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Meaning of the name Said. Saida - the meaning of the name, character traits and features of fate

WITH- They are distinguished by stubbornness, unpredictability and leadership qualities. They are accustomed to relying on logic and common sense in their actions. They can be overly emotional, and sometimes even capricious. They constantly want to stand out from the gray mass. Excessive demands may be placed on a partner.

A- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name starts with A are quite hardworking. They like to take initiative in everything and do not like routine.

AND- subtle mental organization, romance, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. Representatives of the fair sex pay a lot of attention to their appearance, while men focus on internal qualities. They manage to achieve great success in science and working with people. Very economical and prudent.

D- stubbornness, pride, isolation, complexes and limitations. These people, before doing something, think everything over several times. In all actions they are guided by common sense and logic. They will always help in difficult situations. They are characterized by excessive talkativeness. They do not accept criticism, they very rarely listen to other people’s opinions and therefore often make serious mistakes.

Meaning: chosen by God; happy; prosperous; lucky

Meaning of the name Saida - interpretation

The name "Saida" is of Arabic origin. Means “happy”, “lucky”. There is such a translation as “madam”. It is mainly used among peoples who profess Islam. Short form of the name Said: Ida, Saya, Saidushka, Saidochka. Synonyms for the name Said: Sayida, Sayda, Zaida, Zaida, Seida, Seydana. The origin of the name Said is Muslim.

Years later

Saida's mobility and activity are combined with responsibility, scrupulousness and attentiveness. She is cheerful, loves outdoor games, and is inquisitive. She has many friends, but only a few real friends. By adolescence this becomes noticeable. There are usually no problems with studying, grades are good, but knowledge is superficial.

He learns only his favorite subjects thoroughly, not content with the school curriculum. Parents need to know that their daughter has a special destiny. Little Saida is an amazingly responsible and neat child. This is very surprising, because Saida is a very mobile and active girl, and this is an extremely rare combination. She is a positive little girl and loves noisy and fun games. She cannot be called a touchy child, but rather the opposite.

Saida studies quite successfully, although most of her knowledge is superficial. She gets good grades because she has to, but she only has truly deep knowledge in her favorite subjects. It is worth noting Saida’s desire to learn everything new.

Her curiosity is one of the reasons for her successful learning and rapid assimilation of information. This is also the reason that Said is sure to try a huge number of hobbies. Sometimes it may even seem that she is completely incapable of taking a serious approach to business, but this will only be until Saida finds “her own business.”

Saida's positivity and activity as she grows up remains the same, but outwardly the girl looks cold. Her desire for novelty is the reason for many hobbies and endeavors: her creative search will last until her favorite activity is found. The girl stops trusting words and values ​​people in action.

A girl named Saida is distinguished by her curiosity, creativity, and broad outlook. She has moderate amounts of ambition, but they are not so great as to push Saida to take serious actions. Although when Saida sets a goal for herself, she goes to it for a very long time and persistently, if she can force herself to do it.

The character of adult Saida does not change much in relation to childhood. Her positive and active nature is still noticeable, although she becomes colder and more careful with strangers. It is also worth noting that adult Saida tends to be skeptical about people’s words until they prove their worth with deeds. If little Saida trusted people a priori, now she demands proof. Changeability is still characteristic of Saya. In many ways it is characterized by inconstancy, although it is rather a creative search. However, inconstancy does not apply to friendship and favorite things. Here Saida is more of a retrograde.

Ambition and pedantry determine Saida’s actions in adulthood. Remains curious, loves creativity, knows what he wants to achieve in life. Love of freedom, the desire to conquer heights, and come up with innovations are the results of non-standard thinking. The owner of the name will achieve success in any field, will be rich, and will quickly make a career. Originality and brightness will always attract many fans.

Saida's work is most often associated with her creativity. She is a very extraordinary and at the same time responsible person, which is the key to her success. It is worth noting Saida’s respectful attitude towards her colleagues, but only towards those who deserve it. But Said has an extremely negative attitude towards parasites and idle talkers. Another interesting feature of Saida is her easy-going attitude towards her work. She does her job with such enthusiasm that she doesn’t feel tired at all. Working with her is a great pleasure. There is a lot to learn from her.

Saida's character

Saida is a person with idealistic inclinations, a bearer of such qualities as affection, amorousness, and the desire to see a “standard” in everything that catches the eye.
But this is also increased demands on others, which quite often has no real basis. Such a person sincerely believes that if the “absolute” exists, then everyone simply must strive to achieve it.

It is impossible to convince him otherwise; he “stops” only when the “fuel” – his own resources – runs out. Intelligence, energy, ability to self-sacrifice, help, sincerity are the main features of Saida. She is distinguished by her nobility, charming, and loves to be in the center of events. Throughout his life he remains steadfast and proud.

The name Said works well in extreme situations when decisions need to be made quickly. However, it is precisely for this reason that she is not recommended to engage in business, politics, or commerce. The thing is that Saida is used to living one day at a time and is not inclined to long-term planning, which is required when carrying out the above types of activities.

Also, the name Said is not the best example of a leader. She is more useful as a subordinate. Such people are inclined to imitate in the good sense of the word - it is enough to explain to them what needs to be done, showing this with an example of how the name Said can easily cope with the task. Especially if he works together with a partner or companion.

Saida's fate

Long-term planning is not typical for women with this name, although they clearly and quickly react in the event of extreme situations, making prompt decisions. But enormous dedication, the desire to constantly act, and quick learning guarantee Saida success throughout her life. He prefers to deal with problems on his own, without counting on the help of others. Even if her appearance is not very beautiful, she knows how to leave an unforgettable impression of herself.

She will never be an ordinary housewife: in her life she will successfully combine family and career. Increased stress can cause weakness, so she needs to learn to take a break from her favorite activity. It’s almost rare that anyone manages to piss her off, but when the last drop has flowed, the rage will be difficult to stop. Sociability allows you to establish relationships with different people, but Saida opens her inner world to few people. Responsiveness, a touching attitude towards relatives and family are the basis of her soul.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Thanks to the fact that Saida always chooses her favorite job, she never gets tired. He handles all assigned tasks responsibly. She can work on a task for many hours on end: her enthusiasm knows no bounds. Colleagues enjoy working with her and learn a lot. But parasites, lazy people are the object of her contempt.

Saida can be a musician, artist, actress or ballerina, journalist. He will find himself in professions that require a creative approach - programming, pedagogy, speech therapy, design, art criticism. Saida will not have her own large-scale business. But a small business will be profitable. Money matters always go well: she knows where and how to save money, and will never allow her husband to spend too much.

Marriage and family

Saida always knows who needs attention. She quickly weeds out unworthy candidates and does not tolerate long-term courtship: if a fan is not interested in her, he quickly breaks off all contacts. He will be jealous of his loved one, periodically arranging showdowns. Therefore, you need to take a calm, flexible man as your husband.

She is a wonderful family woman, her home is full of joy and fun. Loves children. An excellent, but demanding mother: she cannot be persuaded, she cannot be moved to pity with tears. Strictly adheres to the rules of upbringing, instills hard work in children, and initiates self-education. Maintains warm, close relationships with relatives.

Sex and love

Saida is distinguished by sensuality and has an attractive, sexy appearance. Her man will always be proud of his chosen one, feeling like a king. The birth of children will not affect her figure in any way: Saida will only become more feminine, but her hairstyle, appearance, and figure will retain her youth and beauty.

Attractiveness, charm, intelligence allow her to choose among many fans. She will strive to choose a wealthy, strong man with a balanced character as a spouse. If the chosen one cheats, he will use all his ingenuity to take revenge on him in a sophisticated way.


Saida's health is strong, but insufficient attention to it aggravates the course of illnesses and contributes to frequent colds. The weak point is the respiratory system. Therefore, in winter, during the cold season, you should harden yourself and use preventive measures to prevent diseases. Due to the addiction to delicious food, in middle age you may gain weight, so you need to control your diet or exercise regularly.

Usually the meaning of the name Said is also determined by the time of birth of its owner. For example, Saida, born in autumn, is very slow and is not inclined to trust people unconditionally. It takes her a lot of time to make a decision. But “winter” Saida is very eccentric, emotional, and extremely jealous. She speaks quickly, makes sudden movements, and her overall appearance can look careless.

Interests and hobbies

Saida loves to read, prefers classic literature and adventure. Her passions are sewing, knitting, and cooking. In her free time, she sews exclusive designer outfits, putting all her imagination into it, using modern trends. He knows the recipes for hundreds of delicious dishes, so the family enjoys an unusually tasty table. She is passionate about home improvement, creating a unique, cozy interior.

In general, we can say that Saida is a very freedom-loving and independent person. She is not used to submitting to fate and does not recognize any rules. Regarding the choice of profession, the name Said always thinks about the theatrical, musical sphere, since this precisely presupposes creative activity. allows you to get rid of routine in life. Since Saida has non-standard thinking, a job in the field of innovation is perfect for her, since such a woman is able to generate ideas.

The name Saeed means the need to dominate. Always and everywhere. And - regardless of how justified such a desire is in specific circumstances. A conflict with someone who is obviously stronger does not frighten, but rather, on the contrary, provokes.

The name Said is an Arabic male name that means “happy.” The name Said can be written and pronounced in different ways: Saad, Saud, Shaad, Seid, Seyd, Syait. Often used to compose two-part names - Saduddin, Saidullah, Saadallah, Masud, Seydali, Saidzhon, Seitzhan, Amirsaid and many others.

Origin and meaning of the name

As already mentioned, the roots of the word are Arabic. The meaning of the name Said in Islam is quite high, since it is the family name of the descendants of Fatima, one of the daughters of the Prophet Muhammad. This is evidenced by the tradition described in the Koran. Therefore, Said, whose name is so highly regarded in traditional culture, is by definition a special person.

In addition to the meaning of “happy,” the word has another interpretation - “lord,” which, in general, indicates not so much power as a certain aristocratic position, so to speak, blue blood.

There is also a similar sounding name, which is written as Saidali or Said Ali. Although it is indeed similar, it is still a different name, originating from the Tatar, if not the Old Slavic language. And therefore the meaning of the name Said Ali is somewhat different, which we will not consider here.

We can say that this is not a tolerant person; any discrepancy between his own canons and the understanding of the right path on the part of other people makes him impatient and irritable. For example, he will not get a dog simply because he needs a friend. For Said, a dog is a guard. Said is an active man, he will not sit idly by, he lives life to the fullest, actively participates in what interests him. However, the downside to all his ambitions is that the result can be outbursts of suddenness and anger.

Injustice makes him beside himself with rage and provokes him to aggressive behavior. From a young age, Said is very attached to his family and strives to please his relatives. He is very responsible from a very young age and his parents know that they can count on him. Said prefers to understand any situation, does not postpone anything and does not forgive.

He has an analytical mind and an excellent memory, on which he places high hopes, which helps him study well. For Said, all the details are important, and he cannot act until he has calculated and thought through everything. He may develop an obsessive tendency towards precision, punctuality and hygiene.

Emotional intimacy is very important to him, so he is likely to be very attached to his family and his loved ones, even acting possessive towards them. He will not tolerate betrayal, jealousy, and it is extremely unlikely that he will be unfaithful to his wife.

The owner of this name prefers professions where he will be his own master. These are various administrative, consulting areas, own business, financial sphere. He is attracted to politics and public leadership positions.

It is possible that Said will have a hobby profession that requires precision and accuracy (carpenter, glass blower). He can also find a calling in the field of a writer, composer, and also find the use of his own determination in sports.

Characteristics of the name Said

Said's whole life is spent in the key of such qualities as emotionality and impulsiveness. If at the same time the child is not instilled with respect for others, then he can grow up to be a rather rude person. The harshness and temper inherent in him often play a cruel joke on him. Said, the meaning of his name has been evident in him since early childhood, has qualities such as curiosity, attentiveness and observation.

It is difficult to hide or conceal anything from him, and if he wants, he can solve any mystery. Raising a boy is quite difficult, such is the impact of the name Said. The meaning of the name is especially clearly revealed during school years. He is incredibly inquisitive and capable of asking more questions than he is willing to accept answers. Thanks to this, Said is an excellent student, absorbing knowledge like a sponge, and at the same time constantly remaining dissatisfied. In addition to studying, the guy will always have several hobbies to which he will devote a lot of time - such is the meaning of the name Said.

The male society of friends and acquaintances also does not remain forgotten by them. It’s phenomenal, but Said always manages to do everything, no matter how busy he is. Another characteristic of Said is that he is very emotional and is unable to hide it. That’s why a change in mood changes it so dramatically and is so clearly felt by others.

Said, whose name's meaning dominates him completely, can become sad over nonsense and remain indifferent to truly important things. In moments of good mood, he can show amazing generosity and forgiveness, and in moments of tension he can literally explode over a trifle. Moreover, he cannot hide his feelings either in front of his family, or in front of teachers, or in front of any other people. He always says directly what he thinks - this is another distinctive feature of him.

Personal life and marriage

Said is extremely picky when it comes to gender relations. He doesn't need a beautiful but stupid doll. He strives to find a girl who would have a broad outlook and would be able to share his interests and hobbies with her husband.

Said's wife is a woman who is not distinguished by conservatism and does not strive to sit within four walls. On the contrary, she wants to live every day of her life brightly and richly, and that is why Said is interested in her. Another detail that Said requires from his beloved is the willingness and ability to understand and accept him as he is, with all the overflows and contradictions of his nature.

Having found such a girl, the young man marries and lives with her, no longer having any connections on the side. He is a devoted husband and a good father, a responsible family man. Children adore him, not only his own, but also those of others. He easily finds a common language with them and can sometimes pamper his offspring. But in general, he does not let upbringing take its course and shows moderate severity.

Motivation for the name Said

You are attracted to beauty and harmony in all its forms. Therefore, the fundamental basis of your spiritual aspirations is the desire to keep them around you. Consequently, any actions that may result in a violation of the usual order of things are contrary to your nature.

But you won’t “fight” with someone who is trying to create such an imbalance. A “bad peace” is always “better than a good quarrel” for you, which means you should turn an enemy into a friend, showing tact and diplomacy.

And there is nothing surprising in the fact that you have many friends, but practically no enemies. You are always able not only to find a compromise solution, but also to “awaken the best feelings” in a person who is negatively disposed towards you.

However, simply knowing what to do in a given situation is not a choice. Opinion must be supported by action. And this is where your indecision often lets you down. This is not timidity or fear of consequences. Just hesitation while searching for the best option. Life experience will help you get rid of them.

Numerology of the name Said

  • Soul Number: 8.
  • Hidden Spirit Number: 2
  • Body number: 6

Those with a name number 8 are characterized by a penchant for business. “Eights” are for the most part very strong personalities who prioritize practicality and material gain. They are used to constantly doing business, without rest or breaks. They don’t get anything in life for nothing – they have to fight for everything. However, it is precisely among the G8 that there are a large number of successful businessmen and politicians. To achieve their goals, they stop at nothing and achieve their goals at any cost and by any means. There are always leaders in the family, and often tyrants. By nature, “Eights” are not inclined to make many friends. Their main friend is work. However, it is worth remembering that if the “eight” is caught by a long streak of failures, it can break down, withdraw into itself and lose all interest in life.

  • Planet: Uranus.
  • Element: Air, cold-dry.
  • Zodiac: Capricorn, Aquarius.
  • Color: Electric, Glitter, Neon, Purple.
  • Day: Wednesday, Saturday.
  • Metal: Aluminum.
  • Mineral: Amethyst, rock crystal.
  • Plants: Rubber tree, aspen, barberry, alpine rose, saxifrage.
  • Animals: Electric stingray, electric eel.

The meaning of the letters in the name Said

  • C – characterized by stubbornness, unpredictability and leadership qualities. They are accustomed to relying on logic and common sense in their actions. They can be overly emotional, and sometimes even capricious. They constantly want to stand out from the gray mass. Excessive demands may be placed on a partner.
  • A - the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name starts with A are quite hardworking. They like to take initiative in everything and do not like routine.
  • And - subtle mental organization, romance, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. Representatives of the fair sex pay a lot of attention to their appearance, while men focus on internal qualities. They manage to achieve great success in science and working with people. Very economical and prudent. Read more:
  • D – stubbornness, pride, isolation, complexes and limitations. These people, before doing something, think everything over several times. In all actions they are guided by common sense and logic. They will always help in difficult situations. They are characterized by excessive talkativeness. They do not accept criticism, they very rarely listen to other people’s opinions and therefore often make serious mistakes.

Famous people named Said

  1. Said Johar ((1918-2006) Comorian politician, also diplomat)
  2. Said Atsaev, Said-afandi Chirkey ((1937-2012) Sufi sheikh, spiritual leader)
  3. Syed Masood Kausar ((b.1938) Pakistani politician)
  4. Said Nuri ((1947-2006) Tajik politician)
  5. Saud al-Faisal ((1940-2015) Saudi statesman, diplomat, was Minister of Foreign Affairs for 40 years)
  6. Saad Jumaa ((1916-1979) Jordanian writer, translator, statesman, diplomat)
  7. Saad Mishaal al-Harthi ((born 1984) Saudi footballer)
  8. Said Saif Asaad ((born 1979) birth name - Angel Popov; Qatari weightlifter, bronze medalist of the 2000 Olympic Games, winner of gold at the 2003 World Championships)
  9. Saad-ed-din, Khoja Effendi ((1536/1537-1599) Ottoman statesman, author of a valuable historical source on early Turkish history, historiographer)
  10. Sadoola ((1272/1300-1355) Chinese poet, artist and calligrapher, Uighur by origin. His poems are a rich source of information about the Yuan era.) Shaad Randhawa ((b.1978) Indian actor)

A person’s name is a kind of unique code that foretells a certain fate for him. It is very important to understand the interpretation of your name, as it may contain clues that will help you survive misfortunes more easily and get more pleasure from joyful events. What does the name Said mean? It's worth looking into.

Meaning of the name Saida

Saida - “happy”, “happy”. The meaning of the name Saida has a short form - this is Saya, Saidushka, Ida. The zodiac sign that protects such a girl is Leo. The number that controls the name is one. This is the beginning, an easy start.

Such girls are easy-going, they are always ready for new discoveries and new achievements. Said’s name day does not answer, since in the Christian tradition there is no saint of the same name. Moreover, the name is widespread in Europe.

Origin and history of the name Said

What does the name Said mean? happy" It is of Tatar origin and that is why at first it did not take root very well in Europe. It was believed that babies named by this name could easily overcome all the vicissitudes of fate, therefore, if girls were born into a noble family, they were often called Saids.

The origin and history of the name Said have quite ancient roots, which suggests that it is of mixed origin. Some historians insist that the name is of Turkic origin and literally means “ illuminated" Such children are often long-awaited and beloved.

The character and fate of Saida

Saida has a rather strong-willed character, which can manifest itself in different ways in different situations. On the one hand, having strong-willed character traits and the makings of a leader, it will not be difficult for a girl to overcome life’s trials and remain happy.

On the other hand, she can be overly impulsive and thereby alienate not only the opposite sex, but also the people who love her. She often gets angry at others for no particular reason, is often capricious and requires special attention even at an older age.

She is impulsive and therefore not entirely successful in business, where you need to plan ahead and calculate every step. She does not know how to lead because her character lacks flexibility, she constantly finds reasons to be sad and this affects her subordinates.

As a subordinate, she will show all her strengths of character and will significantly win over her colleagues, since she grasps everything on the fly. It is enough for her to explain once how to do this or that job and she simply grasps it on the fly. She strives to constantly learn and improve herself. That is why she is a valuable employee who will be treasured.

It's not easy being with her in a team. She constantly strives to dominate and subordinate to her will, which leads to unnecessary pressure on her subordinates. She does not know how to show flexibility and selectivity. Colleagues are strict with her because they do not trust and envy Saida. She seems to them a hypocritical impudent, but experienced and wise employees see her as an extremely valuable employee. She cooperates well with men, it is easy for her to find a common language with them and agree on the nuances of the matter.

A partner can completely rely on Saida, since for the sake of the common good she is even ready to make a sacrifice. Money is in some way secondary for her, since she strives more for recognition and self-realization, but she will never refuse additional profit.

Positive character traits of Saida:



Wide range of interests;


Unfortunately, Saida does not always restrain her emotions and is not always able to make concessions and find a compromise. Sometimes her ambitions lead to inflated self-esteem and inflated demands on others. She often enjoys the trust of loved ones and at the same time pursues her own personal selfish goals.

It is believed that Saids born in winter have a more impulsive and eccentric character, while Girls born in summer are more rational and flexible, they are more accustomed to trusting their intuition and relying on their own experience. Summer Saids are more creative individuals, they love to give light and emotions to people.

Saida's Love

Saida's character and fate suggest that girl strives for freedom both physical and spiritual. She is not in a hurry to get married early and is not in a hurry to become a mother early. Saida is not inclined to submit to the vicissitudes of fate; she prefers to experiment and rebuild her life to suit herself.

Saida loves everything ingenious and new. She is impressed by professions related to creativity, therefore she is looking for a life partner with a rather non-standard worldview. A girl always has a lot of fans, but men with serious intentions do the opposite. She is increasingly inclined to believe that a calm, balanced man without any special ambitions will suit her.

Saida loves with his soul and seeks return from his life partner. She is a possessive woman, so she is jealous not only of her husband, but also of her son. At the same time, this jealousy does not become pathological and in no way prevents her from building a trusting relationship with her other half. Saida's man is always in the spotlight, he is not deprived of love and passion, on the contrary, his life is filled with joyful moments.

Saida not inclined to a second marriage, unless the first one becomes an early experiment. If the man around her is patient and loving, then she will be incredibly happy and filled with joy. She will be able to calmly move forward in life, supporting her life partner.

Saida - has exquisite beauty, she exudes calm and poise. This girl always finds a way out of a difficult situation and never gets discouraged over trifles. Having such a friend, you don’t have to worry about not being supported in difficult times. Saida always knows what her loved ones need and tries to give it to them in advance. She tries to provide their lives with everything they need, since she herself is happy that everyone around her is happy.

In the distant past, people, naming their newborn children, tried to put some special meaning into the name, charge it with the energy of higher powers and make it a kind of talisman. Many of the ancient names have not only survived to our time, but have also organically taken root in many cultures. One of these is the male name Said.

Name meaning, character

This name is Arabic in origin. But they give it to boys in many Muslim cultures. This version of the name is the most popular, but there are also similar options: Saud, Saad, Saadat, Asaad, Saadi, Saduddin, Masud, Sadullah. They all have similar or identical translations into Russian.

In addition to sonority, beauty and sufficient firmness of sound, the name Said has a very good meaning. Its meaning in translation from Arabic is “happy.” This name suits an active person with a strong character, who likes to take on difficult but interesting things for himself, and who is not alien to the spirit of competition. Such people always get their way. If a boy was born under the sign of Aquarius, Scorpio or Capricorn, then this name will suit him especially well.

Friendship and love

From an early age, the boy is distinguished by his sociability, but he does not allow everyone into his circle of confidants. Usually Said has several trusted friends who appear in childhood or adolescence, remaining for life. This person does not like conflicts with others, and resolves all disputes through diplomacy. At any age, communication with him leaves those around him with a feeling of calm, balance and harmony.

So the name Said fully justifies its meaning - its bearer often looks happy and contented. True, passions and contradictions may rage inside, but no one except those closest to you will be privy to them.

Said's love relationships are not easy. Being deep and affectionate by nature, he quickly becomes imbued with feelings and surrounds the girl with tender care. In return, he expects an equally strong response, or at least gratitude. But if Said receives neither one nor the other, he becomes depressed and withdraws into himself. If the relationship does not go smoothly, he is sincerely sad or jealous. In family relationships, he tends to suppress his wife. For one who bears the name Said, the meaning of “happy” will come true if he manages to find a soul mate who will accept this contradictory character as he is.

Profession and success

Since childhood, Said has been active, full of energy and resourceful. He likes to learn new things and try himself in different areas: study, sports, creativity, learning a foreign language. True, parents should not allow their son to take on several things at the same time - otherwise overwork is inevitable, followed by irritation and apathy.

The fate of the name Said endows a person with the ability to resolve conflicts peacefully, smooth out contradictions and reconcile those at war. With such abilities, you can succeed in any business where high-quality communication is necessary: ​​from a teacher to a diplomat. The professional activity of a businessman or scientist will be no less successful. The lucky name Said reveals its meaning in interesting, active activities aimed at creation. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s solo or team work.

What does the name Said mean?

This lucky name also has a feminine version, formed by adding the vowel sound “a” to the end of the word. This naming is very beautiful and melodious. It means “happy”, “lucky” and is suitable for an active, open, sociable girl born under the sign of Aquarius or Leo.

Saida quickly grasps new things, shows interest in music and dancing, and loves to make an impression. She always studies in detail the business she takes on, even if at first it did not arouse her enthusiasm. For this reason, she is able to achieve success in any chosen activity. But most of all, professions where she can show her natural artistry will suit her.

Saida: love and friendship

Adoring attention since childhood, she literally blossoms when in the company of people. Saida likes to impress and conquer. She is the soul of any family holiday, friendly or corporate party. People are drawn to her, sometimes without understanding why.

In love relationships, she is often proud and jealous, which means: the name Said creates a difficult fate for its owner. On the other hand, this girl has good taste and will certainly choose the best life partner. The ideal match for her would be a calm, patient person who would help her smooth out the contradictions in her character.

You can notice a lot of similarities between the names Said and Saida. Derived from the Arabic word for “happy,” they will certainly give their bearers a bright individual character and a life full of events.