
Baked roses. Rosette cookies made from curd dough, the most correct recipe. “Roses” with puff pastry apples

The familiar and long-loved “Rosochki” cookies are a reminder of a carefree childhood, when a large plate of fragrant mother’s baked goods was waiting on the table for a child tired of active games outside. A selection of the most delicious recipes for aromatic and beautiful dessert will help you plunge into the past and feel the warmth of those days.

The recipe, proven over the years, requires the presence of:

  • ½ kg flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 400 g cottage cheese;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • the same amount of butter;
  • a pinch of salt, soda and a little vanillin.

Sequence of actions:

  1. The whites are separated from the yolks.
  2. The dough is mixed from softened butter, yolks, cottage cheese, flour and soda.
  3. The slightly sticky flour mass is sent into the cold, where thanks to the oil it will acquire an elastic structure.
  4. A protein cream is prepared from proteins, sugar and vanilla, which is applied to rectangles rolled out from suitable dough.
  5. Geometric shapes are rolled into rolls, which are divided into parts.
  6. The underside of the roll pieces is pinched, which allows you to form roses, which are baked for 15 minutes at 200°C.

From curd dough

Tasty and aromatic “Roses” take very little time to prepare and disappear from the dish even faster.


  • a pack of butter weighing 200 g;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 180 g sugar;
  • a pack of cottage cheese weighing 250 g;
  • vanillin;
  • soda slaked in vinegar;
  • 600 g flour;
  • a little powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. The cottage cheese is ground with sugar, eggs and plastic butter.
  2. Next, vanillin and soda with vinegar are added.
  3. Flour is poured in portions so that the dough does not turn out too hard.
  4. After 20 minutes, during which the dough was in the refrigerator, a thin layer is rolled out of it.
  5. Using a glass, circles are cut out of thin dough, overlapping in 4 pieces, and then rolled into rolls, which are divided in half.
  6. The products obtained in this way are baked for 15-20 minutes, and after they are ready, they are sprinkled with powder.

How to cook with meringue

Cookies “Rosochki” with meringue stand out for their delicate taste and original design.

To prepare the dessert you should prepare:

  • 250 g homemade cottage cheese;
  • egg;
  • a piece of butter;
  • 240 g sugar;
  • soda slaked with vinegar;
  • 200 g flour.

The step-by-step preparation scheme is as follows:

  1. The yolk is separated from the white and ground with sugar and cottage cheese.
  2. Next, add a piece of butter, soda and 150 g of sugar.
  3. The dough is kneaded, which after 15 minutes of “rest” is rolled out into a fairly thin rectangle.
  4. From the separated protein and the remaining granulated sugar, an airy meringue is created, which covers a rectangular shape.
  5. The dough with cream is rolled into a roll and cut into pieces.
  6. Roses are prepared from the blanks by fastening the lower part of the products.
  7. Cookies are baked on a greased baking sheet for 20 minutes at a temperature of 180°C.

“Roses” with puff pastry apples

Despite the simplicity of preparing this spectacular dessert, it looks so elegant that it can be served at the holiday table without embarrassment.

For execution you will need:

  • 250 g puff pastry;
  • 2 apples;
  • 50 g sugar;
  • 3 times more water.

Preparation stages:

  1. The fruits are sanded and cut into plates.
  2. Water is poured into the pan and brought to a boil.
  3. Sugar is poured into the boiling liquid.
  4. After 2 minutes of boiling, slices of apples are sent into the container, which are removed after 1.5 minutes so that they do not become soft.
  5. The extracted fruits are placed in a colander.
  6. The dough is rolled out, cut into strips, onto which apple slices are laid out overlapping.
  7. Rolls in the shape of roses are formed from the dough with apples, which are sent to the oven for 15 minutes at 200°C.

Biscuit cookies

From biscuit dough you can make not only a delicate base for a cake, but also very tasty, miniature cookies.

To bring the recipe to life you will need:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 110 g sugar;
  • 100 g flour;
  • a piece of margarine.

Sequence of actions:

  1. The egg mass is beaten, after which sugar is added to it.
  2. Then flour is poured in.
  3. The contents of the dish are mixed until smooth.
  4. Round rose petals are laid out from the dough onto a baking sheet.
  5. After 5 minutes, using a paper towel, sweet “buds” are formed from the confectionery products.
  6. This is how all the dough is baked.

A beautiful chocolate treat

Chocolate covered roses are a beautiful treat that will be the highlight of any holiday.

  • 400 g butter;
  • 800 g flour;
  • 200 ml sour cream;
  • a packet of baking powder;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • 30 g each of cocoa and peeled walnuts.

Work progress:

  1. Crumbs are prepared from 300 g of softened butter and 600 g of flour.
  2. Then baking powder and sour cream are added, after which the light dough is kneaded.
  3. The chocolate mass is mixed from the remaining butter, ground nuts, flour, cocoa and sugar.
  4. After 20 minutes, when both doughs have settled, the chocolate layer is rolled out on top of the light one.
  5. Then a roll is formed, which is divided into pieces to create roses.
  6. The products are baked for 15 minutes at 200°C.

Cottage cheese cookies “Rosochki” with protein cream

A very simple recipe for incredibly tasty products that you simply cannot tear yourself away from.


  • 200 g of sweet cheese mass;
  • the same amount of margarine;
  • 2 yolks;
  • 400 g flour;
  • 1 protein;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • a pinch of cinnamon.

Work progress:

  1. Softened margarine is ground with cheese, and then mixed with separately beaten yolks.
  2. After adding flour, the dough is kneaded, divided into 4 parts and placed in the refrigerator in cling film for 2 hours.
  3. A cream is prepared by whipping the egg white until it reaches a stiff foam, then adding sugar, cinnamon and re-beating.
  4. Parts of the dough are rolled out into rectangles, which are covered with protein mixture and rolled into rolls.
  5. The products are cut into pieces with the bottom pinched.
  6. The resulting rose figures are baked in the oven for about ¼ hour at 200°C.

In addition to the soft structure and delicate rich taste, our cookies mixed with cottage cheese are also attractive in appearance. Wonderful homemade pastries go well with morning coffee/tea, in the afternoon - with a mug of milk or fruit juice, and are also suitable for a snack on the go. By following the step-by-step instructions, you can easily form beautiful “roses” from obedient curd dough. And for the younger generation, you can organize a kind of culinary master class, while simultaneously developing skills in applied crafts.

Ingredients for making curd roses:

  • wheat flour – 270-300 g
  • sugar – 80-100 g
  • butter – 170 g
  • egg – 1 pc.
  • cottage cheese – 200 g
  • baking powder – 5 g
  • salt - a pinch

Recipe for making curd roses:

Grind fine-grained and fairly fatty cottage cheese with granulated sugar, if desired, enhance the aroma with vanilla sugar.

Beat in one large or two small eggs, add a little salt and stir until the ingredients are combined.

Separately, melt a block of butter, cool until at least warm, pour it into the curd mass, and stir again until smooth.

Add flour and baking powder in parts and knead into a soft curd dough.

The dosage of flour can vary; you need to achieve a plastic texture of pliable dough that does not stick to your hands.

On a surface dusted with flour, roll out the curd dough into a layer about 3 mm thick, and use a “template”/glass with a diameter of 5 cm to cut out round pieces.

Fold the miniature cakes in one line with a slight overlap, as shown in the photo.

Gently, pressing with your fingers, roll the “parts” into a tube.

Cut through the center with a sharp knife.

Fasten the cut for security and, keeping a distance, place the curd roses on a baking sheet with oiled parchment. Bake cookies in a hot oven for about 25 minutes, maintaining the temperature at 170 degrees.

After cooling on a wire rack, sprinkle the curd roses with sifted powdered sugar for added decorativeness and can be served with tea!

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Cookies in the form of roses

We would like to bring to your attention an original recipe for making cookies that will delight the gathered guests every time.

To make rose-shaped cookies you will need:

4 eggs;

1 tbsp. Sahara;

1 tbsp. flour;

Vanilla sugar (bag).

Step-by-step process for making rosette cookies:

Mix everything until a mass forms as in photo 2.

To prepare one rose, pour 5-6 circles onto a baking sheet using a tablespoon. Bake for literally 2-3 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Determine the degree of readiness by the disappearance of the liquid shine and the appearance of a matte surface (as when cooking pancakes). Remove and mold immediately while the dough is hot and pliable. To avoid getting burned, use a napkin.

Collect like a rose from mastic. You can also attach the petals to a sweet stick and make small bouquets from ready-made roses that can be used to fill cups.

To cool, place in a small cup or glass.

Tip - use a silicone baking mat; you can color the dough with gel dyes.If you bake the pancakes (future rose petals) thinner, which allows you to tuck the edges (as happens on roses), and add a little food coloring to the dough (without overdoing it), then the roses will turn out SIMPLY GREAT! Such that from a distance you can’t tell them apart from the real ones!!! And if you also put them on a wide cake plate and add the leaves of an evergreen bush (magonia), which are very reminiscent of the foliage (not petals) of a rose... then the effect will be amazing!!! Bon appetit!

Recipes for brushwood made from batter - thanks to all the helpers!!

A friend brought me such a set, we know for sure that it is intended for making brushwood, but not the usual one, in my understanding, but an intricate one))) We know for sure that the dough should be the consistency of sour cream. This is where our knowledge ends. I beg you, maybe someone knows a recipe that can be used with these devices. Thanks in advance! Very, very)))

Fse!! Found it!! Or rather, they helped))) Well, maybe it will be useful to someone else.

Recipe 1

For 400 g of brushwood: 160 g of flour, 250 g of milk, 2 eggs, 30 g of butter, vanillin, 1/4 teaspoon of soda, powdered sugar for sprinkling, fat for frying (vegetable oil, or rather _not_ butter, so that didn't burn)
Scramble the eggs better, add milk (or water), vanillin and add the flour sifted into the mixture with soda, mix well, add melted butter and mix until a homogeneous batter is obtained.
After half an hour you can start frying.
Frying: heat the fat to a boil, lower the mold into it to heat it (once upon a time I baked it myself, and from experience I know that it needs to be heated better), then transfer it to a bowl with dough and lower it into the dough only to the edges of the upper surface. After this, transfer the mold with the stuck dough back into the boiling fat; after a while, the dough will separate from the mold, which indicates readiness.
Remove, let excess fat drip off and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Recipe 2

Cookies "Khvorost"

One of the most favorite homemade delicacies is “Khvorost” cookies, a recipe made from liquid dough. For it you will need a special cookie cutter “Khvorost” - a shaped attachment on a long rod that allows you to lower the mold into boiling oil.



100 g


1 tbsp. spoon


1 piece


0.75 glass

Or cream

0.75 glass

melted butter

1-2 tbsp. spoon

how much fat will go away

powdered sugar to taste

Cooking method:

Recipe 3

They once gave me a mold for brushwood, and I immediately remembered this recipe. I used to cook it without a mold, I’ll write both options.

flour 1 tbsp.
egg 1 pc.
milk 1 tbsp.
sugar 1 tbsp.
soda pinch
vanilla (optional)
vodka 50g (I don’t add it, my husband hates baked goods with alcohol, it’s impossible to convince him that there won’t even be a smell)
I knead the dough until it is as thick as liquid sour cream.
In a deep bowl, pour vegetable oil or fat and let it boil.
I put the mold in a bowl with oil and let it warm up (about 30 seconds), then I take the mold by the wire handle and transfer it to the bowl with the liquid dough for a few seconds, the main thing is not to drown the mold completely, but immerse it only to the edges. I put the mold back in butter and wait until it browns, the finished product slides off the mold easily, I let the excess butter drain and sprinkle with powdered sugar. If you add vodka, the dough will be crispier and absorb less fat
And if you don’t have such a shape, then it doesn’t matter. Slowly pour the dough into a frying pan with boiling oil, making a mesh or other fancy patterns, wait until it browns, let the oil drain and the same “brushwood” to taste is ready, my My daughter loves it cooked any way.

Recipes from

1. I found a recipe that was originally included with the molds, it is similar to the 3rd option, only instead of milk it is water: 1 glass of flour, 1 egg, 50 g of vodka, 1 glass of water, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar, salt to taste, vanillin (optional).

2. And I found another recipe with cognac: Flour - 2 cups, milk - 1/3 cup, butter - 35 g, egg yolks - 3 pcs., cognac - 1 tbsp. spoon, salt - 1/3 tsp, powdered sugar - 1/3 cup, vanilla sugar - 1/4 sachet, oil (fat) for frying - 350g.