
Sabina husband. What happens for the scenes between Sabina Pantus and Dmitry Shepelev? Sabina's hairstyle from actually. How many years? Rampus - her real name where was born

The name of Sabina The Pantus became known when the transmission was "actually" to the screens, where she is present as an expert. Pantus professional in his field, so it is not difficult to assess the participants of the program and state some facts from their lives.

It is not surprising that the viewers are interested in the biography and personal life of an expert show.

Biographical data

Sabina does not indicate his nationality, but notes that her homeland is Baku, where she was born and spent several children's years. Who is her parents and what they do, the polygraph is silent. For a while, the family lived in Novosibirsk, and then moved to Moscow. After graduating from school, the girl entered the university, and then received several more diplomas, having passed training at the International Academy of Lie Studies, as well as in Ano DPO Center for Applied Psychophysiology. During his work, the Pantus also engaged in its qualifications, thanks to which the certificates of such institutions as the Moscow Center for NLP and the American International Institute of Polygraphology were received.

Specialty of Sabina - a certified polygraph-profiler, that is, this is a high-class specialist who can easily draw up a psychological portrait of a person on non-verbal signs: gestures, facial expressions, poses and conversation. It is currently working in the field of lies detection, as well as studying students of the International Center for Detection of Lies and Profiiling, as well as the School of Detection of Lie Korovin. The activities of Pantus are not limited to this: as a psychologist, it suits various trainings and webinars, helping those who want to increase their self-esteem and establish harmonious relations in the family. Becoming a media person, it is often invited to various programs and projects passing on different TV channels.

Participation in the show "In fact"

In 2017, the polygraphist took part in the show project "in fact" on the first channel, where Dmitry Shepelev became his leading. Sabina spoke in him as a permanent expert. Many famous people managed to visit this project: Star Show "Let them say" - Diana Shurygin, Prokhor Shalyapin, Danko, Alexey Panin, Pierre Narcissus and many others. During the program, the audience learned many family secrets of participants.

In the photo Sabina Pantus. www.instagram.com/sabinapantus

So, the lie detector confirmed that Panin goes to his daughter without clothes, and also took drugs. But Danko, who doubted the loyalty of the civil wife, made sure that she did not change him, and his daughter was born from him. But not always the participants arrange the actions of Pantus and Shepelev: many of them have already complained to the fact that some issues are not correct and provoking.

Personal life

Sabina carefully hides his personal life, however, the viewers want to learn about the mysterious blonde, whether she has her husband and children. According to some data on the network, it is engaged in the upbringing of two sons - Nikita and Daniel, which is 12 and 7 years old. According to the expert show "Let them say", its abilities do not always affect relationships with children, as she immediately sees, the truth they say or lgut.

In the photo Sabina Pantus with son

He does not tell the pantus about his romantic relationships, so she has a beloved - it remains only to guess. The psychologist admits that her unusual profession delivers inconvenience and in personal plan, since the "vision of a person through" sometimes brings unpleasant surprises. She has a page in Instagram, where 13.4 thousand subscribers are signed. Sabina publishes there its positive pictures, besides this, she has its own channel on which curious videos can be viewed.

Sabina Pantus. Born on July 26, 1982 in Baku. Russian polygraphist, psychologist, TV presenter, expert program "In fact".

According to some data, has Russian and Baltic roots.

Soon after her birth, the family moved to Novosibirsk.

Since 2004, Sabina Pantus lives in Moscow.

It has higher education. He studied at the Moscow Humanitarian University. Interested in profiling, psychodiagnostics, polygraphwork and neuro-linguistic programming, constantly increased its professional level: he studied at the Center for Applied Psychophysiology, the American International Institute of Printing, "Business Academy", "International Academy of Lie".

He is a recognized specialist in analyzing the behavior of people, a profiler - is able to evaluate and predict a person's behavior based on the analysis of the most informative features, the characteristics of appearance, non-verbal and verbal behavior.

Pantus is a specialist in the field of detection of lies and checks on the polygraph. Sabina is able to learn about a person even what he himself, sometimes, does not know about himself. Often, people study themselves thanks to Sabine and her techniques.

Walks training, helping people to figure out themselves and then seek success, changing their behavior and taking faithful solutions in any life situations.

Pantus helps large companies to select employees and resolve internal problems in the team.

Sabina Pantus is headed by the Central Research Bureau of Psychothechnology, teaches students of the School of Detection of Lie Valery Korovina, and also conducts personal advice.

According to the profileera, the main thing for solving such problems is to learn how to speak and hear the truth, both about others and, most importantly, about themselves. After all, it is false, according to her, most often becomes the cause of disagreements and even tragedies in the relationship of people.

His talent and extensive experience of the polygraph of Sabina Pantus embodied in its own development - a polygraph called "Energy". Sabina argues that this device shows very accurate results and is able to help not only personnel and recruiters, but also forensic.

In his practice, Sabina Pantus is engaged in analyzing the psychology of relations between people. She professionally advises those who want to find a common language with sweethearts or parents, raise self-esteem and simply figure out their own feelings.

Widely known in 2017, when he became an expert of a popular show "Actually" On the first channel. The leading is, and Sabina Pantus and Roman Ustyuzhanin help him to understand the situations in which the guests of the studio were pleased. Pantus and Ustyuzhanin professionally remove guests to clean water, determining whether they say the truth.

Sabina Pantus, Roman Ustyuzhanin, Dmitry Shepelev

A profiler Sabina Pantus solves in the program on gestures and intonation of heroes as far as they are sincere.

The program "In fact" immediately gained popularity among the audience. The project helps people between which one or another conflict occurred, to make up and forgive each other. However, it often happens and on the contrary - when the exposure of the Pantus and Ustyuzhanin leads to divorces and conflicts.

Sabina Pantouse in the program "In fact"

The characters of the show "In fact" became many stars of domestic show business, entrepreneurs, politicians, just media person.

Since 2018, Sabina has also become an expert from Evgeny Spiritz, who is engaged in predicting human behavior in difficult and extreme situations. She became a member of the weekly live broadcast "Saturday evening with Evgeny Spiritza" on his Youtube channel.

Sabina's growth Pantus: 165 centimeters.

Personal life Sabina Pantus:

Raises two sons - Senior Nikita and the younger Danil. Sabina dedicates to children all his free time.

Sabina is very close to his mother with which they are real girlfriends. She said about her mother: "My heart, my wisdom, my support, my girlfriend, my mom! It is very important to be close to moms, difficult, but it is very important! I am glad that we are close!".

As a pantus recognized, she constantly struggles with overweight and in this matter to her, a professional psychologist, often need psychological support.

"Girls will understand. Lit to sleep normal, but I woke up tolstoy. There are no visible reasons, the surrounding my completeness did not see, but I felt an elephant ... a big and extremely dissatisfied with an elephant. In my head, the opponent voice sounded in my head." Scales and The surroundings claimed the opposite. But no arguments and beliefs of those surrounding at such moments do not work, the clothes are bad, the photo does not go out, the mood is terrible. Yesterday was a day that was not and half a day was irrevocably stitred, well even went to the evening, and pleased that Elephant comes more and less, I'm slow, but rightly losing weight. The main thing is to understand where temporary turbidity under the code name "Elephant", which is worth living in a room with "soft walls" so as not to harm neither or others. My unfortunate " Elephant "himself comes and himself quickly dumps. And where is the reality when it came to admit that it is time to lose weight, take himself in hand and start changing," Sabina told.

Sabina Pantus is well done and despite the fact that she looks like her 36th year and young and young, by attracting others. But her appearance is absolutely not combined with her professional qualities, where she is quite a serious young lady. The hairstyle woman wore various and hair colors modified from a brunette on a blonde, that is, exactly opposite. It is not afraid of experiments and evidenced by her hairstyles, then the boy will do a completely haircut, then Pixie. Now she is just pixie. This is asymmetry, where there is a lot of hair on one side in the laying, and the whiskey scribes and the back of a short cut. The fashion on Pixie introduced an actress Audrey Hepburn. This hairstyle has a lot.

Sabina Pantus - became famous thanks to the transfer "in fact," there she acts as a profiler of a psychologist and simply watching and the facial and gestures of the participants of the program can tell the truth they said or not.

Sabina is a very bright and spectacular woman, her hairstyle is also very stylish.

Her haircut is ultrakorty, on the one hand the temple will very briefly shake, and with the other hair elongated, it looks good, especially if you put your hair correctly. And called such a hairstyle - Pixie.

Every day, the viewers see Sabin in the studio of the first channel, where it is an expert in the show in fact. And her bright way she always attracts the attention of the audience and guests in the hall.

She has a bright appearance and a beautiful haircut, which is now very fashionable and it is called such a panix.

Now she is a blonde, before the brunette was brunette and wore short haircuts with the title of the boy.

Now she has a stylish haircut, she will choose one temple, and on the other hand, the strands are elongated.

At this time, its image is better than it was before, the stylists were probably so worked and offered her a brighter image. Sabina is an excellent specialist in his field.

What is the name of the hairstyle from Sabina Pantus? What hairstyle is Sabina Pantus?

Sabina Pantus became known after the exit on the first channel of the program "in fact," where she is present as an expert.

Her age is 35 years old. The girl hides its nationality, but the network you can find information that it comes from Baku. Some time Sabina lived in Novosibirsk, but then moved to the capital.

Pantus graduated from the International Lie Research Academy and the Center for Applied Psychophysiology.

Sabina is a high-class specialist, can easily be a psychological portrait of a man in gestures, facial expressions, conversation and easily separates the truth from lies.

In addition to the professional skills of the expert, the viewers are very interested in haircut a pantouse called "Pixie" and her bright image.

A woman does not apply to his personal life. It is known that she has two sons, Danil and Nikita. Does the Pantus have a beloved while remains a mystery.

Sabina Pantus has recently become a real star. It happened when she appeared on the first channel in the program Dmitry Shepelev. The hairstyle from Sabina is one of the most fashionable in 2018 not only in Russia, but also in the world. This is a kind of "Pixie". But at the heart of such a haircut lies short-cut (shaved) head, temple.

Really, not every woman risens so changing a calmer haircut.

Here is her page in Facebook.

Sabina Pantus was born in Azerbaijan, but lived in Russia all his life. Since 2004 he lives in Moscow. By the way, the last name is real, not a pseudonym. She is a psychologist, coach. Married. But Sabina Pantus does not seek to spread at all about his life, and this is her right, I respect.

arabin Pantouse refers to the category of women who love to experiment with their appearance and are not afraid to allow miss. She is very confident in herself, because boldly changes not only in clothing styles, but also makeup, and hairstyles.

Currently Sabina Pantus Blonde. And she really goes such a hair color. However, she was not always like that she was brunette. Here is a small selection of her hairstyles -

She boldly spoils oblique bangs, shakes the temple or the back, the hair curls or wears them straight. The name of the present haircut - Pixie. This is the Trend of 2018, the hairstyle mustard, brave, immediately characterizes its owner as very confident.

Sabina often consider the Baltic representative, but she was born in Baku, lived from early childhood in Novosibirsk, then came to Moscow (2004th year). She is 35 years old and on the sign of the zodiac she is a lion. She is married, she has two sons. Sabina is building a successful career - she is a psychologist, a polygraphist, coach. Now cooperates with the "first" channel. Page in Instagram - here.

This bright woman can not be ignored. After the release of the transfer "in fact" on the first channel of the Russian TV, she struck with its extraordinary stomitics and attractiveness. Not a small role in her appearance plays hairstyle. The haircut of Pixie goes to almost all women, but in its version it is an asymmetric bob with a very short population and shaved temple. I like it a lot. I watch the transfer daily to just look at her new bow.

I like her conviction and professionalism, some kind of "drawing" and in the appearance and in work.

In vain, they say that men like the bulb's blondes. She completely crosses his well-established stereotype.

Sabina Pantus His biography Does not want to disclose and keeps her secret. About it write a lot on the Internet. Some write that she was born in Baku and has the Baltic or Scandinavian roots, others write that she was born in Moscow and ** Nationality * * She is Russian, but Sabina herself never confirmed this, so I will not retell that They write on the Internet, but I will give you for you only that she herself wrote to Instagram to himself - this is a small post about her study and work - read below. As for its hairstyle, this haircut (picture is presented below) is called asymmetric pixie bob on short hair. Asymmetric haircut is called because on the one side the temple will shave much more than on the other side. The hairstyle of the bob shall with the back of the head, to lift the hair in the top of the head, and the long coalka on the side and the hair wave at the top is Pixie - in general, three in one.

What is the name of the haircut from Sabina Radus. What happens for the scenes between the Sabina Pantus and Dmitry Shepelev

Sabina Radus: About Culture

The formation of Sabina Pantus, biography and personal life, which is under the sight of public interest, fully meets its special skills and knowledge. So, she passed professional preparation and raised the qualifications in the following areas:

  • profiling;


Fame on television

Sabina Pantus, biography and personal life of which began to be interested after the appearance of the scandalously known transmission "in fact" with Dmitry Shepelev, where she performed as a polygraphologist, known as a certified personnel selection specialist, a successful coach and profiler. A woman is able to define the respondent's lie on such indirectly non-verbal signs as gestures and facial expressions, which allows it to be a brilliant connoisseur of human souls in the field of recruitment.

Polygraphology, as well as profiling, that is, the compilation of a psychological portrait of the subject is the activities of a professional psychologist using special equipment by definition on the basis of psychophysical indicators of various characteristics of the personality of the object under study. The polygraphist, given the various parameters of the emotional state of the checked, is capable of accuracy to 99%, whether the last truth says, or lies. Sabina is engaged in similar activities in the field of personnel selection as a certified specialist.

What is aware of her biography and personal life? Sabina Pantus was born in Baku, her year of her birth was 1982. For some time she lived in Novosibirsk, and since 2004 he moved to the capital. The girl is 35 years old, it has a bright appearance, her growth is 175 cm. Initially, she was a blonde with an asymmetric haircut, at present the woman preferred to radically change the image, reincarnated into the brunette. By the sign of the zodiac - fish.

Given the increased interest of the public to the biography of profileera, the personal life of Sabina Pantus, despite numerous photos on the network, remains under the veil of the mystery. It is only known that she has the sons of Nikita and Daniel twelve and seven years. As the profiler is recognized, it is always easy for her to guess whether children lie, or they say the truth. This professional habit, as a celebrity mentioned, often brings her many problems in his personal life.

From the biography of Sabina, Pantus is clear that the husband is also present in her life, but this topic, as a woman notes, not for public discussion. It does not like to spread about their family relationships.

As for the past celebrity, it is known that before it becomes like a public figure in the transfer "in fact," she managed to produce about three thousand printing inspections. As part of its activities, Sabina was engaged in screening in the field of primary recruiting, that is, when admission to the work of the staff. She was also an expert in conducting official investigations.

Sabina Pantus: Photo

Private checks also served as part of its activities. In 2012, the woman became a teacher for detection of lies in the same school in which herself was trained. It is part of the Eurasian Polygraphic Association and is its member.


She was trained in various certified educational institutions, starting the business academy and the center of applied psychophysiology, and ending with the Moscow Humanitarian University and the International Academy of Lies.

It is also worth noting its achievements in the metropolitan center of neuro-linguistic programming, as well as a much more statical education in the American International Institute of Polygraphology.

All these regalia allow Sabine to be a successful leader in the Central Psychotechnology Research Bureau.

Among other things, a woman is a developer of a copyright computer polygraph under the trademark "Energy".

At the School of Detection of Lie named after V.V. Cowelle Coroba in 2011 received a certificate confirming its professional qualities and skills. You can get acquainted with him anyone.

In this light, Sabina found himself as a polygraph-profiler, as well as a business coach and personal coach. It helps leadership and evaluate staff on the necessary professional skills, takes part in building harmonious relations between subordinates and managers, contributes to the formation of a healthy environment and an atmosphere in the labor collective.

The girl is a polygraph-profiler in the program "In fact"

Composing the psychological portrait of the respondent, the profiler helps recruiters to decide on the necessary candidates. It is on it that lies the burden of determining the conformity of the profile of the post and personality, to her claiming.

Master classes and webinars Sabina holds regularly, including through the worldwide network. As a personal coach, a woman helps couples to determine psychological compatibility, and as a psychologist sends and adjusts the vector of family relations. Improving self-esteem in everyday and professional life is another topic of popular consultant trainings.

The biography of Sabina Pantus in Wikipedia has not yet been reflected, but with the release of the scandalous program "in fact" this annoying ability should be redeemed, because it is due to the appearance of a polygraphologist on central television, its scale as a specialist has increased many times and acquired universal recognition.

Sabina spoke in the TV show as a psychologist-profiler, which had all the necessary skills and knowledge to recognize lies and imaginary pretense not only in speech, that is, in verbal communication, but also in gestures and facial expressions of those present.

Despite the fact that such an idea is far from Nova on TV, the program received a lot of negative responses from angry and indignant television viewers, as the profiler was very skillfully exposed on the emotional and speech reactions of hot-friendly members of the participants who were invited to the Show's leadership.

It is impossible to deny that such an excitement around the profiler figure only went to her benefit, repeatedly enhancing the popularity of Sabina.

So, in one of the issues, Shalyapin and Kalashnikov were attended as participants. During the conversation with a polygraphist and answers to the questions I set out, it turned out that the publishes of the public are inclined not only to insincerity, but can also attract. These data are based exclusively on polygraph studies, which eliminates their inaccuracy.

On the set of the program "Double standards"

Resenting subscribers expressed Sabine their indignation, recommending her to temper the dust and be somewhat easier, to which the polygraphist objected to her inherent in confidence that she accepts any criticism and that any opinion had the right to exist.

Nevertheless, the response of the public was not one-sided: the profiler was supported by numerous fans. Many of them liked professionalism, excerpt, criticality and rectinence of a psychologist. The same opponents who unflatterly responded about the transfer, the woman answered very categorically: do not publish comments in its account, dearlying both the leadership of the TV show and his heroes.

Although Wikipedia is silent about the personal life of Sabina Pantus, it is necessary to believe that soon a polygraphist will have its own page in this worldwide encyclopedia, since, judging by the ratings of the show Dmitry Shepelev, the woman has significantly increased the popularity of transfer on central television. If we proceed from the same Wikipedia, the share of the show in the etheric space rose from 13.1 to 16.5%. Most likely, it was the participation in the transfer of the "scandalous" profiler. Plusted the interest of the audience to the program "In fact".

The activities of Sabina Pantus is associated with such new directions in psychology, like coach, profiling and polygraphology.

She showed himself an excellent expert on analyzing human behavior. Sabina Pantus Psychologist from God, this was convinced of this many viewers of popular television shows.

We will get acquainted closer with this interesting and original person.


It is known that the girl is married, although there are many speculations around this fact. Sabine attributes favor to Dmitry Shepelev, in fact, it is just a friendly relationship of copping popular television transmission. Supporters of this version talk about the behavior of both stars on the game Dmitry Dibrova.

Sabina Pantus itself, this is her real name, does not like to spread about his loved ones. The only thing that she voiced is the statement that it is not always pleasant to see people through, especially members.

A spectacular modern girl recently decided to change the image. Changed its asymmetric hairstyle, from the blonde turned into a brunette.

Sabina's activities are currently

Today, Sabina is engaged in:

  • profiling and polygraphwork;
  • carrying out various trainings and webinars, including to increase professional and personal self-esteem;
  • recruiting using special knowledge to determine whether or not a person is lying; determination of this with the help of indirect non-verbal signs - gestures and facial expressions; help in selection of personnel in the presence of professional skills;
  • business training, forming a comfortable atmosphere and a healthy environment in collectives;
  • holding master classes for teaching the intricacies of its specialty;
  • psychological inspections for private companies and law enforcement agencies.

The polygraphologist is called a specialist determining the presence of lies on socially acceptable test reactions.
The profiler is called an expert who reveals whether a person lies, leaning on the analysis of his actions, facial expressions, gestures and how he says. The psychologist can not only assess, but also predict further actions of the subject.

In 2012, the register of polygraphs was introduced, to see which you can at the Internet page of the Expert Center. He made individuals with certificates issued by the Center for Technology in the field of psychophysiology "Expert". Specialists who received certificates voluntarily confirmed compliance with the level of qualifications in their profession. They are also marked by a polygraph specialist sign.

Sabina Nikolaevna is listed in the "Register of certified specialists in the field of special psychophysiological studies with the use of a polygraph" at number 28, Ross RU.D.XII.0028.

One of her works belongs to a personal upgrade, in it a psychologist teaches people not to come across deception.

On the Sabina page in Instagram are also presented master classes. And the video with its seminars can be viewed on YouTube Channel.

Sabina and television

For the first time, the audience saw Pantus in 2017 in July. The psychologist recognized deception and pretense on speech, gestures and facial expressions of the participants. She not only watched and analyzed what was happening in the television show. Pantus and herself asked questions that sometimes seemed caverzny and not always tactical.

For example, in the transmission with the participation of Fedor Shalyapin and his wife, a psychologist found out that the publishes of the public were not alien to the desire to learn. Their tendency to insincerity was proven not only by analyzing their behavior conducted by Sabina. The members of the participants were determined using special equipment - polygraph.

In the short period, Pantus analyzed the behavior of the following famous people:

  • Dana Borisova,
  • leir Leonid Brezhnev,
  • Anfisa Czech,
  • Alexander Serov,
  • Diana shurgina
  • Pierre Narcissa,
  • Joseph Prigogine.

Many had to confess in the intimate and not always they did it sincerely.

Among the spectators there are those who criticize the behavior of a specialist, they advise themselves to influence their fervor and be easier. Others consider the actions of the Pantus professional, mark its exposure and rectinence. Sabina itself calmly perceives criticism, says that the right to existence has any opinion.

There are those among statements:

  • "It is impossible to be the highest court and determine where the truth, and where is a lie";
  • "I consider the pantouse confident, smart and just a beautiful girl";
  • "The straightness of the Sabina is directed straight into the forehead";
  • "I advise you to remove bright lipstick, leave the brains and save the blondness."

Sabina and television program on NTV "Double Standards" is involved. There are rumors about the emergence of a new project in television in the near future, where Sabina will participate as an expert.

Sabina Pantus as a psychologist, an expert, a profiler, coach now becomes a popular person. Many would like to chat with her, get advice, find our place in life with its help. The popularity of the specialist did not affect her professional qualities.

The scandalous reputation of the TV shows in which Sabina participated, did not affect the audience's positive attitude. The number of admirers of her talent is growing. More and more benefit brings it to others.

Slops of negative criticism addressed to the psychologist are caused by excessive emotionality and bias of the girl. But everything is clear that she is a good professional. At the same time, Sabina is an honest and straightforward man.

What do you think Sabina Pantus is a good psychologist?

Fashion slimming and improving itself, it seems at the peak itself. In all programs about the health of the doctor, the population is raised to get rid of extra quill, in order to be slim, beautiful and live long and happily. The stars of show business are most of all with their appearance, because for them appearance to a certain extent monetized: the better the actress looks like, for example, the more suggestions of work.

Celebrities lose weight, and the results of work on themselves are definitely told the public, as it, who sprinkled by a slimming of 18 kilograms for the year.

Here is a 36-year-old Lie recognition wizard Sabina Pantus confessed to the subscribers of his instagram account, which decided to lose no more than 10 kilograms before the onset of New Year holidays. Sabina told that he had never been a thin, and with age, a woman notices that she was becoming more difficult to hold her weight, and kilograms were added faster. "Sponsors" of its excess weight Sabina calls the usual lifestyle: intense, lack of power, improper nutrition, food garbage consumption, hypodynamics in life, complemented by the absence of any sport for almost 2 recent years. In principle, such a set can voiced almost anyone.

"By the way, in spite of the existing surplus, I love myself and quite satisfied, but at the same time for my weight and size, I treat very adequately and understand what it can pour later."

Sabina told subscribers about his dispute with her friend. They decided to lose weight together: Sabina loses 10 kilograms lose weight, and the girlfriend has to work even more difficult to reset the whole 15. And all this before the onset of 2019.

"This post is not to hear:" Where do you lose weight? " etc. Believe me for the word: "There is where exactly 10 kg!"

For all curious: my current size is 46 m (sometimes striving for 48 L), 5 kg is imperceptible in the last 2 months "

We wish the famous blonde success in such a difficult case, perhaps to her. We will follow the results of Sabina with great interest.

Sabina Pandus: biography and personal life

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The girl with such an exotic name and the surname appeared in the information space of Russian television viewers not so long ago. Correctly her surname, by the way, is written by the pantus. The first popularity came to her after the broadcast broadcast "in fact." What is interesting we know about Sabina, and what facts and gossip can be interesting to you? Adminate in the comments.

Biography Sabina Pantus

Sabina was born in the Russian capital on July 26, 1982. Some sources claim that she was born in Azerbaijan, in Baku. After that, lived in Novosibirsk and only then got into Moscow. If you have proven information about this, write in the comments, add.

It is known that our heroine is not one higher education. So, she was a student of Moscow State University, the International Academy of Research Lies and the Center for Applied Psychophysiology.

Sabina is constantly developing and improving its skills. She received stunning results in the NLP Center and Institute of Poligraphology in the United States.

Her specialization is a profiler and a polygraphist. If simple language, she is a specialist who develops psychological portraits of people. In addition, Sabina performs the selection of employees and the evaluation of candidates, and teaches it to do other people - in their speeches in the training format. Recruiting - direction that is in dire need of such specialists as Sabina. Its enormous practical experience and high level of training make it possible to determine an honest person and lied, without even additional technical support. It is estimated that at the time of writing this biography (2018), our heroine conducted more than 3,000 psychological expertise for private enterprises and law enforcement services.

But these are not all areas of activity that was able to cover Sabina Pantus in their biography. An important direction of her work is to help women with an understated assessment of themselves and problematic relations.

Sabina Pantus on TV

Next, the biography of Sabina brings us to the moment of invitations to shoot the transfer "in fact", with the famous leading Dmitry Shepelev. In this program, our heroine performs the role of an expert who determines the sincerity of the stories and behavior of the participants of the show.

This project in a short period attracted the attention of the audience, and has already collected a couple of loud scandals around him. And the presenter, and Sabina withstand a huge pressure of criticism from the viewers. In particular, our heroine put into ukore excessive temperament and subjectivity.

Personal life Sabina Pantus

But in his personal life, Sabina Pantus does not like to devote the public. Up to the point that it is difficult to unequivocally assert, whether she has a partner at the moment. If you know something - write in the comments!

Of 100% of facts, it can be noted that Sabina has already two wonderful sons - Nikita and Danil.

At the same time, rumors about her personal affairs goes to Never. Very predictable, yellow press has repeatedly twisted the headlines about the alleged novel of our heroine with Dmitry Shepelev.

As Sabina itself says, her profession imposes a certain imprint on a personal life, complicating any relationship. You just imagine how difficult it is to live, instantly recognizing even the smallest deception ... This ability leads to different troubles.

Sabina's hairstyle from actually. How many years? Rampus - her real name where was born

Sabina Sabina Radus will like it, but she goes, and the mirror reflects a joyful smile from a wonderful feeling of style. This girl is a psychologist, so for her someone else's opinion and criticism is perceived indirectly, not put on the chapter. Everyone has the right to choose what will turn on the head. But the hairstyle of Sabina Radus is stylish and very spectacular.

Features hairstyles Sabina Radus

Many people admire the hairstyle of the ramp and want to know her name. There are those who criticize, but it should be understood that the real woman can be not only with long hair, but with short, even in length and is a female force.

The haircut of the back looks like a male, but from this Sabina the ramp looks even more extravagant. Blond style hair can be with darkened roots it is quite fashionable, not all this color is suitable. Sabina made his choice, thus feeling beauty and feeling convenient.

Short haircut enough every day to lay, but with long hair you have to tinker, it is more common to wash and close them in a bundle or tail, if there is no time on the hairstyle.

Punk Hairstyle Radus Sabina makes a girl feminine and gives sexuality, as the hair grows behind her, it is also necessary to care for those who love themselves this is not a problem.

Haircut sabina ramp - what is called

Sabina's biography Radus, like her haircut, a very unusual, psychological education allows you to be an excellent specialist in choosing professionals, to conduct cochs, a polygraph skills further expand the possibilities of professional activities.

In life, the girl also easily separates indeed and lies. The television show "In fact" made Sabin very popular, from the transfer you can learn a lot of interesting things.

About childhood practically nothing is unknown, Sabina was born in Baku, after which she moved to Novosibirsk and went to conquer the capital in 2004. Her nationality is the subject of fan disputes, this question Sabina Pandus prefers not to comment.

Asymmetric haircut like Sabina Radus will allow a woman to look young and attract the attention of others. The appearance of the girl and professional qualities do not combine. For all the time there are many photos where the haircuts of Sabina Raduz are presented in different versions, they have certain colors from the blonde to the brunette, the changes sometimes simply cardinal. We must admit, the girl experiments clearly succeed.

The haircut makes the ramp spectacular, it is ultra-screw, it looks great on my head. If the hair is stacked correctly, then the haircut is completely unparalleled. Pixie In 2018, one of the fashionable hairstyles around the world.

Bright blonde Sabina Pantus became famous after began to take part in the filming of the popular project of the first channel "in fact", where she acts as the co-host Dmitry Shepelev and a psychologist, although its main activity: a polygraphist, a profiler and the author of trainings and master classes to improve self-esteem and other psychological components.

Sabina Nikolaevna Pantus was born in 1982 in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan. When she was a child, her parents moved to Novosibirsk, in which she lived before moving to Moscow in 2004.

A 35-year-old leading-polygraph of its own, intersedible surname, got from her husband, but she is not a latice, but Russian, what she herself said herself. She paid a lot of time and continues to pay for education, currently she has certificates and diplomas about the completion of the following educational institutions:

  • business security Academy
  • center for Applied Psychophysiology
  • Moscow Humanitarian University
  • international Academy of Lie.
  • center for linguistic neuroprogramming
  • american International Institute of Printing

Sabina is married, but all the information about the husband is trying to hide with all their forces, she has two children: 13-year-old Nikita and 8-year-old Danila, the photo of children, it is time from time to time on his page in Instagram or mentions them.

At the same time, rumors are about the fact that the lover finds the truth and expose the most stubborn liars. Roman with Dmitry Shepelev, but rather it is not true.

Despite its successful career on television and employment, stylish and intelligent blonde continues to work by the coach of the International Academy of Lie Research, conducts a variety of tresentes for whom the "Energy" polygraph will have to go through, which, by the way, she helped develop and optimize.

Sabina Pantus, besides, he is the head of the Central Research Bureau of Psychothechnologies, a member of the European Association of Polygraphs, teaches at the Borovin Printing School, leads all sorts of courses, master classes, webinars to normalize relations in the family, business environment, improving self-esteem, developing confidence in their Forces and opportunities.

When is it just doing everything?!

Sabina Pantus teaches not to fall on lies:

Psychologist Sabina Pantus and TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev met on the set of a new scandalous project on the first channel "in fact." The show has already criticized the audience, and the participating stars accused the creators in the stay.

We will remind, on the creators of the show "In fact," the singer Danko, the singer Aziza, the son of the late Igor Talkov and the married acting couple Natalia and Ivan Krasko, have already complained. Say, questions are not correct, they are all aimed at shocking and scandal.

The spectators have already expressed their discontent psychologist Sabine Pantus, which, unlike colleagues, does not need technique to recognize a lie on gestures, phrases and even silence of the hero.

This was also convinced of the leading program "Who wants to become a millionaire" Dmitry Dibrov, inviting Sabin and Dmitry Shepelev to the studio Sabina. He admitted that he had never met such people. And I tried to find out something about the origin of the Pantus.

According to Dibrova, it comes from the Baltic state or Norway. However, Sabina did not indicate his nationality, but he noted that he was born and lived a part of life in Baku. Dmitry Shepelev noted that he was several times in the capital of Azerbaijan, and he really liked.

The audience of this show noted that between Sabina Pantus and Dmitry Shepelev, there are some kind of relationship out of the studio "in fact." During the ether, "who wants to become a millionaire" he deliberately called the girl on "You," and she tried from time to time to touch his hand or shoulder.

Sabina Pantus to all of the time laid out the post in defense of Dmitry Shepelev in his scandalous case with Rusfond and the money Zhanna Friske:

"My opinion regarding Dmitry Shepelev and accusations of his address. I am not a supporter to give such comments, but I am too often asked about it (got it, if quite honest), and too much poured on Dmitry undeservedly. I consider accusations against Dmitry, absolutely unfounded. Regarding the money of Rusfond - he is honest. He is an adequate and normal person. He is a wonderful father and loves his son very much. That's all I wanted to say! This post is designed for those who want to understand how it was in fact, and not just so, without parsing. ".

# Answerpower my opinion regarding Dmitry Shepelev and accusations of his address. I am not a supporter to give such comments, but I am too often asked about it (got it, if quite honestly), and too much. It is poured on Dmitry undeservedly. I consider accusations against Dmitry, absolutely unfounded. Regarding the money of Rusfond - he is honest. He is an adequate and normal person. He is a wonderful father and loves his son very much. That's all I wanted to say! This post is designed for those who want to understand how it was in fact, and not just so, without parsing. # Momination # Dmitryishepelyev # Sabinpantus # Chas

Name: Sabina Pantus

Date of Birth: 26.07.1982

Place of Birth: City Moscow, Russia

Activity: polygraphist, profiler, coach

Family status: Single

Polygraphology, coach and business coach Sabina Pantus became known after filming in the program "In fact". There, in conjunction with Dmitry Shepelev, she opens the curtain of secrets over the secrets of domestic celebrities. What is aware of the biography and personal life of Sabina Pantus, read in our article.

Biographical reference

Biographical reference about Sabine Pantus, available for Internet users, causes some doubts about their truthfulness. In the sources available for viewing, a different age of the girl is specified. Only some resources converge in the opinion that Sabina Pantus was born in 1982 to Baku. Separate sources indicate that it was born in the Baltic States. Sabina is rather unusual both name and surname. Pantus - the surname is atplicated for Russia, most likely foreign.

A girl does not look like Azerbaijan. Many are in her appearance something Estonian. According to individual sources, Sabina Pantus is still Russian by nationality, but it is possible that not purebred.

Recently, the girl radically changed the image - repainted in another color. The viewers are confident that Sabina began to look much younger.

The popularity of Sabine Pantus brought shooting in the program "In fact". It is known that before the girl received an invitation to take part in the co-host Dmitry Shepelev, she spent more than three thousand printing inspections.

In addition, she has the experience of the recruiter. The girl helped various companies to look for employees based on the requirements described by them. Sabina Pantus helped various organizations to conduct official investigations regarding their employees.


Separate attention in the biography of Sabina Pantus deserves its education (information about the personal life of the girl is looking for below). It is unknown, in which year Sabina received his first diploma. If she was born in 1982, then, most likely, the university she finished in the early 2000s.

Sabina Pantus has increased its qualifications in the following areas:

  • in neuro-linguistic programming;
  • profiling;
  • psychodiagnostics and polygraphology.

Sabina Pantouse Professional polygraphist

Among educational institutions, where Pantus received certificates confirming its qualification level, it is worth noting such as:

  1. Business security Academy.
  2. Center for applied psychophysiology.
  3. Moscow Humanitarian University.
  4. International Academy of Lies.
  5. Linguistic neuroprogramming center.
  6. American International Institute of Printing.

Certificates issued by famous institutions and universities helped Sabine find themselves as a polygraph profiler, as well as a business coach and personal coach.

Sabina at his workplace

Personal life of the famous polygraph

Personal life of the Sabina Polygraph of Sabina Pantus keeps the girlfriend itself in the strictest selection, as his own biography itself.

It is known that she has two sons. The older is 12 years old, the youngest - 7 years (separate sources indicate that the younger child of Sabina is 8 years old). Guys name Nikita and Daniel.

Sabina argues that her ability to "read" a person adversely affects relations with children. She always guess when the boys lie, and when they say the truth. Sons never manage to hide something from her. Sabina always removes them on clean water. Of course, it does not use the polygraph at home. It is enough to watch the verbal and non-verbal communication guys to make sure of their honesty or, on the contrary, in lies.

Sabina hides all his personal life

As for the presence of a husband or a young man in the life of Sabina Pantus, the girl is silent about it. It is not known whether she meets with someone. Perhaps once in the personal life of Sabina was a beloved person, the result of the relationship with which is the birth of children. It is possible that the boys have different fathers. The press could not recognize even hints on those men who could turn out to be fathers (father) Sons of Sabina Pantus.

Becoming a recognizable person, Sabina does not want to be in the center of the scandal and therefore prefers not to disclose facts from personal life. Seeing how the audience responds to the secrets of stars in the show "In fact," a polygraphist known on the Russian television is not in a hurry to reveal itself to the public.

The viewers of the TV show "In fact" are confident that romantic relationships develop between Sabina Pantus and Dmitry Shepelev. Famous TV presenters and a polygraphist have not yet confirmed these speculations.

What is aware of the professional activities of Sabina Pantus?

On the professional activities of Sabina Pantus in her biography, it is known much more than about the personal life of the girl and her husband. Sabina is the head of the Central Research Bureau of Psychothechnologies. In addition, she works as a teacher at the School of Printing Korovin.

The professional activity of Sabina Pantus is also known that it is a member of the European Association of Poligrafologov. Did not forget about the pantouse and in Russia. Here the surname of Sabina is entered into a single register of polygraphs.

With other experts on the shooting of the program "In fact"

Another girl offers consultation services based on the International Academy of Lie Research, where also works by the coach. Sabina has invested its knowledge in the field of printing and optimization of a polygraph released called Energy. For those who have to go through an interview using a polygraph, Pantus has released an effective training.

For those who want to normalize relations with the second half and find out whether his beloved person is suitable, Sabina Pantus conducts courses and master classes. She also leads webinars specializing in the formation of self-esteem to the desired level.

Since July 2017, Sabina Pantus has become the co-host Dmitry Shepelev in the show "In fact". The girl analyzes the behavior of the participants and gives them professional comments. Thanks to the participation of Sabina in the program, the viewers have the opportunity to find out whether their idol tells the truth. The polygraphist often criticizes those stars who are trying to hide any facts from personal life, for which those, in turn, are extremely negative.

Sabina Pantouse is a famous personality

Some viewers support their favorites who came to the show, and criticize the leading programs "in fact." Some believe that media personalities have to talk about intimate details from their biography and personal life. Naturally, the pressure on them, first of all, has Sabina Pantus, which skillfully reveals celebrity secrets.

Another part of the viewers, on the contrary, is very impressed with the work of Sabina. They believe that she is really a qualified specialist who helps restore the truth about the life of popular Russian stars. Some nice to realize the fact that the media people of Russian television are not such and ideal as they are presented in the press. After all, only on the show "In fact, they are revealed to truly.

Scandal around the program "In fact"

During the existence of the show "In fact, the audience had time to criticize him. Stay dissatisfied and participants. The characters of the Program believe that Dmitry Shepelev provokes them with his incorrect questions in order to get new facts about their lives. The last, subsequently becomes the scandalous property of the public.

Naturally, the discussion of the show "In fact" does not cost anyone without negative comments to Sabina Pantus, including the address of its biography and personal life.

TV viewers consider unjustified by the fact that Sabina is a secretive person who is not ready to frankly tell the journalists about his life. At the same time, she herself requires the heroes of the program "in fact" answers to intimate questions.

It is worth recalling that famous persons have already managed to comment on participation in the filming "actually" in a negative key. Media personality is convinced that questions are defined incorrectly. Dmitry Shepelev's task and Sabina Pantus - bring them out "on clean water", pulling out the dirty details of their personal life and biography.

In what relations are the Pantus and Shepelev

Sabina Pantus and Dmitry Shepelev - Colleagues and co-host shows "in fact." TV viewers believe that relations between celebrities are something more than just cooperation under the same program. Sabine Pantus (see photo) is "good" discussion of its biography and personal life with reference to Dmitry Shepelev. The girl becomes more famous in the world of Russian television. It is possible that it will soon begin to invite it to other popular programs.

The audience noted that during the filming of the show "Who wants to become a millionaire" Dmitry specially called a colleague on "you". The girl decided to answer him "reciprocity". During filming, she tried as often as possible to touch Dmitry shoulder or hands.

Sabina Pantus and Dmitry Shepelev bind romantic relationships

In addition, Sabina Pantus responded to the scandalous case of Shepelev, associated with the Rusphone and the money of Zhanna Friske. The girl managed to write and publish a whole post addressed to his colleague. So, Sabina says that the accusations are undeserved. She believes that Dmitry is an extremely honest person who has nothing to do with Rusfond's money. He is a wonderful and loving father. She is sure that all charges are unfounded. And therefore, Dmitry is not to blame for anything.

TV viewers of the show "In fact" are confident that colleagues on the set - Sabina Pantus and Dmitry Shepelev - connects something more than solely work. Perhaps young people managed to make friends and began to normally communicate.

Shepelev's fans do not exclude the fact that romantic feelings are born between colleagues. Dmitry no one condemns. After the death of Zhanna Friske, a lot of time passed so that the man began to think about new relationships.


Sabina's growth Pantus: 165 centimeters.

Personal life Sabina Pantus:

Sabina Pandus Psychologist Biography Year of birth. Fame on television. Haircut sabina ramp - what is called

With a beautiful attractive appearance Sabina Pantus - a psychologist polygraphist. About himself tells restraint and this is her right. She was born in the capital of Sunny Azerbaijan, but she did not live there, with her parents moved to Russia. Relatives remained in Baku, it is very rare to them.

He studied at the International Academy of Lie Studies and became a professional specialist in this area. By virtue of its abilities, Sabina Pantus helps to solve people questions on the device to work and in personal problems. Easily recognizes a lie and truth in communicating with a person.

Sabina Pantus Psychologist, polygraph and profiler. Beautiful, young, confident, she takes part in the new project "in fact" (leading Dmitry Shepelev). For facial expressions and gestures and other methods, the behavior of the program's hero is analyzed, determines how truthful it is.

Sabina was born in Sunny Baku, but there practically did not live. After her birth, the family moved to Russia.

There is no personal information about Sabine Pantus, how old she is where her husband now lives. She is married and she has two sons of Danil and Nikita, the older of 12 years, the youngest in November will be 8 years old.

Surname Pantus Real, it is not a pseudonym. Most likely the surname of the spouse.

Sabina Pantus is quite a bright person, lately it often appears in a different current of the show as an expert. If you believe the leader, the woman is simply impossible to deceive, she understands a person lying or not for facial expressions, gestures and other, unnoticed simple person, signs. Right sabine from the city of Baku, in which he was born in 1982. Married, about the person of the spouse, a woman prefers not to tell. Couple has two sons. Sabina as often asked about her biography, that a woman even published in her profile.

Sabina Pantus I first saw on the program "In fact", this beautiful confident woman struck my imagination as it organically looked at this program. She is only 35 years old, and it seems she seems to be a very moatful life experience of a woman.

Sabina comes from Baku. She works as a psychologist. She is married and she has two sons. The following is a detailed information about its biography.

Sabina has an interesting surname - Pantus, many people believe that she is a latice, although she herself denies this information. She was born 35 years ago in Baku, then moved to Novosibirsk and to Moscow. Sabina learned in any institution. She even has a business education, but its main direction is psychodiagnosis, psychology, profiling, neuroprogramming E. This woman became known due to the fact that he began to work as an expert of the polygraph of the polygraph in the studio of Shepelev "in fact." Sabina successful, young, married and growing two boys. It is rumored that there is a novel between Sabina Pantus and Shepelev Dmitry, but it has not yet been confirmed.

Sabina Pantus is known thanks to the participation of the TV show "in fact." She performs there as an expert. Sabina appeared in 1982 in the city of Baku. Soon the family moved to Novosibirsk. About their parents, ancestors, origin and nationality, Sabina is silent. By virtue of the surname - Pantus is its real name, as well as the appearance of the nigeon, suggest that her roots from the Baltic States.

The girl was pleasing to education at the Moscow Humanitarian University on the Profile of Psychology. Not rich experience in the field of personnel selection for different companies. Naturally, the viewer is not impressed with this - we have all the workers in the fields, and there is a solid fairy tale on TV. Therefore, Sabina shocks people by the terrible word "En El Pi", they say, owns it. Actually, this is a technology for stimulating sales of goods, but thanks to some illiterate citizens, many believe that this is the latest version of hypnosis with elements of Voodoo magic.

For the first time, the audience saw this spectacular blonde in 2017 in the transfer "in fact" as the co-host Dmitry Shepelev.

Sabina Pantus Born in 1982, on the horoscope she is fish, in 2017 she turned 35 years old. Most sources argue that she was born in Baku.

Sabina is a coaching, a polygraphist. She is a professional psychologist, according to man's behavior, he understands that he tells the truth or lies, and without using additional funds, such as a polygraph.

Sabina spent several thousand psychological checks, and law enforcement agencies and organizations engaged in the selection of personnel were also treated for help.

She currently lives in Moscow.

Dmitry Dibrov (during the transfer, "who wants to become a millionaire") suggested that the Pantus Baltic or Norwegian roots.

Growth girl 165 centimeters. Surname Pantus Real.

Sabina Pantus or Rampus, 1982 - now a fairly famous young woman, a polygraph and profiler, coach (simple words, a psychologist), and a girl was born on July 26, in many sources it was stated that the childhood of Sabina passed in Baku, the nationality is definitely not known as And many other facts of the biography of Sabina, some suggest that she has Norwegian or Baltic roots. Sabina itself does not refute this information, but does not confirm until.

This is a surname or not, as long as it is not specified anywhere.

According to the sign of the zodiac Sabina - the lion.

In 2018, Sabine will be 36 years old.

It became known after the release of the magnificent transfer with Dmitry Shepelev, many were interested in it.

Sabina Pantus is in Instagram, here.

This beautiful young woman Sabina Pantus attracts with its energy and independence. The Russian TV viewer is familiar to the transfer of the first channel "in fact." Unusually attractive externally, she inspires respect for its factories and inner right. She is only 35 years old, but fondamental education and practice in the sphere of interpersonal relationships are felt.

The facts of her personal biography are little known. Right from Azerbaijan. He lived in Novosibirsk, now in Moscow. Raises two sons. It claims that the surname of her real and she is not a latice.

It looks great and stylish. Interesting hairstyle and makeup are beneficially distinguished by its modern fashionistas.

July 24, 2017 on the first channel Started show project "Actually" . Release was dedicated to the actor Alexey Panin And his difficult family relationships. Presenter - Dmitry Shepelev

As a permanent expert in this scandalous transfer took part Sabina Pantus (Polygraphist-Profai Ler, Psychologist), where gives professional comments in assessing the believability of the behavior of its participants verbal and non-verbal signs of lies .

About the personal life, the biography of Sabina knows a little and these facts scraps From the Internet sources may well do not correspond to the truth.

Sabina was born in 1982 Baku (Azerbaijan). Zodiac sign - Fish. Some time lived in Novosibirsk. In 2004 moved to Moscow. Sabina has two children (sons - Nikita, Daniel).

  • Education, Career, Professional Activities

Sabina Pantus is a certified expert polygraphist, a profiler, a member of the European Association of Polygraphs, is included in the Unified Register of Poligraphologists of Russia (?).

Sabina Pantus was trained: at the Academy of Business Security, in the Center for Applied Psychophysiology Korovina, in the Moscow Humanitarian University. MA Sholokhov, International Academy of Lie Studies, Moscow Center Neuro-Lingistics Programming, American International Institute of Polygraf

Sabina is currently conducting an active teaching (international detection center of lies and profiling - video, a school of detection of a lie Korovina) and professional activities (CIBP, computer polygraph developer "Energy" and hardware and software complex "Master" , screening when receiving work and working personnel, private and official investigations).

Sabina Pandus - Media face and invite it as a permanent expert on various channels ( "Channel One", "NTV", TV Center) Central Television to participate in television transmissions and projects.

In more detail about the life of Sabina, you can find out on its page in Instagram and on You-Tube Channel

  • Information is published on materials of various Internet sources. If there are inaccuracies and they are far from truth - I apologize

Sabina Pantus, biography and personal life of which began to be interested after the appearance of the scandalously known transmission "in fact" with Dmitry Shepelev, where she performed as a polygraphologist, known as a certified personnel selection specialist, a successful coach and profiler. A woman is able to define the respondent's lie on such indirectly non-verbal signs as gestures and facial expressions, which allows it to be a brilliant connoisseur of human souls in the field of recruitment.

Polygraphology, as well as profiling, that is, the compilation of a psychological portrait of the subject is the activities of a professional psychologist using special equipment by definition on the basis of psychophysical indicators of various characteristics of the personality of the object under study. The polygraphist, given the various parameters of the emotional state of the checked, is capable of accuracy to 99%, whether the last truth says, or lies. Sabina is engaged in similar activities in the field of personnel selection as a certified specialist.

What is aware of her biography and personal life? Sabina Pantus was born in Baku, her year of her birth was 1982. For some time she lived in Novosibirsk, and since 2004 he moved to the capital. The girl is 35 years old, it has a bright appearance, her growth is 175 cm. Initially, she was a blonde with an asymmetric haircut, at present the woman preferred to radically change the image, reincarnated into the brunette. By the sign of the zodiac - fish.

Given the increased interest of the public to the biography of profileera, the personal life of Sabina Pantus, despite numerous photos on the network, remains under the veil of the mystery. It is only known that she has the sons of Nikita and Daniel twelve and seven years. As the profiler is recognized, it is always easy for her to guess whether children lie, or they say the truth. This professional habit, as a celebrity mentioned, often brings her many problems in his personal life.

Famous profiler Sabina Pantus with dark hair color

From the biography of Sabina, Pantus is clear that the husband is also present in her life, but this topic, as a woman notes, not for public discussion. It does not like to spread about their family relationships.

As for the past celebrity, it is known that before it becomes like a public figure in the transfer "in fact," she managed to produce about three thousand printing inspections. As part of its activities, Sabina was engaged in screening in the field of primary recruiting, that is, when admission to the work of the staff. She was also an expert in conducting official investigations.

Sabina Pantus: Photo

Private checks also served as part of its activities. In 2012, the woman became a teacher for detection of lies in the same school in which herself was trained. It is part of the Eurasian Polygraphic Association and is its member.

The formation of Sabina Pantus, biography and personal life, which are under the scope of public interest, fully meets its special skills and knowledge, reports RosRegistr. So, she passed professional preparation and raised the qualifications in the following areas:

      in neuro-linguistic programming;
    psychodiagnostics and polygraphology.

She was trained in various certified educational institutions, starting the business academy and the center of applied psychophysiology, and ending with the Moscow Humanitarian University and the International Academy of Lies.

Sabina has several higher education

It is also worth noting its achievements in the metropolitan center of neuro-linguistic programming, as well as a much more statical education in the American International Institute of Polygraphology.

All these regalia allow Sabine to be a successful leader in the Central Psychotechnology Research Bureau.

Among other things, a woman is a developer of a copyright computer polygraph under the trademark "Energy".

Sabina conducts training master classes

At the School of Detection of Lie named after V.V. Cowelle Coroba in 2011 received a certificate confirming its professional qualities and skills. You can get acquainted with him anyone.

In this light, Sabina found himself as a polygraph-profiler, as well as a business coach and personal coach. It helps leadership and evaluate staff on the necessary professional skills, takes part in building harmonious relations between subordinates and managers, contributes to the formation of a healthy environment and an atmosphere in the labor collective.

The girl is a polygraph-profiler in the program "In fact"

Composing the psychological portrait of the respondent, the profiler helps recruiters to decide on the necessary candidates. It is on it that lies the burden of determining the conformity of the profile of the post and personality, to her claiming.

Dmitry Shepelev and Sabina Pantus on the set

Master classes and webinars Sabina holds regularly, including through the worldwide network. As a personal coach, a woman helps couples to determine psychological compatibility, and as a psychologist sends and adjusts the vector of family relations. Improving self-esteem in everyday and professional life is another topic of popular consultant trainings.

The biography of Sabina Pantus in Wikipedia has not yet been reflected, but with the release of the scandalous program "in fact" this annoying ability should be redeemed, because it is due to the appearance of a polygraphologist on central television, its scale as a specialist has increased many times and acquired universal recognition.

Sabina spoke in the TV show as a psychologist-profiler, which had all the necessary skills and knowledge to recognize lies and imaginary pretense not only in speech, that is, in verbal communication, but also in gestures and facial expressions of those present.

With Fedor Shalyapin and Larisa Copenkina

Despite the fact that such an idea is far from Nova on TV, the program received a lot of negative responses from angry and indignant television viewers, as the profiler was very skillfully exposed on the emotional and speech reactions of hot-friendly members of the participants who were invited to the Show's leadership.

It is impossible to deny that such an excitement around the profiler figure only went to her benefit, repeatedly enhancing the popularity of Sabina.

So, in one of the issues, Shalyapin and Kalashnikov were attended as participants. During the conversation with a polygraphist and answers to the questions I set out, it turned out that the publishes of the public are inclined not only to insincerity, but can also attract. These data are based exclusively on polygraph studies, which eliminates their inaccuracy.

On the set of the program "Double standards"

Resenting subscribers expressed Sabine their indignation, recommending her to temper the dust and be somewhat easier, to which the polygraphist objected to her inherent in confidence that she accepts any criticism and that any opinion had the right to exist.

Nevertheless, the response of the public was not one-sided: the profiler was supported by numerous fans. Many of them liked professionalism, excerpt, criticality and rectinence of a psychologist. The same opponents who unflatterly responded about the transfer, the woman answered very categorically: do not publish comments in its account, dearlying both the leadership of the TV show and his heroes.

Although Wikipedia is silent about the personal life of Sabina Pantus, it is necessary to believe that soon a polygraphist will have its own page in this worldwide encyclopedia, since, judging by the ratings of the show Dmitry Shepelev, the woman has significantly increased the popularity of transfer on central television. If we proceed from the same Wikipedia, the share of the show in the etheric space rose from 13.1 to 16.5%. Most likely, it was the participation in the transfer of the "scandalous" profiler. Plusted the interest of the audience to the program "In fact".

Sabina Pantus - a woman with a very unusual professional biography. The psychologist for education, Sabina easily performs the responsibilities of Couch, a specialist in the recruitment of personnel and even a profiler and a polygraphist, that is, a person who professionally separates the truth from lies. Family Sabine Pantus brought a popular TV show "In fact".

Childhood and youth

About the orphanage bright beauty is known little. Sabina was born on March 4, 1982 in Baku, and then lived in Novosibirsk for some time. In 2004, Pantus moved to Moscow. The nationality of the girl, as well as the date of birth, became the subject of the dispute of the audience and fans. Some suggest that Sabina has a Pantus Baltic roots, others are confident that the popular psychologist is Russian. Sabina itself does not comment on the sabine.

Information about the formation of Sabina also does not advertise, it is known only that Pantus studied profiles, psychodiagnostics and polygraphwork, neuro-linguistic programming. In addition, the professional piggy bank of Sabina has replenished certificates and diplomas of the "Center for Applied Psychophysiology", the American International Institute of Polygraphy, the Academy of Business Security, as well as the International Academy of Lie Studies and the Moscow Humanitarian University.


Such an impressive list of specializations has not been left only in theory: Sabina Pantus practices personal business coach, helping people to succeed and make faithful solutions. In addition, the woman helps large companies to select employees and resolve internal problems in the team.

Also, the Pantus is headed by the Central Research Bureau of Psychothechnology, teaches students to the school of detection of lies Valery Korovina, and also conducts personal advice.

The talent of the polygraphist Sabina Pantus embodied in its own development - a polygraph called "Energy". Sabina argues that this device shows very accurate results and is able to help not only personnel and recruiters, but also forensic.

Sabina Pantus does not bypass the psychology of relations between people. The girl professionally advises those who want to find a common language with sweethearts or parents, improve the "weather in the house", raise self-esteem and simply understand your own feelings.

Show "In fact"

The real fame of Sabine Pantus brought television: Since June 2017, a woman has become the program "In fact" on the "First Channel" along with. This non-standard show quickly loved the audience. The project helps people between which one or another conflict occurred, to make up and forgive each other.

Sabina Pantus argues that the main thing for solving such problems is to learn to speak and hear the truth. It is a lie most often becomes the cause of disagreement and even tragedies in the relationship of people. To tell the truth, as well as take it from the mouth of another - the difficult task with which Sabina and Dmitry helps to cope with the participants of the transfer.

The characters of the show become people who have once close, who were knighted or even parted. The leading pride is emphasized in an interview that in the studio "in fact" it is impossible to lie, and the secret becomes clear in the eyes of millions of viewers. The task of Sabina Pantus - to figure it out, sincerely says the hero and, if necessary, to bring participants to clean water.

The hero of the first release of the show was the actor. A man is experiencing not the easiest period in life: a court with a former spouse, Yulia Yudintseva, for custody of his daughter Anya. This series "in fact" turned out to be scandalous - the girl insulted the former lover and was not configured to reconcile. This time, leading, despite the efforts, it was not possible to restore the world between the participants.

But the second series of transmission was tamed even persistent viewers. The heroes were the singer with a civilian wife Natalia Ustyumenko. A tragedy occurred in the life of a couple. Agatha's daughter is seriously ill, the girl does not walk, as well as hearing and vision. It turned out that the singer is not sure that Agata is his daughter. Danko accused Natalia in treason, but the DNA test and the polygraph helped to find out that the woman is honest with his beloved. From the studio transfer the spouses went together.

During the air, the heroes showed the heirs, and even. Whenever the famous personalities had to be confessed in the intimate, which attracted new and new spectators to the screens.

The opinions of fans of the transfer were divided. Some believe that the leading professionally remove the heroes on clean water. Others believe that the methods of Sabina Pantus and Dmitry Shepelev are too tough and straightforward. Nevertheless, the ratings of the program are steadily growing.

Personal life

About his own personal life Sabina Pantus prefers not to spread. It is known that a woman has two sons, Danil and Nikita. But there is a sabina with a husband or beloved while remains a milestone for journalists and fans.

Some time ago, rumors began to spread in the network that the relationship between Sabina Pantus and Dmitry Shepelev went beyond professional. Spectators are confident that colleagues binds and personal sympathy.

Suspicions of fans confirms the fact that Sabina Pantus in one of the social networks laid out the text defending Dmitry. The fact is that Shepeleva is accused of assigning finances, his deceased spouse. Sabina Pantus emphasized that such speculations are groundless, and Dmitry is an honest person.

Professional Sabina skills, self-confess, often interfere with life. The girl emphasizes that it instantly recognizes the lie of the sons and close people, which sometimes becomes the cause of bellows.

In addition to the matters, fans discuss the haircut and image of Sabina Pantus. Some time ago, "Instagram" and other social networks exploded from the photo of Sabina and user comments - the girl changed the hairstyle and the color of the hair, causing it a squall of discussions.

Sabina Pantus now

Now Sabina Pantus continues to build a television career.

Also, by rumors, soon the audience will learn about the new project with the participation of the beloved leading and psychologist.

The name of Sabina The Pantus became known when the transmission was "actually" to the screens, where she is present as an expert. Pantus professional in his field, so it is not difficult to assess the participants of the program and state some facts from their lives.

It is not surprising that the viewers are interested in the biography and personal life of an expert show.

Biographical data

Sabina does not indicate his nationality, but notes that her homeland is Baku, where she was born and spent several children's years. Who is her parents and what they do, the polygraph is silent. For a while, the family lived in Novosibirsk, and then moved to Moscow. After graduating from school, the girl entered the university, and then received several more diplomas, having passed training at the International Academy of Lie Studies, as well as in Ano DPO Center for Applied Psychophysiology. During his work, the Pantus also engaged in its qualifications, thanks to which the certificates of such institutions as the Moscow Center for NLP and the American International Institute of Polygraphology were received.

Specialty of Sabina - a certified polygraph-profiler, that is, this is a high-class specialist who can easily draw up a psychological portrait of a person on non-verbal signs: gestures, facial expressions, poses and conversation. It is currently working in the field of lies detection, as well as studying students of the International Center for Detection of Lies and Profiiling, as well as the School of Detection of Lie Korovin. The activities of Pantus are not limited to this: as a psychologist, it suits various trainings and webinars, helping those who want to increase their self-esteem and establish harmonious relations in the family. Becoming a media person, it is often invited to various programs and projects passing on different TV channels.

Participation in the show "In fact"

In 2017, the polygraphist took part in the show project "in fact" on the first channel, where Dmitry Shepelev became his leading. Sabina spoke in him as a permanent expert. Many famous people managed to visit this project: Star Show "Let them say" - Diana Shurygin, Prokhor Shalyapin, Danko, Alexey Panin, Pierre Narcissus and many others. During the program, the audience learned many family secrets of participants.

In the photo Sabina Pantus. www.instagram.com/sabinapantus

So, the lie detector confirmed that Panin goes to his daughter without clothes, and also took drugs. But Danko, who doubted the loyalty of the civil wife, made sure that she did not change him, and his daughter was born from him. But not always the participants arrange the actions of Pantus and Shepelev: many of them have already complained to the fact that some issues are not correct and provoking.

Personal life

Sabina carefully hides his personal life, however, the viewers want to learn about the mysterious blonde, whether she has her husband and children. According to some data on the network, it is engaged in the upbringing of two sons - Nikita and Daniel, which is 12 and 7 years old. According to the expert show "Let them say", its abilities do not always affect relationships with children, as she immediately sees, the truth they say or lgut.

In the photo Sabina Pantus with son

He does not tell the pantus about his romantic relationships, so she has a beloved - it remains only to guess. The psychologist admits that her unusual profession delivers inconvenience and in personal plan, since the "vision of a person through" sometimes brings unpleasant surprises. She has a page in Instagram, where 13.4 thousand subscribers are signed. Sabina publishes there its positive pictures, besides this, she has its own channel on which curious videos can be viewed.

Sabina Pantus. Born on July 26, 1982 in Baku. Russian polygraphist, psychologist, TV presenter, expert program "In fact".

According to some data, has Russian and Baltic roots.

Soon after her birth, the family moved to Novosibirsk.

Since 2004, Sabina Pantus lives in Moscow.

It has higher education. He studied at the Moscow Humanitarian University. Interested in profiling, psychodiagnostics, polygraphwork and neuro-linguistic programming, constantly increased its professional level: he studied at the Center for Applied Psychophysiology, the American International Institute of Printing, "Business Academy", "International Academy of Lie".

He is a recognized specialist in analyzing the behavior of people, a profiler - is able to evaluate and predict a person's behavior based on the analysis of the most informative features, the characteristics of appearance, non-verbal and verbal behavior.

Pantus is a specialist in the field of detection of lies and checks on the polygraph. Sabina is able to learn about a person even what he himself, sometimes, does not know about himself. Often, people study themselves thanks to Sabine and her techniques.

Walks training, helping people to figure out themselves and then seek success, changing their behavior and taking faithful solutions in any life situations.

Pantus helps large companies to select employees and resolve internal problems in the team.

Sabina Pantus is headed by the Central Research Bureau of Psychothechnology, teaches students of the School of Detection of Lie Valery Korovina, and also conducts personal advice.

According to the profileera, the main thing for solving such problems is to learn how to speak and hear the truth, both about others and, most importantly, about themselves. After all, it is false, according to her, most often becomes the cause of disagreements and even tragedies in the relationship of people.

His talent and extensive experience of the polygraph of Sabina Pantus embodied in its own development - a polygraph called "Energy". Sabina argues that this device shows very accurate results and is able to help not only personnel and recruiters, but also forensic.

In his practice, Sabina Pantus is engaged in analyzing the psychology of relations between people. She professionally advises those who want to find a common language with sweethearts or parents, raise self-esteem and simply figure out their own feelings.

Widely known in 2017, when he became an expert of a popular show "Actually" On the first channel. The leading is, and Sabina Pantus and Roman Ustyuzhanin help him to understand the situations in which the guests of the studio were pleased. Pantus and Ustyuzhanin professionally remove guests to clean water, determining whether they say the truth.

Sabina Pantus, Roman Ustyuzhanin, Dmitry Shepelev

A profiler Sabina Pantus solves in the program on gestures and intonation of heroes as far as they are sincere.

The program "In fact" immediately gained popularity among the audience. The project helps people between which one or another conflict occurred, to make up and forgive each other. However, it often happens and on the contrary - when the exposure of the Pantus and Ustyuzhanin leads to divorces and conflicts.

Sabina Pantus in the program "In fact"

The characters of the show "In fact" became many stars of domestic show business, entrepreneurs, politicians, just media person.

Since 2018, Sabina has also become an expert from Evgeny Spiritz, who is engaged in predicting human behavior in difficult and extreme situations. She became a member of the weekly live broadcast "Saturday evening with Evgeny Spiritza" on his Youtube channel.

Sabina's growth Pantus: 165 centimeters.

Personal life Sabina Pantus:

Raises two sons - Senior Nikita and the younger Danil. Sabina dedicates to children all his free time.

Sabina is very close to his mother with which they are real girlfriends. She said about her mother: "My heart, my wisdom, my support, my girlfriend, my mom! It is very important to be close to moms, difficult, but very important! I am glad that we are close! "

As a pantus recognized, she constantly struggles with overweight and in this matter to her, a professional psychologist, often need psychological support.

"Girls will understand. Lit to sleep normally, and woke up Tolstoy. There are no visible reasons, the surrounding my completeness has not seen, but I felt an elephant. Large and extremely dissatisfied with an elephant. The opponent voice sounded in the head: "You have grown up." Scales and surroundings claimed the opposite. But no arguments and beliefs of others at such moments do not work, clothes sitting badly, the photo does not go out, the mood is terrible. Yesterday was a day that was not and half a day was irrevocably booing, it went well at least in the evening, and I am glad that the elephant comes more and less, I slowly, but rightly losing weight. The main thing is to understand where temporary turbidity under the code name "Elephant", which is worth living in a room with "soft walls" so as not to harm or others. My unfortunate "Elephant" himself comes and fills quickly enough. And where is the reality, when it was time to admit that it was time to lose weight, take himself in hand and start changing, "Sabina told.

Sabina Sabina Radus will like it, but she goes, and the mirror reflects a joyful smile from a wonderful feeling of style. This girl is a psychologist, so for her someone else's opinion and criticism is perceived indirectly, not put on the chapter. Everyone has the right to choose what will turn on the head. But the hairstyle of Sabina Radus is stylish and very spectacular.

Features hairstyles Sabina Radus

Many people admire the hairstyle of the ramp and want to know her name. There are those who criticize, but it should be understood that the real woman can be not only with long hair, but with short, even in length and is a female force.

The haircut of the back looks like a male, but from this Sabina the ramp looks even more extravagant. Blond style hair can be with darkened roots it is quite fashionable, not all this color is suitable. Sabina made his choice, thus feeling beauty and feeling convenient.

Short haircut enough every day to lay, but with long hair you have to tinker, it is more common to wash and close them in a bundle or tail, if there is no time on the hairstyle.

Punk Hairstyle Radus Sabina makes a girl feminine and gives sexuality, as the hair grows behind her, it is also necessary to care for those who love themselves this is not a problem.

Haircut sabina ramp - what is called

Sabina's biography Radus, like her haircut, a very unusual, psychological education allows you to be an excellent specialist in choosing professionals, to conduct cochs, a polygraph skills further expand the possibilities of professional activities.

In life, the girl also easily separates indeed and lies. The television show "In fact" made Sabin very popular, from the transfer you can learn a lot of interesting things.

About childhood practically nothing is unknown, Sabina was born in Baku, after which she moved to Novosibirsk and went to conquer the capital in 2004. Her nationality is the subject of fan disputes, this question Sabina Pandus prefers not to comment.

Asymmetric haircut like Sabina Radus will allow a woman to look young and attract the attention of others. The appearance of the girl and professional qualities do not combine. For all the time there are many photos where the haircuts of Sabina Raduz are presented in different versions, they have certain colors from the blonde to the brunette, the changes sometimes simply cardinal. We must admit, the girl experiments clearly succeed.

Make a hairstyle like Sabina Radus will not be difficult, it is called where one side looks asymmetric and laying the haircut is performed on a certain side, the zone of the temples is chosen, and the population is triggered shortly. This Pixie variation is similar to a female haircut called, very popular among young people.

The haircut makes the ramp spectacular, it is ultra-screw, it looks great on my head. If the hair is stacked correctly, then the haircut is completely unparalleled. Pixie In 2018, one of the fashionable hairstyles around the world.

In this article:

Sabina Pandus: biography and personal life

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The girl with such an exotic name and the surname appeared in the information space of Russian television viewers not so long ago. Correctly her surname, by the way, is written by the pantus. The first popularity came to her after the broadcast broadcast "in fact." What is interesting we know about Sabina, and what facts and gossip can be interesting to you? Adminate in the comments.

Biography Sabina Pantus

Sabina was born in the Russian capital on July 26, 1982. Some sources claim that she was born in Azerbaijan, in Baku. After that, lived in Novosibirsk and only then got into Moscow. If you have proven information about this, write in the comments, add.

It is known that our heroine is not one higher education. So, she was a student of Moscow State University, the International Academy of Research Lies and the Center for Applied Psychophysiology.

Sabina is constantly developing and improving its skills. She received stunning results in the NLP Center and Institute of Poligraphology in the United States.

Her specialization is a profiler and a polygraphist. If simple language, she is a specialist who develops psychological portraits of people. In addition, Sabina performs the selection of employees and the evaluation of candidates, and teaches it to do other people - in their speeches in the training format. Recruiting - direction that is in dire need of such specialists as Sabina. Its enormous practical experience and high level of training make it possible to determine an honest person and lied, without even additional technical support. It is estimated that at the time of writing this biography (2018), our heroine conducted more than 3,000 psychological expertise for private enterprises and law enforcement services.

But these are not all areas of activity that was able to cover Sabina Pantus in their biography. An important direction of her work is to help women with an understated assessment of themselves and problematic relations.

Sabina Pantus on TV

Next, the biography of Sabina brings us to the moment of invitations to shoot the transfer "in fact", with the famous leading Dmitry Shepelev. In this program, our heroine performs the role of an expert who determines the sincerity of the stories and behavior of the participants of the show.

This project in a short period attracted the attention of the audience, and has already collected a couple of loud scandals around him. And the presenter, and Sabina withstand a huge pressure of criticism from the viewers. In particular, our heroine put into ukore excessive temperament and subjectivity.

Personal life Sabina Pantus

But in his personal life, Sabina Pantus does not like to devote the public. Up to the point that it is difficult to unequivocally assert, whether she has a partner at the moment. If you know something - write in the comments!

Of 100% of facts, it can be noted that Sabina has already two wonderful sons - Nikita and Danil.

At the same time, rumors about her personal affairs goes to Never. Very predictable, yellow press has repeatedly twisted the headlines about the alleged novel of our heroine with Dmitry Shepelev.

As Sabina itself says, her profession imposes a certain imprint on a personal life, complicating any relationship. You just imagine how difficult it is to live, instantly recognizing even the smallest deception ... This ability leads to different troubles.