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The article provides a brief overview of the initial events that are reflected in the Slavic-Aryan Vedas. Despite the fact that many people consider their authenticity a dubious, more harmonious picture explaining megaliths and other riddles of ancient times, it has not yet been created ...

Leonid Kornilov. "Veda"

Fooled by biblical delirium,
I fall in a rotary cross
And the Slavic-Aryan Vedas,
Like a prayer, read it before bedtime.
There is not a word about temples and churches,
Not a hint of God's slaves.
There - about the stars flying toward the goal,
The height of human foreheads.
There - the scope of the cosmodromes of Siberia.
Old Russian lives there ...
In vain we forgot the father’s sky
And they buried their eyes in the mainland.

We, today's earthlings, are not indigenous to this planet. This is a scientifically proven fact that is surprising only to those who have never before been interested in this issue. We are the descendants of highly developed people of the white race who colonized the Earth more than 600 thousand years ago. Actually, in today's terminology, our distant ancestors were aliens on this planet, which they called Midgard-Earth. Their beautiful, highly developed civilization happily lived and flourished on Earth for more than 500 thousand years. And then ... And then the tests came.

Big Plan

To implement their plan, the White Hierarchs decided to experiment on mixing several genera of the White Race on one planet, so that their close, but still different genetic properties and qualities, merged together in a new people, would give rise to a civilization of people who would have new properties and qualities as the Hierarchs had hoped, more perfect than before. For this unprecedented experiment, several planets were selected, one of which turned out to be Midgard-Earth, on which we live today. Planets were selected such that they met certain necessary requirements, but which, without the intervention of the White Hierarchs, were bound to die inevitably as a result of various cosmic disasters. Volunteers from different clans of the White Race were landed on these planets, and the experiment began.

More than 600 thousand years ago, people of four clans of the White Race arrived on Midgard-Earth: the clans of the Aryans - yes` Aryans and x` Aryans, and the clans of the Slavs - Rasena and Svyatoruss. Yes`Aryans flew from the land of Paradise, the constellation Zimun (Ursa Minor). They had a gray (silver) eye color matching their sun, called Tara. X`Aryans flew from the land of Troars, the constellation Orion. They had green eyes matching their sun - Rada. The blue-eyed Svyatorussians arrived from the constellation Makosha (Ursa Major). The brown-eyed Rasenas came from the land of Ingard, the constellation of Race (beta Leo).

All these 4 genera of the White Race settled on the big mainland, which they called Daaria - the Gift of the Gods. This continent was located on the site of today's Arctic, in the Arctic Ocean. In those days, our planet was completely different, the axis of rotation of the Earth did not have an inclination, the ocean was not Arctic, the North Pole was in a different place, and in Daaria there was a very favorable, mild climate and very suitable conditions for life. On the mainland there were large rivers Rai, Tule, Svaga and x "Arra, flowing from a large lake located in the center of the mainland, and in this lake there was the legendary Mountain of the World (Meru), on which the capital of Daaria - the city of Asgard of Daari, was built.

However, Midgard-Earth was chosen by the White Hierarchs for the experiment, not only and not so much because of the good living conditions. These conditions have been created for more than one hundred thousand years. At the time of colonization, Midgard-Earth already had 3 moons: Lelu, with a circulation period of 7 days, Fattu - 13 days and Month - 29.5 days. The location of our planet in space and the presence of 3 moons provided unique conditions for the evolutionary development of the people living here. And besides this, the White Hierarchs placed a special generator in the bowels of the planet - the "Source of Life" - which significantly accelerated the evolutionary development of earthlings.

One of the evidence of the presence of three moons at Midgard-Earth is the so-called. "Heavenly Disc" - a bronze disc found in 1999 in the vicinity of the German city of Nebra. German scientists believe that Disk is about 3,600 years old and has long been at a loss for guessing, trying to determine the function of this subject. In the end, the disc was assigned the function "Complex, astronomical clocks combining the solar and lunar calendar". True, they honestly warned that “The function of this watch was probably only known to a small group.”. Meanwhile, if you know that our planet not so long ago had 3 moons, then everything quickly falls into place. It immediately becomes clear what exactly is depicted on the Disk: it depicts Midgard-Earth, and not the Sun, and its 3 satellites - Lelya, Fatta and Mesyats. And, what is even more interesting - such a picture could only be seen from outer space and no later than 113,000 years ago (in 2009).

By the way, our last moon - the Month - is an artificial object, to which there are several indisputable evidence. It is possible that the previously destroyed moons of Lel and Fatt were also of artificial origin. In any case, the fact of the presence of three moons near Midgard-Earth indicates a long period of preparation for the settlement of the planet. Apparently, the preparation for this experiment took more than one thousand, and maybe not one million years. An ecological system was being prepared on Midgard-land, in which there would be a niche suitable for long-term residence of the colonists. To ensure the food chain, the necessary plants and animals were imported, unnecessary terrestrial species were removed ... An indirect confirmation of this is the fact that whole groups of plant and animal species appeared on Earth suddenly, i.e. not in the process of evolution. The fossil record does not provide any information about the origin of not only man (Homo Sapiens), but also insects, fish, birds, etc. (for more on this see the article by N. Zhuk "The spread of life in the universe").

The idea that our solar system was specially built in the form in which we know it is not new. Scientists have been discussing it for some time, but information on these discussions and their conclusions, to put it mildly, is not popularized (see the article "Man-made Solar System").

The reality of this assumption becomes very probable if you become familiar with the real mechanism of the formation of stars and planets. Contrary to common sense, scientists still tell fables that planets are formed from gases, stones and other debris flying in space and for some reason sticking together into a large piece, which then somehow by itself becomes a planet with a red-hot core and other accessories. In reality, everything is completely wrong. For those wishing to familiarize themselves with the real theory of the formation of stars and planets, we suggest reading about this in the books of Academician Nikolai Levashov “The Last Appeal to Humanity” or “The Uniform Universe”.

And on Midgard-earth (our planet), the process of colonization went on as usual. Here is how N. Levashov describes the peaceful period of the life of the colonists in the 1st chapter of the second volume of his amazing book “Russia in Curved Mirrors”:

“... The colony of the White Race existed on this continent, almost five hundred thousand years. At that time, this northern continent had a very mild and warm climate, the cities built by the settlers were magnificent and grandiose in size. On the islands of the Arctic Ocean remaining above the surface of the water, giant stone blocks of these buildings and fragments of columns are still found. One can only imagine what rests at the bottom of the Arctic Ocean. But at the moment, the cold waters of this ocean continue to keep the secret of Daaria. We can only assume that the development level of this colony of the White Race was very high if the descendants of the immigrants to Midgard-Earth could create such gigantic structures that were found on a relief map of Western Siberia. And the map itself was created by technologies unknown to modern civilization and based on data that can only be obtained from space ... "

Today it is difficult for us to understand much of what our distant ancestors wrote and did. And this is not because we “didn’t leave a face” or our head was “sewn” to the wrong place. Not! Simply, we don’t know much, but you cannot understand what you don’t know yet! First you need to study what you want to understand, and only then you can understand what you have learned. There is simply no other way to gain understanding. True, you can believe something or someone without knowledge and understanding of what you believe. All religions are based on such blind faith. But for an intelligent person, this can only be an initial, temporary measure for orientation in the ocean of lies that has flooded our planet. Then you still have to learn everything and try to understand what was learned! This is the way of knowing Homo sapiens ...

In view of the foregoing, at first it is very difficult for us to understand the reasons why the Light Forces went on such an unprecedented experiment. It is unique not only in its design, but also in duration, in scale, and in the significance of its results for the inhabitants of all Universes of our “Layer cake” (for “Layer cake”, see chapter 32 in the 1st volume of N. Levashov’s book “Mirror of my soul”). The fact is that the Light and Dark Forces have completely different principles on which they build their life and everything that is associated with it. Therefore, the Light ones will never succeed in defeating the Dark ones if they try to act by their own methods, or, as it is now fashionable to say: "play by their rules."

This is easy to understand with a simple example: if a good person, being unjustly offended, begins to lie, rob and kill innocent people or even those who offended him, i.e. to act in the same way as his offenders, then he completely imperceptibly for himself becomes the same as they are. Those. blazing with just anger, he degenerates into the one with whom he began to fight! And he is reborn because he begins to act in the same way as his enemies, that is, offenders, i.e. begins to "play by their rules." The dark ones have studied these features well and have been trying for a long time to impress upon us that, apart from “their rules," nothing else supposedly exists in life! In fact, this is far from the case, and if we do not know anything about this, this does not mean at all that this is not in reality.

Of course, it is necessary to fight with the Dark Forces and their affairs, but they need to do this in a completely different way than they would like, as we are told by all the media from early childhood to old age. We have always been told and shown that positive heroes endure injustice for a long time. And when the "cup of patience" allegedly overflows, wild rage flashes, and then the "good" begin to kill everyone in a row, moreover, in exactly the same way as the "bad" ones, and often even more cruelly. This is precisely the essence of the next big deception of the Dark. When the “good” begins to act in exactly the same way as the “bad” one, the difference between them disappears, and the “good” just becomes “bad”! It does not matter that he was offended a little earlier! No matter why he does what he does! What is important is its action, and not the reasons for this action!

Why is this so important? An exhaustive answer to this question was given by Academician N.V. Levashov in the 2nd volume of his book “Essence and Reason”, in the chapter “The Nature of Karma and the Anatomy of Sin”.

Our distant ancestors, who had an immeasurably higher level of development than we are today, knew about these and many other subtleties of their evolutionary development. That is why they decided to conduct the aforementioned experiment, which, according to their plan, could allow Man to reach the level of the Creator, i.e. a level of development at which it is possible to directly influence matter and space on the scale of planets, solar systems, galaxies, universes, etc. This could and should have given the Light Forces such new opportunities that could neither be stolen nor copied, like all technical developments that sooner or later came to the Dark and turned against their creators ...

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This is not a complete list.

Midgard-INFO is not in the register of banned sites at, but on the official website of the Ministry of Justice in the federal list of extremist materials, there is an entry about the banned article, about this in the screenshot.

If your provider blocked access to the Midgard-INFO website overnight, this is no reason to forget about it with a sad shrug. On the contrary - this is a great chance to easily expand your capabilities and learn to circumvent any illegal prohibitions, if you still do not know how. You can’t be lazy: Roskomnadzor tends to block entire domains because of one page (see screenshot above), innocent people suffer. But even if the site owners deleted the suspicious content and Roskomnadzor removed them from the list, this does not mean that your provider will immediately do the same. It is necessary to make sure that the “ban” does not change anything in the functioning of the resource or in your life. Anyone can do it.

1. Mirror site Midgard-INFO

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2. Opera Turbo

Users of the Opera have an excellent function that solves the problem of censorship with a single click of the mouse - this is the option "Turbo". Her idea is that the page is not sent to you directly, but through a foreign server, where it is optimized for delivery. For a foreign server, the blocked page is visible, which means you see it too:

Everything, the page is at your disposal:

Unfortunately, the function does not always work, but today it is definitely one of the easiest ways to bypass locks.

3. Change DNS server

Some providers do not block the IP of the sites listed in the list, so just change the settings of your network connection by setting some public DNS server instead of the provider’s DNS server. For those to whom the previous line seemed nonsense, I just show you what to do. Open the settings for your connection and enter the numbers, as in the screenshot:

The method is not suitable for computers "from work" due to the settings of local networks. Before experimenting, save the previous settings to return painlessly.

4. Anonymizers

If the simplest method did not work, move on. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe anonymizer work is as follows: you connect to a site like, which is not located in Russia, enter the desired address in its window, and the anonymizer transmits in response a forbidden page that is not prohibited in other countries.

This text will become obsolete sooner or later, some of the pages listed may disappear, but you can always get relevant information by searching for the word "anonymizer". Many Russian anonymizers require registration, fees, or show tons of pop-ups and ads. Close these “anonymizers” immediately and look for ascetic ones.
For those who do not understand the networks and do not want to know anything about it, this is more than enough - quick, simple and easy.

The program was developed by the Chinese to protect against the Great Chinese Firewall, which does not allow receiving information other than the line of the party. Now she can serve you. Download the program here -, install. When launched, it automatically opens Internet Explorer configured to work, where you can enter the desired address and get the result.

Keywords: via-midgard

Introductory information, Slavs - heaven of the Slavs, gods of the Slavs, swastika of the Slavs, history of the Slavs, Vedas of the Slavs, runes of the Slavs, songs of the Slavs

"NEWS, Latest NEWS, RUSSIAN NEWS, SECRETS, TRUTH" - More than 50 thousand times daily, enter these key phrases into the Russian-language Search engines Google, Yandex, Rambler, Aport are as Simple as we are Internet users, BUT really Get Real and Verified answers to the above requests and requests of the form: Russian, HERITAGE, Slavs, VEDA, Faith succeeds one in a hundred!

In the vastness of the visible and invisible Internet, the majority falls into the official media sites, Forums of various groups in the hands of false prophets, which are designed to lead away from the true VEDIC NEWS, TRUTH.

In our time, such NEWS and EVENTS fell into the category of SECRETS and in order to get to the truth you have to circumvent dozens and dozens of resources.

In order to avoid such actions, the Vedic Information Agency - VIA Midgard-INFO ( was created.

At Midgard-INFO you will get acquainted with the HERITAGE of the Slavs, the VEDA, the Faith of the Slavs, the latest Russian NEWS. You will know the TRUTH and SECRETS, which you will not hear from the mass media programs and will not read in the newspapers. You will learn to read the context between the lines, looking at the official NEWS in RUSSIA and the WORLD.

Midgard-INFO is a tool with which you will learn the TRUE NEWS of the Slavs of Russia and the World, get acquainted with the leading SLAVAN leaders on their holidays and events, various points of view.

If you are interested in your own origin, then a question such as the history of the Slavs should interest you first. After all, these are precisely the notorious roots that every person must have in order for him to feel like a full-fledged personality, these are the traditions that our subconscious mind still remembers, these are the feats from which blood still rages in his veins. And if you still live under the sky of the Slavs, if you consider yourself to be the Slavs, you simply must, at least a little to know about your people. Nowadays, deserving narratives about swastikas of the Slavs, songs of the Slavs, gods of the Slavs, runes of the Slavs, Vedas of the Slavs are rarely found ... Now far from all the Eastern Slavs strive to come to their sources, far from all believe that the knowledge that the ancient Slavs bequeathed to us have tremendous value and power.

The word "Slavs" has several interpretations of its origin: the first version of the origin is the origin from the "word", which means those who speak the same language, understand our words; another option is a toponym consonant with the term, presumably this may be the name of the river (for example, the Dnieper is called Slavutich, similar names  rivers - Sluya, Glory, Slavnitsa flow in the Slavic lands); the third version is the Indo-European word “kleu”, which means fame and has something in common with our word “glory”; and, finally, the last option is the root “s-lau-os” denoting “people”, which, undoubtedly, can be considered one of the most interesting versions. If we turn to the literary sources of antiquity, in particular, mention the Byzantine and Roman legends, then the Slavs are designated there as “sklavins”; Arab historians speak of Sakaliba, also referring to the Slavs.

Currently, it is possible to divide into southern, western and eastern Slavs. Southern Slavs are Bulgarians, Macedonians, Slovenes, Bosnians, Serbs, Croats and Montenegrins. Western Slavs are represented by Slovaks, Czechs, Poles, Kashubians, Luzhans. And, finally, the eastern Slavs closest to us - besides the Russians, these are also Ukrainians and Belarusians. All these peoples are close to each other, they are brought together by an origin that sometimes holds together no worse than kindred ties. No wonder most of the peoples of the Slavic group have a language that is understandable to all the rest of its nations. If two Slavs from different meet, then they will probably understand almost everything that was said to each other, and incomprehensible separate words will become clear in the context of the conversation.

Knowing your story is very important, and in addition it is also very interesting. Moreover, the history of the Slavs is very exciting. If we recall the annals of the ancient Slavs, then the times after the Flood caught the Slavs near the Adriatic Sea, in the region of Illyria. From there, they, as follows from the descriptions, settled along the Danube, Dnieper, Desna, Sulla, Seim, Dvina, and also between Dvina and Pripyat. If you believe the Talmuds of historical linguistics, in the old days the sky of the Slavs was above Central and Eastern Europe. And the first written references to a nation called the “Slavs” are found in Jordan, the Gothic historian who wrote about them at the beginning of the sixth century AD. Our contemporary Carlton Kuhn considers the Slavs to belong to the Nordic racial type. Be that as it may, when studying the history of the Slavs, be sure to pay close attention to the gods of the Slavs, the swastika of the Slavs, the Vedas of the Slavs, the runes of the Slavs, the songs of the Slavs - original, unique, valuable and incredibly interesting. Plunging into the culture of the ancient Slavs, you will get great pleasure from knowing your roots and that discovery in yourself that will happen, because the subconscious mind will feel the proximity of this knowledge. You are sure to be touched by the swastika of the Slavs, the Vedas of the Slavs, the runes of the Slavs, as if you hear the sounds of the songs of the Slavs, the very sky of the Slavs that hung in ancient times over those people who lived centuries ago will shine above you. And the gods of the Slavs will surely smile at you, guarding this beautiful people still, despite its apparent fragmentation.

After you feel your essence, listen to yourself, your feelings, perhaps even hear the call of your ancestors, you cannot stop - you will be attracted by the wonderful history of the Slavs, which you will feel with all your heart. Perhaps this path of knowledge will be the first milestone on the road to new discoveries, to discoveries and unexpected occurrences of hidden meaning where no one could still find it. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine anything more important than truth in one’s own soul.

And we will be happy to help you touch the hidden corners of your consciousness by searching for yourself, by acquiring the meaning of life, which will surely now be revealed to you from a new perspective.

  Owners and creators of this agency do not bear any responsibility for the use and publication of information posted on this resource.
All information is given for informational purposes only, authors of articles and photos are not responsible for possible consequences  the use of their materials for purposes prohibited by the criminal codes of different countries. We do not publish materials aimed at inciting hostility between peoples and religious confessions of Midgard.