
An essay on the topic "An interesting case of my life. An interesting case in my life is an unusual case of my life

In my life there were many different interesting cases, but I want to tell about how one day the little black and white kitten laughed me very much and my uncle. We often remember that case and laugh, although the Cat Uncle Marquis has long become a serious and clever adult cat.

Once uncle took me on a long trip to show me my new country house. We drove by car, so they came pretty quickly. On the way next to the road, we noticed a small black and white lump. It turned out to be a little kitten, who pressed against the lamppost and was shaking very much from fear, or from the cold. Uncle decided to take it to himself. On the way we bought food for the baby and gave him to drink. When we drove to the house, he was already playing the suspension, which hung in the car.

The kitten happily ran around the house and interfered under his feet. And when we went into the room, where a huge mirror was already installed, they noticed that the kitten was gone somewhere. In just a minute, we found him - he himself came out of the box with a building material in the hope of "defeating" the beast, which he saw in the mirror. His wool stood on end and he was not a joke. He rushed to the mirror as a wild beast, but it looked incredibly funny and funny. Then the kitten looked behind the mirror and began to understand that he was not threatened with him. This is how my acquaintance with the Country House of the Uncle and the acquaintance of the kitten with a mirror passed.

We will never forget this case. From this point on, I madly loved the cats and scored at my mother to have a kitten. After a week, we also had a small kitten at home, which we took from the shelter for homeless animals.

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My life is so amazing and full of surprises, which reflects on the theme of the writings, a few ridiculous situations occurred to me. I, in general, a person who loves adventures and constantly falls into some grinds. It did not excel my summer incident.

The case was on the summer vacation. As usual, parents were going to send me a few weeks to her grandmother in the village. This is the usual thing, I have been finishing my grandmother for several years, because it lives quite close. Two hours on the train and you are in place. But this time my scatleton and inattention arranged this adventure.

On the eve of the trip, Mom helped me to collect my bag, warned my grandmother that soon her favorite granddaughter would come to visit, gave me the necessary instructions and part -ile words. The day before, because the train at lunchtime, and mom and dad will work. Of course, I nodded, I agreed with everything, put tickets and documents on the table and went to bed. I woke up early, I wanted to see my friends and take a little walk in front of expensive. The girls came three hours before the train, and we went outside, bought on ice cream, sitting on a bench and talked. Time flew unnoticed, and I was returned to reality a call from my mother. I quickly said goodbye to the girls and ran after the bag. The key as it was called in the castle, I was nervous, and the train time was approached.

All the same, the door surrendered, I grabbed the bag, closed it and ran to the station. All wet and tired and fell into her car and the train immediately moved. I got a little hungry and decided to get sandwiches that Mom put me on the track. Taking the bag, I noticed some movement in it. At first I was frightened, but then I heard a loud "meow". And then I realized that I was not alone for my grandmother. I open a bag, and there is sits my red cat Vasily, who looks at me with plaintive eyes. It turns out that while I walked, the cat climbed into the bag and fell asleep, and I did not notice him for the train and took it with me.

To be honest together, we were more fun, it's good that it was not long to go, and Vasily behaved like an approximate passenger. During this time, he managed to get acquainted with the neighbor's grandmother, who treated him with sausages and sausage. So we reached my grandmother.

By the way, Vasily brought a lot of benefit and there, because in an old house, there were not rarely mouses, who caught a red roller, and it was importantly brought, showing what kind of hunter he. This story happened to me and my cat.

3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 classes


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For the sake of the red sense they will not regret the father

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"What is your name? And mom? And dad? And who does mom work? And dad?"

And rushed. Since the top of the honor for the child was to work in her preschool institution, the girl proudered with his father, without a branch of conscience, showed fantasy and reported that he was working in the kindergarten "faithful friends."

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Humor is useful everywhere

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Periodically, the management of the company in which our humorist worked, began to fight for savings. This time, the all-seeing eye turned his eyes to excessive costs of printed paper. Therefore, each department received it separately and under the signature. The xerox who used the whole firm was in and as it always happens when it is necessary to urgently remove some copies, the staff resorted to the supply and found that they did not capture the paper, so they approached the supply. But when the recent has happened, the shopkeeper closed. And once there is a very active marketer, fattening, came running to remove a cherished copy of the urgent document, but the paper did not turn out, then she turned to colleagues with a fiery speech: "Guys, we make one common thing with you!" And our humorist was immediately found: "Yes, we make one common thing, but everyone with their paper!"

Stripping metaphorically

Perhaps the funniest cases from the life of the team took place when the company's leadership conceived the next innovation and invited the highest level specialists to teach their unfortunate staff to the overseas wisdom. During one of the very necessary trainings, the team faced the task of overcome timidity before leadership and behave with bosses on a par, as with long-standing comrades. It was required in an affordable form to describe the role of the head and employees in the workflow. One of the robust managers volunteered to express their vision, so to speak, metaphorically. The essence of the speech was that the whole firm is hive, employees - working bees, and the director - the bee uterus. When the training ended and the guide was removed, our humorist enthusiastically exclaimed his colleague (a fan of bees):

Here you are well done, such a speech said.

Did you really like it? - the technically feared the one.

Still, so boldly with all take and call the director of the female sexual authority!

All roads lead to Rome

Funny cases from the real life of travelers are always interesting, because our people do not frighten difficulties, and everywhere they feel at home.

The trip to Italy is a merry company remembered not only by the age-old sights of this country. The journey on February 23 began, so on arrival the first thing you were tired, but happy friends raised a glass "for defenders of the Fatherland." The evening pulled out until late Night, and part of the company went to bed, two members of the team, inspired by drunk, decided that they did not come here. Capturing the card and "with you", they went to study local attractions. Night Rome and the conversations about the eternal led our researchers to the Church of Santa Maria Maggiore. They admired by the shrine illuminated by the lunar light, they were rolled behind the beautiful and decided that for the completeness of sensations they lack the night Coliseum. But it was found that for some reason the card indicates the wrong information. It was decided to act in the old manner, namely - to take the "language" and interrogate, where this very colosseum was used. Passegish night city did not indulge, besides the only person, more or less knowledgeable English, peacefully slept in the removed apartment.


Finally, one of the Italian, who was passing by the wanderers who suffered to touch eternity. For some unknown reason, he decided to stop, and our had a chance to see the pride of Rome. From the set of phrases of foreign languages, once studied at school, Aboriginal guessed that people needed in the Colosseum, and he agreed to deliver them there for a pack of cigarettes. On the way, the passengers and the driver learned each other to understand and even met, it turns out, the Savior was called Sanya. The night was beautiful, an amazing ancient giant was amazing with his beauty, and it was simply necessary to honor the memory and remember the builders, gladiators, and indeed everyone. He began to break the dawn, it was time to return home, but the card was still not saved. By questioning on the road a couple of frightened dogs, lovers of night excursions were still able to get home. Having connected several hours, they with the rest of the team went to perceive the information and admire the antiquities on the planned route.

All roads lead to Rome II

Having plenty of impressions, the whole company decided to consolidate the learned material. Fastened with strong drinks. The story of travelers inspired another member of the company, and now they went to the nightly tip. Despite the fact that in the afternoon they were all together, they visited the Colosseum, at night the road and the map again summed up the suffering of antiquity at the light of the moon. The experience had a plan.

Colosseum II.

Several stops at the fountains to refresh and "for the beautiful", a pair of patient local, and here he is the Colosseum in all its glory. Having in love with the soul of long-suffering antiquity, having embraced with her and drinking a blowing and confessed in eternal love, the connoisseurs of the wonderful decided that they were tired, so it's time to go home.

The map and the Rome roads again summed up, and passersby ceased to come across. Only Carabiniers stopped, their such tourists and cases of life were funny and not very long ago surprised. Asking whether everything was well and having heard the answer to the "great and mighty", the guards of the order were buried, the hands were peeped their hands and were such. Travelers did not have anything left, how to trust a little conductor of one of the members of the expedition. The path was long and confusing, and suddenly the horses heard a familiar voice. This Sanier called his night buddies. He again met them in his car.

Remember at least the address

The friends deliberately informed Sanya on the already familiar language that they walked again to admire the Night Colosseum, but with a new member. A polite Italian offered a company of friends to help and said that he would bring them to the house completely free. But it turned out that none of those present knows the addresses, and saying goodbye to a new friend, the group moved further behind his conductor. Reaching home in the morning, tired and mastered comrades fell asleep, and in the morning they called their homeland and talked about their incredible adventures in Italy.

23 Chose

As a child, I was fidget and delivered my parents a lot of trouble. Recently, my mother remembered interesting cases from my childhood. Here are some funny episodes:

Once, on a walk in kindergarten, we had a thought with a girlfriend, and if we were quiet to go home, watch cartoons, because in the kindergarten so bored. And here we were imperceptibly stuck to the exit, the wicket to our joy was not closed. And finally - freedom !!! We felt like adults and were happy to truly. We knew the way home perfectly, because he was in three quarters from kindergarten. We have almost reached the house, how suddenly the path was blocked by our neighbor Uncle Misha, who walked into the bun. He inquired about us - where we are going through and why we are alone, turned us and brought us back to the kindergarten. So the first independent trip was so sad for us, because I could not see cartoons on that day, because We were punished.

And this story happened to me when I was taken to my grandmother for the summer, I was a little more than 3 years. I played in a house with toys until my grandmother was in the garden, and then the charter, climbed the bed under the grandmother and fell asleep there. Granny's grandmother went to the house, began to seek me, first in the house, then in the yard, then the whole neighboring child was raised to the rescue, which examined the surrounding places. I was looking for a garden, near the river and even in a well ... more than two hours have passed, adults joined the search. What happened then in the head of the grandmother, one God knows. But here, to universal amazement, I appear on the threshold of the house, yawning and sleepily rubbing my eyes. We then often remembered this case with your grandmother, but already with a smile.

And one more case when I have already walked to school. I was then 7-8 years. It must be said that I was very loved to pick up in my mother's bowl with beads, trying to try her shoes on heels and different beautiful blouses, but most of all I was not indifferent to my mother's cosmetic. And now I, once again, I decided to conduct a revision in my mother's cosmetics and discovered a bottle with new spirits (as I learned, these French perfume "Clima" dad got with great difficulty as everything is deficient at the time, and gave mom on birthday). I naturally decided to open them right away. But they were not so easy to open them, I tried as I could and finally opened, but at the same time the bottle slipped out of my hands, fell first on the sofa, then rolled on the carpet. Naturally, almost nothing remains in the bottle. Mom was very upset then, and in the house there was still a wonderful fragrance of perfumes.

I spent a small survey among acquaintances on children's pranks and almost all had 2-3 interesting stories. Girlfriend told that she decided to cut out of the new mother's dress flowers and make an applique from them to the lesson of labor, the employee shared the story as they rushed to each other with tomatoes that Mom bought the day before for the ordering, but the most interesting thing they rushed into the room where recently was repaired. And spoke about the reaction of Mom, who came from work and saw this art.

Surely you have funny stories from childhood, I would be interested to hear them and laugh with you.

The writing "An interesting case in my life."

When an interesting case occurred in my life, I and my friend turned 10 years old. We live in the private sector, and at home are almost near. With Natasha we walked next to the meadow, where the nut tree grew. Usually we needed covered under the shadow of the walnut and played in dolls.

The incident, which is described in writing on an interesting case, occurred at the end of summer. On this day there was clear weather, but as it went to the fall, it was often rained, the evenings became colder and were not so comfortable as before.


With my friend, I agreed to meet after lunch. The weather was good, and we decided to just walk. Going along the street, we talked about studying, classmates, parents, lessons and household matters. Suddenly Natasha stopped and asked if I would not hear any sound? I replied: "No." After standing and having listened, we realized that there were tiny kittens somewhere. We stood near the disassembled house, the peak came from the other side. We decided to go and see. Going, we saw three small kitten, which was not 2 weeks. They lay on Earth and tried in vain to move. It became clear that someone threw unfortunate crumbs on the garbage, and we, without thinking, took them with them.

Our parents did not respond to kittens so happily as we would like, they were against, because we often brought home animals from the street. But such small were for the first time. We did not know what to do now, but were able to find a way out. My cat recently had kittens, and we distributed them in good hands. She missed them, and we offered her to take care of the babies found. In the glade, where I and girlfriend played, we built a house where the cat and kittens lived. We kept them secret from parents for a week. All this time we wore them food and water. But our secret was revealed, her parents of Natasha's friends decided to regret kittens and take them to themselves.

How the kittens arranged

When kittens turned month, we began to look for the owners. We just went through the streets and knocked into the yards, offering to pick up babies. Many refused. But we did not give up, and were able to find the owners for two kittens. We could not attach one for a long time. And aunt Zhenya, Mom Natasha, allowed to leave him.

At the end of the essay on an interesting case, I can say that the kitten gave the name Timofey, and now he is happy, diluted, fluffy cat.

Remembering this fateful day in order to write an essay in the Russian language, I thought that everything turned out well, and the animals found their home.

Mini essay "An interesting case in my life"

Once in my life there was an interesting case. It was last summer. At this time of the year we live in our parents in our house in the village. Not far from our house there is not very wide, but quite deep and fleeting river. Very often, we go there for fishing there or just sit on the shore and chatting about yours.
Conversations near the river
And somehow, in one of these evenings, we sat with my friend Sashka on the banks of the river, told each other interesting stories and threw the pebbles into the river. I got a big stone at hand and I did not think it threw it into the water with a scope. And here from under the water went huge air bubbles.
We immediately missed and began to observe what would happen next. At the place where my stone fell, something black appeared. It began to move against the current. We immediately broke off the place and rushed at a stranger.
After some time, a strange subject swelled very close to us. We froze and something did the same. Twilight descended to Earth, so we could not see the black subject. Honestly, for some time we became scary. But soon we were able to consider a funny shaggy muzzle. The strange subject turned out to be a cute beaver.
A little looked at us an animal disappeared. And we waited a little, hoping that the animal would seem to us again. But this did not happen.
Waiting for the animal
I and Sasha many times came to the place and brought with me food to treat a beaver, but the animal did not appear.
Watch animals insanely interesting. I think that I will still have such an opportunity.

Here is such an interesting case in my life happened, I liked this topic then there are other similar essay themes