
What is a strong person an example of literature. The problem of the strength of the human spirit arguments from literature (exam in Russian). "Writing" What qualities should a talented person have? ": Essay

What is the power of the Spirit? Who possesses her? Is a strong spirit capable of overcome heavy life tests? These questions ask a journalist and a member of the Association of Publishers of Russia Gennady Konstantinovich Sapronov. In his text, he raises the problem of the strength of the spirit and perseverance.

The author reveals it on the example of the story about the life of Viktor Petrovich Astafieva. He passed through all the lives of life, such as orphanhood, homelessness, war, "post-war poverty and hunger." However, I coped with them and remained myself. True, the person's strong spirit can overcome any vital difficulties.

On this author's arguments do not end. So, Viktor Petrovich Astafyev worked not to give up hands. Every day he sat down at the desktop and tried to add conceived plots. I did it in order to feed my loved ones.

Despite the hard life, he did not lower his arms, but continued to live and create a family for the benefit.

The position of the author is obvious. It is impossible to disagree with it, because only people with a strong inner rod can cope with any adversity. Indeed, in life and in the literature there are quite a few examples that confirm this point of view.

Many writers in their works affected the problem of the strength of the Spirit. So, for example, Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov in the story "The Fate of Man" showed the stability of the main character of Andrei Sokolov. He made all the horrors of the war: he was twice wounded, contuge, was in the fascist captivity, also lost his family. However, it was not broken. Andrei Sokolov found the strength to live and soon adopted the boy Vanya. We understand that thanks to people with a unreleased will, the Russian people were able to win over the fascist invaders.

Such situations are found in history. It is worth remembering the heroism and the persistence of the Soviet military pilot Alexei Maresev. After the crash of the aircraft in the enemy rear, he traveled with a crawling with damaged legs to his. After amputation of the lower extremities, learned to walk on the prosthesis and even control the aircraft. Overcoming Alexei Maresiev all life difficulties testifies to his imbibeous courage. Here is a true example of the strength of the spirit of the Russian man who entered the story.

Thus, the problem raised by Gennady Konstantinovich Sapronov is always relevant. I want to hope that the strong spirit people who can cope with any life troubles will live in the modern world. Examples from life and literature This is just confirmed.

When we are talking about strength, we mainly have in mind the power of physical, endurance, durability. A person who does not need compassion rejecting help is also strong. But in most cases such a person is still guided by pride. It says not the power of the spirit and character, but the desire to show what it costs. A truly strong person, in my opinion, this is a synonym for a mature personality, this is a person who has an internal equilibrium, knows how to cope with many things, but if necessary, can ask for help from others and is ready to render it.

A truly strong person is a person who despite the tests or even misfortune, continues to rejoice in life, encourage and inspire it. He persistently, uncomplyfully and patiently makes difficulties, does not fall into the despair, in despair, wins laziness, he loves and helps others, after falling he knows how to rise, he cares about close more than herself, he knows how to repaid a little over his own pride and Egoism, he is honest and frank, but respects the feelings of others. A strong person can be called a person who, despite pain, problems, suffering, frustration, finds the courage to rise and go, and live on. Perhaps this is the one who can resist temptation, who can sacrifice its own interests for the other person who can forgive and knows how to admit their mistakes.

Silen man then when he is patient. Patience - Great Power. Again, it can be said that patience is a manifestation of faulty and weakness that only one who does not know how to fight. But it's hot-tempered man on his emotions, thereby showing his own bravery. But the wise man is always calm and patient. I think a strong person is not the one who does not give himself offended, but one who does not take offense. This is a clever person who knows how to behave in various life situations worthy: tactfully and restrained, but decisively and firmly.

Perhaps a list of qualities that have a strong person can continue for a very long time. Each of us on the life paths there are people, the strength of which we admire that we inspire us and give the right example. And each of us on these examples can become better, stronger, tolerant, the main thing is only to apply efforts to this and properly dispose of the internal resources available in us.

Grade 9.3 OGE

Writing a strong person (on behalf of the girl)

Who is a strong person? With this concept, I would like to be called not just physical strength, but also the power of moral, the ability to withstand all the difficulties of testing, the power of will and spirit.

There is a well-known expression "the strength is - the mind is not necessary." Of course, there is a speech about physical strength, but the power of the Spirit is combined with the mind. To be able to stop in time, restrain unnecessary emotions, to achieve your desired goal - this is all the characteristics of a strong person. It has such features such as purposefulness, perseverance, perseverance, diligence and spirituality of the Spirit.

When girls are looking for their soul mate, they subconsciously choose a strong man, because they hope that he can become their defense and support, will be able to support in a difficult minute of life that they will be like a stone wall.

It may be a strong woman, however, it often happens after serious life tests are taken on it. Such a woman is peculiar to a clarity, reasonable, it does not accept quick decisions, often kept and cold-blooded.

Strength is what is needed in life to every person, regardless of its sex and age. Strength helps break through in life, do not break at the first difficulties, clearly go to the goal, be able to defend their point of view.

One of the important qualities of a strong person is a weak help. He realizes its strength and understands where it can be applied, and wherever not. A strong man always sees who needs his help and provides it. To offend those who weaker himself can only a weak person, because he wants to assert their account, look strong and terrible at least in whose eyes.

Learning to be strong is not so easy, in this matter and the truth "experience is the best teacher." Over the years, almost every person, at least once the comfort of comfort and faced with certain life difficulties becomes stronger.

I believe that the force makes a person more confident in herself, with her help he can achieve quite a lot. In addition, a strong person causes respect in the eyes of the people around the people, and often attention and sympathy from the opposite sex.

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His fate prepared

Path nice, Name Loud

Folk intercession

Cahotku and Siberia.

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For any significant business, a person needs the power of the Spirit. Only the voltage of the will provides victory in any life contest and guarantees the main victory - on himself and his laziness. In order to more accurately explain this concept, the multi-limit literegon found many motivating examples from the literature for an essay of 15.3 on the OGE in the Russian language. They will help to answer the question correctly: "What is the power of the Spirit." If you yourself would like to participate in the formation of a selection, write your ideas in the comments.

  1. In the story of M. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man"the hero passed through the whole war, but was able to keep his elevated ideals in the soul. In captivity and at the front line, he did not break under the onslaught of the tests and did not betray his homeland. Even having lost the whole family, he found a place for love in the shower and picked up a woofer to himself. The power of the spirit of Andrei Sokolova was expressed in the ability to adequately overcome hard and deprivation, even in war, remaining humane and good man.
  2. In the book E. Ilyina "Fourth Height" The heroine from childhood demonstrated a strong character. The guly boldly went to meet the tests and took the storm all the heights, to whom it was striving. It was the power of Will that helped her to make a feat on the battlefield - being wounded, continue to attack. This quality has become a queen to success in all endeavors for Marionell.
  3. In the story V. Bykov "Sotnikov" The hero, being weak and sickly from nature, compensated for the physical impact of the power of the Spirit. While his healthy and strong partner was shaking from fear of torture, the Sotnikov adequately stood the test and did not give anyone. Even the execution did not scare him. It means that the ability to make volitional decisions comes from a human soul, and not from physical superiority.
  4. In the book A. Pushkin "Captain's daughter" Robust and quiet Mary showed the uncomfortable power of the Spirit. The heroine alone went to the Tsarice itself to defend the liberation of her groom. Catherine The second was conquered by the girl's volitional decision and intervened in the fate of Peter. It is the mental strength to give a person the main thing - the determination to change your life for the better.
  5. In the story B. Vasilyev "And the dawns here are quiet" Young women accepted an unequal battle by stopping the saboteurs in the forest. Each of them wanted to live, but the interests of the birthplace of the heroine set themselves above their own. To gain a small victory, the squad managed to life, but the power of the Spirit of Zenitchitz helped the Soviet people bring the victory to the Soviet people. This quality is a guarantee of success in any business.
  6. In the novel by A. Pushkin "Evgeny Onegin" The heroine showed the power of the Spirit in the fight against the temptation. Tatiana met first love, but was already married. And Eugene, on the contrary, confessed to love and was ready for everything. Married woman, gathered with the forces, refused him, preferring honesty happiness. This example suggests that the voltage of the will is the determination of a person firmly follow their beliefs, no matter what.
  7. In the poem A. Twardovsky "Vasily Terkin" The hero swims the ice river to fulfill an important order and help comrades who landed on the other side. He risks life and health, because with this task it could not return. But the power of the Spirit helped the soldier, because her essence lies in the moral support, which gives a person the opportunity to make an impossible.
  8. In the story of N. Gogol "Taras Bulba" The hero is captured and exposed to a polar execution. He is tortured and tormented in front of the incoming crowd. But the Ostap does not give enemies either a cry, no moan. He courageously suffers inhuman suffering. The Cossack demonstrated the phenomenal willpower - the ability of a person to honestly overcome obstacles and respond to the blows of fate.
  9. In Life Sergius Radonezh Describes the formation of the saint. Bartholomew since childhood was distinguished by persistence and volitional character. While the rest of the children played, he went to church and learned diligently. That is why he was able to succeed in the chosen case. So, the power of the will is an inner rod that allows man to go to the target target without turning.
  10. In the story of V. Rasputin "French Lessons" Describes the fate of the poor rustic boy who came to the city to learn. But his relative was a dishonest woman and took the supplies sent to him to him. The hero was forced to starve, but still did not give up and did not think about returning to the village. He came up with how to earn money, and tried to combine her studies with gambling. Despite the difficulties, he was able to get an education and go into people. On his example, the reader understands that the power of the Spirit is a persistence that allows a person to embody his dreams.

The power of the Spirit is both courage, and kindness, and respect, and the love that a person retains in itself, by all means. This, in my opinion, is human nature, as it should be. This topic was often highlighted in the literature, and in cinema, moreover, people live among us the strong spirit.

Arguments from literature

  1. (49 words) The first work that came to the mind, revealing the theme of the Forces of the Human Spirit - "Tale of the real man" B. Field. A story about the ordinary person, a rank Soviet soldier who was able to overcome not only cold, hunger, inhuman pain, but also himself. Having lost his feet, Meresyev rearranged despair and doubts, proving that he was capable of everything.
  2. (38 words) Alexander Tvardovsky in the poem "Vasily Torkin" describes a simple Russian guy, a soldier fighting for his country. On the example of Törkina, the author shows the strength of the spirit of the whole Russian people. For example, in the chapter "Cross", the hero swolves the ice river under the focus to fulfill the order.
  3. (38 words) "Young Guard" A. Fadeeva - another product telling about the strength of a human nature, about love for the Motherland, the principles and about the inflexible will. Despite his young age, the young guards did not retreat either in front of their own fear, nor before the enemy.
  4. (54 words) The human spirit is not always visible at first sight. From his modesty and peace may be a feeling that in front of us, rather, a weak person. Gloomy and silent hero V. Bykova Centorchikov, in fact, is an example of courage, perseverance, loyalty and, of course, character forces. Pretty torture, he does not give comrades and does not agree to serve the enemy.
  5. (62 words) A strong spirit of man can be called Peter Greenyov - the main character of the work of A. S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter". Grinyow was faced with a complex choice: on the one hand, the service under the leadership of Pugacheva, betrayal; On the other hand, death and loyalty to themselves, duty. To save the honor, the young man strained all his strength and preferred the execution of treason. Even retaining life, he still risked him anyway to act on conscience.
  6. (44 words) Volve and strong spirit man - the hero of the work of Nikolai Leskov "Enchanted Wanderer". The power of the human spirit here manifests itself in the ability to overcome the vital difficulties, not to lower his hands, forgive and recognize their mistakes. Trying to sue the sins, Flygin goes to recruits instead of the Son of unfamiliar poor and makes a feat.
  7. (53 words) compassion is one of the most important qualities of a strong person, according to M. Gorky. The strength of the Spirit is revealed, according to the writer, not only in the hardestness of the lava, but also in love for people, the ability to sacrifice themselves for the sake of others, to bear the light. This is the hero of the story of the old woman Izergil - Danko, which brought his people from the deadly agent of life.
  8. (45 words) a strong spirit of man describes M. Yu. Lermontov in the work of "MTSI". A persistent character helps the prisoner to deal with the circumstances in which it is located, with difficulties that stand in his way, to meet his dream. The young man runs away from the monastery and acquires short-term, but passionately desirable freedom.
  9. (46 words) "Man can be destroyed, but it is impossible to win it." About this story E. Hemingway "Old man and the sea". External circumstances: age, lack of force, condemnation - nothing compared to the inner force of man. The old man Santiago struggled with the elements, despite pain and fatigue. Having lost production, he still remained the winner.
  10. (53 Words) A. Duma in the novel "Count Monte Cristo shows the eternal struggle of good and evil, between them in reality a very subtle edge. It would seem that the main character who steps to his offenders who could not forgive, - a negative character, but, choosing from the castle of the IF, he remains generous and kind, helping those who deserve - these are human qualities with a strong spirit.
  11. Examples of life

    1. (46 words) a lot of examples of the strong spirit of people in the sports environment. Sport forms character and teaches never to give up. A bright example is the fate of the Soviet athlete, the champion of the Olympic Games, Valery Brumel. Having gained heavy injury, incompatible with the sport, he found the strength to return and achieve high results.
    2. (31 Word) The hard character was at Hockey player Valery Harlamov, the story of which was shown in the film N. Lebedev "Legend No. 17". To go across, despite pain, achieve the goal - the qualities of the strong spirit of a person, educated by sports.
    3. (49 words) The power of the Spirit is also manifested in the ability to rejoice in life, no matter what. In the film O. Ophanka "1 + 1. Unprotected "The main characters help each other to reveal their best qualities, preferring not to sail downstream, but overcome obstacles. The disabled finds the completeness of life, and the poor African American - the stimulus is developed and becoming better.
    4. (56 words) The strong spirit people are among us. This confirms the romantic comedy J. Zhen "Amelie". The main heroine is a girl with oddities, but with a strong character. She seeks to help people, starting with her own father, ending with a completely unfamiliar man who lived in her apartment to her. In this desire, she forgets to himself, sacrificed by his desires for the happiness of others.
    5. (54 words) In the film Gregory Chukhray "Ballada about a soldier", the main character - a young soldier who has been vacation to see the mother. Despite the goal - to see the native person himself - Alyosha Skvortsov can not pass by those who need people. For example, he helps the disabled of war to find family happiness. In this desire, the true power of the Spirit is expressed in active good.
    6. (45 words) An example of the strength of the spirit can serve as Admiral Peter Stepanovich Nakhimov, who did not lose any battle for all his life. Man of exceptional will of the will, sacrificing his own health for the country. By performing orders that seemed impossible, he never complained and did not ropat on fate, and silently performed his duty.
    7. (30 words) History M.V. Lomonosov, the greatest Russian scientist, is known to many. Thanks to the power of the Spirit, loyalty to his ideals, he went towards his dream on foot from a deaf village to become an outstanding world-class scientist.
    8. (51 Word) Sometimes Nature complicates a person's life so much that it seems there is no way out at all. Only due to the strength of his character, Nick Vuychich, born without hands and without legs, became known for the whole world. Nick not only reads motivating lectures, writes books, but also leads an active lifestyle: engaged in surfing, plays golf and football.
    9. (45 words) Joan Rowling is a British writer, who gave the children of the whole world to fairy tale and magic. On the way to the success of J. Rowling had to face numerous obstacles: her novel did not want to print. However, the power of the will allowed a woman to go for his dream and embody her.
    10. (47 words) A man is strong in spirit, it does not have to accomplish the feats or become famous. My girlfriend is a strong spirit man. She is not afraid of difficulties, believes that they are necessary to have been formed in nature, trying to help people and animals, if he sees that help need, does not remember bad and sees only good things in people.
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