
Birthstone by date of birth online. Talisman stones by date of birth - how to choose. What functions do talismans perform?

To protect your life from the interference of evil spirits and attract good luck, money, love and everything your heart desires. Our ancestors were no exception.

There is a certain type of Slavic amulets called “palaces” in honor of the 16 pagan zodiacs of that time. Each person had his own palace, to which a certain amulet belonged. These amulets were carefully protected and hidden from prying eyes, endowing them with great magical influence.

Slavic zodiac

The Old Slavic horoscope consists of 16 zodiac signs - palaces, which together form a complete annual cycle, called the Svarozh circle. This year begins in early spring.

The palaces received their name according to the Slavs’ idea that all zodiacs live in the huge heavenly palace of the god Svarog, in which everyone is allocated their own chambers - palaces. These were believed to be large spacious halls with high ceilings, decorated with gold and the colors of each sign. To calculate yours in the Slavic horoscope, just look at which palace your date of birth belongs to.

  • 20.09 – 12.10. First Hall - Virgo. The patron is the goddess of life and prosperity Jiva. This palace symbolizes the first birth, the acquisition of body and soul, the beginning of life itself. The apple tree is considered the sacred tree of Jiva, as a symbol of the unity of the family.
  • 12.10 – 3.11. Second Palace – Boar. The patron is the god of order and justice Ramhat. Indicates a person’s rejection of lies and hypocrisy. Many also call it the palace of judges; during this period, everyone gets what they deserve. The sacred tree is the pear, as a symbol of the equinox.
  • 3.11 – 24.11. Third Palace – Pike. The patron is the goddess-protector of pregnant women Rozhana. This period is associated with procreation, preservation of family values, and connection with ancestors. The sacred tree is the plum, which accumulates useful substances from the soil all year round in order to give them to people in the form of delicious sweet berries.
  • 24.11 – 17.12. Fourth Palace – Swan. The patron is the goddess of abundance Makosh. Harvest time. The goddess embodies the true feminine principle, is favorable to those whose work is closely connected with the earth, symbolizes a life of abundance and the prosperity of the family. The sacred tree is pine.
  • 17.12 – 8.01. Fifth Palace - Serpent. The patron is the god of fire Simargl. During this period, a person is able to learn true wisdom. The harvest is harvested, a person can sit down and calmly think about his own future, and begin to make plans for the next year. The sacred tree is the linden tree, which in ancient times was often called the “fire tree” because a decoction of its bark and inflorescences was used to treat those suffering from extreme heat.
  • 8.01 – 1.02. Sixth Hall – Raven. The patron is the goddess of fate and crossroads Kolyada. A time of change, idleness, Christmas and New Year's festivities. The sacred tree is larch, as a symbol of a new beginning.
  • 1.02 – 25.02. Seventh Palace – Bear. The patron is the supreme god of the pagan pantheon, Svarog. He was revered as the ruler of the universe, who created all living things around him, and the palace was associated with love and forgiveness. Those born at this time were distinguished by their sincerity and desire for self-sacrifice for the sake of loved ones.
  • 25.02 – 22.03. The eighth palace is Stork. Patron - god of family and hearth Rod. Symbolizes the power and connection of generations in each family, blood ties and procreation. This is a period of new beginnings that will soon bring the first profit. The sacred tree is willow.
  • 25.02 – 22.03. Ninth Hall – Wolf. The patron is the god of secret knowledge and the other world Veles. It's time to accept responsibility and consequences for past actions. The palace was associated with the patronage of domestic animals and communication with wildlife. The sacred tree is poplar.
  • 22.03 – 15.04. Tenth Hall – Fox. The patron is the goddess of winter snow, tranquility and eternity Marena. Madder is a prototype of the Snow Queen, familiar to us from Andersen's fairy tales. She plunged the earth into winter, giving people and the soil the opportunity to rest before the imminent spring work. Sacred tree - hornbeam.
  • 15.04 – 7.05. Eleventh Hall – Bull. The patron is the god of wisdom and prudence Kryshen. It was believed that Kryshen grazed huge herds of bulls in the heavenly domains of Svarog. He was described as a caring owner and an exemplary family man, who, if necessary, did not hesitate to take up the sword. The sacred tree is aspen.
  • 7.05 – 30.05. Twelfth Palace – Elk. The patron is the intercessor goddess Lada. The Old Slavs believed that the goddess helped young girls meet their destiny and maintained peace and harmony between members of the family. The sacred tree is birch.
  • 30.05 – 21.06. The Thirteenth Palace – Finist. The patron is the god of rage and justice Vyshen. He was portrayed as a warlike, gray-haired old man with a rather violent disposition, but honest and fair. The sacred tree is the cherry.
  • 21.06 – 13.07. Fourteenth Palace – Horse. The patron is the god of joy and good luck Kupala. This palace fell during the hottest summer time of the year, when every day people enjoyed the bright sun and were on the eve of the harvest. The sacred tree is the elm.
  • 13.07 – 4.08. Fifteenth Palace - Eagle. The patron is the god of lightning and wars Perun. Time for weddings and starting a family. This period was marked by simple daily duties and noisy folk festivals. The sacred tree is oak, as a symbol of power and prosperity.
  • 4.08 – 28.08. Sixteenth Hall – Lynx. The patron is the keeper of knowledge and protector from evil spirits Dazhdbog. This is the last palace that closes the entire cycle of the Svarog circle. His time was designated as the last days of rest and peace before the hard autumn work and the beginning of preparations for the cold winter. The sacred tree is ash.

How to choose a talisman?

To determine your Slavic amulet, you need to know in which palace you were born. Each zodiac in such a horoscope carries certain character and personality traits for each person. You cannot wear a talisman of someone else’s palace - this can negatively affect your life balance, since the energies of various cycles, yours and the amulet’s, will never be able to agree with each other.

Before choosing one for yourself, familiarize yourself with its main functions in a person’s life. Some amulets require additional activation or recharging. If you were born at the junction of two palaces, then you should listen to your intuition and your subconscious.

You can move away from a specific zodiac and give preference to amulets that symbolize the seasons of the Svarozh cycle. Study the characters and descriptions of the signs in each of them, you will immediately understand which one will be closer to you.

Which amulet is right for me?

Each amulet according to the Slavic horoscope was depicted in the form of a small plate on which a circle was depicted, with three equilateral triangles enclosed in it, intertwined in the form of a pentagram. In the center of the circle was the symbol of the zodiac, to which the amulet belongs. Such amulets were made from wood, copper or silver.

To choose your talisman, you need to know your date of birth and which palace you belong to.

Wearing rules

To begin with, you need to remember that if you buy a Slavic amulet in a store, then it must be freed from the imprint of someone else’s energy. After all, until the moment it came to you, it was held in the hands of more than one person - this is the master manufacturer, the delivery service, and so on.

To cleanse the talisman, wait until the full moon and place it in a glass of cold water overnight., after adding three pinches of salt to it. After this, you should always carry the amulet with you or store it at the head of the bed.

You cannot wear Slavic on leather laces or bone pendants. These materials symbolize death and destruction. The energetic impact of the amulet on your life may be completely opposite to what you expected. If you want to wear the talisman around your neck, then hang it on a woolen thread.

The symbol of the patron of the palace will help strengthen the effect of the amulet to which it belongs. For example, if you wear the amulet of the Wolf's palace, then attach a wolf fang to it, a feather is suitable for the Raven's palace amulet, and so on.

If you purchased a silver or copper amulet, then before putting it on, burn it in the fire for a few seconds. This will give him the ability to not only protect your family happiness and attract good luck, but also help take care of your physical and mental health.

An amulet made from natural minerals has long been considered one of the best amulets for a person. It has already been proven that each stone has its own healing properties and has a beneficial effect on human health. Such amulets are selected according to the zodiac sign, date of birth, name and other characteristics of the person. Esotericists and magicians say that a correctly chosen stone can change both a person and his destiny for the better.

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      How to choose a talisman according to your zodiac sign?

      Astrologers claim that certain properties of minerals depend on the position of the Sun, Moon and other planets in the zodiac constellations - each stone receives those vibrations from space that are suitable only for a certain zodiac sign. They protect their owner from misfortunes and illnesses, becoming a kind of talisman for him. The first tables of correspondence between semi-precious and precious minerals and zodiacal constellations were compiled in the Middle Ages. In the modern world, these tables have been appreciated and refined by the International Jewelry Association.

      • To select the right stone, you need to pay attention not only to its belonging to a particular zodiac sign, but also to its shape. This parameter affects the manifestation of medicinal properties.


        People belonging to this sign have leadership qualities and strong energy. They can immerse themselves in work, but they lack the patience to see it through to completion; Aries are also angry and unrestrained. Their violent temperament and energy need to be controlled, so the following stone options are suitable for them as an amulet:

    1. 1. Diamond - will help Aries become more diligent and concentrate in order to complete things. An additional benefit will be the ability of the stone to instill determination and confidence in the owner.
    2. 2. Ruby - will pacify the violent temper of Aries, making them kinder, more restrained and more generous. This option is ideal for both women and men.
    3. 3. Amethyst - will allow Aries to become more peaceful, relax, and get rid of unnecessary negativity.
    4. 4. Sapphire - makes the owner more reasonable and wise.
    5. 5. Rock crystal - will add the missing sensitivity and tact to Aries, allowing you to better understand people.
    6. 6. Agate - suitable for young students, it will teach them to focus on their studies and self-discipline. The best options are red, orange, yellow colored stones.

    Only red and green garnets are suitable for Aries men. For married women, a green diamond is ideal, for unmarried women - zircon or red jasper.


    Individuals born under this sign are very decisive, reliable in family life and straightforward. They love beautiful things and comfort, but they are stubborn. Due to their soft character, it is difficult for them to resist other signs, so when choosing talismans, Taurus should pay attention to the following stones:

    1. 1. Chrysoprase - will relieve fears and doubts , will make a person bold and self-confident. The stone, which is worn on the left hand, protects its owner from nervous diseases.
    2. 2. Emerald - gives Taurus wisdom, relieves depression and fills them with joy.
    3. 3. Agate - gives the owner prosperity and longevity, enhances the creative qualities of the individual (this only applies to light shades), is especially useful for women. If the color of the agate is black, then it is better for a man to wear it - in this case, the person will be protected from negativity and dark forces, and will also become more confident.
    4. 4. Turquoise - suitable for purposeful individuals and helps them complete their tasks. Attracts income and helps in risky situations. Ideal for girls as a symbol of true love.
    5. 5. Malachite (light green) - absorbs negativity, protecting its owner from the evil eye and damage. Helps the owner to free himself from grievances and bad thoughts.


    These people are creative and know how to make the right decisions at the right time. They are endowed with good intelligence, but are very restless and therefore do not complete things. Routine is unacceptable for them - most of all they need communication, but those around them are sometimes put off by their fussiness and optionality. In this case, the following will help:

    1. 1. Alexandrite – gives strength, relieves depression and negative energy. Changing color, this mineral indicates the health status of its owner.
    2. 2. Agate - helps Gemini control emotions, fills them with energy, patience and perseverance, and also protects them from envy and anger. This stone is considered a source of longevity.
    3. 3. Beryl – adds positive energy and strength to the owner, instills confidence, improves mental abilities and protects on the go. It also helps in achieving the goal.
    4. 4. Prehnite – helps to overcome difficulties.
    5. 5. Citrine (lemon yellow) - makes a person more attentive, protects against rash actions, and helps in business.
    6. 6. Carnelian - suitable for creative people, improves health.


    Cancer is an extraordinary, sensitive and vulnerable person, prone to introspection. The following stones are suitable for such individuals:

    1. 1. Emerald - will allow you to control emotions, overcome stiffness, discover hidden talents and improve your financial situation.
    2. 2. Apatite - will relieve excessive sensitivity and touchiness.
    3. 3. Sodalite - will improve the imagination necessary for creative work and help find a way out of difficult situations.
    4. 4. Moonstone - makes people more confident and sociable.
    5. 5. Yellow chrysoberyl or green quartz (the so-called “cat’s eye”) - will help you achieve success in your career.


    Since childhood, Leos are very confident people who can easily achieve their goals. For their strong character and powerful energy, the following are suitable:

    1. 1. Ruby – strengthens and preserves health.
    2. 2. Citrine – instills calm in a person and helps to achieve inner balance.
    3. 3. Chrysolite - will help in communication, make Lviv more diplomatic and teach them to listen to the opinions of others.
    4. 4. Heliodor - increases the thirst for knowledge, develops organizational skills. For Lionesses, heliodor is the key to happiness and family well-being.
    5. 5. Tourmaline - eliminates fears and dissatisfaction with oneself, helps to find a preferred direction in creativity.


    Representatives of this sign love the attention of others and are distinguished by exceptional self-confidence. The following stones are suitable for them:

    1. 1. Rhodochrosite - reveals in Virgos the organizational abilities that they have from birth.
    2. 2. Jasper - will help you establish relationships with people and make friends.
    3. 3. Chrysolite - will reveal natural beauty, add femininity and softness.
    4. 4. Jade - will protect the owner from the negative influences of the external environment, add excitement and bring success to business.
    5. 5. Pearls (pink, yellow) - pacifies, softens the rigidity of character, ensures financial well-being.
    6. 6. Onyx - replenishes energy and strength, protects against stress and depression.


    Very unpredictable personalities, characterized by frequent mood swings. The following will help calm the emotions of this sign and make changes in character:

    1. 1. Aquamarine - will ensure harmony and balance in life, give confidence and determination, strengthen feelings between lovers.
    2. 2. Tourmaline – develops creative thinking, balances dark and light energies in the sign’s representative and develops creative abilities.
    3. 3. Opal - strengthens self-confidence, helps overcome laziness and concentrate.
    4. 4. Diamond is the best option for Libra, which helps to gain a certain status in society.
    5. 5. Diamond - will help you make important decisions on your own.


    These are very complex individuals who have an extraordinary mind. The best option for pacifying their hot temper and developing positive qualities would be:

    1. 1. Aquamarine - will remove hot temper and help establish friendly relationships with others.
    2. 2. Pomegranate – develops qualities such as perseverance, willpower, love.
    3. 3. Opal - will help in making the right decisions and concentrating.
    4. 4. Aventurine – relieves anger and irritability, improves well-being and mood.


    These people have an active life position, do not like conflicts and easily make contact with people, but they are very lazy and temperamental. The following stones are suitable for Sagittarius:

    1. 1. Turquoise – attracts good luck and helps you achieve your goals.
    2. 2. Chrysolite - gives balance and self-control to its owner, teaches tact and self-respect.
    3. 3. Topaz - allows you to cope with excessive perseverance, and also attracts money and preserves youth.


    Representatives of this sign are very hardworking, have an ardent temperament and move towards their intended goal, no matter what. Best suited for Capricorns:

    1. 1. Onyx - helps to gain the respect of colleagues.
    2. 2. Ruby – attracts prosperity, love, inspires confidence and enhances positive qualities.
    3. 3. Opal – protects from troubles and eliminates negativity accumulated in the process of communication. This mineral also opens the way to self-realization, which is very important for Capricorns.


    Such people always get along well with others, but it is very difficult for them to establish close relationships, so they have few close friends. Suitable for Aquarius:

    1. 1. Amethyst – restores energy and strength, removes isolation and fatigue.
    2. 2. Sapphire – develops intuition, helps to find purpose, gives perseverance and wisdom.
    3. 3. Zircon - improves memory, brings inspiration, reveals talents and increases the thirst for knowledge. The stone also charges you with confidence and optimism, allowing you to cope with any difficulties. This amulet helps single women find a life partner.
    4. 4. Citrine – activates and enhances all the best qualities of Aquarius.


    Very creative and independent people who are able to overcome any adversity. They easily adapt to their environment, but can be compliant. Best suited for Pisces:

    1. 1. Amethyst – harmonizes all areas of life and attracts good luck.
    2. 2. Aquamarine is the main amulet for Pisces, which helps in the fight against inconstancy, gives love and prosperity.
    3. 3. Aventurine – enhances perseverance, strengthens willpower, gives joy and a positive outlook on things.

    There may be cases when a person does not like any of the stones indicated for his zodiac sign. Then you need to listen to your intuition and choose an amulet at your discretion, having previously learned the esoteric properties of all minerals. Otherwise, the acquired talisman will become a stumbling block, and not a talisman, because negative character traits can also be strengthened.

    Some stones can only be worn during the full and waning moon, others - only during the waxing one. Each of the natural minerals requires individual care and treatment (for example, rock crystal must be cleansed once a month from accumulated negative energy using water and salt).

    Selecting a stone by name

    It has long been known that a name can influence the character and destiny of a person - like stones, it has its own energy and characteristics. In order for a person to develop harmoniously, the amulet is selected according to the table of names and stones. It will help a person cope with a violent temper, and also change his fate for the better.

    The table of names and stones is given below.

    First letter of name Women's names and their corresponding talismans Male names and their corresponding talismans
    AAgatha - heliodor; Alevtina – chrysolite; Ada – blue topaz; Alexandra – “cat’s eye”; Alena - jadeite, emerald, jade; Alexandra - aventurine, garnet, alexandrite; Alina – sapphire, rose quartz; Alla - turquoise; Alice – lapis lazuli; Albina – mother of pearl; Anastasia – fluorite, opal, obsidian, chrysoprase; Amalia – topaz; Angela – opal; Anna – citrine, amber, hematite, carnelian; Angelina - turquoise, peridot, lapis lazuli; Antonina – rauchtopaz; Arina - tourmaline, chalcedony, diopsideAlexander – argillite, alexandrite, chrysoprase, rauchtopaz, turquoise; Abram - sapphire; Anatoly – black agate; Alexey – chrysoprase; Andrey – amethyst, citrine, andalusite, onyx, amber; Arkady – topaz; Anton - amethyst; Artem – turquoise
    BBronislava - opal; Bella - topazBronislav - ruby; Boris - pomegranate
    INValeria – agate, amethyst; Valentina – amazonite, olivine, amber, carnelian; Vera - jasper, ruby; Varvara – jet, malachite, ruby; Veronica – tourmaline, sapphire, rose quartz; Vasilisa – garnet, rhodolite; Violetta – spinel; Victoria – variscite, coral, azuriteVladimir - carnelian, green jasper, emerald, heliotrope; Victor - corundum, smoky quartz, selenite, olivine; Vadim – zircon; Valery – rhodolite, garnet; Vsevolod – blue topaz; Valentine - citrine; Veniamin – onyx; Vasily – aquamarine; Vitaly - emerald; Vladislav – rose quartz; Vyacheslav – sapphire
    GGalina - jade, hyacinth, aventurine; Helena – zirconGennady – rock crystal; Gabriel - pomegranate; German - malachite; George – amethyst; Gleb – black agate; Gregory – coral
    DDaria – jadeite, diamond, obsidian, citrine; Diana – rock crystal, zircon, golden topaz; Darina – chrysoberylDenis - jadeite, malachite, aventurine, amber, spinel; Dmitry - agate, lapis lazuli, topaz, aventurine, dioptase; Demyan – chrysolite; Danila – rock crystal
    EEvgeniya – beryl, jadeite, rubellite, aventurine; Eve - ruby; Ekaterina - lapis lazuli, rauchtopaz; Evdokia – alexandrite, corundum; Elena – opal, tiger eye, jadeite, carnelian; Ekaterina – pearls; Elizabeth – turquoise, charoite, carnelian, olivineEgor – zircon; Evgeniy – chrysolite; Elisha – topaz; Efim – tourmaline; Eremey – spinel
    ANDZhanna - "Hawkeye"
    ZZoya – emerald; Zinaida - pomegranate
    ANDIrina - opal, topaz, coral, pearls; Inna - emerald, jade, garnet, diamond; Isabella – topaz; Yvette – sapphire; Inga - pearlIgor - malachite; Ivan - rose quartz, corundum, moonstone, beryl, amazonite; Ilya - obsidian; Ignat - black agate; Joseph - opal; Hippolyte - chrysolite; Innocent - serpentine
    TOKarina – jasper, eudialyte, chrysolite, quartz; Kira – zircon; Clara – chrysoprase; Carolina – citrine; Claudia - amber; Christina – andalusite, onyx, carnelian; Ksenia – chalcedony, blue topazKlim - pomegranate; Kirill – amethyst; Kuzma – zircon; Konstantin – hematite
    LLarisa – turquoise, black agate, aventurine; Lydia – jet, malachite, amethyst; Lily – jasper, rhodonite; Love – lapis lazuli, turquoise, chalcedony; Louise – spinel; Lyudmila – alexandrite, sapphire, white agateLeo - sapphire; Laurel – chrysolite; Luka – rose quartz; Leonid – citrine
    MMarina - mother of pearl, amethyst; Maria - carnelian, pomegranate; Margarita - "tiger's eye", pearlMaxim - emerald; Matvey – sapphire; Makar – pomegranate; Mark – rock crystal; Michael – aquamarine
    NNadezhda – rose quartz, agate; Natalia – obsidian, malachite, beryl; Nellie - beryl; Nastya - fluorite, malachite; Nina – smoky quartz, jasper, amber; Nonna - coralNikita - carnelian, garnet, citrine, hematite; Nicholas - padparadscha, alexandrite, hyacinth, heliotrope; Nazar - ruby; Nestor – topaz; Nikifor - heliodor; Nahum - emerald
    ABOUTOksana – chalcedony, chrysolite, citrine; Olga – tourmaline, carnelian; Olesya – aventurine, opalOleg – topaz, garnet, turquoise, pearls, carnelian
    PPolina – onyx, jade, selenite; Praskovya – amberPeter - rauchtopaz; Pavel – garnet, opal, ruby, bull’s eye, blood jasper; Prokhor – olivine; Plato - pomegranate
    RRegina – golden topaz; Rose - citrine; Raisa – moonstone; Rimma - "cat's eye"Robert – sapphire; Roman – moonstone, amethyst, obsidian, agate; Ruslan – opal, aventurine, topaz, onyx; Rodion - rock crystal; Rostislav – citrine
    WITHSvetlana – coral, rock crystal, rhodonite; Sofia - rose quartz, lapis lazuli; Seraphim – spinel; Snezhana - pearls; Stanislava – coral; Sophia - amber; Stella - topazSemyon – aquamarine; Svyatoslav - pomegranate; Sergey – tourmaline, chalcedony, spinel, lapis lazuli; Samson – zircon; Seraphim - chrysolite
    TTatyana – jet, rauchtopaz, “tiger eye”; Taisiya – pomegranate; Tamara – sapphireTimofey - citrine; Taras – rauchtopaz; Timur - amber; Trofim - pomegranate; Tryphon – olivine
    UUlyana - topaz, rhodolite
    FFaina – quartzFelix - ruby; Philip – opal; Fedor - pomegranate; Thomas - malachite
    EEleanor – ruby; Edita - pomegranate; Emilia - turquoise; Elvira – pearls; Emma – rhodonite; Elsa – heliodorEmil – mother of pearl; Edward - sapphire
    YuJulia – emerald, lapis lazuli, jadeiteYuri – jade; Julian – turquoise
    IYana – citrine, cat's eye, jasperYaroslav - sapphire; Yakov – chrysolite.
    Golden topaz, opal, ruby, red coral 2, 11,20, 29 Green opal, jade, cat's eye, pearl, tiger's eye 3, 12, 21, 30 Amethyst, topaz, emerald, coral 4, 13, 22, 31 Diamond, aquamarine, sapphire, garnet, opal 5, 14, 23 Diamond, white sapphire, zircon 6, 15, 24 Green opal, beryl, peridot, aquamarine, emerald 7, 16, 25 Pearl, moonstone, tiger eye, opal 8, 17, 26 Gray and red-brown opal, blue sapphire, lapis lazuli 9, 18, 27 Garnet, coral, ruby, red opal.

    By month of birth.

    You can also select a stone according to the time of year (you should take into account when the person was born).

    For a stone to become a talisman, you need to love it. If the stone that was found in the table does not suit the person’s feel or does not appeal to him, then it is better to choose something else.

    By date of birth, you can find not only a talisman for a person, but also a suitable flower, tree and totem animal. To do this, you should use the Druid Horoscope, which indicates the meanings of each plant and the magical properties of totems.

    It is worth remembering that positive changes manifest themselves differently for everyone - it depends on the properties of the chosen stone. Don't expect big miracles from just one copy. Often you need to select not one, but several stones at once - only then the effect will intensify, and each amulet will cause positive changes in life. For miracles to happen for sure, you need not only to purchase stones, but also to take an active life position, because “water does not flow under a lying stone.”

    Human nature tends to change with age under the pressure of certain life circumstances, according to which preferences also change. It is possible that at some point there will be a desire to choose a new talisman - this is a natural process. Contact with the world of natural minerals allows a person not only to find well-being, but also to gain useful spiritual knowledge.

Since ancient times, people have used the power of gemstones to help them in their lives. They were used to make amulets, talismans, and jewelry that were designed to protect a person from everything negative, as well as attract good luck and prosperity. It is important to identify exactly those stones by date of birth that are ideal as amulets.

Intuition and experience of generations

Previously, the selection of a talisman took place on an intuitive level, a person chose what he liked best. In such cases, errors of choice often occurred, and the stone not only did not protect its owner, but also harmed him. Minerals, like people, have their own characteristics and character, so making friends with them is extremely important.

Selecting a talisman stone by date of birth is the most correct approach.

Time of birth

However, choosing a talisman stone based on your date of birth does not guarantee an accurate match. The time in which a person was born is very important for choosing an amulet.

At night - considered to be the hours from ten in the evening to five in the morning local time - creative individuals with extraordinary abilities are born. Such people are patronized by the Moon and Venus, they are very attached to their family and loved ones, easy-going and lucky:

  • Moonstone, opal, zirconium, turquoise and garnet are good choices for women of the night;
  • Tiger eye, peridont, ruby, jade will help men;
  • Peridot and diamond will bring misfortune to all those born at night.

Children born early in the morning - from five to eleven o'clock local time - in the future show themselves to be punctual and business people. They are extremely responsible, careful and even somewhat pedantic, very purposeful and know what they want from life:

  • For women born in the morning, coral, sapphire, opal, cat's eye and emerald are suitable;
  • Peridot, turquoise, garnet, amethyst and amber will help men achieve their goals;
  • Malachite and pearls are completely unsuitable for morning birds.

Those born in the middle of the day - between eleven and four o'clock local time - are likely to become activists. These are positive people who are the soul of the company and have strong leadership qualities. They are difficult to lead astray and upset, they believe in themselves and their strengths:

People who came into this world in the evening - from four to ten in the evening local time - are very calm and balanced. They are peacemakers and have a sober outlook on life and problems. It is difficult to shake the calm of such people and make them nervous:

  • For women born in the evening, peridont, amethyst, crystal, and topaz will help.
  • Garnet, zircon, spinel, amber and malachite are good choices for men.
  • For those born in the evening, it is better not to use moonstone and opal as a talisman.

Date of birth

In order to understand which stone is suitable for your date of birth, you should know that the determining factor here is not only the specific day of the month, but also whether this number is even or not.

People who were born on an even number, have additional heavenly protection. They are more balanced and firm in their decisions, carefully consider all actions and events, trying to avoid mistakes. Amber, topaz, amethyst, tiger's eye, garnet, and carnelian will serve as a good assistant for such people.

Those who was born under an odd number, feelings are more important than worldly problems. They are attentive to their friends, family and loved ones and easily sacrifice material wealth for the well-being of others. For such people, emerald, malachite, coral, zirconium, moonstone, hyacinth, and tourmaline will be an excellent amulet.

The number 13 is considered magical, and people born on this day have unusual, mystical abilities. The patrons of these people will be hematite, sodalite, malachite. It is better not to use turquoise, lapis lazuli and carnelian.

Month of birth

The month of a person’s birth plays an important role in his destiny and the formation of his character. You should remember how to find out your birthstone by date of birth, taking into account the month. The talisman is calculated according to the old style, that is, plus 14 days to the date:

Each stone has its own character and its own strength. When choosing a talisman, you need to rely on intuition and inner feelings. It is important not only to understand how to recognize your talisman by date of birth, but also how to handle it. You cannot re-gift or throw away stones that served as a talisman.

If suddenly it is damaged or broken, you should bury the stone where no one walks. The power of stones will help every person, you just need to be able to see and find it.

Even when our ancestors lived in a tribe, they believed that everyone had their own helper animal, which they just had to find and then turn to in difficult times. That is why they made things with a totem animal and wore them on their chests. Animals in accordance with the palace in the Svarozh circle.

Now astrology has proven that you can recognize your animal by its zodiac sign. After painstaking work, they managed to calculate their own patron for each representative. We will tell you about which constellation which totem is suitable for and in our article.

Capricorn was born under Saturn, element - Earth. Capricorns are practical and purposeful, so a black cat is their faithful companion and protector. Like Capricorn, the cat protects its possessions from evil eyes and small pests. And Capricorns themselves have some kind of mystical connection with the black cat, since they always get along well.

You can get yourself a cat - this will be ideal, since a pet is the strongest possible protector. But if there is no desire or opportunity, then you should buy a pendant, get a tattoo, or at least put a figurine in your room.

There is another amulet for the representative of this constellation - the turtle. The clumsy and slow animal nevertheless carries within itself great vitality (since they live for hundreds of years) and have limitless wisdom. The description suits Capricorn perfectly to his lifestyle. In addition, a figurine of a turtle in Japan is considered a symbol of prosperity and suits everyone, so placing a figurine or hanging a picture will be very useful.

It is clear that a goat will also be a good totem - it increases vital energy.

You can't have a baby goat as a pet, but a figurine, image or pendant won't hurt.


Despite the name, Aquarians are airy, so they constantly want freedom and change. The best amulet for Aquarius is something with wings. They help you feel inner peace and motivation to do great things.

A good amulet with wings for representatives of this constellation are figurines of birds or angels. Even an airplane will do if you are choosing a protective item for a teenager or little boy. A live bird will also work very powerfully for Aquarius representatives.


Pisces are incredibly creative. Their element gives them the opportunity to branch out, try many things, float back and forth, try different styles and invent something of their own. But at the same time, fish often go with the flow, adapt to circumstances, and therefore they do not always succeed in what is important.

Of course, for Pisces the best amulet is fish. You can choose a necklace, a figurine, or even an aquarium with live fish. They calm you down, give you the opportunity to escape and live in some other world, and this is exactly what this sign needs.


Aries is pure fire - vain but optimistic, stubborn and driven but impulsive. They are not without a sense of humor and charm, which allows them to enjoy resounding success with the opposite sex.

But Aries, as bright personalities, still do not stop looking for magical help from outside, so quite often you can hear from them: “So what animal is my talisman?” There is nothing simpler - the name itself contains a hint. This, of course, can be not only a ram or a sheep, but also any horned animal, for example, a goat or a deer. They will also serve faithfully, especially if you place them in areas where you feel weak or need help - at work, at home, etc.


Taurus is associated with the element of Earth. He always achieves what he set out to do, solves all the difficulties that confront him, because he is very hardworking. It is pleasant to communicate with him, as he has a good sense of humor, a calmness that attracts people, and friendliness that lies behind a wide, pleasant smile.

The disadvantage is short temper. If something out of the ordinary happens, Taurus will go crazy, become a real bull in a bullfight and will not say hello to anyone who gets in his way.

The animal mascot is, of course, a bull. You can wear it as a chest decoration. It not only looks good and original, but also helps you achieve your goals and protects you from bad thoughts and evil eyes.

And also animal mascots for Taurus - an eagle owl or an owl. But they work rather for peace of mind and harmony in the family.


They belong to the element of Air. These people are usually very optimistic, creative, with incredible intuition and great optimism and vital energy. At the same time, they are vulnerable and touchy, capable of great sincerity in love and really need their feelings to be answered. That is why they are good psychologists.

The talisman for the sign of Gemini is, first of all, a wise raven. It develops excellent intuition, promotes the development of memory and thinking abilities.

You should contact him for help if:

  • nerves are on edge;
  • I don’t want to decide anything;
  • concentration is urgently needed;
  • faith in your abilities is necessary;
  • I urgently need some sign from above that would explain the situation and suggest the right way out.

In such a situation, the raven may even develop supernatural abilities and reveal your magical side.

For Gemini, it motivates to work, clears the brain of sad thoughts, inspires hope and gives inner peace and the feeling that your purpose on earth has not yet been fulfilled. The Elephant influences Gemini like a cup of delicious coffee and a pleasant conversation.


Cancer's element is Water. This is a subtle and sensitive person with amazing psychic abilities. He feels people subtly and knows how to keep secrets. He knows how to figure out others, but he himself is very secretive.

If you are asking which animal is your astrological assistant, pay attention to funny hamsters and rabbits. Another excellent choice would be cats, elephants and other totems that are characterized by caring for others and their offspring.

The most important thing is not to choose anything dull and too calm - no turtles, crayfish, or fish.


The Noble Leo carries the symbol of fire and sun. Leos are strong and noble people; they prefer to solve their problems alone, do not trust many people and often close themselves off from their families.

According to the horoscope, as in the wild, Leo is the king of animals, formidable and powerful, cruel even to those closest to him. A peace-loving ladybug will help pacify his character. Wear it as a decoration, keychain, or place a figurine, and notice how sharp character traits smooth out.

For Leos, especially females, this cannot be overstated. By buying yourself a pendant or brooch, you can reduce the repulsive power and increase sexuality.


Virgo is an earth sign. She is hardworking and practical. Adheres to the rules and laws, creates a family of convenience. He is very worried about his health and often runs to hospitals. Her decisions are clearly thought out, she waits for a reaction from those she helps, she is not talkative and keeps her plans secret.

A talisman for Virgo should be light and weightless - a grasshopper or a swallow. You can have them as pets or purchase a talisman for Virgo in the form of a figurine of these totems. Living in a house where a swallow has built a nest is the best thing one can wish for this sign, because he will be constantly protected.

In addition, gaining wisdom in difficult moments will help, which will be simply invaluable for the hypochondriac Virgo. It will give the owner the opportunity to look at what is happening from the true side, be it health or a difficult situation.


Libra belongs to the air element. They appreciate beauty, constantly preen themselves, and therefore love to receive compliments. They are a little unsure of themselves, but always remain calm. They have a good sense of humor, which often helps resolve conflicts.

For the zodiac signs Libra, the totem is the Peacock, who also loves to admire himself. You can put a feather in your room or buy a bright painting with this bird of paradise. A fox or dolphin will also protect Libra from adversity.


“Water” Scorpio is the most mysterious sign. Possessing the strongest intuition, but at the same time they are vulnerable, and therefore almost always attack first, regardless of whether there is a real danger or not. With such emotional behavior they often hurt loved ones.

Good pets for those born under this constellation will be snakes, beetles, scorpions and spiders.

They are also intimidating, but if you behave carefully with them, they can even become loyal protectors.

But this is not the only option for totems. Including you can choose:

  • The bear as a talisman will develop internal potential. By choosing, for example, you will be able to use it to learn how to overcome difficulties, as well as protect yourself from the evil eye.
  • The bird will improve family relationships and open the heart to love and harmony.
  • Gazelle will energize and motivate.
  • The wolf will help you understand what you need to do next in life.
  • The shark will give you strength in overcoming difficulties. For the best effect, choose for Scorpio to conquer your weaknesses. But you shouldn’t be particularly zealous with wearing it, since having strong energy, it will begin to emphasize some of the aggressiveness characteristic of the sign.

You can get yourself all these figures and periodically turn to each of them with a specific problem.


Sagittarius relates to fire. He is ambitious, impulsive, makes spontaneous decisions and often regrets it later. But nevertheless, Sagittarius is famous for its generosity, ambition, and love of love - no one can take away these positive qualities. All astrologers agree that Sagittarius behave like the king of beasts - lions. They love to manage their pride in the same way, but they do not always think about the decision and often destroy their relatives.

It is very interesting that Leo is not a very good talisman by date of birth for Sagittarius. Good fit - Partridge. It balances character, gives love, peace and harmony to the family. If you want wealth, then buy a wooden figurine of a deer (just under no circumstances have antlers!). If you are going on a trip, then take with you an image of wandering birds - a goose or an eagle.


But not only the right animal can become your assistant. Pay attention to the definition of plant and. By collecting all the talismans together you can achieve greater results than individually.

In today's troubled world, people often look for things that will symbolize the fulfillment of desires, strengthen faith in oneself and one's capabilities, give a restful sleep and protect from adversity. As a rule, people start looking for amulets, amulets and talismans. According to custom, such things should be made from natural materials: wood, stones, some types of metals and natural fabrics.

It is very important to choose the right amulet for yourself. Usually stones are chosen according to zodiac signs, by date of birth. Suitable stones for Gemini women by date of birth may absolutely not be suitable for women of other zodiac signs. It is also important to remember the name a person bears. This article will help you choose the right stone by date of birth and name.

Magic of stones

Before choosing stones based on your date of birth, you need to understand the difference between an amulet, a talisman and a talisman. The choice of jewelry that will contain the desired stone will depend on this knowledge.

The amulet protects its owner from possible misfortunes. Usually amulets are worn openly. These, for example, could be:

  • Beads.
  • Earrings.
  • Rings.
  • Bracelets.
  • Pendants.
  • Brooches.

You can make an amulet yourself, but when purchasing, you must carefully examine the amulet for negative influences. Home purchase amulet it is necessary to properly cleanse of foreign energy. It is best to hold the product under running water for 20 minutes. It is better not to use someone else’s amulets that someone else wore right away, but to properly cleanse them energetically. For example, you can keep such a thing in water for several days, then rinse the amulet thoroughly under running water. It is very good to use natural spring water for this.

Amulets protect not only a person, but also his home or some other specific place. Not only a thing, but also a word can act as a talisman.

Unlike an amulet, talismans are hidden from prying eyes. Talismans are usually used to attract money, luck, love and health. The role of a mascot can be:

  • Artifacts.
  • Minerals.
  • Sinks.
  • Wooden or ceramic figurines.
  • Other things made from natural materials and fabrics.

Choosing a mascot by name

To choose the right mascot by name, you can use the table below.

Female namesStonesMale namesStones
AlexandraMalachite Aventurine Chrysolite Alexandrite GarnetAlexanderAlexandrite Chrysoprase
AllaRuby AgateAlexeyCorundum Lapis Lazuli
AnastasiaMalachite Zircon ChrysopraseAnatolyAgate Aquamarine
AnnaAmber Rock Crystal RubyAndreyAmethyst
AntoninaAgate Smoky Quartz SapphireArkadyTourmaline
ValentinaPearl Amazonite CarnelianArtemBeryl
ValeriaRuby Garnet Opal AgateBogdanMarble
VarvaraRuby JetBorisTurquoise Amethyst
FaithAquamarine Beryl RubyVadimTurquoise Corundum
VeronicaOnyx Rose Quartz SapphireValeryMalachite
VictoriaAzurite HarlequinVictorHematite Selenite
GalinaHyacinth GarnetVitalySapphire
DariaHematite DiamondVladimirGreen Jasper Rock Crystal
EvgeniaEmerald AventurineVladislavTopaz Garnet
CatherinePeridot Tiger's EyeVyacheslavTopaz
ElenaMoonstone Onyx ChalcedonyGennadyJet Zircon
ElizabethJasper Amethyst OlivineGeorgiySapphire
ZhannaRock crystal Carnelian DiamondGregoryGranite Heliotrope
ZinaidaSerpentine Emerald MalachiteDenisSapphire Diopside
ZoyaJade Cat's EyeDmitryLapis lazuli
IrinaPearl Coral Mother of PearlEvgeniyPearl
LarisaOnyx Turquoise AventurineIvanEmerald Diamond
LydiaMalachite Jet AquamarineIgorBeryl
LoveChalcedony Lapis lazuli Rose quartzKirillSapphire Calcite
LyudmilaSapphire Alexandrine GarnetKonstantinOpal Quartz
MargaritaPearl Ruby Tiger's EyeLeonidDiamond Labrador
MarinaJasper Amethyst TurquoiseMichaelMalachite Lapis Lazuli Jasper
MariaSapphire Carnelian DiamondNikolaySapphire Jade Moonstone
HopeCoral AgateOlegObsidian Pearl
NataliaObsidian HematitePaulRuby Onyx
NinaAmber PyritePeterPyrite Emerald
OksanaAventurineNovelAmethyst Amber
OlgaOpal TourmalineSergeyAventurine
RaisaRhodonite HematiteStanislavSapphire Rock Crystal
SvetlanaCoral MalachiteStepanAventurine
SophiaLapis Lazuli TourmalinePhilipRuby
TamaraJasper JetEdwardOnyx
TatianaTiger's Eye Smoky Quartz MalachiteYuriZircon Emerald
JuliaEmerald JadeiteYakovJasper
YanaLabrador JasperYaroslavAmber

Date of birth as a criterion for choosing a stone

To correctly calculate and determine the desired mineral - talisman based on the date of birth, you can apply the following formula:

Date + month + year of birth = two-digit number, which must also be added together, for example:

18.09.1972. 1+8+0+9+1+9+7+2=37=3+7=10=1+0=1

This means that for this date, to choose a talisman, you need to use one.

Mineral according to zodiac sign

AriesEmerald, ruby, amethyst, diamond
TaurusSapphire, opal, agate, jade, turquoise
TwinsGarnet, emerald, pearl, chrysoprase
CancerAquamarine, jade, moonstone
LionAventurine, amber, sapphire, ruby
VirgoTurquoise, serpentine, tiger eye, jade
ScalesAgate, jade, jadeite, topaz, malachite
ScorpionCoral, amethyst, ruby, turquoise, serpentine
SagittariusAmethyst, beryl, opal, turquoise, zircon
CapricornLapis lazuli, ruby, onyx, topaz, carnelian
AquariusAgate, beryl, sapphire, garnet, amethyst
FishPearl, amethyst, jet, jade, coral

Definition of a talisman without taking into account the horoscope

You can choose stones by date of birth, name or zodiac sign, but what to do if a person, no matter whether a man or a woman, cannot find an energetic connection with one of the proposed stones according to the tables? In this case, you can pay attention to universal stones.

First of all, any mineral you like in appearance, be it a precious stone or a simple cobblestone on the road, must be picked up. If a stone suits a person through an energetic connection, then this is immediately felt. There may be a feeling of warmth, some incomprehensible joy that has appeared suddenly, and, of course, the desire not to part with this pebble, but to keep it.

As for universal stones that suit everyone regardless of gender, name or zodiac, they are listed below:

It's important to remember that any stone must be in contact with the body of its owner. It is imperative to periodically cleanse your mineral to remove negative energy. Sometimes stones need a rest, so it is better to have several talismans to change them as needed.

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