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Tolstoy's creativity is, in short, the most important thing. Tolstoy lev nikolaevich. Literary and social activities

Lev Tolstoy- the most famous Russian writer, famous all over the world for his works.

short biography

Born in 1828 in the Tula province into a noble family. He spent his childhood in the Yasnaya Polyana estate, where he received his primary education at home. He had three brothers and a sister. He was brought up by his guardians, so in early childhood at the birth of his sister, his mother died, and later, in 1840, his father, which is why the whole family moved to relatives in Kazan. There he studied at Kazan University at two faculties, but decided to quit his studies and return to his native places.

Tolstoy spent two years in the army in the Caucasus. He bravely participated in several battles and was even awarded an order for the defense of Sevastopol. He could have had a good military career, but he wrote several songs ridiculing the military command, as a result of which he had to leave the army.

At the end of the 50s, Lev Nikolayevich went to travel across Europe and returned to Russia after the abolition of serfdom. During his travels, he was disappointed with the European way of life, as he saw a very large contrast between the rich and the poor. That is why, returning to Russia, he was glad that the peasants were now uplifted.

He got married, 13 children were born in marriage, 5 of whom died in childhood. His wife, Sophia, helped her husband by copying all her husband's creations in neat handwriting.

He opened several schools in which he furnished everything as he wanted. I made up myself school curriculum- or rather, the absence of such. Discipline did not play a key role for him, he wanted the children themselves to be drawn to knowledge, so the main task of the teacher was to interest the students so that they would want to learn.

He was excommunicated for the fact that Tolstoy put forward his theories about what the church should be. Just a month before his death, he decided to secretly leave his native estate. As a result of the trip, he became very ill and died on November 7, 1910. The writer was buried in Yasnaya Polyana near the ravine, where he loved to play with his brothers as a child.

Literary contributions

Lev Nikolayevich began to write while studying at the University - mostly homework assignments compared to various literary works. It is believed that it was because of literature that he dropped out of school - he wanted to devote all his free time to reading.

In the army, he worked on his "Sevastopol Stories", and also, as already mentioned, composed songs for his colleagues. Upon his return from the army, he took part in a literary circle in St. Petersburg, from where he went to Europe. He noticed the peculiarities of people well and tried to reflect this in his works.

Tolstoy wrote many different works, but gained worldwide fame thanks to two novels - "War and Peace" and "Anna Karenina", in which he accurately reflected the life of people of those times.

The contribution of this great writer to world culture huge - it was thanks to him that many people learned about Russia. His works are published to this day, they are used for performances and films.

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Born into the noble family of Maria Nikolaevna, nee Princess Volkonskaya, and Count Nikolai Ilyich Tolstoy in the Yasnaya Polyana estate in the Krapivensky district of the Tula province as the fourth child. The happy marriage of his parents became the prototype of the heroes in the novel War and Peace - Princess Marya and Nikolai Rostov. Parents died early. Tatiana Aleksandrovna Ergolskaya, a distant relative, was engaged in the upbringing of the future writer, tutors - the German Reselman and the French Saint-Thomas, who became the heroes of the writer's stories and novels - were educated. At the age of 13, the future writer and his family moved to the hospitable home of P.I. Yushkova in Kazan.

In 1844, Lev Tolstoy entered the Imperial Kazan University at the Department of Oriental Literature of the Philosophical Faculty. After the first year, he did not pass the transition exam and was transferred to the Faculty of Law, where he studied for two years, plunged into secular entertainment. Leo Tolstoy, naturally shy and ugly, acquired a reputation in secular society as a "thinker" about the happiness of death, eternity, love, although he himself wanted to shine. And in 1847 he left the university and went to Yasnaya Polyana with the intention of doing science and "to achieve the highest degree of excellence in music and painting."

In 1849, the first school for peasant children was opened on his estate, where Foka Demidovich, his serf, a former musician, taught. Yermil Bazykin, who studied there, said: “There were 20 of us boys, the teacher was Foka Demidovich, a courtyard. Under father L.N. Tolstoy, he served as a musician. The old man was good. He taught us the alphabet, counting, sacred history. Lev Nikolaevich also came to us, he also studied with us, showed us his letter. I went every other day, after two, or even every day. He always ordered the teacher not to offend us ... ”.

In 1851, under the influence of his elder brother Nikolai, Lev left for the Caucasus, having already begun to write Childhood, and in the fall he became a cadet in the 4th battery of the 20th artillery brigade stationed in the Cossack village of Starogladovskaya on the Terek River. There he finished the first part of Childhood and sent it to the Sovremennik magazine to its editor N.A. Nekrasov. On September 18, 1852, the manuscript was printed with great success.

Leo Tolstoy served for three years in the Caucasus and, having the right to the most honorable St. George Cross for bravery, “conceded” to his fellow soldier, as giving him a life pension. At the beginning of the Crimean War of 1853-1856. transferred to the Danube army, participated in the battles at Oltenitsa, the siege of Silistria, the defense of Sevastopol. Then the written story "Sevastopol in December 1854" was read by Emperor Alexander II, who commanded to protect the talented officer.

In November 1856, already recognized and famous writer leaves military service and leaves to travel around Europe.

In 1862, Leo Tolstoy married seventeen-year-old Sophia Andreevna Bers. In their marriage, 13 children were born, five died in early childhood, the novels "War and Peace" (1863-1869) and "Anna Karenina" (1873-1877), recognized as great works, were written.

In the 1880s. Leo Tolstoy went through a powerful crisis that led to the denial of the official state power and its institutions, the realization of the inevitability of death, faith in God and the creation of his own teaching - Tolstoyism. He lost interest in the usual lordly life, he began to have thoughts of suicide and the need to live correctly, to be a vegetarian, to engage in education and physical labor - he plowed, sewed boots, taught children at school. In 1891 he publicly renounced the copyright to his literary works written after 1880

During 1889-1899. Leo Tolstoy wrote the novel "Resurrection", whose plot is based on a real court case, and biting articles about the system government controlled- on this basis, the Holy Synod excommunicated Count Leo Tolstoy from the Orthodox Church and anathematized him in 1901.

October 28 (November 10) 1910 Leo Tolstoy secretly left Yasnaya Polyana, going on a journey without a specific plan for the sake of his moral and religious ideas recent years accompanied by doctor D.P. Makovitsky. On the way, he caught a cold, fell ill with croupous pneumonia and was forced to get off the train at the Astapovo station (now the Lev Tolstoy station of the Lipetsk region). Lev Tolstoy died on November 7 (20), 1910 in the house of the station chief I.I. Ozolin and was buried in Yasnaya Polyana.


A short message about the personal life and work of Leo Tolstoy for children 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, grade

Tolstoy was born in 1828 in the Yasnaya Polyana estate into a large noble family. Mother and father died early, and a relative, who had a great influence on the boy, was involved in raising him. But Lev Nikolayevich remembered well the appearance of his parents and subsequently reflected in the heroes of his works. In short, Tolstoy spent his childhood years quite happily. In the future, he recalled that time with warmth, it has repeatedly served as material for his work.

At the age of 13, Tolstoy moved with his family to Kazan. There he entered the university, where he first studied oriental languages, and then law. But the young man never finished university and returned to Yasnaya Polyana. There, however, he decided to take up his education and independently study many different sciences. Nevertheless, he spent only one summer in the countryside and soon moved to St. Petersburg with the aim of passing exams at the university.

A short biography of Tolstoy in his younger years comes down to an intense search for himself and his vocation. Either he went headlong into festivities and revelry, then he led the life of an ascetic, indulging in religious reflections. But during these years, the young count already felt in himself a love for literary creativity.

In 1851, together with his older brother-officer, he went to the Caucasus, where he took part in hostilities. The time spent there made an indelible impression on Tolstoy. During these years he worked on the story "Childhood", which later, together with two other stories, brought great fame to the aspiring writer. Then Tolstoy is transferred to the service, first in Bucharest, and then in Sevastopol, where he participated in the Crimean campaign and showed great courage.

After the end of the war, Tolstoy went to St. Petersburg and became a member of the famous "Contemporary" circle, but he did not take root in it and soon went abroad. Returning to the family nest, the writer opened a famous school there, intended for peasant children. Tolstoy was very interested in the matter of enlightenment, and he became interested in the organization of schools in Europe, for which he again went abroad. Soon Lev Nikolayevich married the young S. A. Bers. A short biography of Tolstoy during this period was marked by quiet family happiness.

At the same time, the writer first began work on his great work "War and Peace", and then on another, no less famous novel - "Anna Karenina".
The 1880s became for Lev Nikolaevich at times a serious spiritual crisis. This was reflected in a number of his works of that time, such as, for example, "Confession". Tolstoy ponders a lot about faith, the meaning of life, social inequality, criticizes state institutions and the achievements of civilization. He also works on religious treatises. The writer wished to see Christianity as a practical religion, cleansed of any mysticism. He criticized the Orthodox Church and its rapprochement with the state, and then completely departed from it. At the beginning of the 20th century, he was officially excommunicated from the Church. The whole range of his emotional experiences of those years, Lev Nikolaevich reflected in his last novel "Resurrection".

Tolstoy's drama was expressed in the severance of relations not only with the Church, but also with his own family. In the fall of 1910, the elderly writer secretly left the house, but, already in poor health, he fell ill on the road and a week later, on November 7, died. Lev Nikolaevich was buried in Yasnaya Polyana. We can briefly say about Tolstoy - he was truly a great literary genius... His work was so fond of readers that the departure of the writer became a great grief for millions of people who lived not only in Russia, but also in various parts of the world.

Tolstoy Lev Nikolaevich (28.08. (09.09.) 1828-07 (20) .11.1910)

Russian writer, philosopher. Born in Yasnaya Polyana, Tula province, into a wealthy aristocratic family. He entered Kazan University, but then left it. At the age of 23, he went to war with Chechnya and Dagestan. Here he began to write the trilogy "Childhood", "Boyhood", "Youth".

In the Caucasus, he took part in hostilities as an artillery officer. During the Crimean War, he went to Sevastopol, where he continued to fight. After the end of the war, he left for St. Petersburg and published Sevastopol Stories in the Sovremennik magazine, which vividly reflected his outstanding writing talent. In 1857, Tolstoy went on a trip to Europe, which disappointed him.

From 1853 to 1863 wrote the story "Cossacks", after which he decided to interrupt literary activity and become a landowner-landowner, doing educational work in the countryside. To this end, he left for Yasnaya Polyana, where he opened a school for peasant children and created his own system of pedagogy.

In 1863-1869. wrote his fundamental work "War and Peace". In 1873-1877. created the novel "Anna Karenina". During these years, the writer's worldview, known as "Tolstoyism", was fully formed, the essence of which can be seen in the works: "Confession", "What is my faith?", "Kreutzer Sonata".

The doctrine is set forth in the philosophical and religious works "Study of Dogmatic Theology", "Connection and Translation of the Four Gospels", where the main emphasis is on the moral improvement of man, exposure of evil, non-resistance to evil by violence.
Later, a dilogy was published: the drama "The Power of Darkness" and the comedy "The Fruits of Enlightenment", then a series of stories-parables about the laws of being.

Admirers of the work of the writer came from all over Russia and the world to Yasnaya Polyana, whom they regarded as a spiritual mentor. In 1899 the novel "Resurrection" was published.

The last works of the writer are the stories “Father Sergius”, “After the Ball”, “Posthumous Notes of Elder Fyodor Kuzmich” and the drama “Living Corpse”.

Tolstoy's confessional journalism gives a detailed idea of ​​his mental drama: painting pictures of social inequality and idleness of the educated strata, Tolstoy in a harsh form posed questions of the meaning of life and faith to society, criticized all state institutions, reaching the point of denying science, art, court, marriage, and the achievements of civilization.

Tolstoy's social declaration is based on the idea of ​​Christianity as a moral teaching, and the ethical ideas of Christianity are interpreted by him in a humanistic way, as the basis of the worldwide brotherhood of people. In 1901, the reaction of the Synod followed: the world famous writer was officially excommunicated, which caused a huge public outcry.

On October 28, 1910, Tolstoy secretly left Yasnaya Polyana from his family, fell ill on the way and had to get off the train at the small Astapovo railway station of the Ryazan-Uralskaya railway. Here, at the station master's house, he spent the last seven days of his life.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy is a talented person, whose works are read not only by adults, but also by schoolchildren. Who knows such works as, or Anna Karenina? It is probably difficult to find a person who is not familiar with the work of this writer. Let's get to know the writer Tolstoy better by briefly studying his biography.

Short biography of Tolstoy: the most important thing

L.N. Tolstoy is a philosopher, playwright, the most talented person who gave us his legacy. Studying it short biography for children in grades 5 and 4, will allow you to better understand the writer, study his life, from birth to the last days.

Childhood and adolescence of Leo Tolstoy

The biography of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy begins with his birth in the Tula province. It happened in 1828. He was the fourth child in a noble family. If we talk about the childhood of the writer and his biography briefly, then at the age of two he loses, and after seven years he lost his father, and was brought up by his aunt in Kazan. The first story of Leo Tolstoy's famous trilogy "Childhood" just tells us about the childhood of the writer.

Leo Tolstoy receives his primary education at home, after which he enters Kazan University at the Faculty of Philology. But the young man did not have a craving for study, and Tolstoy writes a letter of resignation. On the estate of his parents, he tries himself in farming, but the undertaking ended in failure. After that, on the advice of his brother, he goes to fight in the Caucasus, and later becomes a participant in the Crimean War.

Literary creation and heritage

If we talk about the work of Tolstoy, then his first work is the story of Childhood, written in the junker years. In 1852, the story was published in Sovremennik. Already at this time, Tolstoy was put on a par with such writers as Ostrovsky and.

While in the Caucasus, the writer will write the Cossacks, and then proceed to writing, which will be a continuation of the first story. There will be other works for the young writer, because creative activity did not interfere with serving Tolstoy went hand in hand with his participation in the Crimean War. Sevastopol stories appear from the writer's pen.

After the war, he lives in St. Petersburg, in Paris. Upon his return to Russia, Tolstoy wrote a third story in 1857, which belongs to an autobiographical trilogy.

Having married Sophia Burns, Tolstoy stayed at his parents' estate, where he continued to create. His most popular work and his first major novel is War and Peace, which was written over ten years. After him, he writes the equally famous work of Anna Karenina.

The eighties were fruitful for the writer. He wrote comedies, novels, dramas, among them After the Ball, Sunday and others. At that time, the worldview of the writer had already been formed. The essence of his worldview is clearly visible in his "Confession", in the work "What is my faith?" Many of his admirers began to regard Tolstoy as a spiritual mentor.

In his work, the writer in a harsh form raised questions of faith and the meaning of life, criticized state institutions.

The authorities were very much afraid of the writer's pen, so they watched him, and also had a hand in ensuring that Tolstoy was excommunicated from the church. However, people continued to love and support the writer.

In the early nineties, Tolstoy begins to get sick. In 1910, when he was on the road, he became ill. He stopped at the Astapovo station, where he died 7 days later.

Available in the biography of Tolstoy and Interesting Facts... So the writer created not only works for adults, but also presented children with such works as the ABC and the Book for reading.
The writer had thirteen children, although only ten of them survived.

War and Peace is a novel that has been rewritten about eight times, and some of its episodes have been rewritten even more. In addition, at first it bore the name 1805, later it was renamed twice more.

Tolstoy kept diaries, where he described the situations that happened to him, made his notes, shared his emotions. And since he had a terrible handwriting, his wife copied the diaries.