sound they have completely quiet and devoid of low frequencies. But when connecting acoustics is good and complete.

In the rules of most producers there are guitars with electrical equipment. Often they are made with a cut for hand (Catway). This is justified, since Catway weakens the live sound of the guitar, but does not affect the electric. And it is more convenient to play with it. It should be borne in mind that cheap equipment and sound quality will give the appropriate. Therefore, in many cases, it is wiser to put the equipment after purchasing acoustics.

It remains for small, buy a suitable tool and fight. You are coming in the store And it turns out that the types of guitars are much more than you could imagine and the differences are also not enough.

And here you are already on my site with a question " types of guitars and their differences"And" what are the guitars?". Want to know everything about the guitars? And so let's in order:

  • Classic
  • Acoustic
  • Electroacoustic
  • Electric
  • bass guitar

First of all, think about what you want to play.

Classic guitars

If you are going to play classical music, it is most suitable for you that is this kind of guitar. These guitars have a quieter and soft sound than "acoustics".

Nylon strings are installed on them.(Since there is no anchor in the jiff, which allows the vulture to withstand an effort from tensioning metal strings), they have a wider vulture and a relatively lower resonant cavity.

All virtuosos in Flamenco genre use only the classic type of guitars.These guitars are also called "Spaniards", as Spain is a height of this type of guitars.

Semi-bump guitars

This is a more expensive and improved version of acoustic guitar, a distinctive feature of this type of guitars is availability of an additional electronic sensor (pickup)which allows you to connect the guitar to the amplifier, for example, at a concert.

But keep in mind - this does not make it a fully electrical guitar, its main purpose is to get a clean sound with the possibility of connecting to the amplifier, however, when using additional sound effects (lotions), you can get a very interesting and diverse sound, the same as on Full electric guitar.


Bass guitar - can be both acoustic and electric. As a rule, they have four strings, but also there are options with five and more strings. Ourselves strings are very thickthat gives a characteristic low bass sound.

Types of guitars are distinguished by the structure, functionality, sound. Distinguish pop, blues, classic sound, others. For different genres, there are types (for example, folk, flamenco). What are the guitars - it is useful to know each musician.

Such tools were found in Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, Greece, Rome. Combined the finds of similar appearance, sound. Different names - Kinorrara, Cryt, Hefer, Kitara.

The first samples had a different appearance. Empty housing inside, more round form. Made from similar vegetables (for example, pumpkins), turtle shells, wooden bars. The ancient models from China had double decks - upper, lower. Weakly reminded the modern option.

The first images of a tool having a similar structure, discovered in Spain. Nakhodka was attributed to the period II century BC. The following sketches appeared in the handwritten texts of Beatus Leban VIII century. Approximately during this period, pinch models - viola, violea, gained wider distribution. Starting from the first century, drawings with a tool are found in many artists.

Mauritanian, Latin began the main models. First - oval shape, more sharp sound. They played on it using a plector (mediator). The second - complex shape with bends, was distinguished by soft sound. It is believed that the preference of the second species was given to the musicians of tender music, minstrels.

Then the violea was then released, it is distinguished by a narrow, at the same time a more convex case. Used to play in private rich houses, so decorated with jewels, gold, silver. Initially played accompanying parties. Thanks to the musicians Fuengland and Milano, the first solo guitar performances appeared, almost at the same time - the plays written for the guitar.

1674 - The first guide for independent learning to the game was written by Gaspar Suns. The guide contained detailed explanations, theory, the advice of the practitioner master. The book was widespread, reprinted several times a few decades.

At the end of the 18th century, the guitar became a concert tool. Form, the design has become close to the usual. The initial options had 4, 8, even 10 strings. The 19th century models had six. Musicians 18-19th century (from Italy - M. Carcassi, M. Juliani, from Spain - F. Sor, D. Aguado) wrote many works - fantasies, plays, concerts, sonatas, especially for guitar solo. Aguado received the nickname Beethoven guitars, and the melodies of the Sora so far are considered one of the best.

In Russia, until the end of the 17th century, the instrument was considered to be married, met rarely in rich houses as an exclusive. Travelers from Italy introduced Russian residents with the possibilities and beauty of the guitar, romantic melodies acquired widespread fame. In the 19th century, the Russian guitarist A. Sihra finalized the seven-time model. Due to this, it became popular in all layers of the Russian population.

On a note! Long period Russian authorities did not support the development of guitar art. The guitar was considered insolidate, and preference was given to other tools. Russian virtuosos of guitar music N. P. Makarov, M. D. Sokolovsky remained unclaimed for a long time.

The 20th century became decisive. The tool began to actively use at concerts, although earlier they played at home, on bard or youth meetings. There were various technical additions, the circle of musical directions has expanded, new varieties and models appeared. At the beginning of the last century, the guitar acquired a modern appearance.

What types of guitars are there?

Beginner guitarists are often confused in the diversity of species and varieties of guitars. To find the best option, you need to know which types of guitars are there.

Attention! Models differ not only by appearance and technical filling, but also sound - blues, classic, pop and others.

Learn varieties and experienced guitarists, and newcomers.

Classic guitars

For classic models are characterized by a wide, empty inside the housing, a large vulture. Often use strings from nylon. This instrument is taught the game in conservatories and music schools. On the classics it is impossible to play the battle, teachers even beat by hand. The resonator is made of rosewood. A wide repertoire is available - samba, classical music, Spanish, others. Another name is Flamenco.

Acoustic guitars

Acoustic models are quite diverse. They differ in price, the number of strings, appearance and purpose.

Guitar Western or Dreadnought - a real giant with a narrow neck. It has a strong resonator sound, universal. The name speaks of the appointment and preference of directions - blues, country, rock acoustics, similar. For beginners, it may be difficult to rearrange the fingers along the vulture - a narrow distance between the strings. However, professionals consider it an excellent option for a start.

Jumbo is a bright representative of the class of acoustics, rarely meets at present. Chords are distinguished by the beability, bass notes are deep and saturated. Rock performers of the 80s of the twentieth century often used in living speeches, without the support of the main composition of the group. Preferred styles - pop rock, rock acoustics, country. Musicians Bruce Springstine and Rick Springfield played Jumbo their hits.

An option of an acoustic model Auditorium or Orchestra is used during performances in small and large concert halls (audiences), as part of the orchestra. Sound is quiet. In order not to stand out in the composition of musicians, softened high, bass notes. It has 14 lads to the hull. Directions - pop, chamber music, blues, folk. A variety of Grand (big) Auditorium is universal in genre.

Folk guitar - externally similar to Western, but less in size. Use metal strings, suitable for beginners. Bright performer - Bob Dylan. Travel - the model is small in size, similar to ukulele, a compact for travel. Length - up to 80 cm, weight - up to 1 kg.

Russian seven-time acoustics has a fundamentally different system - re-Sol-Sol-Sol-Si-re. There was widespread in Russia before the revolution of the early 20th century. Styles - classic, jeepsi. Vladimir Vysotsky played on this. There are other types of acoustic guitars. Listed basic.

Semi-bump guitars

The next step of evolutionary development of the tool after acoustics. The housing is hollow inside, supplemented with resonging holes, pickups, other electronics. Requires connection to the equipment - it plays the quieter of some acoustic options. Often has a vintage appearance, which attracts many guitar players. Griff is more convex - the first samples were created in the image of a violin. Sight soft, warm, closer to chamber.

Electric guitars

Models have a direct solid body, there are no resonator holes, pickups are built-in, different electronics. We differ in the presence of singles, hubmakers (voice variances). Depending on the number of electronic additions, there are different sound and purpose. Preferred directions - metal, hard and punk rock.


A beginner guitarist can be confused with the previous version of the tool. It has a deeper "thoracic" sound, the strings use thick, metal. In group execution is intended for the rhythm section.


What are the other types of guitars - Parlor, twelve-time, etc. Doubleneck is a bright model with two grinds on one case. Vultures can execute versions of bass, electric guitars, acoustics. The stage looks brightly, attract attention, used in concert speeches. Allows the musician to quickly change the sound without having to take another tool, put other strings.

Resonator options are distinguished by a bright appearance, sound. The distinctive part is the resonator in the form of a cone under a nickel cap. Suitable for slides-blues, country, blues.

Ovation is an allocated representative among guitars. The housing is made of carbon fiber, a modified form. Rezonors rounded, resemble cherries. Changed the location of the springs.

Classification of varieties of guitars

A certain classification of guitars allows you to better navigate among the models. The tools are based on acoustic, semi-acoustic, electroacoustic and electro.

Acoustic guitars have three types:

  • classic;
  • jazz
  • pop.
Attention! This classification is compiled by a musician and teacher A. Griff. Many create their own options, the differences are minimal.

Estrade options, in turn, include dreadnought, orchestral and jumbo.

Differences between guitars

Tools differ in many parameters - body, neck, strings (including their number), the number of ourselves, the inner part (electro, acoustics, semi-bouquet).

Westerns are distinguished by a wide, bulk hollow case. Classic - less. Electro- and bass guitars - thinner, inferior in size, solid. Appearance, design, materials - the differences are noticeable visually, as they are called "naked eye".

Width, resonators, method of fastening strings - matter, differ in all models. Some narrow necks - novice musicians are difficult to work and get along the strings.

Acoustics and electronics - differ in sound, externally, appointment, style of the game. Usually, first learn on classic or acoustic models, then go to electrical, bass guitars, semi-acoustic.

Practice will help determine the desired guitar. Start with models available first. Stripping better from the experience gained and look for your own option.