
Tornado. What is a tornado and why is it dangerous? What kind of tornado is it in Russian?

1. Words denoting inanimate objects. Indeclinable nouns of foreign origin, denoting inanimate objects, mostly belong to the neuter gender, for example: railway depot, interesting interview, minibus, political status quo, healing aloe, woolen muffler.

The rule has a number of exceptions related to the influence of various analogies (Russian synonym, grammatical gender of a word denoting a generic concept, etc.).

Thus, the masculine gender includes the words: ha (cf.: one ha, the influence of the word hectare), coffee (the influence of the masculine gender of this word in the French language, from which it was borrowed, and also in connection with this, the existence of previous forms of coffee, kofiy), maki (thicket), penalty (influence of the Russian synonymous combination “eleven-meter penalty kick”), sirocco, tornado (generic concept “wind”), suluguni (generic concept “cheese”), shimmi (generic concept “dance”), ecu (an old French coin; influence of the source language) and some others. Under the influence of the word-concept “language”, the words Bengali, Pashto, Suomi, Urdu, Hindi, etc. are classified as masculine.

The feminine gender includes the following words: avenue (Russian synonym for street), bere (generic concept “pear”), beriberi (generic concept “disease”), kohlrabi (“cabbage”), salami (“sausage”) and some others.

Finally, some words are used in the form of two genders, for example: auto (middle and masculine, influenced by the word car), Afghani (middle and feminine), bibabo? (middle and men, cf.: small bibabo), brandy (middle and men, cf.: strong brandy), mocha (middle and men, analogy with the use of the word coffee), nargile? (middle and masculine, related concept “hookah”), pas de deux and pas de trois (middle and masculine, generic concept “dance”), cicero (middle and masculine, generic concept “ font"), Esperanto (middle and masculine, influence of the word language, see above); There are words that are simultaneously used in one of the genders and the plural, for example, blinds (neuter and plural; cf. beautiful blinds).

2. Substantivalized words. Substantivized indeclinable words belong to the neuter gender, for example: the polite “hello”, the ever-present “yes”, the loud “hurray”, our tomorrow, the sharp “I don’t want”.

3. Words denoting persons. Indeclinable nouns denoting persons are classified as masculine or feminine depending on their meaning, i.e. correlation with the real gender of the designated person, for example:

1) masculine: rentier, military attache, coolie, Duce, curé, referee, maestro, Nazi, quasimodo, Yankee, chevalier, bullfighter, impresario, caballero, pierrot;

2) feminine: fraulein, ingénue, travesty, miss, lady, nude, lady, madam, milady;

3). incognito (cf.: mysterious incognito suddenly disappeared - mysterious incognito suddenly disappeared); hippie (cf.: young hippie sang - young hippie sang);

4) neuter: jury (in the collective meaning; cf.: the jury decided).

4. Words denoting animals, birds, etc., indeclinable nouns denoting animate objects (except persons, see above) are masculine, for example: zebu, pony, chimpanzee, cockatoo, kangaroo, flamingo, macao, rhea, koala, gray. In this case, the masculine gender is used regardless of the gender of the animal. However, if the context indicates a female, then the corresponding words are used in the feminine form, for example: a kangaroo was carrying a baby kangaroo in its pouch, a chimpanzee was feeding a baby.

The words collie and grizzly (feminine and masculine) are bigeneric.

5. Geographical names. The gender of indeclinable nouns denoting geographical proper names (names of cities, rivers, lakes, islands, mountains, etc.) is determined by the grammatical gender of the common noun, which acts as a generic concept (i.e. by the gender of the words city, river, lake, etc.), for example: sunny Tbilisi (city), wide Mississippi (river), deep Erie (lake), inaccessible Jungfrau (mountain), picturesque Capri (island).

Deviations from the rule are explained by the influence of analogy, the use of a word in a different meaning, the tendency to attribute foreign indeclinable words to the neuter gender. -O etc., for example: Five-domed Beshtau (influence of the name of the neighboring mountain Mashuk), North Borneo (influence of the final O), Second Baku (the name of the place of oil production, not the city). New Sochi (false analogy with words in the plural form like Velikiye Luki).

Sometimes the same word is used in different generic forms depending on what concept is meant. Wed: during the crisis, Somalia suffered from food shortages. – Somalia gratefully accepted humanitarian aid (in the first case, the concept of “state” is meant, in the second - “country”).

6. Names of media. The generic name also determines the grammatical gender of indeclinable names of mass media, for example: BBC reported (British Broadcasting Corporation); liberal News Chronicle. An erroneous agreement is often encountered: the BBC reported (as an indeclinable neuter noun), The Times published... (the name with the final consonant is classified as masculine), Burda Fashion demonstrated a new summer collection of clothes (the name of the magazine) .

7. Abbreviations. Abbreviations formed by combining the initial letters of those words that make up the full name determine their grammatical gender by the gender of the leading word of the compound name, for example: MGU (Moscow State University) celebrated its bicentenary; ATS (automatic telephone exchange) has increased the number of subscribers. Sometimes another agreement is allowed, for example: ITAR-TASS reported... (an abbreviation with a final consonant is classified as masculine).

The same provision also applies to complexly abbreviated words (read by initial sounds or including syllabic formations), if these words are not declined, for example: local general store (rural consumer society).

What is a tornado (tornado)?

A tornado (or tornado) is a vortex in the atmosphere, developing inside a cumulus cloud, and gradually descending to the ground in the form of a column up to 400 m wide at the base. In some cases, its diameter on land can reach up to 3 km, and on In water this value is usually no more than 30 m.

There is a huge difference in pressure between the inside and outside of a tornado - it can be so great that objects falling inside (including houses) are simply torn apart. This area of ​​highly rarefied air, just like in a syringe, when you pull the plunger, which causes water, sand and other various objects to be sucked into the vortex, which sometimes fly apart or are transported over very long distances.

Why does a tornado occur and what is it?

The causes of the tornado could not be reliably determined. However, tornadoes are believed to occur when warm, moist air comes into contact with a cold, dry “dome” that appears over cold areas of land or ocean. Upon contact, heat is released, after which the heated air rises, thereby creating a rarefaction area.

Warm air from the cloud and underlying cold air are drawn into this zone, as a result, significant energy is released and a funnel is formed. The speed of air movement in it, according to some estimates, can reach up to 1300 km/h, while the vortex itself moves on average at a speed of 20 to 60 km/h.

Types of tornadoes

The most common are whip-like, thin and smooth, similar in appearance to a whip or scourge.

Water - formed above the surface of oceans, seas, and in rare cases lakes

Earthen ones are rare; they are formed during destructive disasters or landslides

Snow - tornadoes formed during a severe snowstorm

Less often you can find vague ones, similar to thick clouds near the ground, and composite ones, which consist of two or three vortices

Fiery. During volcanic eruptions, as a result of a strong fire, fire tornadoes can often be observed, spreading fire over tens of kilometers

In deserts there are some kind of analogues of tornadoes - dust or sand whirlwinds, but usually their diameter does not exceed 3 meters

What's inside a tornado? Scientists' opinion

Tornadoes remain a poorly understood phenomenon to this day, but scientists believe that at the center of the tornado there is an area of ​​low pressure that prevents outside air from filling the interior of the tornado. It is quite possible that there are vertical air currents inside, although this kind of phenomenon has not been reliably proven.

The suction force of a tornado can be explained by the high turbulence of the air column and the vertical component of the speed, which rapidly changes during movement.

Tornado Fury

The weather has by no means lost its ability to sow fear in people's hearts. Before the terrible power of the wind, the most destructive means of warfare will seem insignificant. Hurricanes sweep through coastal regions, destroying everything in their path; tornadoes mar the landscape. An unexpected gust of wind can throw the largest aircraft to the ground. With all the technologies available in our time, man is just as dependent on the mercy of the angry winds as his distant ancestor. The weather is not only almost unpredictable, but also has an inexhaustible supply of tricks and surprises.

At the epicenter of a tornado. Eyewitness account

The fury of a tornado is so unexpected and immense that survivors are rarely able to remember the details of what happened. But on May 3, 1943, retired Army Capt. Roy S. Hall was able to emerge with his family from the tornado's eye and gave a clear description of the twister that destroyed his home in McKinney, Texas, about 30 miles north of Dallas.

As the storm began, Hall locked his wife and children in the bedroom. And then the outer wall of the room collapsed inside with a terrible roar. However, the worst was yet to come. The piercing screech of the wind suddenly died down. “It was exactly like that,” Hall later wrote, “as if they had covered my ears with their palms, cutting off all sounds except the unusually strong beats of the pulse in my ears and head. I have never experienced such a feeling before.” And in this icy silence, the shuddering house was illuminated with a mysterious blue glow.

At the same moment, Hall was thrown 10 feet and found himself under the rubble of the wall so suddenly that he could not remember how he got there. He climbed out from under the rubble, hugged his 4-year-old daughter and waited for his house, which was no longer supported by its foundation, to sweep away. And at that time a terrifying vision appeared before him.

“The thing first made a wave-like movement from top to bottom, and then froze motionless, except for a weak pulsation up and down,” Hall later wrote. - It was a curved edge, concavely facing me; its lower contour was located almost horizontally... This was the lower end of the tornado. At this time we found ourselves in the tornado itself!”

Hall looked up. What he saw looked like an opaque wall with a smooth surface, about 4 meters thick, surrounding a columnar cavity. “It looked like the inside of an enamel riser,” Hall recalled. “It stretched up more than 300 meters, swayed slightly and slowly curved to the southeast. Below, at the bottom, judging by the circle in front of me, the funnel was about 50 m in diameter. Higher up it expanded and, apparently, was partially filled with a bright cloud that flickered like a fluorescent lamp.” The rotating funnel swayed, and Hall saw that the entire column seemed to be composed of many huge rings, each of which moved independently of the others and caused a wave that ran from top to bottom. When the crest of each wave reached the bottom, the top of the funnel made a sound like the cracking of a whip.

Hall watched in horror as the tip of the tornado touched down and destroyed a nearby house. According to Hall, “the house seemed to dissolve, various parts of it were carried away to the left, like sparks from an emery wheel.”

Soon the tornado continued its journey to the southeast. Hall's family managed to come out of the mess almost unscathed. At the cost of losing their home, they received from the “eye” of a furious storm a rare opportunity to look at the cruel riot of nature at the epicenter of its manifestations.

Atmospheric anomaly

For pilots and scientists at the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, flying into the eye (calm area) of a raging hurricane was part of their risky job tracking tropical storms. 1989, September 15 - The crew of NOAA-42, flying in Hurricane Hugo from the Ants Islands to Charleston, South Carolina, suffered more than they could have ever bargained for when their plane headed straight into the eye of the giant storm. .

As soon as the plane pierced the eye wall just a few hundred feet from the calm center of the storm, violent forces fell upon the plane, threatening to tear it apart. One of the four engines failed, and the brave Orion began to fall. They managed to level it out and return to the “eye” when only 200 m remained to the surface of the sea. Later, analyzing this terrible adventure, scientists came to the conclusion that the plane flew into a bizarre atmospheric anomaly - into a tornado, which could not be detected because Contrary to traditional meteorological ideas, he was in the wall of the “eye” of a large-scale storm and thereby was able to disguise his devilish power.

A tornado, whose twisting coils carry the fiercest winds on our planet, can destroy everything it touches in an instant. During the 18th and 19th centuries, more than a dozen times during the height of the day, the sky over New England turned black, and preachers prophesied that the end of the world was near. Fortunately, these so-called dark days were not harbingers of divine punishment, but the result of the vagaries of the weather.

Amazing cases from the life of a tornado

Tornadoes have become famous not only for their cruelty, but also for their eccentricities. Whirling winds reaching speeds of up to 200 mph can drive a straw into a tree trunk and cause a wood chip to pierce a steel sheet. Meanwhile, powerful internal vortices hidden in the tornado are apparently responsible for the fact that some objects are destroyed, while others remain unharmed. And rising air currents can serve as a cushion: there have been cases of people flying into the air only to then softly land on the ground in the middle of a furious storm.

Here are some of such cases:

The 1974 tornado that destroyed Xenia, Ohio, completely destroyed a farmer's home and everything in it, but spared two fragile items: a mirror and a box of Christmas decorations.

1965, April 11 - tornadoes ripped through large parts of the US Midwest. One in Cleveland, Ohio, lifted a teenager out of bed, carried him out the window and landed him, unharmed, on the other side of the street. At the same time, he remained wrapped in a blanket. Another tornado in Dunlop, Indiana, snatched an eight-month-old baby from a collapsing home and laid him on the ground nearby. In Grand Rapids, Michigan, a man was carried from his front porch to a pile of wood that was all that was left of his neighbor's house.

1958 June 10 - A woman was thrown from a window in Eldorado, Kansas. She successfully landed 20 meters from the house. A gramophone record with a recording of the song “Bad Weather” fell next to her.

1955, May 25 - In Udall, Kansas, a powerful gust of wind yanked Fred Dye out of his shoes and threw him into a tree, where he was able to ride out the storm. Not far from him, a husband and wife, emerging from the bedroom that had provided them with safety, discovered that all the other rooms of the house had been taken away.

Shortly after a tornado tore through Illinois on March 18, 1925, a page from Literary Digest fell to the ground. It contained a photograph and description of the 1917 tornado.

The surface of the water, for example, in the Yauza River and in the Lublin ponds, when a tornado passed, first boiled and began to seethe like in a cauldron, then the whirlwind sucked the water inside itself and the bottom of the reservoir and river was exposed!

The energy of an average tornado with a radius of one kilometer and an average speed of 250 km/h is equal to the energy of the world's first atomic bomb!

The most powerful and deadly tornadoes

The strongest tornado was recorded in 1999 in Texas (USA), when a powerful funnel swept across the ground at a speed of about 500 km/h and destroyed everything in its path.

If we talk about size, the 2013 tornado in Oklahoma can be considered the largest - it moved at a speed of 485 km/h and covered an area of ​​about 4.2 km. In this whirlwind, one of the most famous tornado hunters, Tim Samaras, died along with his son and friend Carl Young.

The largest and most destructive tornado occurred on April 26, 1989 in the city of Shatursh (Bangladesh), which killed more than 1,300 people (it was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most tragic).

1935, September 2 - during a tornado in Florida, wind speeds reached 500 km/h! This tornado killed 400 people and completely destroyed buildings in a strip 15–20 km wide.

Among the largest waterspouts: in Massachusetts Bay, the tornado reached a height of more than 1000 m, and the diameter of the mother cloud was 250 m, and the diameter of the water was 70 m. The diameter of the cascade was 200 m, and the height was 150 m.

What kind of word is "tornado"?

    The word tornado is a noun masculine A. The fact that you are having difficulty posing a question to determine the gender is quite normal. After all, this word is an exception to the rule. Worth remembering.

    Indeclinable words, if they are inanimate, usually belong to the neuter gender in Russian. For example: dressing table, cinema, metro, dragee, chassis, blinds, role, boa.

    But there are a number of exception words, the gender of which is determined by the reference word. For example, kohlrabi (cabbage), salami (sausage), avenue (street) will be feminine, and coffee (drink), euro (currency), sirocco (south wind) ), suluguni (Georgian cheese) is classified as masculine. The word tornado means hurricane and is also masculine.

    Tornado means tornado, whirlwind. In Russian, this word is classified as masculine and the noun is not declined.

    This word is masculine. The word tornado refers to words whose gender is quite difficult to determine. You need to remember that tornado is not neuter, but masculine. Tornadoes are something of an exception to the general rule. So, remember

    By all indications, the word tornado belongs to the neuter gender. I mean the ending o.

    But still this word refers to masculine. This needs to be remembered.

    By the same principle, we will classify the words coffee and euro as masculine.

    Example of phrases:

    strong tornado.

    Tornado is an inanimate masculine indeclinable noun. This is an exception word, the gender of which is determined by the auxiliary word, in this case whirlwind - it is masculine.

P.1. Gender of animate nouns naming animals

Animate nouns belong to the masculine gender (the basic principle is the dominant male gender in nature). Large chimpanzee, emu, pony, kangaroo, zebu, cockatoo, flamingo etc.

Note: When referring to a female in a contextual or situational manner, these words are combined as feminine nouns. The chimpanzee gave birth to two babies. Chimpanzee Masha loves bananas.


Feminine nouns include: blue whiting ( because fish), iwasi (herring), tsetse (fly), hummingbird (bird).

P.2. A genus of inanimate nouns that name objects or phenomena.

Inanimate nouns are classified as neuter (based on the principle of grammatical similarity): depot, cocoa, cafe, muffler, cinema; taxi, interview, stew etc.

Individual nouns do not obey the general rule (the main feature is genus-species: the relationship between genus and species).

Masculine nouns: sirocco, tornado (wind); suluguni, brie (cheese); coffee (drink); euro (currency).

Feminine nouns: kohlrabi, broccoli (cabbage); salami (sausage), avenue (street) etc.

P.3. Gender of nouns naming persons (people).

Personal nouns are classified as masculine and/or feminine depending on the real gender (male or female) of the person referred to.

Masculine : monsieur, dandy, croupier, curé, maestro, porter, referee.

Feminine: madam, miss, missus, lady, lady, frau, miss, lady.

Bigeneric: counterpart, protégé, incognito.

P.4. Gender of nouns naming geographical objects.

Nouns - geographical names are determined by the grammatical gender of the common noun naming the generic concept (gender - species relationship). Huge Chicago(city); densely populated Congo(state); drying up Congo(river).

§3. Gender of compound words and abbreviations

The gender of compound words and abbreviations is determined by the gender of the main word in the phrase.

UN(Organization United Nations) accepted new members. KSU(Kostroma State university)located on the Volga embankment.

Note: Abbreviations and compound words that are actively used in speech cease to be “deciphered”, are perceived as an independent word, begin to decline and belong to one gender or another in accordance with the principle of grammatical similarity (according to external morphological indicators).

Marriage registry (record acts of civil status) didn't work on Monday. University(higher education institution)invites applicants to the Open Day.

§4. Gender of personal nouns denoting profession, occupation, position, title.

P.1. Most personal nouns form masculine and feminine pairs: student - female student, journalist - journalist, milkermilkmaid.

In formal business style, there is a tendency to use masculine nouns. Prizes were awarded to teacher K.S. Petrova, secretary M.I. Semenov, elevator operator Z.V. Ivanova.

A number of nouns do not have feminine variants in literary speech; they are used only in the masculine gender, since:

    These professions and titles are traditionally masculine; there are no feminine nouns ( blacksmith, steelmaker, metallurgist, miner etc.);

    feminine forms are used in colloquial speech and contain a familiarly dismissive connotation ( secretary, cook, dean, announcer);

    Feminine nouns have a different meaning (officer - officer (officer's wife), plasterer - plaster, shepherd - shepherd dog).

P.2. To designate men and women by profession, position, rank, nouns are used that were originally adjectives and participles (substantivized adjectives and participles). Such nouns form pairs by gender: manager - manager, scientist - scientist, duty officer - duty officer.

With the official, nomenclature designation of a position, profession, etc. such words are put in the masculine gender:

    regardless of the individual: There was no duty officer in the premises at the time of the fire.;

    in connection with a specific person - if in the context it is primarily reported about the position, profession, rank of a person, regardless of whether we are talking about a woman or a man. Appoint A.M. Golubeva as the head of the sector. G.A. is appointed as the representative for negotiations with representatives of the Price company. Nikitina;

    in memos, in oral presentations (especially in the army, paramilitary, law enforcement agencies) when a woman names a position, rank, title. Comrade captain, no incidents occurred during my duty. Private Ivanova;

    when characterizing a woman in connection with the assessment of her activities: Marie Sklodowska-Curie was an outstanding scientist.

Note. The feminine gender of substantivized words is chosen:

    when referring to women in some legal situations, as well as in “strict” information genres of the media: injured, aggrieved, convicted, prisoner;

    on stencil plates on the office door, on the desktop when designating a woman’s position: Head of the Department of Foreign Law A.V. Klyueva; Business Manager M.N. Stepanova;

    when answering the phone in institutions: The attendant is listening.

Nouns are divided into three types according to the type of declension:

  1. Feminine nouns ending in -а, -я (earth);
  2. Masculine nouns with a zero ending, neuter nouns with the ending -о, -е (house, field);
  3. Feminine nouns ending in zero (mouse).

In the Russian language, a special group is made up of indeclinable nouns: burden, crown, flame, udder, banner, tribe, stirrup, time, name, path.

A significant group of nouns does not change in gender and number; they are called indeclinable; depot, foyer, aloe, coffee, coat, attache and others.

Adjectives change according to gender, number and case in the singular. In the plural, the case endings of adjectives of all three genders are the same: new tables, books, feathers.

There are certain rules for declension and numerals. For example, the numeral one is declined as a singular adjective, and the numerals two, three, four have special case forms that are similar to the endings of plural adjectives.

Numerals from five to ten and numerals -twenty and -ten are declined according to the third declension of nouns.

The numerals forty and ninety have two case forms: forty and ninety.

The numerals two hundred, three hundred, four hundred and all numerals starting with -hundred have both parts declined.