
What resources are needed for the functioning of a supermarket magnet. Marketing research of the enterprise on the example of a chain of stores "magnet"

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Company Profile

The trading company ZAO Tander Magnit store Notary is located at ul. Production house 44. It is a retail outlet.

The full company name is TANDER Closed Joint-Stock Company. The legal address of TANDER CJSC corresponds to the postal address: Russian Federation, 350002, Krasnodar.

Closed Joint-Stock Company “Thunder” is an enterprise engaged in the production and sale of goods and having the main goal of its activity as a profit, for which the material, labor, intellectual and financial resources of its participants are combined.

The business began with the wholesale of household chemicals, cosmetics and perfumes, currently Tander CJSC has more than 15 years of experience in the market.

Gradually, the company promoted the product through its retail network. By 1996, there were about 30 outlets in Krasnodar and the Krasnodar Territory. In parallel, the process of becoming a company as a distributor of the world's leading manufacturers in this product group was ongoing.
  1997 - food products.

To date, the company has covered 9 regions, in which 52 branches are concentrated.

According to the features of the device, this specially equipped detached one-story building, designed for the sale of goods and the provision of services, has a sufficient number of premises for the normal functioning of the trade and technological process.

According to GOST R 51773-2001 “Retail. Classification of enterprises ”by type, this store belongs to a supermarket (supermarket) - it sells universal food products and non-food consumer goods using the self-service method. By specialization, this enterprise is mixed, i.e. implements a wide range of food products and a universal group of non-food products.

In the store, the main selling method is self-service. With this service method, the time spent on the purchase is reduced, the buyer has the opportunity to independently choose the goods, as well as pay in a single cash register. In addition, an individual service method is used in the gourmet department, but payment for these goods is made in a single cash register unit.

In this store provide basic and additional services. The main one is the implementation of various groups of goods in a store. Additional - information and consulting (providing information about the goods and their manufacturers, specialist advice on the goods, conducting advertising presentations of goods); assisting the buyer in making a purchase (receiving and executing orders for goods, packaging of goods purchased at the store.); creation of convenience for customers (guaranteed storage of purchased goods, reception and storage of customers' belongings); not directly related to their purchases (telephone services, rental of audio and video cassettes, development of photographic films and printing of photographs, sale of newspapers and magazines).

The location of the store is good, because located near the bus stop and the new residential complex.

Opening hours: from 10:00 to 21:30 without a break for lunch and weekends.

The company is a legal entity. In accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a legal entity is an organization that owns separate property and meets them according to its obligations. Such an organization may, on its own behalf, acquire and exercise property and personal non-property rights, bear obligations, be a plaintiff and defendant in court.

According to the legal form it is a closed joint-stock company (CJSC).

A joint-stock company whose shares are distributed only among its founders or another predetermined circle of persons is recognized as a closed joint-stock company. Such a company is not entitled to conduct an open subscription to shares issued by it or otherwise offer them for purchase to an unlimited circle of persons.

Shareholders of a closed joint-stock company shall have the preemptive right to acquire shares sold by other shareholders of this company.

The number of participants in a closed joint-stock company shall not exceed the number established by the Law on Joint-Stock Companies, otherwise it shall be transformed into an open joint-stock company within a year, and upon the expiration of this period, it shall be liquidated in a judicial procedure if their number is not reduced to the limit established by law .

The legal status of a closed joint-stock company, the rights and obligations of its participants are determined by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law of December 26, 1995 No. 208-ФЗ On Joint-Stock Companies.

Since this company is a legal entity, its rights and obligations must comply with the objectives of the activities provided for in its constituent documents. The main constituent document is the charter, which is approved by the founders of the legal entity. It indicates:

o Name of the legal entity (with the obligatory indication of its legal form and company name);

o Location of the legal entity;

o The procedure for managing the activities of a legal entity;

o Other information.

Certain types of activity (sale of goods, rendering of services, conclusion of contracts), the list of which is determined by the Federal Law of 08.08.2001 No. 3 128-ФЗ “On Licensing of Individual Types of Activities”, this organization may be engaged only on the basis of a special permit - license.

The store has a large colorful sign with the name of the company. A sign that indicates the operating mode, legal form, legal address is posted at the entrance to the store. On the trading floor there are signs with the name of departments, with the help of which customers can easily navigate in the store.

At the entrance is a board "Information for consumers", it indicates:

1. Federal Law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights"

2. Book of reviews and suggestions

3. Excerpts from Resolution No. 55 “Rules for the sale of certain types of goods”

4. Trade license

When purchasing goods, the buyer has the right to demand:

1. Certificate of Conformity

3. Legal copies

4. Shipping documents

On the goods sold in the store price tags are framed.

They indicate:

1. Name of goods

2. Product manufacturer

3. Unit price

4. Organization stamp

5. Signature of the administrator

The document on the basis of which the sales contract between the store and the buyer is a price tag, so the price tags in the store are drawn up clearly and correctly. Each price tag is located near the product indicated in it.

The internal environment of the organization.

Figure 1. The structure of the store management apparatus

The Magnit store uses a linear control structure. This structure is characterized by the concentration of all management functions in the hands of the director. The staff is divided into approximately equal parts. Workers perform approximately the same actions.

Advantages of this structure: ensuring the principle of unity of command, clarity and clarity of management relations, operational efficiency.

The disadvantage is the need for a diverse director knowledge.

Table 1. "Staffing"

For the normal functioning of the trading process at the enterprise, a schedule is drawn up for personnel to enter the work.

For example: the director comes to work by 10:00 h, Art. the seller - at 9:30 h and opens the service entrance, sellers come at 9:30 h to prepare jobs and cash desks for work.

The commercial activity of a trade enterprise is associated with the implementation of various operations and requires diverse knowledge and skills from the employees performing them. Therefore, the staff of the store includes workers of various categories (lower, middle and senior managers).

For each position, the organization’s management draws up and approves job descriptions containing a list of job responsibilities of employees, taking into account the characteristics of the organization of production, labor and management, their rights and responsibilities.

For example: a middle manager in a store is a deputy director - a merchandiser. He takes part in exhibitions, fairs and other events where acquaintance with manufacturing enterprises and the goods offered by them takes place.

Organizes the preparation and conclusion of contracts for the supply of goods with manufacturers.

Takes measures to fulfill contractual obligations by suppliers.

Participates in the formation of an assortment of goods.

Arranges the acceptance of goods from the supplier to the warehouses.

Supervises employees.

The external environment of the organization .

The Magnit store has several competitors located in this area:

Table 2. "Competitors"

The principle of operation of Magnit is to provide an opportunity for a buyer to quickly and profitably purchase a wide range of food products.

The Magnit store is competitive, since the goods sold are of good quality and reasonable prices.

Currently, the store has entered a period of intense competition for markets. The marketing policy of the store’s activity on the market can be defined as retention and a systematic increase (due to crowding out competitors) in the market share.

Magnet is competitive in the following advantages:

· Relatively low price level in comparison with other large grocery stores in the city.

· Qualified and friendly staff.

· Minimum temporary losses for the search and purchase of goods.

· Additional services.

· A wide and democratic range of products that will be presented on the trading floor, designed for consumers with different income levels.

· Modern equipment that provides high quality services, as well as appropriate storage and “faceting”.

· Implementation of programs to stimulate demand.

· The presence of the necessary information support for consumers, including the presence on the trading floor of sellers - cashiers - consultants, information plates, price tags, advertising materials.

Mission of the company: “We work to increase the well-being of our customers, reducing their costs for the purchase of quality consumer goods, taking care of the company's resources, improving technology and adequately rewarding”.

The purpose of the Magnit store is to make sales of the declared assortment by attracting customers living in the area of \u200b\u200bthe store and encouraging them to make a purchase by influencing visual perception, associative thinking.

We work to improve the welfare of our customers, Development Strategy of CJSC Tander

Reaching the maximum coverage area of \u200b\u200bthe Magnit chain of stores:

· Strategic direction - opening stores in cities with a population of less than 500 thousand people - where 73% of the urban population of Russia live;

· The target audience of the “store at home” is middle-income customers, which allows the Magnit network to penetrate small towns and cities.

Economic relations between suppliers and buyers of goods are very broad, this includes economic, administrative and legal, financial and other relations that develop between buyers and suppliers in the process of supplying goods. Rational economic relations contribute to the systematic development of the economy, the balance of supply and demand, timely delivery of products.

The company carefully selected suppliers to supply our products.

Suppliers are selected by the following characteristics:

o Qualified staff

o Quality product

o Prices close to producer prices

o Goods are delivered by supplier’s transport

o Fast and temporary delivery of goods

A supply contract has been concluded with each of the representatives of the suppliers. In the event of failure to fulfill their obligations, suppliers pay a penalty, and the company may also refuse the services of a supplier.

Much attention is paid to cooperation with local manufacturers and suppliers, which allows us to quickly solve the issues of supplying store chains with fresh local products. The company's stores offer customers an optimal assortment of everyday consumer goods at reduced retail prices. A special place in the assortment is occupied by products under the private brand Magnit, which currently numbers more than 500 items. The priorities in the formation of the basic assortment are different for the company. Say, “Magnit” relies on fast-moving consumer goods with promoted brands, some goods with a limited shelf life and the most popular household chemicals. Magnit stores currently offer more than 3,000 items, and this assortment may vary slightly in different stores . The basis (80%) is food, the rest is related products.

About 50% of the goods represented in the networks comes through distribution channels and exclusive contracts, which is not surprising, given that all networks have grown from wholesale firms. This policy, of course, affects the assortment of stores, since the concluded agreements imply the implementation of distribution plans.

The company has concluded agreements with local and nonresident suppliers and manufacturers of products:

Table 3. "Suppliers"

Local suppliers

Nonresident suppliers

Meat gastronomy

Concern Dubki, Family Sausages, Saratov Meat Processing Plant

Sochi Meat Processing Plant

Bakery products

"Saratov bakery them. Struzhkina "

OJSC "Engelsky bakery"

Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks

CJSC Lixar

LLC "Dikomp - Classic"

Baltika OJSC

Visit CJSC

OJSC SAN Interbrew

Yarpivo OJSC

LLC "Rosm"

Dairy Products

White Valley

"Saratov Dairy Plant",


Penza Dairy Plant, OJSC Saushkin Product, OJSC Wimm-Bill-Dann

Tea and coffee

Orimi Trade LLC, Nep LLC, Kafa Industries OJSC, MALLU GMBH

To determine the quantity of goods, use the "Auto Order" program:

Auto-order is a solution for retail chains, distributors and manufacturing companies. The system can significantly reduce the costs of companies in the planning and distribution of goods due to the perfect balance between minimizing average daily balances and ensuring the constant presence of goods on the shelves.

Software tools on the Auto-order platform allow you to purposefully solve the following groups of tasks:

· High-quality forecasting of sales;

· Control of the availability of goods and the rapid detection of recalculation;

· Cash flow forecast;

· Evaluation and analysis of the effectiveness of promotions, sales and other effects on demand.

Software solutions on the platform "Auto-order" include the following components:

· Procurement planning and optimization;

· Control the availability of goods on the shelves;

· Evaluation of the effectiveness of promotions and other effects on demand;

· Optimization of the volume of insurance stocks.

Decisions based on "Auto-order" allow a wide range of implementation options that take into account the specifics of business processes, the features of the data collected, typical scenarios for using the system. Basic implementation options:

· Installation of a module for calculating sales forecasts;

· Building on the basis of “Auto-order” a system to support procurement planning processes;

· Outsourcing of the functionality of “Auto-order”.

The use of solutions based on the platform "Auto-order" provides:

· Increased sales due to the constant availability on the shelves of the necessary goods;

· Optimal use of the warehouse, which is not filled with an excess of low-liquid goods;

· An increase in the turnover of funds and a reduction in the costs of the distribution network;

· Increased customer loyalty due to the availability of priority goods;

· Minimizing the influence of the human factor in forecasting;

· Increase the reliability of warehouse accounting data.


· Daily forecasting of customer demand for each type of product.

· The system determines on the basis of its own forecasts the optimum quantity of goods that should be in the store before the next delivery.

· Use of a unique forecasting algorithm for each commodity position, which makes a forecast with maximum accuracy.

· When forecasting, taking into account additional factors: seasonality, holiday calendars, price dynamics, product life cycle and others.

· Self-monitoring of the quality of forecasts and self-training of the system.

· Setting up the system in accordance with the procurement policy of the company and making forecasts based on it.

Figure 2. Auto-order

Thus, using “Avtozakaz” inventory management is optimized, inventory turnover improves, and the shortage of goods is reduced.

Goods supply.

In the modern world in the sphere of commodity circulation, processes of concentration of financial, material and labor resources are going on within the framework of ramified network structures. Large trading companies annually increase their turnover and their presence in the market. It is they who determine the pricing policy and relations with suppliers, and also, due to their financial capabilities, contribute to the introduction of advanced trading and information technologies, thereby contributing to the development of modern software products.

Specialists identify several ways of concentration of resources, among them: horizontal and vertical integration, as well as diversification.

In the course of horizontal integration, several stores are merged into a single company in order to conduct consolidated purchases of goods from suppliers and a balanced pricing policy.

The logical consequence of horizontal integration is vertical integration, since an increase in the total gross turnover required the creation of a distribution center (RC) and a single management link. Thus, the modern management structure of a large network company is emerging.

Distribution centers of the Magnit network are located in the city of Engels. They serve stores and contain most of the assortment items.

A significant part of the inventory calculated for a particular store is in stock at Magnit, and deliveries to the retail center are carried out in large quantities every two days (corporate arrival). All necessary stock is delivered. The company has its own large fleet of vehicles, with the help of which goods are delivered from the retail center to the store, calculated by auto-order.

The traffic route is circular, i.e. for one flight with one machine, goods are delivered to 3-4 stores.

The return mileage of the transport is loaded - containers, waste paper, carts from under the goods are sent from stores to the RC.

Such a system (consisting in the automated management of orders, deliveries, control and accounting of the entire trading process) helps to reduce costs at all stages of distribution.

To carry out technological operations for the acceptance, storage and dispatch of products to customers in the warehouse, the following main zones are allocated:

- the unloading area of \u200b\u200bvehicles, which is located outdoors;

- expedition for the acceptance of goods, including operations on the acceptance of products in quantity and quality;

- main storage area;

- a loading area for vehicles, which is located outside the storage and picking area.

The listed operational areas of the warehouse are interconnected by aisles.

The unloading area of \u200b\u200bvehicles adjoins the expedition of acceptance of goods (the area of \u200b\u200bacceptance of products by quantity and quality). The bulk of the space is allocated for the product storage zone. It consists of the territory occupied by storage units, and the area of \u200b\u200bpassages. The goods unloading zone is used for manual unloading of vehicles, as well as for the removal of goods from transport containers, acceptance by quantity. The goods acceptance expedition serves to receive goods in quantity and quality, and to keep records of the goods arrived. At the site of preparation of goods for storage (located in the zone of acceptance of goods) there is a formation of storage locations. Goods enter this area from the unloading area.

In the storage area (the main part of the main premises of the warehouse) carry out operations for the storage of goods.

In the loading area, vehicles are manually loaded.

Definition of the main parameters of the warehouse:

Total warehouse area

Stotal \u003d Spol + Sbsp + Spr + Scompl + Ssl + Spe

where Spol - usable area, i.e. the area occupied directly under the stored products (shelves, and other devices for storing products), m2;

Svsp - auxiliary (operational) area, i.e. area occupied by driveways and passages, m2;

Spr - acceptance area, m2;

Scomp - the area of \u200b\u200bthe picking area, m2;

Ssl - the area of \u200b\u200bjobs, i.e. the area in the premises of warehouses allocated for the workplaces of warehouse workers, m2;

Spe - acceptance expedition area, m2;

In the "Store" the total warehouse area is:

S total \u003d S floor (40m2) + S total (60m2) + Spr (18m2) \u003d 118m2

This warehouse area is optimal for this store and contributes to an uninterrupted trade and technological process.

After unloading and acceptance of goods by the administration, the calculation begins.

In the store they spread the maximum possible amount of goods, provide full load on the shelves of equipment.

All products are laid out with labels and drawings on the packaging in the direction facing the buyer. Products in contaminated, deformed packaging are not laid out.

The main calculation method used in this enterprise is horizontal, i.e. certain homogeneous goods are placed along the entire length of the equipment, occupying one or two shelves with each product. Use various methods of laying out goods on the shelves of equipment. They have rows, piles, stacks. Some products are hung on special devices.

Use product display at the same time for display and release of goods. Products that are in low demand, as well as more expensive compared to similar ones located nearby, are laid out on the upper shelves. Cheap goods are placed at the bottom of the equipment, including in bulk.

Stocks that do not fit on the trading floor are sent to the warehouse.

Also daily goods of local producers of frequent demand are delivered to the store (perishable goods - bread, milk.) Delivery is carried out on the basis of a supply agreement at a specific time: from 10 hours to 12 hours by suppliers. These goods are not stored in the warehouse and immediately after acceptance they are laid out in the trading room.

Personnel Management

products competitiveness store staff

The total number of the store is 16 people. Hence, the proportion of managers in the total number of employees is 11.5, workers - 56.5%. Consequently, the bulk of the employees in the enterprise are workers directly involved in the trading process.

It should be noted that over the past 2 years, the company has seen a gradual reduction in the number of staff due to an increase in labor productivity.

Despite the reduction of employees in recent years, according to the leadership of ZAO Tander, the personnel potential of the enterprise has not deteriorated.

As planned and expected, subsequent changes in the staff of the company will not be so dramatic, despite the continued increase in labor productivity. Rather, structural changes will occur in the composition of the workforce. Namely, it is planned to increase the share of technical and marketing staff in the total number of personnel and reduce the share of cheaper manual labor, while slightly reducing the total number of personnel in the enterprise.

The personnel structure in the context of the enterprise units is as follows:

Table 4. The number of employees

The main directions of the personnel policy of the enterprise can be formulated as follows:

1) the formation of the optimal number of employees;

2) regular professional development of specialists;

3) updating and rejuvenation of staff.

The main goals of the selection and training of personnel are the search and training of people who can effectively transform production, master new technologies, organize marketing, sales, installation and customer service.

The company has a staff turnover. This circumstance suggests that the company does not have a policy aimed at preserving the workforce. This in turn leads to a decrease in labor productivity.

Currently, Tander CJSC is subject only to material monetary incentives for labor, which is expressed primarily in wages, various additional payments to it, bonuses.

The remuneration of each employee depends on his personal labor contribution to the final result, as well as the quality of labor and is not limited to the maximum size.

The company operates time-bonus pay and salaries.

Workers' labor is paid mainly in piece-wise progressive form. That is, their salary is proportional to the amount of work they performed. In addition, the worker is rewarded for overfulfilling the plan established for him, as well as for the amount of work performed and the level of customer service.

Employees are paid in the form of time-bonus and time-based salary.

The system of remuneration, forms of material incentives, the size of tariff rates (salaries) is established by the administration “Regulation on bonus payments to employees of ZAO Tander”)

The minimum wage in the company is set at 4400 rubles.

In case of emergency, for the duration of their actions, by a joint decision of the administration and the professional committee, regardless of the results of the economic activities of the company, the employee is guaranteed the minimum wage established in the Russian Federation, provided that he fulfills the established labor standard (labor duties) in a quality and on time , working out completely for this period of the norm of working time.

Remuneration of workers is made in accordance with tariff networks and salary schemes. Salaries of the categories of managers, specialists and employees are established according to the salary schemes approved by the order for the company, as well as in accordance with the order for the company multiple of the actual average salary for the company.

The annual norm of working hours for 2010 is established:

- at the 40-hour working week - 1995 hours

- at 36-hour working week - 1800 hours

- with a 24-hour work week - 1200 hours

The duration of daily work, breaks for rest and lunch is determined by the internal labor regulations approved by the conference of employees of the enterprise.

Rights and obligations of the administration:

1. To carry out the rating of works and assignment of qualifications to workers

2. Continue work on revenue growth by improving the management and service structure

Periodically, taking into account inflation, to revise the minimum level of wages, setting it at a level not lower than the minimum wage, to employees warned of a reduction, with a general increase in wages in the CJSC, raise on a common basis.

3. When fulfilling the business plan indicators, apply the increasing factor to salaries and tariffs.

4. To make surcharges for harmful working conditions regardless of the individual qualification category in the amount of up to 20% of the maximum category of work available in these working conditions at the site, depending on instrumental measurements of working conditions for certification of jobs, during the actual employment of the employee on this worker location.

5. Supplement for night work (from 22 hours to 6 hours in the morning) to produce in the amount of 50% of the tariff rate (salary).

6. The calculation of the average earnings for vacation pay in accordance with existing regulations.

7. The payment of remuneration for length of service to produce monthly

8. To pay wages to CJSC employees 2 times a month:

- advance 25-30 of the current day;

- pay the salary due in the final payment to the accounts of plastic cards of employees, with their consent, on the 10-15th.
  by the decision of the administration, additional payments may be provided to advanced workers (for example, tuition at educational institutions)

The administration of the company guarantees the realization of the rights of workers to the protection of labor and health and ensures their safety.

All employees of the enterprise are rewarded depending on the volume of fulfillment of the product sales plan and are deprived for exceeding normative losses, which is provided for by the collective liability agreement.

Workers are provided with a full social package (paid leave, official salary, deductions to all funds for full wages, seniority, paid sick leave, preferential personal income tax for those who have minor children, preservation of the workplace after maternity leave). The company also has an additional social package (for example, preferential tickets to sanatoriums, New Year's gifts, etc.)

The company does not apply any unique or its own specific forms of remuneration. In addition, the company does not use any of the modern forms of remuneration that have the highest level of motivational elements (for example, the Helsi, Rowan, Bart, “Improshe” systems, etc.).

Professional career growth and training at the expense of the company, stability and social security are advantages and prospects that open to employees.

Recently, the share of piecework wages in the total wages of company personnel has been declining. And this means that the amount of wages is becoming less and less connected with the final result of labor and does not fulfill its motivational function. In addition, an increase in the share of time wages leads to an increase in the share of fixed costs of the enterprise, which negatively affects profit while reducing sales, namely, it reduces the rate of return per unit of output while reducing production and sales.

The salary of the seller today consists of: salary and bonuses. Salary \u003d 4400 rub. and depends on the calendar days worked in the month. The premium depends on: normative losses, share of hours worked, taking into account KTU and CSS, staff, the established level of remuneration in the village.

Workers have a stimulating role for the prize, since the prize depends on personal merit.


Store Feature

Shop Assortment

Acceptance of goods by quantity and quality

Terms and conditions of storage of goods in the store

Organization of commodity examination using drinking milk as an example

Organization of preparation of goods for sale


List of references


Commodity technological practice is aimed at consolidating and deepening knowledge and practical skills in the discipline of Commodity Science, developing professional skills, forming an idea of \u200b\u200bthe conditions and specifics of the activity of food and food-trading enterprises in the system of market relations.

For retail chains, the logistics of the supply of goods begins to play more and more importance. A key link in the logistics structure is the distribution center. The distribution center is the nodal point of the logistics structure of the retail network. The practice took place at such a distribution center of CJSC Tander.

The main purpose of passing commodity technology practice was:

To get acquainted with the organizational and production structure of the enterprise;

Get acquainted with the system of material and technical supply of the enterprise;

To study the basic technological operations of production and establish their influence on the formation of the quality of finished products;

Studying the causes and nature of possible defects in the goods;

The study of the range of products, methods and forms of quality control and accounting of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products;

To study the main types of regulatory and technical documentation for the identification and planning of production processes that affect product quality;

To study the main factors influencing the competitiveness of products in the domestic and foreign markets;

Store Feature

Today, the Tander company provides uninterrupted supply of everyday goods to all Magnit stores through Distribution Centers - RCs operating 24 hours a day 364 days a year. Every day, goods worth about 280 million rubles are shipped from all RCs, which, in turn, goes to more than 2,800 Magnit stores and 20 hypermarkets.

A store is a retail company that is permanently located in separate rooms and is an independent legal entity.

For internship, I chose the Magnit LLC store, which is located in Tyumen, ul. Volgograd d.117. The area of \u200b\u200bthe store is 80 m², the folding area is 25 m², and the retail area is 55 m².

The legal form of the enterprise is a limited liability company. The company is a legal entity and operates in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law On Limited Liability Companies.

The Magnit LLC store is open 24 hours a day, without lunch breaks or weekends, which satisfies the demand of buyers of this store.

The turnover in the store is 900 000 rubles per month. The main share is consumer goods. The most purchased products are bakery products, dairy products, soft drinks, and confectionery.

In this store, grocery sales are self-service.

The store is equipped with all necessary equipment. In the trading floor, wall-mounted equipment, counters, shop-windows, refrigeration equipment (Biryusa brands) are used. Cash register KASBI-02K (F)

All commercial and technical equipment used in the store of LLC Magnit complies with economic, ergonomic, aesthetic, technical, sanitary and hygienic requirements.

On the trading floor there is an item prepared for sale after acceptance in quantity and quality. On the product there is a price tag with instructions: product names, varieties, prices, manufacturer.

The staff includes: director - manages the store; accountant - conducts economic issues of the enterprise; sellers - carry out the sale of goods to the buyer.

The main suppliers of the store LLC "Magnet":

Golden Meadows LLC (milk and dairy products)

LLC “Filcoer and K”, Tyumen (beer)

LLC “Leader Product”, Tyumen (delivery of vegetable, meat and fish preservation products)

Nimak Group of Companies, Tyumen (ice cream, semi-finished meat products, chicken offal, confectionery and groceries)

CJSC "Borovskaya Poultry Farm" Pos. Borovsky (eggs and poultry)

LLC Trading House "NOVERA" Ishim (vodka, wine, wine drinks, natural wines, champagne, mineral water)

Unigrain LLC (former OAO Yalutorovsky bakery products factory)

MPP "Veles" Kurgan region (sausages)

Wholesale store "Benat" (confectionery)

LLC "Kiev Dairy Plant" Tyumen region of Kiev. (Dairy products)

"ERA 2000", Tyumen (TBH)

ZAO AF Kaskara Cascara (fruit and vegetable).

shop assortment product expertise

Assortment of goods

The following products are sold in the Magnit store:

1. Confectionery:

· - Weight candies

· - Caramel

· - Sets of sweets

·- Cookies

· - Gingerbread

· - Chocolate

ü 2. Bakery products:

· - Loafs, bakery products

· - Drying - bagel

· - Pies

ü 3. Groceries:

· - Flour premium, 1 / s

·- Pasta

· - Starch

· - Coffee and coffee drinks

·- Bay leaf

· - Spices

·- Vegetable oil

· - Dry bread kvass

· - Kissel

·- Tobacco products

·- Chewing gum


ü4.Vegetables, fruits:

·- Fruit

ü 5. Meat products:

· - Meat semi-finished products

·- Sausages

· - Raw processed meat from beef, pork, chicken

ü 6. Wine - vodka products:

ü 7. Drinks:

·- Mineral water

·- Sparkling water

ü 8. Dairy products:

· - Milk

·- Sour cream

· - Yoghurts

·- Cottage cheese

· - Mayonnaise

·-Ice cream

ASSORTMENT LIST of goods for trade in the MAGNET store


For 2013

Assortment of goods Number of items

1. Sausages 7

Canned meat, dairy, fish 7

Vegetable oil 8

Confectionery 6

Canned fruits 4

Canned vegetables 4

Salt, including iodized 2

Coffee, coffee drinks 5

Pasta 10

Assorted juices and drinks 5

Other food products (including seafood) 6

Meat, poultry 2

Animal oil 3

Margarine 2

Egg, Egg Powder 3

Baby food 2

Vegetables, fruits 10

Alcoholic beverages 30

Assortment of goods - a set of goods formed according to certain criteria and satisfying diverse demand and satisfying the individual needs of the consumer.

The structure of the assortment of goods is the composition of the product groups included in the product-group assortment of the trading enterprise and the quantitative ratio between them.

The formation of the structure of the assortment of goods consists in the timely replenishment and updating of the assortment, depending on the needs of the population.

The rational structure of the assortment of goods is such a structure that is as close as possible to consumer demand. The rational structure of the assortment of goods is characterized by such indicators as the breadth of the assortment, completeness, degree of renewal and the economy of the assortment.

The breadth of the assortment - the number of proposed groups (subgroups) of goods. Depth is determined by the total number of assortment positions in a group or subgroup of goods. A deep assortment is considered if the company offers many varieties of goods. Typically, a deep assortment is offered by large or specialty stores. Completeness means that the actual availability of goods on the trading floor corresponds to the assortment list.

The basic principle of forming an assortment of consumer goods is the most complete satisfaction of the needs of the population.

Assortment regulation is achieved through the establishment of certain requirements for a rational assortment. These requirements are regulated by a number of regulatory, technical and technological documents.

The list of types and names of assortment groups of homogeneous goods constituting the basic breadth and completeness of the assortment is established in the standards for products of different categories (GOST, OST, STP) and TU. In these regulatory documents, the first section is called “Classification and Assortment”, or “Assortment”, or “Types”.

The breadth and depth of the assortment in the studied store are selected taking into account the preferences of consumers.

Assortment properties and indicators

PropertiesIndicatorsCalculation of coefficientDepth - real; - base Actual number of subgroups and product categories in a homogeneous product group (ПД) Base number of subgroups and product categories in a homogeneous product group (ПБ) Depth coefficient (Kg) Kg \u003d ПД / ПБ * 100% Latitude - valid; - base Number of species, varieties, items available for sale (Ш) Base number of types, varieties, items of goods (ШБ) Latitude factor (Кш) Кш \u003d Шд / ШБ * 100% Novelty Number of new types and items of goods (Н) Degree (coefficient ) updates (Kn) Kn \u003d N / Shd * 100% Sustainability The number of types and names of goods in steady demand (Y) Sustainability coefficient (Ku) Ku \u003d Y / Shd * 100% Rationality (P) Rationality coefficient (Cr) Cr \u003d ( Кг * ВГ + Кш * ВШ + Кн * ВН + Ku * ВУ) / 4, where ВГ, ВШ, ВУ, ВН - weighting factors renders of depth, breadth, novelty, stability

We will calculate the coefficients of tea in the store "Niva"

The breadth of the assortment.

Ksh \u003d Shd / Shb * 100%

2. The completeness of the range.

The coefficient of completeness (KP) - the ratio of the actual indicator to the base. The higher the completeness of the assortment, the better the needs of the buyer are met. Kp \u003d Pd / Pb * 100%

Depth assortment.

Depth coefficient Kg \u003d Pd / Pb * 100%

The novelty of the assortment is the ability to satisfy changing needs through new products. The novelty of the assortment is characterized by the degree of renewal (Kn).

The novelty coefficient is the ratio of the number of new products in the general list (N) to the depth of the actual (W). Kn \u003d N / Bd * 100%

Assortment stability - the ability of a list of goods to satisfy the demand for the same goods. The identification of goods in steady demand requires analysis of data on the sale of goods and receipts. The stability of the assortment is characterized by a coefficient of stability (Ku).

The stability coefficient (Ku) is the ratio of the number of species, varieties, and items of goods in steady demand to the total number of goods of the same homogeneous groups. Ku \u003d Y / Bd * 100%

Assortment structure - the share of each type of product in the assortment. The structure is calculated in physical and value terms.

The rationality of the assortment is the ability of a set of goods to most fully satisfy the really justified needs of different segments of consumers.

Cr \u003d (Kg * VG + Ksh * VSh + Kn * VN + Ku * VU) / 4 /

2 Calculation and analysis of the obtained values \u200b\u200bof the properties of the assortment

) Determine the depth of the range:

According to the brand of coffee Шд (Н) ПбКг \u003d Пд / Пб Кн \u003d Н / Шд Jacobs15 (4н) 410,360,26 Black Card 10 (3н) 240,410,3 Akbar7 (2н) 310,220,28 Jockey 3 (1н) 210,140,33 Moccona 140,25-Milagro2180,1- Tchibo5 (2n) 150.330.4 Nescafe6 (3n) 170.350.5 Jardin9 (4n) 100.90.44 Mauro4 (1n) 230.170.25 Total 62 (20n) 2040.30.32

) Determine the breadth of the assortment: Ksh \u003d Shd / Shb; Ksh \u003d 9/9 \u003d 1

Since the obtained coefficient of latitude is 1, this indicates a fairly wide range of products and indicates its greatest optimality compared to its main competitors. This number of product groups is sufficient for any consumer to be able to purchase everything he needs in the Niva store in accordance with his needs and material capabilities.

) We determine the completeness of the range: Kp \u003d Pd / Pb; Kp \u003d 62/204 \u003d 0.3

As a result of the calculations, the coefficient of completeness was 0.3. This coefficient shows that the assortment in the studied retail outlet is not fully represented, in comparison with the existing assortment of the main competitors. Since this indicator is not high enough, it means that the likelihood that consumer demand for this group of goods is satisfied is also not high.

) We determine the novelty of the assortment: Kn \u003d N / Shd; Kn \u003d 20/62 \u003d 0.32

The novelty rate was 0.32. This fact indicates a gradual updating of the assortment of tea. The Niva store pays great attention to updating its own assortment, offering new brands of tea in moderation.

) We determine the stability of the assortment: Ku \u003d U / Shd; Y \u003d 62-20 \u003d 42; Ku \u003d 42/62 \u003d 0.68

The obtained value indicates that 68% of all tea brands represented are in steady demand among buyers.

) We determine the rationality of the assortment:

Cr \u003d (Kr * VG + Ksh * VSh + Kn * VN + Ku * VU);

Cr \u003d (0.3 * 0.2 + 1 * 0.5 + 0.32 * 0.05 + 0.68 * 0.25) \u003d 0.74

As a result of the calculations, a rationality coefficient of 0.74 was obtained. Given the fact that the maximum value of this indicator is 1, the assortment in the Niva store is quite rational. Therefore, for the studied store there is no need to carry out various activities in the field of assortment formation and improvement of its structure

A significant factor in the formation of the range is the price of the goods. The buyer almost always determines for himself the marginal price within which he is going to pay for the purchase. Therefore, one of the criteria for the rational construction of an assortment of goods is to ensure the correct combination of goods with different costs.

Basically, the goods are purchased on the basis on their own, since there the assortment is much wider and the price is much lower, and the store also has stable sources of supply, for example Coca-Cola, Beer (from several companies), etc.

The management of the assortment of goods provides for compliance with the established specialization for the store, ensuring sufficient completeness of the assortment within the product groups defined by the obligatory assortment list of goods, its stability. The store creates such conditions that ensure uninterrupted trade with the necessary volumes of inventory. This is achieved through day-to-day inventory management. It is aimed at preventing the deviation of inventories from established standards.

Thus, the definition and use in the process of analyzing the product range of indicators characterizing its completeness and stability can not only evaluate, but also compare the assortment of one store with the assortment of another store serving the same target market.

The development of the assortment list of goods by the store and the monitoring of its compliance contribute to better customer service of the target market and the creation of a stable assortment.