
The characteristic of the heroes in the work of poverty is not a vice. The characteristic of the heroes of the work of Ostrovsky "Poverty is not a vice." Themes and basic images of comedy

The famous play "Poverty is not a vice" was written by a wonderful writer Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky in 1953. And even a year later, this work came out of printing a separate book. It is known that the Ostrovsky comedy was successful, so in 1854. It was put on the scenes of the Moscow Small and Alexandrian theaters. The author himself did not expect such success. Consider briefly features of this comedy.

In contact with

History of creating a play

Alexander Ostrovsky conceived writing his new work in mid-July 1853, but he was able to fulfill the conceived only at the end of August. The author was conceived the plot in which only two acts should have been. But during the writing, Alexander Nikolaevich changed not only the structure of his own, but also the name. When her writing was completed, then when reading was unexpected and tremendous successwho stolen even the island itself.

Important!The initial name of the writings of Ostrovsky - "Gordy God oppresses".

Meaning of the name

The name of the play allows you to see that, despite the fact that in the world in which the main characters live, there is no justice, still love can exist. The world of Russian worker is beautiful, his holidays and rites are beautiful. But at the same time, the Russian people are starving and lives their lives in poverty, from which they can not get out. Employees are completely dependent on their owner, which is rude and nonsense. First place not spiritual values, but wealthAnd this is the main vice of humanity.

The problems affected by Ostrovsky

Ostrovsky's writer raises many problems in the play "Poverty is not a vice", but the main thing is still the confrontation of the personality and environment.

If a person is poor, then often many values \u200b\u200bof this world pass by him. He finds himself unhappy in love, and difficulties arise constantly on his way.

But money can not bring happiness. You can not love for money or be friends, as it will all go to hatred.

But here's a relationship to a person often add up because it is rich. Unfortunately, spiritual and moral qualities retreat to the background.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe play "Poverty is not vice"

Alexander Nikolaevich in the play perfectly describes how money affects a person how quickly he begins to obey them, setting in the first place, and forget that he surrounds around, even relatives and loved ones. But Ostrovsky shows that, having a huge power over people, they are still powerless. And this idea is proved in history with the love of Gorda, who was able to defend her love, although she, and Mity had to go through the trials.

Feature plot

A feature of the plot as a whole is the disclosure of the main, main, problem through the conflict of the play. According to the writer, the older generation is trying to completely submit adult children. They do not think about the happiness of the younger generation, but only try to increase their richesin. Love in the system of their values \u200b\u200bdoes not mean anything.

Important! Ostrovsky shows not only the conflict between generations, but also the self-smugness of people who have money.

Comedy is built as follows:

  1. The tie, in which the young and poor clarifier Mitya admits any in his feelings.
  2. The culmination in which the father of Lyuba wishes to give her daughter for a rich manufacturer.
  3. An isolation in which the reader constantly hears a monologue is loved, and lovers receive parent blessings.

Characteristics of acting persons

Piece poverty is not a vice island

The characters have a little bit, but they are all necessary in order to not only understand the content, but the writer tries to rid stupidity and ignorance of society, headed by money.


  • Oktsov Gordea Karpach, a rich merchant.
  • Pelageya Egorovna, the wife of Torotov.
  • Lyuba, their daughter.
  • Love the ends, brother of a rich merchant.
  • Korshunov African Savvich, manufacturer.
  • Mitya, Clay.

Many expressions of the heroes of Ostrovsky are firmly entered into our speech and became covered. And this happened because the character language of the works of Ostrovsky is expressive, flexible, barter and juicy. All chosen word or expression is chosen.

Love Gordeevna: Description and Quick Feature

Ostrovsky has created several female images in his literary essay "Poverty is not a vice", the appealing of people who have prospect. One of them is Lyuba, which grew up in a merchant family, but suddenly suddenly fell in love with Mitu. The guy is poor and serves as a clerk at her father.

Note! The girl herself knows perfectly well that the Mitya does not suit her in the groom, since he is not equal and in wealth, and on the situation in society.

Yes, and the Father, the ends of Gondi, has long picked up his groom. Accident solves the fate of Luba And gives her the opportunity to be happy with whom she loves. All Father's Plans are crumbling, and the marriage with an unloved fiance did not take place.

The first action takes place in the House of Torcov, where Mitya reads a book, and the latest news tells him. I tried the cradle and work, but only all his thoughts were about beloved.

But here Pelagey Egorovna came, who complains of her husband. According to her, after a trip to Moscow, he stopped loving Russian and began to drink a lot. And he even conceived his daughter married to Moscow give

And Mitya told his story Yasha. He is forced to work in the Torotov's house, as his favorite lives here. But he is the only son of the poor mother, whom he gives all his sorrows. And he might get more if he moved to Valulyaev, but he could not leave Lyubash.

But soon the cheerful poles appear, with which young people start singing. Suddenly, right in the middle of the song, the number appears in the room. He begins to shout on Mitu, and then leaves again. After his departure to the room includes girls, among whom the love of Gordeevna.

Soon, Mitya and Lyuba Torotov remain alone in the room. The clerk reads the poems that composed for her. After listening to the history of life Lyubim Torotov, Mitya reads a note from Luba, where girl confesses to him in love.

The second action carries the reader to the living room of Torcov, where it is already dark. Lyuba is recognized by Anna Ivanovna in what Mitu loves. Soon the clarifier appears, which is decided to admit to his love. Young people decide to tell tomorrow about this enemy and ask for his blessing.

When the Mitya is removed, girls who are having fun, sing songs and guess. Appear and orange. At this time, Mitya kisses any, but praised unhappy, as he was going to marry the girl himself, because he had money. But here again the ends appear unexpectedly. He came home with Korshunov, in front of which he was constantly labeled. Having tried guests, he apologizes for his uneducated wife. Korshunov gives the daughter of Torcov's earrings with diamonds.

The ends reports to the family that is going to move to Moscow from the county town. After all, he already found the son-in-law, with whom he had already conspited about the wedding. Mother and Lyuba against such a decision of the fatherThey cry and ask not to destroy the young girl. But ends even wanting to hear anything.

The third action begins in the rooms where the daughter's wedding is being prepared. Mitya decided to leave for the mother and came to say goodbye, but himself barely holds away tears.

A young man, hearing that Pelagey Egorovna against marriage with a bad man, opens the mystery about what they are in love. Soon the girl appears. There is an hour of farewell when they both cry.

In desperation, Mitya offers to secretly bless them, and then they go to his mother together, where they can quietly hang. But no one can go against the father's will, because it is sin. The young man, having accepted such a decision of the girl, goes sad.

Korshunov is trying to explain Lyubash, what happiness is waiting for her rich husband. But here it appears love Karpić, who not only accelerates guests, but still requires returning and old debt. There is a scandal, and in the rustling of anger of Gordea Karpach, considering herself offended, gives consent to the marriage of Mitya and Luba.

Piece "Poverty is not a vice" - summary

Poverty is not a vice island - analysis, content, plot


Ostrovsky finishes his work in the triumph of good and punishment of vice. It was the wedding of the main characters that proves the name that poverty cannot be a vice, and the main vice is the involvement of human souls and thirst for wealth.

After the funeral of the father of Gordea, I divided the inheritance at a convenient scheme for myself - myself left a institution that brings a stable income, and Brother gave the difference with cash and valuable bills. The inheritance properly "worked" to proud, his capital would multiply at times, which caused his aggravated sense of pride. And I loved KarPych quickly passed almost all of my money, and those that were left deceived by deceiving the manufacturer of Korshunov. In order not to disappear with the hunger, I loved forced to work as a jerk.

At the beginning of the story, the reader knows the proud carpet as a grumpy and demanding owner, which everything and everything around is annoyed from close people to guests at home. He is typical of Mitu's clerk with the requirements of "above head", he endures his brother without end and believes that he behaves unworthy and offensive, his gordea openly considers it a silly ignorant, not worthwhile.

Going to the first one to Moscow, the hero fell ill with desire to stay there forever. Now he is confident that his true place in the highest circles and only in the capital. Everything that Russians he no longer in the soul, he wants to surround himself only overseas and marvelous. Even a friend of Proud, respectively appeared - African Savich. The manufacturer reliably shoved in the trust of the hero, who does not suspect that this rich old man deceived his brother, and now it was aiming to ruin and his himself.

Gordea Carpship has already promised his only daughter to give for Korshun, but fortunately, we love the scammer on time, and the wedding did not take place. After the city occurred, it opens with the reader with a new, unfamiliar side of a person who knows how to realize his mistakes, repent in the deed and be grateful for the assistance rendered. He is reconciled with his brother who saved him, and his daughter gives under the crown with one who really love her.

Quotes Gorda Tortorov

Yes, such a wedding will ask what you did not see: from Moscow, I will write musicians, one in four cates will go.

What tenderness with our poverty!

Why are you? Is your place here? Flare a crow into high choirs!

Eh, I was poor, I would be a man. Poverty is not a vice.

Many you know! Why, with you to recover something! You yourself are stupid, and my father does not hurt your smart ... A whole age with a fearful belly walks; Fools are unemployed living, fools and die.

Love the ends - a bright character of the work of Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky, which played an important role in this work and, undoubtedly, left the trail in the hearts of readers.

My father was loved by an ordinary peasant, who founded his work, rich, and then died, leaving the inheritance to two brothers. The brothers shared inheritance. Brother Hero proud got the case of his father, and love - money. I loved to take money and went to Moscow, led a rich lifestyle there and spent most of the inheritance. The remaining money he entrusted his friend Korshunov, who turned out to be the most ordinary frauder and deceived our hero. Already elderly loved to return to the father's house. But Brother, by this time, got rich, became too proud and considered that she beloved belongs to the "lower society" and therefore not worthy of his favor.

However, our hero has a strong character. When the brother drove him from the courtyard, I love Karpić walked along other courtyards, depicting a jester or scroll. He had a fun of people, earning her meal, but in the soul he remained serious. His stool very angry brother. It would still be to shame the glorious surname of the end! And after the quarrel, the brother kicked him out at all, so that the character had to ask for an overnight stay at the clerk Torcov - Mitya and ask alms at the cathedral with other beggies.

Our character is a very kind and unlockable person. He is angry at his brother and forgives Korshun's fraudster for his meanness and deception. Love considers himself an insignificant person, thinks that his life passes unworthy and everything hopes to "take up the mind", to find a job to be at least "his pot." The hero considers himself a man with a clean conscience. He is not ashamed to be embarrassed or exposed himself on the laugh, but he will never go to theft. For him, wealth is not the main thing. The main thing is to be a man. It is he who voiced the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe play - "Poverty is not a vice."

Hero wants to thank Mitu for good, and he is also not indifferent to the fate of other people. He learns that his niece of love Gordeevna is going to marry the same deceiver that he assigned to himself all his money - Korshunova. Understanding that, most likely, the same fate will comprehend his brother, love helps Mita, in love with Gordeevna in love, terminate the wedding.

Thus, love helps everyone become happy: love and Mitya received a blessing from Proud Torcov, Gordes retained his fortune, and even a love mother was glad to be a terminated wedding with a Moscow frant. The degree of hero affects the fate of many people.

Option 2.

Love the ends, without any doubt, the brightest hero of the play A.N. Ostrovsky "Poverty is not a vice", which managed to forever leave the imprint in the domestic literature.

Love the ends - the native brother of a very rich merchant Gorda Motsov. Both brothers were peasants by origin, but their father, owning his own business, reached material well-being in it. When he died, love and the Gordes divided the inheritance remaining from his father to equal parts.

As a result of the dishonest actions, Afrikana Korshunov, with whom we loved to love, he became a beggar. Therefore, the hero has to look for ways to make money. Despite the fact that he was quite serious, he had high ideals, and in the soul was alone at all, nevertheless he decided to entertain the people in the image of a jester than humiliated himself in the eyes of the public.

After some time, I loved to return to my brother. Gordea by that time under the rule of money has changed very much and became arrogant in relation to his brother, considering it by the lower link in society, so it was reluctant to take love. We love, wanting to teach him, returned to the already familiar life, and again began to earn money with the passion of people, once even joining the Cathedral.

This case was the last straw, after which the Gordea could no longer be brother, and kicked it out. A new place of residence for loved was the dwelling of Mitya, the Clauser Proud, who was in love with the niece - Love Gordeevna. It was difficult for him to put up with her coming wedding with Korshunov.

Finding out this, I loved to take the situation to personal control and canceled the wedding, for which he was grateful to even the mother of the girl. We love, by giving publicity of the story with theft of his old buddy, warned the proud, whom this buddy could also deceive. From which it follows that it is thanks to the hero that many characters have gained happiness in their lives.

Through the image of loved by Torcov Ostrovsky raises a very relevant problem. Not always, if a person loses his status, he loses and moral features. It seemed that I love making money by entertaining the people in the image of a jester, lost the previous features of my character, but as it turned out in his next actions, he still had good thoughts.

Essay on the topic love ends

Love the ends is one of the brightest heroes of the play Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky "Poverty is not vice." This hero leaves a significant mark in the literature and plays an important role in the work.

Love is a native brother of a rich merchant named Gordes of merchants. Men themselves - peasants by origin, their father created his own business and achieved success, and the inheritance of his inheritance brothers shared robust. Because of communication with African Korshunov, who was able to leave his lovedness dirty way, the hero is looking for ways to make money. He chooses to cheer people and be in the image of a jester, thereby humiliating in the eyes of others. Despite this, a man was a very serious and deep man, had high values \u200b\u200band the right worldview, and in the depths of the soul he was lonely.

Having lived some time in the image of a jester, love returns to my brother. Surprisingly, the Gordes with reluctance takes his brother to himself, because under the influence of the money he changed and became Gordy, considered Brother with the lower society. For this, love wishes to take revenge and teach proud. He returns to his already familiar life and earns people entertainment. Once he even joins the beggar standing near the cathedral. After this incident of Gordes, he could no longer endure the presence of a brother next to him and even kicks him. Love finds a new roof over his head from Mitya, proud clarity. He, in turn, is in love with a niece named Love Gordeevna and cannot accept her ambulance with Korshun. Having learned about it, love takes the situation under its control and cancels the marriage, for which I received gratitude even from the mother of the girl. Love tells the whole story about theft on the part of an old buddy, who could think in the future and proud, and thus warns his brother. Thus, thanks to the hero, many characters acquire happiness and improve their lives.

Through the image of the lovedness Torotov Ostrovsky reveals a very important problem. Some people who have fallen are capable of preserving morality, moral norms and conscience. It seemed that we love, entertaining the people in the image of a jester, lost the previous features of their character. But in his subsequent actions, good intentions and true values \u200b\u200bwere still attended.

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After the release of the play "Poverty is not a vice" in society, a furor occurred - the criticism of the work was not unambiguous. The players of the play and those who expressed bewilderment and brazed, but there were no indifferent. According to the author, the play was to go under a different name - "Gordy God oppresses." It should have two acts in its composition. But in the process of work on the work, the topic was changed (the author picked up more prosaic connotation), and plans for the volume of the play.

The plot of the play is pretty simple - the merchant wants to give the daughter against the will for the old, but the rich owner of the factory. The wedding with the old man does not attract the girl, the presence of his beloved strengthens the hostility to the wedding - as a result of the developed conflict, the merchant daughter marries love for the unsightly in the financial position of man.

The main characters of the play


The play begins in the estate of Proud Carpits Torcov. Here is the main array of events depicted in the work. This is a "rich merchant", its age is definitely not specified, the author limited himself only to the blurred mention of "at sixty". His father was not noble origin, but his son managed to achieve in the life of more - he significantly improved the financial situation of his family and now it can hardly imagine that "we have a young man." Tales - a person with a complex character.

"Yes, if you agree with him," they say about him. He does not want to be considered with any opinion, of course, if it is not an opinion of a rich man who occupied a higher position in society than he.

It is choosing with others (both with a servant and family members). Not the best attitude with him and to a helenty brother - a sense of shame for such a position of things in front of people of the highest rank takes its own. It is natural in this case would help your brother change the level of its existence, but he does not want. Proud Karpsia is interested in life in Moscow, all new and unusual: "I want to live in the present, fashion," he says.

The ends sees the only way for his daughter to improve their social status - it is advantageous to get married, with it little worries it, whether his daughter will live with this man or not. After a quarrel and cancellation of the wedding of African Savich and his daughter, the mountains of Karpić becomes softer and convocating, understands that listening to the opinions of others, even if they are lower than you in status and financial situation, not so bad.

Love Gordeevna

The second most important character is the love of Gordeevna - the daughter of Proud Krap. It is very beautiful, but there is a little afternoon as "in the guest house did not study," but sincere and kind, guided by the urges of his heart: "I say that I feel."

The girl believes that the race for the richness is absurd, she sincerely believes that not the highest light, ranks or money make people happy. Lyubov Gordeevna obediently performs the will of his father, learning about the intention of his father to marry her, she would not oppose his will, but still asks the Father not to issue her for African Savich.

Love for Mita overwhelms her and feeling it is mutually, but the hope for a safe outcome of their love is very small - the Father does not look at her request. He thinks it is better to live richly - it is impossible to achieve happiness in poverty.

Love Karpyych

Love Karpyych - Brother Proud Karpycha. Like his brother, she loved troubled and was able to accumulate a decent capital. He lived well, he often drank and led the idle life, but did not reach the extremes, until the moment African Savich was taken for him. I loved to be a poor, he had to vagabpsy and bragging in alms, which he also did not always spend with the mind - was driving. Returning to his brother, he realized his mistakes and decided "at least for old age, it is honestly to live," but not everything is so simple - his brother is engaged in noble guests and plans for promotion on the social staircase, he is not to the beggar brother. Loves surprised that his brother puts material values \u200b\u200bhigher moral and preferent with communicating with the rich deceivers, and ordinary people who live according to the laws of morality does not allow themselves. However, I love Karpsch to hope that in his life it will still work out. He does not stay aside when he learns about the wedding of the niece - love can not allow such misfortunes in life of love and Mitya (who treats him very well and often helps him in difficult financial situations) - the scandal arranged to them not only avoids an unnecessary wedding, But also solves questions about the relationship in the family of Torotkov.

We suggest familiarizing yourself with the brief content of the play by A. Ostrovsky "Dustpannica", where the problems associated with an unequal marriage are illuminated.

African Savich Korshunov - Rich factory owner living in Moscow. That is why he is a great version of her husband for love.

African Savich is a lover of drinking and walking, in drunk he behaves extremely violently and unprecedented, but at the same time he considers him a good man: "I am a good, cheerful man," simple, I am a good old man. "

He brutally drawn with his enemies, so the most correct decision for those who fell into his disjitive will escape. Although his attitude to loved people is no better - his first wife suffered jealousy. And, in general, about him "nothing good, the foolishness of bad, not to hear."


Mitya - "Customer Torotov". Rodney he has almost little - one mother only, and it lives away. Mitya helps her financially, so often deprives himself even the necessary things. Gordea Carpship will always find something to find fault - this is very upsetting an impressionable Mitu. The ends are reproaches him in the transit, in the fact that Mitya walks in the old Sultuka and thus disgraces him in the eyes of visitors. A young man is calm in his nature, kind and responsive, so the surrounding good opinions about him. He did not receive a good education and is now trying to achieve the desired result by his own efforts. He perfectly understands that he can not be the bridegroom, who approves the Gordea Karpić - a difficult financial situation, his poverty has become a significant obstacle to the desired action, but he is not in force to forget the heart of Torcov.

Secondary heroes play

Pelagia Egorovna

Pelagia Egorovna I have to be a proud carpach to the ends. Despite the fact that she, as a mother, should take an active part in the life of his daughter, which means actively acting in the play, Island does not give it with such powers, she is a secondary play of the play.

In general, this is a pretty, kind and heartfelt woman. Surrounding it love. In his youth, the woman loved to dance and sing, happily taken for these classes. Now she has already agreed on her dust bitch. In addition, not quite a good marriage made his insidious matter. She considers herself deeply unhappy, her husband does not appreciate it, and actually he does not think "I do not dare to tell him; Unless you speak with a strange thing about my grief, pay, you will allocate the soul, just and everything. " For many years, the married life of Pelageya Egorovna has been completed with such an attitude, so even in critical situations, like, for example, with a marriage of his daughter, she will not re-with her husband and is not trying to point out his delusion, although it clearly sees that this marriage will bring a lot of misfortune daughter .

Yasha Huslin

The following acting character - Yasha Huslin. He is also related to the Tovtsov (nephew proud). He is an honest good man, but unfortunately, poor, so his uncle's attention and praise does not indulge. He loves Pelageya Egorovna for good temper and for the love of music, she invites him to visit him, so that he sang and played on the guitar. Yasha friendly from the militants and helps him in difficult situations: standing up for him in front of Grusha, helps to meet with the love of Gorda. He himself is in love with the poor Widow Anna, but marrying a woman is not possible - uncle does not want to give permission in love with the wedding.

Anna Ivanovna

The beloved Huslin is a widowing woman, the same poor, like Yasha himself. She is called Anna Ivanovna . She is a friend of the Family, but it does not help her but persuade to give the consent to the wedding of Proud Carpsch. At the end of the play, everything changes and Anna with Jasha receive a long-awaited permission.

Grisha Vychvuluyev

Grisha Vychvuluyev - Young merchant, rich heir. His father, like he himself, is not chasing the fashion and does not seek to join new trends, which causes extreme disapproval of the pride of the ends of a low opinion about Gria, reads him an outstanding mind. Plumber - man cheerful and good-natured. He values \u200b\u200bhis friendship from the militants.

Thus, two opposing camps were formed in the play of Nikolai Ostrovsky "Poverty". On the one hand, the Savych Savych and African Savych, which are ready to cross the wealth and position in society through moral bans and the foundations, sacrifice anything. On the other hand, Karpić, Love Gordeevna, Pelageya Egorovna, Mitya, Yasha, Anna and Grisha. They sincerely believe in the fact that in the world should be good, and the main thing is to be honest, decently and on conscience. As a result, good wins - the Gordea changes his views, aware of the fallacy of his actions - it avoids life tragedies of almost all the characters of the play. Ostrovsky shows us on the example of Torotov, which is not necessary to chase for something ghostly and distant - you need to look for the happiness of nearby and appreciate those who are trying to bring at least a little happiness to you.

Ostrovsky pushes a love line into the background. It is important for him to portray the existence of true family values, the desire to get out of the highest society at any cost, ignoring personal qualities and desires, the resistance of patriarchal traditions, because of the play will find a new meaning - this is not just a story with a good end, but the way to indicate in a comic form on the seizure of society .

Gordes Tormers

GORDES KARPYUCH TORSOV - Hero of Comedy A. N. Ostrovsky "Poverty is not a vice", a rich merchant, the father of love is Gordeevna, the brother is loved by Krap. The name of this character speaks for itself. GORDES KARPYCH - a proud man and arrogant. After the death of his father, he chose himself a profitable establishment, and his brother was loved by money and bills. I loved KarPych quickly wondered part of the inheritance in Moscow, and the rest entrusted the Factory to Korshunov, who subsequently deceived him. GORDES KARPYCH, on the contrary, did not lose the inheritance,

and inexpeded and sometimes sich.

Throughout the work, different emotional bursts of Torotov are traced. In the first and second action, he acts as an evil and angry owner. All of it is annoyed, including households and guests. He often screams to his clerk Mitu. Paying me a meager salary, demands that he bought himself a caftan for more expensive and did not go to visit them in cheap things. The behavior of his brother and altogether considers it offensive, while loved forced to earn their bread junning. He considers his wife to be uneducated ignoramus and does not hide it.

Having been in Moscow, Gordea Karpach decided that he was only in the capital and in the highest circles. Now nothing Russian doesn't like him, but give only foreign. That is why he drives friendship with Saviech African manufacturer, who often drinks with his English director. However, he does not even suspect how Chither this manufacturer and what exactly he ruined his brother. He is even ready to give his only daughter for this rich old man. Fortunately, in the third action, Karpyych belongs to Korshun and the wedding is canceled. In this part of the work, the reader sees the pride of Karpsia from the other side. This is a person who can recognize his mistakes and reassure. He thanks his brother for revealed his eyes to him, and bless her daughter for marriage with that man who is Mil.

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