
Analysis of the painting "Holiday in the village. Description of the painting of Lutfullina Three women Analysis of the painting "Tritizn Day"

) I will try to put thematic records about Bashkir artists who participate in the competition. Of course, let's start with the nomination of the legend about those who are no longer with us. The first to rightfully will be the outstanding Bashkir artist, the People's Artist of the USSR, Ahmat Fatkullovich Lutfullyn.
I use the material of the agency Bashinform

In the summer of 1957, the VI World Festival of Youth and Students took place in Moscow. And on the eve of this event, an exhibition of young artists of the USSR was opened, dedicated to the festival. She aroused great interest among Muscovites and guests of the capital. Among the work, which attracted special attention of visitors, there was a series of portraits, surprisingly fresh in perception and expressive color - "Bashkirka Girl in the interior", "Portrait of Bashkira", "Portrait of Mother", "Portrait of an old man" and others. In the book reviews, these works received the highest marks. Their essence came down to the fact that in the captured characters, the artist Dosee to the viewer is hardly working, kindness, the rigor and restraint of the feelings of these people, managed to express the deep origins of the national nature of their people. Thus made a 29-year-old painter from Ufa Ahmat Lutfullyn in front of the mass audience. By this time, he already found his hero, found the topic that will be the main one for the next 50 years of his intense creativity - this is the life of its people, originality, beauty and nobility of a national character in the entire variety of its manifestations. Among the characters of his paintings - workers, the inhabitants of his native Abzelilovsky district, representatives of the creative intelligentsia of the republic.

Pictures "Farewell" and "Waiting" were conceived by him as a triptych poem about the fate of the people in one of the most dramatic periods in the history of our country - during the Great Patriotic War. The artist found expressive funds, the language of genuine monumentality, arguing the greatness of the feelings of his heroes. Large thematic canvases "Holiday in Trans-Urals. Sabantuy", "Holiday in Aul", "Kubza Melodies", "White Yurt", "Divorce about the rain" give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe faith and national traditions of the Bashkir people.

The classic of Bashkir painting was the canvas of Ahmat Lutfullin "Three Women." A strikingly concise, stronger and solemn composition of this painting, is also obvious and a symbolic allegorical context of it. Three women are depicted behind the traditional tea party. It seems to be a typical household scene. But it is worth looking at the faces of these women immersed in their thoughts, and we will see representative of three generations, the United naturally and simply, perhaps this is one family, but each of them has its own difficult fate. And for three concrete alive destinies, the fate of all people, the deep foundations of being. This picture has long stood the poet Evgeny Yevtushenko during his arrival in Ufa. A person who knows in painting, a friend of many famous masters of the brush of different directions.

"Ingenious artist," he said shocked, unable to break away from the canvas.

With great love and deep comprehension of character, the personality of the characters is executed by the artist portraits of the leaders of the Bashkir culture - the writer of the Khada Davletshina, the poets of Mustra Karim and Ravil Bikbayev, composer Husain Akhmetova, artist Aliya Sithdikova and others.

Ahmat Fatkulovich first of the artists Bashkortostan became a corresponding members of the Academy of Arts of the USSR and a valid member of the Academy of Arts of Russia. His works are stored in the collections of the country's largest museums. One of the albums of his painting the artist entitled "I am the Son of the Earth of my". He loved her lovelessly, his land, and this love drove him with his brush, making it an inspired singer of his godded edge. These days he would have been 80 years old.

Self-portrait 1959.

Girl with mandolina 1978

Wires to the front 1979

White horse 1986.

Girl - Bashkirka 1957

Mother portrait 1989.

Old woman at the window 1974

Portrait of Father 1991.

On Sabantuy 1964.

Waiting 1941 (1970)

Farewell 1973.

From Land 1996

Rally at the mosque 1980

Three women 1969.

Portrait of Bashkarka 1958.

A family. People of my collective farm 1974

Fate 1998.

Sabantuy 1977.

Bashkirka from Buragulovo 1980

White Yurt 1989.

This artist was recognized as one of the famous Bashkir creators, he is not the only one who tried to convey to his fans through her paintings, love not only to his homeland, but also love for their people.
Many critics assure that his best picture, transmitting all these feelings, is "three women", which Lutfullin wrote in 1969.

In this picture, the artist drew three women who are dressed in national costumes, as if the artist found them for the tea party ceremony.
The situation in the room where these women are not rich, but judging by the food you can say that the women of the peasantics are depicted.
This is evidenced by tea, bread and milk.
It seems to us that this is a small snack.
And now they are climbing and continue to go to their home affairs.
My attention was attracted not to costumes of these women and not even poor decor with food.
It seemed to me the attractive themselves shown.
In my opinion they symbolize the generation.

In the foreground, the artist portrayed the oldest of women, very wise and fair.
She is already a grandmother in my opinion.
To the right of her, it is most likely her daughter, she also had a lot of people, but her lots still have to see.
And the left is the young, it is she who is the granddaughter of the oldest woman.
It is depicted in my opinion innocent, who has not yet seen difficulties in life.
Not in vain next to her, the artist drew a flower.
He, as it may compare this girl with a blossomed flower, sometimes stupid in some moments and not even experienced in most life situations.
Outside the window, the artist painted a landscape, young guys ride bicycles and it seems that life has not stopped, it continues to go further, and generations will replace each other.
Code - and this young girl first will become mom, and then wise grandmother, with his life experience.

Ahmat Lutfullyn

Bright, sincere, truthful art of Lutfullin conquers us primarily by the national originality. Lutfullyn is the artist Trune Bashkir not only for birth and nationality, but also in deep attachment to his native land and their people, to see and feel the beauty of his life, character and traditions on rare ability.

Ahmat Fatkullovich Lutfullyn was born on February 4, 1928 in the village of Askar Tamyan-Katai Canton (now Abzelilovsky district) Bashkortostan. He studied at the Leningrad Architectural and Artistic, Ufa Theater and Art Schools, the State Art Institute of Lithuania.

The first and very small exhibition of works by the artist took place in the summer of 1957 in the Ufa City Park. And the audience, and the seal accepted her very warmly. Already in the first independent experiments of the young painter, they saw the desire to create portraits-images transmitting the best features of the Bashkir people: the physical beauty, the wealth of the inner world, an open sense of national pride and dignity. "The first, but the right step" - the review of this exhibition in the republican newspaper was so expressively called. After the end of study, the artist stood successfully after the end of study.

In 1968, Lutfullin wrote one of the strongest and complete works - portrait-meditation "Golden Autumn". Two older people, husband and wife, embody different characters: the woman clearly marked spiritual superiority, there is more internal integrity and strength in it. The man is simpler. Of course, his life fell, but not to such an extent as his spouse. We do not know their fate, we do not know what adversity fell out to their share, but it does not matter. See how calm their faces, they do not have a trace of sad worries. These people lived a worthy life, rightly, adequately brought up children, and now live calm and happy, in their understanding, life. What was the main thing in their lives? Honest work. Look at their hands -oni-big, even somewhat ugly big. These people never crumbled the soul. They lived worthy. Labor is the basis of their lives. Thanks to these people, there is a present.

The biggest creative luck of Lutfullina became the painting "Three Women", she was written in 1969. One of the researchers of modern art V. Vanaslov noted: "And Lutfullin in the painting" Three women "embodied the predominant beauty and moral purity of folk characters, creating an image that rises to deeply thinking about the fate of generations, about the development of life, about the past and modern in the history of the people "

The artist himself notes that this canvas is his autobiography. Working on it, he seemed to re-survive all his life and the life of his loved ones. The plot of the paintings is easy. Three women in national clothes drink tea in a clean Bashkir hollow. In front of them, according to Bashkir, right on the hiracles, on a white tablecloth - a tray with cups, a good rustic snack.

But this plot is filled with a large philosophical thought - we have a great story about three different biographies, three generations, three different characters, and simply connected. For three living specific fate costs the fate of all the people, his whole complex story, the deep bases of his moral life. Behind their characters - the nature of the whole nation, the courageous, unreleased.

Cigaretally calm Sanding in the center on a red cushion of the old woman - a lively symbol of inexorable time, the inviolability of age-old customs. The patched ends of embroidered towels crowned her head. A ascetic face, dark dried hands focused in themselves the wisdom of the centuries of developed folk experience, difficult, but worthy of lived life. This image carries in the picture an emotional main and ideological load.

The figure of another woman is gently emerging on a light window background. She has long met maturity. In its image, the moral features of the nation are particularly fully revealed: the noble restraint of the feelings, the resistance and the inner force of character. Years have taken the youth and physical beauty of these two women, but but generously endowed them moral beauty

Next to the wise old age - youth. The share of a young woman sitting on the left, there was more joy and happiness, she did not experience the fact that the senior was able to survive. She is a binder of the link of the past and present, the continuer and the keeper of the moral values \u200b\u200bof the people.

Images of women contain one thought - the topic of the fate of the people, his increhensible moral strength and spiritual greatness.

All to the smallest detail is thought out in this canvas. The simplicity and idleness of life emphasizes a modest still life: freshly baked bread, milk in a wooden bowl, three porcelain cups with saucers, white, in red flower. Golden ridges of the ancient Ural mountains, meeting and seeking generations, is the theme of eternity. Figures traveling on bicycles of schoolchildren -tema youth, constant updating of life.

The artist in his work turns to still lifes. "Still life with a jug" is written by a free, confident brush.

Objects are the most ordinary: black bread and sealer filled with milk mug and fragile white eggs, painted wooden spoon and dark clay jug. All this on the background of a purely disseminated boardwalk. Why did the artist wrote this still life? What thought he expressed? A simple man's life, whose meal is represented by us. The modest food says that this person is not used to excesses, and purity and bright color in the picture of the honesty of man, that there is no falsehood, moral damage.

Drawn by the artist and to the landscape. In 1974, he writes the landscape "The Last Old House in Aule". This ingrown in the land of a dilapidated house surrounded by the swollen shoulders and surviving buildings, the artist saw once in native places. She lived in him is a lonely old woman. This is a picture of contrasts. Electrical wires, antenna on a slate-covered house in depth neighboring with a dilapidated house and a fence. The hedge in the picture is the main thing. Despite the fact that she glanced and to finally did not fall on the ground, sublitted by pillars, there is some charm in it. The author carefully discharges the bizarre, the complex interweaving of the rods and praught. Once, right, here lived a strong owners who stood firmly on Earth. And this picturesque fence is like a certificate of that. Why did everything fall into disloyment to us in an unknown question in another - is it true? Life goes forward, but is it true that leads to destruction? This question will answer in your own way.

The time will pass, and the new generations of viewers may, otherwise, they will appreciate the good luck and finds of the artist. But one undoubtedly painting Ahmat Lutfullin is significant and originally.

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international and Russian exhibitions. The best works of the artist are in the Bashkir State Art Museum. M. V. Nesterova, in the Tretyakov Gallery, Russian Museum. With the greatest full talent of the Bashkir artist manifested itself in the paintings dedicated to his beloved homeland, her people, especially in such complex forms of painting, like triptych and a composite portrait. These, first of all, include "Family" (1963), "Golden Autumn" (1968), "Three Women" (1969), "Holiday in Aul. 30s "(1969)," Waiting. Year of 1941 "(1970)," Old Woman at the window "(1974) and, of course, Triptych" Family of the collective farmer of Razhapa "(1974). It should be noted that the majority of Lutfulline thematic paintings are devoted to the history of the Bashkir people. In his clutters, history does not live in itself, but closely echoes today. "The past never dies," the artist says, "it continues to live in the present. It is impossible to understand our time without thinking about the history of the Motherland. " A. Lutfullyn is one of the few artists whose paintings are filled with inspired love for their homeland - Bashkortostan. They are always distinguished by a bright national peculiarity. He is a truly Bashkir artist.

Ahmat Fatkullovich Lutfullyn was born on February 4, 1928 in the village of Ishshlovo Tamyn-Kataysky Canton Bassam, now the Abzelilovsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan, in the family of the watersman. With neighboring villages, Askarovo and Abzakovo were associated with the years of his youth.

Father Ahmat - Fatkullah was a competent person, even before the revolution graduated from the Madrasa, she was well sang with long Bashkir songs. The mother led the economy was an excellent storyteller, knew a lot of fairy tales and legends. The family had seven children, Ahmat was the eldest son. It began to draw from the fifth grade when he was commissioned to design a wallpaper, and since then with art, he did not part. He possessed a good natural voice, musicality, played on Mandolin. Before the war, Ahmat was even adopted in the Orchestra of Folk Instruments Bashkir Philharmonic, made a radio, prepared for participation in the decade of Bashkir art in Moscow, but prevented the war.

In 1943, in difficult military time, he walks on Magnitogorsk and goes to study at the craft school on Tokary, but the dream of becoming a real artist leaves him. At the same time, visits the orsostudia at the Palace of the culture of metallurgists.

Ahmat Lutfullyn learns a lot. In 1945-1954, he ends the Leningrad Architectural and Art School, the Bashkir Theater and Art School and the State Art Institution of the Lithuanian SSR. In the years of study in Ufa, His mentors were painters Alexander Tulkin and Boris Lahetin. In those years, there were practically no deep traditions of the Bashkir art school, since it was prohibited in the figure in the figure of people and animals. The artist had to go through a difficult path of creative searches in order to understand and express the spirit in his works, the atmosphere of life, the images of the Bashkir people. He needed the years attentive to study the experience of old masters. With special persistence, Ahmat studied portrait painting Hans Memling - the Netherlands Artist of the XIV century and the work of the Armenian artist Minas Avetisyan. Deep interest caused his art ancient Russian iconopus. It was necessary to overpay all this and tie with their own creative ideas and ideas.

After completing studies in Lithuania, the artist returned to his native aul and began working a lot. It creates portrait and landscape sketches "Portrait of Mother", "Still Life with a picture", "Bashkir-peasant" and others. In 1957, his first personal exhibition took place in Ufa, where Ahmat Lutfullin declared itself as a serious master working on the national theme. Already in early work, the artist's desire to convey the best features of the Bashkir people and the wealth of the inner world of contemporaries on canvas are pronounced. Gradually, portrait theme becomes leading in the work of the master.

Images of women contain one thought - the topic of the fate of the people, his increhensible moral strength and spiritual greatness.

The artist in his work turns to still lifes. "Still life with a jug" is written by a free, confident brush.

Objects are the most ordinary: black bread and sealer filled with milk mug and fragile white eggs, painted wooden spoon and dark clay jug. All this on the background of a purely disseminated boardwalk. A simple man's life, whose meal is represented by us. The modest food says that this person is not used to excesses, and purity and bright color in the picture of the honesty of man, that there is no falsehood, moral damage.

Drawn by the artist and to the landscape. In 1974, he writes the landscape "The Last Old House in Aule". This ingrown in the land of a dilapidated house surrounded by the swollen shoulders and surviving buildings, the artist saw once in native places. She lived in him is a lonely old woman. This is a picture of contrasts. Electrical wires, antenna on a slate-covered house in depth neighboring with a dilapidated house and a fence. The hedge in the picture is the main thing. Despite the fact that she glanced and to finally did not fall on the ground, sublitted by pillars, there is some charm in it. The author carefully discharges the bizarre, the complex interweaving of the rods and praught. Once, right, here lived a strong owners who stood firmly on Earth. And this picturesque fence is like a certificate of that.

The artist is actively involved in numerous exhibitions of international, All-Russian and republican importance. In the 60-70s, Ahmat Lutfullin creates the "Three Women" canvas, "Holiday in Aul. The 30s, "Farewell" and "Waiting" paintings, which included in the Golden Fund of Soviet Fine Arts.

Its specific characters are the fate of all the people, the deep bases of his being. The greatness of Ahmat Lutfullina as an artist and is that it is at its canvas, and at the same time it is extremely simple, he was able to express a generalized image of representatives of his people. Bright, sincere, truthful art of Lutfullin conquers, above all, the national originality. Lutfullyn is an artist True Bashkir not only for birth and nationality, but also in deep attachment to his native land and his people, by rare ability to see and feel the originality and beauty of his life, character and traditions.

High picturesque culture marked all his work. Possessing self-crispiness and demanding, relying on the best traditions of world art, the artist Ahmat Lutfullin was able to create his own expressive painting manner, embodied the origins of his philosophical and poetic quest.

In 1977, Ahmat Lutfullina in France was a creative trip. In the same year, a personal exhibition of his work in Moscow was held. Later, the artist makes a creative trip to Vietnam. In 1966, he was awarded the honorary title "Honored Artist BASTR". For participation in the III republican exhibition Soviet Russia in 1967, he is awarded a diploma of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR. Creative achievements are honored twice the Certificate of Certificate of High Council of the RSFSR and the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR, the Honorary Diploma of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the Central Committee and the Central Committee and the Central Committee. He was assigned the honorary titles "Honored Artist of the RSFSR", "People's Artist of the RSFSR" and "People's Artist of the USSR". Ahmat Lutfullylain is elected by a valid member of the Academy of Arts of Russia and the Honorary Member of the Academy of Sciences Bashkortostan. His personal exhibitions with great success are held in Ufa, Kazan, Magnitogorsk and Moscow. He is a participant in many international, all-Union, All-Russian and zonal exhibitions. In 1982, the artist became the winner of the Republican State Prize named after S. Yulaev, in 2004 - the winner of the Kim Ahmedian Prize.

In general, with the name of Ahmat Lutfullina, the development of Bashkir painting is firmly connected all over the second half of the twentieth century.

The many works of the artist are kept in the Tretyakov Gallery storey in Moscow, in the Russian Museum of St. Petersburg, the Bashkir Art Museum named after M. Enesterov, other museums of the country and in private collections.

In the life of Ahmat Fatkulovich was a very modest person, preferred to listen more than speak, possessed deep knowledge in many areas, subtle wit. The circle of his interest was wide and diverse. As an artist, he, of course, was very observant. His attentive gaze seemed to penetrate the interlocutor through. I did not live a little bit to my 80th anniversary. Ahmat Fatkullovich Lutfullin left this world on July 10, 2007 and was buried in his native village.

Since 2008, the secondary school in the village of Abzakovo Beloretsky district is the name of an outstanding countryman. In August 2011, a memorial plaque was installed on the school building. One of the streets in the village of Nagaevo Oktyabrsky district of Ufa recently wears the name of Ahmat Lutfullin. At the house number 7/1 on Aksakov Street in Ufa, where the artist lived for many years, a memorial plaque with a bas-relief was installed.

The bas-relief is the type of embossed sculpture, in which the convex part of the image performs above the plane of the background no more than half of its volume.

The exhibition is a public demonstration of achievements in the field of economics, science, technology, culture, art and other areas of public life. The concept may designate both the event itself and the place of this event.

Painting is a view of the visual art, the works of which are created with the help of paints applied to any solid surface (canvas, wood, paper, cardboard, stone, glass, metal, etc. commonly covered with soil).

Islam is a monotheistic world religion. The word "Islam" is translated as "legend himself", "submission", "submission" (the laws of Allah). In Arabic, the word "Islam" is a separable noun, which means "to be prosperous", "to save", "persist", "be free." In the Sharia terminology, Islam is a complete, absolute monotheist, the submission of Allah, his orders and prohibitions, removal from polybim.

Canton is a territorial administrative unit in some countries, a military-territorial unit in Bashkiro-Meshcheryak troops.

Laureate - a person who is awarded a state or international award of merits, achievements in manufacturing, technology, science, etc., as well as the winner of competitions (mainly artistic).

Mandolina is a string plumbing musical instrument of small sizes, a variety of lute is a lute-soprano, but with a less long neck and with a smaller number of strings.

Madrasa is a Muslim educational institution that fulfills the role of high school and the Muslim spiritual seminary. Training in the madrasa separate and free. Graduates Madrasa have the right to enter the university.

Memorial plaque - plate, usually from durable stone (marble, granite) or metal alloy (bronze, cast iron), perpetuating the memory of the famous person or event. Installed on buildings in which the famous person lived or worked or worked (near which) an important event occurred.

The museum is an institution engaged in collecting, studying, storing and exhibiting objects - monuments of natural history, material and spiritual culture, as well as educational and popularization activities.

Still-life - genre of fine art (mainly easel painting), which is dedicated to the image of the people surrounding things, placed, as a rule, in a real household medium and compositely organized into a single group.

The landscape is the genre of fine art (or individual works of this genre), in which the main subject of the image is wild or in one degree or another, nature transformed by man. Artist Lutfullyn Painting Bashkir

Character - any face, person, personality, or essence that exist in the work of art.

Portrait - an image (image) of any person or group of people existing or existing in reality. Portrait - one of the main genres of painting, sculptures, graphics.

Philharmonic - in some countries: a music society or an institution engaged in the organization of concerts, promoting development and propaganda of musical art.

Exhibit - in the field of visual art: an artistic work exhibited for review at the exhibition or in the museum.