
How they behave in captivity of the hill and crutin. Behavior of the hill and croslin in captivity I. Teacher's introductory word

The answer was left the guest

Zhillin and Kostylin are the exact opposite of each other.

one). So when capturing in captivity, Kostylin did not help housing to fire the Tatars, did not wait for him, but quickly died to the fortress.
Zhillin, even seeing the superiority of the Tatars, remaining without a weapon, takes various maneuvers to leave them. Understanding that he could not, firmly decides that he will not surrender and direct the horse to one of the Tatars in determination to bore him.

2). When talking with Tatars about redemption, the hill is adamant, he understands well that he has nothing to lose, except life. He must even dictate the conditions even dictate. Zhill is already firmly knowing that it will run away. Therefore, the letter wrote the wrong address on the letter. He hopes only for himself and does not want to burden his mother.
Kostylin is cowardly. He will not re-with the Tatars, and everything agrees. He writes a letter, if only it would be fed and treated him well. Tatars even put it as an example Zhilina, saying: ".... They are all silent, and your friend is humble! "

3). Being in captivity, Kostylin is waiting for a response and money from home. He does not resist anything, humbly waiting for his fate. Sometimes it seems as if he no longer lives. A good confirmation of this is the lines: "Kostylin wrote a letter to home again, everyone waited for the sending of money and missed. For all days, sits in the barn and considers the days when the letter comes, or sleeps. "
Zhill him is the opposite of honor. Everything he does in captivity is a step towards his release. He, dishoned by Tatars captured, in the blood, with a broken head, trying to remember the road. In Aul, he examines the surroundings, in finding the road to his own. He is in confidence in Tatars what makes toys, repair various items. He even "treats", although he knows that he risks, because it does not know how to do it. He creates a scoper, privates the dog, kipped the pellets. He, in contrast to Kostlina, is once bored.

4). Include Zilin offered to escape, Kostlin was frightened, burned, he did not think about it. He has some questions. The whole escape of Kostylin is a burden: climbed under the wall - clinghed, thundered; The legs of the stones poured, tired, the deer was frightened; All the way nothing. And again, they are captured only because of it.
And Zilina is already ready to plan. He is all the escape is a conductor for Kostlina. He is looking for the road, and helps him go, and when he can no longer move, he carries it on himself. He would throw him for a long time and to go alone, but he doesn't even think about it. He firmly knows that "quit comrade is not suitable."

five). After an unsuccessful shoot of Zhilin, although naught, but still looking for a way out of the situation. He is trying again. Failed, he is trying to ask for disines.
And Kostlin completely fell by the Spirit. He got drunk, everything moans or sleeps.

The behavior and actions of these heroes say that the hill is a bold man, daring, wise, courageous, purposeful, devotee.
And Kostylin coward, clumsy, timid. In general it looks like a person, just

Lion Tolstoy is known primarily by its large-scale works. "War and Peace", "Sunday", "Anna Karenina" - these novels are first remembered. But there are among the works of Tolstoy and stories, simple and truthful. One of them is the Caucasian Captive. Two main characters - hill and crutin. The comparative characteristic of these heroes is presented in the article.

History of creation

Before bringing the comparative characteristic of the hill and Kostilina, it is worth talking about how work on the "Caucasian prisoner" began. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe work arose at the writer in his youth. The scene was based on events that occurred with Tolstoy during his service in the Caucasus. In 1853, Tolstoy almost fell in captivity. As a true artist, he retained this event in his memory, and later, returning to a clear clearing, moved to paper. True, the hero of Tolstoy failed to avoid captivity. Otherwise, the plot would not be so entertaining.

The story was first published in 1872. The author himself highly appreciated his work and recalled him even in the treatise "What is art?". Critics are stagnoes responded about the "Caucasian prisoner". An important feature of the story is the simplicity of presentation, which is not peculiar to the Tolstoy-Romanist. Samuel Marshak called the work "the sample of a small story for children."


The comparative characteristic of the hill and crutin in the article is given simultaneously with the statement of the story. The author created two bright portraits. One belongs to the main character, the other - his antipode. There are some more interesting images. But in the literature lessons, students first of all make up the comparative characteristics of the hillium and crutin. Why? Acts of these heroes illustrate the author's idea. One brave and noble. The other is a coward and a traitor. We see such opposition in the works of other Russian writers, for example, in the "Captain daughter".

Make a plan for the comparative characteristic of the hill and crutin:

    Appearance. Tatars. In captivity.

Letter from Mother

The main hero of the story is the officer on the name of Zhilin. Once he receives a letter from the mother. She asks the Son to come, say goodbye. The woman feels an ambulance, and therefore hastily looks like a bride. At that time, the Caucasus was very dangerous. Throughout the Tatars again (so in the XIX century they called all Muslims). Zhilin should not leave the fortress without maintaining soldiers.


At that moment, when Zilin was thinking about whether he would not go to one, without accompanying the soldiers, another officer drove to Him and offered to go together. The author gives a description of the chief hero: it was a low, strong man. By compiling the comparative characteristic of the hill and crutin from the "Caucasian prisoner", it is worth mentioning: the author named their heroes by their heroes, they correspond to the appearance. Well - strong, dwelling. Kostylin is a cargo, full, bad.

So, the main character agrees to go. But provided: do not come back under any circumstances. On the question of whether the rifle is charged, Kostlin responds to the affirmative.


The comparative characteristic of the hill and crutin is necessary on the basis of the capture scene captured. The officers failed to go far from the fortress - the Tatars appeared. Kostylin at that time drove a little bit away. When I saw the approaching Tatars, did not shoot, but rushed away. The main point in the comparative characteristic of the hill and crutin from the "Caucasian captive" is a behavior in a critical situation. The first has never been lost, there was a brave. The second led himself cowardly, betraying the comrade.


Tatar was a man thirty, and Zhilina, of course, could not resist them. However, he did not give up quickly. "I will not give alive," so he thought, and this thought could not be better than the inner world of the hero of the story "Caucasian captive". Characteristics of the hill and crutin by the author are given at the beginning of the work. But what happened to the officer further? What is the fate of the traitor, who, seeing the Tatar, "What is the spirit rolled to the fortress"?

As already mentioned, Zhilin was low, yes deleted. Despite the fact that one remained, for a long time fought with the Tatars pushed at him. However, those defeated the captive in their aul. Pads put on it and took to the barn.

In order to make a full characteristic of Heroes and Kostlin's heroes, it is necessary to recall how the main character behaved in captivity. After all, later an officer who betrayed him.

Tatars who captured the hill in captivity, did not speak Russian - called the translator. The Russian officer led to the main thing - Abdul Murata - and said he was now his owner. He, with the help of the translator, put forward demand: Zilina will be released after three thousand coins will be added for it. But the captive of rich relatives did not have, and he did not want to upset his mother. Tatars, he immediately said that she could not give more than five hundred rubles.

Zhilin understood: it is impossible to rob with Tatars. He spoke with them confident, even with some challenge. Suddenly led Kostilin. It turned out, he could not escape. He, in contrast to the main character, behaved smartly and immediately wrote a letter home - asked to send five thousand rubles. Zhilin also wrote, but the address indicated incorrect. He was sure that it would break sooner or later. At the same time demanded from the Tatars, so that they kept it with his friend. Even at such moments he thought not only about himself, but also about another prisoner, who, by the way, did not deserve it.

In the comparative full characteristic of the hill and Kostilina, it is necessary to say: the main character, unlike the second prison officer, was ready to fight until the latter.

In captivity

Zhillin is a person who is accustomed to the fight. He did not write more letters home, understood that the mother he himself had sent money before, not to collect and five hundred rubles. He put out the shoot plan. In the composition "Comparative characteristic of the hill and crutin" it is important to tell about how the officers behaved in captivity.

Kostilin or slept, or considered days. He wrote another letter to relatives. I wandered, I missed the house, about the shoot and did not think. Too cowardly was to decide on such a step.

Zhilina became boring, and he was "on all needlework Master." Began to make toys from clay. Once I made a doll and gave Dene - my "master" daughter. The girl first frightened, but over time she stopped being afraid of the Russian prisoner and even penetrated with sympathy. Soon Zhillin made a dyne from clay another doll. And she, as a sign of gratitude, brought him milk (Tatars kept their prisoners on a dry soldering).

Dina began to bring housing milk every day, and sometimes, if you are lucky, pellets or lamb. Soon all Aul learned that the Russian was the master for all hands. Once upon a time he called Abdul to himself and ordered to repair broken hours, and he quickly coped with the task.

Captured Russian began to come from the neighbor villages. Then watches, then a gun. Two months later, he began a little understanding the language of the residents of Aul. Somehow turned to him with a request to cure one tatar. This was not able to do this, but he spun on the water and gave it to a sick. Tatar, fortunately, recovered.

Old Jigit

The inhabitants of Aul loved the Russian prisoner. The owner once admitted: "I would let you go, but I gave the word, and I spent money on you." Only the old Tatarar did not love, only the old Tatar, who went to Chalme. The history of this person is very interesting. Once the Russians ruined the village, killed his whole family. Alive only one son remained, and he switched to the side of the enemy. The old man found a traitor and killed him. He hated Russians and more than once demanded to kill Zilina.

Preparation for running

Zhillus masters toys for Tatar children, watched the life of Aul. But he did not accept his fate. But he knew that the redemption for him to pay no one. Zhill gramnoga did a subpople in Saraj. Kostylin did not accept in this participation. He humbly waited for money that he had to send rich relatives.

Hill and did not think to escape one. He developed a shoot plan, but would never leave Aul without Kostlin. That long refused to run. Kostilina was scary, besides the road he did not know. But no pity to wait for the Tatars. One of them was killed by Russian soldiers.

Failed escape

Zhillin was clever and hardy. Kostylin - slow, nervy. Silent summer night, they finally decided to run. They got out of the barn and went towards the fortress. That's just the crutin, and then stopped, sighed and oh. If Zhill fled himself, he would not get caught again in the hands of the Tatar. Kostlin began to complain and draw. In a word, he behaved at all as he likes the officer. Zhilina had to drag him on himself - he could not quit his comrade.

Fugitives quickly overtake the Tatars. From now on, the chances of salvation became very small. Abdul promised Zhilina, which would kill them if she does not receive redemption within two weeks. Now they were kept in the dungeon, apart. The pads were not removed and the air was not allowed.


There was very little space in the dungeon. It did not make sense to do. Dina began to come to Zhilina: brought cakes, cherry. And once said: "They want to kill you." Abdul Starikov ordered to destroy the prisoners, and in the Caucasus it was not relying the scary. Zilin asked the girl to bring him a long stick, with the help of which he could get out of the basement. But she refused - Father was afraid.

Somehow, Abdul's daughter nevertheless brought him a long pole. That day almost no one was in Aule, what she told Zhilin. Kostinin did not want to run, but helped a friend get out of the basement. Zhilin said goodbye to him. Dina spent it to the outskirts of Aul.


But this time it did not cost without adventure. Zhill has already approached the fortress when he saw Tatars. Fortunately, there were Cossacks nearby, which rushed to his cry. Zhilin was saved. He told him comrades for even long that he had a chance to survive these months.

Kostylin returned in a month. For him, all the same paid five thousand rubles. They brought him barely alive.

Kostylin is a weak man. Unlike Zilina, ready for any intelligence, just not to deal. But he is not a scoundrel. During the first escape, he asks his friend to leave him, do not drag on himself. But he refuses. Principle of Zilina: die, but do not leave a friend in trouble.

Heroes are raised in different conditions. The author does not mean anything about the family of Zilina, but it is known that he is not good, languages. However, he was used to take care not only about himself, but also about the mother. Kostlin is from a rich native family. Probably, someone has always decided for him. He is not used to act - used to sailing downstream.

Caucasian captive in cinema

The story twice is shielded. For the first time in 1975. The second film on the work of Leo Tolstoy came out in the middle of the nineties. He took off his Sergey Bodrov-senior. However, in the chief of 1995, the events occur during the first Chechen war.

Zhilin and Kostylin: Different Fate
Lion Nikolaevich Tolstoy is a famous Russian writer. I read his story "Caucasian Captive", Tolstoy knew a lot about the Caucasus, because he himself served in the Caucasus. In the "Caucasian prisoner" Tolstoy talks about two Russian officers - Zhilin and Kostilin. They were both captured. The author opposes them. Hill is bold, kind and intelligent. He first thinks about others, then about himself. When the Tatars caught him and forced to write a letter, he was trading for a long time. He knew that his old mother had no way to take money. And when I started signing, I wrote not the same address so that the letter did not come. He thought: "either run away or a disappearance." He immediately managed to conquer
Respect of the Tatars in that he began to bargain for his life. As a result, his owner agreed to redeem five hundred rubles. Kostlin was a cargo man. At first he threw a zilina. And then immediately wrote a letter about redemption for five thousand rubles. Zhilin hopes only for himself. In captivity, he constantly thinks of escape. He can not sit idle. He begins to repair different
things. Zhilin made the Masterian daughter Dina doll, repaired Abdul Murata clock. Well helps everyone, even Tatars, although they were his enemies. He sincerely guessed to Dene, and she then helped him run. Kostylin-rail man. He does not hold the word officer. When Zhill with Kostilin decided to go ahead of the garbage, Kostilina had a gun. But he was frightened by Tatars and threw his comrade. But it was not saved. He also captured. Kostylin is a weak man. He is waiting for help from the mother, constantly writes her letters with a request for redemption. Kostylin does not know how to survive. In Tatar captivity he did nothing, did not communicate with the Tatars. He was just waiting for a redemption for him. When Zhilli decided to run for the first time, he took a crutin with him. But Kostylin was weak. At first he was hard to go in boots. When he shot them, he became even harder to go. Because of the crutin, they caught them. He could not tolerate pain. When Zhilin saw Tatars, he decided to hide. Zhilin took himself a comrade on his back, and he cried out. Tatars heard a cry and caught them. Zhilin did at that time as an honest person. He forgave the crutches well what he threw him, and helped him. The second time the hill ran alone. He knew that he was impossible to hope for a redemption. Kostylin remained in the pit. And Zhilin, and Kostylin was saved. But the first received freedom only thanks to myself, and the second - thanks to his relatives. In life, we can meet both heroes. But I like Zilin more, who will never throw a person in trouble.

Zhillin and Kostlin Different Fate Writing Grade 5


1. Briefly about the work.

2.1. Life in captivity.

2.2. The escape.

3. My favorite hero.

L. N. Tolstoy wrote his story Caucasian captive in 1872 and dedicated him to the events of the Caucasian War. In the work on the example of two people, he described a difficult life in the Tatar captivity and the military valor of the Russian prisoner.

Zhillin and Kostylin are different characters and in nature, and in the image of thinking. But once they found themselves on one road. During the captivity, Zhilin behaved like a hero, hesitated and tried to escape. And Kostylin, on the contrary, Strestil and, having a charged rifle and a combat horse, not that the comrade did not defend, he did not even manage to escape!

It is noteworthy as both of these officers, being in the same circumstances, behaved differently. Zilin invariably hoped only to himself, constantly looking for opportunities for escape, always behaved correctly. For example, he took up a good thing - mastered the dolls from clay and distributed their local defector, repaired things and treated patients. This he won respect and sympathies of Tatars.

Kostylin, on the contrary, behaved passively and cowardly. He, netting on fate, was constantly lying in Saraj, relaxing physically and mentally. He did not strive for anything, did not want to fight, everything was afraid and lazy. The possibility of ransom both comrants responded differently. Zhilin did not want an elderly mother to pay for him an exorbitant fee, he was silent to five hundred rubles for his freedom, and even then specially sent a letter not to the address. Kostylin, on the contrary, was delighted that it was possible to throw off the responsibility for his liberation and had enough to wait for redemption from the house.

During the first escape, Zhilin showed himself a persistent and courageous man. Forceing the pain in the legs from hard pads, he patiently demolished all the obstacles, purposefully moved forward, hoping for the best. His comrade in misfortune, on the contrary, the whole road did, complained and wanted to go back to captivity, and later he looked so weakened that the hill was forced to drag his comrade on himself. In this act, all the wonderful features of a man - kindness, self-sacrifice, willingness to help appear.

After returning to Tatars, Zhilin did not cease to lose hope for escape. Despite the terrible conditions in which prisoners were, Ivan continued to act, manifest initiative, fight. His optimistic spirit and a cheerful attitude, its non-recurrent energy and purposefulness in many respects affected the result. Cardicity and pleasant Hilina's manners prompted Dina's Master's daughter to help him in escape. Risk, the girl helped the prisoner to escape and even spent it for the village.

Zhilliily got happily to his own, and Kostylin, refusing a repeated escape, spent a month in captivity. His bold, weakened, was released as soon as the redemption came. Of course, I am delighted with the main hero of Zilina. He is a fearless and courageous man, confident and in his abilities, positive and nozzard. He was able to change his circumstances, could cope, it would seem, with an incredibly difficult problem, was able to get out of the difficult situation worthy. It can be a lot to learn a lot, for example, how to be an optimist in difficult circumstances, how to become a good friend, how to behave in an unusual setting.