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Essay in the picture Queenji Birch Grove (description). Memories of Quinji General impression from the painting of Queenji Birch Grove

The mighty, distinctive character of the Archka Ivanovich, illuminated by the halo of artistic genius, left indelible traces in the memory of everyone, with whom he met in a vitality. Among the many curious manifestations of its multifaceted life in my memory, two characteristic cases that Kindji, as a teacher's artist, and Queenji, as the keeper of their artistic treasures, are especially deeply cut. In January 1898, we prepared our paintings to the "Spring Exhibition" with the Academy of Arts. Having met with Archka Ivanovich in the Academy, I asked him to go to our apartment to see our works. The next day, about noon, in the corridor, leading to our room, familiar measuring steps were heard. I rushed to the door. Archka Ivanovich stood in front of us in his black sinel with a beaver collar and in the fur hat ...

"Moonlight Night on the Dnieper":

In the summer and in the fall of 1880, during a gap with the headings, A.I.Kyujji worked on a new picture. On the Russian capital, rumors about the enchanting beauty of the "Lunar Night on the Dnieper" were separated. For two hours on Sundays, the artist opened the wishing door to his workshop, and the Petersburg audience began to deposit her long before the completion of the work. This picture gained truly legendary glory. In the workshop of A.I.Kuinji, I.S.Turgenov and Ya. Polonsky, I. Kramskaya and P. Chistykov, D.I. Madevelev, accounted for the famous publisher and collector K.T.Soldatenkov. Straight from the workshop, even before the exhibition, the "Moonlight Night on the Dnieper" for a huge money was bought by the Grand Prince Konstantin Konstantinovich ...

Queenji Mission in Russian Art:

For Russian painting, it was necessary to have the appearance of his Monet - such an artist who would understand the relations of the paints so clearly, as definitely in the shades of them, so hotly and passionately wish them to convey them that other Russian artists would believe him, would cease to relate to Paletra How to some hardly the desired appendage. Paints in Russian painting, since the time of the Cyproshensky and Venetianov, ceased to play an independent, significant role. The artists themselves treated them as a kind of official costume, without which, only from the prejudice, indecent to appear before the public.

Kindji Arkhip Ivanovich. "Birch Grove" 1879

"Birch Grove"
Canvas, oil. 97 x 181 cm
State Tretyakov Gallery

The picture attracts and admires its simplicity, national identity. The plot of the composition from the first moments becomes native, the home cozy. The artist portrayed a small green cleaner, flooded with sunlight. Polyana shares the stream, places covered with rod. On one of its shores, sleepy birchs, highlighted by the sun and contrasting with dark outlines of the forest in the background.
The picture fascinates its ease, some decorativeness: there are almost no details or accents. All very air. Attention attracts only a few branches of birch, which the author of the painting draws with great love and realism.
Critics are completely true in the composition of a certain Levitan style: Queenji, creating a "birch grove", counts on the imagination of his viewer, gives him only a common composition, the details of the viewer thinks himself.
It should also be noted the contrast of combinations: white-white, blurred birch trunks are shaded with dark, places with almost black forest, which is depicted in the distant plan.
Kuyji is considered to be "artist of light": the "Birch Grove" canvas is the best proof of that. A thin combination of light and shadow, sunbathing bunnies on the trunks of trees and darkened, admiring the depth of water - all this transmits the engagement of the corner of the grove, the deeplenness of the summer day.
Numerous outline were previously made. All of them are combined in the presence of birch on a dark background

"Master of Light" - such a nicknamed Dali Kindji Other artists. Since for them there was always a secret to his unusual talent to portray the light so real that, it seemed as if it was not a picture, but the picture. Until now, many artists in confusion look at the paintings and do not understand how and what can the Light of the Moon or the sun rays can be transferred to, looking at them, jugger.
The work of "Birch Grove" was written in 1879. On the canvase is bright, radiant and, sparkling with sun rays, day. Everything is calm and quiet around, some indescribable joy and delight will be settled in the soul.
So masterfully depicts the corner of the birch forest, absorbed by the game "bunnors", which involuntarily become a witness of an unusual representation - the sun's rays are woven into the hanging branches of Berez and "ride" on them, mounted with a light summer breeze. And, it seems that, if you listen, you can hear the rustling of leaves and singing of birds, the rifling of grasshoppers in high and soft grass. Fullness of the contrast of green and its shades, allows you to easily perceive the depth and pomp of the birch forest.
Next, we carry on the stream, which its fresh and cool stream takes us in the depths of the canvas, where it is no longer seen. However, the feeling of freshness and purity sharply creates a contrast between the summer heat and saving cool waters of the stream.
To give a density and depth forest, the artist draws on the far background of the painting of dark silhouettes, but the shapes do not give them a specific, which indicates that the most important thing here, before the eyes, is spread as on the palm.
Such a fineness of the light effects of the Quinji is achieved using a properly selected composition of color and contrast. After all, so thin can be smelted by the light, being in darkness. Therefore, the author prefers to combine dark tones with bright, so that one against the background of others stand out with their depth and purity. Dark forest Let us give us a brighter to perceive the blue sky and almost glowing trunks birch.
The artist is in admiration from the Russian landscapes, because it is Russian forest full of thoughts and hopes, desires and prayers who are very clearly felt, the code you get into this wonderful nature.

Archka Ivanovich Kindji is one of the recognized Russian masters of the landscape. Each of his paintings is striking the viewer of the color rendering and the color game. Talented by exposing accents, the artist achieved that his paintings literally exuded light. Kindji canvas combine naive romanticism and realism, deep philosophical meaning and rustic natural motives. But each of his paintings is a breakthrough, a new word in the art of the landscape.

Among the canvases of the master, one of his early works is distinguished: "Birch Grove". Now the picture is exhibited in the Tretyakov Gallery and still spectators and critics celebrate its unusual liveliness and misfortune attractiveness.

Picture was written in the spirit of romanticism, so the favorite archup Ivanovich. On the canvas you can see a rather ordinary Russian landscape: illuminated by the bright sun glada, in the center of the birch grove. Pastoral, bright picture filled with love for life, nature and homeland. With the help of oil and canvas, the archite Ivanovich virtuoso transmits the atmosphere of a hot summer day when sunlight floods forest glade, giving lifeless heat.

But thanks to the sharp contrast of the juicy greenery of all colors and shades, saturated with light tones and easy strokes, the picture creates the impression of a huge space inside it. The whole world is hidden in the frame, with a real forest and alive trees. The special manner of Queenji creates the illusion of a soft flowing light emitted by the picture.

In the background, the paintings are green. Dark crowns of trees, vividly standing out on the background of light blue sky. As you approach the viewer, the artist allocated individual trees. The crowns in the picture are not visible, only bright birch trunks and small branches. The author depicted both very young, thin birch trees and adult trees that curved from the winds. Soft green grass at the bottom creates a contrast with a dark greenery.

The canvas divides into two parts or the stream. To the left of him more shadows, this part of the grove is not so brightly lit, so contrasts with the right, solar and bright, half. The tightened rose rod, which seems to be a continuation of the sky, resting in his blueness on the horizon, divides the forest into two halves.

I got my present type of picture not immediately, before that the artist made a few sketches, where the birks are semi-widged with a thick shadow, then the opposite is lit by the sun without every hint of the shadows. Only bright sparkling light.

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In the archite Ivanovich Kindji. "Birch Grove"

The illusion of light was his God, and there was no artist equal to him in achieving this miracle of painting
- Ilya Efimovich Repin

"Birch grove" Quinji, dated 1879, made a huge impression on contemporaries and to this day is almost the most famous work of the artist. Of course, in line with the traditions of the Mobile, the picture became innovative, breaking the canons of harsh realism in painting with its social population plots and tragic paints.

Birch grove 1879.

"Birch grove" is called the light picture of the Queenji, penetrated by the light, glowing.
I think it is as dramatic as other belonging things. A mysterious forest with gloomy weaves with massive dark crowns with gloomy bonds with massive dark crowns is riveted behind the array of sunny beams of the foreground with massive dark crowns, while the tops of the "front" birches are probably transparent, trembling, not visible. In the foreground, the pictures are dense shadows. In general, condensed saturated paints in the picture a lot, maybe, however, less than in many other works of Quinji. An afternoon, enveloping the heat of the sun, focused in the center of the composition, make attention and give a "birch grove" some melancholicity - sadness from the fact that the day will soon be replaced in the evening and the grove will dive into the darkness.
The picture is clearly traced to the style of modernity with its conditional decorativeness - in a clear several magical discharge of birch stems. However, from written by a slightly blurred edge paints with its blooming plants, a pond, a delayed gentle rod, blows the spirit of impressionism.

Even more impressionistic seems another "birch grove", established in 1901. It is the grove of smoky air and light pearlescent light, at the same time dreaming and majestic in her quiet rest. Charmingly soft, thoughtful, magnificent landscape, also obtained fame and recognition.

Birch grove 1901.

An artist was written by several more paintings and sketches called "Birch Grove".
I like the "birch grove" - \u200b\u200bthe autumn landscape and the "birch grove. Sunlight stains" - sad, completely impressionistic work with an amazing harmony of golden light and oath colors grove, with shining midday greens and overflows of solar glare in a summer grove with "Sunlight stains ".
Talented contrast with bizarre dense color - ultramarine, purple and malachite - birch grove at night ("Forest") written in a typical manner in the spirit of vintage fairy tales and tale.

Birch grove 1898-1908.

Birch grove 1880s

Birch grove 1880s

Birch grove 1879.

Birch grove OPTION-Sketch of the same name Picture of 1879

Birch grove (forest) 1880s

Birch Grove. Sunlight stains 1890-1895


1. What I see in the picture "Birch Grove".

2. Why do I like the picture "Birch Grove".

In the picture "Birch Grove", the artist depicted a clear summer day. I see the green cleaner lit by the sun and slender birches.

Leafs on the birch of gentle-emerald color. Between the trees proceeds a cool wetlands. On the pale blue sky or a cloud. And the thick green forest can be seen.

I really like the picture "Birch Grove". She creates a joyful mood. I want to sit in a tank under the tree and listen to the murmur of the stream and singing of the birds.

Essay by picture A.I.Kyujji birch grove grade 5


2. Stern painting "Birch grove".

3. Why do I like the "birch grove".

From early childhood, the Archip of Quinji manifested itself a big talent for drawing. For his life, the master created a huge number of paintings, most of which are devoted to nature. Queenji is a recognized master landscape. One of the most famous works - "Birch Grove".

Arkhip Ivanovich very much loved Russian Birch and "Birch Grove" painted in several versions. In the foreground of the painting - a white-barracks lit by the sun. They seemed to escape from the Dark Forest, visible in Dali, on the Emerald Polyana and now lead the dance around a cool stream. Under the crowns, Bereza is a shadow, it's nice to hide from the scorching summer heat.

The picture looks so real that when you look at her, it seems that this is about to touch your face a light breath of the breeze. At the "Birch Grove" I want to watch and watch, she attracts gaze. Sad mood immediately improves. I think that there is no person who would not like this work.

picture A.Kyujji Birch Grove Photo

Essay in the picture A.I.Kyujji Birch Grove Grade 6


1. About the artist.

2.Coinjevskaya "Birch Grove".

3. Suchness caused by "birch groves".

The famous Russian landscapeist Arkhip Ivanovich Kindji was born in Russia in the city of Mariupol, but by nationality he is Greek. Queenji possessed a memorable appearance: was a high, muscular, very strong man with dark skin, and a magnificent curly chapel. From the very childhood, the archite Ivanovich loved to draw and did it everywhere, where only you can. Almost all the works of Kindji are devoted to the description of nature. He is considered a master of landscape painting.

Masterpiece of landscape painting is considered a canvas "Birch Grove". In the center of it - a large forest glade, on which the main characters of the painting - birch. Polyanka looks like this that it seems you can jump there, hug a birch and feel the smell of its bark. Birchs, like girlfriends, gathered by group of two, three and as if about something secretly.

The artist with great love wrote every twig of trees. At the same time, the forest in the background of the picture looks like a large green silhouette without drawing details. It seems to me that the picture shows the beginning of summer, because the greens of grass and leaves are still a gentle emerald shade, which only happens in June. Above the forest is very clean almost transparent, with a bluish tint, sky. In the forest or the breeze. Polyana seems brightly illuminated by the sun, the sun everywhere, although it is not in the picture. And this magical effect is present on many of his canvas. The picture creates a sense of joy, happiness and peace. Probably very nice to look at her when in the yard of winter and frost.