English language

School event on civil defense. School-wide event on civil defense quest game "security school"



State educational institution

Secondary school No.


civil defense

state educationalinstitutionssecondary school number 433


20 11   g.


Section I. Brief assessment of the possible situation at the facility as a result of enemy exposure
Brief description of the object. Features affecting the organization and maintenance of the facility
A brief assessment of the possible situation at the facility after an enemy attack using nuclear weapons, conventional modern weapons and the actions of sabotage reconnaissance groups (DRG)
Conclusions from the assessment of the possible situation.
Section II. Implementation of civil defense measures at the facility with the systematic bringing it up to date.
Organization, scope and timing of activities according to the degree of readiness of civil defense
2.1.1. Priority activities of the 1st group
2.1.2. Priority activities of the 2nd group
2.1.3. General Readiness Activities
  Organization of the protection of staff and students
2.2.1. Organization of shelter in protective structures
2.2.2. Organization of radiation and chemical protection
2.2.3. Organization of medical protection
Organization of management and communications
Organization of the implementation of measures to increase the sustainability of the GOU, carried out with the implementation of GO plans
Organization and implementation of ASDNR
Organization of the main types of support for civil defense activities (intelligence, engineering, technical, fire, medical support, public order protection)
Organization of interaction with bodies of the military command and territorial formations of civil defense
Section III. Implementation of measures at the facility in case of a surprise attack by the enemy
Organization and conduct of events on an air danger signal (“Air alert”)


The main indicators of the state of GO facility as of January 1, 2011. Appendix 1 on ____ sheets
Possible situation on the territory of the object. Appendix 2 on ____ sheets
Schedule for the implementation of the main activities of civil defense during the transfer of the facility from peacetime to wartime. Appendix 3 on ____ sheets
Action Plan for the Protection of Personnel and the Organization of ASDNR. Appendix 4 on ____ sheets
Calculation of shelter for facility personnel and family members in protective structures at the facility and in the suburban area. Appendix 5 on ____ sheets
The calculation of the alertness of protective structures. Appendix 6 on ____ sheets
The calculation of the evacuation measures. Appendix 7 on ____ sheets
Schedule for increasing measures to increase the sustainability of the facility in wartime. Appendix 8 on ____ sheets
The composition of the forces and assets of the civil defense facility. Appendix 9 on ____ sheets
10 10. Calculation of collateral and the procedure for issuing personal protective equipment to facility personnel. Appendix 10 on ____ sheets
10 11. Control, communication and notification schemes. Appendix 11 on ____ sheets


Rescue, other urgent work;

Emergency rescue teams;

Emergency chemically hazardous substance;

Civil defense;

Sabotage reconnaissance groups

Single duty dispatch service;

Command post;

Flammable liquids

Head of Civil Defense;

Emergency rescue teams

Civil Defense Chief of Staff

Duty Officer;

Weapons of mass destruction;

Protective structure services;

Potentially dangerous object;

Search and rescue team;

Search and Rescue Service;

Command centre;

Fire Department;

Radiation, chemical, biological protection;

Individual protection means

Northwest District Office of Education

Chemically hazardous facility;


Brief assessment of the possible situation

as a result of enemy action

1.1. Brief description of the object. Features affecting the organization and maintenance of civil defense at the facility.

State educational institution secondary school № 433   located in the area Falcon Hill, Eastern Administrative District of Moscow and has departmental affiliation with the Eastern District Office of Education, Department of Education of the city of Moscow.

Postal address - 105118 Moscow, st. Falcon mountains 5th St., 5 bld. 1

Phone - 495-365-18-55, fax - 495-365-20-12.

Director - Yafyasov Shikur Abdulkhakovich (tel. 495-365-18-55).

Deputy Director of Security - Allahverdyan Sergey Artemovich   (tel. 495-365-18-55 ).

Chief of Staff of Civil Defense - Yafyasov Shikur Abdulkhakovich (tel. 495-365-18-55 ).

Type of ownership - state.

The profile of the activity is educational.

The number of school employees is 47   people, of which: administrative apparatus - 6   people, primary school teachers 6   people, high school teachers 24   people, technical and service personnel 6   people School staffing 100 %.

Studying at school 351   students, among them 102   people in elementary grades 249   people in high school, school staffing 96 %.

The main operating mode of GOU No. 433 - in one shift with 7   hour. 30   min before 19 hour. 30   min (from 15   hours to 19   hours - additional education circles work).

GOU № 433   A typical detached brick building, consisting of a 5-storey building with a technical basement. The number of entrances to the building is 5.

Territory description: - The area occupied by the school, buildings and courtyard is 6352   m 2.; - total area - 2965,5   m 2; - built-up area - 3386,5   m 2 47   % - the perimeter of the entire territory is - 203   m .;

The size of the sanitary protection zone is 203   m .;

The fence around the entire perimeter of the school is made in the form of a fence made of metal profile in height 2 m. and length 203   m .; - entrance to the territory is carried out through 2   gates; - entry and exit to the territory are carried out through 3   the gate. Protection of the enterprise is carried out around the clock and is carried out on the basis of an agreement with LLC CHOP " Saturn»From 28 december2010 are constantly serving - 2   person. On the territory of GOU № 433   there is one shelter with a capacity of _____ people that meets the standards of IT IHO (there are no civil defense defenses.). For the complete shelter of staff and students in a special period, it is planned to prepare the basement to the level of radiation protection shelter for ____ people. Shelter of staff and students in case of a sudden attack by the enemy is planned in the shelter at Semenovskaya Square, Metro Semenovskaya - 2,4   km. The time of evacuation of staff and students to the nearest shelter (metro station Semenovskaya   makes up 30   minutes. The adjacent buildings are dense, multi-storey, mainly residential and administrative sectors. GOU № 433   located within the district Falcon Hill   and is provided with heat, water and electricity along district highways.   Water supply: water GOU № 433   it is provided at the expense of the Eastern water treatment station, located in the Eastern District, from the GUP Mosvodokanal system. To ensure the creation of a water supply, canteen tanks and auxiliary capacities of utility rooms in volume can be used: for the supply of drinking water - 100 l .; for stocking process water 200   l Power supply:   electricity GOU № 433 is provided from the district’s power supply system, which has 1 thermal power plant (TPP- 11   Branch of Mosenergo OJSC) and 1   substation (110 kW - 220 kV). District Falcon Hill   serves 18   cable network area of \u200b\u200bJSC "MOESK". The electrical distribution network in the territory of VAO Moscow is served by the Office of Cable Networks of VAO Moscow (UKS VAO). The main power supply of the school is provided by two mutually redundant cable lines from various sections of the transformer substation. The voltage of the electric network is 220 V. The electrical equipment and materials used are of domestic manufacture and have certificates of compliance with Russian standards. The electrical circuit of the school makes it possible to block consumers. Transformers and switchboards are located in the room of the switchboard room located on the first floor of the building, in the field of view of security officers. Emergency power supply systems in GOU № 433   not. In case of accidents, rechargeable flashlights in the amount of 2   PC. Heat supply: heat and hot water supply GOU № 433   provided from district heating networks, which are serviced by branch No. 4 « Oriental»OJSC" MOEK " . Belong to him 4   quarterly heat stations (KTS), 8   small boiler room (MK), ____   autonomous fuel sources (AIT), 1   district thermal station (RTS). Diameter of the used pipes: on the main networks 200-1400   mm, on yard networks and heating networks of subscribers, from 57 to 250 mm. Temperature and pressure of heat carriers - direct heat carrier - 150-50 ºСwith pressure 5-12 atm; - reverse heat carrier - 70-50 ºСwith pressure 2-5 atm. There are no fire hydrants on the territory of GOU № (at a distance of 200 m from GOU there is a fire hydrant) and at a distance -   m. from GOU fire reservoir (not available) in GOU № 433   By order of the director, the following were created: - Civil Defense Headquarters - Order No. 5a   from 01 .september.2010 year.; - Emergency Rescue Units (NASF) - Order No. 5 B   from 01 .september.   2010:

    6   people

    Link 5   people

    Sanitary post - 4   people

    8   people

6   people 6. The link for servicing shelters and shelters (in the presence of shelters and shelters) - -   people 7. Emergency and technical unit - 4 3   people To ensure the protection of staff and students in GOU № 433   there is:

Filter gas masks (GP-5, GP-7).

Children's gas masks of PDF-Sh, PDF - pC.

Respirators (type) - pcs.

Gas smoke protection kit - 100 pcs.

cotton gauze dressings 400   PC.

Devices of radiation, chemical reconnaissance and dosimetric control 2   PC. of them 1- DP-28V   and 1 DP-63.

To alert employees about the threat of an enemy attack in GOU № 433 there are:

      sirens -   PC. ; manual electric siren installations; Object broadcasting network - not available. telephone communication - 4 numbers: 1. director, secretary and deputy. Security Directors - t. 495-365-18-55, 495-365-20-12, deputy. Director for OIA; t. 495-365-17-66, t., chief accountant 495-365-34-06. 14 TVs for receiving information on the Moscow City Relay Network (MGTRS) on the first, third channel; GHS (loud-speaking network) in each room of the building - -   speakers controlled by the security service and the director of GOU; Public address system in GOU № 433 1   minutes.
433   during events, civil defense is carried out from a control point located in the director’s office (secretary, asylum). Contact with the control center of HEUO and the district - by phone.

On the organization and maintenance of civil defense in state educational institution No.433   The following features may affect:

1. The high density of development adjacent to GOU territory, the presence of multi-storey buildings and structures, which can lead to a large number of blockages and the difficulty of passage and passage through the territory;

2. The possible occurrence of a secondary lesion as a result of the destruction of potentially dangerous objects;

Radiation Hazardous Objects

Object name,

legal address

Name of hazardous


Area Area


Distance from GOU


radionuclides and IAC

Radioactive substances

Chemically hazardous objects: in the territory of the Eastern Administrative District are absent.The territory of GOU № 433   may end up in chemical damage zone   in case of accident on Linde Gas Rus OJSC, Moscow Region, Balashikha, ul. Belyakova, 2a   Central Administrative District.

Chemically hazardous facilities affecting the territory of the State Educational Institution ___

p / p

Object name,

legal address



The number of AHOV, t

Distance from GOU



Vostochnaya water treatment station, PU "Mosvodopodgotovka", (Vostochny settlement, Zapadnaya St., 4) tel. 499-780-15-03

OJSC Trading House Preobrazhensky (Open highway, 1/3

OJSC Cherkizovsky Meat Processing Plant (Permskaya St., 5) 499-162-32-48

State Unitary Enterprise EZ “Khladoprodukt” (Perm street 7) 499-167-82-11

CJSC Victoria (1 Amurskaya St.) 499-462-03-11

Fire and explosion hazard objects

p / p



legal address,


fire and explosion hazardous substances



Area Area


Distance from GOU

Alfaplastik Association OJSC, (4th Prospect Podbelsky, 3) 499-160-94-11

Carbon black

Natural Gas Petrol

CHPP-23 branch of Mosenergo, ul. Mounting, ¼) 499-167-70-00

Turbine oil

Transformer oil


Territory Enterprise

Federal State Unitary Enterprise MMPP Salyut (16 Budenny pr.) 499-785-84-68

Liquid fuel


Kuskovsky 495-266-66-90 w-grease

Industrial oil

Biohazardous objects

p / p


object, legal address

The type (type) is exciting.

Distance from GOU (km.)

NIIEM them. N.F. Gamalei RAMS 123098, Moscow Gamalei, 18 193-30-01, f. 193-61-83

Brucellosis tularemia

GUNII virology them. D.I. Ivanovsky 123098, Moscow, st. Gamalei, 16 T. 190-76-96



3. The presence near the GOU (at a distance of one kilometer) of the object, in the case of destruction on which (tanks with AHOV, the occurrence of fires, etc.), the formation of secondary damaging factors is possible.

FROMnorth of 200 meters of gas station No.__, 250 m - factory __________, 500 m - 72 km. MKAD, (factory, dry cleaning, tire fitting, building materials store, paint and varnish materials store, shopping center, warehouse, customs terminal, police department No. ____, military unit No. ___, major highways, etc.) northeast - 100 m. - ______ 250 m. - ________ 850 m. --______ east - 100 m. - ______ 250 m. - ________ 350 m. --______ southeast - 100 m. - ______ 250 m. - ________ 350 m. --______ south - 100 m. . - ______ 250 m. - ________ 350 m. ______ southwest - 100 m. - ______ 250 m. ________ 350 m. ______ west - 100 m. - ______ 250 m. - ________ 350 m. ______ north -western - 100 m. - ______ 250 m. - ________ 350 m. -______ northeast - 100 m. - ______ 250 m. - ________ 350 m. -______ The greatest danger as a secondary factor of defeat for GOU №433   present:

    Water treatment station (chlorine - 170 t. 10,7   km);

    Refinery (ammonia - 1,7   t 2,41   km);

    CJSC Victoria (ammonia - 1.0 t. 3,6   km);

    OJSC Trading House Preobrazhensky (ammonia -   32 t. 3.9   Km

1.2. A brief assessment of the possible situation on the territory and facility after an enemy attack using nuclear weapons, conventional modern weapons and sabotage reconnaissance active groups (DRG).

a) With the systematic implementation of activities

As a result of the use of weapons of mass destruction by the enemy GOU № 433   may find itself in a zone of moderate and weak destruction (from an assessment of the possible situation on the territory of the Eastern Administrative District of Moscow). Partial (medium or strong) destruction of the GOU building is possible. Under the rubble may be staff and students placed in the shelter - -   people (basement). Air supply to shelters will be required (basement). Total losses will amount to ____ people, (approximately - 5-7% of the number).

Various degrees of destruction will receive utility networks. Directions to the territory of GOU № 433   will be very difficult as a result of the destruction of multi-story residential buildings adjacent to GOU on ul. 5th St. Falcon Mountain House No. 3 - 5   floors, house number 4 , - 5   floors.

When a city is exposed to nuclear weapons, an object can be in a zone of dangerous and strong radioactive contamination.

Due to the destruction of buildings and structures of chemically hazardous facilities, damage (depressurization) of tanks with AHOV transported by rail, or the use of chemical weapons by the enemy GOU No. 433   may be in the zone of chemical contamination. territory of GOU № 433   can get into zones “G” of extremely dangerous infection and into zone “B” of dangerous infection.

b) In case of a surprise attack by the enemy.

As a result of the enemy’s sudden use of nuclear weapons, an object can be in a zone of complete and severe destruction. The nature of the destruction of buildings and structures, IES, the condition of the routes at the facility, fire and radiation conditions are similar to those described in paragraph a) “During the planned implementation of civil defense measures”.

In the event of a surprise enemy attack, staff and students of 1-2 floors may be under the rubble - 130   people

The total losses of staff and students can be up to _____ people, including sanitary losses - about ____ people.

From the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion, the losses will amount to about ___ people, including about ___ people. - sanitary losses. Radiation losses will amount to more than ___ people, all losses are sanitary.

Losses from chemical contamination can amount to about ____ people, including sanitary ____ people.

The volume of emergency rescue and other urgent work will double in comparison with the planned implementation of civil defense measures.

c) The possible situation when the enemy uses conventional means of destruction and the actions of sabotage reconnaissance groups (DRG).

GOU № 433   It is a typical five-story brick building. When exposed to precision-guided weapons with ammunition, it can be destroyed in whole or in part (at least 70%) with the formation of foci of fires. The enemy’s use of conventional means of destruction and the enemy’s DRG directly by GOU No. 433   unlikely.

When the enemy uses conventional means of destruction and the enemy’s DRG at nearby potentially dangerous objects, the consequences of their destruction can affect the stable functioning of GOU No. 433 .

When destroyed by ____________ ", GOU№ 433 may be a zone of dangerous and severe radioactive contamination. The approach time of a cloud of contaminated air to the boundaries of GOU is about ______ minutes. The total losses of staff and students can be up to _____ people, including sanitary losses - about ____ people.

As a result of the enemy’s defeat at Preobrazhenskoye Trading House OJSC, a cold storage plant or a water treatment station at Mosvodopodgotovka GOU No. 433   may be in the zone of chemical contamination. The time of approach of a cloud of contaminated air to the boundaries of GOU can be:

With the destruction of ______ water treatment plants - about ______ minutes;

With the destruction of the cold storage plant - about ______ minutes;

With the destruction of JSC Trading House "Preobrazhenskoe" - about ______ minutes

From infection with AHOV, the loss can be about ____ people, including sanitary ____ people In case of destruction due to the impact of a shock wave during a nuclear explosion, or when the enemy uses conventional means of destruction and the actions of sabotage reconnaissance groups (DRG), the risk of loss of personnel and students is unlikely, since GOU No. ___ is outside the zone of possible flooding (flooding). (or may lead to flooding of the GOU building only up to ___ floors)

  1.3. Conclusions from the assessment of the possible situation.

As a result of the use of nuclear weapons by the enemy GOU № 433   may suffer severe or moderate damage and loss. Given the large number of employees and students, the number of storeys of the GOU building, the possible situation in the event of an explosion (collapse) of the building will be characterized by a large number of victims, the presence of people under the rubble, panic.

The main ways to protect staff and students of GOU № 433   there will be shelter in a protective structure, (basement, metro station Semenovskaya, Elektrozavodskaya, Enthusiasts Highway), as well as the use of personal protective equipment followed by the evacuation of GOU personnel and their families to the suburban area (______________ district).

Protective structure GOU № 433 able to protect _____% of all staff and students from all the damaging factors of nuclear, chemical and bacteriological weapons, if necessary, it is possible to overfill the protective structure using it in a shorter time. (The absence of a protective structure in the GOU and the significant time required to shelter personnel and students in _________ makes it possible to cause large losses and injuries, especially during a sudden attack by the enemy.) The use of conventional modern means of destruction and DRG on potentially dangerous objects can create complex radiation chemical and fire situation. The provision of first aid will be required: - with the planned conduct of civil defense - up to 10% of staff and students of public educational institution № 433   and l / s NASF. - in case of a surprise attack by the enemy - up to 50% of the staff and students of GOU № 433   taking into account the shelter in the AP; With the systematic implementation of civil defense measures, with a sudden attack by the enemy and the actions of the DRG, it will require emergency rescue and other urgent operations (ASDNR), the main of which are: - conducting special and engineering reconnaissance in buildings and utilities of GOU No. 433   ; - clearing rubble and entrances to buildings from the street 5th St. Falcon mountains   and inside the territory of GOU; - clearing staircases and walkways in the building of GOU; - clearing the main and emergency exits from the protective structure (basement) of GOU; - localization and extinguishing of fires inside the building; - rescue of people from the rubble inside the buildings: with the planned maintenance of civil defense - up to 5%; , in case of a surprise attack by the enemy - up to 50% of the number of personnel and students of GOU; - first aid to victims and their evacuation to medical facilities; - partial or complete special processing. To reduce losses among staff and students of GOU № ___ it is necessary:


Implementation of civil defense measures at the facility with the systematic bringing it up to date.

2.1. Organization, scope and timing of activities according to the degree of readiness of civil defense2.1.1. Priority activities of the 1st group With the receipt of the order for priority activities of the GO of the 1st group (PM-1):

1. KH + 0.20 min. - during working hours or to H + 1.30 hours. - during non-working hours - to notify and collect managers, deputies, service heads, NS GO, NASF leaders and other officials in accordance with the order on the organization of GO

2. KH + 0.30 min. - during working hours or to H + 1.30 hours. - during non-working hours - to notify and collect personnel of the NASF.

3. To H + 2.00 hours. perform the following activities:

To bring to the management team an order on the implementation of the activities of the 1st group civil defense and to set tasks for:

The introduction of round-the-clock duty management;

Refinement of civil defense plan and emergency situations;

Checking and alerting control systems, communications and alerts;

Preparation for the issuance of PPE, RHR devices and dosimetric control;

Clarification of calculations of the staffing of the NASF, provision of equipment and property;

Clarification of the schedule of increasing measures to increase the sustainability of the public educational institution;

Carrying out preparatory measures to strengthen public order protection and blackout.

4. To H + 2.30 hours. Organize round-the-clock duty at the GOU for senior staff.

5. To H + 3.00 hours. Check the readiness of the control system and alerts.

6. To H + 4.00 hours. perform the following activities:

Clarify the civil defense plan and the list of priority activities carried out at the public educational institution;

Clarify the plan for sheltering staff and students of GOU in the city and in the countryside;

Clarify the procedure for replenishment of material resources and their sources;

Clarify the staffing of the NASF with personnel, instruments and property;

To create stocks of fire-retardant means and materials (personnel and improvised);

To carry out preparatory measures to strengthen the protection of public order, to clarify patrol routes and places of posting;

7. K + 6.00 an hour. perform the following activities:

To alert the protective construction of the GOU (in educational institutions that do not have fixed protective structures: prepare a basement (shooting gallery, warehouse, etc.) for use as a radiation protection shelter, prepare tools and materials for the construction of simple shelters on the territory of the GOU;

To alert the object formation of high alert, RCP, communication groups and PLO), to issue personal protective equipment to NASF personnel;

Prepare an application for the missing property and equipment to equip the NASF;

Expand and prepare for operation the post of RHN, check the operability of radiation and chemical reconnaissance and dosimetric monitoring devices;

To carry out preparatory measures for the introduction of a regime of blackout mask, strengthening fire protection;

Clarify activities on the regime of blackout;

To alert the control center of the GO school, to check the means of communication and alerts.

Plan the organization of round-the-clock duty of the teaching staff at the control point (PU) according to the schedule.

8. To H + 12.00 o’clock. to carry out the following activities: - to equip the NASF with property and instruments;

Report to the headquarters of the GO of the Eastern District Education Department on the progress of the activities of the GO of the 1st group.

9. To H + 16.00 hours. to carry out the following activities: - expand the point of issue of personal protective equipment and bring it ready (receive personal protective equipment and deliver them to the point of issue). To create stocks of materiel for students to make cotton-gauze dressings, PTM and wraps from film materials;

Report to the headquarters of the GO of the Eastern District Education Department on the progress of the activities of the GO of the 1st group.

10. To H + 20.00 an hour. carry out the following activities: - complete the activities of the civil defense of the 1st group;

Report to the headquarters of the GO of the Eastern District Education Department on the progress of the activities of the GO of the 1st group.

11. To H + 24.00 an hour. to report to the headquarters of the GO of the Eastern District Education Department on the progress of the activities of the GO of the 1st group. 2.1.2. Priority activities of the 2nd group With the receipt of the order to conduct priority activities of the GO of the 2nd group (PM-2):

1. KH + 0.30 min. to alert alert systems, communications, management.

2. To H + 1.00 hours. organize round-the-clock duty at PU GOU.

3. To H + 2.00 hours. transfer the management team to round-the-clock work. 4. K + 4.00 hours. perform the following activities:

Prepare a task force for a trip to a suburban area;

Transfer the post of RHN to round-the-clock work;

Prepare the GO GOU control point for work; Prepare for work the GO control point in the shelter (basement);

Report to the headquarters of the GO of the Eastern District Education Department on the progress of the activities of the GO of the 2nd group. 5. K + 6.00 an hour. perform the following activities:

Conduct priority activities of the 1st group, if they have not been held previously;

Issue PPE to staff and students of GOU;

Check the readiness of the protective structure of the GOU, (in educational institutions that do not have fixed protective structures: to equip (if necessary) the basement and other buried premises under the switchgear, with the involvement of the territorial formations of the GO and the authorities);

Prepare for export of the archive and existing documents.

6. To H + 8.00 an hour. carry out the following activities: - organize round-the-clock duty of the asylum service link;

To lay down in the shelter (PRU) stocks of food, water, medicines and medical property;

To organize control over the radiation exposure of the staff and students of GOU;

Clarify the orders for the allocation of equipment for the evacuation of GOU personnel and members of their families;

Report to the headquarters of the GO of the Eastern District Education Department on the progress of the activities of the GO of the 2nd group. 7. K + 12.00 o'clock. perform the following activities:

To carry out measures to prevent and the occurrence of secondary factors of damage;

Report to the headquarters of the GO of the Eastern District Education Department on the progress of the activities of the GO of the 2nd group. 8. K + 16.00 hours. to report to the headquarters of the GO of the Eastern District Education Department on the progress of the activities of the GO of the 2nd group. 9. K + 20.00 an hour. to report to the headquarters of the Civil Defense of the Eastern District Education Department on the progress of the activities of the civil defense of the 2nd group.10. To H + 24.00 an hour. perform the following activities:

Send to the suburban area an operational group of 4 people. (senior - Ivanov II) to prepare for the operation of the control point of the GOU;

To make students the simplest PPE: cotton-gauze dressings, PTM and wraps from film materials;

To equip on the territory of the state educational institution the simplest shelters (first of all, to accommodate the military industrial complex) and shelters for staff and students of the public educational institution;

Report to the headquarters of the GO of the Eastern District Education Department on the progress of the activities of the GO of the 2nd group. 2.1.3. General Readiness Activities With the receipt of the order for the general readiness of the civil defense:

1. K + 1.30 hours. establish round-the-clock duty of the management staff of GOU at the PU in the shelter (PRU, basement).

2. To H + 2.00 hours. perform the following activities:

Clarify the civil defense plan in connection with the current situation;

Check the connection with the PU in the suburban area;

Enter the set mode of blackout;

Execute the dismissal of persons decreasing by mobilization in the army.

3. To H + 4.00 hours. perform the following activities:

Issue personal protective equipment to staff and students of GOU, if they have not been issued earlier;

Clarify the evacuation procedure for GOU (BOT places, boarding points for vehicles, lists for evacuating employees and members of their families, lists of allocated vehicles, an inventory of current and archived documents and property being exported;

4. K + 6.00 o'clock. perform the following activities:

Carry out activities of the 1st and 2nd groups, if they have not previously been held;

Recall GOU employees from courses, vacations, or business trips;

To bring in full readiness all NASF GOU;

Clarify documents on the evacuation of GOU personnel to the suburban area.

5. To H + 8.00, 12.00, 16.00, 20.00 hours. report to the headquarters of the GO of the Eastern District Education Department on the progress of the implementation of the general readiness of the GO.

6. To H + 24.00 hours. perform the following activities:

Immunize staff and students;

To prepare the staff of the public educational institution, their family members and property for evacuation to the suburban area;

Report to the headquarters of the GO of the Eastern District Education Department on the progress of the implementation of the general readiness of the GO.

2.2. Organization of the protection of staff and students.

2.2.1. Organization of shelter in protective structures.


It is planned to use the shelter for staff and students of the public educational institution (the protective construction available in the public educational institution with a capacity of ___ people, the readiness for receiving shelters is ____ hours; the basement with a capacity of ___ people used as an anti-radiation shelter, the time to prepare the premises for the reception of shelters is ____ hour; metro station _____, distance from the public educational institution - km, time required for evacuation to the Metro - hour .; shelter located at _________, distance from public public institution - km, time required to evacuate to the shelter - hour Data take from P lana action

1. to "H" + 6.00 an hour to alert the shelter GOU and deploy a control point in it. 2. to H + 8.00 an hour. adapt the basement under the switchgear to shelter staff and students.

1. to "H" + 6.00 hours. check the readiness of the shelter to receive shelter and to H + 8.00 o’clock. to organize round-the-clock duty of the protective structure maintenance link. 2. by H + 24.00 to complete the construction of the simplest shelters (primarily for the placement of SPP) to shelter the staff and students of GOU.

Shelter staff and students GOU planned:

Teachers and students of primary grades 1-4 ____ in the shelter (basement) GOU;

The rest of the staff and students are in the basement (assigned to the GOU shelter at the address ______ - ___ km., Metro station _____ ....... - _____ km.).

By the "Air alert" signal:

For ___-____ minutes, shelter teachers and students of primary grades 1-4 in the shelter (basement);

For ___-____ minutes, shelter the rest of the staff and students in the basement (assigned to the SEI shelter at ______, Metro station _____ .......). In the shelter (metro station), follow the classes (groups) led by the class teacher or the teacher leading the lesson. At the shelter, strictly comply with the requirements of his administration. Calculation of shelter (Appendix No. 5).

Shelter of personnel in the simplest shelters should be carried out in special conditions - in case of a surprise attack by the enemy, or in the destruction of an existing shelter (PRU).

Shelter of GOU personnel and members of their families in a suburban area should be carried out in shelters and switchgear to calculate the shelter in a suburban area - according to the decision of local authorities.

After arriving in the suburban area at H + 24.00, complete the construction of the simplest shelters (primarily to accommodate the PRHN).

2.2.2. Organization of radiation and chemical protection.

To ensure the protection of personnel 433 not   there are ____ pcs. filter gas masks (GP-5, GP-7). Gas masks are assigned to personnel and are stored at workplaces. (there are no gas masks, or are depersonalized and stored in ____ premises, ____ hours are required for selection and preparation for use).

Children's gas masks ПДФ-Ш, ПДФ-2Ш in GOU № 433   no (there are ___ units, are depersonalized, used for educational purposes, or are stored in ___ premises, ___ hours are required to prepare for use).

Respirators (type ____) ___ pcs. (stored in ___ premises, __ minutes are required to prepare for use).

Cotton Gauze Dressings (VMP) 400 pC. (or not, or students of ___ classes (senior classes) in the amount of ___ people are trained in the manufacture of VMP, there are supplies of gauze and cotton wool for the manufacture of ___ units of VMP) -

To provide personal protective equipment for all staff and students of State Educational Institution No. 433   required: GP-5, GP-7 ___ pcs. , PDF-Sh, PDF-2Sh - __ pcs. ACTION DATA

With the introduction of PM-1 to H + 6.00 hours. to issue personal protective equipment to the staff of the civil defense and NASF headquarters. With the introduction of PM-2 to H + 6.00 hours. to give personal protective equipment to all staff and students of GOU. The calculation of the issuance of PPE is given in Appendix 10. If there is a shortage of available PPE, use the simplest PPE (cotton-gauze dressings, PTM and capes from film materials) made by students of the public educational institution. To begin radiation and chemical reconnaissance by forces of a single-station radiation and chemical observation round-the-clock 4 hours after the introduction of PM-2. Before detecting radioactive or chemical contamination (infection), measurements should be taken 4 times a day (6.00, 12.00, 18.00 and 00.00). After detection, every half hour. Dosimetric control is organized: - for the management staff, personnel of the civil defense headquarters, commanders of NASF units (posts) and class teachers - by an individual method; - for the rest of the staff and students - in a group way; - in the presence of a sufficient number of individual dosimeters - to all staff and students. individual method. To account for radiation doses:

      at PU GOU - for the management team, staff of the civil defense headquarters, commanders of links (posts) of the NASF, each NASF and each class; in NASF - for all NASF personnel;
To submit information on radiation doses received by staff and students to the headquarters of the Civil Defense Department of the Eastern District Education Department by 8.00 and 20.00 daily. Sanitary treatment of staff and students of public educational institutions should be carried out at a sanitary-washing station (SOP), established   Office for HLW of the Main Directorate of the Ministry for Emergencies of Russia in Moscow.

2.2.3. Organization of medical protection.

Medical protection of staff and students of GOU is carried out by 1 (2) sanitary posts - 4   people and medical staff at Polyclinic No. 64

For first aid in GOU № 433   there is:

medical kits - _____ pcs .;

individual anti-chemical packages - ______ pcs .;

dressing bags - _____ pcs .;

sanitary bags - ____ pcs.;

sanitary stretcher - _____ pcs.

With the introduction of PM-2 to H + 8.00 hours. replenishment of the missing medical property is organized in cooperation with the district medical service and carried out: the laying of medicines and medical equipment in the shelter (PRU).

Within the time limits established by the district medical service, immunization of staff and students of the state educational institution against especially dangerous infections is carried out. At the district medical team, iodine prophylaxis is carried out for staff and students. Responsible for organizing immunization and conducting iodine prophylaxis _______________.

2.2.4. Organization of events for evacuation

In accordance with the provision on evacuation measures, students are dismissed from their homes and evacuated together with their parents.

Upon receipt of the evacuation order GOU № 433 , to H + 4.00 hours. notification of parents about the termination of classes is organized, students in grades 5-11 are allowed to go home, students in grades 1-4 are transferred to parents.

The permanent staff and members of their families are evacuated to the suburban area ________, The following area is subject to evacuation:

permanent staff of the public educational institution ______ people

permanent family members ____ people

The evacuation of staff GOU № 433   it is planned to carry out according to the plan for the evacuation of the HLW population. For GOU № 433   defined: - temporary accommodation center (TAC) - _________________, distance from the GOU ___ km, the time required for arrival of the GOU personnel to the TAC is ___ hours .;

Prefabricated evacuation point:

    during the evacuation by rail with SEP number ....

    during the evacuation by road with SEP number ....

(address) _________________, distance from the GOU ___ km, the time required for the arrival of the GOU personnel to the BOT is ___ hour.

    during the evacuation on foot with SEP number ....

(address) _________________, distance from the GOU ___ km, the time required for the arrival of the GOU personnel to the BOT is ___ hour.


To prepare for the evacuation and loading of teaching aids (school property is not exported) and other property, allocate .......... teams with a total number of .......... people, including:

from 10 classes ................. people

from 11th grades ............... pers.

To put under guard the school (........) create a group of ........ people.

Senior Group _________________

Responsible for the preparation, concentration, loading and unloading in the sub-urban area of \u200b\u200beducational aids, school property ..................

Food, material and technical and other types of support in the suburban area - according to the decision of local authorities

Educational institutions with round-the-clock stay of children (orphanages and boarding schools for orphans and children left without parental care) are evacuated with an order for "Partial Evacuation" under the guise of going to health camps, a recreation center, etc.

Clause 2.2.4. drawn up, as in ordinary public educational institutions, but in line with the evacuation, placement in the suburban area, a line is added - “students”.

2.3. Organization of management and communication.

Organization of alerts to staff and students during working hours is carried out by the GHS system (loud-speaking network) in each room of the building - ___ speakers controlled by the security service and the director of the public educational institution. Public address system in GOU № 433   allows to convey information to all staff and students during 2   minutes.

The notification of the management staff, deputies, service chiefs, NS GO, NASF leaders and other officials in accordance with the order on the organization of GO, and all GOU staff during off hours is carried out in accordance with the notification scheme (Appendix 11).

The notification of GOU personnel when placed in a suburban area is carried out through the local warning and communication system (telephone, radio stations).

Personnel and Student Management GOU № 433   during the first-priority activities of civil defense of the 1st group (PM-1) and the 2nd group (PM-2), it is carried out from a control point located in the director's (secretary's) premises. With the introduction of PM-2 to H + 4.00 hours. the control point of GO GOU № is being prepared for work 433   in the shelter (basement). With the introduction of the “General Readiness of Civil Defense”   atboard of staff and students GOU № 433   carried out from the control point GO GOU № 433   in the shelter (basement). Communication with the control center of HEUO and the district - by radio and telephone.

Management on the evacuation routes is carried out by the chiefs of the columns (on foot, by road, by rail) through radio, mobile communications, messengers and conditional signals.

With the introduction of PM-1, carry out the following activities:

to "Ch" + 2.30 hours. organize round-the-clock duty at the GOU of senior staff;

to "Ch" + 3.00 hours. check the readiness of controls, communications and alerts, clarify the composition of the task force at the control point (CP);

to "Ch" + 6.00 hours. to alert the control point of the GO school, to check the operability of the means of communication and notification with the control room. Plan the organization of round-the-clock duty teaching staff at the PU.

With the introduction of PM-2, carry out the following activities:

to "Ch" + 0.30 hours. to alert the warning system, communications, management GOU;

to "Ch" + 1.00 hours. organize round-the-clock duty of teaching staff at the training center;

to "Ch" + 4.00 hours. prepare the GO GOU control point in the shelter (basement) for work. Prepare a task force ____ people, senior ______________ for departure to the suburban area;

to "Ch" + 24.00 hours. send operational groups to the suburban area to prepare for the deployment of GOU personnel and the operation of the control center.

With the introduction of the “General Readiness of Civil Defense”

to "Ch" + 1.30 hours. transfer the management of staff and students of the GOU to the PU in the shelter (PRU, basement), establish round-the-clock duty of the management staff of the GOU at the PS;

to "Ch" + 2.00 hours. check the connection with the PU in the suburban area.

Communication is organized:

With HEUO - by telephone of a city telephone exchange, mobile communications and messengers;

Managed by VAO GU EMERCOM of Russia in Moscow - through the operational duty department of VAO GU EMERCOM of Russia in Moscow by phone 499-785-00-60 , and through the on-call Civil Protection Agency of VAO Moscow by phone 499-748-95-79 ;

With the district administration Falcon Hill   VAO by phone 495-365-41-29 .

Notification of all staff and students of GOU by GO signals is carried out in accordance with the Notification Instructions approved by the director of GOU No. 433 . Notification of senior staff during working hours through the public address system in the public educational institution, during non-working hours - by telephone of the city telephone exchange, mobile communications, using messengers.

2.4. Organization of the implementation of measures to increase the sustainability of work onbproject carried out with the implementation of civil defense plans

(developed only for categorized objects)

  2.5. Organization and the conduct of ASDN

To conduct ASDNR in GOU № 433 abnormal emergency rescue teams (NASF) with a total number of 26   people, including:

    Post of radiation and chemical observation - 3   people

    Link 5   people

    Sanitary post - 4   people

    Fire Department (voluntary fire brigade) - 8   people

  5. The Department of Public Order (voluntary squad for the protection of public order) - 6   people 6. The link for servicing shelters and shelters (if there are shelters and shelters) - __ people. 7. Emergency and technical unit - 3   people 8. Point of issue of personal protective equipment - 3   people

High-readiness formations ("H" alert time +6 hours. PM-1 reduction :) 6   people, including:

1. Post radiation and chemical observation - 3   people

2. Link - 5   people

3. Sanitary post - 4   people

4. Fire department (voluntary fire brigade) - 18   people

5. The Department of Public Order (voluntary squad for the protection of public order) - 6   people 6. The link for servicing shelters and shelters (if there are shelters and shelters) - __ people.

Formations are manned on 100 %, PPE and property by ____%.

With the introduction of PM-1 to "H" + 6.00 hours. High-readiness NASFs are understaffed with personal equipment, personal protective equipment and equipment.

With the introduction of “General readiness of GO” for “H” + 6.00 hours. all NASF are fully operational.

The composition of the forces and means of the facility is given in Appendix 9.

To conduct ASDNR on the territory of the State Educational Institution № 433   involved territorial formations of civil defense.

The ASDNR organization in the lesion focus by the forces of the NASF GOU is carried out after receiving the “Air Alarm Release” signal and reconnaissance of the lesion focus. ASDNR carried out: - with minor damage (destruction) by the forces of NASF GOU № 433 ; - in other cases, in cooperation with the territorial formations of civil defense. First of all, the exit of staff and students of GOU from dangerous places to safe areas, temporary accommodation or shelters is organized. The main efforts in the conduct of the ASDNR should be focused on providing first aid to the victims and extinguishing fires. Localization and extinguishing of individual foci of ignitions and fires is carried out by the fire department. In the event of major fires in the territory of the State Educational Establishment or in the immediate vicinity, to organize interaction with the Office of the General Directorate of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia for Moscow on the issue of fire fighting equipment.

First aid for victims is provided by the health post. To provide medical care, victims who are able to move on their own are sent with escort to the first-aid unit located in clinic No. 52   located at ul.Mironovskaya. The remaining victims are evacuated by teams of first aid.

Localization of minor damage to energy, water, sewer, and technological networks is carried out by the emergency department in order to create conditions for the safe evacuation of personnel and students and rescue operations. 2.6. Organization of the main types of support for events   (intelligence service,engineering, technical, fire, medical support,policing)

2.6.1. Intelligence service

Radiation and chemical reconnaissance in GOU № 433   conducted on the territory of the State Educational Establishment and in the suburban area by the post of radiation and chemical observation (PRHN).

To begin radiation and chemical reconnaissance around the clock 4 hours after the introduction of PM-2. Before detecting radioactive or chemical contamination (infection), measurements should be taken 4 times a day (6.00, 12.00, 18.00 and 00.00). After detection - every half hour

The dosimetric control of the management staff, personnel of the civil defense headquarters, NASF units (posts) commanders and class teachers should be carried out by the individual method, the rest of the staff and students by the group method, family members by the calculation method. If there are a sufficient number of individual dosimeters - for all staff and students - an individual method. The readings of individual dosimeters should be taken daily at 7.00 and 19.00, the data should be submitted to the headquarters of the GO of the Eastern District Education Department by 8.00 and 20.00 daily.

Monitoring the state of the fire situation on the territory of the GOU and the adjacent territory is carried out by the fire department (voluntary fire brigade);

Checking the fire condition of buildings GOU № 433   begin to lead after the introduction of PM-1. Before the enemy’s influence begins, bypass the premises and territory of the GOU 2 times a day (9.00 and 18.00). In case of enemy fire - after receiving the signal “Ending the air alert”, conduct reconnaissance of the lesion focus and check all the premises of the GOU.

The reconnaissance of the state of public utilities and technological networks of the GOU is carried out by the emergency department immediately after receiving the “End Air Alarm” signal.

2.6.2. Medical support

Medical support in GOU № 433   , at SEP, points of embarkation, disembarkation, on evacuation routes and in a suburban area - carried out by a sanitary post of 5   person. For the provision of medical care in GOU there are:

Medical kits AI-2 - ____ pcs;

Individual anti-chemical packages - ______ pcs;

Dressing bags - 400   PC;

Sanitary bags - _____ pcs;

Sanitary stretcher - _____ pcs;

Medicines for first aid - for _____ people.

Security GOU № 433   and health posts with medical equipment ____%, medical equipment - _____%.

K + 12.00 o'clock. after the introduction of PM-1, an application is submitted to the HEU for replenishment of GOU No. 433   medical property and medical protective equipment.

The capacity of a sanitary post for first aid is about 100 affected in 10 hours of work.

2.6.3. Fire protection

Fire support in GOU № 433   - carried out by the fire department (voluntary fire brigade) of ___ people.

Fire department capabilities - localization of a fire in GOU with a one-sided fire front - 50 meters.

Equipment GOU №433   fire fighting equipment

Name of property

Unit of measurement

Pressure head fire hoses

All-metal hook

Sleeve delay

Saving rope, 25 m long

Wire Cutting Kit

Tarpaulin bucket

Tarpaulin gauntlets

Steel helmet

Fire belt (set)

Heat-reflecting suit

Belt fire ax with holster

Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers OU-5

Powder type fire extinguishers

With the introduction of PM-1 to "Ch" + 4.00 hours. the staffing of the fire department (voluntary fire brigade) with personnel and property is being specified, stockpiles of fire-retardant equipment and materials (personnel and improvised) are being created. To "Ch" + 6.00 an hour. understaffed by personnel and property and are fully prepared. By "Ch" + 12.00 o'clock in the HEU filed an application for the missing property.

With the conduct of PM-2 to "Ch" + 12 hours. fire-fighting activities are being completed:

cleaning the territory, spaces between buildings, corridors, stairwells of wooden objects and combustible debris;

creation of conditions for unhindered passage of fire engines on the territory of the State Educational Establishment, around buildings to fire hydrants and water bodies;

the use of flame retardant coatings on wooden structures;

the construction of additional fire reservoirs, the creation of water reserves, sandbags, etc.

2.6.4 Engineering support

Engineering support at GOU № 433   - carried out by the Shelter and Shelter Service Link of ___ people.

To shelter the staff and students of GOU it is planned to use the ones available in GOU № 433   protective structure with a capacity of ___ people, (basement with a capacity of ___ people, used as a radiation protection shelter).

With the introduction of PM-1 to H + 6.00 hours. alerted GOU ___. K + 8.00 an hour. The basement of the GOU is equipped for use as a switchgear for sheltering staff and students. With the introduction of PM-2 to H + 6.00 hours. the readiness of the shelter to receive shelter and to H + 8.00 hours is checked. round-the-clock duty of the protective structure maintenance link is organized. By H + 24.00 the construction of the simplest shelters is being completed (first of all, for the placement of the PRHN) to shelter the staff and students of the GOU.

2.6.5. Technical support

(In GOU № 433   not executed)

2.6.6. Material support

Material support for staff and students of GOU № 433   organized by the logistics service (deputy for AChP) and the dining room.

With the introduction of PM-1, carry out the following activities:

1. to "H" + 4.00 hours. to create stocks of fire-retardant products and materials (personnel and improvised);

2. to "H" + 12.00 hours. prepare 2-day supplies of food, water and medicines for laying in the shelter;

3. to "H" + 16.00 hours. to create stocks of material means for the manufacture of cotton-gauze bandages, PTM and capes from film materials by students.

With the introduction of PM-2 to "Ch" + 8.00 hours. to lay in the shelter (PRU) stocks of food, water, medicine and medical property.

Nutrition of students in GOU № 433   before the enemy’s influence, to carry out the GOU at the public catering enterprise, after the enemy’s attack and the destruction of the building (communications) of the GOU 433 , through mobile food outlets deployed by local governments.

Staff GOU № 433   and their family members in places of resettlement to provide food and basic necessities through trade and catering enterprises of the suburban area.

The supply of material resources necessary to ensure the activities of GOU № 433 Carrying out ASDNR to carry out transport of territorial formations and the transport allocated by motor services of the city and the interacting rural area.

2.6.7. Policing

Policing   on the territory of GOU № 433   carried out around the clock and performed by the private security company "Saturn". Constantly serving - 1   man. During the implementation of civil defense measures, an additional unit for the protection of public order (voluntary squad for the protection of public order) of 6   man.

With the introduction of PM-1, carry out the following activities:

1. to "H" + 4.00 hours. to carry out preparatory measures to strengthen the protection of public order, to clarify patrol routes and places of posting;

2. to "H" + 6.00 hours. to alert the public order protection department (voluntary public order protection team).

With the introduction of PM-2 to "Ch" + 4.00 hours. organize round-the-clock patrolling and policing. Patrol places - 1 route - along the perimeter of the territory of GOU № 433   and posting (1 observation post at the entrance gate No. 1, 2nd observation post at the gate No. 2) in Appendix 2.

2.7. Organization of interaction with bodies of the military command and territorial formations of civil defense   Organization of interaction with the military command bodies and territorial formations of civil defense is carried out on issues of medical support, as well as engineering, fire, chemical, radiation protection, replenishment of all types of resources, transport support and other issues with the following institutions:
      Eastern District Education Board tel. 495-963-54-90 ;
  - headquarters of GO VOUO - 499-748-95-79; - Commissioner for Civil Defense and Emergencies VOUO 8-499-163-16-62;
      Office for VAO GU EMERCOM of Russia in Moscow tel 499-785-00-60 , Civil Protection Agency of the Eastern Administrative District of Moscow tel. 499-748-95-79 SPC EMF tel. ______ Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology of VAO tel. 8 - 495-369-19-67 ; Ministry of Internal Affairs (duty area, Sokolinaya Gora) tel 495-369-08-22 ; Fire Protection Falcon Hill   tel. 261-22-15 .

With the introduction of PM-1, carry out the following activities:

1. to "H" + 4.00 hours. clarify with the headquarters of GO VOUO the procedure for replenishing material assets (PPE, radiation, chemical reconnaissance and dosimetric devices, medical equipment and medical protective equipment) and their sources;

2. to "H" + 6.00 hours. to clarify with the headquarters of the GO HEI, the Office for VAO GU EMERCOM of Russia for Moscow the activities for the regime of blackout;

3. to "H" + 16.00 hours. to clarify with the headquarters of the GO HEI, the Office of VAO GU EMERCOM of Russia for Moscow and the Civil Protection Agency of VAO Moscow the procedure for obtaining personal protective equipment and their delivery to the point of delivery.

4. to "H" + 4.00, 6.00, 12.00, 16.00, 20.00 and 24.00 hours. to report on the progress of the implementation of the 1st group of activities to the headquarters of the HE HEI.

With the introduction of PM-2, carry out the following activities:

1. to "Ch" + 8.00 an hour. to clarify with the headquarters of the GO HEI, the Office of VAO GU EMERCOM of Russia for Moscow and the Civil Protection Agency of VAO Moscow the work orders for the allocation of equipment for the evacuation of personnel of GOU No. 433   and members of their families;

2. to "H" + 4.00, 6.00, 12.00, 16.00, 20.00 and 24.00 hours. report on the progress of the 2nd group of activities to the headquarters of the HE HEI.


Implementation of measures at the facility in case of a surprise attack by the enemy

3.1. Organization and conduct of events on an air hazard signal ("Aerial alert")   In case of a sudden attack by the enemy and a signal of air danger "Air alert" in GOU № 433

1. KH + 0.03 min. - during working hours, the “Air alert” signal is transmitted to the entire staff and students of the public educational institution through the speakerphone system. To staff and students located on the territory of the State Educational Institution № 433   (sports ground, students located in the territory during a break or at the end of classes) the signal is sent by messengers. During non-working hours, notification of personnel of State Educational Institution No. 433   carry out according to the notification and collection scheme;

2. KH + 0.15 min. accident-free stop of the experimental equipment in the physics (chemistry) classrooms, shutdown of the electrical and utility networks (electric, gas, water supply of the buildings of the public educational institution) and in the dark, the regime of blackout (full dimming) is entered;

3. KH + 0.30 min. shelter of staff and students of the public educational institution in the shelter (basement, metro station "Semenovskaya", "Electrozavodskaya") is carried out and a report is made on the measures taken in the HEU. Shelter is made: - teachers and students of primary grades 1-4 in the shelter (basement); - the rest of the staff and students are in the basement (assigned to the SEI shelter at ______, Metro station ________ .......). In case of destruction (absence) of asylum (PRU) or inability to advance to the number assigned to GOU 433   shelter personnel shelter is carried out in simple shelters.

4. To H + 1.00 hours. are prepared by NASF GO, primarily PRHN (if NASF GO have not previously been alerted). Available personal protective equipment, primarily to employees included in the headquarters of Civil Defense and NASF.

      Organization and conduct of events on the signal about the end of the air hazard ("End of the air alert")
Upon receipt of a signal about the end of the air hazard ("End of the air alert") in GOU № 433   The following activities are carried out:

1. KH + 0.03 min. the signal “End of air alert” is transmitted to all staff and students of the State Educational Institution through all the remaining means of warning and communication;

2. To H + 1.00 hours. checks the availability of communication with the HEUO by local authorities and, if it is violated, all measures are taken to restore the broken control and communication lines inside the HEU and HEU (messengers are sent if necessary);

3. The first medical aid is immediately organized for the injured by the forces of the sanitary post. K + 1.00 hours. those in need are evacuated to medical facilities;

4. To H + 2.00 hours. the plan of GO GOU No. is put into effect 433   in full volume. The forces of members of the headquarters of the Civil Defense and Emergencies, led by the chief of staff, the personnel of the PRHN and the sanitary post, organize reconnaissance on the territory of the State Educational Establishment No. 433 while focusing the main efforts on finding the affected, determining the degree of damage to the buildings and communications of the GOU, the state, radiation, chemical and fire conditions. The forces of the Public Order Guard (voluntary squad for the protection of public order) reinforce the protection of the public educational institution. The forces of the fire department (voluntary fire brigade) organize the localization (extinguishing) of fire, fires.

5. To H + 3.00 hours. the situation prevailing on the territory of the State Educational Establishment is assessed, a decision is made to conduct ASDNR on its own. Reports are provided to the headquarters of the HE HEI and the district about the situation, the measures taken and the needs for forces and means to eliminate the consequences of the enemy’s influence

6. To H + 8.00 an hour. if necessary, the radiation protection regime is introduced and the operation of the GOU in conditions of radioactive contamination is determined. Dosimetric monitoring of staff and students is organized. Efficiency is restored or NASF GO is alerted. By decision of the higher authorities (GO headquarters), measures are being taken to prepare GOU No. 433   expedited evacuation to a safe place.

Adjustment sheet

date proveating
carried out

Reference list

The analysis of the work of GOU secondary school No. 435 for the 2010/2011 academic year is presented in accordance with the key areas defined by the modernization strategy of Russian education, the Concept of development of the educational system of St. Petersburg at

  • The development program of the municipal educational institution of secondary school No. 1


    The development program of the municipal educational institution of the secondary school No. 1 of the city of Sengiley of the municipality "Sengileevsky district" of the Ulyanovsk region for 2011-2015.

  • Aims and objectives of the program: 4 Information note about the school 6\u003e Organizational and pedagogical conditions conducive to the implementation of the educational program. 7 Section III. Preschool education 10\u003e Educational program of preschool education chipboard №3 10

  • date





    Unfortunately, world peace is still not being established. Military conflicts constantly flare up at various points on the planet, which also affects the civilian population.

    To protect civilians, a special structure was organized - civil defense. Over time, the tasks of this organization were somewhat expanded. Now she is engaged not only in protecting the population during the war, but also in rescuing citizens in natural and man-made disasters, combating the manifestations of terrorism and other extreme situations, as a result of which ordinary people may suffer.

    The organization has its own professional holiday - World Civil Defense Day. This day was organized in honor of selfless people who risk their own lives, trying to protect citizens from various threats.

    History of creation

    The creation of an organized defense of the civilian population from the consequences of military conflicts dates back to the early thirties of the last century. Then, for the first time, thanks to the initiative of several European states at once, it was planned to create limited "security zones" that could be used to shelter civilians in the event of the outbreak of hostilities.

    Over time, the initiative was developed and a special organization, ICDO, was established, which received intergovernmental status. Today, 50 states are members of this organization and several more countries are in observer status.

      The main activities of the organization:

    • training people to help civilians in situations when life and health are threatened;
    • providing countries affected by military conflicts and disasters with humanitarian and technical assistance;
    • the construction of an effective system of warning the population about the occurrence of a dangerous situation;
    • dissemination of information and training of the masses of the population in skills for survival in extreme conditions.

    The holiday itself has been celebrated since 1990. Participate in festive events, as a rule, accept all countries that are full members of ICDO. The date of the celebration is the day on which the first members of this international organization signed the provisions of the charter - March 1.

    Since 1993, the Russian Ministry of Emergencies has been a member of ICDO, and the holiday in our country has been regularly celebrated since 1994.

    The main purpose of the celebration dedicated to the problems of civil defense is the dissemination of the necessary knowledge among citizens, as well as the popularization in the eyes of society of national services created to save citizens in case of emergencies.

    From the history of the development of civil defense in our country

    For the first time, the state was preoccupied with the need to save the population living in war zones during World War I. As the military equipment   (aviation, artillery) the military had the opportunity to carry out activities to disorganize the rear areas of the enemy. Therefore, the warring parties had to take care of protecting their settlements and civilians from enemy attacks from the air. The first measures to protect the population were carried out in Petrograd in the spring of 1918.

    In the Soviet Union, much attention was paid to air defense measures. In the cities, bomb shelters were built, and the population was regularly trained in protective measures in the event of an air and chemical attack.

    During the Great Patriotic War, the efforts undertaken allowed to save many human lives. It was mandatory to take courses to obtain initial knowledge of the actions during enemy air raids. The adult population was organized into self-defense groups, the members of these groups were on duty on the roofs during raids in order to timely identify the places of fall and neutralize incendiary bombs. These groups managed to prevent many fires and save buildings from destruction.

    After the victorious completion of the Great Patriotic task   civil society organizations became even wider, since they were entrusted with protecting the population during natural and man-made accidents.

    Nowadays, the tasks of protecting citizens are solved by a specialized organization - EMERCOM of Russia. The main objective is to protect people and household facilities from the consequences of emergency situations of fires, floods, disasters caused by wear and tear of equipment or the human factor.

    Tradition of celebration

    Despite the fact that the holiday appeared not so long ago, certain traditions of its holding have already developed. Festive events have three main objectives:

    • drawing public attention to the need for effective protection of the population;
    • raising the level of preparedness of people, teaching them self-defense techniques in the event of life-threatening situations;
    • popularization of the profession of a lifeguard, honoring people who have dedicated their lives to this difficult profession.

    During the celebration days, various educational events are often held during which the basics of self-defense are explained to people in an accessible form. Pictures and photos clearly show how to act during an emergency in order to save your life and the life of those around you.

    It is especially important to teach youth self-defense measures. Therefore, special lessons are held in schools, technical schools and other educational institutions, games, competitions, contests are organized, during which participants acquire the necessary self-defense skills, learn how to save themselves and save others when various unusual situations arise.

    To popularize the lifeguard profession, demonstration exercises are organized, and "Open Doors Days" are held. Recently, interactive classes have been very popular, in which participants have the opportunity to try to manage emergency and rescue equipment and learn how to use professional rescue equipment.

    State budgetary educational institution of primary and basic general education of the city of Sevastopol

    "Secondary boarding school number 4"

    School-wide event

    in civil defense

    QUEST - game

    Security School

    Compiled by:

    teacher obzh

    Tselio Natalya Alexandrovna,

    specialist of the I qualification category.


    26. 10. 2016 year

    1. The purpose and objectives of QUEST

    QUEST - the game "School of Security" is held withpurpose   the formation of students' conscious attitude to issues of personal and public safety, practical skills and behavioral skills in extreme situations, and the desire for a healthy lifestyle.

    During the regional quest - the games are solvedtasks :

      promoting and promoting healthy and safe lifestyles among students;

      checking the level and quality of practical training of students according to the program of the course "OBZh";

      the possibility of introducing into the practice of extracurricular activities the methods of conducting quest games.

    2. The order of the quest - the game

    QUEST - the game is held on the basis of GBOU "Secondary boarding school №4". The time for collecting teams is 15.30.

    Team Place:   second floor of the school building.
      The game includes movement along a route of 5 stations. Route

    following the team will learn during the game, thanks to the tips that get when completing tasks.

    At the start, all teams simultaneously receive the first task

    (in encrypted form), which is the starting point in their routes.

    Teams go through 5 stations:


      Station " The quieter you go, the further you'll get»;

      First Aid Station;


      At the game point, the team is met by the leader.   Participants answer questions and receive envelopes: in red and yellow - a hint representing the code that they will need to solve the key phrase, in green - a hint for their further route.At each point, the team must be in full force!   The time for visiting points and completing tasks is 5 minutes.

    4. As a result of passing all the stations, players must unravel key phrases.

    5. Summarizing. Awarding.

    5.1.   Summing up the game is carried out by the jury.

    5.2.   Based on the rating, three winning teams are identified

    (1, 2, 3 places) and are awarded with diplomas of the winner.

    5.3.   All participating teams are awarded diplomas of the QUEST member.

    Scenario quest - game "Security School"

    Purpose: generalization and systematization of students' safety knowledge in emergency situations

    Tasks:   the consolidation of skills acquired during the training at the lessons of life safety, the development of thinking, the ability to quickly navigate in the proposed situations, the development of readiness for action in any emergency.


      The team goes through 5 stations. If the team copes, it receives envelopes: in red and yellow - a hint with which you can solve the key phrase at the end of the game, in green - a hint for their further route.

      After going through all 5 stations and using the collected tips, the guys should read (key phrases) and be the first to inform her host at the start.

    If we need doctors, -

    We are recruiting - 103!

    102 - anyone is calling

    And the police are in a hurry!

    101 we will dial -

    We will save from the fire!

    The security formula is:
    It is necessary to see, anticipate, take into account.
    If possible, avoid everything,
    And where necessary - to call for help.

      At the end of the game, the team that was the first to name two key phrases wins.

    Game progress

      Announce the above rules of the game.

    Team captains pull out an envelope. Each envelope contains a picture puzzle:Bryullov K.P. "The Last Day of Pompeii", Aivazovsky I.K. “The Ninth Wave”, illustration to the poem by N. Nekrasov “Grandfather Mazay and the Hares,” Levitan I. “Spring. Big water ", Reproductions Kustodiev B. M. - Horses during thunderstorms .

    The task:   assemble the puzzle, determine the natural emergency situation depicted in the picture. Having defined the emergency, go to the leader, name it and get the firstenvelope: with team number, secondenvelope with task 2.

    Task 2:   The envelope lists actions during one of the natural emergencies. You must arrange them in the correct sequence. Having completed the task, the team receives an envelope: in which there is a hint, which station to go next.

    1 team and 3 team:

    2 and 4 team: In the event of a flood threat, preventive measures are taken during which residents must ...

    The envelope lists the actions during this emergency. You must arrange them in the correct sequence.

    5 team:

    The envelope lists the actions during this emergency. You must arrange them in the correct sequence.

      After hearing the “attention to all” signal, turn on the television and radio equipment and listen to recommendations

      Close and strengthen doors and windows, attics and ventilation openings

      Prepare food and water supplies

      Remove from the windowsills, balconies, loggias things that can be caught in the air currents

      Turn off gas, water, electricity

      Take the necessary things and documents with you

      Take cover in a basement or sheltered structure

      When you receive a signal about the threat of flooding, prepare documents, valuables, medicines, food stocks. Put necessary things in a special suitcase or backpack

      Transfer property and material assets to a safe place (attic roof) or lay them higher (on cabinets, mezzanines)

      To study the evacuation routes, possible boundaries of flooding, as well as the location of the prefabricated evacuation point

      To get acquainted with the location of boats, rafts in case of sudden and rapidly developing floods

    If the avalanche overtook you, then ...

      Close your nose and mouth with a mitten, a scarf, a collar

      Moving along the avalanche, by swimming movements of the hands try to stay on its surface, moving along the edge of the avalanche, where the speed is lower

      When the avalanche stops, try to free up space near the face and chest for breathing

      If you can, move towards the top (the top can be determined with the help of saliva, allowing it to leak from the mouth)

      Once in an avalanche, do not scream - the snow completely absorbs sounds, and screams and senseless movements will only deprive you of strength, oxygen and heat

    (if all 7 items are found and the conditions of movement are met, the team receives 2 tips, if less than 7 items, then 1 tip)

    Each team must squat (goose pace)

    conditional smoky room to the door, while closing the mouth and nose with a cloth and collecting 7 objects scattered in their path.

      Station « The quieter you go, the further you'll get »;

    Tasks at this station consist of two blocks - theoretical questions and practical tasks.

    Theoretical task:   For the correct execution of tasks (answered all questions - 18-15), the team receives 1 hint, if less than 15 questions the team does not receive a hint.

    Practical task:   there are signs on the table traffic. It is necessary to find a correspondence for a while: traffic sign and name of the sign. If all pairs are assembled in less than 30 seconds, the team receives 1 hint; if more than 1 minute, it does not receive a hint for the practical part.

    Having completed all the tasks at the station, except for the prompts, the team receives an envelope containing a prompt about where to go next.

    Theoretical task:

      Self-propelled four-wheeled vehicle. (Car.)
      2. An old carriage drawn by horses. (Coach.)
      3. A multi-seat car for carrying passengers. (Bus.)
      4. Home for the car. (Garage.)
      5. A man walking along the sidewalk. (A pedestrian.)
      6. Part of the road along which pedestrians go. (Sidewalk.)
      7. The bend of the road. (Turn.)
      8. The person driving the car. (Driver.)
      9. Device for stopping the car. (Brake.)
      10. What does the arrow of the speedometer show? (Speed.)
      11. A place on the road intended for pedestrians. (Transition.)
      12. Striped transition marking. (Zebra.)
      13. The intersection of streets. (Crossroads.)
      14. A policeman regulating traffic at an intersection. (Traffic controller.)
      15. The general name of the bus, tram, trolley. (Public transport.)
      16. A man traveling in transport, but not behind the wheel. (Passenger.)
      17. The driver of the bike. (Cyclist.)

    18. The "legs" of the car. (Wheels.)

    Practical task:

    No Pedestrians Tram Station

    No bicycles allowed Underground pedestrian crossing

    Railroad crossing without a barrier

    A section of road near a child care facility where children may appear


      First Aid Station

    Teams have to answer questions from the test of medicine. The team that answers 12 questions correctly and gets 2 tips. 6 -11 questions 1 hint, less than 6 correct answers - they don’t get a hint.
    Having completed all the tasks at the station, except for the prompts, the team receives an envelope containing a prompt about where to go next.
    № 1. What medicine can be used as a disinfectant for capillary bleeding?
    1. Plantain, birch leaf.
    2. Valerian root, lily of the valley flowers.
    3. Leaves of coltsfoot.
    (Answer No. 1).
    № 2. What medicine kit can be used to reduce fracture pain?
    1. Validol.
    2. Analgin and a cooling package container.
    3. Enterodesis.
    (Answer No. 2).
    № 3. Why is Validol needed in a car kit?
    1. For use at high body temperature.
    2. For taking pain in the fracture area.
    3. For use with pain in the heart.
    (Answer No. 3).
    № 4. How to help the victim with pain in the heart?
    1. Give one tablet of analgin or aspirin.
    2. Give ammonia to sniff.
    3. Give to take under the tongue a tablet of validol or nitroglycerin, give inside 15 drops of corvalol in 50 ml. water.
    (Answer No. 3).
    № 5. Why in a car kit is a 10% aqueous solution of ammonia (ammonia).
    1. For the treatment of wounds.
    2. For applying a warming compress.
    3. For inhalation during fainting and fumes.
    (Answer No. 3).
    № 6. Where to determine the pulse if the victim is unconscious?
    1. On the radial artery
    2. On the femoral artery.
    3. On the carotid artery.
    (Answer No. 3).
    № 7 What should be done when assisting with fainting?
    1. Seat the victim.
    2. Lay and raise your head.
    3. Lay and raise your legs.
    (Answer No. 3).
    8 How to stop bleeding when an artery is injured?
    1. Apply a pressure dressing to the site of injury.
    2. Apply a tourniquet above the site of injury.
    3. Place a tourniquet below the site of injury.
    (Answer No. 2).
    № 9 How long can a hemostatic tourniquet be applied in the warm season?
    1. No more than half an hour.
    2. Not more than one hour.
    3. Time is not limited.
    (Answer No. 2).
    № 10 How long can a hemostatic tourniquet be applied in the cold season?
    1. No more than half an hour.
    2. Not more than one hour.
    3. Time is not limited.(Answer No. 1).

    11 How to use a solution of iodine or brilliant green as a disinfectant?
    1. Lubricate the surface of the wound.
    2. Lubricate only the skin around the wound.
    (Answer No. 2).
    № 12 How to apply bactericidal wipes?
    1. Rinse the wound, remove foreign bodies, apply a bactericidal napkin.
    2. Treat the wound with iodine solution, apply a bactericidal napkin.
    3. Without treating the wound, apply a bactericidal napkin, fixing it with a band-aid or bandage.
    (Answer No. 3).

    The teams have to answer the questions of the presentation. The team that answers 10 questions correctly and gets 2 tips. 6 - 9 questions 1 hint, less than 6 correct answers - they don’t get a hint.
    Having completed all the tasks at the station, except for the prompts, the team receives an envelope containing a prompt about where to go next.

      Station "Electrical Safety".

    Theoretical task:   Identify 5 electrical safety signs. If the team made no mistakes, it receives 1 hint.


    practical task:
      make a memo puzzle on electrical safety. If the team copes, it gets 1 hint.

    QUEST's move. The movement of teams in the stations

    If a tornado, storm or hurricane found you at home, then ...

    In the event of a flood threat, preventive measures are taken during which residents must ...

    If a tornado, storm or hurricane found you at home, then ...

    In the event of a flood threat, preventive measures are taken during which residents must ...

    If the avalanche overtook you, then ...

    Receive clues that direct them to the stations:

    Station“Evacuation is a smoke screen”;

    Station   "First aid";

    Station   "Safety and protection of the person in emergency situations";

    Station"Electrical safety".

    Station"First aid";

    Station"Safety and protection of the person in emergency situations";

    Station"Electrical safety".

    Station“Evacuation is a smoke screen”;

    Station   "First aid";

    Station"Safety and protection of the person in emergency situations";

    Station"Electrical safety".

    Station   “Evacuation is a smoke screen”;

    Station"Safety and protection of the person in emergency situations";

    Station   "Electrical safety".

    Station   “Evacuation is a smoke screen”;

    Station"First aid";

    Station"Electrical safety".

    Station“Evacuation is a smoke screen”;

    Station   "First aid";

    Station   "Safety and protection of the person in emergency situations";

    Station“Evacuation is a smoke screen”;

    Station   "First aid";

    Station"Electrical safety".

    Station   "Safety and protection of the person in emergency situations";



    P R I K A Z


    “On the conduct of the“ Day of Knowledge on Civil Defense ”

    In accordance with Article 12 of the Federal Law “On Civil Defense”, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 782 of 06/10/1999, the order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on civil defense, emergency situations and liquidation of consequences of natural disasters No. 708 of December 20, 1999. and documents of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 38 - 51 - 13 / 38-02 of 04/21/2000. No. 38-55-31 / 38-02 of 04/27/2000 and according to the schedule of practical development of evacuation plans in educational institutions of the Martynovsky district for the 2013/2014 academic year

    I order:

      Conduct a school "Day of Knowledge of Civil Defense" ____ September 2013.

      Assign Stadnik A.A., the organizer of life safety, to be responsible for organizing and conducting the "Day of Civil Defense Knowledge" and teacher OBZH and physical education   Kuleshova V.I., physical education teachers Bondarenko V.V., Basyuk N.N., Karpusenko N.N.

      September 6, 2013 at 12.15 to conduct a training evacuation to work out actions in emergency situations, students and school workers during working hours.

      To the Commissioner in resolving issues related to Goi emergency situations A. Stadnik:

      1. hold a meeting of teachers and once again familiarize themselves with the actions of teachers in emergency situations;

        until 09/02/2013 organize instruction with the teaching staff and security personnel, study the main provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the fight against terrorism and responsibility for terrorist crimes, fire safety rules. Involve representatives of the Civil Defense and Emergency Situations bodies and public health services in the classes.

        organize inspection of basements, inaccessible places, attics, etc. for the identification of dangerous objects, as well as an examination of the adjacent territory;

        to ensure the controlled entry of vehicles into the administrative territory of the OS, provide for a ban on parking vehicles near the OS (30m).

    5. To the Deputy Director for Administrative and Economic Affairs S. Predkov, and V. A. Lavnik ..:

    * conduct classes with technical staff;

    * carry out a check of the warning equipment;

    * provide the building with fire extinguishing means;

    * prepare emergency exits.

    6. To assign class managers responsible for fire safety and

    civil defense, bring to the students an evacuation plan and procedure for

    emergency situations.

      Assign responsibility for evacuation in case of emergency:

    new school:

    III-floor left side - Nikulchenko O.A.,

    III - floor right side –Kolnogorova L.G.,

    II - floor left side - Raspopova M.V.,

    II - floor right side –Bakaeva I.A.,

    I - floor left side - T. Korsun,

    I - floor right side - Abbasov T.F.,

    old school:

    Floor Bugaevu E.N., Shatalova I.V .;

    II floor - Taran S.A., Samsonova N.V .;

    III floor - Belousova V.V., Shutov T.S.

      To make senior pupils obliged to provide emergency assistance to the junior echelon of the school.

      Responsible for collecting information about the evacuated Basyuk N.N., Karpusenko N.N .;

      On-duty administrator and deputy director for AChP Predkov S.V., Lavnik V.A. act according to the instructions for civil defense and emergency situations.

    In grades 1-4 - an open event with the involvement of firefighters, rescuers, EDDS workers.

    in grades 5-7 - the school stage of the game "Zarnitsa"
































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    I order:




















