
Get to know the work of the cultural institutions located. House of Culture - as a subject of the organization of cultural and leisure activities. What it means to me to be a cultural worker

Travelers' notes, chronicles, memoirs of participants in the war and many other testimonies of the past are contained in books. Books are handwritten and printed. They are of great value to the historian. There is no past researcher who has not turned to the library. Translated from the Greek "biblion" is a book, "teka" is a repository, that is, this word means "book depository".

Studying the sources helps historians to see how people lived in the past. To do this, you first need to collect historical materials, and then carefully check their reliability.

Pictures (photos, drawings)

  • Storing documents in the archive
  • State Historical Museum. Russia, Moscow
  • House-Museum of A.P. Chekhov. Russia, Taganrog
  • Art-architectural palace and park museum-reserve "Peterhof". Russia, near St. Petersburg
  • National Museum. Czech Republic, Prague
  • Kunsthistorisches Museum. Austria, Vienna
  • Uffizi Gallery. Italy, Florence
  • National Gallery. Great Britain, London
  • Courtyard British Museum, London
  • Louvre. France, Paris
  • In the Louvre hall
  • Open-air museum. Italy, Rome
  • Exhibits of the Capitoline Museum. Italy, Rome
  • Cairo Museum. Egypt
  • In the hall of the Cairo Museum
  • Summer imperial palace... China, Shanghai
  • Exhibits of the Shikumen Museum. China, Shanghai
  • National Museum of Anthropology. Model ancient city Tenochtitlan, located on the site of the modern city of Mexico City. Mexico, Mexico City
  • Exhibits of the National Museum of Anthropology. Mexico, Mexico City
  • National Museum of the Republic of Tuva. Russia, Kyzyl
  • Exhibits of the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics. Russia, Moscow

  • In the halls State Museum fine arts them. A.S. Pushkin. Russia, Moscow
  • Museum of the History of Railway Engineering of the Moscow Railway. Russia, Moscow
  • State Museum of Weapons. Russia, Tula
  • In the hall of the State Museum of Weapons
  • Arabic botanical atlas. XV century Princeton University Library. USA
  • British Museum Library, London
  • Handwritten book page. XV century British library
  • Service book. XV century British library
  • José Vasconcelos Library. Mexico, Mexico City
  • Library of the Strakhov Monastery. Czech Republic, Prague
  • National Library of France, Paris
  • Library of Congress, Washington

Cultural and leisure institutions today have an uncertain legal status, which complicates not only their direct activities, but also control activities, as well as the collection of statistical data on their work.

Cultural and leisure institutions: legal status

Cultural and leisure activities do not belong to federal powers, it is entirely the prerogative of regional and municipal authorities.

And if museums and libraries operate not only within the framework of the law on culture, but also within the framework of "sectoral" federal legislative acts - on the museum business, on library and information services, then cultural and leisure activities do not have such a clear regulation and their regulation on the federal level is limited to documents that are advisory in nature.

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In this regard, the collection and analysis of information on houses and palaces of culture on a national scale is difficult and, as a result, there are no centralized statistical data.

For example, in Moscow, at the end of 2014, there were 84 cultural centers under the jurisdiction of the Department of Culture, about 2 million people visited them during the year. This figure is very small, especially when compared with large cultural venues - museums, theaters.

But, unfortunately, the methods of counting are very imperfect, given that the entrance to the House of Culture is always free and free (only events and participation in circles can be paid, while entrance to museums and theaters is always carried out with tickets).

Against this background, some departmental recreation centers became centers of informal, unofficial cultural life. So, for example, one of the best concerts of Vladimir Vysotsky took place in the Commune Palace of Culture, the Moscow House of Culture Energetik was the arena for the performances of Soviet rock musicians, and at the House of Culture. Gorbunov's first rock laboratory appeared in the country.

In the 1990s.

The reduction in budgetary funding affected the entire cultural sector, but only in the cultural and leisure sphere there was a complete refusal of funding: transfer to full self-sufficiency, massive closure of institutions (sale and re-equipment for other activities, primarily trade), transfer to municipal and regional authorities ( which could not always maintain institutions at the proper level).

In contrast to traditional cultural institutions - museums, theaters, libraries, functionally tied to heritage, houses of culture in the face of changes were left without a clear order from both the authorities and the population, and economic shocks further exacerbated this situation.

Shows of dubious quality, random tenants, outdated club formations, religious events (from Baptists to Buddhists), low-level discos, and the like, often completely unsystematic and random activities, undermined the popularity and authority of DK as institutions designed to promote the best cultural examples to the masses. At the same time, the premises were dilapidated and littered.

By the end of the twentieth century.

In this stormy sea, at least two areas of work emerged, which most of the existing palaces and houses of culture managed to preserve - these are circles and studios (mostly for children) and, especially for the older age group. Given the shortage of public, non-commercial spaces and any kind of leisure, especially for socially unprotected categories of the population, these areas of activity have invariably remained in demand.

What should be a club establishment today

The main feature of this industry is the variety of functions - from clubs to concert programs. In fact, the houses of culture are balancing between the concert venue and the center additional education, between educational and entertainment institution, between leisure and education, between leisure and creative work.

Meanwhile, against the background of changes taking place with institutions of a different type - museums, theaters, libraries, which seek to diversify the services provided and engage in educational and entertainment programs, open cafes, souvenir and book stores, etc., the so-called club institutions are located in a winning position.

They are not bound by the obligatory framework for preserving collections or staging performances, are not burdened by academic traditions and are not limited in the formats of activity, as is the case with traditional cultural institutions.

Modern independent cultural and leisure venues that have appeared in large cities (Winzavod Center for Contemporary Art, Art Play Design Center, Flacon design plant in Moscow, Etazhi loft project, Tkachi creative space in St. Petersburg and others ) is also distinguished by interdisciplinarity, openness to a variety of activity formats, active cooperation with creative businesses.


“This year, three more cultural centers were opened in Moscow, modernized in accordance with the principles and approaches worked out in the ZIL Cultural Center. These are CC "Druzhba" (Biryulyovo West region), CC "Severnoe Chertanovo" and CC "Onega" (Golovinsky region). Despite the fact that these facilities are very different from ZIL (both in size and location), the new organization of work has shown its effectiveness.

For example, since the opening of the renovated site of the Druzhba Palace of Culture, the attendance has almost doubled. The circles of scientific and technical creativity are especially popular, for the organization of which the Polytechnic Museum helped to train teachers ”.

It can be argued that new form institutional activities - a multifunctional cultural center - is the most advanced on a global scale. There is one more circumstance important for the development of houses of culture. If museums and theaters operate mainly in large and medium-sized cities, the network of club establishments is still preserved everywhere in small towns and rural settlements.

In fact, houses of culture were and remain the only leisure-time enterprises in many settlements, retaining a significant potential for the broadcast of cultural values. Today, houses of culture have a real prospect of becoming multifunctional cultural centers - centers of attraction for residents.

It is necessary to work out the standards of their activities more carefully - each resident should understand what exactly is happening and will happen in the houses of culture. Culture houses are very different institutions. Among them there are impressive complexes with thousands of square meters, large theater and concert halls and a developed infrastructure.

There are also very small, located on the first floors of residential buildings, only a few tens of meters of area, with very limited opportunities for the deployment of new programs and projects.

This is a very different scale and very different working conditions, but nevertheless, in these cases, common approaches to the provision of services can be identified. Let's try further to dwell on the main approaches to the development of houses and palaces of culture, which are relevant for almost all institutions.

The cultural center begins with a reception area

One of the key tasks of any cultural center is not only to attract, but also to retain a visitor. As interdisciplinary venues, houses of culture offer a variety of activities and activities for almost all ages. Therefore, it is necessary to make sure that the person not only comes, but also remains within the walls of the cultural center as long as possible, takes part in various events and then returns again.

It can be difficult for a person who has entered a house of culture (especially if this happens for the first time) in what services can be offered to him. Ads are chaotic and multidirectional, and there is often no one to ask questions. Adults who have come to learn something about leisure activities for children remain aloof from other interesting "adult" events, adolescents and young people are embarrassed to persistently seek additional information, and the pricing policy of the institution often remains opaque for most visitors.

The first solution to this problem is to organize a reception area. It is important to organize a comfortable stay for all groups of visitors, of all ages, regardless of the purpose and duration of the visit.

How to organize a guest area

Administrator on duty. Set up a desk and staff shift to answer questions throughout the center's opening hours. A friendly reception area, where administrators can answer any questions, issue brochures of interest and provide other useful information, solves the problem of "first visit", provides effective communication between visitors, club leaders and organizers of events who are not always in place.

Of course, administrators are required not only to know the cost of certain classes, but also to clearly provide information about paid and free services, the number of free places in circles.

Cashbox. Ideally, there will be a cash desk in the reception area, which is open at the same hours as the institution. Many busy people simply do not want to run to the head of the circle for a receipt, and then go to pay for it to Sberbank.

The possibility of paying for services with plastic cards is also important, since today this service has become familiar and self-evident, especially for citizens. Inconsistency of service standards with the modern level can scare off a significant part of the audience, especially the young and solvent.

Navigation. Despite the presence of administrators, navigation is necessary even in small rooms. Signs, building diagrams, plates on classrooms and classrooms should be made in the same style, and it is desirable that the style of information messages coincides with the corporate identity of the institution (logo, brochure, website).

This forms a single aesthetics of the space of a house of culture, which is often devoid of integrity, and in many cases spontaneous announcements prohibiting signs and last year's schedules create an impression of untidiness and chaos.

A place to rest and wait. Children are dancing, music is playing behind closed doors, and parents and grandparents are waiting for their children at the entrance. Some parents came with strollers in which the younger children sleep, since there was no one to leave them at home with.

Large recreation centers have wi-fi, comfortable areas for rest and work - chairs, banquets, sofas, and always tables. Tables allow children to draw while sitting behind them, and some parents can pour tea or broth from a thermos for the child, give a sandwich, and have a snack in a comfortable environment.

Additional services. Bookcrossing and board games form full-fledged recreation areas. You can come here in the cold season just to chat, play board games, drink coffee (for example, from a coffee machine, if it is not possible to organize a cafe), work on a computer.

There are no trifles here, all the details are important: the presence of changing tables in the toilets, special stands for babies so that they can wash their hands in the sink, soap, toilet paper, a well-working hand dryer, etc.

We must not forget that such services are included in our everyday life everywhere - at train stations, airports, shopping centers, schools, workplaces - everywhere we see these important little things that make our life more comfortable. Their absence, which visitors simply did not notice before, today causes bewilderment and spoils the image of the site, often much more than an uninteresting event.

The experience of successful cultural centers has shown that, as soon as comfortable zones for visitors appeared in them, parents more often began to bring children to classes, rather than grandparents.

Thus, the organization of a comfortable zone for the stay of visitors also solves an important social problem - it allows busy parents to spend more time with their children.

List of the main types of CDU and their main functions

A type Main functions
House (Palace) of Culture Providing leisure for the population. Providing conditions for development folk art and amateur art. Exhibition activities. Providing conditions for the implementation of social and cultural initiatives of the population. Promoting civic education
Youth palace Providing leisure time for the population (youth). Providing conditions for mass recreation. Providing conditions for the development of folk art and amateur art. Exhibition activities. Providing conditions for the implementation of social and cultural initiatives of the population (youth). Promoting civic education
Cultural and sports complex Providing leisure for the population. Providing conditions for mass recreation of the population. Providing conditions for amateur creativity. Provision of sports and health services. Exhibition activities. Providing conditions for the implementation of cultural, recreational and sports initiatives of the population
Cultural center; social and cultural center Providing leisure for the population. Providing conditions for the development of folk art and amateur art. Providing information and methodological services. Preservation of intangible cultural heritage; exhibition activities. Providing conditions for the provision of social and cultural services and support
National (ethno) cultural center Ensuring the preservation and development of national cultural traditions. Providing leisure for the population. Providing conditions for social and cultural initiatives of the population. Exhibition activities. Ensuring the development of artistic and decorative-applied creativity
House (Center) of Crafts Preservation of tangible and intangible cultural heritage. Development of handicraft traditions. Providing leisure for the population. Creation and distribution of handicraft products. Exhibition activities. Creation and distribution of handicraft techniques
House of folklore Preservation of intangible cultural heritage, exhibition activities. Providing leisure for the population. Study of local folklore traditions
House of Folk Art Preservation of intangible cultural heritage in all variety of genres and ethnic characteristics. Creation of methods for integrating traditional creative skills into the modern creative process, exhibition activities. Providing leisure for the population. Informatization and methodological support of creative processes. Organization and holding of folk holidays, festivals of folk art and amateur art
Traveling cultural centers Non-stationary provision of leisure for the population. Organization of offsite information, exhibitions, festive events. Provision of social and cultural services
Information and methodological centers Providing information and methodological services. Exhibition activities. Informatization of creative processes

New programs and creative energy of citizens

Large recreation centers should become centers of creative initiatives - to revitalize their activities, they can provide, on a competitive basis, a platform for the implementation of projects for everyone.

One of the directions of the circle work, which was once present in many houses of culture, and later was undeservedly forgotten, is scientific and technical creativity. This trend is also valuable because it offers services for teenagers and boys who are not always interested in dancing, singing and visual arts.

The older generation was and remains one of the most numerous and permanent audiences of cultural houses. As a rule, there are choral and folklore studios for older people, and free events are organized. This is an extremely interested and grateful audience, which is growing rapidly throughout the world and in our country, but the forms of leisure offered to it remain limited.

What new initiatives could the older generation join? A demanded direction is the organization of computer literacy courses. This work is already being carried out by many libraries, but the houses of culture should not remain aloof. Cultural and leisure facilities related to local history are of the greatest interest. These are documentary performances based on the memories of the older generation, exhibitions presenting materials from the archives, meetings and conversations where the older generation meets with children and young people. It is important that all these programs are thought out and carefully prepared.

When we talk about programs for the older generation, this does not mean that all programs should be conservative and traditional.


For the second year in a row, the ZIL Cultural Center has been implementing the "Fashionable Catwalk of Mature Beauty" project (clothes for 50+ models). This is a fashion show that is done by professional designers and in which only non-professional models participate - ordinary people over 50 years old. This program has consistently attracted a lot of media attention and is growing in popularity.

What will be the DK tomorrow?

Houses and palaces of culture, which are ready to turn into modern cultural centers, have to solve many problems. Standards, best practices, regulations, guidelines for future development are needed in order to consolidate the professional community of workers in the cultural and leisure industry.

Today, when the main resource for the development of cities and territories is no longer factories and plants, but creative, human capital, it is the houses of culture that are designed to give people the opportunity to reveal their abilities, their talents - regardless of age or occupation. The modern global networked society makes it not so relevant to convey to people a certain amount of information and knowledge, but it puts development at the forefront creativity in a person. And it is the cultural centers, with their wide interdisciplinary capabilities, that are capable of comprehensively and systematically solving the problems of urban and territorial development.

Article from the magazine "Directory of the head of a cultural institution", 2015

Material checked by experts Aktion Kultura

Each cultural institution is designed to become a favorite place for a person to relax, meet friends and acquaintances, and wisely spend their leisure time. Only if the population has a stable interest in cultural and leisure activities, the problem of the audience in cultural institutions will be solved. For this, employees of institutions need to know the mood, interests and spiritual needs of people, to organize work taking into account their motivated choice of types and forms of cultural and leisure activities. In relations with people, one should observe tact, approach individually in each case, taking into account the mood and demands of the audience, with a specific situation, that is, creatively. It is clear that the interests and needs of different age groups of the population differ significantly from each other. Therefore, it is very important to take into account the age characteristics of the population when organizing cultural and leisure activities.

At each age, there is some potential for leading requests, which must be realized at this time, but not earlier and not later, otherwise the requests themselves may not appear. This pattern is especially pronounced during childhood, at a young age. It is at this age that the immediate social environment, as well as society as a whole, should create favorable conditions for representatives of the younger generation to be able, firstly, to master cultural heritage, folklore, folk games, music, the most important moral values; secondly, to realize their creative potential, as well as innate qualities that determine the constructive development of the personality during subsequent life. Therefore, in any society, a huge amount of art, games, fun and entertainment is developed, which are specially designed for the individual development of representatives of the younger generation.

The organization of leisure time for young children requires special attention, when the need for increased physical activity, in cognitive activity, as well as the desire to spend free time with peers for the sake of communication, comes to the fore.

You should especially carefully consider the content, forms and methods of work among young people. The peak of the needs for communication with peers is observed among young people aged 15-25. "With all the importance and strength of the socialization of a young person in the educational and production team, with all the need for meaningful activities at leisure, with all the scale of the growth of the" free time industry "- tourism, sports, library and club business - with all this, young people are stubborn." gets lost "in the company of peers. It means that communication in a youth company is a form of leisure that a young person needs organically."

Young people make up more than half of the total adult population of the country, and among the visitors to cultural institutions, they are in the overwhelming majority.

Therefore, working with young people, children and adolescents is a very important task, requiring differentiated, deeply thought-out, highly professional and interesting work for its implementation.

The activity of cultural institutions among pensioners requires a serious attitude. This is a very grateful audience. With the correct definition of the content and appropriate methods of work, elderly people can become regular visitors, direct participants and activists in the preparation and conduct of cultural and leisure programs, active assistants of specialists of cultural institutions. In many cultural institutions, pensioners are members of public councils, organizers, willingly share their rich life experience with young people.

The underestimation of meaningful and active leisure for those over 50-60 is being revised today. Representatives of the "third age" (as defined by social workers and demographers) do not always want to spend their free time watching TV or relaxing at their summer cottages. Passive leisure is especially unusual for people who were previously actively involved in professional activities. After retirement, they cannot dramatically change their lives and move to a passive existence, which is limited by the walls of the house. Such people need strong emotions, new impressions, maintaining a wide range of acquaintances.

If we talk about representatives of the middle age groups, then organized leisure in any country is focused on them. This takes into account such social parameters of people's life as their place of residence, marital status, the nature and level of remuneration, as well as individual preferences in leisure activities.

Special mention should be made of family vacations. Short-term or long-term rest with family members has always had many supporters. In recent decades, the organizers have been developing out-of-home family vacations. Such types of leisure time organization as family tourism, family boarding houses, family clubs and others are emerging.

In the practice of leisure activities, it is not customary to specifically highlight the leisure of men or women. Many leisure activities tend to be in equal demand among both sexes. Nevertheless, there are leisure activities, to which mostly men gravitate (fishing, hunting, participation in some sports, etc.) or mostly women (handicrafts, floriculture, etc.).

In addition to age, marital status and social status, there are other criteria that make it possible to segment consumers of leisure services, taking into account the diverse features of leisure preferences and requests to the greatest extent. For example, corporate leisure is organized for representatives of the industry, a specific type of business, or conditions are created for recreation for participants in a scientific seminar, company personnel, and the like.

Entrepreneurs and leisure organizers take into account the meaningful leisure preferences of representatives of different social groups. These preferences are influenced by such indicators as the nature of work, profession, level of education, as well as the level of income (high-income, middle-income, low-income strata of the population). The place of residence of consumers of leisure services is also important: residents of a megalopolis, large, medium or small city, town or village. The preferences of urban and rural residents differ markedly.

Representatives of different socio-demographic groups have formed unequal goals, motives, content preferences, as well as behavioral characteristics of spending leisure time. All this affects the organization of leisure and the services that are provided in its conduct.

The network of club institutions is developing in close connection with the rich heritage of the past, traditions and socio-cultural specifics of each region. Cultural and leisure facilities of a club type are subjects of cultural policy in a certain territory (city, district, town, village) to create conditions for organizing leisure, developing traditional folk art, as well as providing residents with cultural and leisure services.

The formation of cultural needs occurs through: cultural and leisure institutions (the number of cultural and leisure institutions), indicators of dynamics, their distribution by forms of ownership, since the content of the event and the formation of cultural needs, territorial location (geographical, human factor) depend on this; the number of attendance at cultural and leisure institutions by type, genre; the dynamics of these indicators; material and technical base of cultural and leisure institutions of various types of affiliation; the volume and structure of income and expenses of cultural and leisure institutions, affecting the quality content and aesthetic equipment. A set of such indicators is a criterion for the development and formation of cultural needs through cultural and leisure institutions.

The forms of club services include cultural and educational, informational, educational, educational, entertainment events, recreation and entertainment events:

lecture cycles, club lecture halls, public readings, lecture-concerts, tribunes of public opinion, reviews (creative, scientific, political, economic), days of arts (science, technology, professions and others), club meetings, cycles of themed club evenings, club kirmash , idea auctions, club quizzes, evening-portraits;

oral journals (almanacs, bulletins), evenings of questions and answers, debates, thematic, discussion meetings, "round tables", club talks;

holidays of the folk calendar, holidays of the historical calendar, holidays of the family and household calendar, folk festivals, theatrical performances, carnivals, holidays of villages (towns, streets, neighborhoods, courtyards), modern civil rituals, New Year's theatrical performances for children and adults, club evenings, club evenings of entertaining leisure, club "lights", club gatherings, dance evenings, thematic programs of discos and disco clubs, days of collective recreation, days and programs of family recreation, complex cultural and leisure programs, entertainment programs, balls, children's matinees, club game programs, contests, competitions, concerts, performances, festivals, exhibitions, film festivals, film evenings, film screenings, film quizzes and others.

One of the trends in the development of the socio-cultural situation is the commercialization of cultural institutions, which leads to the fact that the pace of development of paid services to the population is increasing.

The main types of paid services in club establishments are as follows:

Discos, presentations, concerts, weddings, proms, excursions, entertainment programs, game programs, family celebrations;

Paid circles, studios, courses, "schools";

Host services for evenings and programs, script writing;

Recording studio services;

Sports and entertainment services: billiards, table tennis, gyms.

Statistics show that the total volume of paid cultural services to the population is steadily increasing. On the one hand, this creates certain difficulties in the activities of club institutions and difficulties in the implementation of plans for paid services. Today, often, although freed from "dictate", and at the same time - from standard plans, programs, scenarios that could only be reproduced, some club workers continue to work the old fashioned way: amateur art circles and discos - that's the whole traditional set of club services. On the other hand, this trend leads to the fact that many managers and employees of club institutions are increasingly studying their visitor and his social and cultural needs in their free time, using new marketing technologies for distributing their paid services, trying to act as truly modern managers. The quality of the services provided begins to steadily improve, since people are willing to pay for a high-quality cultural service. The most popular among the population are the following paid club services: concerts and performances, discos and show programs, game programs, recreation evenings, family celebrations, computer center services, services of paid courses, circles, studios (including sports) and others.

Visitors are ready to pay for both specialized club services and non-core services of clubs - rental of premises, rental of sports equipment, rental of video tapes and discs. Of course, in this regard, it is necessary to solve a number of tasks to strengthen the material and technical base of club institutions: it is necessary to purchase equipment, suits, computer equipment and provide an Internet connection.

It is unacceptable that the set of club offers is an average variant, the same for all categories and all levels of the city or village. Since more than 90% of club establishments operate in rural areas, clubs play a vital role in preserving regional culture and folk traditions. Club institutions create conditions for aesthetic, patriotic, spiritual and moral education of the population. It is they who are often the only hearth and center of culture in the settlement.

Thus, we see that the cultural and leisure sphere in the Republic of Belarus has a very developed infrastructure and is represented by the activities of a large number of cultural institutions that are subjects of cultural and leisure activities. A cultural institution cannot function without legal regulation and support of the state policy in the field of culture.

In rural areas, in contrast to the city, the House of Culture or the village club are often the only "providers" of cultural and leisure services to the population. Having considered the forms of cultural services, we come to the conclusion that - the most popular among the population are mass events, concerts, discos and show programs, competitive game programs, rest evenings, theatrical performances, festive events and folk festivals, folk ritual holidays, holidays villages and more. Today the club audience has become stratified, each category (children, adolescents, youth, families, middle-aged and elderly people) has its own requests and needs. One of the most effective ways to optimize the activities of a club institution is a clear orientation of the directions and forms of its activities to meet the social and cultural needs of those age, social, professional audiences that are included in the club's service area. We see that people are willing to pay for a high-quality cultural service. Visitors are ready to pay both for specialized club services and non-core services of clubs - rent of premises, rental of sports equipment, rental of video tapes and discs. We have found out that cultural and leisure activities are activities to meet human needs for leisure. Within the framework of cultural and leisure institutions, conditions are created to relieve a certain tension, the intellectual, psychological, pedagogical and educational and developmental qualities of a person are revealed, initiative and amateur performance are liberated.

What does it mean to me to be a cultural worker?

Home that gives creativity

The understanding of cultural leisure is changing today. And modern clubs are forced to look for new forms of communication with the audience, rethink the accumulated experience, use new mechanisms and principles of work to attract viewers, to organize amateur art, to create a comfortable cultural space.
For me, the House of Culture is a place where I have worked for over 38 years. Throughout them I try to capture interesting moments of certain events, holidays, events in order to reflect in the memory the feelings of people when they reveal their talents, demonstrating joy, sadness and other emotions, for example, in a song, a dance ....
To be honest, for many years I myself have embodied the dream of my youth - singing in a folk song ensemble.
The House of Culture, I believe, is a place where you can relax with your soul, chat, meet friends, play the role of an artist or watch the work of your children on stage. And someone just comes to take a break from everyday life.
In our time, when life is filled with endless difficulties, problems and care, you want something special - light and kind.
On the eve of the professional holiday of cultural workers, I would like to wish my colleagues to keep up with the times, health, creative success in all endeavors, inspiration and happiness.

Lyubov Kaigorodova, leading methodologist for socio-cultural activities MBUK KRDKiD.

We give people joy

For me, a cultural worker is a real vocation, difficult but exciting, creative and all-consuming. The main purpose of our profession is to give people joy.
The profession is difficult, but wonderful, to which I have given over 20 years. Whoever works in culture knows what hard work it is. Be in the public eye on a daily basis, communicate and find contact with people of all ages, views and beliefs. In the evenings, on weekends and holidays to be at work, even at home on vacation, away, just when you walk down the street, come up with something new and interesting.
With our creativity and love for our profession, we kindle hearts, give people joy and good mood, create a holiday, opening the cherished doors to the world of beauty. And our love for the viewer echoes in the hearts of the audience.
We are not given songs and sonnets
Do not compose an ode in our honor.
Maybe the poets have not heard
What a culture worker there is!
Artists do not get up on katurny,
To sing great things
Modest cultural worker,
Glorious village worker!
However, not for a line in the verse
And not in gratitude on behalf of.
We do business, we are responsible
For human souls and hearts.

Tatiana Kulakova, manager
methodological department MBUK KRDKiD.

Let the eyes of the spectators shine

As practice shows, organizational skills, the ability to establish and maintain contacts with people are very important for a club employee. The club employee must have a "psychological flair": quickly and correctly understand people, find an individual approach to them, be tactful and show pedagogical resourcefulness.
In all this, my pedagogical education and psychology education, as well as many years of managerial experience, help me. Nowadays it is not easy to organize the work of three houses of culture and make people want to go to clubs. Our trainee specialists help me in this: Nikolai Vasilievich Cheremnykh and Tatyana Ivanovna Baranova. I really appreciate the positive and willingness to work of our young girls who are just starting to take their first steps in our field, and only selfless and dedicated people work in it, while others simply cannot stand it. But temporary difficulties are nothing compared to the feeling of satisfaction that you experience after a successful event and the shining eyes of your fellow villagers.
On a professional holiday, I wish all colleagues optimism, patience, creative ideas and full halls of grateful spectators.

Nina Norova, director of Rozhdestvensky
the central house of culture.

For this one should live

The world famous French writer and poet Antoine de Saint-Exupery believes that culture is the inner content of a person, which is revealed to him through hard work, beliefs, customs and knowledge accumulated over the centuries. And I share his point of view.
For me, culture is an internal, spiritual component, in which a person lives in harmony with the world around him and himself, realizes his significance. For such a person, for happiness, it is enough just to do what he loves.
If a person does something from a pure heart, with inspiration, then it cannot leave you indifferent, it bewitches.
This is the principle that underlies my work - to serve the culture with full dedication. This is what you should live for.

Galina Pendyur, Head of Department
on cultural and leisure
activities MBUK KRDKiD.

Burn yourself - ignite others

Being a cultural worker is a real vocation, a profession - not an easy one: try every day to kindle others with optimism, kindness, love and hopes!
My profession is exciting, creative and stellar. A rural cultural worker is the most public person. If he goes to the polls, he will certainly be elected by the residents, and he will be a deputy. This is a very versatile person, because he will find an approach to everyone. He is a very sensitive person who can reach out to everyone, and everyone knows him. And if a real professional heads a cultural institution, then such an institution is guaranteed success. In 2014, in the Year of Culture, we received the Diploma of the best cultural institution of the Russian Federation located on the territory of a rural settlement, and entered the 100 best cultural institutions of the Russian Federation.
For me, the work of the director of a cultural institution is a constant creative search, this year I celebrate 30 years of experience in the industry.
Happy holiday to my colleagues - bright stars. And I wish to burn ourselves - to ignite others!

Marina Ivanova, director of MBU
"Cultural and sports complex"
Mendeleevsky rural settlement.

Live work, breathe creativity

To be a cultural worker means to successfully do what you love and understand. Live by work, breathe creativity, relax with ideas!
It means being in the center of the most interesting, exciting things and exciting events! Communicate with people of different ages: keep pace with active and creative youth, gain wisdom and experience from older people, light up little stars of talent in children and help all the bright flame of creativity flare up in front of an inquisitive and discerning audience.
To be a cultural worker means to rely in your work on a close-knit circle of like-minded people and for almost 30 years to be the leader of a choral collective, where each singer-songwriter is dear to you in a special way and is irreplaceable!
Being a cultural worker means capturing and leading everyone towards the intended goal, regardless of fatigue or household chores. This means that your whole family lives with club problems and needs. This means - your own children from the earliest years are in the thick of cultural life and are always close to the stage! This means that all the festive events of the House of Culture are, in fact, your family holidays!
To be a cultural worker means to always try to find something new, unusual, in order to once again give people a storm of positive emotions, impressions, surprise and delight everyone around you!
This means that for so many years to be a colleague of the most active and positive people who know and know how to make the life of an ordinary person diverse and unforgettable!
My dear fellow strawberries! With all my heart, I sincerely congratulate you on the Day of Culture! I wish you health, prosperity, family warmth and comfort! May every day bring you smiles, joy and love!

Institutions are divided into:Budgetary, Extrabudgetary (self-supporting, self-supporting)

Types of institutions:

1 type Club establishments

Rural - urban - departmental - at the place of residence (club young technician) etc. - house of culture

Palace of culture

Type 2 Theater and entertainment establishments

Theater of all kinds - Cinemas - Circus art - Concert halls, venues, organizations

Type 3 Museums

Branch - memorial - local history - museums-reserves - museums-estates (yasnaya polyana)

Galleries - military-patriotic museums (Kulikovo field) - museums of curiosities (kunskamera), etc.

Type 4 Library institutions

Territorial division (district, city, Russian, etc.) - sectoral division (foreign liter, pedagogical liter, medical liter) - educational division (school, colleges, universities) - demographic division (children, youth, for pensioners, etc.) etc.)

5 type Parks of culture and rest

City PKiO - central PKiO - gardens - squares

New types of cultural institutions appear.

Ethnocultural education: essence, functions, concepts, and social aspect. Ethno-cultural education technologies in the context of regional cultural policy

Ethnocultural technologies: technologies based on folk (folklore) culture, cultural traditions, handicrafts, trades, arts and crafts forms of creativity.

Ethno-directional technologies... Technologies for creating international programs for the development and preservation of culture and leisure; international contacts and mutual exchange in the socio-cultural sphere; programs for the revival of the social and cultural identity of the people and individual social groups.

Levels of international cooperation in ethnocultural technologies: state, city, individual enterprises and social institutions, private firms and organizations.

Cartography as a research method, the starting point for the development of ethnocultural projects and programs. The procedure for social mapping of an ethnocultural phenomenon and processes taking place in a territorial-settlement society. Characteristics of the socio-economic situation: the presence and predominance of industry, private forms of economic activity, forms of agricultural activity. Data on population migration and their causes.

Study of the socio-cultural sphere of the region: a network of scientific, research, educational centers and institutions; institutions of culture, art, leisure, sports; the development of professional art and amateur performances, folk crafts and crafts; characteristics and description of local folk customs, beliefs, rituals.

Types and types of model maps: single models, electronic sites, differentiated models by functional orientation: types of folklore, folk crafts, trades; holidays, ceremonies.

Use of information-targeted content analysis of the press, television, radio; monitoring of survey results, ratings of performances of collectives, various amateur groups of the population.

Ethno-cultural technologies are the basis for the revival of national cultural traditions, folklore, arts and crafts, folk crafts and crafts.

Ethnic technologies are a tool for interethnic and international cultural exchange and cooperation.

The main directions of socio-cultural exchange and cooperation between countries at the level of state and public institutions, twin cities, individual regions, territories and republics, joint ventures and firms, children's, youth and other organizations. Carrying out joint actions (festivals, holidays, peace caravans, etc.).

Development technology of tourist and excursion routes based on historical and cultural objects. Technology of local history work

Technology of local history workThe concept of "local history" originated in 1761 (MV Lomonosov tried to conduct regional studies with the participation of the local population, including children). During the existence of the concept of "local history" different content was put into it: in the 20s of the XX century. it was considered as a method of synthetic study of any definite, relatively small area; in the 30s, local history was defined as a social movement uniting the local working population, actively participating in the socialist construction of the entire region on the basis of a comprehensive study of it; at present, local lore is understood as a comprehensive study of a certain part of the country, city or other settlements by the local population, for which this territory is considered a native land. Comprehensive study involves the study of nature, history, economy, population, culture and life.

In the process of the formation of local history, a complex of its directions has developed: state (under the jurisdiction of local history museums, departments and departments of culture at city halls), public (local history community members, tourists, public organizations) and school (students under the guidance of teachers).

Local history is a form of social activity; school of knowledge; school of education of culture and history; School of Environmental Education; school of patriotic education; school of communication of different generations.

Methods of local lore research of "own land"

The methods of local lore research of "one's own land" include: literary (work with literary sources); cartographic (cartographic materials are used); statistical (statistical and economic indicators); field observation method; sketches, photography and video filming of objects; survey of local residents.

Working with literary sources involves the use of various types of printed publications about the study area. They include monographs, reference books, collections of articles, tutorialsas well as periodicals (especially local ones) dedicated to the area and a specific topic.

Cartographic method associated with the study of available maps of the area and serves as one of the main sources of information about their area.

Statistical method consists in the selection of quantitative indicators and their processing, especially when studying the weather, climate, population and economy of the area.

Field observation methodincludes the study of natural conditions, which is carried out by landscape methods. The essence of these studies lies both in the analysis of individual natural components (geological structure, landforms, air, water, soil, vegetation and fauna), and in the identification and characteristics of natural-territorial complexes.

Local population survey methodand personal conversations with local historians, old-timers helps to establish historical and everyday facts, clarify already known information.

Sketching, photographing and filming - inseparable regional studies. The results of photographing typical objects can provide material for the local history exposition and be used as visual material.

Technologies for the development of tourist and excursion routes based on historical and cultural objectsThe tourism industry occupies an important place in the politics, economy and culture of modern Russia. Of the variety of types of tourism (cultural, business, health and wellness, educational, ship tourism, etc.), the most common is cultural and educational or cultural and educational tourism, which occupies more than 60% of group tourism.

Tourists are attracted by monuments of history and culture that make up the cultural heritage of the people. Monuments of material culture, civil and religious architecture, architectural and landscape ensembles and memorial complexes reveal the history of the culture of a particular region or area. Tourists of various social groups and ages are attracted by the opportunity to learn the unknown, expand their horizons, knowledge and intellect.

In cultural and educational tourism, two forms of work organization can be distinguished: excursion and cultural and leisure.

The excursion as a tourist service provides the aesthetic, spiritual and informational needs of tourists. The tour is distinguished by a variety of functions: information function; cognition function; the function of cultural leisure; rest function; communication function.

The excursion is distinguished by the process of visual cognition of the cultural and historical monuments of a particular region and contributes to the satisfaction of the aesthetic and moral and psychological needs of tourists, which arise from the perception of excursion objects and affect the factors of recreational activity as a comprehensive assessment of excursions and the tour as a whole; realization of recreational expectations; creation of the image of the tourist route and its popularity; creating an emotional mood from the excursion (negative or positive, satisfaction, resentment, etc.).

The excursion is also an effective form of teaching in the pedagogical process, which allows the excursionists to instill the skills of independent observation and analysis of the knowledge and impressions received. The excursion is also cultural and leisure work associated with visiting cultural events, concerts, performances.

Management in social and cultural activities

Formation of management

Management is one of the most important spheres of ensuring the life of the organization, but it largely depends on the qualifications, professionalism, psychological qualities of managers. This causes a reasonable high attention of specialists to the analysis of the place and role of managers in the process of ensuring the effectiveness of the organization.

The role of the manager in the activities of the organization should be considered as a direct, personalized expression of the management process, as its most important structural part.

The study of the theory and practice of socio-cultural management, those forms, methods and systems of management that are rapidly developing in Russian reality, will not be effective if you do not turn to the history and mechanisms of their formation.

Without detailing the historical facts and events of the formation and development of management as such, we note two fundamentally important provisions:

1) in each specific type of activity, be it industrial production, trade, consumer services, social, socio-cultural spheres, culture, etc., management has its own characteristic features and specific features;

2) the nature and type of management are associated with the mentality of people of different eras, with systems of religious beliefs, with forms of government and types of legislation, types of industrial relations.

The first written documents revealing the forms of labor organization go back into deep history.

Organization of labor in medieval Christian monasteries, in the workshops of a medieval European artisan, labor and everyday life in the household Ancient Greece described in the Domostroy of Xenophon, the Domostroy of medieval Russia, the political organization of society and the system of governance in it - in the Laws and State of Plato, in the work On the City of God Aurelius Augustine, in the work of Sovereign Nicolo Machiavelli.

The management development process is often grouped into specific stages, which are called revolutions in management... There are five such revolutions.

First stage how the beginning of the emergence of management can be associated with the civilization of Ancient Egypt and, to a greater extent, with the clergy (early III millennium BC). In many cultures of the Ancient World, individual human sacrifices are known, associated with special requests to the gods when laying temples, palaces and fortresses, in cases of natural disasters, etc.

As a gift in primitive society and in the Ancient world, people who were ritually killed could be used, and later material values \u200b\u200bcould also be used, which were irrevocably destroyed in fire, water, broke, and buried in the ground. This procedure of presenting gifts to the gods could not bring any wealth to temples and priests.

Not being some kind of economic entities, the priests, nevertheless, performed a number of functions of leaders, which were determined by the status of intermediaries between people and gods. By interpreting the causes of various kinds of misfortunes to people as divine punishment, and unusual natural phenomena as signs and messages of the gods, the priests had the opportunity to manipulate public consciousness, directing people's activities in the direction they needed, to regulate the norms of social life and rules of behavior.

This activity was characterized to a greater extent as a socio-political management than an economic one. But the priests were not the only leaders, since along with the religious there was also secular power, in the person of emperors, kings, leaders, who often performed religious functions, posing as the governors of the gods. And under secular rulers, the priests served in the role of advisers, teachers, but not as economic leaders.

The beginning of the active economic activity of the priests is associated with the strengthening of temples and their transformation into large economic entities. Temples played a huge role in the economic management of states; in their economic activities, firm measures of weight, distance, volume, interest rates on loans and interest-free loans were established. We can say that the economic activity of the temples became the progenitor of the first functionaries-managers, in essence, the ancestors of the current managers.

Second stage of accumulation signs of management associated with the emergence of secular options for management and the emergence of the first formal systems of organization and regulation of relations between people. This is due, for example, to the publication of the Code of King Hammurabi (beginning of the second millennium BC), the laws of 12 tables in Ancient Rome (III century BC), the laws of Solon in Athens and the laws of Lycurgus in Sparta (I century BC) BC) and others.

And if the Code of King Hammurabi, which consisted of 285 laws, basically still indicated the duties of people to gods and temples and divided society into noble people, free commoners and slaves, consolidated social inequality between people, then in later periods the written laws became formally binding for everyone, but for other ethnic groups in the same countries, unwritten laws had force.

Thus, in the majority of ancient and medieval civilizations, at certain stages of development, sets of written laws appear, which served as the main formally recognized form of organization and regulation of relations in society.

The third stage of management innovation refers to the VI-V millennium BC and is associated with the activities of the king of New Babylon Nebuchadnezzar II, who introduces production control systems in textile factories and granaries by labeling products.

Around this time frame, a system of territorial administration and the administrative organization of the Roman Catholic Church was being introduced in Ancient Rome and Egypt, with the allocation of administrative and economic districts, military administrative districts headed by satraps (governors) and military leaders.

With the emergence of capitalism, the beginning of industrial revolutions, the emergence of hired managers as a special layer of managers who are not owners, is associated fourth stage of formation management of the XVII-XVII1 centuries.

They collected taxes, built temples and palaces, monitored the condition of roads, irrigation facilities, supervised the work of peasants on tsarist and state lands, workshops, but now this type of workers is beginning to form into an independent caste of managers, indispensable in large private and state farms. primarily agricultural.

This was also typical for Russia, when the owners of large estates, factories and factories did not always engage in economic activities themselves and, living in large cultural centers of the country, hired managers to conduct all economic and production affairs.

Fifth stage, which can be called a revolution, characterized by the rapid development of equity, industrial, banking and corporate capital. An administrative employee appears in the sphere of management, who exercises control over the activities of people in production in the interests of private and state property. The owner, due to the scale of production, is no longer able to perform managerial functions and is forced to transfer them to hired managers.

Thus, the origins of management originate in religious and cult relations and economic, organized forms of human activity.

Social, economic-production, commodity-money relations constitute the natural basis of management, which in the process of civilization development gradually acquires the features of social, economic, administrative, economic, socio-cultural and other types of management.

The clearest and scientifically grounded ideas about management as a profession based on the achievements of interdisciplinary sciences and practice were formulated at the beginning of the 20th century in the concepts of scientific management by F. Taylor, the ideal bureaucracy of M. Weber, the science of administration by A. Fayol, who proposed a model of rigid rationalism in management. However, rationalism in management, for all its achievements, turned out to be far from the only, and in many cases not the best method of management.

Already in the 30s of the same century, the limited rationalism of management in science and practice gives way to another direction - the behavioral one, which includes psychological, social, cultural factors as new management mechanisms, which is called human relations, the human factor.

Deepening and expanding the personified role functions of management makes it possible to increase the efficiency of management both in individual organizations and in more complex social systems. In the foreign management appeared, in this regard, special term management by bestsellers, i.e. management by goals or deviation control.

Specificity of sociocultural management

As you know, socio-cultural activity belongs to the non-production sphere, that is, it does not produce material products that form the national economic potential of the country, but it produces a special type of product that has a consumer property.

Intangible production in socio-cultural activities can most likely be represented as spiritual production or the production of cultural, spiritual and social values \u200b\u200band products.

But these values \u200b\u200band products are not only intangible, some of them refer to material values \u200b\u200band products, just as culture itself bears spiritual intangible principles (knowledge, intellect, morality, aesthetics, worldview, ways and forms of communication between people, etc.) etc.) and material (historical and cultural monuments, paintings, sculpture, masterpieces of writing, museum values, etc.).

The material and spiritual cultures, which are in organic unity, are, of course, based on the development of material production. However, the material values \u200b\u200bof culture do not directly relate to the economic category of material products that form, as noted, the country's economy, but represent the highest value - the cultural and national heritage of society.

Spiritual and material products of culture have characteristic value-emotional qualities, thanks to which the cultural and spiritual needs of people are formed and satisfied.

Economic and political transformations in the country, the emergence of private property and market relations pushed enterprises and organizations to commercial activity.

Commercialization also affected the social and cultural sphere. At the same time, the status of non-profit socio-cultural organizations in the market economy is confirmed on the condition of their activities for the purposes of: social, cultural, charitable, educational, scientific, satisfaction of spiritual needs, the development of physical culture and sports, health protection, management, etc. Naturally, all subjects included in the sociocultural system received the status of a non-profit organization.

At the same time, non-profit organizations, including those of the sociocultural sphere, are allowed to engage in entrepreneurial activity, but only within the framework of the purposes for which they were created. In addition, the income received by these organizations from paid types of activities has a strictly regulated nature of use. In this case, one should not confuse such economic categories as income and profit.

Incomeis a source of funds for increasing the efficiency of the institution's activities and is fully aimed at ensuring the development of activities predetermined by the goals of a non-profit organization and cannot be classified as profit and distributed among employees of the institution.

The income of the club institution is used to strengthen the material and technical base, purchase stage costumes and props, musical instruments, technical means, etc.

Income from paid activities is fully reinvested in the development of the organization's objectives.

The entrepreneurial activity of non-profit organizations is thus only half a permitted good. The income received can only be used for the benefit of the organization itself.

But the direct organizers and initiators of entrepreneurial activity are actually separated from the income of entrepreneurial activity. Their salaries are still calculated in the size of the state wage scale for the position held, sometimes with a small additional payment from non-budgetary funds.

The truncated entrepreneurial activity in terms of the use of earned funds does not contribute to the retention of personnel, the low level of wages, poor material conditions of cultural workers reinforce the generally low social status and prestige of this profession.

The mechanism of entrepreneurial activity in the socio-cultural sphere does not work in full force, market relations and entrepreneurial activity in this area exclude the personal interest of employees in expanding latvable types of activity, obtaining a larger income.

The mechanisms of management in the socio-cultural sphere are dismembered into disparate fragments of planning, control, and reports. The lack of an integral system of management mechanisms, the lack of coordination of tasks, the lack of a target setting and guaranteed remuneration, the size of which would correspond to the labor contribution of each individual employee, significantly hinder the development of normal market relations and the necessary management mechanisms

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