
Group of Egor. Family of Egor Cre. The current place of residence

Egor Cre is a young artist from Russia. Real Name - Egor Bulakin, was born on 06/25/1994 in the city of Penza. Gained popularity in 2011. At the moment, it cooperates with a Black Star Inc company, which is heading Timati. Before, like a mentor, he is certainly not Doros yet, but Egoru has everything ahead.

The formation of artist

In childhood and youth, the popular singer lived in Penza (Russia), where he graduated from the lyceum of modern management technology number 2. But after the young talent gained mad popularity, he moved to live in the capital.
In Moscow, Egor acted first in a bachelor's apartment, where his sister lived before, which belongs to the apartment. Since the sister moved to live in America for about five years ago, in Los Angeles, then the young artist could temporarily settle in her apartment.

The current place of residence

Now Egor Cre is not married yet, but for some time he lives with his girlfriend - the popular Russian singer and actress Nyusha in her country house near Moscow. Sometimes they with the singer live in her three-bedroom apartment in Moscow. The apartment looks very luxurious, the designs are selected interior. A decorated color range in warm natural shades.

Egor comes in his bachelor's nest arrogant. On an interview, he often suggests that he took his old computer to the capital, since he is very expensive to him, he once played at Counter-Strike. But especially the roads the aggregate singer because he recorded his first tracks.

Also there is an old piano, Yegor plays on it when sad or there is inspiration. The singer began to be actively interested in the music from early childhood. In the kitchen there are very few furniture. First, because the singer is rare there, and secondly, because it is always in a hurry and he never has time to cook for a long time. In general, the apartment looks so to speak by bachelor.

Parents of Egor: Dad - Bulatkin Nikolai Borisovich, Mom - Bulakina Marina Petrovna. At the moment they live in Penza. They have their own business, namely they are engaged in a fairly large firm for the processing of walnut. They live in their own house, quite gorgeous and tastefully furnished.

As a result, it can be said that Egor in his life dwells in the following places:

  • with parents in Penza,
  • in the apartment sisters in Moscow,
  • in the girl's apartment
  • nyusha girl in the country house.

At the moment, the singer and the author of his songs Egor Cre does not have its own housing and other real estate, both in his native Russia and beyond. But, he is still very young. Its popularity is growing rapidly, which will give him the opportunity to soon acquire his own real estate.

Popularity came to him at a young age, but did not spoil him. Egor is the author and performer of his songs. His charm and gentleman's manners fascinated countless representatives of the beautiful sex, and some call him Russian Timberlake. It can be called a workaholic, because the tour schedule is scheduled for months ahead, while often participates in various television shows. On his body a lot of tattoo, a guy without bad habits.

Egor Cryd.


The fans are more interested in the personal life of the star, but before you understand how Yegor Crend lives now and his girl 2018, let's see what it all began.

Egor Bulakin, known to us under the pseudonym Creed, was born in 1994 in Penza. In addition to him in the family there is a daughter, his sister Polina. The future idol of millions grew in prosperity, the work of his father and mother is related to the business.

Egor with family

Under the control of Nikolai Bulakina, the Firm "Unitront" operates, where Mom - Marina Petrovna is the deputy director. However, the music was also always present in their lives, the Father wrote songs and played in the music group, Mom has a singing experience, and sisters sing and filmed in the cinema.

There was a place and sport in his life, and in those years, Egor had a greater success than in music. He was engaged in several sports related to the ball, big tennis, several years have dedicated chess (has a second category), participated in competitions. Before the fifth grade, young dating had predominantly excellent marks, and I must say that it was not so simple, as Egor studied at school with an in-depth study of English.

Egor Cryd.

By eleven years, Egor considered the priority classes with music and the conquest of the Internet, which brought him his first glory, at that time the Internet. Assessing this decision from the height of today's success, Egor says that it was the right decision. His first compositions and account in social networks quickly gained popularity, thanks to which the guy was later seen by one of the representatives of show business, which made him famous.


Despite his craving for music, his first education was not a musical (local lyceum of modern management technologies). The first musical passion who contributed to his success was hip-hop, later Egor experimented with other genres.

He began writing poems at 11 years old, learned to play guitar. At the age of 14, a pseudonym appeared, under which subsequently and became famous.

It may very well be that about the personal life of Egor Cre and his girlfriend 2018 we learn from his songs. After all, in adolescence, his philosophical perception of life was reflected in verses who wrote, most of them were devoted to the relationship between people, as well as a love topic (and this tendency was still preserved).

Egor Creed with Nyusha

In addition, the guy could all arrange this in the ready-made product that can be submitted to the public, as evidenced by the records, which speaks not only about his musical talent, but also about multidirectional giftedness. After moving to the capital, the singer entered the "Gnesinka", however, the data on what finished it, no, which is not surprising, with this work schedule.\u003dig_web_copy_link


In 2011, he presented to his subscribers in the social network, which was already a lot, his first video "Love online", made independently. The next year brought him a victory in the "Star VKontakte" contest, the guy "lit up" on television and spoke with the song "Inspiration" on one of the main music sites of Peter and already in April signed a contract with a Black Star Inc. label. Perhaps a considerable extent was facilitated by Caver on the song Timati "Do not go crazy." Until now, Egor is the youngest of the entire Blackstar team.

Created Timati

In 2014, the composition "The most" leaded in various hit parades and scored millions of views to YouTube, and in 2015 the musician released the first studio album, one of whose songs (bride) became another hit. In the same year she took part in the "New Year's Eve on the first" and in the "blue light". Since then, almost every new new song has long been coming from the first positions of musical charts. Eyra is often invited to various shows, and in 2018, the viewer saw him in the Garnier advertisement.

Pop singer has many awards and premiums. The first date is dated 2014th year (from Oops! Choice Awards), in the same year I received the Musicbox, ZD Awards awards, Love Radio Awards.

The next again there were several premiums:

  2. MusicBox;
  3. Muz TV;
  4. Fashion People Awards;
  5. Oops! Choice Awards.

2016 brought him award:

  2. Muz TV;
  3. MusicBox;
  4. "Golden Gramophone Award";
  5. prize magazine "OK!".

Personal life

The fans are interested not only by Egor Cre, but also his girl 2018, so, soon we may find out about it. At the moment, he thinks about the family and raising children, but the applicant for the status of his wife has not yet met. It should be a girl who is not related to show business and not seeking popularity, shared Yegor's thoughts in one of the interviews. So, most likely, his heart is free.

Egor Cre is one of the most famous singers of Russian pop. Pets of women and just a talented rapper from the prospective label of Timati "Black Star Inc.". This is a very hardworking performer, his songs are released regularly, quickly climbing the first places on the line of musical hit parades. Video clips, filmed on his songs received more than a million views, literally immediately after entering the network. Egor Cre is constantly receiving invitations to events.

Life singer

Egor Bulakin appeared on June 25 in 1994 in the city of Penza. He has an older sister of Polina Michaels, who sought an actress career. Love for creativity with his children instilled Mom, Marina Bulakina. An exemplary family, in the well-being, who does not have any doubts. Father businessman, and mother housewife, loving and able to sing. Egor Ros is a very active boy. The list of his hobbies included chess, football, volleyball, basketball, billiards and tennis.

The boy had a strong addiction to music, his idol he chose the famous Western, Black Rapper 50Cent, dreamed that he could also write songs from the heart. The boy called "Amnesia", recorded it on the voice recorder at 11 years old. And at the age of 14, he came up with itself the famous pseudonym Kreed.

Musical creativity

Like many representatives of rap culture, Egor began to make their first career steps on the Internet. He composed the song "The word" love "lost its meaning." This single had a great response from the social network users in contact, which appreciated the romantic message. Approval around others, forced the artist to believe in itself, after which he decided to embody the composition in the clip. Week needed to make a celebrity from Egor!

Being an outcomes from the creative family, Egor was surrounded by music since childhood: his father played a group with friends, ... Read everything

The youngest participant in Black Star Family, the label whose owner is Timati Rapper. Iron is only 20 years old, but it is already recognized as the most stylish man of the year according to the portal. In 2015, Egor Creed won the Gold Track Breakthrough Nomination. His style: POP R & B.
Being an outcomes from the creative family, Egor was surrounded by music since childhood: his father played in a group with friends, Mom was engaged in vocals. Perhaps why drum wands have become a beloved guy's toy.
At 11 years old, Egor heard a song 50 Cent - Candy Shop, which changed his life. Egor began timid samples of the pen - the first songs recorded himself on the recorder, composed texts. In 2011, Egor posted his first love clip on YouTube - so advised friends. As a result, the video scored more than 7 million views and hit the list of the most promising beginner artists drawn up by Black Star Inc.

Egor Crond - Love in Net02: 49 / * * /
The contract with Timati was signed in 2012, and in the same year, Egor takes the Grand Prix of the Tzontakte Star Competition. Bypassing more than a thousand competitors, the Crem turns out to be the best in Hip-Hop nomination: more than twenty thousand votes received his track inspiration, and Egor was invited to perform on the largest platform of the country - BKZ Olympic St. Petersburg.

Egor Crond - inspiration03: 59 / * * /

Egor Creid - Pets of the Women's Audience, a talented performer and songwriter, a former participant in the Black Star label. By 20 years, Egor became one of the most sought-after executors of the Russian pop.

In his youth, love for music and personal experiences led Hydra on the Internet, with the expanses of which his career began. Crend is a scenic pseudonym that Yegor came up with 14 years. This surname of the artist - Bulakin.

Childhood of Egor Crea

Egor Nikolayevich Bulakin on June 25, 1994 in Penza. Father Egor, Nikolai Bulatkin, who is now known as the owner of a major factory for the processing of nuts, began his business when Egor was still a baby. He devoted his free time to creating songs in the genre "Chanson". Mother, Marina Bulakina, helped her husband in business and on leisure was singing.

Senior for 3 years sister Egor Polina is now known as Polina Michaels and Polina Faith - she is a beginner actress. In 2012, she sang a duet with a brother in the song "Distances".

The guy's family was considered rather secured and very musical, which contributed to the early immersion of Egor into the world of music. But the young men had many other hobbies: he studied in a lyceum with an in-depth study of English, was fond of chess, she was engaged in football, basketball, tennis and billiards.

Despite the prosperous financial position of the family, the parents of the Son did not pour and forced him to just seek their work. His mobile phone appeared the last in the classroom, there were never household gadgets at home, but now the performer knows the price of each penny and is scattered with money.

To get 10 rubles from Pope for your favorite ice cream, I needed to work hard: wipe the dust, wash the dishes.

In high school, the guy was fascinated by rap culture. Egor has heard the compositions of Rapper 50 CENT, who managed to awaken in the guy's challenge the talented author "Songs that go from the heart." At 11, Bulakin first wrote the text and recorded his song on the recorder - it was called "Amnesia".

In 2008, when Egoru was 14 years old, he invented his pseudonym Kreed. According to the author himself, his stage name is simply a consonant combination of letters, he has no deep attack.

Carier start

The first glory of Egor Cred received thanks to the Internet. In 2011, he posted in "Vkontakte" the song of his own essay - "Love on the network" (originally it was called "the word" love "lost its meaning"). With the help of friends for 2 days, Egor removed the video, which in a few weeks scored a million views. At the time, these were huge indicators.

Egor Creed - Love on the Web (2011)

In the same year, the 17-year-old Rapper recorded a Cavern version of Timati's song "Do not go crazy" and took the clip on it. It drew attention to this one of the producers of label Timati Black Star Inc. And contacted Egor.

At about the same time, Friends persuaded Egori to take part in the "Star VKontakte Star" contest. The guy became the winner in the nomination "Best Hip-Hop Project", leaving behind thousands of talented performers. After a loud victory in the competition, the guy began to invite to speak on the best concert venues Penza, and in April 2012, Egor Cred signed a contract with the Timati Production Center and moved to Moscow.

In the capital, he entered the Production Faculty of the Russian Academy of Music the name of Gnesins, but in 2015 he took an academic leave, referring to a dense touring schedule.

Career flourishing

In 2013, Egor sang a duet with a popular singer Alexey Vorobyev. The composition was called "more than love."

In April 2014, Creed presented the Single to the Single to the Listeners - he conquered all Russian charts and became the most recognizable hit of the singer.

Egor Cre - "The Most Most" (2014)

In February 2015, Egor Crond won the nomination "Breakthrough of the Year" in the Sound Track Music Prize.

At the beginning of April 2015, the Contractor released his debut solo album "Bachelor" in which the songs "the most", "Bride", "Jealousy" and others entered. In total, the plate includes 19 compositions. After a month, the song "The most" won a victorious place in the nomination "Best Song Song" on the 5th RU TV Prize.

June 2015 replenished the awards of Egor to the prestigious Award "MUZ-TV" in the nomination "Breakthrough of the Year."

The project "Egor Cre" is successful in every sense - in 2015 he won 4 prizes and became one of the most sought-after artists of Timati's musical label.

On the New Year's blue light of 2016, Egor fulfilled the song "Hope" along with Joseph Kobzon. In the same year, the joint song of Cre and Timati was released "Where are you, where I", later a clip was released, who scored millions of views on YouTube. This composition entered the album of Timati "Olympus".

Timati FT. Egor Cre - "Where I, where you"

In May 2017, the light saw the second album of Egor Creus "What they know", which included 12 songs, including a duet with a rapper Motor "Fuckup".

Soon, the singer presented a joint composition with Olga Seryabkina "If you do not like me," later he recorded the song "Team 2018" with the participation of DJ SMASH and Polina Gagarina.

Personal life of Egor Cre

The Hero of the Devichy Dream, Egor Cre does not lack women, but it still failed to build a strong family, although the singer himself already dreams of trying himself as a father.

In 2012, on the set of the clip "Starletka", the crude has a relationship with actress Miroslav Karpovich, who was older than the singer, at that time still a schoolchildren, for 8 years. Lovers met for half a year and broke up because of great amusement and inconsistent graphs.

In the spring of 2013, Egor Crend began to meet with VKontakte star, model Diana Melisson. As the girl recalled, Egor was an incredibly romantic lover, asked her flowers and thoroughly thought out every date, trying to surprise her. Alas, the relationship did not hurt a long time - the singer was against the fact that his beloved is removed in candid photo shoots and terribly jealous. Melisson stated that Egor had not yet matured for adult relationships.

Then several months Creed met with a colleague on the scene - the singer Victoria Daineko, but they had too different characters so that the feelings would pour into something serious.

Then the singer was not long together with the daughter of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk - Anna Straikova. She has not yet been twenty, and gentle age has become the main cause of their parting. The girl chose to devote free time to study, not a relationship.

7 scandal with the participation of Egor Creida, which fans do not forget

The bright and discussed event was the novel of Friend Crea and Nyusha, who began in 2014, the guy later responded: "This, from which I wanted children." Although none of the pair confirmed the relationship officially, their novel could not be a secret. Victoria Obodyna. After working on the video, they flew together to rest in Greece. But from these relationships nothing happened.

In March 2018, Egor Creed became the hero of the Show "Bachelor", which was supposed to choose the bride from a variety of contenders on his heart. Among them were a lot of bright girls, including the participant of the previous "bachelor" with Ilya Mlinnikov Daria Kurkin. It was she who became the winner of the sixth season show. "She was able to wake my frosting heart," Egor admitted. However, upon completion of the project, the novel came to no. Now they no longer communicate.

Egor Cre now

In early 2018, rumors about leaving Black Star crawled. The reason was the belling of the artist with Timati, which occurred because of the causing behavior of Crea during the tour in the UAE. Egor had to perform at the Festival of Russian Pop Music one of the last, but when it came up, he did not interrupt a coffee break on the terrace of the hotel, stating that he was not singing in the mood. The guests had to be entertained by Alexander Revva and Cutting Oleg Gazmanov. But many viewers came specifically for the speech of Cre. Damage to the festival organizers rated several million rubles. After that, if you believe the rumors, Creed quietly with Timati. For information about the care from the label, the singer was denied, but on April 3, the CEO Star confirmed the care of Egor, noting that his contract had expired in March. The right to the brand "Egor Creed" was left by him.