
Propaganda: Learning Oratory. Propaganda speech, or study oratory

The history of the world has already met dozens of specialists in oratory, whose speeches we still remember. The most recent geniuses of this art were Hitler, Khrushchev and other politicians who conducted a campaign speech. More often it is politicians who give an example of how to turn ordinary speech into something more, an element of history, correctly. You should know that writing texts for speeches brings money, because the topic of the speech can be any, including about earnings.

But it's not always the case. For example, the last “strong” speech was made by Steve Jobs in 2005, and this was not a presentation of a new product. Using oratory, he encouraged students at Stanford University to strive for dreams and the benefits of seeking life opportunities. Using speech techniques, Jobs touched on life topics, attracting an audience, and speech went down in history.

For some, this is a hobby, and someone is studying eloquence so that the presentation gets the highest marks and benefits.

“Sometimes life hits you on the head with a brick. Do not lose faith. I am convinced that the only thing that helped me to continue the work was that I loved him. You need to find what you love. And this is just as true for work as it is for relationships. Your work will fill most of your life and the only way to be completely satisfied is to do what you think is a great thing. And the only way to do great things is to love what you do. If you have not found your business, look. Do not stop. As with all heart affairs, you will know when you find it. And, like any good relationship, they get better and better over the years. Therefore, search until you find it. Do not stop".

“Your time is limited, so do not waste it on someone else’s life. Do not fall into the trap of dogma, which says live the thoughts of other people. Do not let the noise of others' opinions interrupt your inner voice. And most importantly: have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you really want to become. Everything else is secondary. ”“Stay hungry. Remain Reckless. ”

If you look at any speech by Steve Jobs, you will notice that it resembles a conversation - it is very understandable, natural and laid-back. Constant pauses, which are an integral part of speech, add emotionality to the text.

Despite the fact that this speech is considered one of the best delivered in modern times, some experts believe that Jobs lacks the correct gestures and body movements and the performance is not the limit of oratory. But do not forget that for this person it was not a type of activity, rather it was a hobby and responsibilities as the owner of the company. By the way, the presentation of new technology has always looked very exciting.

Where can I meet this art?

Yes, almost everywhere, in everyday life we \u200b\u200bare constantly surrounded by such moments. Sport, friendship, or another part of your life is filled with them. Maybe you do not always remember this, but if for you sport is a component of your life, then where are you looking for motivation? That's right, in the words of the athletes, when they tell the public about their results. Sport, like business or war, requires motivation.

What oratory consists of

If the topic of eloquence is a hobby for you, then you can not go deep into subtleties, but you should know the main components of a good performance.

  • Training.  The key to a successful performance depends on your preparation for it. Clothing in which the performance will take place requires careful selection.

It is important for a girl not to apply a lot of makeup and have a modest appearance. This will attract viewers, and will not distract attention.

It is important for men to look tidy and ironed. Show the view of success and confidence, otherwise the listener may simply not give the proper meaning to the words.

You need to pay attention to the elements depending on your audience. Indeed, for businessmen, an important element will be money and the high cost of style. For schoolchildren or students, a simpler and more relaxed look is suitable.

  • Introduction.  You can start with a story from life or an unusual phrase that should catch the listener. This technique is called a “hook”. In the speech of Steve Jobs, which we spoke about above, a “hook” in the form of a joke was involved.

Always use pauses between the main parts of speech. This helps to digest what is said and at the same time you can see the reaction of people.

At the heart of oratory lies the ability to draw images, but only the right images. It should be what exactly can be imagined, and if it concerns numbers, then you need to use slides or translate into something that can be visually measured.

  • Main part.  Of course, there are no specific rules for the main part, but a couple of tips can be given. Break the speech into logical blocks so that it is clear where you are going to another part of the speech.

Do not make a monologue out of speech, otherwise the audience will just get bored and will feel like guests. Ask rhetorical or direct questions, draw someone from the audience into the conversation, you can call on the stage. Ask for a task. Speak vigorously.

  • Conclusion  You can end the performance with a beautiful phrase or take a step back. No need to stretch the conclusion and tell something else.

You can emphasize the main thing from the speech and in the end begin to lower the tone. Then everyone will understand that the performance is over. The art of briefly and clearly concluding a performance requires compulsory practice.

  • Personal examples and stories.  Now it’s hard to surprise with some facts or insert into the text of the main part something completely new for the target audience.

Therefore, personal stories are on a par with pauses and images in the basics of the art of successful performance. Suppose, if you are a businessman, it would be nice to tell how you earned your first money. Telling a story from life, you bring the viewer closer to you, give you the opportunity to introduce yourself in your place. And if you write the speech correctly, then you can integrate key points into the story and convey the necessary information to the viewer.

Speech genre

Oratory is divided into types and a person can delve into any genre. Here are the main directions of this art:

  • scientific genre;
  • political;
  • court speech;
  • church genre;
  • other types of eloquence.

Money as the goal of oratory

Currently, trainings and seminars discussing the topic of how to make money have swept the Internet. Actually, the Internet contributed to this. He opened the possibilities of earning, and therefore learning. After all, before the main source of self-study was the book.

An example of speeches by millionaires at universities or online seminars in the Internet space - all this refers to the subject of business, where the main task is to make money. The purpose of these performances is to motivate the listener, charge them with emotions and desire to do something. All this drives the desire to have a lot of money and be independent. A good way to convert knowledge of oratory into money is to open a school to practice and study eloquence.

Judicial Speech

Judicial speech as a genre came to us from ancient Greece. In connection with population growth, politicians studied oratory, and court speech at that time was of great importance. The fate of politics could be decided by the ability to speak in public. In Greece, this skill was trained and paid a lot of money.

Since in the courts at that time everyone had to defend himself, citizens who had money paid for the text to the logographers, and the court speech allowed to avoid punishment.

Judicial speech, like any other, consisted of an introduction, a main part and a conclusion. Thus, the man tried to soften the judges and make him believe that his court speech was not fictitious.

Judicial practice in ancient times was the property of the people, and many people gathered for the trial, so without proper preparation it was problematic to speak.

Judicial speech, as a genre, has a place to be and develop in modern times and can bring money to professionals. All prosecutors and lawyers prepare the text of the speech in advance, which is what distinguishes a good lawyer. In order for the court speech to impress the judge and the jury, rhetoric techniques are used.

Lincoln Performance Example

In 1863, a few months after the bloody battle, Lincoln delivered the famous Gettysburg speech. There is no need to talk about oratory and attitude to professional rhetoric; there simply would not be enough room for receptions in it. But the text, written by Lincoln, forced to shed tears and clung to the soul

The public speech lasted only about two minutes, but history will not forget these two minutes. In the end, this speech was carved on a monument in the Lincoln Memorial.

“Eighty-seven years have passed since our fathers founded a new nation on this continent, owing their birth to freedom and dedicated to proving that all people were born equal.”

“Now we are going through a great test of civil war, which will decide whether this nation or any nation like it by birth or by vocation can withstand. We met on the field, where the great battle of this war was booming. We have come to consecrate a part of this land - the last refuge of those who gave their lives for the life of this nation. And this in itself is quite appropriate and worthy. ”

“But still it is not in our power to sanctify this field, to make it sacred, to spiritualize this land. By the deeds of the brave, the fallen and the living, who fought here, this land is already sacred, and it is not in our humble powers to add or diminish anything. What we say here will only be casually noticed and soon forgotten, but what they have done here will never be forgotten. Let us, the living, devote ourselves to the unfinished business that these warriors performed here. Let us devote ourselves here to the great work that lies ahead of us, and we will be even more determined to give ourselves to the purpose to which the fallen here gave themselves completely to the end. Let us solemnly swear that their death will not be in vain, that this God-guarded nation will gain renewed freedom, and that the power of the people, by the will of the people and for the people, will not disappear from the face of the earth. ”

Historians say that Lincoln decided to write the text for the speech himself, taking as a basis the principle of equality from the Declaration of Independence and relying on the great figures of the past. According to eyewitnesses, the speech was so strong that it made people believe that all the victims were not in vain, and they were not fighting against other states, but were fighting for the freedom of the people and the future of their native state. Only one text allowed people to unite as a family to confront the enemy.

Chaplin example text

Charlie Chaplin’s speech test is called “How I Loved Myself” in Russian and has become our story and the main speech of man. He told her at his seventieth birthday.

True, there are rumors that in fact an example of the text could be written by fans from Brazil. There is no clear evidence that this is the work of Charlie Chaplin, as well as accurate evidence of forgery.

Despite this, the speech on the topic of self-love turned out to be magnificent and deserves attention is an example that can be used for your own purposes.

“When I fell in love with myself, I realized that longing and suffering are only warning signals that I live against my own truth. Today I know that this is called "BE YOURSELF."

When I fell in love with myself, I realized how much you can offend someone if you impose on him the fulfillment of my own desires, when the time has not yet come and the person is not ready yet, and this person is me. Today I call it “RESPECT”.

When I fell in love with myself, I stopped wanting another life, and suddenly I saw that the life that surrounds me now provides me with all the opportunities for growth. Today I call it "MATURITY".

When I fell in love with myself, I realized that under any circumstances, I am in the right place at the right time, and everything happens exclusively at the right time. I can always be calm. Now I call it "CONFIDENCE IN MYSELF."

When I fell in love with myself, I stopped stealing my own time and dreaming of big future projects. Today I do only that which gives me joy and makes me happy, that I love and that makes my heart smile. I do it the way I want and in my own rhythm. Today I call it "SIMPLICITY."

When I fell in love with myself, I freed myself from everything that harms my health - food, people, things, situations. Everything that drove me down and out of my own way. Today I call it LOVE FOR ITSELF.

When I fell in love with myself, I stopped always being right. And just then I began to make less and less mistakes. Today, I realized that this is "modesty."

When I fell in love with myself, I stopped living in the past and worried about the future. Today I live only in the present moment and call it “SATISFACTION”.

When I fell in love with myself, I realized that my mind can interfere with me, that you can even get sick from it. But when I was able to connect him with my heart, he immediately became my valuable ally. Today I call this connection “WISDOM OF THE HEART”.

We no longer need to be afraid of disputes, confrontations, problems with ourselves and with other people. Even the stars collide, and from their collisions new worlds are born.Today I know that this is LIFE.

Churchill's public speech (part)

Churchill is a master at writing texts for speeches. Speech on a military theme in 1940 did not leave anyone indifferent and provides an example to follow.

“I can offer nothing but blood, hard work, tears and sweat. We are facing a severe test. We have many long months of struggle and suffering. You ask, what is our policy? I will answer: to wage war on the sea, land and in the air, with all our might and with all the power that God can bestow on us; to wage war against the monstrous tyranny, which has never been equal in the gloomy and mournful list of human crimes.

That is our policy. You ask, what is our goal? I can answer in one word: victory - victory at all costs, victory, despite all the horrors; victory, no matter how long and thorny the path can be to it; without victory, we will not survive. It is necessary to understand: the British Empire will not be able to survive - all that for which it existed will perish, all that humanity has defended for centuries, for which it has aspired for centuries, and for which it will perish. However, I accept my duties with energy and hope. I am sure that people will not let our cause perish.

Now I feel entitled to demand help from everyone, and I say: “Let's go forward together, joining our forces.”

Churchill was allowed to write this text by the art of eloquence. The directness and honesty of the statements made this text historical.

A month after the speech of the ally of England, the Germans defeated and captured, on this subject he wrote another text and spoke with him. Parts of his speech should be found and familiarized, this is a good example if you want to write a speech or your goal is to make a cool presentation.

Sport, friendship, family, hobbies are topics on which you can write professional texts and apply oratory. Examples or parts of oratory texts can be found on the Internet or seen on television. This should be done if you want to write a text that is good for reading and speaking. The book on oratory will also help to teach, reading special literature has made my ability to conduct dialogue properly, making friendship with people stronger, and a recent hobby has begun to pay dividends.

The following examples are working versions of propaganda texts illustrating the relationship in the chain: image - themes - text design. All examples are taken from real campaigns. Words in italics replace real names of regions, cities, etc.

Example 1   Campaign for elections to the Regional Duma. The district is located in the capital of the region, the candidate is the current deputy of the City Duma.

A campaign was built on one topic: inter-budgetary relations between the city and the region. The theme was provided - the defense against the release of dirt.

The image of the candidate is “a fighter for the interests of the city”.


1.1. Message

Dear citizens!

In December 2000 the inhabitants ... of the district elected me as a deputy of the city Duma. In a year and a half, much has been done, hundreds of people have helped. But even more problems remained unresolved. The reason is simple: the city is chronically short of money ...

What's the matter? Maybe we are stupid and lazy; do not know how to make money to equip your city? All this is complete nonsense! In fact, the city has enough funds. Simply, they are annually selected in the regional budget, where they disappear, like in a black hole; spent on ridiculous and useless projects. Hence the majority of our sick problems: housing, a communal apartment, roads and much, much more.

Town Cities

The city Town

townspeoplelive much worse,what we are working with. If Town  in fact, it draws upon itself the entire region (and now that our region has become a "donor", we are also feeding Moscow) - that means we, townspeopleWe work with dignity. It is time to live with dignity.

It is only necessary to RETURN THE CITY OF MONEY.

1.2. Program Interview

1. You have worked in the City Duma for only a year and a half, now go to the Regional Duma. Why?

Because to achieve a dramatic improvement in life in City  it is possible only through Regional Duma.

Town  gives the region 70% of the revenue. Only 30% returns back. On the average resident of the region in the budget laid 3500 rubles. Per resident Cities  - a third less. This is unfair and unscrupulous: you can not treat our city as a cash cow, which you can not feed, not drink, but only milk to infinity.

I am going to the new Regional Duma to return The city  and its residents the money that the present Duma has taken from us. City funds should work for the city. Then we will live better, better; and our native Town  will become comfortable, beautiful and kind.

2. Does it not seem to you that you first need to fulfill the promises you made to the townspeople, and only then go to the region.

And I’m going to the Regional Duma just to fulfill my program as a city deputy. All that could be done at the expense of meager city funds - I did, in a year and a half I managed to help hundreds of people. We will return to the city the money unjustly taken from him - we will help thousands.

3. So, the regional deputies are to blame for everything?

That the current deputies from Cities failed to protect the interests of the city and its inhabitants in the Regional Duma - this, as they say, is a "medical fact." But I would not want to look for extreme ones - this will not help the case. If the current deputies of the Regional Duma are clearly not pulling, it means that we must go to the Regional Duma ourselves and correct the situation. In my opinion, this is just what any normal man should do.

4. Ordinary voters are tired of squabbles between deputies. People don’t care who is to blame: whether city deputies, whether regional, all of you are on the same person.

If we don’t want to sit without hot water and walk through potholes all our lives, we will have to figure out who is who. Today, most of the city’s funds go to the regional budget, which is controlled by the regional deputies. With one vote, they can solve the problems that city deputies have been fighting for months. The possibilities of regional deputies are immeasurably higher.

5. And you want to break through to these opportunities?

Yes I want to! I just want to “break through” to funds that the region has unfairly taken from Cities  and return them to the city and its inhabitants. This money should be managed not by the regional, but by the city authorities; and they should work for the townspeople, and not disappear in the regional budget, like in a black hole, and spend money on ridiculous and useless projects.

So the first thing I will do as a regional deputy is "I will rob myself." I will return the notorious "opportunities" to their true owner - the city and the townspeople.

6. Somehow everything is very simple for you - take everything and divide again.

"Take and share" - this is exactly what is happening today. I propose to stop the freezing.

They often say: “We work and we live.” We, townspeoplelive much worse,what we are working with. It is time to live with dignity.

7. Would you like to leave other areas of the region without funds?

This is not about that at all. See what happens - on average, every resident Cities  pays in the form of taxes much morethan a resident of any other region of the region, but gets back (in the form of social programs) significantly less. According to the mind per inhabitant Cities  it should be spent from the regional budget more than the average resident of the region: the city has the most complex and neglected public utilities; it carries an additional burden as the capital of the region. How much more is a debatable issue; to rob areas we are not going to. But, in any case, no less.

8. Well, you will return the funds to the city. And what will ordinary citizens get from this?

For a year and a half as a deputy of the City Duma, I managed to break through several important targeted programs: a support program for the poor, support for medical institutions, youth; allowances to employees of libraries, boarding schools and schools, normal nutrition in kindergartens and orphanages; and much more. Have we begun to live much better? Not! Why? Because the funds invested in these programs are completely insufficient. We will return funds from the region - and each of the listed programs will earn several times better. Many other programs will earn.

My team and I know how to quickly and radically improve life in the city in all respects - there would be money. And if they elect me as a regional deputy, I can return the money to the city.

9. The City Duma, of which you are a deputy, voted in favor of raising utility tariffs. How do you have enough conscience to look people in the eyes after that ?!

I did not vote for the tariff increase - you can see the transcript. So I can quite tell my voters that I am white and fluffy, and that the other, bad deputies are to blame. I can quite make myself popular as a great fighter for the interests of citizens.

True, there is one snag. If nothing is done with the housing and communal services for several years, then the city will finally be left without water, heat and electricity. Then, indeed, not one deputy will be able to look people in the eye.

The increase in tariffs is not a consequence of some special maliciousness urban  deputies. Rates are rising across the country. We are dealing with a federal problem. Previously, the housing and communal services was subsidized from the federal budget, now the Russian government is ceasing subsidies. Another reason is the policy of monopolies, which are constantly raising prices for gas, fuel and electricity. Regional authorities, which are obliged to regulate the prices of monopolists, cannot or cannot stop their arbitrariness.

As a result, the authorities of cities and regions are forced to raise tariffs throughout Russia.

10. Again, it’s not your fault, but someone else ?.

I repeat again: I'm not going to look for the extreme. I am going to correct the situation.

A deputy is chosen to solve the problems of voters, rather than telling them that he, the deputy, is not to blame for the fact that the problems are not solved.

11. And how do you intend to solve the problems of housing and communal services?

I think you are familiar with my seven-point priority program. Five of them relate to housing and communal services and city improvement. This is something that can be done very quickly; literally the day after the city receives the money unfairly taken from him. If we talk about a cardinal, strategic improvement of the situation in the housing and communal services, then this, of course, will take time. But we can handle it: the city has enough funds to "stretch" the housing and communal services. More precisely, it will have - when we return The city  the money that the region takes from him.

12. Don't you think you are too optimistic? Do you really believe that we can quickly improve life in the City?

I am absolutely sure.

Judge for yourself: Town  actually draws the entire area. And now that we have become a donor region, Town  also feeds Moscow. It turns out that we are not the last city in Russia, if capable of such miracles. There is strength, and not small. If you direct this force to the arrangement of the city .... Yes, we will turn the mountains!

Today, we, the townspeople, are covered with a whole cart of problems - water supply, heat, dilapidated housing, dirt, bad roads. We are not aware on what a strong, healthy, strong basis our city stands. In fact, we have only one problem: we live beyond our means. Not in the sense that we spend more than we earn. On the contrary: we earn much more than we spend - but we have taken away what we have earned.

And the root of the solution to all our problems is one: it is NECESSARY TO RETURN THE CITY OF MONEY.

We will do the rest.

In everyday life, propaganda is rarely used, but you must be prepared for any situation. Therefore, it is important to develop public speaking skills. To learn how to speak to a large audience, it is enough to know a few basic rules. Propaganda speech has a rigid structure.


Introduction is the most important part of propaganda speech, since it is at the beginning of your speech that you can attract an audience, feel its reaction, and develop a further line of behavior. In the introduction, you need to determine the purpose, as well as give explanations on the topic you have chosen.
At the initial stage of the speech, it is important to set up the audience so as to facilitate further communication and cause a positive reaction. There are several ways to do this. Firstly, in order to attract the attention of the public, it is necessary to include humor in your speech. At the same time, the quality of humor must correspond to the chosen audience. If you are not gifted with a sense of humor, then it is better not to risk it, but to quote a well-known personality, whose opinion the audience will certainly listen to.

Secondly, try to create an atmosphere of reconciliation, that is, develop a common basis for agreement. In this case, it is important to explain to the audience that you are united by a common goal and task, that you have no desire to impose anything. The main thing is to create long-term contact with the audience and hold it until the end of your speech. Smile more, use gestures of goodwill. Ask more often prompting questions that require a compulsory answer. Your goal in the introduction is to interest the listener.

Main part

For the main part of the speech, a plan is compiled. Do not be too lazy to prepare it in advance. Allow time separately for writing the plan, think about what motives and calls you want to convey to the audience. Carefully write down each item on the plan and select words with an emotionally-evaluative meaning to your speech. There should be at least 5 keywords in the campaign speech that you will pronounce in different variations. So you enhance the effect on the listener.


In conclusion, you realize such goals as to summarize and once again explain what has been said, to focus interest on an important point, to note the special meaning of your speech, to maintain the positive attitude you have created. For this, repetitions, illustrations and examples, quotes and impressive statements are often used in the conclusion of propaganda speech. The main task of the conclusion is to win over as many listeners as possible. If after your speech you see the audience’s sincere interest, then we can assume that all the goals that have been set have been achieved.

Speech from ancient times was elevated to the rank of art, because with its help you can still manage a large number of people and even turn the tide of history. The ability to speak beautifully, correctly and convincingly is not given to everyone. However, this art can be learned.

You will need

  • - books;
  • - the press;
  • - Dictaphone;
  • - the Internet.

Instruction manual

Try to read as much as possible, giving preference to quality literature. Just a few pages of a book written in good language per day will develop your habit of the correct syllable. Try to choose not only interesting, but also useful editions, not forgetting the cognitive and business literature.

Actively broaden your horizons. Subscribe to interesting newsletters on the Internet, read periodicals, watch informative TV shows. Your goal is to receive new high-quality information that will prompt you to think. Try to formulate your own point of view on the most pressing issues. Thanks to this habit, you can maintain a conversation on many topics.

Use every opportunity to speak in public. This can be a report at a scientific conference, or a toast during a business dinner. Your task in this case is to get rid of the complexes, to learn to feel comfortable in the spotlight.

Theme number 3

Secrets of preparing a public speech

“Poets are born. They become speakers ”, - this statement of Cicero in our time can be confirmed by various examples. On the basis of the best speeches of famous or not very famous people, rhetoric studies the general patterns associated with the creation and utterance of statements of various types and genres, and based on this experience of many generations gives more specific recommendations.

In lecture 1, we talked about the fact that speech is built on the basis of the rhetorical canon. In this lecture, we consider to a greater extent the stage of expression, the thought out of concrete methods of organizing and presenting material in speech.

There are general principles that must be observed when preparing any public statement:

    Principle brevitybut, it should be added, sufficiency. It is known that with similar content, a short presentation is usually assessed by the audience as “more business-like”. But nevertheless, the performance should be long enough so that the listeners can learn the information transmitted to them.

    Principle sequences. The presentation should be subordinated to one topic, put in the title. Each piece should also cover the main topic.

    Principle gain  consists in the fact that the speech impact on the listeners should increase from the beginning of the speech to its end. This refers to an increase in the emotional intensity of the presentation with the help of intonational means, the arrangement of arguments according to the degree of persuasiveness, etc.

    Principle performance, since each presentation should contain a conclusion, a call to action, recommendations. The conclusion should not only be implied, but also must be formulated verbally.

    Principle structuredness: Information that is offered to students should be structured so that it is easier to perceive and present, etc.

How is it necessary to build a speech so that it best takes into account the characteristics of the perception of listeners?

In this regard, Aristotle also developed a three-part structure of speech:


    main part,


Moreover, it has long been noted that if a speaker even knows well what and how he needs to say in the main part, then the introduction and conclusion of a speech always and for all present a certain difficulty. And at the same time, everyone knows that the law of the region acts in speech, thanks to which the beginning and end of the speech are best remembered, therefore we will pay more attention to these parts of the speech.

What are the challenges of entry? What should it be?

    psychological  - consolidation of contact, attention and interest, creating the necessary mood in the audience;

    strategic  - an indication of the specifics of the topic, the definition of its relevance and social significance.

Entry is heterogeneous in structure. The first thing that stands out clearly in it is appeal.The appeal can be both a contact setting tool, and a way to attract attention and a means of dialogue, involving the listener in a mental dialogue with the speaker. The following entry options are highlighted:

    words about the time, place where the performance is taking place, a recent event;

    appeal directly to the interests of the audience: issues of life and death, welfare, prestige, injustice, compassion, etc .;

    humorous remark;

    appeal to the conflict (in this case, the conflict is traditionally understood as a clash of oppositely directed goals, positions, interests, views, etc.);

    appeal to your feelings and feelings, as well as a story about some cases that happened to you or your friends;

    appeal to a historical episode, quoting a famous person;

    a summary of the goals and objectives of the speech;

    use of paradoxical citation;

    a rhetorical question, which simultaneously activates the attention of the audience, emotionally affects it and allows us to formulate the main problem of speech.

You can develop other types of introductions, but when thinking about the introduction, which is supposed to be used in a specific speech, we must not forget that it must be correlated with the topic and the problem under discussion. Moreover, in one part of the introduction, the theme and thesis should be clearly formulated. (the main idea requiring proof or disclosure). The introduction should be natural and inextricably linked with the rest of the speech both in terms of content and in terms of style. We completely agree with O.Yu. Knyazeva is that, using a bright, unusual introduction, the speaker should continue to speak in his chosen tone. If, after a creatively constructed, emotional conception, the speaker switches to dry, stamped phrases and monotonous narration, the balance of speech is disturbed, and contact with the audience disappears. It should also be remembered that the introduction should be concise (traditionally no more than 1/8 of the entire speech), because it was not for the sake of its utterance that the speaker went to the podium! The main function of the introduction, as mentioned above, is to establish contact with listeners, arouse interest in the topic and the speaker’s personality, create an emotional mood in the audience and readiness to perceive the main part of public speech.

We drew your attention to the importance of such structural elements as introduction and conclusion, and examined the options for the first of them, but the speaker nevertheless comes to the rostrum for the sake of the main (main) part, in which the topic of speech is revealed. The disclosure of the main content may be different. They depend, firstly, on the nature of the audience, and secondly, on the type of speech, since the logic of presentation in informative speech is different from the logic of reasoning in argumentative speech. This is due, first of all, to the fact that the purpose of informing public speech is to inform listeners of information new to them, and the purpose of persuasive speech is to search for a new truth, and logic acts here as an instrument of knowledge. What can be the methods of presentation of the material?

    Inductive method - this is the way in which the presentation of the material occurs from the presentation of individual facts to generalization.

    Deductive method- this is a way of presenting material when they go from the general to the particular, from general provisions and laws to specific facts and phenomena that confirm them.

    Analogy method. By analogy is meant similarity, identity, similarity. Using the method of analogy in speech, we do not just mention the similarity of any phenomena, but make the conclusion that if two phenomena have two or more similar characteristics, then they are probably similar in other manifestations.

    Historical (chronological) and spatial methods.  The first is used in cases where you need to describe the sequence of actions, events, a biography of a person, etc. The second involves the presentation of material using the characteristics of development, history, culture of a country or a region.

Thus, the choice of the method of presentation of the material depends on the type of speech (argumentative or informative), respectively, on the goal that the speaker sets for himself (to convince or move on any action; communicate information, inform), as well as on the nature of the material (biography any person, a description of the process, an analysis of the problem that has arisen, criticism of something or someone, etc.) and the quantitative and qualitative composition of the audience, which should be discussed separately.

An equally important part of the oratory is the conclusion. The role of the conclusion is very great - this is what the listener leaves the audience with, this is the logical conclusion of the speech. In this case, an unsuccessful entry can cover up a successful main part, and an unsuccessful conclusion will not save anything.

    summarize what has been said, summarize, summarize all the thoughts expressed in the main part

    briefly repeat the main points of speech, once again emphasize the main idea and its importance for the audience

    outline ways for the development of ideas expressed by the speaker

    based on speech, set tasks for the audience

    to consolidate and strengthen the impression made by the content of speech.

What should be remembered when thinking over the conclusion? Firstly, what goals are realized in this structural element of any speech. These goals are largely determined by the type of speech and its genre affiliation. An inspirational speech may have a special ending: it is either a wish, or an expression of hope for something, or an emotional slogan ( So let it ...). In argumentative, informative and propaganda speech, the conclusion, as a rule, boils down to the following: summation of what has been said; consolidation and strengthening of the impression made by the speech; A call to action. Secondly, it is necessary that the conclusion be sustained in the same style, in the same vein as the introduction, and the main part. Although the conclusion may be more emotional, more pathos, more aphoristic, since it is assumed that the emotional impact of this structural element on the audience is much stronger. In addition, it is important that the conclusion goes to the end of the speech: etiquette formulas of gratitude for attention and goodbye, formulas appeal, wishes, etc. Moreover, the conclusion and ending are often combined into a single whole. What kind of conclusions exist?

    summary recurrence;

    a call that can be illustrated with an aphorism, quote, saying, etc.

    an intriguing ending in which not everything is agreed to the end, and the listeners themselves are invited to conclude;

    appeal to the audience;

    tactical method, outlining a way out of the situation with the help of the called specific actions (this option is considered one of the most effective in propaganda speech);

    illustrative ending, including a detailed metaphor, parable, allegory.

There are many options for pronouncing the conclusion, but you need to choose one that matches the type and genre of speech, the style of the previous part, the nature of the audience and the speaker himself, and, most importantly, would contribute to the realization of the goal set by him. When pronouncing the conclusion, you must remember that you can’t finish speech and immediately return to the unsaid: " Oh yes, I also wanted to say that ...". As in the introduction, it is not recommended to apologize: “ Sorry, I, apparently, bore you with too long conversations ... ". It is undesirable to end the presentation with a joke, especially if serious problems were discussed, since in this case the audience will have a feeling of lightness and frivolity of what is happening. Listeners should not leave a feeling of hopelessness, even if the speech itself spoke of serious and difficult to solve problems. It is imperative to show the possibility of a way out of this situation, to outline the prospects. The presentation must be completed on an optimistic note. And, finally, it is impossible to leave speech without a conclusion at all. Experience shows that very often even the most attentive listeners cannot formulate the problems posed on their own, highlight the main thing. How to attract the attention of the audience and hold it throughout the speech? At the very beginning of the speech, you need to pause, allow yourself to calm down and focus audience. In addition, these few seconds are needed for the audience to make the very first impression of the speaker. If there is no pulpit, no tribune, no table, the speaker is better to stand right in front of them, at a distance of 2-3 meters from the first row. This arrangement of the speaker is even preferable. During the initial pause, the speaker needs to establish eye contact with the audience, that is, look around the audience and look into their eyes. The established eye contact cannot be lost even for a minute. This is one of the reasons that the written text cannot be read: even if the reader occasionally raises his eyes to the audience, eye contact with the audience is constantly interrupted. But it is not enough to gain attention, the main thing is to keep it throughout the speech. What will help maintain attention throughout the speech?

    Logically harmonious presentation of the material.

    Preservation of intriguing points raised in the introduction, or the presence of “conflicts” in the speech that was announced in the introduction.

    Appeal to a variety of visual aids: vivid examples to confirm theoretical positions, diagrams, catchy metaphors and comparisons, analogies.

    The speech dynamism of the speech, which involves the use of intonational and vocal means (pauses, increases and decreases in voice, change in its volume, pace of speech, change in logical stress, etc.), as well as the kinetic (motor) communication system (gaze, facial expressions, gestures , body movements, position in space).

    Use of language means of maintaining attention: appeals to the audience, repetitions, rhetorical questions.

    Dialogization of the whole speech (the speech is built in the form of questions and answers of the speaker himself, the listeners are involved in a mental dialogue with the speaker).

    Using brief distractions from the topic, humor to enhance the attention of the audience.

    Laconic speech is not to the detriment of the content side.

Theme number 4

The art of attracting supporters

The sphere of communication related to politics suggests that one person, no matter how super-talented, may not be able to realize his plans and fulfill himself as a ruling politician if he does not have a strong team of associates and a huge army of supporters, so the task of clarification and dissemination their ideas, attracting as many people as possible is the task that every politician and every political association faces. And this means that the ability to agitate for a politician is the basis of the foundations.

What are the features and goals of propaganda speech?

Propaganda speech from other types of speeches is distinguished, first of all, by the fact that it is always aimed at inducing action. Propaganda speech affects the listener so that the agitated person feels the need to do what the agitator asks for.

This is only possible when

    both participants in the agitation process have something that unites them;

    the goals of each and their setting do not contradict each other;

    the agitator enjoys the trust of the agitated.

In its most general form, the main goal of propaganda speech is to familiarize the partner with the experience and values \u200b\u200bof the initiator of communication, so the task of the agitator is to

    find what initially unites the agitator and the agitated;

    to develop and strengthen the common between them;

    interest agitated in the values \u200b\u200bof a particular political organization;

    inform him about the activities of this organization;

    to interest him in introducing him to the activities of this organization;

    organize agitated to support this political organization by participating in specific political actions.

How to do it?

First of all, to establish and strengthen communicative contact with a person in order to understand whether it is worth campaigning, and if so, to prepare the way for this.

Accordingly, propaganda speech should contain

    facts necessary for agitation,

    arouse the necessary emotions of the agitated,

    lead to their consent to perform the action to which the agitator prompts.

Direct political agitation always appeals to the public good and citizenship. At the same time, it is based on an assessment of the benefits and harms for the country as a whole, for some specific groups of the population to which this audience belongs, in particular. On the basis of this, agitation is always carried out FOR or against something, based on the values \u200b\u200band needs of people.

The basic needs of people, according to A. Maslow, are the needs of material existence, for security, for love, for self-realization, for self-actualization. In addition, in cooperation, in understanding, in understanding and in identifying oneself. (A.I. Yuriev). These needs are common to all people and can differ for certain individuals only in a hierarchical sense.

In the social sciences, it is customary to distinguish universal values, group and individual. Universal values \u200b\u200bare freedom, democracy, justice, etc. Group values \u200b\u200b- activity, truthfulness, etc. Individual values \u200b\u200b- friendship, health, glory, hope. All these groups of values \u200b\u200bcan be used in campaigning.

It should be borne in mind that agitation always involves an explicit or implicit opposition ( earlier / now; now / in the future; we / they  etc.) and explicit appraisal ( good bad; good / even better; bad / worseetc.). You can refer to the fact that if you do, it will be good, or to the fact that if you do not, it will be bad (or both). In the propaganda speech, it is necessary to show that what we communicate personally concerns these specific people with their needs and values \u200b\u200bthat we understand; that what we are talking about will help them solve some important problem for each of them.

No less important means of agitation are concreteness and confirmation of words with deeds, for “the path of instruction is long, short and convincing, the path of examples” (Seneca). Accordingly, it is necessary to connect speech with what you are doing yourself and with what the organization that you are campaigning for is doing. It’s important to connect the examples in campaign speech with immediate events or phenomena characteristic of the life of the campaigners, to cite the latest examples that have not yet lost their emotional strength. In addition, the clarity of examples is important, that is, their brightness and accessibility for understanding, popularity in this audience.

Propaganda speech always affects not only the logical side, but also the emotional one. An agitator must definitely awaken in the listener those emotions that will help him achieve his goal. In this case, it is preferable to refer not to the emotions themselves, but to the facts that cause the necessary emotions.

At the same time, overly active influence, increased expressiveness and pressure can be a double-edged weapon: the force of influence can be equal to the repulsive force, rather than the attraction. This causes a protective barrier to communication and its logical consequence - avoiding communication (physical or psychological) or active opposition up to aggression. As a result, you will achieve the opposite goal - you will permanently settle negative associations with the political entity you have been campaigning for. And with supporters, a high degree of emotion in agitation is also inappropriate. Therefore, “heat up” gradually, under the control of the criterion of expediency.

This is especially important to keep in mind when campaigning in a group of listeners, because in this case, each of them activates the processes of thinking and emotional perception, a deeper emotional reaction of some is transmitted to others, as a result, students usually have psychological unity (as a result actions of the mechanism of mental infection). If the agitation is perceived positively, then positive, if negatively, then sharply negative, especially in the case when the leader of this group perceives this speech. Consequently, a differentiated approach to listeners is important during agitation.

In this regard, two forms of agitation are distinguished: direct (open) and indirect (hidden), which differ in their degree of intensity. Open agitation is brightly offensive. It is used when the agitator has full confidence that his speech will be perceived positively. If there is no such firm confidence, it is advisable to conduct campaigning more carefully, carefully. In this case, the indirect impact will be due to the facts themselves and their interpretation, and not due to the emotionally emphasized call for a certain action. For example, you can inform listeners about the Movement, meeting, action, etc., and then depending on the reaction of the listener, decide whether to translate the speech in the future into an agitation or not. If your speech was convincing and contained the necessary information, unobtrusive agitation can no less achieve the goal.

Please note that propaganda speech in any form should not at the beginning contain a direct expression of its main goal, that is, you cannot say: i came to agitate you, I am now agitating youetc. At the beginning of the speech, it is necessary to talk about the listeners, their assessments of what is happening, inform about the Movement and its goals, and only at the end - encourage them to come to the meeting of the Movement and join it. At the same time, in the main part of the speech, agitation will always be hidden, since the agitator will talk about the advantages of the Movement, its goals, ideology, etc.

But to finish the campaign speech it is necessary to call for a specific action and information about all the conditions for the implementation of this action (if you are campaigning to come to the meeting - where, when, how long it will take, who will take part in it, etc.).

In any form of agitation, the agitator must remain communicative leader. Leadership in communication, as a rule, is realized in the following speech behavior: he initiates communication, establishes and maintains contact, directly expresses his speech intentions, leads a conversation, leads the development and change of topics, asks clarifying and clarifying questions, completes communication and summarizes its results . Communicative leadership, therefore, turns out to be a means of structuring communication and giving it greater focus. All this remains true for agitation. Accordingly, as soon as the agitator ceases to be a communicative leader, he does not cope with his task.

Such a situation of communication involves increased requirements primarily to personality agitatorbecause " We are not listening to speech, but to the person who speaks". First of all, the agitator should be a bright personality, a leader, because only in this case he will be able to attract someone to himself, and then to his speech. An agitator can only be a person who is sincerely convinced that he is doing the right thing in accordance with his conscience and that he will not regret that he campaigned for this political organization. Otherwise, the agitator will fight primarily with his internal psychological problems and barriers, which will make his speech at best not convincing. In addition, the agitator must well not only know, but also understand what the political organization for which he campaigns is engaged in, and for what purpose, otherwise he will not be able to explain anything plainly, which means that he will again not achieve the goal.

And it is equally important that the agitator speak the speech, know that when, to whom and for what he speaks, he would be able to formulate (and repeatedly reformulate) any thought clearly and accessible.

The agitator's speech actions depend not only on the purpose and content of his speech, but also on the phase of the communicative situation in which communication is currently taking place.

The main phases  successful communications  are


    strengthening interaction

    the main part of the interaction,

    termination of contact (exit from it).

In each phase of communication, a special level of interaction between partners is formed, which requires its own means to attract and maintain attention to speech.

First of all, this, of course, is the very content of speech. That it should be interesting and important for the audience, to meet their needs and requests.

In addition, the presentation itself should be exciting so that attention is not weakened. Not for nothing, Quintilian noted: “He who readily listens, understands better and believes more easily.”

Special means of attracting attention include, first of all, non-verbal means: gestures, facial expressions, spatial arrangement, a person’s posture, his body movements, eyes, voice sounds, intonation, even features of his appearance and clothes. This is all the more important because most often we use them unconsciously and they are also perceived on a subconscious level. It must be taken into account that non-verbal means begin to “work” even before the first words are pronounced: we see each other and immediately understand whether we want to enter into communication with him, whether this desire is mutual, who is in what mood, etc. Non-verbal means accompany our entire speech and often continue after it ends (remember the gestures of farewell and the corresponding views). All this explains why we consider non-verbal means in the first place.

In the first phase of communication - the phase of establishing contact, non-verbal means often play a decisive role. In this phase, each partner needs to overcome the barriers of unfamiliarity (to get to know), neutrality (to evaluate each other as positively as possible) and silence (to start talking). And from who looks at whom, whether he smiles, whether he takes steps towards it, from what gestures and facial expressions will be - it all depends on whether the contact will take place at all and what it will be in emotional coloring.

In the following phases of communication, non-verbal means (in particular, posture, position in space, facial expressions and gestures) must constantly confirm the attention and interest of the interlocutors to each other and to everyone’s speech, but the voice, its sound and those intonations with which the relation of the speaker to the interlocutor and the subject of speech is conveyed, its most important points are emphasized. In propaganda speech, intonation is one of the most important means of persuasion, therefore, it needs to be given special attention in speech.

Attracts attention and retains it during the speech is also such a special tool, as appeal. Particular care must be taken to him, since it is the appeal that sets the tone of speech and allows the selection of communication partners on the basis of the “friend / foe” principle. For example, the appeal "comrade" will now speak primarily about the advanced age or communist sympathies of the one who addressed this. "Citizen", most likely, will remind of the guards. “Brothers and sisters” we hear mainly from representatives of religious organizations. "Russians", "Citizens of Russia" is only suitable for public events. In this regard, it becomes clear that choosing the right treatment  for communicative contact - it's half the success. In other phases of communication, the message reinforces, supports interaction, and draws the most attention of the listener to that part of the statement that was preceded by the message. Moreover, address by name  - This is a means of showing respect and attention in the interlocutor, which also increases the confidence in the speaker and a positive emotional assessment of his personality.

Another effective way to attract attention and make contact is question, which involves the high competence of the one who is being addressed, in this field of knowledge. And in a further speech, it is important from time to time to use question forms of a different plan to create a dialogue, or at least its appearance. Such question forms include questions proper, question-and-answer unity, rhetorical questions, etc. Particularly successfully and variably one can use question-answer unity when a speaker asks a question and answers it himself: it creates a situation of a relaxed conversation with listeners. How and with what should we fight? With circumstances that interfere with the rebuilding of our lives, with people who embody old, outdated ideas about how our society should develop ...

You should not neglect the figurative means of speech, especially since " we speak not so much to the ear as to the eye”, Which means that our speech must necessarily provide food for the imagination - inner vision.

In propaganda speech, it is very important not only to attract attention, but also to ensure sense of community  partners. To this end, we often use turns that imply our unity (imaginary or real) in any matter: “As we know ... As they say to us ... We are all together ..." etc. This communication component allows you to establish personal trusting relationships, on the basis of which the transmitted information is perceived as personally addressed, non-neutral, which is especially necessary during campaigning. In addition, among the means of dialogue can be called   imperative forms (think, look, pay attention andetc .). Thus, in order to master the art of communication in general and in the process of propaganda speech in particular, you need to learn to constantly think about the interlocutor in the process of communication: monitor whether you understand; strive to anticipate the response of the interlocutor; constantly recreate their internal psychological situation according to external signs; take care not to create barriers to communication.

What is the significance of propaganda in everyday life, which, at first glance, is needed by politicians, presenters, broadcasters, but not engineers or accountants? In fact, we, without noticing it, very often are associates of people to commit certain actions.

For example, teachers, teachers, foremen and many other specialists are faced with the need to organize people for some kind of event (advanced training, community work day and others), but many of these people do not understand why they need it. And then you have to give examples, arguments in favor of this event, describe its advantages. This is propaganda speech.

Of course, politicians also use this technique, but their level of training is different, and speech is of more enormous importance. When it is necessary to convince a significant part of the population that what people, in principle, do not really want, only oratory can help.

Propaganda speech includes three main points:

  1. The statement of the problem that the listeners have (or they should think that they have it).
  2. Those measures that you specifically propose to solve the problem.
  3. And most importantly - the benefits that the public will receive from the adoption of your point of view.

It is believed that it is possible to enhance the effect of speech with the help of statistical data, but only the people who are thinking the slightest will immediately get away from you if you abuse this technique. Each person in the audience understands that everything is not as perfect as you are trying to show. So it’s better to mention at least some flaws, but do not overdo it - let them be insignificant.

It often happens that propaganda speech is delivered to people who are not inclined to accept the views of the speaker. Then it is very important to feel what specifically causes disapproval - you, your ideas or their lost profits? If the first, then it is worth interrupting, you do not need to put pressure on those who a priori do not perceive you as an authoritative person.

Video: Oratory - How to remember your speech

If the audience is dissatisfied with the ideas, it is important to pick up a brilliant argument and clearly describe the benefits. At the same time, it is worth remembering the reality of what is happening, you do not need to deceive the audience and promise them. Since you still need fiction to decorate your speech, you should not completely neglect it, but if you have any complaints, you should be able to explain why this idea could not be realized .

It must always precede agitation. You greet the audience, briefly describe the reason why everyone gathered here. It is important when preparing the introduction to know what the audience will be, for what purpose you are there, what interests unite these people, whether it is permissible to use dialectisms and, most importantly, how much time you have. Brevity and brightness are better than verbosity. Thus, a welcome speech is an integral part of any big speech that you have to make before the public.

I will say right away that the effect will be only after regular classes, not necessarily long, 15-25 minutes a day is enough. There are two exercises, they can be used both together and alternated daily.

Video: Oratory by Natalia Makhno. How to learn to speak spontaneously.

The first is to read and memorize tongue twisters, starting with Russian and gradually moving to other languages. The second is reading aloud the works of the classics. I myself train with F. M. Dostoevsky, it was difficult at first, the language was literally braided, but classes expand our thesaurus (dictionary).

So, to master the instrument of agitation, daily training is necessary, which, if explained in simple words, helps improve speaking skills. In this we will be helped by the methodology of speech development, which is described differently by different authors. Choose the one that suits you and is right for you.

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