
Kir Bulychev. Biography. Igor Mozheiko (Kir Bulychev) animated films

Has various associations. It was only from the second half of the sixties in the USSR that girls began to be called in honor of one book heroine. And it wasn't Alice Lewis Carroll at all. Such popularity was enjoyed by Alisa Selezneva from a series of fantastic works created by the wonderful Soviet writer Kir Bulychev.

Biography of the writer in childhood

The real name of everyone's beloved science fiction writer is Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheiko. He took the pseudonym Kir Bulychev out of fear that he could be fired from his job, since there it was not considered worthy to be engaged in literature, especially science fiction.

He was born in Moscow one October day in 1934. The boy's father belonged to an old Belarusian-Lithuanian noble family. However, in his youth, he broke off relations with him and began to live by his own labor. In 1925 he married Maria Bulycheva, a pencil factory worker.

When young Igor was barely five years old, his father left the family, and his mother married a second time. Thanks to this marriage, the writer had a sister, Natasha.

Study and creativity

After graduating from school, Kir Bulychev began to study foreign languages ​​at the Maurice Torez Institute. After graduation, he worked for several years as a translator in Burma. Later he returned to his hometown and began to study oriental studies at the graduate school of the Institute of the Academy of Sciences. After graduation, he remained there as a teacher of the history of Burma.

In subsequent years, the biography of Kir Bulychev was marked by scientific achievements: he defended his Ph.D., and a little later, his doctoral dissertation. In addition, while working at the institute, Bulychev wrote many scientific works about Southeast Asia, in particular about Burma.

In addition to work, in his free time, Kir Bulychev published various notes and essays for such eminent publications as "Around the World" and "Asia and Africa Today".

The first fiction of Bulychev was the story "Maung Joe Will Live", published in 1961. However, the author began to write fantastic works only four years later, and the short story "The Duty of Hospitality" became the "firstborn".

Pretty soon, the works of Igor Mozheiko, writing under the pseudonym Kir Bulychev, began to enjoy the love of readers. And a little later, his stories and stories began to be published as separate books.

In 1977, his story "One Hundred Years Ahead" was filmed. The multi-part motion picture, based on her motives, was called "Guest from the Future". Thanks to her, the entire USSR met the inquisitive schoolgirl Alisa Selezneva, who lives in the second half of the 21st century.

After the incredible success of the film adaptation, the biography of Kir Bulychev was not particularly filled with bright events. As before, he continued to write a lot, and his works were liked by the readers. Quite often, he was engaged in adapting his stories and novellas for screenplays. By the way, about twenty of Bulychev's works were filmed.

In addition to a successful creative career, the personal life of a writer named Kir Bulychev was just great. His wife became his pen colleague, writer Kira Soshinskaya, who became an illustrator of Bulychev's works. From this union, a daughter, Alice, was born, in whose honor the famous heroine was named.

With the advent of the difficult nineties, the writer remained popular, and his work remained interesting for readers. In addition, in those difficult years, the biography of Kir Bulychev was enriched by one remarkable fact: he saved the magazine "If" from closure.

At the beginning of the two thousandth, the writer was diagnosed with cancer, because of which he died in the fall of 2003.

The biography of Kir Bulychev may not be filled with bright events, like that of Alisa Sezezneva, but he received many well-deserved prestigious awards and prizes. Among them are the State Prize of the USSR, the All-Russian Prize "Aelita", "Order of the Knights of Fantasy" named after I. Khalymbadzhi ”and the Russian Literary Prize after which he was awarded posthumously in 2004.

Series of works about Alisa Selezneva

Despite the fact that the writer's works comprise almost twenty volumes, the greatest popularity to Kir Bulychev was brought by a series of stories and stories about Alisa Selezneva, named after the author's own daughter.

In total, he dedicated 52 works to his beloved heroine. In them, she traveled to other planets, found herself in the past, a parallel fairy-tale dimension and many other places. Throughout her literary "life" Selezneva often met with a wide variety of people and creatures from other planets and eras. However, most often the participants in the girl's adventures were her father, Professor Igor Seleznev (named after the writer himself), as well as the four-armed archaeologist Gromozek from an alien planet.

Some of the stories featured the girl's friends and classmates.

For the first time this heroine appeared in 1965 on the pages of the story "The girl with whom nothing happens." She soon gained popularity, especially after the release of movies and cartoons. On the screen, Alisa Selezneva was embodied by such actresses as Natalya Guseva ("Guest from the Future", "Purple Ball"), Ekaterina Prizhbiljak ("The Island of the Rusty General"), Daria Melnikova (the film was never shot, but the girl voiced the heroine in the animated series “Alice Knows What to Do”) and other Polish and Slovak actresses.

A cycle of works about the inhabitants of the city of Veliky Guslyar

Another famous series by Kir Bulychev was a cycle of humorous works about the life of the inhabitants of the town of Veliky Guslyar (prototype - Veliky Ustyug). The writer dedicated more than a hundred stories and stories to this fictional town.

There are no main characters in this series, although many characters are present in several works at once. The first story in this series was Personal Ties.
At the beginning of the 2000s, Kir Bulychev officially announced the end of the cycle, justifying his action by the fact that the idea has outlived itself and is no longer interesting to him. All written works from "The Great Guslar" Kir Bulychev himself divided into six parts, grouping them into collections.

Based on the cycle, several cartoons, two short films and one TV movie "Chance" were shot.

Other works of the writer

In addition to these two cycles, Bulychev's creative heritage contains many individual works, as well as small series from two to ten novels. The most popular of these are three cycles.

1) Novels about Andrey Bruce - a brave agent from the Space Fleet ("Agent of the Space Fleet" and "The Witches' Dungeon"). Based on the second novel, a film of the same name was filmed.

2) Another hero who appeared in many of Bulychev's works is Dr. Pavlysh. One novel "Countryside" and eight other, less voluminous works are dedicated to him.

3) The heroine of many other works by Kir Bulychev, Cora Horvat, is a kind of matured version of Alisa Selezneva. However, instead she is interested in solving crimes. It is noteworthy that in some works she intersects with Alice.

In order not to lose his job at the institute, Igor Mozheiko first took the pseudonym Kirill Bulychev. But when published, this pseudonym was often abbreviated as Cyrus. Bulychev. After a while, due to a misprint, the dot disappeared, and the resulting name suited the writer.

The surname for the pseudonym was taken by Igor Vsevolodovich from his mother: her maiden name was Maria Bulycheva. And Cyrus is the male version of the name of the writer's wife, Kira Soshinskaya.

It is noteworthy that for a long time most readers did not even suspect who was hiding behind the name Kir Bulychev. Only in 1982 the secret was revealed, as the writer was awarded the USSR State Prize.

Possessing excellent knowledge of the English language, Kir Bulychev translated into Russian the fantastic works of many famous writers from the United States.

Unlike his literary heroes, the biography of Kir Bulychev for children and adults does not contain many bright or interesting events. Moreover, young readers may find it rather boring. However, all this was more than offset by the irrepressible imagination of the author, who managed to create a whole world described in several hundred beautiful works. And if we paraphrase the words of the classic, we can say that with his work Kir Bulychev erected a miraculous monument to himself in the hearts of many generations of readers.

Kir Bulychev is the creator of popular works in the fantastic genre. Today, admirers of the venerable literary talent never cease to be amazed at his perspicacity. Bulychev's books are striking in their breadth of views and foresight.

Childhood and youth

Kir Bulychev is a fictional pseudonym for writers. Real name - Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheiko. The future writer was born on October 18, 1934 in the city of Moscow. The boy's dad, Vsevolod Nikolaevich Mozheiko, comes from a noble family, in his youth he left home and began to live independently.

Maria Mikhailovna Bulycheva, the author's mother, is an employee of the pencil production plant. She was brought up in the family of an officer and until the events of 1917 she studied at the Smolny Institute for Noble Maidens. After the coup, she submitted documents to the Institute of Automobile Transport.

Bulychev's parents got married in 1925. As soon as the boy was five years old, the family broke up. Mom soon married the chemist Yakov Isaakovich Bokinin. Soon the boy was presented with his sister Natalia. Yakov Isaakovich went to the front during a terrible war and died in 1945.

In 1957, the young man received a diploma from the Moscow State Institute of Foreign Languages ​​and went to work as a translator in Burma. A couple of years later, he returned to Moscow and began studying the culture of the countries of the East at the Academy of Sciences. After graduation, he remained at the Academy to teach the history of Burma.

The biography of Igor Vsevolodovich is famous for his successes in science. He received his Ph.D. in 1965 and his Ph.D. in history in 1981. Among scholars he became famous for his works on the history of Southeast Asia.


In addition to working at the Academy, he wrote notes and other publications for the magazines Around the World and Asia and Africa Today. In 1961 Bulychev published a short story "Maung Joe Will Live". This was the author's debut work on fiction. Four years later, he created a new story "The Duty of Hospitality", but in a fantastic genre. The creative work was released under the fictitious name of Maun Sein Gee.

However, in subsequent works, the author was referred to as Kirill Bulychev. In a working address, he combined the wife's name with the mother's maiden name. Bulychev used pseudonyms because writing could negatively affect the main work. Then this kind of activity was considered frivolous. The readers fell in love with the author's creations. Soon the stories and stories became separate books.

The publications brought success to Kir Bulychev, but the readers were imbued with unchanging love for adventure. The girl from Earth constantly got into trouble, but coped with difficulties with the help of wit and friends. Other heroes also appeared in the books about the young researcher, but more often the girl traveled with her father Igor Seleznyov and a friend of her father Gromozeka.

In 1985 he released a story from the series about Alice "Reserve of fairy tales". In his work, the writer departed from the usual canons and sent the heroine not to a foreign planet, but to a fairy-tale world. Films were shot based on the plots of books about a young girl.

In 1977, the film "Guest from the Future" was released on Soviet screens. The picture, developed on the basis of the story of the story "One Hundred Years Ahead", was a success. On the screen, the girl was also embodied by Ekaterina Prizhbiljak. The final story about the adventures of the young conqueror of space Igor Vsevolodovich wrote in 2003. As a result, 52 writings have been devoted to the daughter of the archaeologist.

In 1982, the science fiction writer was awarded the USSR State Prize for scripts for the film "Through Thorns to the Stars" and the cartoon "The Mystery of the Third Planet". As a result, the real name of Kir Bulychev was revealed, but the literary critic was not fired from the institute.

A number of works about "The Great Guslar" became the second most recognizable. The cycle has absorbed humorous stories and stories about the inhabitants of the fictional city of Great Guslyar. The town's characters have featured in a large number of literary works. A feature of the series was that the books did not provide for the main character. The introductory story was called Personal Relationships. At the beginning of the XXI century, Kir Bulychev made a statement that he completed the series, because the plot has exhausted itself.

Popular books about the agent of the Space fleet Andrei Bruce. He became the central character in two works "Agent KF" and "Dungeon of witches". The second novel was filmed in 1989. played the role of Bruce.

The female character who remains one of the most recognizable is Cora Horvat, who works as an agent for the Intergalactic Police. In a sense, Cora is Alice in adulthood. In subsequent works, there was an intersection of heroines.

The male character, Dr. Pavlysh, is the hero of the separate novel "The Village". He is the central character in eight books. Tales of secret exploration and fantasy heroes were also at their peak.

"Shadow Theater" is a trilogy - "View of the battle from above", "Old Year", "Operation Viper". These are stories about people from a parallel dimension.

In the series "River Chronos" the author turned to the topic of history. The main characters knew how to move in time. They went to alternative eras to find out how the history of Russia would have developed differently. Burma became the prototype of the fictional country "Ligon", about which two stories have been written.

The writer has a number of creations outside of the series. He did not ignore the dramatic genre. At the request of the director Andrei Rossinsky, he wrote plays staged at the Laboratory Theater. In 1997 Kir Bulychev received the prestigious Aelita award. Since 2002, he has been a Cavalier of the Order of the Knights of Fantasy. He was a member of the Creative Council of science fiction magazines “Noon. XXI century ”and“ If ”.

Personal life

The family life of the literary critic was no less successful than the creative one. He married a colleague on the pen Kira Alekseevna Soshinskaya. The wife was a good artist and painted images for the writer's works.

In 1960, a replenishment happened in the family - a daughter was born, who was named Alice. The interplanetary naturalist was named after the daughter of a writer. The young girl followed in her mother's footsteps and graduated from architecture. Alice's son Timofey also showed interest in architecture and entered the Moscow Architectural Institute. The family hobby is diving.


Kir Bulychev passed away on September 5, 2003 in the capital of Russia. He fought a serious cancer disease for a long time and to no avail.

In 2004, Kir Bulychev posthumously became a laureate of the award named after and for a series of essays "The Stepdaughter of the Epoch" in the category "Criticism and Publicism".

Since 2004, a Writer's Prize has been established, bearing the name of Kir Bulychev. An important criterion for receiving the award is the high bar of humanity in the book. The award is made in the form of a typewriter, symbolizing the work of the writer.


  • 1961 - "Maung Joe Will Live"
  • 1965 - "The Girl With Which Nothing Happens"
  • 1965 - "The Duty of Hospitality"
  • 1967 - "When did the dinosaurs become extinct?"
  • 1968 - "General Bandula's Sword"
  • 1971 - Martian Potion
  • 1972 - "The Great Spirit and the Fugitives"
  • 1974 - "Alice's Birthday"
  • 1975 - Law for the Dragon
  • 1976 - Princess Abroad
  • 1977 - We Need a Free Planet
  • 1978 - "One Hundred Years Ahead"
  • 1979 - Starship in the Woods
  • 1998 - "The Future Begins Today"
  • 2000 - "Genius and Villainy"

Kir Bulychev - Russian and Soviet writer, historian, orientalist was born on October 18, 1934 in Moscow.


"I have everything from my mother" - said the famous author of many works. He will call the heroines of his books by her name and patronymic. The father left the family even before the start of the war. His stepfather, who replaced him, died two days before the victory.

Maria Mikhailovna had a hard time with her two children. She changed many jobs, while continuing to study and master new specialties.
She worked hard at the factory, worked as a driver, was the commandant of a fortress in which shells and cartridges were kept.

When Igor was born, he had to change his military uniform to civilian clothes. During the war years, she again got into service, fulfilling her duty to the Motherland.

As a student at the Institute of Foreign Languages, Bulychev did not sit still. I went somewhere, went somewhere, climbed the mountains, wanted to see more of everything. After receiving his diploma, he worked in distant Burma (now Myanmar) at a construction site.

In childhood

Then he entered the Institute of Oriental Studies and, working in the magazine "Around the World", on the instructions of the editorial board, traveled thousands of different places on the globe. So the outlook of the future writer was amazing.

Journalism, science and the third - the "frivolous" path to science fiction. They had to hide behind a pseudonym, because at one point, and Mozheiko was then 33 years old, one of his stories was accepted for publication.

He worked at the institute and did not want to be aware of his side hobbies there. In addition, part-time jobs were not approved in Soviet times. Then Igor Vsevolodovich could not assume that he would become a writer, and did not want to aggravate his position at work.

He confessed that he had a lot of sins - he did not go to the collective farm, he skipped the trade meeting, he did not act comradely with someone. For the ideologically sustained Soviet era, it is almost an antisocial element. Therefore, he took the name of his wife, mother's surname and became Kir Bulychev. In different periods of creativity, there were also five other pseudonyms.


It is interesting that the writer did not associate science fiction with dreams and believed in goodness as such, in friendship. He did not associate universal human values ​​with any religion in which he was well versed. He said that the existence of a higher mind is quite possible, but he is not given to understand this, since such things are so much higher than him.

Igor Vsevolodovich sat down to write a book, not knowing in advance how it would end and what the final would be. Otherwise, he was just bored. Therefore, he did not become an outstanding scientist, as he himself claimed.

The scientist and prose writer was convinced that the future was unpredictable. He considered charlatans those who divined and promised soon the coming of the end of the world, a worldwide catastrophe and the apocalypse.

He cited as an example a scientifically calculated forecast made in the second half of the 19th century - in a hundred years, the streets of large cities will not be able to be cleared of heaps of manure because of the ever-increasing horse-drawn transport.

Regarding issues of belief in something or someone, the author of many books is sure that the main thing is to be thinking, critically thinking, thinking people. After all, the population of Russia has been taught to believe on orders from above, so there have not been and will not be any problems with changing the next faith.

They believed Stalin, then it turned out that this is a cult of personality. They believed Khrushchev - in the end they declared him a voluntarist and a crook. They believed Brezhnev, and after his death it turned out that he was a senile and the cause of stagnation. They believed Gorbachev, but five years later the USSR collapsed, and the last Soviet leader is none other than a traitor and an enemy.

Bulychev emphasized in one of his interviews that people who are accustomed to believe and not think will always experience various troubles. As a historian and doctor of sciences, he believed that the state in which he lived would certainly fall apart, but he did not think that this would happen so soon. Everyone needs to learn history well.

Multifaceted talent

The popular science fiction writer knows very well what censorship is, and difficulties have arisen with it more than once. However, according to Igor Vsevolodovich, everything depends on the writer himself. In order not to make a deal with his conscience, he wrote things that would be printed for "living and eating".

If he wanted to write material that the censorship would not miss, Bulychev wrote it, but showed it only to close relatives and friends. When the Soviet times ended, all the articles that were "on the table" have now been printed.

He was not built into the system; he kept a distance from his colleagues. In that situation, it turned out to be easier on my own, no one would substitute. The writer never tried to mischief. He considered himself neither a revolutionary nor a fighter. After reading the book How to Become a Science Fiction Scientist.

Notes of the Seventies ”the thought creeps in that Bulychev began to write because life so ordered it. It couldn't have been otherwise. The feeling that not a single character has "grown together" with its author. Some kind of sediment on the soul of the writer, some kind of disappointment is felt.

The writer's legacy is really not small. This includes various works, divided into thematic groups, which are united by one plot and common characters. There is a teenage girl, an agent, a doctor, a cheerful city, then a sad city, other characters and fantastic lines.

Novels and stories are not collected in a certain general cycle in a separate line. Among them are significant works by Bulychev, each of which deserves a separate article. The novel "Shelter" was published after the death of a wonderful writer and was a kind of Russian answer to the young English wizard Harry Potter.

Educational publications and documentary works. Among them are "Secrets of the Ancient World", "Historical Secrets of the Russian Empire". Encyclopedias and reference books, anthologies, several plays, short stories (“When the Dinosaurs Extinct,” etc.), fairy tales. And also translations of fantastic works by foreign authors - Arthur Clarke, Mac Reynolds, etc. And 600 more poems by the author and dozens of short stories.

There were also screen versions of feature films. This is especially true of the five-part picture "Guest from the Future", which brought the author of the story "A Hundred Years Ahead" closer to fame. At the same time, the film was banned in Holland due to sexual discrimination.

Incredible stupidity, even with all the bias of their legislation. And in the film "Through Thorns to the Stars", the party bosses did not allow many episodes to be shown, although the viewer finds himself in a completely fictional world with aliens, and the events take place in the 23rd century.

A wonderful cartoon, where the Talker bird is distinguished by its intelligence and ingenuity.

Personal life

Bulychev was an optimistic person, he liked to joke. He is from the generation that was "understanding", so his humor is sad in his works. He did not want to go down in history, claiming that, as a rule, assassins are included in it: rulers, kings, generals.

And the science fiction writer tried to live in peace and not spoil the life of other people, although they envied him and tried in various ways to discredit the name of the writer. His success and brightness did not give rest to those who surrounded him in everyday life. He tried to treat it as a minor nuisance.

Bulychev was married to Kira Soshinskaya, a writer and professional artist who did illustrations for his books. When the daughter was born, the father was looking for a non-standard name for her. Called Alice, and then the heroine of the books was so named (reminds her namesake from Carroll's fairy tales). Grandson Timofey is an architect. Together with my mother they have a common hobby - they like to dive into water with scuba diving.

Bulychev and Kira Soshinskaya

Having an institute of translators behind him, the literary critic said that his first language was English, and the second Czech. It was believed theoretically that Bulychev knew the Burmese language, but practically he did not know it.

The writer collected hats and service badges, and before that, pistols with a flintlock lock and sabers. He considered himself a great connoisseur of phaleristics (awards). I had to buy and exchange semi-legally different antiques at unannounced flea markets somewhere on the Lenin Hills. Now it is Sparrow Hills. Sometimes the police dispersed all these lovers of stamps, coins and worn rarities.

When computers appeared, he did not work on them. There is a photo where the writer is sitting in front of a turned off computer. The wife always drove the car, Igor Vsevolodovich - no. The novels and novellas lack detailed technical descriptions. This is what his daughter testifies. It's even surprising, because in interplanetary flights, nature as such is completely absent, only technology and electronics.

Bulychev was very far from home life. Except that I bought groceries. Being an impractical person, he somehow poured boiling water into a bottle, which made it explode.

I always wore a jacket as there are many pockets. They had to put notepads, various notes and other pieces of paper. His back ached from a heavy bag full of books, which Igor Vsevolodovich carried over his shoulder.

Once from India, Bulychev smuggled two little monkeys in his coat pockets. They lived in his apartment for several years. The daughter fed them, recalls how biting these lemurs were, although incredibly beautiful.

The science fiction writer did not have any particular addictions to food. Favorite dishes - boiled beef, sprinkled with salt and milk. There was a dacha in the Moscow region, but then it burned down. In general, he was no gardener.

What kind of shovel was there, lying on the grass and reading books - this is the main occupation. In fact, I have not been on vacation in my entire life and did not go in for sports. He watched football matches on TV, he liked it.

The writer died at the age of 68, the cause was oncology, with which he fought for a long time. He had a certain negative attitude, which Igor Vsevolodovich voiced more than once, saying that his father lived 69 years old, and that he supposedly would no longer shine either. You can't program yourself to be negative.

Bulychev in his house is reminiscent of many gifts that he brought from afar. For example, coral beads from the Philippines of extraordinary beauty, as well as watercolors painted by him on the walls.


Kir Bulychev (real name Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheiko; October 18, 1934 - September 5, 2003) is one of the most famous Soviet science fiction writers.

Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheiko was born on October 18, 1934 in Moscow. After leaving school, he entered the Moscow State Institute of Foreign Languages ​​named after Maurice Torez, from which he graduated in 1957. For two years he worked in Burma as a translator and correspondent for the APN, in 1959 he returned to Moscow and entered the graduate school of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. He wrote historical and geographical essays for the magazines Around the World and Asia and Africa Today. In 1962 he graduated from graduate school, since 1963 he worked at the Institute of Oriental Studies, specializing in the history of Burma. In 1965 he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Pagan State (XI-XIII centuries)", in 1981 - his doctoral thesis on the topic "Buddhist Sangha and the State in Burma." In the scientific community, he is known for his works on the history of Southeast Asia. The first story, Maung Joe Will Live, was published in 1961. He began writing science fiction in 1965, the first fantastic work - the story "The Duty of Hospitality", was published as "a translation of the story of the Burmese writer Maun Sein Ji". The rest of the fantastic works were published under the pseudonym "Kirill Bulychev" - the pseudonym was composed of the name of his wife and the maiden name of the writer's mother. Subsequently, the name "Kirill" on the covers of the books began to be written in abbreviated form - "Kir." There was also a combination of Kirill Vsevolodovich Bulychev. The writer kept his real name a secret until 1982, because he believed that the leadership of the Institute of Oriental Studies would not consider science fiction a serious occupation, and was afraid that after the disclosure of the pseudonym he would be fired. Several dozen books have been published, the total number of published works is hundreds. In addition to writing his own works, he was engaged in translating fantastic works of American writers into Russian. Screenwriter. More than twenty works have been screened. In 1982 he became a laureate of the USSR State Prize for scripts for the feature film "Through the Thorns to the Stars" and the full-length cartoon "The Mystery of the Third Planet". After the presentation of the State Prize, a pseudonym was revealed, the expected dismissal did not take place. Laureate of the Aelita-97 science fiction award. He died on September 5, 2003 at the age of 68 after a serious and prolonged illness. Buried in Moscow at the Miusskoye cemetery. In 2004, Kir Bulychev posthumously became a laureate of the sixth international prize in the field of fantastic literature named after Arkady and Boris Strugatsky ("ABS-prize") in the category "Criticism and journalism", for a series of essays "Stepdaughter of the era"

Kir Bulychev (Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheiko) is a famous Soviet writer, screenwriter, orientalist. He took the pseudonym from the mother's maiden name, Maria Mikhailovna Bulycheva and the name of his wife Kira. Igor Vsevolodovich kept his real name hidden until 1982.

On October 18, 1934, Mozheiko was born in the city of Moscow. After school, he entered the Moscow State Institute. Maurice Torez. He graduated from his studies in 1957, worked for two years in Burma (a state in Southeast Asia) as a translator and correspondent for the APN (Political News Agency). He returned to his native Moscow in 1959 and immediately entered the graduate school of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Academy of Sciences of the USSR).

He is the author of an article for the educational magazines "Around the World" and "Asia and Africa Today". In 1962, Mozheiko completed his postgraduate studies, and in 1963 began working at the Institute of Oriental Studies, with a focus on the history of Burma. He wrote his Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Pagan State (XI-XIII centuries)" which was defended in 1965. And in 1981 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic "Buddhist Sangha and the State in Burma."

Igor Vsevolodovich was quite famous in the scientific community, especially for his works on the history of Southeast Asia, as he devoted a lot of his time to this. In 1961, his first story, "Maung Joe Will Live", was published. Already in 1965 he began to write science fiction, the first fantastic work - the story "The Duty of Hospitality", published as "a translation of the story of the Burmese writer Maun Seinji". Several dozen books have been published, and hundreds of works have been published. He translated into Russian the fantastic works of American writers.

Mozheiko was also a screenwriter, more than twenty works were filmed. He is the author of the script for the film "Through Thorns to the Stars" and the cartoon "The Mystery of the Third Planet", for which he was awarded the USSR State Prize in 1982, after which his pseudonym was revealed. On May 31, 1997 in the city of Yekaterinburg he received an award in the field of science fiction "Aelita-97".

For many years he was seriously ill, he died on September 5, 2003, he was 68 years old. The writer was buried at the Miusskoye cemetery in Moscow.

In 2004 he was awarded the posthumous prize in the field of science fiction. Arkady and Boris Strugatsky. It is awarded for the best fantastic work of the year, and by the fantastic we mean a work in which the writer uses elements of the incredible, the impossible, the fabulous. Kir Bulychev was awarded in the category "Criticism and Publicism" for the story "The Stepdaughter of the Epoch".

Kir Bulychev(real name Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheiko; October 18, 1934, Moscow - September 5, 2003, Moscow) - Soviet science fiction writer, orientalist, falerist, screenwriter. Laureate of the USSR State Prize (1982). The pseudonym is composed of the name of the wife and the maiden name of the writer's mother, Maria Mikhailovna Bulycheva.

As the writer himself claims in his autobiography

The author, also known as Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheiko, was born in
Moscow, in Bankovsky lane near Chistye Prudy on October 18, 1934 in
family of proletarians - locksmith Vsevolod Nikolaevich Mozheiko and factory worker Hammer Bulycheva Maria Mikhailovna.

... I came closest to fame after the release of the five-part film directed by Arsenov "" on television. The main role was played by a charming one.
And it so happened that a hundred thousand boys fell in love with her.
Everyone wanted to meet her, go to the movies with her and do their homework. Boys wrote letters, the Gorky studio was overwhelmed with these letters, among the letters were pearls of boyish ingenuity, like this: “Dear director! I love your painting, but I love it even more. If you doubt my feelings, I can marry. "
Kolya K. 6th grade "B".
(…) But if I myself had to perform in front of a children's audience, then it was worth saying that I was writing the script for the film "Guest from the Future", as an admiring rumble rolled through the hall. And I understood how lucky I was in life: I was familiar with and at any time could invite her to a movie or an ice cream parlor.