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I like more other items at school. Essay "My favorite subject" for schoolchildren. Essay on the topic "My favorite school subject" for middle classes

To write competent, interesting, and most importantly, a properly built essay, it is important to know some basic rules for creating any work in the Russian language. That is why it is often a student can remain displeased assessment. So that this does not happen, let's study the basic rules for presenting their thoughts on the example of the "My favorite subject" topic. The composition of this topic is suitable for students of any class, therefore the tips described below are relevant for students from elementary school to senior classes.


Here are some tips to follow when writing any writings:

  • All of your text should be broken into three parts: introductory, main and concluding. They are divided not only by paragraphs, but in meaning.
  • The main part should be at least ½ of the total text. Accordingly, in the amount of entry and conclusion should take no more than ½ space in the whole text.
  • Your thoughts should have a strict logical chain: asking the beginning in joining, you must end our arguments logically in conclusion.

The remaining moments concerning literacy, punctuation and compliance of reasoning the topic are mandatory.


"My favorite subject" is an essay that allows the student to give his thoughts of tremendous freedom. To start writing the text, there are several options:

  • Generalization. This method can simply begin to begin its essay. Example: "Each student necessarily has its favorite subject in school. And everyone, he can be different, because even a small child is an already identity with his hobbies and interests. "
  • The following option is to start an essay on the topic "My favorite subject" with a brief story about yourself. "I could not decide for a very long time, what kind of subject I have a favorite. At first, in the first grade, I adored all the lessons, but later a lot was changed. "

You can express any of your thoughts. The main thing is that the story does not begin sharply, without entry. For example: "I love mathematics." This is an incorrect beginning, because, first of all, you must begin to reason and only then move to the main part.

Main part

In this part you disclose the topic "My favorite subject". The essay should fully transmit your thoughts and ideas.

  1. You can continue to talk about yourself and tell why one or another item fell in love with you. "In the elementary classes I had problems with mathematics - I was bad and slowly thought, because the house was additionally engaged in this subject. Every day I got everything better and better, and mathematics fascinated me more and more. And so, to the 9th grade, having a firm "5" algebra and geometry, I can confidently say - for me there is no interesting science than mathematics. "
  2. If you do not want to devote an essay completely, you can spend a little research among your classmates and tell what item and why your friend like or neighbor in the desk, then briefly tell about yourself.

Finishing the main part, go to the conclusion.


In this part, the student must conclude on the topic "My favorite subject." The writing must end logically and display a personal opinion. For example: "I believe that any item can be loved by anyone. I do not like physics very much, but my girlfriend is incredibly passionate about this science. This suggests that each school subject is important. "

Thus, you can write an essay "My favorite subject in school."

What school subject do you like most? And what object do you hate?

  1. most I like that I have long finished school and even university!
  2. Among all the abundance of school items, I choose literature. For me, this is the most interesting subject.
    I have always loved reading books very much, I could not break away from them. I managed to fully immerse yourself in history, to visit where the heroes were. Rezoved with them and sad. So tasks like: "Read the book" - I just joy. The literature lessons tell a lot of interesting things. You can earn and not notice how the lesson flew. I was always interested in writers, poets. I admire these people. They write such interesting books! Such wonderful poems! Words do not describe. I really like to reason. Search hidden meaning in books. And I just can do it in the literature lessons. And pleasure to receive and evaluate. Fine.
    I repeat again. Literature is my favorite subject.
  3. i hate the history of English and I love the lesson about the excursion \u003d)))
  4. He loved Russian, literature, English, music. Of the unloved lessons were physical education primarily, and then physics and history (due to teachers). We went to the dental with girls on these lessons, all the teeth surveal.
  5. I love history and geography. I hate chemistry and physics! Beee)))
  6. Standard Humanitarian Set: I love Russian, literature, foreign languages, social studies and history, hate geometry, physics, biology and other natural sciences.
  7. Most like the story and society. I hate geography and biology slightly.
  8. Favorites were Russian, literature.
    Hated: algebra, geometry, physics, as well as French, from whose sound I still turn inside out
  9. i loved after the 9th grade physics, algebra))) hated literature !! ! I hate these books, works !! .. (((Fu! ..
    and I love astronomy yet !! ! adore)))
  10. favorite-English. , I could not stand - geometry and drawing.
  11. He loved Russian, in chemistry was hated for me !! ! 🙁
  12. mmm ... it's you Lo for so long ago!
    he adored the story and haweling algebra and geometry
  13. The funny thing is that 100% of love / dislike students to the subject depends on the teacher of this subject. Good luck with teachers!
  14. I love Russian, English, German, French :)) But never was friends with such objects as algebra, physics and other accurate sciences :))
  15. From school items .. I don't even know the most important teachers and director .... Well, the guard is a good idea, though it is useless ....
  16. I love the most geometry. I hate chemistry and geography. The most opposite ...

Most I like biology. First of all because of our teacher. At first he led the world around, then I liked that subject, but after the teacher replaced, so the lesson I immediately sorred. And I am very glad that now he leads biology.

My favorite subject literature writing-reasoning grade 5

Literature is my favorite school subject, and there are several reasons. First, I love to read and consider it the most interesting occupation and most useful hobbies.

Overlooking World My Favorite Object Composition 5 Class

My favorite school object ... Simply put - lesson! This is the world around. I am interested to understand how and why everything happens around us. Why it rains, for example. It's only our very ancient ancestors thought

Essay Russian language My favorite school subject Grade 5 (reasoning)

In the school program there are many interesting items. Every student can choose close and interesting for himself. But all of them, in addition to a foreign language, are taught in our country in their native Russian.

Writing mathematics my favorite school subject grade 5

All school items can be compared with bricks, which make up our general education. They are equally important elements of this education, and it is impossible to prefer one, not to do different

Writing technology My favorite school subject Grade 5 (reasoning)

I love technology! I like when you can make something with your hands. It's great to sew and embroider, knit, cook ... and so funny that you sewed something, but you put it up - you don't need to teach anything.

Writing informatics my favorite school subject (reasoning)

I can't even say exactly what kind of school my favorite school ... But still I like the informatics. She is less not loved. I love to play computer games very much. Although mom says it is not very good!

Essay geography my favorite school subject class 5 class reasoning

Surprisingly pleasant thing when you go to school with joy, knowing that today will be your favorite subject. No need to sit at the desk and wait for change. On the contrary, you are sitting, opening your mouth and listen to the teacher

Drawing (from) - My favorite object Ossress-reasoning Grade 5

Of all the items that are in school, I like the visual art most. You probably want to ask why drawing? I think it's because I really like to draw and our teacher leads

Physical culture - my favorite object of writing-reasoning grade 5

For me, the most beloved subject in the school curriculum. Why? Everything is very simple. When I do sports, I feel strong. And with each occupation, I am getting stronger and stronger

Music - My Favorite Object Composition Correction Grade 5

My favorite object is music. On this subject, our friendly team constantly prepares some sketches, miniatures or even musicals. I love the atmosphere that portraits of great composers hanging on the walls

English Language My Favorite Object Composition Class 5

I love learning and I like different sciences. But my favorite item is English and literature. These items are wonderful teachers. English we started learning from second class

History - My Favorite Item Grade 5 Working Correction

I like studying. New knowledge opens up new impressions, new opportunities, new territories. The human brain requires constant development. I really like to study the story

Writing drawing my favorite school subject

I am often asked: "What is your favorite lesson at school?", And I am proud to answer - the lesson of drawing!

You might think that this is the answer for the answer or just that I do not like to learn, but it is far away. I like drawing lessons from the fact that it is there that I have freedom. During the lesson drawing, I do not teach me the rules, laws, I am taught to express yourself. Self-expression is freedom.

The teacher in the lesson tells about the history of the arts. About what styles were in different temporary epochs. We also learn about great artists, including Russian. The teacher brings a copy of their work to a lesson. Looking at the pictures of great artists, motivation will create, desire to draw. We are taught to draw pencil, watercolor, gouache. Personally, I'm closer to gouache, because the paintings are obtained bright and memorable. We still learn to sculpt from plasticine. It is very interesting when you can cut the little animal or the hero of your favorite cartoon from the sticky lump.

But most often we draw paints. The teacher sets us various themes for the drawings. For example, it may be the Olympic Games of ancient Greece, and the house in the style of the future, and the nature of the native land. I like to draw animals most of all. It may be my cat, which is played with his toy, and a wolf who hunts in the wild, and birds that flew from wintering in their bunches.

My favorite lesson was the one when we painted pencils on a free topic. I, as usual, not knowing where to start, looked out the window. Outside the window was "Golden Autumn". And suddenly, it dawned on me, it is necessary to draw in the fall. Trees were very beautiful, on which the leaves were all possible colors: green, yellow, red. The picture looked around like this: a birch alley, painted in vacationers on bears and birds, which, apparently, were preparing for the flight. The teacher put me a five for this drawing. At home I showed it to my parents, and they also praised him and offered to hang on the refrigerator, but I did not agree. I decided to do otherwise. I bought a special picture frame, and hung this picture on the wall in my room. Later, the whole wall was hung with my "creations."

Drawing lesson is created not only for filling the school hours. It helps self-realize himself, express his thoughts and emotions on paper.

Among all school items, I like English most. In primary classes, learn a foreign language for me seemed a complex and impossible process. Other letters, other words, at first it was difficult to learn to read.

But after some time of persistent effort, I got it more and even like it. I try to listen carefully to the teacher at the lesson, perform homework, read and translate texts. Many words that are looking for me in a dictionary for me.

Our teacher explains in detail all the material to us, tells us interesting information, polls us and corrects errors. Sometimes we learn by heart poems, riddles, small texts in English. In the lessons I get, in most cases, good estimates, but sometimes there are difficulties in learning some, but I try.

English value (andwhy non-English)

Study foreign languages \u200b\u200b(especially English) Despite the complexity of this process, is very important for the future of each of us.

And so, why do we know English? And why is it studying in schools? There are many answers to these questions, in particular:

  • traveling around the world, in any country you will understand if you speak English, at least partially.
  • you can communicate with different interesting people, in particular with foreigners who came to your country.
  • in search of work, knowledge of English is a big plus, especially if it concerns the sphere of business, science, etc., and in some cases it is an integral component in employment.
  • finally, many interesting magazines, artistic or scientific books, films, television programs - all this in English.

In addition to English, I also like these items as biology, geography and social studies. I wonder to listen to the teacher's story, read textbooks for these subjects, go on excursions and learn a lot of new things. But despite this, English I consider it an important and necessary subject for me. However, each of us has their own choices, everyone has their favorite school subject.

I am well studying at school and usually get high grades in all subjects. And yet my favorite school subjects are literature and Russian. I learned to read even before school and since then I have since read the uyma of interesting and exciting books. Of course, most of all I love adventures and fiction, but also for classic literature, I also have time.

Usually, I am easy to respond to the lesson, because most of the works studied for me are already familiar to me. I read the same good and in Russian, and in Ukrainian, but still the Russian is closer to me, because in my family everyone speaks Russian. And the writing is beautiful and without errors is not so: difficult. The main thing is to be attentive and not hurry to write, without thinking.

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