
Tricks with matches are suitable for any audience! Learning a few interesting tricks with matches

Pierce the middle of the match without a pin with a pin, push it to the middle of the bow, fasten the pin. Holding the pin with your left hand, with the index finger of your right hand, sharply pull one end of the match toward you, as if you want to draw it through the adjacent handle of the pin. When it hits metal, your finger should slip off of it. The audience will think that the match really went through the bow.

Secret Focus:  When it hits a metal, its end bounces off the arch, describes a semicircle, being on the other side. The eye does not have time to follow its movement, while there is a complete illusion of penetration through the arch.

Match restoration

Restoration of a broken match in the hands of the viewer with the subsequent disappearance

Match prophet

Cut off the head from the match with scissors. Poke it with a pin in the middle. Move to the middle of the pin. Now you are ready to make a real miracle. Tell the viewer of your choice that this appliance can fulfill wishes, ask the viewer to conceive it. Then say that if the match passes through the metal, then the wish will come true, if not, then it will not be fulfilled. Holding the pin with your left hand, put the index finger of the right hand behind the match, then pull it towards you, it will go through the metal handle of the pin. Therefore, the desire of the viewer will be fulfilled.

Focus Training:  Pull the match toward you, as if trying to stretch it through a pin. When it is firmly pressed against the metal, your finger should slip sharply from it. The audience will think that the match will pass through the metal. A click of a finger will make it bounce off the wire, describe a semicircle, hitting the same wire from the other side. The match went through the metal. Even after numerous trainings, this focus may not work out right away for you, but you made sure beforehand that you told the viewer that his desire would not come true, ask for a new one. The focus looks more impressive if the viewer himself performs it without knowing the secret. You can give the viewer a try, but hold the pin with your own hands. You must be sure that you gave the viewer instructions correctly, otherwise the focus will not succeed.

How to break a match without touching

Take a match in your hand, set it on fire, allowing it to burn to the fingers with which you hold the match. The match became brittle. Hold the match in your hand, and with your free hand make 3 circles around and the match is broken.

Secret Focus:  When you make 3 circles around a match, at the end of 3 circles sharply pull your free hand to the side, at the same time click with the fingers with which you hold it. Everyone will think that you made it an invisible thread.

Focus ignition of a burnt match

A magician in front of the viewer lights a burnt match!

Learning Tricks:  Home preparation required.
   1. Set a match on fire. Wait until it burns to the middle, extinguish. This will be your sample.
   2. Take another burned one, carefully cut the “waist” with a knife. Try to make it as similar as possible to a burned one. Without touching sulfur!
   3. Paint the prepared model with a black marker.
   4. Now showing the focus, you can strike a “burnt” match into the box. She will definitely light up!

Focus Three Piles

The performer turns his back to the audience, one of those present puts three piles of matches on the table so that the number in piles is the same, greater than three each. The viewer calls a number from 1 to 12. The shower asks the viewer to redistribute them in some (special) way in heaps. Although the indicator did not know the initial number of matches in piles, but the average pile with a given number.

Secret Focus:  At first, the viewer is asked to take three matches from the extreme heaps, transfer them to the middle one. Then he must count the remaining in one of the extreme piles, take this number of matches from the middle pile, transfer them to any extreme one. Since after this, there are always 9 matches in the average pile, it is now quite easy to get the given number (this will require only one movement).
   How many matches are clenched in a fist?
   The following focus is built by a similar principle, for the display of which boxes with 20 matches are needed.
   Showing, turning his back to the viewer, asks him to stretch out a few matches (no more than ten) and put in his pocket. Then the viewer recounts the remaining. Let's say there are 14. This number he “writes out” to the table as follows: the unit is represented by one match placed on the left, and the four by four, placed somewhat to the right. These five matches are taken from the remaining ones. After that, the matches depicting the number 14 are also put in your pocket. The viewer takes out a few more from the box, clamps them in a fist.
The indicator turns to face the audience, pours the matches from the packaging onto the table, immediately naming the number of matches held in a fist.
   To get the answer, you need to subtract the number of matches scattered on the table from the number nine to find out what kind of coin it will be. When repeating the focus, add a few coins to the leg, then the account will end in another place.

Four equals three

Lay out the table four matches, one after another. So that there is no doubt in quantity, count them out loud. Now invite viewers to make 4 matches3 without removing a single one.

Secret Focus:  If they fail (and most likely it will), then show how to do this by adding the number "3" from them.

Focus on palm of boxes

Pick up an ordinary matchbox, put it on the outside of the wrist. At your command, he himself begins to rise, fall.

Focus Training:  No devices are needed to demonstrate this trick. Take the box and rotate it so that when you open the open box would face your hand. Hook the box with a little hand skin and close it. The skin should remain inside, and he, in turn, is located at the level of the base of the thumb. But each person needs to individually find a place for pinching the skin. When lowering the thumb down, the skin of the hand is pulled, the box rises. When raising a thumb - falls.
   During training, pay attention not only to the correct choice of a place on your hand to grip the skin, but also so that the movements of your thumb are invisible to the audience. The remaining fingers should remain motionless.

Burning match

Having stepped on the stage, you try to light a match, holding it with your right hand, on the sole of the shoe. Striking one, the other - all in vain. Suddenly, a burning match suddenly appears in your left hand.

Secret Focus:  You will need two matches. You will try to light one on the sole of the boot. The second is secret. You place it in advance between the lining and the jacket material. The head of this match should protrude slightly from the shelter so that its love moment can be extracted from there.
In addition to the secret match, you need to prepare a ring glued from a plate with gray from a match box. This ring you put on the middle finger of your left hand. Keep your left hand so that the audience does not reveal the secret of focus. Trying to light a match with your right hand on the sole of the boot, you should stand with your right side to the audience. With your left hand you are pulling a secret match from your jacket, holding it with your index and thumb. By invisibly striking a match on a ring worn on the middle finger, you light it and show it to the audience.

Focus with moving

Secret Focus:  Two packs of matches are used. Take one match from one, tuck it under the box, as is sometimes done with a burned match. Then push the drawer out a little. In the second, also make a secret in advance - to one side of the case, glue the bottom of the paper and draw the boxes in front of the focus also out of the box.
   Put both packages on the table, with “secrets” to you. Then, taking the first one, pull out completely the box with matches from it and at the same time leave the match imperceptibly nested inside the case, pressing it with your thumb. Carefully place the case on the table vertically so that the match does not make a sound with its movement. From the second, also remove the drawer, and put the case on the table downside down. Now omit the first case for two matches (together with the match put in advance there will be three), which the audience is not aware of. In a second case, lower one match. If both cases are now lifted simultaneously, then three matches will fall out of the first, and nothing will fall out of the second. She will remain inside thanks to a bottom-secret, and the audience will think that the match has moved.

Six boxes

On your hand you have six matchboxes behind each other, Do not fall, do not crumble!

Focus Training:  The lowest one is without a box. You press the box on the top so that the box moves a little closer to the bottom box closest to it, thereby pushing down all the boxes next to it to the lower boxes. Each box will hold the top one, you can handle them not so carefully - they will not fall.

Our dedicated group

Keep the closed matchbox upright with your left hand. Zoom into his right open palm and slowly raise your index finger up. Obeying the movement of the index finger, the box with matches will be pulled out of the case.

Secret of focus: When preparing, you need to remove the box with matches from the case, and cover the case with a regular rubber band. After that, the box with matches should again be pushed into the case, at the same time sliding the elastic band into it.

Having done this, it is necessary to hold the case firmly in your hand, pressing the drawer trying to crawl out with your finger. And showing focus, slightly weaken the pressure. Then the very effect will turn out as if the drawer is being pulled out thanks to the action of your finger.

Show the ruler, at one end of which there are three holes located along the center line of the ruler, and insert the match into the lowest hole.

A wave with a ruler - and the audience sees that the match was already in the middle hole. A new swing - and the match moved again to the lowest hole.

Secret Focus: Three holes were drilled on each side of the ruler. But there is only one cross-cutting of them (it is shaded in the figure). The other two are drilled deeply, but not right through.

Viewers think that all three holes are through. On the other side there are also three holes, and also only one through hole (it is also hatched in the figure).

If we compare the location of the holes on both sides of the ruler, then on one will be a through hole at the very bottom, and on the other in the center. When a wave is swung quickly enough to turn the ruler on the other side, the audience really thinks that the match jumped from the bottom hole to the middle.

with strangers - each event can become much more interesting if you come up with something special.

Someone holds various contests. Some play board games. If you want to completely surprise the people around you, show them which training takes very little time.

Extinguishing fire

Easy-to-execute trick will appeal to beginner illusionists. Many newcomers are attracted to the fact that you do not need to spend money on training.

Fire may be extinguished by the most unexpected blow

For the show you only need one box of ordinary matches. The magician sets fire to the match and puts his hand to the side. At this time, he brings his other hand, bent at the elbow, to his face, and then blows into the sleeve.

Surprisingly, the main character of the show goes out. It seems that she was extinguished from the air passing through the sleeves.

To complete the trick, it’s important to know the secret:

  1. Prepare the necessary attributes in advance.
  2. Pinch a match between your middle and forefinger bent fingers. The thumbnail should touch its tip.
  3. Set fire to a prepared attribute.
  4. While you are blowing into the sleeve, press the burning stick with your thumb as sharply as possible. She will flinch, causing the fire to go out.

Important!  The feint must be completed as quickly as possible. Do not let the match burn for more than 3 seconds. Otherwise, the fire will be difficult to extinguish with the movement of a finger.

A cool trick with a match and balance, see the video:


Equilibrium is another interesting trick that does not require special skills. Magician puts the wand on the index finger  and holds her big. removes the thumb, but it does not fall.

The magical heroine of the evening stands upright and perfectly keeps balance. How to execute such a feint? Easier than this trick you have not seen!

  Balancing not only people, but also inanimate objects

Want to surprise a young audience? Perform all necessary actions:

  • Immediately before the performance, moisten your fingers slightly with water.
  • Hold the wand or match firmly between the index finger and thumb. Prepared paraphernalia will be firmly pressed.
  • Gently remove your thumb. You need to act confidently, because the main element of the focus is perfectly fixed. Its lower end stuck to a wet finger. This is what will help maintain balance.

Focus like it. They will never guess what the catch is. You will be asked to repeat another and still so interesting trick.

It is up to you to show it again or to show other unusual feints. Never reveal the secret of the performance. Let everyone think that you are an amazing wizard.

Cracking boxes

The magician puts three matchbox  on the table and informs the public that two of them are completely empty. Only one has content. He shakes every box. Only one of them thunders.

  The ratchet will turn out completely from any matchbox

The illusionist mixes the boxes, and then asks the volunteers to choose one in which there may be matches. The viewer makes a choice, but the pack is empty.

The secret of the feint is incredibly simple.It is important that it is almost impossible to solve it. No one will guess how it is possible to fulfill the illusion. In fact, the magician has four boxes. The fourth full bundle is hidden in the sleeve. When he shakes empty boxes, one of them starts popping for one simple reason - the sound comes from a hidden attribute.

Do you like to surprise? Learn matchstick tricks and their secrets. will take several hours. True talents can master new skills in minutes.

Do not be afraid to impress the people around you. Show everyone your unique abilities, and at every party you will be a real star!

We took match tricks. These tricks are most consistent with the principle of our collection of tricks for children, because these tricks are simple to perform, and most importantly, as a rule, the only the props of these tricks is a regular box of matches. So here are some tricks for children with matches.

Focus Strip on a hand from a match

For this trick you only need a match and boxes in order to light this match. The magician lights a match and waits until it burns out almost to the middle. After that, the magician extinguishes the match and waits for the tip to cool. The magician breaks off the charred head to make an impromptu piece of coal at the end of a match that can be drawn.

The magician shows the audience his palm, and then, in front of the audience, draws a line with a match three to four centimeters long in the palm of his hand. Further, the magician defiantly puts the match in a place visible to the audience and hides both hands behind his back. After uttering some kind of magic spell, the magician again shows both hands with open hands. Moreover, on the palm on which the line was drawn, the line is no longer one, but two carbon strips crosswise.

The secret of the focus is the carbon strip on the hand is that the line is drawn obliquely across the natural fold line on the palm. As a rule, a line is drawn almost from the base of the ring finger towards the little finger and down to the wrist. After the magician hid his hands behind his back, he actually clenched his hand with a drawn strip. The second hand does not participate in this focus at all. The magician again shows his hands, now on his palm are already two coal lines. Not only children who are shown this trick, but sometimes even adults begin to search in the second hand for a hidden spare match or something else.

Focus with a match and a scarf

For this trick you need a medium-sized scarf, you can have a large handkerchief with stitched edges and naturally matches.

Description of the trick with a scarf and a match. The magician takes a handkerchief, wraps a match in it and breaks it in front of the audience. Spectators clearly hear the characteristic crunch of a breaking match. After that, the magician waves his handkerchief, and the match falls from the handkerchief onto the table. Only a match is absolutely whole.

Secret trick with a scarf and match. Previously, a scarf for focus must be prepared. It is best to take a large handkerchief with folded and pointed edges. It is advisable that the edges on the scarf are wide, because in one of the buildings in one of the edges you need to insert a match. Now the trick itself. The magician takes another new match and defiantly wraps it in a scarf. In this case, the magician must hold on to the match, which was previously inserted into the edge of the scarf. The magician with a crunch breaks the first match (inserted into the scarf) and theatrically unfolds the scarf. A whole match falls on the table. The first match inserted into the edge of the scarf can be used to demonstrate focus several times, breaking it in different places.

Focus on a finger match

Only one match will be needed for this trick.

The magician puts an ordinary match on his index finger. From above he holds her thumb. After the magician removes his thumb, the match remains in an upright position.

This trick is rather a joke for the youngest children. The secret of the focus is a match on the finger is that in order for the match to stand, slightly moisten your fingers. Stronger press the match with your thumb to the index finger. When you carefully remove the thumb, the match, sticking to the index finger with its lower end, will maintain balance for some time.

Focus fork and spoon balancing on a match

For this trick you will need an ordinary fork, a tablespoon and a match. The magician takes the fork and connects it with the spoon in one piece, inserting a tablespoon between the extreme teeth of the fork. Further, the magician secures this structure to the edge of the match by inserting a match between the middle teeth of the fork. The magician places the other end of the match on the glass, and the structure is in steady balance. A fork with a spoon does not fall and you can even gently rotate the glass without disturbing the balance.

Matches and tricks - is this impossible?  You are wrong! Fairytale illusions can be fulfilled with the help of objects that are available in every kitchen.

And do not spend a lot of time on training. All feints are so simple that even the most awkward person can handle them.

Magic match

  Spectators will be amazed that the main focus attribute has broken

Want to learn tricks on matches? Start simple.

In your hands should be a matchbox, which you can buy at any grocery store:

  • From it you need to get a match and set it on fire.
  • Take the “invisible thread” and make magical movements. Like a real thread, wrap a stick and pull it sharply.
  • This is incredible magic, because the main attribute of the performance is broken. Guests will be amazed. It seems that this simply cannot be.

The secret of a feint  pretty simple. To complete it, with special attention, repeat each step:

  1. Light the wand. It should burn out by 2/3.
  2. Gently squeeze it between your index finger and thumb.
  3. To the unburned end, substitute the nail of the middle finger.
  4. Next, you need to make magical movements with the "invisible thread."
  5. When you sharply pull the thread, sharply draw a fingernail of the middle finger of the other hand along the tip of the attribute.
  6. If successful, it will break.

Do you think that others will notice how you break your wand?  You are wrong! Magical winding movements will draw people's eyes to the top of your main focus element. No one will look at the bottom.

Adult audience can quickly figure out the secret of such an illusion. who saw an amazing performance will never know the secret and will consider you the best wizard, showing fabulous shows.

Fancy box

  Tricks with levitation always delighted the audience

Show the public a trick with a matchbox that is magical.

  • Take the box and put it in your hand. It should lie on the outside.
  • Speak some magic words. You can create the text yourself.
  • Guests will see how a little thing starts to take off. The rising and falling attribute will impress everyone without exception.

Would you like to master this skill? Illusion does not require special devices.   In order for it to work out, several easy steps should be performed:

  1. Take the boxes in a special way. It should be turned so that when opening it is turned towards the hand.
  2. Then, unnoticeably open it, hook a little skin on the hands and close it. Your skin should be inside a small box.
  3. While lowering the thumb, the skin of the hand stretches and raises the box. When raising, you can observe the reverse process - it drops.

notethat according to the rules, the attribute should be located at the base of the thumb. But this is optional. It can be located at any place convenient for you.

Illusion requires careful testing. You should not go to the audience until you are sure of the perfect performance. When working, remember that the public should not see large movements. Otherwise, everyone will understand the secret. The remaining fingers should be motionless.

5 exciting tricks with matches, see the video:

Magic box

One empty matchbox and some unusual movements - even adults will like such a show. Take an empty box and place it on your left palm. It should lie face down.

Dictate a magic spell and everyone around you will see how the previously prepared paraphernalia rises independently.

It is difficult to believe in such miracles, but the audience has no choice, because it is impossible to notice any catch.

How to fulfill such an illusion? Very simple!

  • Put the box on the palm of your hand.
  • Gently pull out the small drawer, pinch a little skin and close it.
  • Ready to surprise your friends? Straighten your fingers! The thing will stand up.
  • The trick does not require special skills. It is enough to devote some time to training. As soon as you work out the movements and can quickly perform a feint, you can safely go to the public.

Perfect balancing

  Matchbox balancing is on a par with public interest levitation

Small boxes that balance and don't fall. Spectators will find you talented and professional. To prepare for the performance, it is enough to devote one evening to training. The very next day you will become an experienced magician, wielding incredible dexterity.

Want to perform a feint? Explore the following points:

  • Take one box and pull out the box. Click on the drawer of the upper box so that it slightly fits into the bottom. Thanks to a simple action, you move all the boxes to other boxes. There can be as many as you wish.
  • Now all the attributes are on top. The magician can perform any action. Balancing objects will never fall.

The show can be shown to the public of various age categories.

You can take three, five and even ten boxes. Here everything depends solely on your desires and skills. An interesting feint will appeal to young children, and students, and even parents.

Uncharted fire

Matching tricks appeal to people of all ages. The magician enters the stage and tries to light a regular match, which is in every house. But how is he trying to ignite a familiar subject?

  It will seem to the public that it is impossible to complete the trick. But this is the focus

The illusionist is about to set her on the sole of his boot.  Holding the little thing in his right hand, he strikes and strikes. And unfortunately, to no avail. The audience is in suspense. After a while, a burning match appears in his left hand. All people are perplexed.

It seems that implementing such a trick is simply impossible. How to do tricks with matches that are more reminiscent of real fairy magic? Want to master a new magic feint?

Repeat each movement:

  • Cook two matches. One will be in the left hand, and the other in the right.
  • The second (secret) should be temporarily hidden. Place it on the jacket lining.
  • If you do not want to prepare your things for magic tricks, you can leave the wand in a secret pocket.
  • It is important that her head protrudes slightly from the pocket. So you can easily get the hidden attribute of the illusion.

For a successful performance of the show will be needed.

But it should not be the jewelry that you are used to seeing on the shelves in stores. The ring must be glued from the matchbox.

Look for cool tricks with matches in this video:

To do this, cut out a plate with sulfur and glue it in the shape of a ring:

  • An earlier prepared accessory is put on the middle finger of the left hand. It is important that viewers do not see it. That is why to keep the left hand should be extremely careful.

Don't want a secret revealed? Just stand with your right side to the audience.

  • During unsuccessful attempts to set fire to the prepared paraphernalia, located in the right hand, on the sole of the shoe, one will have to show dexterity and dexterity. With your left hand, pull the secret wand from the jacket.
  • It should be held with the thumb and forefinger.
  • Unnoticed by the audience, strike your head against the ringlet, light it and show it to the audience.

  considered really difficult. It is important to take time for training. For bright and successful execution, it is necessary that the left hand is as dexterous as possible. As soon as you are confident in your every action, you can safely go to the public and amaze your friends!

Fun dancing

  Not only people can dance. A few workouts, and matches will begin to dance!

Do you think that only people can dance? You are wrong! Tricks from matches will allow you to master special skills.

You can arrange a magical disco. Two or sticks are useful for a feint, as well as your desire to master new knowledge.

To complete the task is much easier than you think. For this:

  1. Take one prepared attribute and hold it tight between your thumb and forefinger. The middle of the stick should be strongly pressed to the nail of the middle finger. In this case, point the palm up.
  2. Place the second attribute on top of the first. Gently hold the top with your other hand.
    Push the first thing up the nail. You will feel as if your characters in the show are dancing. It looks interesting and unusual.

A fairy trick will appeal to children.  They will be delighted with the dancing of small sticks. Young viewers will think that they really are. Is it really bad to believe in miracles?

Matches with matches and their secrets help to amuse the audience without the cost and effort. Learn easy tricks and delight your loved ones at the holidays, at dinner and just for no reason!