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Skywalker Luke ("Star Wars"): character history. Who played Skywalker's hatch in "Star Wars"? Who are Skywokes? Mother Luca in Star Wars

So, everything goes on the canon to the sixth episode. But after the hatch burned the body of Vader, Skywalker accidentally heard what was said in the assembled Council of the head of the Alliance, for which he, for some reason, did not call. And he learned this: first, Skywokes are very well known to the Jediyah still long before Qui-Gong Ginn and Obi-Van found Anakin on Tatooin. Why? Because, even in the genus Skywokes and not often, but still were gifted. And these these were always monstrously strong and talented, each next gifted this kind was an order of magnitude stronger than the previous one, as well as representatives of this family consistently became Sitham, so Skyuokers kind as hereditary sitchs. Secondly, Semi Skywalker had two twin children - a boy and a girl, Tobish Anakin and Ozp (name for your taste). While the boy lived with his mother - a girl lived with her father. Did Ogp know about the existence of a brother or not - no matter. But Anakin did not know anything about her sister, for Smey decided not to injure the soul of his son with the news about the existence of the sister, which he would never see anyway, and took this secret to the grave. Ozhap is not gifted. Jedi thought that Skywokes were completely extinct, but Anakin proved the opposite (only the fact that he wears this name and in his blood, Midihyloian turned out to be even greater than that of iodine, which was before this record holder in terms of the content of myidihylorial in blood). So, I decided the Jedi to try happiness and grow from the descendant Skyupler of the present Jedi. The result is known to us to all - Anakin Skywalker began to wear the name Darth Vader and, accordingly, not knowing himself, he went in the footsteps of ancestors. Padme died to childbirth and, accordingly, her children and Children Anakin also died, not having time to even be born. And here Obi-Van and iodine so successfully found a little hatch, which was born gifted, and the OGP (sister Anakina). The last Jedi was eliminated, and Luca sent to Tatooin, to Lars, and gave him to the son of Padme and Anakin. Leia Organ - Native daughter Baila organs and his wife, for example (but not daughter of Padme! They did not have sexual relations with the body, because Amidala was completely true to Skywalle). In short, the Jedi came up with a plan for which Vader's nephew (Luke), issued for his son, kill Sitha. Thirsty Leia agreed to play the role of Sister Luke and Vader's daughter to destroy Sith and the Empire. Leia, by the way, was also born gifted, so she was offered to participate in terms. Luke all overheard and found out the truth. The advantage was attended by the entire teamwork of the Alliance (Madina, there,. . Mont Motma, Akbar, Leia, Khan and some others). In general, they solved there, which now to do with the hatch itself, which is no longer needed. Kill him or imprison him, al what else to create? But it is impossible to leave it alone and the Jedi is not good to do it too. And then, never, and in it, skayokrov genes will take the top? They say, we know, they didn't work out with Anakin, but it means that he did not roll with hatch. They decided to kill, and the Jedi orders should restore the Order of the Jedi, it was also preparing iodine with Obi-Van from the earliest age (she is not Skywalker, it means that you can. Sitch, she says, will not). Luke had enough of everything he heard and he quickly dumps much away, just not to see these reptiles. And he fell on the planet of Corriban. On her hatch, just what did not die, but teachers found themselves from the spirits of the Lords Sith, among whom, by the way, there were five or ten former Skywalkers. In general, they managed to make years for seven or ten of the Luke of the real Dark Lord Sith and gave him the name Darth (invent). What the hatch will continue to do - come up with yourself (but do not forget that from the last Skywalker made the real Sith, and now he is not inferior in his cruelty to his uncle, Darth Vader. And also do not forget that I wrote about the power of Skyokers . Each next skayoker is an order of magnitude stronger than the previous one!). Luke will take revenge on everyone who used it (that is, the entire top of the Alliance, who by this moment the republic revived the republic and began to hurt and apply justice!). There must be a war. No, not so, there must be a war! Republic against Darth (how you come back there). Where Skywalker will take troops and technique - on your conscience, at least the same army of clones will grow. Will the hatch be capturing power and re-create his empire or limit the revenge - your business. But I still wish that he would restore the empire and became the emperor.
Has! Finally expressed my thought about this idea! I hope there is that benefactor, which can competently and interestingly embody this idea. And also, preferably without a slash, this genre is far from honoring. But if so without it, well, it is impossible, it is okay, somehow surviving, the main thing is that he does not interfere with the rest.

In the end "Star Wars: the last Jedi" Luke Skywalker dies, whom 40 years later executed Mark Hamill again.

IN "Star Wars: Awakening of Power" Skywalker did not appear on the screen until the last seconds of the film. Everything he did in the final was turned around and removed his hood, and then looked at the light sword for a long time. Rey. He does not even say a word! The scene, no doubt, is one of the biggest "teasers" in the history of the movie, and she forced fans to discuss what would happen when he returns to the episode VIII.

What happened?

IN "LAST JEDAYAH"we learned that Luke went to exile after his student and nephew Ben Solo turned to the dark side and destroyed the Jedi Temple. Although it was a Snoak, who poisoned the heart of Ben, Luke accused himself that he created Kaylo Rena. In the film, we learn how deeply it wounded it. When Rei comes to ask him about helping in the battle with the first Order, he refuses, and when she asks him to teach her strength, he says: "Jedi's time to put an end".

However, in the finals of ribbons, the hatch still uses power to distract the attention of the first order and give a chance to escape resistance. The moment with Kylo Renom became a swivel in the film. Their fight is not similar to any battle on light swords that were in "Star Wars". It was tense, although not so spectacular, but its completion cannot be not called spectacular. The new Supreme Leader understands that the former teacher deceived him, but it was already late - the enemy flew away.

Luke is an illusion projected by force through the galaxy. Also previously communicated Rei and Kaylo. Skywalker uses a blue light sword, and not green that he stayed after "Jedi's Return". After the "battle" with a nephew, the hatch comes out of meditation and simply disappears.

Mirny care

Due to the fact that Luke, who fought with Kaylo, is simply an astral projection, what happens next will certainly be the fact that fans will be discussed for a long time. After the illusion of the hatch disappears, the film returns to Ah, to the real hatch. To project your image on the whole galaxy, the hatch used strength, focusing all its energy at the other end.

He looks with a serene and encouraging expression on his face, looking at the sunset - and sees the sunset of two suns, reminder to him Tatoo. When the hatch is watching the horizon, he slowly disappears, leaving only clothes, and his robe blows away the wind.

Unity with power

When the hatch with horror looked like Darth Vader killed Obi-Vana Kenobi, he was shocked, seeing the body of the old Jedi just disappeared. But, as we have already learned, those Jedi, who are in the balance sheet, when dying and are associated with force, can save their vital energy and still communicate with alive after death. The first Jedi, who studied this ability, was Qui-Gon Ginn, although his studies began only after he had already died, so he returned as a voice, and not a ghost of strength.

It was Kuai-Gon, who then taught Yoda and Obi-Vana this technique, and when they died, they were able to appear in the form of ghosts of strength, communicating with Lyuk. Luke seems to have also learned this. Most likely, we will see him in the form of a ghost of power in the future.

The first main character of the famous space saga with whom the audience is acquainted, - Luke Skywalker. All epic battles and cosmic events occurring around the hatch in a sense only the background on which the internal struggle of the hero is played. A lot of adventures falls on his share, but that the fate would be sent, the question always lies in the choice between the bright and dark side of the force.

Origin ("Star Wars", Episode III: "Revenge of Sith", 2005)

Luke Skywalker was born along with his sister ley to the Policy of 19 DBya, in the family of Senator and Knight-Jedi Anakina Skywalker. The birth of children was kept secret, because at this time the great cleaning of the Jedi was happening. Emperor Palpatine with the help of the army of clones has achieved absolute power. Most of the Jedies were killed, and those who were lucky enough to survive were forced to hide. In childbirth, Padme dies, entangling the fate of the children to the mentor and a friend Anakina Obi-Vanobi. In order to protect the hatch and leu, he decides to divide the children and hide. Lei is sent to the education in the family of Senator Bale organ from Alderana, and Luke - to Uncle and Tetoon on Tatinov, where his father grew up.

Young years ("Star Wars", Episode IV: "New Hope", 1977)

The first meeting of the viewer with the main character takes place on Tatooine, where he lives with his uncle and aunt. Despite the kindness of the adopted father Owen, the young man often does not get along with him, because it dreams to be a pilot and spends a lot of time to prepare instead of working on the farm. In addition, Luke likes to listen to the stories of Obi-Vana Kenobi about the exploits of the Jedi, which owns energy called force. Kenobi does not accidentally live on Tatoo: he flew to look after young Skywalker. Communicating with Luke, Kenobi made friends with him, leaving, however, in secretly his belonging to the Knight's Order.


Buying Uncle Owen two droids P2-D2 and C-3RO everything changes. In one of them, Luke discovered the message Lei organs to Obi-Van Kenobi. Luke understands that the old man is not easy to appear in his life, and goes in search of Ben along with droids to pass the message and get answers to their questions. In the process of searching, the young man falls into the ambush, arranged by sandy people. Obi-van Kenobi comes to revenue. The time of answers came.

Van Kenobi tells the story about the army of clones, the destruction of the Order of the Knights-Jedi, the rebels, the "Star of Death" and the emperor Palpatine, unlocking endless star war. Luke Skywalker learns that his father Anakin was a chunk-jedi and fell from the sword of the Dark Lord Darth Vader. Obi-Wang Kenobi encourages the young man to join him and start learning to hold strength, but the hatch does not want to upset the uncle and rejects the proposal.

Returning home, he finds his loved ones dead: imperial attack aircraft killed them. No longer holds nothing on Tatoo, and he accepts the proposal of the old man Kenobi.

"Milestone Falcon"

In the company of droids, they depart on Alderaan to transfer the rebels a message with the plans of the Imperial Space Station called the "Star of Death". Thus, it turned out to be drawn into the struggle of rebels and hatch. Star wars now become part of his life. Tatooin is filled with attack aircraft, and leave his wanted Kenobi and Skywroker is not easy. Captain Khan Solo is taken for work. Having debts in the Galactic Crime World, it needs money, therefore, despite the risk, Solo and Chubakka, his assistant, agree to take the passengers to the Millennium Falcon of his ship and fly to Alderan. While travel Obi-Van began learning Luke, giving him a light sword of his father and a training droid.

"The Death Star"

Upon arrival in the Alderan system, they found the planet destroyed and were captured in the gravitational ray of "Stars of Death". Heroes were able to get lost, hiding in the smuggling compartment on the ship. There was a chance to run, but one of the droids discovered the princess leu on the ship. Luke, Khan and Chubakka went to the prison unit, where she was. Freeing leu, the whole group went back to the "millennial falcon," but collided with Darth Vader. Obi-Van entered into a duel with him on the dark Lord blued with the blade, Ben Kenobi merged with force and disappeared. He was saddown by the death of the teacher was Luke. Star wars continued to take people close to him. After leaving the "Star of Death", the heroes went to the base of the rebel Yavin IV.


After briefing the rebels in Yavin on how to destroy the "Star Death", Luke decides to join them and participate in the fight. Having friendly with Khan Solo, the young Skywalker offers and take part in the battle, but he refuses. The day of battle comes, and the hatch with the skills of the pilot, along with other rebels, is preparing to strike on the weak points of the "Star of Death". Many rebels die in battle, understands Luke: Star Wars will win hard.

The initial plan does not work, but as a result, Khan Solo comes to the rescue Skaocher. The hatch can concentrate the power to guide the proton torpedo to the narrow fuel channel of the station and destroy the "Star of Death", which was the main superorable empire. Upon returning Luke, Khan Solo and even Chubakka Rebels and Princess Leia honored as heroes. Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader feel a huge indignation in the field of strength and a real threat emanating from the young Skywalker.

Episode V ("Empire causes a retaliatory strike", 1980, "Star Wars")

The second time the viewer meets with a matured hero after three years in the new episode of the Sagi "Star Wars". Luke Skywalker has already participated in many battles by this time and produced in Lieutenant-Commanders of the Alliance's troops. At the rebel base of the snow-covered planet, at the course of the intelligence operation, Luke could perish, but he came to the aid of a friend, Khan Solo.

When Skywalker was in infamousism, the Spirit of Obi-Vana appeared to him, who insisted on continuing the art of Jedi. Luke was supposed to find the master of iodine on the planet Dagab and become His Padavan.

Meanwhile, the Alliance implies defeat in battles with imperial troops for although. Luke understands that you need to change tactics, and makes a decision to fly to Dagab. Despite age, iodine feels great potential in a young man and becomes his mentor. Luke is working hard. Finally, it comes time to meet and iodine sends a hatch to the cave where its great effect. There Skayupler visits the vision in which he sees himself in the image of Darth Vader. Iodine explains the hatch that the dark side will always tempt him, so to become a true Jedi, the hatch needs to learn more.

The first battle with Darth Vader and the terrible truth

Anxiety for friends and permanent visions in which Luke sees Leu and Khan captive, prevent complete learning. He goes to the aid to his comrades. By the time the hatch reached a cloud city, it was already too late: his friends became prisoners of the Empire.

Trying to save Khan or Leu, it is involved in the battle on light swords with Vader, in which the defeat suffers and loses the brush of the right hand from the sword of the dark knight. Darth Vader calls Luke to go to the dark side and become an ally of the empire, revealing the secret of what is his father. Luke preferred death, but not a transition to the dark side, and rushed into the mine of the Space City, where he survived due to the antenna, for which he grasped.

Saved His Princess Leia, who managed to run with the Chubakka on the ship "Millennary Falcon". Because Khan was captive and transferred to Bob Fetto, Lando Calrisian became the new pilot of the ship. To friends was to develop a solo salvation plan, but for the beginning, the hatch should be replaced with a chopped brush with a cybernetic prosthesis and to comprehend the heard truth.

Episode VI ("Jedi's Return", 1983, "Star Wars"): power

It takes another three years, and the viewer is again found with his beloved hero. Now he is engaged in saving a friend Khan Solo Skywalker Luke. Star wars in the meantime continue, because the empire is building the second "death star." Having traveled after Lei, Chubakka and Droids, who hurried to the revenue of Khani Solo, who languishes in the captivity of the jabb on Tatooin, the hatch discovers them captured. To free friends, Skywoke has to fight with monsters, discovering the outstanding abilities of Jedi.

Sister and father

When friends were saved, Luke decides to continue their studies from the master of iodine. Returning to Dagab, he finds his teacher dying. Before the death of iodine gives Luke's last instructions and tells another secret. It turns out that Princess Lei Authority is the sister of Luke Skywalker.

After Dagaba, Luke goes with friends to Endor: the rebels found that the Empire is building a new "star of death" in the orbit of the planet. To display the station, it is necessary to disable the generator of its protective field. Luke feels in the field the presence of Vader and makes a decision to meet him, surrendered to the imperial troops. Leia tries to dissuade Skywalker, then he tells her that they were brother and sister, and the meeting with his father is fate.

Having surrender, Luke meets with Emperor Palpatin, who is trying to tempt him with the power of dark power. The hatch is not amenable to, and the battle begins with Vader, during which everyone wants to incline the enemy to their side. After the threats of the Dark Lord, to turn to the dark side of Leu, the hatch beats with the fierce and cuts off the Cybernetic hand of Waider.

The emperor Dart is no longer needed, and he orders a hatch to kill his father, but receives a refusal. Then Palpatine decides to destroy the young Jedi himself, using all the power of the dark power, but Vader, turning to the light, does not give him it. Now he is Anakin Skywalker, who, saving his son, rushes under the deadly blows of stream streams and destroys the emperor in the space station reactor. In front of the death of Anakin asks Luke to remove the mask from him to look at her son in the first and last time. After that, Anakin merged with force. The empire is defeated, and the hatch returns to friends.

Episode VII ("Awakening Force", 2015, "Star Wars"): Rei - Daughter Luke Skywalker

It took more than three decades before the viewer again met with loved heroes. After the victory of the Alliance it seemed that Darkness was defeated, but evil would not sleep, and the universe was again in danger. Dark forces managed by the leader of the "first Order" by Snown, formed a new empire, which captures and subordinate to the planets. The goal of Snowka is the whole Universe, and the dark lord of Kaylo Ren helps him. Republicans again organize resistance to which the princess ley is managed. Fighting with the enemy, who in the arsenal the dark power and powerful weapon of the "Planet of Death" is almost impossible. Requires the help of the Jedi: without possession of power not to win star wars.

Luke Skywalker is the only remaining Jedi. He lives a hermit, and no one knows where. After the victory over the empire, the Master Luke restored the Order of the Jedi and began training Padavanov. One student who was very expensive to the mentor, switched to the dark side of the strength and killed all his disciples. Luke vinel himself and went into exile. The rebels find the information carrier with the coordinates of the location of Skywalker, it will know Kylo Ren and begins to hunt for the map.

The will of the case of a droid, in which the information is hidden, goes into the hands of the girl named Rey. Helping a droid to deliver information to the management of resistance, it turns out to be drawn into the fight of the rebels. At its path, Ray meets the former attack aircraft Finn, who becomes her faithful friend, and Khan Solo with Chubakka. All together they go to the princess more.

Kaylo Ren learns that Rey saw the card, and at the first opportunity, captures the girl in captivity to pull out information from it. Khan Solo, Finn and Chubakka are sent to save Ray on the Planet of the Empire, in addition, they have a task to destroy the superorary of the enemy.

With the help of energy, Kaylo is trying to subordinate to the will of Rey myself and feels the strongest rebuff: the girl owns the energy much more powerful than Ren. It turns out that there is not enough abilities of Kaylo to manage the force field and lead Star Wars. Rey is the daughter of Luke Skywalker, and her can be great, she just did not know about it. Now the girl felt all the power of this energy, which Ren himself woke up in it.

Taking advantage of those opened abilities, Ray runs from captivity. By this time, her friends manage to turn off the protective shield "Planets of Death", but before the final victory is still far away. In the midst of Star Wars, the daughter of Luca goes to the Father. He must again help the universe get rid of evil.

Who played Luke Skywalker in "Star Wars"

The role of brave Jedi in all three episodes played actor Mark Hamill. Before participating in the film "Star Wars" he had no noticeable movie roles, mostly worked in the theater. Interestingly, George Lucas immediately approved the brand on this role. Hamille's open face and manner hold on to the frame impressed by the director: it was the way he represented the young Skywalker. Luke performed by Mark Hamilla liked the audience as the actors instantly became popular. Already after the first film, the question was no longer arose who played Luke Skywalker in "Star Wars".

But, unfortunately, the role of the young Jedi became the only one meaningful Hamilla's career. Unlike Harrison Ford, which, thanks to the role of Khan, the solo began to enjoy constant popularity from directors. After the end of work on the episodes of the saga, where the main character was Luke Skywalker, Hamill practically disappeared from the screens. Trying to get rid of the cosmic hero's image stamp, he played in Musiclah on Broadway. He starred in the TV shows and engaged in visualing cartoons, tried his strength in the television show.

Thirty years have passed, and the public with difficulty recalls who played hatch in "Star Wars". And finally, a new film was released - "Awakening of Power." For the audience for a long time the plot of the film remained a mystery. The studio kept him in the strictest mystery. In journals and social networks, various options for the further development of Sagi events were discussed. Shortly before the show appeared the information that the hero, disappointed in force, decided to go into exile forever. Therefore, the largest intrigue was the very presence of Skywalker's character in the frame.

Until the last moment they retained the mystery "Star Wars" 7. Who is playing hatch? When the film went on the screens, the fans devoted to the hero finally sighed with relief. Luke returned, now he is a powerful Jedi, as before, plays his Mark Hamill. Let's hope that the hero has a lot of adventures ahead, and Hamilla is acting. Especially since the universe is again in danger, it means that the story of the Jedi continues. After all, when the film turned out on the plot of the film, Rei from the Star Wars, who had a hatch, the audience understood that they would still meet with their favorite heroes.

Tatooin grown on the stubborn planet, Luke Skywalker was the adoptive son of a married couple of farmers. Fate fits him into a long journey and, overcoming unthinkable tests and survived a deep personal tragedy, he eventually becomes a real Jedi knight and the hero of the Union of the rebels.

Luke's childhood passed on his uncle and aunt, Owen and I take Lars. Luke had a very vague idea of \u200b\u200bhis origin - he knew only that his father was a hero who died in the war of clones - but there was a gloomy mystery behind it, which he still had to learn. Working on the uncle's farm, Luke dreamed of becoming a pilot and desperately sought to enter the Academy, where his friend Biggs Darklyer had already studied. But Uncle Luke, Owen Lars, constantly kept him, not holidaying from the farm.

Fate knocks on the door of the house of Skywalker's house in the guise of two droids, C-3PO and R2-D2. So the adventures begin, which more than once experiencing his bravery and devotion to the light side of the force, helping him to know himself.

Luke passes the tests that would be tested for durability for any of the mortals: it takes responsibility for the destruction of the super-weapon of the empire, the star of death, takes the lesson of patience and wisdom from iodine, Mentor Knights Jedi; He has to choose between the completion of learning or an attempt to save the captured friends; He faces a terrifying truth about the fate of his father, and at the same moment he has to make a decision, which way to accept. And finally, he ventures the incredible risk, going straight into his hands to his enemies, hoping that in the depths of the dark soul of one of the most terrible villains of the Galaxy, there was still a little kindness.