
Public administration in the social and cultural sphere is brief. Lecture topic management in the social and cultural sphere. Features of public administration of the social and cultural sphere in the Russian Federation

Management is understood as a system of activities that ensure the successful functioning of a wide variety of social institutions - organizations designed to carry out some socially significant activity.

Activities in the social and cultural sphere are carried out by organizations, institutions, enterprises of various departmental affiliations (state, municipal, private, public organizations) and forms of ownership, as well as by private individuals. Further, a firm is any institution in the social and cultural sphere.

Social and cultural management is of particular interest to us.

First, because its technological content reveals all the wealth of management in general - as already mentioned, a variety of firms operate in the cultural sphere.

Secondly, the perspectives of such consideration are important for understanding the possibilities of cooperation with the sphere of culture in other spheres of business activity. The main feature of management in the social and cultural sphere is that money in this area is earned mainly not on the basis of simple commerce, but on the basis of attracting funds from interested donors: sponsorship, patronage, charity.

Third, another circumstance is even more obvious - the growing requirements for the competence of specialists and workers in the social and cultural sphere.

Usually, the specifics of management in the sphere of culture are associated with the specifics of "spiritual production." The "products" of such activity are not so much material in nature as they are associated with the phenomena of consciousness (perception, understanding, etc.), do not lend themselves to direct direct counting, storage.

Their production often coincides with their consumption (watching a play, a movie, listening to a concert, reading a book, etc. A book that is not read, a picture that is not watched, etc., are not artistic values).

Moreover, in contrast to the products of material production that are destroyed in the process of consumption (boots wear out, apples are eaten), cultural values \u200b\u200bin the process of consumption increase their value (the more people read a book, see a picture, hear a concert, etc., the more higher their social significance).

However, cultural services can and should now be understood not only as services directly to visitors, but also to donors who are ready to allocate funds and support this activity. The sphere of culture is a sphere of predominantly non-commercial activity. The main feature of cultural management is that money in this area appears primarily not on the basis of commerce, but on the basis of raising funds, involving the interests of various forces and authorities: government bodies in charge of budget funds, sponsors, charitable organizations and other income ... Nonprofit activity does not mean "unattractive" to the business. All over the world, the non-profit sector is one of the most rapidly developing sectors of the economy.

Moreover, non-commercial activity is more general in nature, it can include commercial as its part. For example, a museum can engage in entrepreneurial activities, open a souvenir production, a printing house, repair shops, etc.

... QUESTIONS: 1. Management in the field of health and social development 2. Management in the field of education and science 3. Management in the field of culture 4. Management in the field of sports, tourism

1. 1. Content of management in the field of health care and social development. Health protection is understood as a set of measures of a political, economic, legal, social, cultural, scientific, medical, sanitary, hygienic and anti-epidemic nature aimed at preserving and strengthening the physical and mental health of each person, maintaining his long active life, providing him with medical assistance in case loss of health.

... Medical assistance includes preventive, medical diagnostic, rehabilitation, prosthetic orthopedic and dental care, as well as social measures for caring for patients. Both of these sides of this right are interconnected and interdependent.

... Social development as an area of \u200b\u200bpublic administration includes two interrelated groups of social relations, relations in the field of labor and relations associated with social protection of citizens.

Social protection of citizens is. function of the state and provides for: the implementation of the right of citizens to social security by state authorities and local authorities; improvement of mechanisms and institutions of social protection of citizens; protection of their life and health, as well as other measures aimed at creating living conditions and activities that meet the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and the norms of international law.

Implementation of social protection of citizens. as an area of \u200b\u200bstate activity includes such issues as pension provision, provision of state social insurance, insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases, payment of benefits, the establishment of disability, the activities of social service institutions and the state service of medical and social examination, as well as a number of others related to social security of the population.

1. 2. System and legal status. executive bodies that manage health and social development. State administration in the social sphere is carried out by the Ministry of Healthcare and Social Development of the Russian Federation and the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare, the Federal Service for Supervision of Healthcare and Social Development, the Federal Service for Labor and Employment, and the Federal Biomedical agency.

The Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia) is the federal executive body responsible for the development of state policy and legal regulation in the field of health care, social development, labor and consumer protection, including the organization of medical prevention, medical care and medical rehabilitation. , pharmaceutical activity, quality, effectiveness and safety of medicines, sanitary and epidemiological welfare, living standards and incomes of the population, etc.

... for supervision in the field of the Federal Service for the Protection of Consumer Rights and Human Welfare (Rospotrebnadzor) is an authorized federal executive body that exercises control and supervision functions in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population, protecting consumer rights and the consumer market

Including: state sanitary and epidemiological supervision over compliance with sanitary legislation; state control over compliance with laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation governing relations in the field of consumer protection; control over compliance with the rules for the sale of certain types of goods provided for by law, the performance of work, the provision of services; sanitary quarantine control at checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation. Rospotrebnadzor organizes the activities of the system of the state sanitary and epidemiological service of the Russian Federation.

... The Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare and Social Development (Roszdravnadzor) is the federal executive body that exercises control and supervision functions in the area of \u200b\u200bhealth care and social development.

... The functions of Roszdravnadzor include supervision of: pharmaceutical activities; compliance with state standards, technical conditions for medical products; supervision over compliance with state standards of social services.

Roszdravnadzor monitors:. for the procedure for the production of medical expertise; the procedure for establishing the degree of loss of professional working capacity as a result of industrial accidents and occupational diseases; the procedure for the organization and implementation of medical and social expertise and rehabilitation of disabled people; for the implementation of forensic and forensic psychiatric examinations; for the production, manufacture, quality, efficiency, safety, circulation and procedure for the use of medicines; for the production, turnover and procedure for the use of medical products; for the conduct of preclinical studies of medicines, as well as the implementation of the rules of laboratory and clinical practice; compliance with quality standards of medical care.

... The Federal Service for Labor and Employment (Rostrud) is a federal executive body that carries out the functions of control and supervision in the field of labor, employment, alternative civil service, for the provision of public services in the field of promoting employment and protection from unemployment, labor migration and settlement of collective labor disputes

The main functions of Rostrud are: control and supervision over the observance of labor legislation and other normative legal acts containing labor law norms, legislation on employment of the population, on alternative civil service; activities for the prevention, detection and suppression of violations of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the assigned areas of activity until appropriate changes are made to Co. AP RF; organization of alternative civilian service;

organization and provision of state services in the field of promoting employment of the population and protection against unemployment, labor migration and settlement of collective labor disputes, including assistance to citizens in finding suitable work and the selection of necessary workers for employers; free consultation, free provision of information and services related to vocational guidance in order to choose a field of activity (profession), employment, vocational training opportunities and a number of others. ... State supervision and control over compliance with labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms is carried out by the federal labor inspectorate, which is part of the Rostrud.

The Federal Medical and Biological Agency (FMBA of Russia) is. by the federal executive body performing: the functions of providing state services and managing state property in the field of health care and social development, including the provision of medical care, the organization of medical and social expertise and the organization of the blood service, the functions of control and supervision in the field of donation of blood and its components , on the organization of the provision of social guarantees established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for socially unprotected categories of citizens, etc.

The Federal Medical Biological Agency exercises the following powers: state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance; state regulation of safety in the use of atomic energy; control and supervision in the field of donation of blood and its components; establishes health requirements for products (works, services), their characteristics, processes of their production, operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal, information about which constitutes a state secret or refers to restricted access information protected in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. ...

2. 1. Content of management in the field of education and science. Education is a purposeful process of upbringing and training in the interests of a person, society, and the state, accompanied by the statement that a citizen (student) has achieved educational levels (educational qualifications) established by the state. Obtaining an education by a citizen is understood to mean the achievement and confirmation of a certain educational qualification, which is certified by a corresponding document.

... The education system in the Russian Federation is a combination of the following elements: educational programs and state educational standards of various levels and directions; networks of educational institutions implementing them, regardless of their organizational and legal forms, types and types; governing bodies in the field of education and their subordinate institutions and organizations.

2. 2. System and legal status of executive authorities,. carrying out management in the field of education and science. State administration in the field of science and education is carried out by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademarks, and the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science under its jurisdiction. Education authorities are being created in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation) is a federal executive body responsible for the development of state policy and legal regulation in the field of education, scientific, scientific and technical and innovative activities in the scientific and technical sphere, nanotechnology, development of federal centers of science and high technologies, state scientific centers and science cities, intellectual property, as well as in the field of education, guardianship and custody of children, social support and social protection of students and pupils of educational institutions.

The Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademarks (Rospatent) is the federal executive body for intellectual property, exercising control and supervision functions in the field of legal protection of inventions, utility models, industrial designs, computer programs, databases, topologies of integrated circuits , including those that are part of a unified technology, trademarks, service marks, appellations of origin of goods, as well as the functions of control in the field of legal protection and the use of the results of scientific research, experimental design and technological work for civil purposes carried out at the expense of federal funds budget.

... The Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Education and Science (Rosobrnadzor) is the federal executive body that exercises control and supervision functions in the field of education and science.

... 2. 3. Organization of state certification of scientific workers. The unified register of academic degrees and academic titles establishes the following academic degrees and academic titles for scientific and scientific pedagogical personnel of the highest qualification: scientific degree of Doctor of Science in the field of science according to the nomenclature of specialties of scientific workers; scientific degree of candidate of sciences in the field of science according to the nomenclature of specialties of scientific workers;

academic title of professor in the specialty according to the nomenclature of specialties of scientific workers; the academic title of associate professor in the specialty according to the nomenclature of specialties of scientific workers; academic title of professor in the department of an educational institution of higher professional and additional professional education; academic title of associate professor at the department of an educational institution of higher professional and additional professional education. ...

3. 1. Content of management in the field of culture. ... is an activity Cultural activity for the preservation, creation, dissemination and development of cultural values. Cultural values \u200b\u200bare understood as moral and aesthetic ideals, norms and patterns of behavior, languages, dialects and dialects, national traditions and customs, historical place names, folklore, arts and crafts, works of culture and art, results and methods of scientific research cultural activitiesbuildings, structures, objects and technologies of historical and cultural significance, territories and objects that are unique in the historical and cultural relation.

Cultural activities in the Russian Federation include the following activities: identification, study, protection, restoration and use of monuments of history and culture; fiction, cinematography, stage, plastic, musical art, architecture and design, photography, other types and genres of art; folk arts and crafts, folk culture in such manifestations as languages, dialects and dialects, folklore, customs and rituals, historical toponyms;

... amateur (amateur) artistic creation; museum work and collecting; book publishing and librarianship, as well as other activities as a result of which cultural values \u200b\u200bare preserved, created, disseminated and mastered.

... 3. 2. The system and legal status of executive authorities exercising management in the field of culture. State administration in the field of culture is carried out by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Federal Service for Supervision of Compliance with Legislation in the Field of Protection under its jurisdiction cultural heritage and the Federal Archival Agency.

The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation (the Ministry of Culture of Russia) is a federal executive body responsible for the development of state policy in the field of culture, art, historical and cultural heritage, cinematography, archiving, copyright and related rights, as well as for legal regulation in the field of culture, art, historical and cultural heritage, cinematography, archiving, copyright and related rights (with the exception of regulatory legal regulation of control and supervision in the field of copyright and related rights) and the function of managing state property and providing public services in the field of culture and cinematography.

... The Federal Service for Supervision of Compliance with Legislation in the Field of Protection of Cultural Heritage (Rosokhrankultura) is a federal executive body responsible for the protection of cultural heritage, copyright and related rights, for control and supervision in this area of \u200b\u200bactivity, as well as for legal regulation in protection of cultural heritage, control and supervision in the field of copyright and related rights

... The Federal Archival Agency (Rosarkhiv) is the federal executive body responsible for the provision of public services, management of federal property in the field of archiving

... 4. 1. Content of management in the field of sports, tourism and youth policy. Sport is a sphere of social and cultural activity as a set of sports, which has developed in the form of competitions and special practice of preparing a person for them. Physical culture is a part of culture, which is a set of values, norms and knowledge created and used by society for the purpose of physical and intellectual development of a person's abilities, improving his physical activity and forming a healthy lifestyle, social adaptation through physical education, physical training and physical development.

To subjects physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation include: physical culture and sports organizations, including physical culture and sports societies, sports technical societies, sports clubs, sports training centers, sports federations, as well as public and state organizations organizing competitions in military applied and service applied sports; educational institutionscarrying out activities in the field of physical culture and sports;

defense sports and technical organizations; scientific organizations carrying out research in the field of physical culture and sports; Russian Olympic Committee; Russian Paralympic Committee; Deaflympic Committee of Russia; Special Olympiad of Russia; federal executive body in the field of physical culture and sports, executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local self-government bodies subordinate to these bodies of the organization;

federal executive bodies in charge of the development of applied military and service applied sports; trade unions in the field of physical culture and sports; citizens involved in physical culture, athletes and their teams (sports teams), sports judges, coaches and other specialists in the field of physical culture and sports in accordance with the list of such specialists approved by the federal executive body in the field of physical culture and sports.

... Tourism is temporary trips (travel) of citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons from a permanent place of residence for recreational, educational, professional business, sports, religious and other purposes without engaging in paid activities in the country (place) of temporary stay. Tourist activity is tour operator and travel agency activity, as well as other travel organization activities.

... Tour operator activity is an activity on the formation, promotion and realization of the right to a tour, carried out on the basis of a license by a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur. Travel agency activities - activities to promote and exercise the right to a tour, carried out on the basis of a license by a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur.

State youth policy is the activity of the state aimed at creating legal, economic and organizational conditions and guarantees for self-realization of the individual young man and the development of youth associations, movements and initiatives.

... The state youth policy is carried out in relation to: citizens of the Russian Federation aged 14 to 30 years; young families in the first three years after marriage (in the case of the birth of children without limiting the duration of the marriage), provided that one of the spouses has not reached the age of 30, as well as single-parent families with children in which the mother or father has not reached the age of 30 ; youth associations.

The state youth policy is implemented in the following areas: ensuring the observance of the rights of youth; provision of guarantees in the sphere of labor and employment of youth; promoting youth entrepreneurship; state support for a young family; guaranteed provision of social services; support for talented youth; the formation of conditions aimed at the physical and spiritual development of youth; support for the activities of youth and children's associations; promoting international youth exchanges. ...

4. 2. The system and legal status of the executive authorities in charge of sports, tourism and youth policy. Management in the field of sports, tourism and youth policy is carried out by the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation and the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs and the Federal Agency for Tourism under its jurisdiction.

The Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Sports and Tourism of Russia) is a federal executive body responsible for the development and implementation of state policy and legal regulation in the field of physical culture, sports, tourism and youth policy, as well as for the provision of public services (including countering the use of doping) and state property management in the field of physical culture and sports

The Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh) is a federal executive body that carries out the functions of providing public services and managing state property in the field of state youth policy, implementing, in cooperation with public organizations and movements representing the interests of young people, measures aimed at ensuring a healthy lifestyle life of youth, moral and patriotic education and the realization by young people of their professional capabilities

... The Federal Agency for Tourism (Rosturizm) is a federal executive body that carries out the functions of providing state services, managing state property, as well as law enforcement functions in the field of tourism

The main directions of state policy in the field of culture. It is not for nothing that inviting an international delegation, the host side strives to show the most striking features of traditional culture, thereby attracting and winning diplomatic guests. Realizing the importance of the development of culture, the state faces the main question of how to carry out the process of management in the social - cultural sphere in such a way to ensure a communicative ...

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Introduction …………………………………………………………… ..... p. 3

Chapter 1 The cultural sphere as an object of management and social development

1.1 The essence of the cultural sphere ……………………………………… ..p. five

1.2 Development of the cultural sphere ……………………………………… p. nine

Chapter 2 Organization of public administration in the cultural sphere

2.1 Structure of governing bodies in the sphere of culture ……………… ..p. 13

2.2 Main directions of state policy in the field of culture ……………………………………………………………… 17

Conclusion …………………………………………………………… .p. 24

Bibliographic list …………………………………………… ..p. 26


Culture is ambiguous social phenomenonrelated to the sphere of the country's spiritual life. Cultural values \u200b\u200brepresent the wealth and dignity of the state.

Cultural traditionslaid down by our ancestors are an integral part of the country's prestige on the world stage. No wonder, inviting an international delegation, the host side strives to show the most striking features of traditional culture, thereby attracting and winning diplomatic guests.

Culture as a complex social phenomenon is a value-normative mechanism of social interactions, which considers its most important task to ensure the integrity of society and social order. Consequently, culture can be called a mirror of society, reflecting the development and characteristics of an entire nation.

In support of the above, we can cite the formulation of the concept of "culture" set forth in Article 2 of the Draft Federal Law "On Culture in the Russian Federation": "culture is a set of distinctive features, values, traditions and beliefs inherent in a society or a social group, which are expressed in the way of life and art ".

Relevance This topic is that Russia - a social state and culture, being an important component in the social aspect of the country's growth and development, requires a special state policy aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and development of a citizen in society.

Realizing the importance of cultural development, the state faces the main question of how to carry out the process of management in the social and cultural sphere in such a way, to ensure the communicative reliability and protection of information about the cultural life of the country.

Assessing the state and degree of development of the research topic, it should be noted that a large number of scientists have addressed the issues of management in the sphere of culture, as a result of which the literature on the issue under study is quite extensive.

goal this course work is the study and analysis of the organization of public administration in the field of culture.

In accordance with the goal, a number of tasks have been identified.

  1. define the essence of the cultural sphere
  2. analyze the development of the cultural sphere
  3. to identify the specifics of state management of culture
  4. characterize the organization of public administration of culture

Object research is the public administration system.

Subject research is the organization of management in the field of culture and art.

Chapter 1 The cultural sphere as an object of management and social development

  1. The essence of the cultural sphere

All sectors of the social sphere, including culture, acquire great importance in the development of social production, influencing the improvement and quality of life of citizens.

Considering the essence of the cultural sphere, first of all, it is necessary to analyze the concept of "culture".

Originally, the term “culture” originated in Roman culture as agricultural skill in the form of cultivation and cultivation of land. The most familiar to modern society is cultivation and cultivation as upbringing and education. Thus, the essence of culture passes into a new channel already as a tool for the harmonious formation of the personality, the search for ways to acquire its human appearance.

Analyzing the sources of domestic humanitarian knowledge, it can be noted that for quite a long time no consideration has been given to another meaning of culture, the sacred. Culture as a cult, veneration, above all, of a religious orientation was an integral part of ancient civilizations. Worshiping the gods, following certain customs were considered the highest value of the worldview of that era. In the ancient world, the term "paideia" (ancient Greek.Παιδεία - education, child formation, upbringing, culture) embodies the unity of the multiple meanings of cultures. The concept that arose in the philosophy of the Sophists in 5 BC, became a subject for analysis by Isocrates and Xenophon and was developed by Plato in the dialogues "State" and "Laws". The essence of Paideia according to Plato lies in the fact that the doctrine of the immortality of the soul is inseparable from the political program of a decent upbringing of a citizen, which is the foundation of the state structure. Thus, paideya becomes not only the meaning of politics, but also the meaning of the life of the soul of a citizen, which boils down to good upbringing, education, and therefore culture. Aristotle continued in the development of the concept in the treatise "Politics": according to the doctrine, the unification of people into a single state is possible only through its education, that is, through the introduction of certain moral mores, philosophy, laws. It was education-paidea that Aristotle considered an important condition for happiness for every member of society. Summing up the analysis of this period, we can say that the ancient man, comparing himself with other peoples, was proud of reason, feelings and the ability to live not only according to natural and physiological laws, but also according to established moral standards. Despite the unstable political situation, when the foundations of citizenship recede before chaos, the culture has developed a purely ataraxic character, thereby preserving its inner world.

Monotheistic cultures, such as Christianity and Islam, develop, according to the principle of ataraxia, the ideals of a person immersed in his inner world, which is now declared to be derived from God. The theological concept says that even the weakest person becomes strong if he believes in one God, thereby becoming an absolute person. Ideological trends brought the foundations of personalism into the cultural sphere. Now culture as cultivation presupposes the development of something more in man, created by the Divine Power. Accordingly, culture is the upbringing of the spiritual inexhaustibility of the individual.

The modern concept of "culture" sees its origins in the philosophy of the European Enlightenment, when interest in the material, material principle of culture is manifested. It was then that we can talk about the emergence of an entire cultural sphere as a subsystem of society. The postulate of I. Kant's philosophy is formed on the idea of \u200b\u200bdividing the natural world and the world of freedom, human world culture. A moral person, which means a cultured person, becomes a free person, he has the opportunity to determine the only correct life path... For the first time, the highest material manifestation of culture in the form of art is determined. Associated with this is the comprehensive development and growth of various types of arts, whose products today make up the rich cultural heritage of European countries and Russia.

Today the concept of "culture" refers to such a set of sectors of the national economy as the social sphere. Social sectors are of great importance in modern world... And culture has a direct impact on the state of the spiritual potential of society. The development of culture as a branch of the national economy is characterized by such indicators as the number of professional theaters, circuses, museums, club-cultural institutions, the number of public libraries, large-scale competitive projects.

The cultural sphere does not have certain cruel temporal and spatial boundaries. Its existence occurs entirely in brotherhood with other spheres of society: material-production, political. Close family ties with the social sphere determine the main direction of culture's activity as an integral implementation, the result of which is a person.

Despite the friendly dependence of all spheres of society, the most significant changes in culture can not always be explained by social and other reasons. For example, considering cultural scientific works, it has not yet clearly been possible to argue the fact that culture did not stop developing even in the most critical periods of the era. It continued its development in a slave society, as well as in the years of totalitarian regimes and dictatorships.

Culture as a product of social life and practice has a huge impact on people. People not only create objects of the cultural sphere, but also acquire knowledge, thus, studying and mastering their culture.

The cultural sphere, on the other hand, is an original, ordered unity in its essence. The processes of functioning and development of the cultural sphere are largely determined by objective laws and are based on certain principles of managing culture and art. The human factor is undoubtedly a component of the cultural sphere. At the same time, the state of health of the population, its intellectual potential, the accumulation of its personal moral values \u200b\u200bwill be an assessment of the functioning of the sphere, and a person's place in the structure of culture will be an indicator of the potential possibilities of its social reproduction.

Along with the creative aspect, the cultural sphere also considers aspects of the assimilation of culture. Thus, it becomes clear that the wider the scale of the created cultural values, the larger becomes the volume of activity necessary for its development and inheritance, transmission to generations.

Society forms and regulates the forms and methods of transmission of cultural values. In the course of history, not only the mastery of already acquired knowledge takes place, but also the further development, improvement and protection of the products of cultural activity.

The fundamental subject of culture is the personality, which reveals in itself all its manifestations. A person, of course, creates his own culture, but the formation of an individual is the result of cultural evolutionary stages of society. Thus, it turns out that culture creates a person under the "supervision" of society. The emotional behavior of an individual is formed in the process of his inculturation, that is, with involvement in the activities of the cultural sphere.

1.2 Development of the cultural sphere.

An analysis of modern scientific research in the field of country development shows that the growing market relations in the Russian Federation, as well as in all countries with a transit economy, require strengthening of state participation in the development of the social sphere, of which culture is a part.

In the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020, a special role in the conditions of a qualitative transition to the path of innovation is determined by an effective cultural policy aimed at saving the nation, and mainly its cultural heritage. Also, the culture of the country, according to the Concept of Development of the Russian Federation, is a determining factor in the growth of human potential.

The designated strategic paradigm of cultural policy presupposes that a single nation can acquire socio-economic strength exclusively by integrating the country's population on the basis of Russian culture through access to cultural values \u200b\u200bfor all subjects of the cultural sphere.

Tracing the development of the cultural sphere of the Russian Federation, it is worth mentioning some of the key issues identified in other official documents. The Concept of the Federal Target Program, called "Culture of Russia (2012-2016)", emphasizes that implementing the tasks of the previous target program, it was not possible to raise culture to the expected level, to expand the forms and scope of participation of state authorities and society in supporting the cultural sphere.

Assessing the development of the cultural sphere in Russia, it is worth noting its certain decline over the last time period as a participant in market relations. This is due to a number of reasons. Firstly, this is the ineffective spending of budgetary funds intended for the development of the cultural sphere. Secondly, the lack of highlighting the main priority areas. In many respects, it also affects the development of the cultural sphere, the existing imperfections of the regulatory framework in the field of state partnership, patronage and charity for culture.

At present, when the country has entered the implementation of a new economic model, the development of cultural industries is characterized, first of all, by the transition from the traditional sphere of culture to the so-called cultural industry. Undoubtedly, such a process is dictated by a change in the way of life due to innovative technologies, a sharp increase in intangible goods in the structure of consumption, which are, for example, media consumption.

Considering culture as a sphere of consumption in direct dependence on the economy, it should be noted that for the period 2002-2009. the number of theaters, libraries and museums, as well as cultural and leisure institutions did not decrease from the volume of the gross product, therefore, it is impermissible to conclude that there is a statistical dependence on the economic state of the country. On the contrary, it turns out that the crisis of 2008-2009. practically did not play a certain negative role in the dynamics of the number of cultural and art institutions, as well as in the activity of their attendance, the only exceptions are cinemas. Thus, it turns out that the dynamics of the number of cultural institutions, respectively, and the development of the cultural sphere in Russia is determined by other reasons, independent of the growth of the economic factor. First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the volume of state investments in the development of culture and art.

It is worth starting to trace the development of culture and the possibility of further perfection in the management of the cultural sphere from a fairly extensive period from 1980-2009. The analysis of this period shows that the decrease in the total number of institutions and the percentage of attendance affected only the institutions of leisure activities and libraries. According to statistics in Russia for the period from 1990-2009. the total number of various kinds of libraries decreased by 24.7%, and the number of registered users - by 27%.

During the years of government reforms related to culture and art, it is worth noting the increase in the number of professional theaters and the expansion of the museum complex of the Russian Federation. It is also gratifying to say that the number of registered museums is constantly increasing and a certain tempo level is maintained. So, for three years, from 2005 to 2009, the number of museums increased by 10%, which is expressed in 254 new units. First of all, the growth in the number affected local history museums, which, as of 2009, make up a large part of the museum complex of Russia. According to Rosstat, the leader in museum attendance is the North-West and Central Federal Districts. But, despite the positive dynamics and growth of indicators and the efforts of the authorities, general state institutions of culture and, accordingly, the cultural sphere remains quite complex.

The peculiarities of the modern development of the cultural sphere can be briefly characterized, firstly, by the change in the system of budget financing and the expansion of the scope of application of various federal target programs aimed at improving the cultural sector. Secondly, the presence of developed competition in creative and especially spectacular industries, such as theater, circus, musical art, has become predominantly new for the cultural sphere.

It should also be said that there is an uneven development of the cultural sphere throughout the country due to the colossally excellent socio-economic development of the regions. It is this fact that does not make it possible for organizations and cultural institutions to attract funds from large investors, unused financial resources of entities that represent small and medium-sized businesses of each subject of the country. And also complex contractual procedures with individuals interested in sponsorship.

The combination of all of the above factors leads to a possible sharp drop in the competitiveness of certain branches of culture, to ineffective distribution of state budget funds, to a drop in the quality of goods in the culture and art market.

Making a conclusion, we can say that at present the sphere of culture, to a lesser extent than other spheres, is included in the key priorities of the state social policy, which leads to a reduction in budget investments in the development of production in the sphere of culture and art. Today, state investments are aimed only at ensuring the main and current activities of the cultural sphere, which are necessary to maintain the cultural heritage.In this case, it is difficult to talk about the full development of the cultural sphere. State guarantees will be safer and more profitable for investors today, which provide not only obligation, but also special property security.The innovative course of development of Russia in the field of culture and leisure remains in the future.

In this case, such issues as methodological support for the interaction of the branches of culture and art with the economic and political life of countries, both in general and in individual constituent entities of the Russian Federation, begin to acquire growing importance. An important role is undoubtedly played by the national cultural policy of the state, which would put culture on the path of a prestigious branch of the social and cultural sphere. Undoubtedly, the development of citizens' interest in the branches of culture will be an order of magnitude higher if the state can develop the necessary support, provide an opportunity to step on the path of innovation and integration with other branches of the national economy.

Chapter 2 Organization of public administration in the field of culture.

2.1 The structure of governing bodies in the field of culture.

Management in the field of culture is carried out by the Government, the system of federal and other executive bodies. The government provides state support for culture and the preservation of cultural heritage of national importance and the peoples of the Russian Federation.

The competence in certain areas of cultural management is exercised by such federal executive authorities as the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Press, Television and Mass Media, the State Committee for Cinematography, and the Federal Archival Service. A certain number of management issues are resolved by unions of journalists, filmmakers, artists and other creative unions, acting in accordance with their charters.

Corresponding executive authorities are created in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Most of the cultural objects are in their jurisdiction. In order to implement the Presidential Decree of December 11, 1997 "On measures to improve public finances", dozens of cultural objects of federal subordination were transferred to the jurisdiction of the subjects of the Federation.

Also, the objects of management are various cultural institutions: libraries, houses and palaces of culture, clubs, cinemas, circuses, museums.

The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, according to the Regulation on it of the Government of June 6, 1997, is a federal executive body that conducts state policy in the field of culture, art, protection and use of historical and cultural heritage. Also, the competence of the Ministry of Culture includes the implementation of state regulation and coordination of the activities of other federal executive bodies in this area in cases established by federal laws, presidential decrees and government decrees.

The Ministry is a specially authorized state body for the protection of historical and cultural monuments, as well as a specially authorized body for state control over compliance with the established procedure for exporting and importing cultural property into its territory, sale of antiques, as well as rules for foreign economic activity in relation to cultural property. The Ministry of Culture of Russia has territorial bodies for the preservation of cultural values.

It exercises its competence mainly in relation to cultural objects of federal significance, the organizational and legal status of which is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. An example is the Russian State Library or the State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "Moscow Kremlin".

The main tasks of the Ministry of Culture are:

Implementation of a state policy in the field of culture, which provides the necessary conditions for the implementation of the constitutional rights of citizens of the Russian Federation to freedom of creativity, participation in cultural life and the use of cultural institutions.

Assistance in the development of national cultures of the peoples of Russia.

Determination of goals and priorities in the development of certain types of cultural activities, professional art, museum and librarianship, folk art, education and science in the field of culture

Development and implementation in accordance with the international obligations of the Russian Federation of systems of measures to prevent illegal export and import of cultural property and transfer of ownership of cultural property.

Implementation of state control over the export of cultural values \u200b\u200bfrom Russia, compliance with the established procedure for the sale of antiques

Management of the activities of subordinate organizations.

The main regulatory and legal sources in the management of culture are Federal Laws, Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation. So, for example, the legal basis for the preservation and development of librarianship is the Federal Law of December 29, 1994, which establishes the basic principles of the library's activities and guarantees the rights of a person and public associations to free access to information, familiarization with the values \u200b\u200bof national world culture and cultural, scientific and educational activities.

The federal law of May 26, 1996 defines the peculiarities of the status of museums, of which there are more than 2,500 in the country. They are created in the form of institutions carrying out cultural, educational and scientific functions of a non-commercial nature. The Government Decree of February 12, 1998 “On Approval of Regulations on the Museum Fund of the Russian Federation, on the State Catalog of the Museum Fund of the Russian Federation, on Licensing the Activities of Museums in the Russian Federation” established the procedure and mechanism for recording and preserving wealth held by museums.

State regulation in the field of archiving and control over the preservation, acquisition and use of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation is carried out by the Federal Archival Service of Russia (Rosarkhiv), in accordance with the Regulations on it, approved by the Government Decree of December 28, 1998.

The Rosarkhiv system includes federal state archives, scientific and other directly subordinate organizations, as well as archival management bodies of the subjects of the Federation and their subordinate institutions.

The list of departments responsible for the development of the cultural industry includes the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Press (Roskompechat), the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Cinematography (Goskino of Russia), the Federal Service for Television and Radio Broadcasting (FSTR) and others.

The issues of support and development of the cultural sphere affect the functions of other government bodies: the State Property Committee, the Central Bank, the Prosecutor's Office, the tax inspection and others.

Thus, the structure of public authorities in the field of culture is a clearly built hierarchy of departments that clearly delineate their competence. From the analysis of these departments, it follows that all components of the cultural industry are under the jurisdiction of special services and committees, which are regulated by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. Also, there are certain specialized federal services that provide management of certain branches of culture.

2.2 The main directions of state policy in the field of culture.

The most important areas of cultural activity are defined in the adopted Federal Law of October 9, 1992.N 3612 - I "Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on culture":

Identification, study, protection, restoration and use of monuments of history and culture;

Fiction, cinematography, stage, plastic, musical art;

Architecture and design, other types and genres of art; folk arts and crafts, folk culture in such manifestations as languages, dialects and dialects, folklore, customs and rituals, historical toponyms;

Amateur (amateur) artistic creation, museum business and collecting;

Book publishing and librarianship; archiving; the television; radio and other audiovisual means in terms of the creation and dissemination of cultural property;

Aesthetic education, art education, pedagogical activity in this area.

IN article 1 of the Federal Law of October 9, 1992 "Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on culture" also outlines the priority tasks of the state in the cultural sphere:

Ensuring and protecting the constitutional right of citizens of the Russian Federation to cultural activities;

Creation of legal guarantees for free cultural activities of associations of citizens, peoples and other ethnic communities of the Russian Federation;

Determination of the principles and legal norms of relations between subjects of cultural activity;

Determination of the principles of state cultural policy, legal norms of state support for culture and guarantees of state non-interference in creative processes.1

Analyzing the tasks identified in the 90s, it should be noted that culture is considered by the state as an independent industry that has no connection, for example, with the country's economy and politics. The list of tasks shows that the state policy in the cultural sphere is aimed only at the preservation of cultural monuments and ethnic characteristics. Innovative development of culture and the process of integration with other sectors of the national economy are not considered a primary task.

The Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 27, 1991 "On the Mass Media", Federal Laws of December 1, 1995 "On State Support of the Mass Media and Book Publishing of the Russian Federation", of August 22, 1996 . "On state support for the cinematography of the Russian Federation", dated April 15, 1998 "On cultural values \u200b\u200btransferred to the USSR as a result of the Second World War and located on the territory of the Russian Federation", Government decree of March 25, 1999 "On state support of theatrical art in the Russian Federation ”and other regulatory legal acts.

Considering the above legal sources, it is possible to determine the primary and long-term goals of the cultural policy of the Russian Federation. So, the priority ones include:

Development of a legal framework that meets new realities, which includes incentive tax incentives for investors in the field of culture;

The action of the means of ensuring the safety and security of state cultural values, as well as the possibility of creative work and the realization of the right to a "free profession";

Establishment of measures that increase responsibility for crimes against the cultural heritage of the country.

Long-term goals are determined, firstly, by the formation of the ideological and moral foundations of a democratic rule-of-law state, and secondly, by the creation of conditions for the development and reproduction of the creative potential of society, as well as the formation of undistorted historical consciousness and the creation of the country's cultural space.

And again, when analyzing the main legal documents, which include the main goals of cultural policy, it is clear that state guidelines are conservative. Nevertheless, the goals and objectives presented in the documents of the 90s are being successfully implemented in modern society.

Of particular interest is the proposal of the Ministry of Culture on the implementation of the main directions of state policy for the development of the sphere of culture and mass communications in the Russian Federation, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 1, 2006 No. MF-P44-2462. The document presents a plan of state policy in the development of the sphere of culture until 2015, aimed at preserving and developing culture, ensuring social stability, economic growth and national security of the state.

According to the Ministry of Culture, the preservation and development of a single cultural and information space in Russia is due to the heterogeneity of the provision of services to the population by cultural organizations due to the geographic characteristics of the country and a number of other economic factors. Thus, according to the Ministry of Culture in this document, the situation generates social inequality in the creative development of children and youth, social rehabilitation of people with disabilities and, in general, has a negative impact on the social well-being of the population.2

Based on this position, the Ministry of Culture proposes to develop standards for the provision of the population with cultural organizations, taking into account the new administrative division. To do this, it is necessary to develop a nomenclature of public services in the field of culture and model standards, industry infrastructure, including in rural areas and in small towns, which should provide for the optimization of the existing network of cultural organizations. Optimization is mainly determined by creating multifunctional institutions - social and cultural centers, cultural and sports complexes, as well as mobile service systems, such as auto clubs, library buses.

Undoubtedly, by optimizing the organizational networks of culture, the state will be able to bring culture much faster and more efficiently to the path of new development - innovative. Perhaps the situation with the lack of the federal budget for improving the conditions of cultural institutions, in particular, in the countryside, will be resolved.

As a tool for the implementation of this goal, the question is raised of improving the system of material incentives for specialists in the field of culture and art. In many constituent entities of the Russian Federation, targeted programs have been adopted to support young professionals working in the field of culture. An example is the Resolution of the Government of the Kurgan Region dated October 14, 2013 "Development of the culture of the Trans-Urals for 2014-2020."

The technical re-equipment of cultural objects is also very important. To this end, the Ministry of Culture proposes to develop natural and financial standards for resource provision of the cultural sphere.

Based on these provisions, given that the main resource for creating conditions for the provision of services in the field of culture and the guarantee of their provision is the activities of cultural and art institutions, it is necessary to carry out activities aimed at modernizing the network of these institutions. The Ministry of Culture resolves this issue by proposing the need to adopt legal acts establishing guarantees and conditions for providing the population with services for organizing culture, including club-type institutions, museums, children's art schools. Undoubtedly, the adoption of legal acts to guarantee the conditions for providing the population with the services of cultural organizations are relevant in the current situation. The provisions on the provision of cultural education and leisure in the country, enshrined in regulatory enactments, will be able to raise the status of the cultural sector among the population as a whole.

The quality of services in the field of culture, which largely depends on young professionals, remains an open question. Development of measures to attract talented youth to work in the industry, which, according to the Ministry of Culture, will expand the range and improve the quality of services in the field of culture, as well as accelerate the introduction of innovative methods of work. The main task in the proposal of the Ministry of Culture is the modernization of the system of advanced training of specialists and the development of standards for personnel requirements. These tasks, in the opinion of the author of the work, are very difficult to implement due to insufficient funding for cultural workers and the general non-prestigious status of professions associated with the provision of services in the cultural sphere. First of all, in order to improve the quality of services and train professionals, the state needs to create the best conditions for attracting young professionals who are ready to work productively.

The second part of the proposal of the Ministry of Culture on cultural policy is devoted to the preservation and development of the multinational cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia. Main aspects of this issue are reduced to improving legislation on objects of cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia, regulating the legal status of especially valuable monuments of history and culture. Of particular relevance in connection with the need to form an integrated approach to the preservation of specially protected areas is the development of a state strategy for the formation of a system of attractions, historical and cultural reserves in the Russian Federation.

Summing up the analysis of the target orientations of the cultural policy of the state, it is worth noting that the course chosen in the 90sXX century, is relevant in a modern setting. The main goals remain to preserve and support the historical and cultural component of public life. In particular, it should be noted that the state provides support in improving creative projects, provides support in the form of a system of state grants. An important role is also given to the material base of vocational education institutions: modernization of premises, provision of special equipment for effective work, provision of the necessary professional tools.

I would especially like to cancel the fact that, based on the proposal of the Ministry of Culture, one can talk about the gradual orientation of the sphere of culture to the market by introducing modern forms of management, creating conditions for adapting the sphere of culture and mass communications to market conditions, stimulating an increase in the share of private financing, including the use of the mechanism partnership, development of patronage and charity. The issue of Russia's integration into the world cultural process through the preparation and implementation of international projects in the field of culture, contributing to the growth of the prestige of Russian culture, is discussed.


Considering culture as a branch of the social sphere, it must be remembered that the main subjects are man and society. Therefore, the organization of public administration in this area should be formed taking into account the peculiarities of social relations.

Having designated the main target guidelines, the state cultural policy should, first of all, satisfy the needs of all sectors of the national economy.

Today we can observe that culture is becoming a powerful lever for the socio-economic development of the country. The wealth of resources, both natural and human, creates a very solid ground for Russia's entry into a competitive international market through cultural integration. The ideological role of culture remains relevant at the present time: the preservation of historical documents, monuments, the education of the young generation with true knowledge of the history of their country will always be the highest goal of cultural policy.

The developed state structure of management in the field of culture, represented by the Ministry, committees and services, creates all the conditions for achieving the main goals of cultural policy. Management strategy and tactics in the field of culture are very complex due to the polysemy of the culture itself and the multilevel structure of its structure.

It is also worth noting that, unfortunately, the most acute issue is still the financing of the cultural sphere. The author of the work believes that the problem of the lack of the federal budget can be somewhat mitigated by dividing the financial functions of socio-cultural policy between state investments and charitable, commercial sectors.

At the same time, the social significance of culture is growing, and at the time of a crisis of existence, it is exacerbated, since the need of society for a stabilizing factor of development, which is culture, is increasing. The activities of the state, which makes a significant contribution to determining the ways of cultural development of society as a whole and attracting appropriate resources, today is the most important prerequisite for the development of Russian culture..

Bibliographic list.


  1. Constitution of the Russian Federation. - M., Legal Literature, 1993.
  2. Law of the Russian Federation dated 09.10. 1992 N 3612-1 "Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on culture".
  3. Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 1994 N 79-FZ "On librarianship".
  4. Law of the Russian Federation of 26.05.1996 N 54-FZ "On the Museum Fund of the Russian Federation and Museums in the Russian Federation".
  5. Law of the Russian Federation of 08/22/1996. 126-ФЗ "On state support of the cinematography of the Russian Federation" (as amended on May 5, 2014).
  6. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 12.11.1993. 1904 "On additional measures of state support for culture and art in the Russian Federation" (as amended on June 7, 2013).
  7. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 01.07.97. 1010 "On measures to strengthen state support for culture and art in the Russian Federation."
  8. Resolution of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation dated 05.03.97. 1189-2 GD "On the draft federal law" On creative workers and creative unions ".
  9. Resolution of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 1997. 2069-GD "On the draft federal law" On objects of cultural heritage (monuments of history and culture of the peoples of the Russian Federation) "
  10. The main directions of state policy for the development of the sphere of culture and mass communications in the Russian Federation until 2015 and an action plan for the implementation of MF-P44 dated 1.06.2006

Educational and reference literature

  1. G.V. Atamanchuk Ensuring the rationality of public administration. M., 2013. - 98 p.
  2. Werner Yeager Paideya Education of the Ancient Greek (the era of great educators and educational systems) T. 2 Translated from German by M.N. Botvinnik / "Greco-Latin Cabinet" by Yu.A. Shichalina, Moscow, 1997 - 203s
  3. Zapesotsky, A.S. Education: philosophy, cultural studies, politics M .: Nauka, 2012 .-- 456 p.
  4. Culture in public life / Per. with him. Z. V. Gorlova. Sci. ed. A.I. Arnoldov. Moscow: Mysl, 1999 .-- 244 p.
  5. Leviticus S.Ya. The role of culture in the formation of personality. Moscow: Nauka, 2009 .-- 123 p.
  6. Mokhov N. Economy, planning and organization of culture. -Voprosy Economics, 2000, No. 9, 55-66 p.
  7. Pakulina, I.S.Strategy of state regulation of the development of the sphere of social services // Izvestiya TulGU. Economic and legal sciences. Issue 1. Part I. Tula: Publishing house of TulSU, 2012. - 335 p.
  8. Rumyantsev A.M. Social and economic problems of our time: 2nd ed., Moscow: Nauka, 2011 .-- 441 p.
  9. Sunik B.V. Material and technical base and provision of cultural institutions. M: Soviet Russia, 1880 .-- 52 p.
  10. Tikhomirov Yu.A. State Science: Problems and Prospects. - Soviet State and Law, M. 1984, No. 6, - 87 p.
  11. Chirkin, V.E. State and municipal management: textbook / V.E. Chirkin. - M .: Jurist, 2013 .-- 320 p.
  12. Shabailov IN AND. Legal regulation of social and cultural activities. Minsk: Science and technology, 2001 .-- 183 p.
  13. Organizational and managerial innovations in the field of culture.- M., NIIK, 2011.- 43-47 p.
  14. Orlova Z.A. Social policy in the field of culture. //

"Guidelines for cultural policy" -1995, - № 5. - 19 p.

  1. Sorochkin B.Yu. and others. Financing culture in the new economic conditions. // "Guidelines for cultural policy" - 2005, - No. 1. - 3-11 p.
  2. Shishkin S.V. Economics and management in the field of culture: search for new models. - M., NIIK, 2012. - 23 p.
  3. Economy and management of culture. // Express-inform. - Ways of restructuring the management system in the field of culture at the territorial level. - 2000, - No. 5. - 12 p.
  4. Onufrienko G.V. Models of Cultural Policy in Market Conditions. (Results of scientific information research). // Material base of the sphere of culture: experience in solving managerial, scientific and technical problems. - Scientific. - inform. Sat, - 2006.-11 p.
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1 Federal Law of October 9, 1992 N 33612 - I "Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on culture"

2 The main directions of state policy for the development of the sphere of culture and mass communications in the Russian Federation until 2015 and an action plan for their implementation

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However, the state structure of the Mongol Empire and the Golden Horde, which had a significant impact on the structure of Russian power, turned out to be practically not studied. The aim of the work is to study the state structure of the Mongol Empire and the Golden Horde.

State administration in the field of culture. Article 14 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation enshrines the right of everyone to participate in cultural life, use cultural institutions, and access to cultural values. The legal foundations in the field of culture are: the Law of the RSFSR of December 15, 1978 "On the protection and use of monuments of history and culture"; Law of the Russian Federation of April 15, 1993 "On the Import and Export of Cultural Property"; Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on culture of October 9, 1993, Federal law of December 29, 1994 "On librarianship"; Federal Law of June 25, 2002 No. 73 "On cultural heritage sites (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation", Federal Law No. 125 of October 22, 2004 "On archival affairs in the Russian Federation" and other legislation.

The main areas of cultural activity: book printing and library, museum, archiving, protection of historical and cultural monuments.

The system of governing bodies in the field of culture:

The Government of the Russian Federation in accordance with Art. 17 FKZ "On the Government of the Russian Federation" provides state support for culture, the preservation of the cultural heritage of national importance, as well as the cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation. The government approves the statutes of cultural institutions of national importance and appoints their leaders by its order.

The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation is a federal executive body that conducts state policy in the field of culture, art, protection of historical and cultural values.

The Federal Archival Agency (Rosarkhiv) monitors the preservation and use of documents from the archive fund, issues a special permit for the collection of documents. The tasks of the agency are to organize and ensure the formation, preservation and use of the archive fund; control over the observance of legislation in the field of archival affairs; centralized counting of documents. Functions of Rosarkhiv: licensing of activities related to working with documents of the archive fund; issuance of permits for the collection of documents; issuance of temporary permits for the export of documents from the state part of the archive fund outside the RF. The archival fund is subdivided into state and non-state parts. The state part of the archival fund includes archival funds and documents of federal bodies of state power. The non-state part of the archival fund is made up of funds of public associations and legal entities of non-state forms of ownership. The law provides for various storage periods for documents from the state part of the archival fund - from 3 to 75 years. The highest official of Rosarkhiv is its head, who by virtue of his position has the status of the chief state archivist of Russia.

State administration of physical culture and sportsin the Russian Federation is based on the Federal Law of April 29, 1999 No. 80 "On physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation." Physical culture is an integral part of culture and is a set of spiritual and material values \u200b\u200bcreated and used by society for the purpose of physical development of a person, strengthening his health and improving his physical activity.

Like any social sphere, physical culture and sports cannot exist and develop without support from the state. The state ensures the development of physical culture and sports, supports the physical culture and physical culture and sports movement, the Olympic movement of Russia in certain areas, including annual financing of activities in the field of physical culture and sports, incl. activities for the preparation of the participation of athletes in the Olympic Games and other international sports competitions.

The process of the formation of government bodies for the implementation of state management in the field of physical culture and sports in post-Soviet Russia has not developed steadily enough. During the nineties of the last century, the regulation of issues in the field of sports was mainly carried out by separate republican legal acts. Physical education issues of that period were not closely related to sports. Physical education was more linked to health care. In the early 90s. XX century. some attention was paid to sports by the President of the Russian Federation, who had an adviser on physical culture and sports. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 30, 1992 No. 1148, the RF Committee for Physical Education and Mass Sports was included in the structure of the central bodies of federal executive bodies, which in the future changed its names. By the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 9, 2004 No. 314 "On the system and structure of federal executive bodies", again in the health care system, the Federal Agency for Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism was created. However, by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 904 of December 31, 2004, the agency was divided into the Federal Agency for Physical Culture and Sports and the Federal Agency for Tourism. Both agencies were removed from the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 21, 2012 No. 636, the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation was created, which was transferred to the functions of the reorganized Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy for the implementation of state policy, legal regulation, the provision of public services and the management of state property in the field of physical education and sports.

In the Russian Federation, the Russian Olympic Committee has been created, which is an all-Russian union of physical culture and sports associations, citizens of the Russian Federation and Russian legal entities, created on the basis of the succession of the former National Olympic Committee of the USSR. The legal status of the Olympic Committee is determined both by the aforementioned law and by the Federal Law “On Public Associations”. The Olympic Committee heads the Russian Olympic movement and represents the interests of the Russian Federation in the international Olympic movement.

Public administration in the field of health care.Art. 41 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation enshrines the right of everyone to health care and medical care. The legal foundations for organizing management in the field of health care are: Federal Law of March 30, 1999 No. 52 "On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population"; Federal Law No. 61 of April 12, 2010 "On Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances"; Federal Law of November 29, 2010 No. 326 "On compulsory health insurance in the Russian Federation"; Federal Law No. 323 of November 21, 2011 “On the Basics of Legislation for the Protection of Citizens' Health in the Russian Federation”; Federal Law of February 23, 2013 No. 15 "On protecting the health of citizens from exposure to second hand tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco consumption" and other legal acts.

Health protection means a set of measures of a political, economic, legal, social, cultural, scientific, medical, sanitary and epidemiological nature, aimed at preserving and strengthening the physical and mental health of each person, maintaining his active long life, providing him with medical assistance in case of loss health.

The main tasks in the field of health protection are called improving the quality and availability of medical care, the implementation of federal and territorial targeted programs aimed at ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population, creating economic and social conditions that help reduce the prevalence of negative risk factors and reduce their impact on humans.

The environmental doctrine of the Russian Federation sets itself the goal of improving the quality of life, health and increasing the life expectancy of the population by reducing the adverse effects of environmental factors and improving the environmental indicators of the environment.

Health care management is a purposeful process of ensuring the effectiveness of the functioning of the health care system under certain conditions and available resources, which is carried out by economic and administrative methods. Administrative methods are characterized by a one-sided direct power influence of the subject of control on the behavior of the controlled. The subject of management makes a decision (for example, on the introduction of sanitary and epidemiological rules, a sanitary and epidemiological regime, certification of medicines, etc.), the implementation of which is mandatory.

The system of governing bodies in the field of health protection includes:

The government of the Russian Federation, whose powers are enshrined in Art. 16 FKZ "On the Government of the Russian Federation". The Government of the Russian Federation is called upon to take measures to realize the right of citizens to health protection and to ensure sanitary and epidemiological well-being.

The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation is a federal executive body that conducts state policy and carries out legal regulation of the health sector, including the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population of the Russian Federation and the resort business. The ministry is in charge of about 200 federal state healthcare institutions on the territory of Russia, the list of which is approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 19, 2012 No. 1286.

The Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing, subordinate to the Government of the Russian Federation, exercises state sanitary and epidemiological supervision over compliance with sanitary legislation and sanitary quarantine control at checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation. The service licenses activities related to the use of infectious agents and in the use of sources of ionized radiation. It is entrusted with the authority to register chemical, biological substances and preparations made on their basis for the first time, certain types of products, incl. food products imported to the territory of the Russian Federation for the first time, biologically active additives.

The Russian Federation has a state sanitary and epidemiological service, the organization of which is carried out by the chief state sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation. The procedure for carrying out control measures in the implementation of sanitary and epidemiological surveillance was approved by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of July 17, 2002 No. 228.

The Federal Biomedical Agency has the authority for sanitary and epidemiological supervision in industries with particularly hazardous working conditions. By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 724 dated May 12, 2008, the Agency transferred the functions of the abolished Federal Agency for Healthcare and Social Development, namely: the provision of public services and property management in the healthcare sector.

State medicine has existed in Russia for over 400 years. Back in 1581, the first state medical institution appeared in Russia - the Pharmaceutical Order. His postulate: the need for state care for the sick and the weak. In 1721, the Medical Chancellery was established, in 1763 - the Medical College, ordered medicine (the prototype of the zemstvo). In the second half of the 19th century, zemstvo, then factory and urban (municipal) medicine appeared.

Public administration in the field of education and science.Legal basis: Art. 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273 "On education in the Russian Federation."

System of educational authorities:

The RF Ministry of Education and Science replaced the RF Ministry of Education and the RF Ministry of Industry, Science and Technology. However, it is not the only executive authority operating in this area. Educational and scientific institutions of various profiles may be subordinate to other federal executive bodies (departmental institutions), for example, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the FSB and others.

The Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science carries out federal state supervision over the activities of educational organizations and bodies, as well as state control of the quality of education in these organizations. The service recognizes education or qualifications obtained in other countries, monitors the education system, determines the minimum number of points for the unified state examination (USE), etc.

The central place in the system of scientific organizations belongs to the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS). It is the highest scientific institution in Russia and is an all-Russian self-governing organization operating on the basis of its own Charter, approved by the general meeting of the academy - the supreme body that decides all the main issues of its activities. In the period between general meetings, the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences operates, consisting of the President, vice-presidents, chief scientific secretary, academicians. The Russian Academy of Sciences unites full members (academicians) and corresponding members of the Academy, employees of scientific institutions. The Russian Academy of Sciences has its own regional branches - the Ural, Siberian, Far Eastern.

State administration in the field of labor and social protection of the population.Management issues in this area have been transferred to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation and the Federal Service for Labor and Employment. The legal basis of social services for citizens in the Russian Federation, the powers of public authorities in this area are determined by the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 442 "On the basics of social services for citizens in the Russian Federation."

The Ministry adopts normative legal acts in the field of labor and social protection, in particular, it participates in the development of legislation on the minimum wage, pensions, benefits, scholarships, compensation payments.

In the field of labor protection and observance of labor legislation by all organizations, regardless of the scope of economic activity, form of ownership and departmental subordination, control functions are carried out by the Federal Service for Labor and Employment, whose officials have the right to issue binding orders to eliminate violations of labor legislation and its protection, temporarily ban the activities of production units, impose administrative fines for administrative offenses under Art. 5.27 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation - violation of labor legislation. The head of the service is the chief state labor inspector of the Russian Federation.

There is a state employment service in the Russian Federation. Its functions include the analysis of supply and demand for labor, accounting for vacant jobs and citizens in need of employment; organization of professional training and retraining of citizens; registration of the unemployed; issuance of unemployment benefits, etc.

In the Russian Federation, an extensive network of complex and specialized state and municipal services for social support, the provision of social, social, medical, social and legal, psychological and pedagogical services has been created, i.e. institutions of social security and social support of the population. Their areas of activity include: rehabilitation of disabled people, prosthetic and orthopedic care, home care for the elderly, issues of maternal and child health and others (see, for example, the Federal Law of August 2, 1995 "On social services for elderly citizens and disabled people" ).

Section 1. General

Lecture 1. Subject, concept, method of administrative law

Lecture 2. Public administration and executive power

Lecture 3. Norms of administrative law and administrative-legal relations

Lecture 4. Administrative and legal status of a citizen of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons

Lecture 5. Executive authorities as subjects of administrative law

Lecture 6. Public associations as subjects of administrative law

Lecture 7. Administrative and legal status of an enterprise, institution

Lecture 8. Public service

Lecture 9. Administrative and legal forms

Lecture 10. Administrative and legal regimes

Lecture 11. Administrative enforcement

Lecture 12. Administrative process

Lecture 13. Proceedings in cases of administrative offenses

Lecture 14. Ensuring discipline and legality in the activities of executive authorities

Section 2. Special part

Lecture 15. Public administration of the administrative and political sphere

Lecture 16. Public administration of the economic sphere

Lecture 17. State administration of the social and cultural sphere

Marina Konstantinovna Toporkova

Administrative law of Russia

(short course of lectures for bachelors)


Chief Editor:


K.S. Belsky. Police Law: Lecture Course - M .: Delo and Service, 2004. S. 6

In the same place. P. 7

Manokhin V.M. Administrative law of Russia. Textbook. 2nd ed, erased. Saratov: IP Er Media; M .: SPS GARANT, 2011.S. 11

Agapov A.B. Administrative law: textbook for bachelors, 7th ed., Revised. and add. M .: Yurayt, 2011.S. 35.

E.G. Lipatov, V.V. Lysenko, G.V. Matvienko, M.V. Presnyakov, S.E. Channov. Administrative law. Course of lectures: textbook for universities M .: Examination, 2006. P. 16.

Belsky K.S. On the issue of the subject of administrative law // State and Law. 1997. No. 11. S. 20-21.

I.A. Polyansky, E.V. Trofimov. Administrative law in schemes and definitions. M.: Eksmo, 2011.S. 40

Belsky K.S. Police Law: Lecture Course. - M .: Delo and Service, 2004.S. 28-32.

Administrative law of the Russian Federation. Resp. ed. N.Yu. Hamaneva. M .: Jurist, 2004.S. 76.

A.S. Tumanov. Legislation on public organizations in Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century // State and law. 2003. No. 8. P.30-37.

Manokhin V.M. Administrative law of Russia. Textbook. Saratov: IP Er Media; M .: SPS RARANT, 2011.S. 69-70.

A.A. Grishkovets. Problems of legal regulation of public service in the Russian Federation. Part 3. Public office and civil servant: problems of legal status. - M .: IPKgosluzhby, 2002.S. 47-48.

Bakhrakh D.N., Rossinsky B.V., Starilov Yu.N. Administrative law: textbook for universities. - M .: Norma, 2004.S. 426.

K.S. Belsky. Police law: lecture course. - M .: Publishing house "Business and Service". 2004.S. 631-632.

Lapina M.A. The combined concept of the administrative process system // Legal world. 2012. No. 3. S. 38-42.

Administrative law of the Russian Federation / Otv. ed by N.Yu. Hamaneva. M .: Jurist, 2004.S. 311-326.

See, for example, the Administrative Regulations for the Execution by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science of the state function of exercising federal state supervision in the field of education. Russian newspaper. 2012.18 July.

Administrative law of the Russian Federation / Otv. ed. N.Yu. Hamaneva. M .: Jurist, 2004.S. 491

  • 6. The right to file a complaint against the actions of state bodies and their officials.
  • § 3. Characteristics of the administrative and legal status of foreigners and stateless persons on the territory of the Russian Federation
  • § 4. The concept and types of collective subjects of administrative law, the basis of their administrative and legal status
  • § 5. Characteristics of the administrative and legal status of commercial legal entities
  • § 6. Description of the administrative and legal status of non-profit organizations registered as legal entities (including public associations and charitable organizations)
  • Topic 3. Legal status of executive authorities
  • § 1. The concept and characteristics of an executive authority
  • § 2. Classification of executive authorities. Types of executive authorities
  • § 3. The system of executive authorities
  • § 4. Powers of the President of the Russian Federation in relation to the system of executive authorities
  • § 5. Legal status of the Government of the Russian Federation
  • § 6. The system of executive authorities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory
  • § 7. Questions of delegation of powers
  • § 8. Regulations for the activities of federal executive bodies
  • § 9. Interaction between executive authorities, between executive authorities and bodies of other branches of government
  • Section 10. Structure and staffing of the body
  • § 11. Administrative reform in the Russian Federation
  • Topic 4. Civil service and the status of civil servants
  • § 1. Concept, legal regulation, types and system of civil service
  • § 2. Public office: concept, types
  • § 3. The concept of civil servants, determination of their legal status, their basic rights and obligations
  • § 4. Restrictions and prohibitions related to the passage of public service
  • § 5. Requirements for official conduct of civil servants. Conflicts of Interest in the Civil Service
  • § 6. Passage of public service
  • Topic 5. Forms and methods of activity of executive authorities
  • § 1. The concept of forms of activity of executive authorities
  • § 2. Normative acts
  • § 3. Individual acts
  • § 4. Administrative contracts
  • § 5. The concept of methods of administration
  • § 6. Licensing in the Russian Federation
  • § 7. Control and supervision in the activities of executive authorities
  • § 8. Administrative coercion
  • Topic 6. Administrative responsibility: concept, characteristics, grounds, measures, general rules of appointment
  • § 1. Concept, signs of administrative responsibility
  • § 2. Legislation on administrative responsibility
  • § 3. Subjects of administrative responsibility
  • § 4. Concept, signs of an administrative offense
  • § 5. Composition of an administrative offense
  • § 6. Concept and types of administrative punishments
  • § 7. General principles and rules for the appointment of administrative punishments
  • Topic 7. Proceedings in cases of administrative offenses
  • § 1. Proceedings in cases of administrative offenses: general characteristics
  • § 2. Persons participating in proceedings on cases of administrative offenses
  • § 3. Evidence used in proceedings on cases of administrative offenses
  • § 4. Measures to ensure proceedings in cases of administrative offenses: general characteristics
  • § 5. Persons considering cases of administrative offenses
  • § 6. Stages and stages of proceedings in cases of administrative offenses
  • Topic 8. Administrative process
  • § 1. The concept of an administrative process
  • § 2. Principles of the administrative process
  • § 3. The concept of administrative proceedings, their types
  • § 4. Administrative procedural legislation
  • § 5. Permission to purchase and carry firearms
  • § 6. Permission to access information constituting a state secret
  • Topic 9. Legality in the activities of executive authorities and ways to ensure it
  • § 1. The concept, essence, conditions and methods of ensuring legality in the activities of executive authorities
  • § 2. Presidential control
  • § 3. Parliamentary control
  • § 4. Control of executive authorities
  • § 5. Prosecutor's supervision
  • § 6. Judicial review
  • § 7. Administrative justice
  • § 8. Consideration by arbitration courts of cases arising from administrative and other public legal relations
  • Topic 10. Fundamentals of sectoral public administration (a special part of administrative law)
  • § 1. Types of management. Industry management
  • § 2. Concept and content of the Special part of administrative law
  • § 3. Public administration in the field of economics
  • § 4. Public administration in the social and cultural sphere
  • § 5. Public administration in the field of administrative activities
  • Topic 11. Administrative law of foreign countries
  • § 1. Overview of administrative law in the United States and France
  • § 2. Features of the organization of executive authorities in the United States and France
  • § 3. Features of the civil service in France
  • § 4. Features of the forms and methods of activity of executive authorities in the United States and France
  • § 6. Features of administrative justice in foreign countries
  • List of recommended literature (normative acts are indicated as of 05/06/2008) Basic literature for all topics of the course:
  • Additional literature to topic 1:
  • Additional literature to topic 2:
  • Additional literature to topic 3:
  • Further reading for topic 4:
  • Further reading for topic 5:
  • Further reading for topic 6:
  • Morozov, n. A. Concept and criteria for the insignificance of administrative offenses [Text] / n.A. Morozova // Arbitration practice. –2003. –№ 12.
  • Further reading for topic 7:
  • Further reading to topic 8
  • Further reading for topic 9:
  • Further reading for topic 10:
  • Further reading on topic 11:
  • Federal executive authorities
  • Judicial branch
  • Morozova Natalia Alexandrovna Administrative law. Lecture course
  • § 4. Public administration in the social and cultural sphere

    The Constitution of the Russian Federation states that the Russian Federation is a social state. That is, his policy is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a dignified life and free human development. In the Russian Federation, labor and health of people are protected, a guaranteed minimum wage is established, state support for family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood, disabled people and elderly citizens is provided, a system of social services is developing, state pensions, benefits and other guarantees of social protection are established. (v. 7).

    The main task of the welfare state, which is at the center of civil society, is to serve the individual and society. A social state is a state that maintains social peace in society, ensuring a balance of interests of various social strata and groups. At the same time, violation or preferential protection of the interests of any social group can lead to destabilization or social conflict. To harmonize relations in society, the welfare state must provide equal conditions and opportunities for self-realization of each member of society 186.

    Self-realization of each member of society implies not only the opportunity to work to generate income, but also the opportunity to engage in science, art, that is, to realize their abilities in the field of culture. It is culture that is most valuable in any civilization. Therefore, the preservation and enhancement of cultural heritage, encouragement of the creation of new cultural values \u200b\u200bis one of the most important tasks of the state.

    In the sphere of social protection of citizens, the main tasks of state administration are to create a system of guarantees enshrined in the Constitution of the provisions, their legislative and economic support.

    Many social functions implemented by state bodies, in this area the state provides state services. Typically, they are provided by agencies, and agencies are subordinate to ministries. The control exercised by the services is also important in this area. With this in mind, we can name the following executive agencieswho exercise management in the social sphere:

    1) Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare, which, as stated in the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 30, 2004, No. 322 187, dedicated to it, carries out the functions of control and supervision in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population, protecting the rights of consumers and the consumer market.

    2) Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare and Social Development... In the regulation on it, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2004 No. 323 188, supervision in the field of health care and social development is disclosed as the implementation of:

    Supervision of pharmaceutical activities; compliance with state standards, technical conditions for medical products;

    Control and supervision over compliance with state standards of social services;

    Control over the procedure for the production of medical expertise; the procedure for establishing the degree of loss of professional working capacity as a result of industrial accidents and occupational diseases; implementation of forensic and forensic psychiatric examinations; production, manufacture, quality, efficiency, safety, circulation and procedure for the use of medicines; compliance with quality standards of medical care;

    Organizations for the examination of the quality, efficacy and safety of medicines;

    Implementation of licensing of certain types of activities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation,

    as well as the issuance of permits (for example, for the use of new medical technologies), the issuance of opinions on the compliance of the organization of production of medicines with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation when licensing the production of medicines; issuance of certificates for the right to import (export) narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors; registration of maximum selling prices for vital and essential medicines in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and for medicines and medical products. And also carries out, in the prescribed manner, checks the activities of healthcare organizations, pharmacies, drug wholesalers, organizations providing social protection of the population, other organizations and individual entrepreneurs operating in the field of health care and social protection of the population;

    and other functions.

    3) Federal Service for Labor and Employment... The regulation on it was approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2004 No. 324 189, which says that the named service is a federal executive body exercising functions of control and supervision in the field of labor, employment and alternative civilian service, for the provision of public services in the field of assistance employment and protection from unemployment, labor migration and the settlement of collective labor disputes.

    4) Federal Agency for Healthcare and Social Development, which is a federal executive body that carries out the functions of providing state services and managing state property in the field of health care and social development, including the provision of medical care (except for high-tech medical care), the provision of services in the field of resort business, the organization of forensic medical and forensic psychiatric examinations, provision of prosthetic and orthopedic assistance, rehabilitation of disabled people, organization of the provision of social guarantees established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for socially unprotected categories of citizens, social services for the population, medical and social examination, blood donation (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 30.06.2004 No. 325 " On Approval of the Regulations on the Federal Agency for Healthcare and Social Development "190).

    5) Federal biomedical agency... Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 11.04.2005 No. 206 "On the Federal Medical and Biological Agency" 191 stipulates that the Federal Medical and Biological Agency (FMBA of Russia) is a federal executive body exercising control and supervision functions in the field of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of employees of organizations certain industries with particularly hazardous working conditions (including during the preparation and performance of space flights under manned programs, diving and caisson operations) and the population of certain territories according to the list approved by the Government of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the serviced organizations and serviced territories), and functions for the provision of public services and management of state property in the field of health care and social development, including medical and sanitary provision of employees of the served organizations and the population of the served territories, provision of medical and medical and social assistance, delivery of services in the field of spa treatment, organization of forensic and forensic psychiatric examinations, blood donation, transplantation of human organs and tissues.

    6) Federal Agency for High-Tech Medical Care... The resolution on him (No. 635) was approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on October 30, 2006 192. The Resolution states that the Federal Agency for High-Tech Medical Aid is a federal executive body that carries out functions for the provision of public services and management of state property in the health sector in terms of the development and implementation of modern medical technologies, new diagnostic methods and the organization of the provision of high-tech medical care (including transplantation of human organs and tissues).

    All listed bodies are subject to Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation... The Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation is a federal executive body responsible for the development of state policy and legal regulation in the field of health care, social development, labor and consumer protection, including the organization of medical prevention, including infectious diseases and AIDS. , medical care and medical rehabilitation, pharmaceutical activities, quality, efficacy and safety of medicines, sanitary and epidemiological well-being, living standards and incomes of the population, demographic policy, medical and sanitary provision of workers in certain sectors of the economy with especially hazardous working conditions, medical and biological assessment the impact on the human body of especially dangerous factors of physical and chemical nature, resort business, wages, retirement benefits, including non-state pensions, social insurance education, labor conditions and safety, social partnership and labor relations, employment and unemployment, labor migration, alternative civil service, state civil service (excluding wages), social protection of the population, including social protection of families, women and children (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2004 No. 321 "On Approval of the Regulations on the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation" 193).

    The Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation coordinates and monitors the activities of the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-being, the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare and Social Development, the Federal Service for Labor and Employment, the Federal Agency for healthcare and social development, as well as coordination of the activities of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, and the Federal Mandatory Medical Insurance Fund.

    The said Ministry, in turn, is subordinate to To the Government of the Russian Federation, which has the following powers in the social sphere:

    Ensures the implementation of a unified state social policy, the implementation of the constitutional rights of citizens in the field of social security, promotes the development of social security and charity;

    Takes measures to implement the labor rights of citizens;

    Develops programs for the reduction and elimination of unemployment and ensures the implementation of these programs;

    Ensures the implementation of a unified state migration policy;

    Takes measures to implement the rights of citizens to health protection, to ensure sanitary and epidemiological well-being;

    Promotes the solution of problems of family, motherhood, fatherhood and childhood, takes measures to implement youth policy;

    Interacts with public associations and religious organizations;

    Develops and implements measures for the development of physical culture, sports and tourism, as well as the sanatorium and resort sector (Article 16 of the Federal Constitutional Law "On the Government of the Russian Federation").

    Examples of the most important lawsoperating in this area are:

    Federal Law of 24.11.1995 No. 181-FZ "On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation",

    Federal Law of 17.07.1999 No. 178-FZ "On State Social Assistance",

    Federal Law of 24.07.1998 No. 125-FZ "On compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases"

    Federal Law of December 21, 1996 No. 159-FZ "On additional guarantees for social support of orphans and children left without parental care",

    Federal Law of 10.12.1995 No. 195-FZ "On the Basics of Social Services for the Population in the Russian Federation"

    Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of public health, approved by RF Armed Forces 22.07.1993 No. 5487-1,

    Federal Law of July 16, 1999 No. 165-FZ "On the Basics of Compulsory Social Insurance"

    Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ "On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation",

    Federal Law of 12.01.1995 No. 5-FZ "On Veterans"

    Federal Law of December 15, 2001 No. 167-FZ "On Compulsory Pension Insurance in the Russian Federation",

    Law of the Russian Federation of June 28, 1991 No. 1499-1 "On health insurance of citizens in the Russian Federation",

    Federal Law of 24.10.1997 No. 134-FZ "On the cost of living in the Russian Federation"

    and many others. In the area under consideration, there is also a huge number of by-laws.

    Administrative reform in the field of social policy directed to improve the quality of public services provided, to transfer part of the functions from state structures to non-state ones, to transfer some functions from state bodies to state institutions, to consolidate and guarantee the standards of public services 194.

    In the field of culture and science, the most important tasksstates are:

    provision and protection of the constitutional right of citizens of the Russian Federation to cultural activities;

    creation of legal guarantees for the free cultural activity of associations of citizens, peoples and other ethnic communities of the Russian Federation;

    determination of the principles and legal norms of relations between subjects of cultural activity;

    determination of the principles of state cultural policy, legal norms of state support for culture and guarantees of state non-interference in creative processes 195.

    Basic lawsin this area are:

    Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on culture, approved by RF Armed Forces 09.10.1992 No. 3612-1,

    Federal Law of 23.08.1996 No. 127-FZ "On Science and State Scientific and Technical Policy"

    Federal Law of June 25, 2002 No. 73-FZ "On objects of cultural heritage (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation",

    Federal Law of 29.04.1999 No. 80-FZ "On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation",

    Law of the Russian Federation of 15.04.1993 No. 4804-1 "On the Export and Import of Cultural Property",

    Law of the RSFSR of 12/15/1978 "On the protection and use of monuments of history and culture",

    Federal Law No. 125-FZ of 22.08.1996 "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education"

    Law of the Russian Federation of 10.07.1992 No. 3266-1 "On Education",

    and many others. In this industry, regulation is also carried out by bylaws.

    Management in the field of culture and science is carried out by the following executive authorities:

    1) Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation(obey him Federal Archival Agency, Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography, Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications). In the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 17, 2004 No. 289 196, dedicated to this ministry, it is said that it is a federal executive body that carries out the functions of developing state policy in the field of culture, art, historical and cultural heritage, cinematography, the media and mass media. communications, archiving, copyright and related rights, as well as on legal regulation in the field of culture, art, historical and cultural heritage (except for the protection of cultural heritage), cinematography, archival affairs, copyright and related rights (except legal regulation of control and supervision in the field of copyright and related rights).

    2) Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation(obey him Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademarks, Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science, Federal Agency for Science and Innovation, Federal Agency for Education). 06/15/2004 The Government of the Russian Federation approved Decree No. 280 197 on the said Ministry, which states that the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation is a federal executive body responsible for the development of state policy and legal regulation in the field of education, scientific, scientific and technical and innovative activities, development of federal centers of science and high technologies, state scientific centers and science cities, intellectual property, as well as in the field of education, custody and guardianship of children, social support and social protection of students and pupils of educational institutions.

    3) By the Government of the Russian Federation... Article 17 of the already named law is devoted to the powers of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science, culture, education, where it is said that the Government of the Russian Federation:

    Develops and implements measures of state support for the development of science;

    Provides state support for fundamental science, priority areas of applied science of national importance;

    Ensures the implementation of a unified state policy in the field of education, determines the main directions of development and improvement of general and vocational education, develops a system of free education;

    Provides state support for culture and the preservation of both the cultural heritage of national significance and the cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation.

    A number of bodies exercising control in the field of science and art are directly subordinate to the Government. It:

    4) Federal Space Agency... In the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 26, 2004 No. 314 198 "On Approval of the Regulation on the Federal Space Agency" it is said that the Federal Space Agency is an authorized federal executive body responsible for ensuring the implementation of state policy and legal regulation, the provision of public services and management of state property in the field of space activities, international cooperation in the implementation of joint projects and programs in the field of space activities, organizations of the rocket and space industry carrying out work on military rocket and space technology, strategic military rocket technology, as well as functions for the general coordination of work, held at the Baikonur cosmodrome.

    5) Federal Agency for Tourism... By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2004 No. 901 199 "On Approval of the Regulations on the Federal Agency for Tourism", it is entrusted with the functions of conducting state policy, legal regulation, provision of public services and management of state property in the field of tourism.

    6) Federal Agency for Physical Culture and Sports... By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2004 No. 904 "On the Federal Agency for Physical Culture and Sports" 200, this executive body is authorized to carry out the functions of carrying out state policy, legal regulation, rendering public services (including counteracting the use of doping) and managing state property in the field of physical culture and sports.

    7) Federal Service for Supervision of Mass Communications,communication and protection of cultural heritage... The regulation on it was approved by the Government of the Russian Federation dated 06.06.2007 (No. 354) 201. It says that the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Mass Communications, Communications and Protection of Cultural Heritage is a federal executive body that exercises control and supervision functions in the field of mass media (including electronic) and mass communications, information technology, communications. (including postal), protection of cultural heritage, copyright and related rights, functions of control and supervision over the compliance of the processing of personal data with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of personal data, functions of legal regulation of control and supervision in this area of \u200b\u200bjurisdiction , regulatory and legal regulation in the field of mass media (including electronic) and mass communications, protection of cultural heritage, as well as the functions of organizing the activities of the radio frequency service.

    The main methods used by the state in managing the socio-cultural area are methods aimed primarily at supporting and developing the culture and social security of the population: financing, incentives, awards; as well as to preserve the existing heritage and the level of services provided: the method of control and supervision, the use of state coercion. In this area, the state provides extensive public services.