
Rules for trading in retail chains. Retail Business Rules

The rules of work of retailers. In order to improve the work of retail trade enterprises and to strengthen the protection of the interests of buyers, taking into account regional characteristics in the territories of large cities, regions, etc., the rules of work of enterprises engaged in retail trade activities have been approved and are in force.

They determine, in accordance with applicable law, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as decrees and orders of regional authorities, the order of retail trade at enterprises engaged in trade activities in the relevant territory, regardless of their organizational and legal forms, forms of ownership and forms of trade. The general provisions of these rules define the main tasks of retailers, their obligation to have a license to trade certain groups of goods.

A commercial enterprise should have a sign indicating the product profile and its legal form, company name. The rules of operation of retail enterprises established that the product profile and type of enterprise are determined by its charter. Changing the product profile should be carried out in agreement with local authorities.

By agreement with the latter, the operating mode of municipal enterprises is also established. When the company is closed for lunch or at the end of the working day, cashiers stop working in strict accordance with the established hours of operation of the trading company, but buyers holding cash or sales receipts must be serviced. In the self-service store, all customers who are on the trading floor when they close them for lunch or at the end of work must be served.

The closure of the enterprise on a sanitary day, repairs, refurbishment, etc., must be agreed with the local administration authorities, about which buyers should be notified in advance (usually 5 days in advance) by a special announcement stating the address of the nearest enterprise selling similar goods.

Measuring instruments in accordance with the established requirements and in the prescribed manner must be subjected to mandatory verification by the bodies of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization and Metrology at least once a year and be certified with a special stamp and certificate of verification for each device. Relevant documents must be kept by the store’s administration and presented at the first request of buyers, as well as persons authorized to check. The following information should be presented in the store: indicators of the location of departments, sections or goods sold; surnames and initials of the employees of the trading floor at workplaces or badges; list and cost of services provided to customers; text of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Protection of Consumer Rights”; rules governing the trading and sale of certain types of goods; on extraordinary service of certain categories of citizens; addresses and phone numbers of local authorities.

At a place accessible to buyers, there should be a book of reviews and suggestions, numbered, laced, certified with the appropriate signature and seal. The rules of the retail trade enterprises should also determine: the main provisions related to the acceptance, storage and preparation of goods for sale; order of sale of goods; requirements for sellers; control over the work of retail trade enterprises. Accepted in quantity and quality of goods are accounted for on the day of their receipt of actual availability.

If it is impossible to capitalize the goods by the date of their actual receipt due to calling an expert, checking the price, quality, a note should be made on the goods receipt in the product report indicating the supplier, intermediary (seller), the total cost of the goods in selling (wholesale) or purchase prices, as well as the reasons for the impossibility of capitalization.

Storage of goods should be organized taking into account strict observance of the basic principles of the commodity neighborhood, sanitary and other rules, as well as relevant regimes.

Before entering the trading floor, goods must be prepared for sale. The sale of goods should be carried out to all citizens on a common basis. Certain categories of the population should be provided with benefits provided by law. The sale of alcoholic beverages, beer, tobacco products and playing cards to minors is prohibited. Sale of food and non-food products for which special rules of trade are established must be subject to these rules.

In self-service stores (except for specialized bread and vegetables), buyers should only select goods in inventory baskets and carts placed at the entrance to the self-service hall. Employees of the store or self-service department are not allowed to demand that customers present at the entrance to the trading floor goods purchased in other stores.

You can not put stamps on them or make other marks, as well as oblige to leave personal belongings. If the buyer has expressed a desire to leave a shopping bag, a briefcase, etc. at the entrance to the trading floor, the store is required to ensure their safety. For all goods sold subject to certification, trade enterprises must have certificates of the established form issued by authorized bodies. They must certify the quality of the goods, their safety for the life and health of people.

Sale of expired goods is prohibited. Goods for which local authorities have established vacation standards must be sold in compliance with these standards. It is forbidden to condition the sale of some goods to the obligatory acquisition of others. In stores selling food products, at an accessible place in the trading floor, control scales, control measuring devices (mugs, beakers, etc.) should be installed, and control fabrics should be installed in trading fabrics.

Non-food products selected by the buyer can be stored at the control (with a mandatory mark in the sales receipt on the time of their discharge) until payment is no more than an hour. The store should provide the buyer with the opportunity to store paid bulky and heavy goods for up to 3 days. Cash registers used at trade enterprises must be registered with the tax authorities in the prescribed manner. In the rules of operation of retail enterprises, a special place is given to the requirements for sellers, who must be patient, attentive, helpful, polite and correct.

The seller must be well aware of the range of products, their characteristics, purpose, methods of use and care of them. He should be able to offer or help the buyer to choose the goods, etc. The rules also formulate other professional requirements for sellers, as well as provide for a section on monitoring compliance with them. 2. The role and prospects of retail development in the Russian Federation 2.1

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The development of retail trade in consumer goods in the Russian Federation

Significant changes in the economic and political life of the country over the past few years have led to significant changes in ... Retail trade of the late XX - early XXI is a complex multi-level and ... Currently, retail trade in the Russian Federation is undergoing dramatic changes. These changes are primarily associated with ...

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In order to improve the work of retail trade enterprises and to strengthen the protection of the interests of buyers, taking into account regional characteristics in the territories of large cities, regions, etc., the rules of work of enterprises engaged in retail trade activities have been approved and are in force. They determine, in accordance with applicable law, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as decrees and orders of regional authorities, the order of retail trade at enterprises engaged in trading activities in the relevant territory, regardless of their organizational and legal forms, forms of ownership and forms of trade. The general provisions of these rules define the main tasks of retailers, their obligation to have a license to trade a certain group of goods. A commercial enterprise should have a sign indicating the product profile and its legal form, company name.

The rules of work of retail enterprises established that the product profile and type of enterprise is determined by its Charter. Changing the product profile should be carried out in agreement with local authorities. By agreement with the latter, the operating mode of the enterprise is also established. The closure of the enterprise on a sanitary day, repairs, refurbishment, etc., must be agreed with the local administration authorities, about which buyers should be notified in advance (usually 5 days in advance) by a special announcement stating the address of the nearest enterprise selling similar goods.

The following information should be presented in the store: indicators of the location of departments, sections or goods sold; surnames and initials of the employees of the trading floor at workplaces or badges; list and cost of services provided to customers; text of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Protection of Consumer Rights”; rules governing the trading and sale of certain types of goods; on extraordinary service of certain categories of citizens; addresses and phone numbers of local authorities. At a place accessible to buyers, there should be a book of reviews and suggestions, numbered, laced, certified with the appropriate signature and seal. The rules of the retail trade enterprises should also determine: the main provisions related to the acceptance, storage and preparation of goods for sale; order of sale of goods; requirements for sellers; control over the work of retail trade enterprises. Storage of goods should be organized taking into account strict observance of the basic principles of the commodity neighborhood, sanitary and other rules, as well as relevant regimes. Before entering the trading floor, goods must be prepared for sale. The sale of goods should be carried out to all citizens on a common basis. Certain categories of the population should be provided with benefits provided by law. The sale of alcoholic beverages, beer, tobacco products and playing cards to minors is prohibited. Sale of food and non-food products for which special rules of trade are established must be subject to these rules.

In self-service stores (except for specialized bread and vegetables), customers should only select goods in inventory baskets and carts placed at the entrance to the self-service hall. Employees of the store or self-service department are not allowed to demand that customers present at the entrance to the trading floor goods purchased in other stores. You can not put stamps on them or make other marks, as well as oblige to leave personal belongings. If the buyer expressed a desire to leave a shopping bag, briefcase, etc. at the entrance to the trading floor, then the store must ensure their safety. For all goods sold subject to certification, trade enterprises must have certificates of the established form issued by authorized bodies. They must certify the quality of the goods, their safety for the life and health of people. Sale of expired goods is prohibited. Goods for which local authorities have established vacation standards must be sold in compliance with these standards. It is forbidden to condition the sale of some goods to the obligatory acquisition of others. In stores selling food products, at an accessible place in the trading floor, control scales and control measuring devices (mugs, beakers, etc.) should be installed, and in stores selling fabrics, control meters. The buyer should be given the right to verify the correctness of the price, weight and measure of goods released to him, as well as the shelf life of food products and the availability of a certificate. Non-food products selected by the buyer can be stored at the control (with a mandatory mark in the sales receipt on the time of their discharge) until payment is no more than an hour. The store should provide the buyer with the opportunity to store paid bulky and heavy goods for up to 3 days.

In order to improve the work of retail trade enterprises and to strengthen the protection of the interests of buyers, taking into account regional characteristics in the territories of large cities, regions, etc., the rules of work of enterprises engaged in retail trade activities have been approved and are in force. They determine, in accordance with applicable law, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as decrees and orders of regional authorities, the order of retail trade at enterprises engaged in trading activities in the relevant territory, regardless of their organizational and legal forms, forms of ownership and forms of trade. The general provisions of these rules define the main tasks of retailers, their obligation to have a license to trade a certain group of goods. A commercial enterprise should have a sign indicating the product profile and its legal form, company name.

The rules of work of retail enterprises established that the product profile and type of enterprise is determined by its Charter. Changing the product profile should be carried out in agreement with local authorities. By agreement with the latter, the operating mode of the enterprise is also established. The closure of the enterprise on a sanitary day, repairs, refurbishment, etc., must be agreed with the local administration authorities, about which buyers should be notified in advance (usually 5 days in advance) by a special announcement stating the address of the nearest enterprise selling similar goods.

The following information should be presented in the store: indicators of the location of departments, sections or goods sold; surnames and initials of the employees of the trading floor at workplaces or badges; list and cost of services provided to customers; text of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Protection of Consumer Rights”; rules governing the trading and sale of certain types of goods; on extraordinary service of certain categories of citizens; addresses and phone numbers of local authorities. At a place accessible to buyers, there should be a book of reviews and suggestions, numbered, laced, certified with the appropriate signature and seal. The rules of the retail trade enterprises should also determine: the main provisions related to the acceptance, storage and preparation of goods for sale; order of sale of goods; requirements for sellers; control over the work of retail trade enterprises. Storage of goods should be organized taking into account strict observance of the basic principles of the commodity neighborhood, sanitary and other rules, as well as relevant regimes. Before entering the trading floor, goods must be prepared for sale. The sale of goods should be carried out to all citizens on a common basis. Certain categories of the population should be provided with benefits provided by law. The sale of alcoholic beverages, beer, tobacco products and playing cards to minors is prohibited. Sale of food and non-food products for which special rules of trade are established must be subject to these rules.

In self-service stores (except for specialized bread and vegetables), customers should only select goods in inventory baskets and carts placed at the entrance to the self-service hall. Employees of the store or self-service department are not allowed to demand that customers present at the entrance to the trading floor goods purchased in other stores. You can not put stamps on them or make other marks, as well as oblige to leave personal belongings. If the buyer expressed a desire to leave a shopping bag, briefcase, etc. at the entrance to the trading floor, then the store must ensure their safety. For all goods sold subject to certification, trade enterprises must have certificates of the established form issued by authorized bodies. They must certify the quality of the goods, their safety for the life and health of people. Sale of expired goods is prohibited. Goods for which local authorities have established vacation standards must be sold in compliance with these standards. It is forbidden to condition the sale of some goods to the obligatory acquisition of others. In stores selling food products, at an accessible place in the trading floor, control scales and control measuring devices (mugs, beakers, etc.) should be installed, and in stores selling fabrics, control meters. The buyer should be given the right to verify the correctness of the price, weight and measure of goods released to him, as well as the shelf life of food products and the availability of a certificate. Non-food products selected by the buyer can be stored at the control (with a mandatory mark in the sales receipt on the time of their discharge) until payment is no more than an hour. The store should provide the buyer with the opportunity to store paid bulky and heavy goods for up to 3 days.

BASIC RETAIL RULES FOR CARRYING OUT RETAIL TRADE are approved by the Order of the Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Belarus No. 62 of June 7, 1999. and are binding on all merchants regardless of ownership

All trading enterprises must comply with the established operating mode and product profile, as well as the sanitary requirements for them

Shops should be equipped in compliance with the rules of labor protection, human health, fire safety

There should be a sign on the entrance door of the shopping facility indicating the name of the store, its affiliation, license number, and mode of operation

In the sales area in a visible and accessible place for buyers there should be a stand “Buyer’s Corner”, where they place the Book of comments and suggestions, a copy of the license for the right to trade, a copy of the assortment list, and other information

Buyers must be notified of the closure of the store for repairs, refurbishment 5 days in advance by a corresponding announcement, which also indicates the address of the nearest store of a similar profile

Customers' access to the store is terminated only with the onset of a break or at the end of work. 10 minutes before the end of the work, buyers are warned about the completion of the service. The cash desk must stop working in strict accordance with the hours of work set for it. But all customers holding checks or in the self-service room must be serviced

Samples of only those products that are available for sale are displayed in store windows. At the request of the buyer, they must be sold to him.

Accepted in quantity and quality of goods falls on the same day. It is forbidden to store unformed goods in the store. Accepted goods are sent for sale no later than 2 days - food, 3 days - non-food, 1 day - fruits and vegetables, perishable goods - the same hour

Prohibited certification products that do not have a certificate, expired goods

For all goods sold, there must be documents indicating the details of the supplier, quantity, price

Before opening the store, work should be done to prepare for service: inventory was replenished in the trading floor, the layout was updated, all goods were supplied with price tags

Self-service shops should be provided with inventory: baskets, carts, etc. The buyer should only enter the self-service hall with her

Alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, playing cards should not be sold to minors under 18 years of age; children under 15 are also prohibited from selling matches, lighters, pesticides, flammable liquids

When paying for the goods, the buyer is issued a cash receipt. If the goods are accompanied by a passport, they make a mark on the date of sale. At the request of the buyer, a sales receipt must be issued

Unpaid non-food items selected by the buyer are stored in the control for 2 hours marked “up to ... hours”

Paid bulky goods can be stored in the store for no more than a day. Further storage fees apply.

The seller at the workplace should not violate the established form of clothing, serve customers sitting, chewing, smoking, conducting extraneous conversations during customer service, leaving the workplace without completing customer service