
Shvabrin betrayed. Characteristics of the hero Shvabrin, Captain's daughter, Pushkin. The image of the character Shvabrin. What do we know about Shvabrin's appearance

The story "The Captain's Daughter" can be attributed to one of the summit works of Alexander Pushkin, performed in prose. More than once, even the author of this work himself said that it was historical, since it was based on peasant uprisings led by Pugachev. The author managed to recreate the atmosphere that was characteristic of those times. He stunningly portrayed the characters of the main characters and ordinary people who lived at that difficult time.

The work is a kind of narration, which is conducted on behalf of the main character - P. Grinev. He became a witness and participant in all the events described by the author. But the work would be incomplete if it did not find a place for the hero, who is the complete opposite of Grinev. We are talking, of course, about Shvabrin. With the help of it, the author managed to make the plot of the story brighter and more exciting. This is probably why the image of Shvabrin and Grinev is considered only together. But in this review, the main antihero of the story should be considered in more detail.

What is hidden in the image of Shvabrin?

The image of Shvabrin demonstrated how petty, selfish and cowardly people can be in their desires. With Grinev in the story "The Captain's Daughter" Shvabrin has only one thing in common - strong feelings for M. Mironova. Under the image of the antihero is an aristocrat who once served in the guard. He got into because of his not very easy character. Namely, after the moment when the lieutenant was killed by him in the next duel.

The author of the story pointed out that there was a moment when Shvabrin was already wooing Masha. But the answer, naturally, was no. That is why it was often possible to hear insults addressed to her from him. These impartial expressions became the reason for the duel between him and Grinev. But the image of Shvabrin in the story "The Captain's Daughter" is not endowed with such a quality as honesty. At that moment, when Grinev turned away at the shout of the servant, Shvabrin managed to seriously injure him.

Among the shortcomings that the anti-hero of the story was endowed with, the absence of such concepts as honor and official duty stands out especially well. At that moment, when the fortress fell under the onslaught of Pugachev, Shvabrin, without thinking twice, goes over to his side, having received the position of one of the commanders. The reason for the transition to the rebellious side was hatred of Grinev and the desire for Masha to become his wife.

The author's attitude to the image that was revealed in the person of Shvabrin

Alexey Ivanovich Shvabrin, deprived of any moral foundations, is shown in the story as a guards officer corrupted by intrigues and conspiracies, court morals. He quite strongly despised domestic reality and even spoke exclusively in French. But Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin did not deprive the image of Shvabrin in the story "The Captain's Daughter" and positive qualities. The author endowed him with a sharp mind, resourcefulness and good education.

On the part of the author, a negative attitude is manifested towards this hero. If you look at his assessment, you can say with great accuracy that it is quite negative. This can be seen at least in the fact that in the story he is mentioned only by his last name. Also, in some parts of the work, only the initials of this antihero are indicated.

What did Shvabrina end up with as a result of his meanness?

And what happens in the end? Pugachev, to whom Grinev told that Shvabrin was holding Masha by force, became angry. The image of Shvabrin in the story "The Captain's Daughter" became an excellent demonstration of what can happen to a person if he forgets about honor, courage and courage. But you cannot say that this teaches something. When Shvabrin got into the government troops, he singled out Peter among the traitors. He did this primarily in order to remove suspicion from himself. Naturally, Grinev was able to get out of a difficult situation without losing his honor and officer courage.

The fate of Shvabrin remained a mystery, since A.S. Pushkin did not write anything definite about this. But most likely, he was simply executed. And such a punishment cannot be called unjust.

What did A.S. Pushkin try to show readers with the help of the image of Shvabrin?

Probably, the author tried to show that people should not be condemned for their actions, using for these purposes the image of Shvabrin in the story "The Captain's Daughter". Better to feel sorry for them and sympathize with them. Shvabrin can be attributed to those people who cannot get rid of their fears. He sees nothing except that which is directly related to him. It was not even his aristocratic origin that made him so, but the absence of any spiritual qualities.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of people like Shvabrin around. They harm other people who at least somewhat resemble characters such as Grinev and Masha. But, as in the story of A.S. Pushkin, all their atrocities always act against their masters. This is precisely the misfortune of such people. So, fear can only give rise to hypocrisy and lies, which, in turn, lead to failure.

What is hidden in the image of Shvabrin?

But the image of Shvabrin was created for a reason. With his help, the author showed that meanness can only lead to failure and failure. Almost every act we do leads to a certain result. So it is necessary to summarize the following: once forgetting about your honor, you can doom yourself to further failures.

Cowardice is nothing more than human weakness, which manifests itself in the inability of a person to overcome his fear of danger, in the absence of determination, which is so necessary for making important decisions. This quality is characteristic of each of us, but it manifests itself in each in its own way. After all, cowardice, first of all, stems from such a quality inherent in all of us as pride. A person cannot but feel fear, but he can get the best of him, control him - this is called courage. It, in turn, manifests itself in the courage and strength of the spirit of a person, in the ability to take responsibility and make difficult decisions in different life situations.

In Russian fiction, there are many heroes who possess these qualities. A striking example of this is the work of A.S. Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter".

The main character of the work, Pyotr Grinev, is an honest, straightforward and sincere person, for whom honor and loyalty are above all. On his account there are many noble and truly brave, selfless deeds that characterize him as a brave and strong spirit. So he considered it his duty to intercede for his beloved Maria Ivanovna and accepted a challenge to a duel from Shvabrin. Defending the honor of his girlfriend, he was not afraid to risk his own life. Shvabrin acted meanly: he wounded Grinev when he turned away. Shvabrin's fear and cowardice forced him to strike secretly, in the back of the enemy, when he did not pose any threat. But an even greater sense of fear seized him when Pugachev captured the Belgorod fortress. Shvabrin, fearing for his own life, goes over to the side of Pugachev. The faint-heartedness and cowardice of the hero pushed him to such a low and dishonorable act as betrayal. Pyotr Grinev acted completely differently. He preferred death to the slightest deviation from the dictates of duty and honor, refused the oath to Pugachev and was ready to bravely accept his death. After such a brave act of the hero, there is no doubt that Pyotr Grinev is a brave and courageous man who is not afraid to face danger. Another confirmation of this is the departure from Orenburg. Exposing himself to great danger, he leaves the fortified city and goes to save his girlfriend. Such a low and cowardly person like Shvabrin would never have dared to take such a brave and selfless act.

Summing up the above, we can come to the conclusion that it is courage that frees a person from the oppressive feeling of fear and fills his soul with courage and courage, giving strength to the most rejected actions. Cowardice destroys all strength of mind in a person and can push one to the most vile and base deeds.

Updated: 2017-12-08

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Help with the captain's daughter !!! why mop is a traitor, a scoundrel DIFFERENT ANSWER and got the best answer

Answer from Nina baslanova [guru]
The problem of honor and dignity in the story "The Captain's Daughter" can be described by the example of the characters and actions of two officers: Pyotr Grinev and Alexei Shvabrin.
At the beginning of the story, Peter appears as a typical ignoramus, but in him one feels the inclinations of a good, decent person inherent in a family. He is kind and gives the peasant who saved him and Savelich's servant in a storm from certain death a hare sheepskin coat. He fights for the honor of the captain's daughter in a duel with Shvabrin, who defamed the girl. He, not fearing death, does not renounce serving the Fatherland and remains faithful to the oath given to the empress, refusing to obey the will of the impostor Pugachev. Finally, risking his life, he rushes to save Masha from the Belogorsk fortress, occupied by the rebels, and remains faithful to his love in defiance of his parents. All this suggests that as he grows up, Pyotr Grinev has grown from a young man into a brave, loyal, honest and courageous man and officer who serves the Motherland with faith and truth, who does not lose his honor and dignity in the most difficult situations. Sending his son to serve, the elder Grinev admonished him "Take care of your dress again, and honor from a young age." Peter fulfilled his father's order.
Not such is Shvabrin, the petty envious and gossip, who was exiled to the Belogorsk fortress for murder in a duel. Shvabrin spread rumors about the family of the commandant Mironov, swore allegiance to Pugachev, held Masha Mironova captive, persuading her to marry, and slandered Peter, claiming that he was an accomplice of the impostor. Due to cowardice and cowardice, Shvabrin became a traitor, thereby dropping his dignity and smearing human and officer honor
Grinev's moral choice is to serve the Fatherland and be faithful to his love.
There is nothing to say about Shvabrin's moral choice, because he is an immoral person.

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Help with the captain's daughter !!! why mop is a traitor, a scoundrel DIFFERENT ANSWER

Answer from Angelina Kuzmina[newbie]
Traitor: Alexey Shvabrin - did not keep honor from his youth
How it was: Alexei Shvabrin was exiled to the Belogorsk fortress for a duel in which his opponent was killed. He treated the inhabitants of the fortress with contempt and arrogance. The author characterizes Shvabrin as a cynical empty person, capable of slandering a girl only because she refused him reciprocity. Shvabrin commits a series of vile acts that characterize him as a low person capable of treason, cowardice, betrayal. When, during the assault and capture of the Belogorsk fortress, Shvabrin realizes that the siege of a poorly fortified fortress cannot be sustained, he goes over to Pugachev's side.
How it ended: When the false emperor holds the court, sitting on the porch of the commandant's house, Shvabrin is already among the elders of the rebels. Later, in order to save his life, Shvabrin grovels in front of Pugachev.
As a result: Alekse Shvabrin will forever remain a stranger among her own, her own among strangers. He betrayed his homeland, his girlfriend, friend, all the inhabitants of the Belogorsk fortress. And the attitude of "friends" to him will always be appropriate: "Shvabrin fell to his knees ... At that moment contempt drowned out all feelings of hatred and anger in me. I looked with disgust at the nobleman lying at the feet of a fugitive Cossack."

Answer from Karen Beglaryan[master]
Alexey Shvabrin is one of the heroes of the story "The Captain's Daughter". This young officer was exiled to the Belogorsk fortress for a duel in which Shvabrin's opponent was killed. Upon Shvabrin's acquaintance with Grinev, attention is drawn to the fact that Alexei treats the inhabitants of the fortress with contempt and arrogance. Shvabrin approaches Grinev in order to "finally see a human face." However, the character of this hero is determined not only by arrogance.
The author characterizes Shvabrin as a cynical empty person, capable of slandering a girl only because she refused him reciprocity. Shvabrin commits a series of vile acts that characterize him as a low person capable of treason, cowardice, betrayal. Grinev and Shvabrin arrange a duel over the commandant's daughter, and, taking advantage of Grinev's inattention, Shvabrin wounds him. The list of further actions of Alexei is crowned with the scenes of the assault and the capture of the Belogorsk fortress. Realizing that the siege of a poorly fortified fortress could not be sustained, Shvabrin went over to the side of Pugachev. When the false emperor administers judgment, sitting on the porch of the commandant's house, Shvabrin is already among the elders of the rebels. In order to save his life, Shvabrin grovels in front of Pugachev. In truth, Alexei's fate is unenviable: he is doomed to forever remain a stranger among his own, his own among strangers. Probably, Shvabrin simply tried to forget about such important concepts for a Russian officer as duty to the fatherland, honor, loyalty to the given oath. Here is one example of the traitor's behavior: "Shvabrin fell to his knees ... At that moment contempt drowned out all feelings of hatred and anger in me. I looked with disgust at the nobleman lying at the feet of a fugitive Cossack." Through torture and hunger, Shvabrin tried to force Masha to become his wife. This episode is resolved safely thanks to the intervention of Pugachev himself. Alexey Shvabrin remains one of the most vivid images of a traitor in Russian literature.
The topic of betrayal occupied Pushkin very much. It is not without reason that the hero of his other famous historical work - the poem "Poltava" - is the rebellious hetman Ivan Mazepa, who committed treason against Peter the Great. However, Alexey Shvabrin is above all the embodiment of a petty traitor. It is known from the history of the Pugachev region that officers often went over to the side of the rebels. After the defeat of Pugachev, the trial of such people was ruthless and harsh.
Betrayal comes in many forms. Common to all types of betrayal is the abuse of another person's trust. Alexey Shvabrin betrayed his homeland, his beloved girl, friend, all the inhabitants of the Belogorsk fortress. This is quite enough to torment you with pangs of conscience for the rest of your life.

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Without the image of Shvabrin, Pushkin's novel The Captain's Daughter would be devoid of confidence in the triumph of justice. It is thanks to this hero that we can fully appreciate the nobility of Grinev and the truth of Masha's love.

Origin and occupation of Shvabrin

Alexey Ivanovich Shvabrin is a man of aristocratic origin. His family was wealthy and influential in aristocratic circles.

Alexey Ivanovich, like all nobles, received a good education, he knew several foreign languages ​​and was distinguished by an outstanding mind.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the poem by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

Like most young people, Shvabrin chose a military career. Alexey Ivanovich began his military path in the elite troops - in the guard. At first, his service was not difficult, but the recklessness of Alexei Ivanovich ruined everything.

Despite the ban on dueling, Shvabrin still defies the official ban. The duel ended quite successfully for him, which cannot be said about his opponent, the lieutenant. The resulting wound led to his death. The fact of the duel became known and Shvabrin, as a punishment, was sent to the Belogorodskaya fortress, where he served for about five years: “God knows what sin led him; He, if you please, went out of town with a lieutenant, but they took swords with them, and besides, they were stabbing at each other; and Aleksey Ivanovich stabbed the lieutenant, and even with two witnesses. "

Shvabrin's appearance

Alexei Ivanovich did not have a pleasant appearance - he was not tall, his face was absolutely ugly, it was difficult to distinguish at least any pleasant facial features, his face was distinguished by mimic liveliness, which was even more repulsive. His skin was a dark color to match his hair. The hair was perhaps one of the few things that were attractive about Shvabrin - it was deep black and beautifully framed his face.

After the capture of the fortress by Pugachev, Shvabrin's appearance changed significantly - he changed his usual suit for Cossack clothes, let go of his beard.

The arrest by the official authorities also affected his appearance - his once beautiful hair turned gray, and his beard went off and lost its attractiveness. “He was terribly thin and pale. His hair, recently jet black, had completely turned gray; the long beard was disheveled. "

In general, his appearance corresponded to a person awaiting a sentence - he was depressed and discouraged.

Characteristics of personal qualities

Alexey Ivanovich possessed an extremely hot-tempered character, which repeatedly became the cause of his misfortunes. Intemperance in relation to the lieutenant deprived him of the opportunity to carelessly serve in the elite troops. Hot temper in relation to Grinev became the reason for the transition to the side of the rebels and, as a result, hard labor.

In general, Shvabrin is not a stupid person, he is endowed with ingenuity and ingenuity, but in moments of emotional instability his mental abilities recede into the background - emotions decide everything. “Shvabrin was not very stupid. His conversation was sharp and entertaining. "

Alexey Ivanovich is a dishonest person. His habits include deceiving people and slandering. Sometimes he does it out of boredom, sometimes to get some personal benefit.

One way or another, this repels others from Shvabrin - no one wants to communicate with a daring and insidious person.

Shvabrin and Grinev

Grinev's appearance in the fortress brought some animation to her sleepy and boring life. There were not so many employees here, so there were no problems with choosing a company for a pastime. Grinev says about Shvabrin: “I really did not like his usual jokes about the commandant's family, especially his sharp remarks about Marya Ivanovna. There was no other society in the fortress, but I did not want another. " The noble and kind Grinev managed to win over everyone in the fortress, in particular the commandant's daughter, Masha. Eaten by jealousy, Shvabrin also challenges the young opponent to a duel. Shvabrin was practically convinced of his victory - he believed that a man of such an age as Grinev could not possess exceptional fencing skills, but it turned out to be the other way around - an accident decided the course of the fight -

Not getting rid of the enemy in a duel, Shvabrin resorts to deceit. He writes an anonymous letter to Grinev's father about the events that have taken place. Alexey Ivanovich expects that the angry father will take his son from the fortress and the path to his beloved Masha will again be free, but this does not happen. Shvabrin had to lie low and wait for a better opportunity.

After some time, such an opportunity arose - after the arrests of the participants in the uprising, to whom Aleksey Ivanovich belonged, legal proceedings began. It is here that Shvabrin recalls his long-standing grudge against Grinev and ascribes to him playing on two fronts. However, this time Shvabrin's hopes did not come true: thanks to Masha, Grinev was pardoned by the empress.

Shvabrin and Marya Ivanovna Mironova

Alexey Ivanovich Shvabrin was by nature an amorous man. Once in the fortress, he immediately noticed a pretty girl - the daughter of the commandant of the fortress. Marya Ivanovna was not distinguished by exceptional beauty, she could hardly compete with the first beauties, but she still had pleasant facial features. Over time, Alexei Ivanovich begins to show interest in the girl. It seems to him that if he does not arouse Marya's sympathy, then her parents will convince the girl to reciprocate - the Shvabrin family is provided for, and the Mironovs are dragging out a miserable existence on the verge of poverty.

Most likely, Shvabrin does not feel true love for a girl - for him this is a game, entertainment. Marya realizes this and therefore shuns the dishonest and unattractive person, which causes indignation and irritation in Shvabrin. The appearance in the fortress of Grinev further inflamed relations between Alexei Ivanovich and Maria Ivanovna. Mironova falls in love with a sweet and kind young man, and Shvabrin is unable to rejoice in their mutual feeling, and all the time tries to find a way to defend his ghostly right to the girl's love. Shvabrin's attempts do not lead to anything good: Masha is only more convinced of his dishonesty and hypocrisy.

After the seizure of the fortress by the rebels, Shvabrin locks up the girl and starves her - he hopes that in this way he will be able to break her and get what she wants, but Marya is helped to escape, and Alexei Ivanovich is left with nothing.

Shvabrin and Pugachev

Shvabrin's transition to the side of the rebels seems illogical and absurd. For him, as a representative of the aristocracy, a rich and wealthy person, supporting the rebellion is an absolutely unnecessary and unjustifiably risky business.

The first objective thought that explains such an act is fear for one's life. Pugachev and the rebels are very categorical with people who do not want to serve them, but, as further developments show, Shvabrin was not only guided by the desire to stay alive. Shvabrin disdainfully treated other people's lives, but was in no hurry to part with his own. Seeing how decisively the rebels deal with the disobedient, Shvabrin takes the oath to faithfully serve Pugachev.

He devotedly serves him and his cause - he cuts his hair in the manner of the Cossacks and puts on Cossack clothes. Shvabrin leads himself in a company with the rebels freely and not constrained, he got so used to the role that it is difficult to recognize him as an aristocrat.

It is likely that such behavior of Shvabrin was just a game for the audience - it is unlikely that a person like Alexei Ivanovich truly shared the views and desires of Pugachev.

On our site you can familiarize yourself with the poem "Eugene Onegin" by A. Pushkin.

The image of Shvabrin did not arouse much confidence in Pugachev - Alexei Ivanovich was a traitor who went over to his side. The fact of betrayal should have alerted Pugachev and cast doubt on the sincerity of his intentions, but, in spite of everything, Pugachev makes Shvabrin the new head of the fortress, it is likely that this choice was influenced by Shvabrin's military past.

Thus, the negative image of Shvabrin becomes the background for displaying the actions and characteristics of other characters. A.S. Pushkin, with the help of opposition, achieves a vivid image of the importance of morality and decency. Aleksey Ivanovich Shvabrin was a dishonest, greedy person all the time and as a result suffered for his quick temper, anger and greed - for his involvement in the activities of the rebels, he was sent to hard labor.

Literary criticism about "The Captain's Daughter"

Reading "The Captain's Daughter", condemning Shvabrin's behavior, the reader - for sure - does not think that this work is unique in its own way in Russian literature. The problem of artistic psychology is one of the most difficult and least studied. This problem arose, in fact, together with literature and, therefore, went through a number of stages in its development. In the 20-30s of the XIX century, Russian literature has already acquired real maturity. First of all, in the work of Pushkin, who thus became the founder of Russian literature. Artistry found its fullest expression in the creation of characters - as the most stable, multifaceted and dynamic psychological structures, embodying the uniqueness of individuality. It was on this basis that the formation of psychologism as one of the leading principles of reflection was completed. This happened in close interaction with romanticism and critical realism. After all, their pathos consisted primarily in the reflection of human individuality, in the assertion of its independence, in the display of its flourishing and, at the same time, the injuries caused by the socio-historical conditions of life.

So, it must be assumed that at least three forms of psychologism existed in Russian literature of the first half of the 19th century. First of all, this is the psychologism that arose when a person in general was considered the subject of literature, and the dogmas of normative poetics still gravitated over the writers to one degree or another. However, here it was no longer "high" and "low" that were opposed, but "sensitivity" and "coldness" ...

Pushkin's words in the context of psychologism

The main one was the form of psychologism, which arose with the recognition of the value of human individuality. This contributed to the fact that psychologism finally turned into one of the leading principles of literature (and culture, perhaps), along with humanism. At that time, radical changes took place in social psychology in connection with the awakening of self-awareness in society, with the emergence of an analytical approach to the existing way of life. More and more writers of the 1920s and especially the 1930s came to this form of psychologism.

"The Captain's Daughter" is the author's last word. Our writer began his career, when the process of awakening social self-awareness was directly reproduced in literature, and with this - the recognition of the value of individual uniqueness. Thus, "everyday free thinking" was reflected, according to Yuri Lotman, which was clearly manifested in "riot", as well as "hussarism", "epicureanism", romantic attitude, etc. All these are different manifestations of self-affirmation of the individual. And it is from this point of view that the hero of Pushkin's work interprets such forms of the psyche as "character" and "passion".

Thus, psychologism finally took shape as a principle of reflection in connection with the reproduction of a special state of social psychology: the awakening of the self-consciousness of the individual and the recognition of the value of individual uniqueness. This is how the form that reached its highest development in the works of Pushkin and Gogol arose. Of course, these authors realized this form in different ways, because Pushkin and Gogol adhered to far from identical concepts of humanism and, moreover, dealt with different material of life. With the spread of reflection, in particular skepticism, a transition to a new form of psychologism began, which Lermontov had already discovered. The next step is the psychology of Dostoevsky and Tolstoy ... And, as we see, everything begins in many respects with Pushkin.

Modern receptions of "The Captain's Daughter" and the image of Shvabrin

Above, we analyzed Shvabrin's image in isolation. However, one cannot but admit the fact that literature is a series of receptions and reincarnations. So, we offer an original look at how the image of Shvabrin migrated into modern literature. In particular, we are talking about the work of Viktor Pelevin. In his novel, Pelevin uses the plot of Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter", namely, Grinev's duel with Shvabrin. This duel takes place through a hearty verse to Masha, written by the loving Grinev and the ridiculed Shvabrin. In Pelevin's "Ampir V" the duel actually takes place in poems, different in genre. Mitra writes a sycophantic madrigal, Roma-Rama writes an invective of socio-political sound.

Pushkin and Pelevin carefully describe the rules of the duel as a knightly code of honor ("The Captain's Daughter") and as its verbal imitation ("Empire B"). The duel (the struggle between the heroes for Masha's heart in "The Captain's Daughter") and the dispute over Hera's loyalty (in "Empire B") becomes the reason for further self-characterization of the heroes. Shvabrin, like Mitra, displays baseness and sycophancy. Grinev, like Roma-Rama, reveals, in turn, historical insight, wisdom, honesty, patriotism. The historical insight of Pelevin's hero continues Pushkin's reflections on the reasons for the Russian national-historical "non-identity", the inconsistency with oneself at various stages of social development. For almost two centuries, the hero of the postmodern era, Roma-Rama, continues thoughts about the tragic consequences of the Russian historical chaos, which is based on "violent upheavals". So, the "eternal youth of Russia" is provided by the previous history torn to the ground.

Thus, the Pushkin intertext in Pelevin's novel acts as a consolidating cultural factor that continues the original Russian literary tradition, creates a dialogue between modernity and the golden time of Russian literature, thereby embodying the saving continuity of eras.

Another emphasis: Shvabrin as a double-minded person

The Pushkin system is a classic system of antitheses, when negative characters correspond to positive characters. Shvabrin, as we have seen from our analysis, embodies the characteristics associated with negative figures. Vileness, dishonesty, a tendency to betrayals and betrayals, insidiousness, cruelty, unscrupulousness - all this is about Shvabrin.

When the reader first meets this hero, he finds him in the fortress. Shvabrin is serving a sentence "for murder." Of course, negative characters are usually endowed with a powerful mind, wit, good looks, liveliness of character, and entertaining speech. Pushkin collects in the image of Shvabrin all those features that are inherent in typical villains. The reader becomes a witness of the unfolding drama - not jealousy, but the triumph of a sense of ownership. Shvabrin is opposed to Grinev, a positive character. Grinev gets what Shvabrin could not get. That is, the love of a girl. Dissatisfaction - almost in the Freudian sense - pushes Shvabrin to vile acts: denigrating Masha's name (the same girl, as we remember), wounding Grinev in a duel, finally, the recognition of the impostor-Pugachev as the sovereign, disguising, betrayal ... Shvabrin captivates Masha, trying to force her out marry him. Of course, the story ended happily, and Masha was released from the fortress. However, Pushkin's logic unfolds in the key "offense - punishment", in a literary work justice has triumphed, but in life it would probably have happened differently. Shvabrin, after a series of losses, still tries to console himself with revenge. However, he receives only devastation and a final loss of dignity - as a person.

Roman A.S. Pushkin "" is filled with many interesting characters. One of them is Alexey Shvabrin. And if there are characters among the list of heroes who are cute and dear to the reader, then Alexei Shvabrin was completely different. And all because of their actions and deeds.

Arriving at the Belgorod Fortress, he arrogantly treats all its inhabitants. He neglects everything around him. The only person Shvabrin wanted to meet was. But, their friendship did not last long. Both young men fell in love with the same girl - Masha Mironova. Shvabrin is trying to dishonor, slander Masha in the eyes of Peter. And all because she refused to marry Alexei. Because of such a base act, Pyotr Grinev challenges Shvabrin to a duel. The events of this scene once again confirm Alexei's dishonor. He takes advantage of Peter's inattention and wounds him.

The subsequent events of the novel reveal to us the identity of Shvabrin, the traitor, who easily deserted to the side of the enemy when he realized that he and his comrades would not be victorious in the battle with Pugachev. After a short period of time, he finds himself in the circle of the rebel elders at Pugachev. How base his act is! He broke his oath, which he took during the military oath. He put to shame the honor of the officer, becoming a member of the ranks of villains and bandits. He betrayed his homeland, fatherland, native land and began to serve the false king.

Being in a new status, he takes prisoner and starves the girl so that she would agree to his proposal for marriage. How can a man behave this way towards a woman, who is also his beloved?

Such low, inhuman acts lower and shame the image of Alexei Shvabrin in the eyes of the reader. After the defeat of Pugachev's army, such traitors were brutally dealt with. How could he live after such actions? Wasn't he tormented by conscience, self-esteem. We will not know about this. But, looking at the behavior of Alexei Shvabrin, you need to draw a conclusion for yourself. Betrayal is the most base act that a person can commit.