
They don't pay insurance for a house that burned down. Fire victim, where is your insurance? How and where to contact in case of an insured event after a fire

According to statistics, every day in Russia there is about 500 fires and in them about 50 people die. There are even more people who lost their property during the fire. Such a sad incident causes a family or citizen a lot of problems, which are associated with the lack of housing and all necessary household items, as well as the need to restore mandatory documentation.

Another problem under such circumstances may be receiving appropriate compensation. The legislation provides several options for compensation:

  • from the state;
  • from an insurance company;
  • at the expense of the guilty party.
  • persons who had a fire due to unlawful actions by civil service employees, in particular, housing office electricians who were repairing the wiring;
  • citizens who lost all their property due to a fire, namely: money, things, a house, that is, they were left without a means of subsistence and the possibility of buying a new home.

Compensation from the insurance company

Fire compensation from an insurance company paid only if a number of conditions are met, namely:

  1. An insurance certificate has been issued for the living space.
  2. The fire is officially recognized as an insured event.

To process the payment, the injured citizen must contact the insurance company where he is served and submit an application for payment of compensation. The organization evaluates the incident to determine whether it is an insured event. To do this, experts examine the premises and draw up their conclusions.

If the case is recognized as insured, then the injured citizen receives compensation. The amount of payment is determined individually and depends on the terms of the existing agreement and the extent to which the housing was damaged.

To obtain insurance, a citizen is required to provide a mandatory package of documentation:

  • application for payment of compensation. You can view and download here: ;
  • insurance policy;
  • passport;
  • title papers;
  • fire report drawn up by the fire-technical service of state supervision in the field of fire extinguishing.

Compensation from the state

Payment from the state is the last opportunity for the affected citizen to obtain housing or funds. Officially, government agencies have no obligation to compensate for damage and do so only in extreme cases.

After a fire, you should contact the fire extinguishing service and obtain an opinion regarding the cause of the fire and the measures taken to extinguish it.

If this document confirms the existence of conditions under which compensation is due, then the citizen has the right to apply for compensation within two years. Payment amount.

Conditions for receiving funds is the presence of such moments:

  1. The fire must be spontaneous and not intentional.
  2. The building must be owned (common or shared) by the affected person.
  3. The damaged premises must be the only living space of the citizen and his family.

In addition to the presence of conditions, the injured person must present such documents:

  • application for compensation;
  • passport;
  • title papers for housing;
  • fire service report on the cause of the fire and the extinguishing procedure;
  • the conclusion of the investigative authorities, the prosecutor's office or the court regarding the causes of the fire and the existence of those responsible;
  • resolution to refuse to initiate criminal proceedings;
  • registration certificate of the building and a certificate from the BTI confirming that the citizen does not have any other home;
  • extract from the house register;
  • certificate of registration of the dwelling in the cadastral register;
  • Bank details.

Example for receiving compensation in case of fire

Andrey insured his home in several directions at once, after some time there was a fire in his house - the electrical wiring caught fire. The man immediately contacted the insurers, however, they demanded that he provide a report from the fire service about the cause of the fire.

After the document was received and transferred to the insurance company, an assessment of the damage caused was carried out and, in Andrey’s opinion, the amount of payment was significantly underestimated.

The man turned to the management of the insurance company for clarification, however, they told him that the organization reimburses only part of the damage, and not the entire amount, and this is stipulated in the relevant federal law.

Andrey turned to a lawyer and found out that such an act does not exist. In order to receive the amount of funds due, the man filed a claim in court, and following the results of the meetings, a decision was made to pay the full amount of compensation. The judge also ordered compensation for moral damages, since the insurance company relied on a non-existent legislative act.


As a result, several conclusions can be drawn:

  1. In case of fire the injured citizen has the right to receive compensation in several ways. The funds can be paid by government agencies, an insurance company, or the person at fault.
  2. When reimbursing funds from insurers, it is necessary that the case be classified as insurable and an appropriate service agreement must be drawn up.
  3. If compensation is paid by the state, then certain mandatory conditions must also be met.
  4. For each method you must provide report on the cause of fire, compiled by the fire service.
  5. Reimbursement amount when paid by the state cannot exceed 120 thousand rubles, and in other situations it is calculated individually.

The most popular questions and answers to them regarding filing compensation in case of fire

Question: Hello, my name is Larisa. A week ago there was a fire in my mother's apartment. I, as a representative of the injured party, received a mandatory act and turned to the municipality for help, since the fire occurred due to the fault of a housing office employee. However, an official refusal was issued regarding the payment of compensation, based on the fact that my mother now lives with me, and therefore she has a home and cannot count on compensation.

Tell me, does my mother have the right to compensation, is it possible to challenge this decision and how to do this?

Answer: Hello, Larisa. Fire victims have the right to compensation for damage caused. In your situation, this situation is further aggravated by the fact that the culprit is a municipal service employee.

Since the damaged housing was your mother’s only place of residence and property, she has every right to demand compensation from the municipality as a person who suffered through the fault of an employee of the municipal office.

Now you can apply to the court with a claim for damages and confirm your words with relevant acts. Once the decision is made, you will be able to receive funds to purchase a new home or restore an old one.

Samples of applications and forms

You will need the following sample documents.

How to protect your home from fires, floods, natural disasters, as well as from illegal actions of very bad third parties - the answer is known. You need to buy insurance. However, this is only half the battle. God forbid, an insured event occurs, you need to be able to get compensation. This is a whole science that we will talk about today.

This article is a reference and information material; all information in it is presented for informational purposes and is for informational purposes only.

We remind you that in our previous article on this topic "" "" wrote about how to choose an insurance company and how much insurance can cost.

On the way to payment
In order to receive an insurance payment without any problems, first of all, you need to carefully read the contract and insurance rules before signing the documents. It sets out in detail everything that relates to insured events and what does not, and also provides a definition of all insured events: floods, hurricanes, illegal actions of third parties, etc. The policyholder may mean something different by the event, and the insurance company may mean something else.

For example, for an ordinary person, flooding is water appearing in the middle of a room, but for an insurer, flooding can only be a puddle formed as a result of a water supply or sewerage failure, and not during a rainstorm, when water entered the room through unclosed windows or a leaky roof. It’s the same with wind: “The insurance company may refuse to pay when the wind strength is lower than that specified in the insurance rules. It means that if the house was damaged at a not so significant wind speed, then perhaps some important points were not taken into account during its construction,” explains Tatyana Khodeeva, Head of the Personal Property Insurance Department of AlfaStrakhovanie OJSC. Insurance rules also specify exclusions from insurance coverage and events that allow insurance companies to refuse payment. For example, with a standard set of risks, damage caused to real estate and property in the event of military operations or terrorist acts, as well as due to the intent and fault of the policyholder, for example, when he did not turn off the iron or left an unextinguished cigarette in the kitchen, or deliberately set the house on fire, is not indemnified.

Well, if something remains unclear when reading the insurance rules, you should not hesitate to ask all your questions to the insurer’s specialists. Moreover, polite, complete and competent answers are an additional incentive to choose this particular insurance company.

Moving on to the insurance process and tariff calculation, you need to carefully ensure that the insurer indicates all insured property in the policy, or a separate list of insured property with a detailed description of the objects should be attached to the policy (where possible, it is better to indicate both the brand and model). When a property is inspected, it is important to ensure that photographs taken are attached to the inspection report, and that there are no errors in the report itself, for example, if the floors are concrete, but the insurer’s representative indicates that they are wooden, it needs to be corrected, because this will not only increase the rate, but it can also lead to refusal of payment, since one of the mandatory conditions of insurance is the absence of false information. That is why you should not deceive insurance companies: “All questions must be answered exclusively with the truth, even if the policyholder is deprived of any discount,” advises Lyubov Kononenko, head of the property insurance department for individuals and mortgage insurance at the Soglasie insurance company, because the payout is more important than the discount.

Having concluded an insurance contract, you must strictly fulfill your obligations as specified in the rules. For example, notify the insurance company of information about changes in the composition or characteristics of the insured property and pay insurance premiums on time if payment is made in installments.

And if an event occurs that can be classified as an insured event, first of all you need to take affordable and reasonable measures to reduce the damage, and then you need to turn again to the insurance rules, where the entire procedure is described in detail. “Under the conditions of most companies, you first need to immediately report the occurrence of an insured event to the insurer. This can be done by phone, by fax or in any other accessible way,” says Yulia Shimova, head of the underwriting department for personal insurance at the Zurich insurance company. The company will tell you which service you need to contact and what documents to collect (however, all this is also indicated in the insurance rules). So, in case of a fire, this is the body of the State Fire Supervision, in case of illegal actions of third parties and thefts - the police, in case of accidents - emergency services and housing maintenance organizations.

Then you need to submit a written statement about the insured event to the insurance company. It is important not to miss the deadlines established in the insurance rules. In most organizations, 3-5 working days are allotted for this from the moment the insured event is established. The insurer will certainly inspect the damaged property and, if necessary, conduct an independent examination. The policyholder must collect the required package of documents due to the event that occurred: “For each event there is its own list of documents. For risks related to the bay there is one, for risks associated with fire it is different,” reports Yulia Shimova (Zurich). Typically, these lists are also indicated in the insurance rules, and the company’s specialists will probably tell you what documents and certificates you need to bring. “As a rule, an identification document is required, a document from the competent authority confirming the fact and cause of the insured event, and a document indicating a property interest in the insured objects (for example, a certificate of ownership. - From the editor),” says Artem Iskra, director of the center for property and liability insurance of individuals at OJSC IC Alliance. When all the necessary documents are provided, the insurance company makes a decision on payment and its amount. In most cases, if the policyholder is not caught in deception, and the package of documents is complete, there are no refusals to pay. “And if, nevertheless, they were wrongfully refused, then you first need to file a complaint with the insurance company, and if the decision is negative, with the regulator (FSFM), and then with a claim in court,” advises Artem Iskra (IC Alliance).

Examples from insurance practice
Large insurance companies that have existed on the market for a long time and are respected do not refuse compensation for losses without good reason, but sometimes they make very significant payments that cover all the losses of the insured.

“The largest payments are most often associated with the complete or partial loss of country buildings as a result of fire due to short circuits, improper operation and installation of stoves and fireplaces. For example, in Volgograd in January of this year, a residential building burned down due to an electrical fire. The house was insured under the Comfort Formula program for 6.7 million rubles, the policy cost 40 thousand rubles, and the payment was RUB 5.6 million.”, says Elena Rodyukova, head of the property insurance department of the retail sales department of the Renaissance Insurance group. Lyubov Kononenko (Soglasie insurance company) recalls a similar incident: “In January 2012, an insurance contract was concluded for a residential building and household buildings in the Krasnogorsk district of the Moscow region. A residential building made of timber, lined with brick, with a total area of ​​180 sq. m. m, was insured for 3.5 million rubles, and the bathhouse, garage and utility unit - for another 810 thousand rubles. For homeowners insurance, the policyholder paid 17,761 rubles (2 equal installments). In early July, as a result of a short circuit in the attic floor, a fire broke out: the attic floor burned out, the household property located there was damaged, part of the roof collapsed, the first floor and the property located on it were partially burned, and partially damaged by water as a result of extinguishing the fire. The basement was also flooded with water. The fire was recognized as an insured event, compensation was paid in the amount of 2 million 706 thousand rubles

There have been serious fires in the history of IC Alliance, and the consequences of one of them even became the largest loss this year: “This incident occurred in February: a cottage burned down in the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region. A very common cause of fire is an electrical short circuit. The insured was in the house, having dinner with his family, and still could not put out the fire on his own. The amount of insurance payment was approximately RUB 20 million., and the company not only compensated for direct damage to property, but also, in accordance with the contract, compensated for the costs of dismantling and removing garbage from the territory of the house where the fire occurred,” says Artem Iskra.

Arson also occurs in the practice of insurers. “So, at the end of December 2010, our client suffered from attackers who set fire to his country house in the Leningrad region worth 8.7 million rubles. As a result of the fire, not only the building itself and the property in it were destroyed, but even the street lamps. In the first quarter of this year, the client received a payment 7.38 million rubles. At the same time, the cost of the policy was 80 thousand rubles,” reports Elena Rodyukova (Renaissance Insurance Group).

Portal summary
It's sad to imagine what would happen to the owners of these houses if they were not insured. Of course, not everyone can find such a lot of money to restore real estate or buy a new one, and the problem is even more acute if the house is the only place to live.

When drawing up an insurance contract, each of us hopes in our hearts that misfortune will pass by. But what if trouble does come and the insured house burns down? How to proceed? In this article we will tell you what to do and where to go to get an insurance payment.

Causes of the fire

House fire is one of the most common insurance claims. According to statistics, the risk of a fire in a private house or country house is 10 times higher than in a city apartment. The causes of fire may be the following:

  • careless, inattentive handling of fire (including pranks of children)
  • stove heating defects, sparks from the fireplace
  • faulty wiring or electrical appliances
  • gas leaks, boiler explosions
  • arson (intentional and unintentional)
  • forest fires, lightning strikes

No matter how cliché it may sound, if you follow fire safety rules, trouble will bypass your home. After all, preventing a fire is much easier than coping with the consequences of a fire.

Types of fire insurance

Some insurance companies provide the opportunity to insure a home only against fire. This is especially true when insuring wooden houses and summer cottages. Most of the houses in the holiday village are built of wood and are located very close to each other. In windy weather, fire spreads quickly and neighboring houses can also burn down. Therefore, it would not be superfluous to include civil liability insurance to neighbors in your insurance policy.

What to do in case of fire?

The procedure to follow in the event of a fire in an insured home is approximately the same as in any fire: do not panic, call the fire department and try to prevent further spread of the fire. And only then call the insurance company and report the occurrence of an insured event. The hotline operator will remind you what documents you must provide in order to receive compensation if your house burns down.

Actions after a fire and necessary documents

Within 3 to 5 days after the fire, you must write a statement to your insurance company for payment of insurance compensation. You must attach the following documents to your application:

  • Certificate from the State Fire Supervision Authority (fire department) indicating the cause of the fire
  • Copy of passport
  • Copies of documents on ownership of the house and land (or garden book)
  • A copy of the insurance policy

Then a representative of the insurance company visits the site to assess the extent of losses in the burned house. If necessary, a fire-technical examination can be appointed to rule out fraud and accurately determine the cause and nature of the incident.

Payment of insurance compensation

Based on the inspection by the appraiser, the insurance company determines the amount of insurance compensation necessary for the restoration of the burnt house, as well as the acquisition of property to replace the lost one, with similar characteristics.
Different insurers set their own deadlines for paying insurance compensation. Ideally, from the moment of submitting documents to receiving money on a bank card or account, it takes from 5 to 15 days.


The practice of home insurance in our country goes back several decades. During this time, the process of filing insurance cases and receiving compensation was fine-tuned down to the smallest detail. Large insurance companies that have been operating in the market for a long time and have a good reputation do not refuse payment without compelling reasons.

Therefore, if the insured house burned down, it will not take much effort, time and nerves to receive compensation. A conscientious policyholder is only required to promptly report the incident to the insurance company and provide a complete set of documents.

For more information about the types of insurance and risks from which you can protect your home, see the page:

Home insurance in Russia is voluntary: you insure it if you want, or not. And you can insure yourself against anything. In some places insurance against floods is popular, in others against landslides, here in the middle zone it is about fires.

The amount a property owner will spend on insurance depends on many factors - the size of the house, its foundation, the material from which the house is made, finishing. The area also matters - if there are peatlands nearby, then the risk of fire increases, and so on.

We asked you to tell us more about this Innocent Maskilayson, head of sales development at the Alliance insurance company.

— Why do people so rarely insure their homes?

— The main reason, in my opinion, is related to very low financial literacy in this matter.

Firstly, some people might have the idea that insurance companies do not always pay insurance compensation. And, unfortunately, such types of insurance as compulsory motor liability insurance, where one of the main problems today is the fight against insurance fraud, help strengthen this reputation. Namely, compulsory types of insurance are the main point of contact with the insurance company for most Russians. And when, based on mandatory types, people see that the insurance company does not want to pay, they develop distrust in insurance in general.

Secondly, people see that in a number of difficult situations they can get help from the state and are betting on this. This is especially true in regions where flooding is frequent, or where massive forest fires occur. However, we should not forget that the overall picture is much larger, and you cannot always count on government help.

— If we are talking about the Moscow region, about expensive, modern villages, then most likely people there have money for insurance, but what about residents of poor regions? What determines the cost of insurance?

— The cost depends on many factors. The first is the material from which the house is built: if the house is wooden, it has a greater chance of burning than a stone one. What kind of floors are there, are there any outbuildings around the house. And the most important thing is the cost of the house itself. This is the figure on which the cost of insurance depends. Insurance rates can be from 0.5% to 1% per year and they will cover the main risks: fire, flood, and so on. If a house costs 500,000 rubles, then its insurance can cost from 2,500 rubles per year.

On the other hand, the house may have expensive furniture or computers or other equipment. In this case, an inventory of the property is made, and the tariff, among other things, will depend on whether the inventory of property is included or not.

— Suppose a house in a distant village burned down. He was insured. What is the owner compensated for? Will he be able to renovate his house with this money?

— The cost of the house is assessed by an expert. The situation here is similar to car insurance - there is a price for which it can be sold. For example, a car of such and such year now costs a million on the market, and, accordingly, the insured amount is set within a million. Therefore, answering the question whether there are enough funds to restore or build a new house, I would rather answer no, because the maximum insured value that will be received in the event of a fire in this house will be equal to the cost of the old house.

You cannot build a new house with this money, because its cost can be many times higher than the cost of the current one. But the insurance payment will be equal to the cost of a similar house located in similar conditions. The house costs half a million, and on the next street the same house costs the same, which means this compensation should be enough to buy the same house in this region.

— What should you do to insure your home?

— If a person has decided to insure property, we will invite him to fill out an application that specifies all the technical details. The house always also has a plot of land, and within its boundaries there are additional buildings: a bathhouse, a barn, a garage, a utility block, and so on, insurers ask for photographs, they record everything, look at it and evaluate it.

If this is a small house and standard conditions, then a few photographs are enough, just to check - did the house really burn down at the time of insurance? Insurance companies are trying to protect themselves from fraudulent activities on the part of the policyholder. The insurer’s task is to accept the house for insurance before something happens, and not after something has already happened, and the person tries to compensate for his expenses with this insurance.

Nowadays, so-called declarations – franchises – are very common. What does it mean? This is when a person takes part of the risk payout on himself. If the contract says that the deductible is 100,000 rubles, this means that if the house is insured for a million, the insurance company will pay 900,000 rubles. The person understands that not all the money will be paid to him, and he also bears part of the responsibility.

The policyholder has a sense of ownership and the feeling that he is also paying for it out of his own pocket. Many are ready to sign such an agreement; they believe that in this situation the loss of 100,000 rubles is unpleasant, but not critical. And the loss of several million that the house costs is critical.

— When does insurance not pay?

If the situation is absolutely transparent and understandable, and something happens in it that a person is really insured against - that is, a fire, some kind of damage, then the insurer has no reason to refuse to pay him.

Money is not paid only if the insurance company sees some kind of fraud, or if the case is associated with risks that are not specified in the contract. It happens that people remain dissatisfied with the amount of payments, but this mainly concerns the assessment of damage to interior decoration.

Fire compensation from the state

The law provides for financial assistance; this is regulated by a number of legal acts:
Housing and Civil Codes;
69-FZ on fire safety;
a number of regional legislative norms, operating primarily in areas of high fire risk.

However compensation in case of fire from the state is possible only in exceptional cases, and the victims must understand this.

The Housing Code provides for two forms of financial assistance.

1. Providing social housing for temporary use. If the property that was destroyed in the fire belonged to the victim, then he does not have the right to a replacement home, although he can register in order to receive a social apartment on a first-come, first-served basis or to qualify for improved living conditions in the future.

2. Monetary compensation for damage (usually calculated depending on the degree of damage). The law determines the maximum amount of such assistance at 120 thousand rubles.

Only two categories of victims can apply for payment from government bodies or municipal services:

- people who lost literally everything in the fire - documents, funds, property, housing - that is, they objectively need help from the state;

- families and individual citizens who became victims of mistakes by government authorities - representatives of municipal services involved in maintaining electrical networks, fire brigades who failed to stop a spontaneous fire (as a result of which a house burned down in a village adjacent to the forest).

The housing reserve fund has a category of objects that are offered for temporary residence to such victims. But you can only get the opportunity to move into such apartments if you meet a number of conditions. As a rule, it is provided to people whose houses are completely burned out and cannot be restored.

In other cases, material compensation in monetary terms for the restoration of property can be calculated. You can apply for it if you meet a number of conditions:

- the event was not organized intentionally;

— the fire inspection service report clearly states the cause of the fire: a natural phenomenon, an unintentional mistake by government services. Any other reasons cancel the right to state compensation;

— the victim is the owner of the damaged property;

- the victim and his family members no longer own a single piece of real estate (the burned house was the only home).

Arson as a cause of fire or suspicion of it– this is a guaranteed denial of compensation in case of fire. The absence of this factor must be documented: submit a certificate stating that law enforcement agencies have not initiated a case on suspicion of arson of a house or apartment.

Regardless of the cause of the fire, significant damage or complete destruction of citizens' property occurs. Compensation for damage in the event of a fire can be carried out in various ways, this will allow you to make repairs or purchase a new home.

In the material presented you can find out what financial assistance is provided to fire victims by law, and how to receive compensation after a fire.

Options for compensation after a fire

Immediately after extinguishing a fire, citizens have a legitimate question - whether financial assistance is due in case of a house fire, and who should pay it.

The answer to these questions depends on many factors:

  • on what basis did the injured citizen live in the burnt house or apartment - as the owner, or as a tenant of municipal housing;
  • for what reason the fire occurred and who is the culprit of the fire;
  • whether an agreement was drawn up with an insurance company for a house or apartment.
Attention! Establishing all the circumstances of the fire, including identifying those responsible, is the responsibility of law enforcement agencies and emergency services.

Receiving a Refund

All significant circumstances of the incident must be recorded by the firefighter who arrived at the call of citizens.

The case materials must reflect the nature of the damage to the house or apartment, since it will directly affect the grounds and amount of compensation received after the fire.

Important! After the fire, an investigation is being carried out by law enforcement agencies in order to establish the fact of deliberate arson. Download for viewing and printing:

If such a fact is not established, a resolution is issued to refuse to initiate a criminal case. This document will be one of the grounds for applying to government agencies for compensation.

Payment of compensation at the expense of the guilty party

If the fire occurred due to the fault of a specific person, including as a result of careless actions, the fire victim has the right to recover from him the full cost of the damage.

Such collection is carried out taking into account the following features:

  • if intent to commit arson is established, compensation for damage is possible by filing a civil claim in a criminal case;
  • If the initiation of a criminal case is refused, the recovery will be carried out in a civil case.

During the trial, the degree and nature of the arsonist’s guilt, as well as the reasonableness of the amount of damage, will be established. The value of damaged housing and property can be assessed on the basis of an expert or appraiser, including at the initiative of the court.

Attention! If damages are recovered by a court decision, their execution will be carried out forcibly until the debt is fully repaid.

Bringing to criminal liability does not relieve the convicted person of the obligation to compensate for damages.

Do you need information on this issue? and our lawyers will contact you shortly.

Payment of insurance compensation

If the owner of a house or apartment has prudently insured his home against fire with an insurance company, he has the right to receive compensation under the insurance policy.

Important! If a fire is recognized as an insured event, citizens are guaranteed to receive payments within the amount.

To receive compensation, you must contact the insurance company and attach documents confirming complete or partial damage to the house or apartment.

The documents may include:

  • investigation materials;
  • fire certificate issued by authorized officials of the Ministry of Emergency Situations;
  • conclusion of an expert or appraiser on the value of the damaged property.
Important! The insurance company has the right to independently assess the damage, and if there is a disagreement on the amount of payments, it is obliged to pay the undisputed part of the insurance compensation.

After checking the documents, the insurance company pays compensation in case of fire, provided for by the conditions.

Receiving compensation from the state in 2019

Who can count on compensation in case of fire from public funds? Assistance in case of fire from the state or local authorities is possible only in exceptional cases and for certain categories of citizens.

These special circumstances include:

  • fire or damage to property is a consequence of improper performance of duties by employees of state or municipal bodies (for example, repair crews, fire services, etc.);
  • As a result of the fire, the fire victims completely lost all their property, money, documents, and do not have the opportunity to purchase new housing.

In these cases, assistance to fire victims will be in the form of emergency housing, or cash will be paid for destroyed property and burnt real estate.

Assistance to fire victims can be provided by law only if a number of conditions are met:

  • The official cause of the fire cannot be intentional actions, i.e. arson;
  • the burned-out home must be the only one owned by the fire victim’s family;
  • housing must be owned by affected citizens.

Verification of these conditions will be carried out after citizens contact state or municipal authorities.

Providing housing for fire victims

The rights of fire victims to housing depend on the legal status of the burned house or apartment. If these objects were owned by citizens, they themselves bear the risk of damage or loss of their property, therefore, in exceptional cases, they can only count on receiving monetary compensation.

The obligation to allocate new housing, including for temporary accommodation, arises only in the case of ownership of housing under social rental conditions.

There are the following options for providing new housing to injured citizens:

  • allocation of premises from the reserve fund on social rent terms;
  • provision of temporary housing at the expense of the state or municipality for the entire period until permanent housing is received;
  • payment of subsidies for the purchase of new residential premises.
Attention! The owners of a burnt house will not be able to exercise this right; the state is obliged to provide housing only to tenants.

To obtain housing, citizens must contact the state or municipal authorities that own the housing stock.

Along with the application, they must submit documents confirming the fact of the fire, as well as damage to the residential premises, which does not allow it to be used for living. The main document will be a certificate that must be issued by the fire service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Important! If citizens occupied housing on social rent terms, payments to fire victims by law can only be made in relation to the damaged property.

The basis for the decision will be a statement from the affected citizens, as well as documents confirming the amount of damage caused.

Benefits and payments to fire victims

If a house burns down, what financial assistance is provided for homeowners?

The most common option for supporting fire victims is financial assistance in case of a house fire. Owners of a burnt property who meet the above conditions have the right to count on receiving it.

In the event of a fire, it is allocated in cash and directly depends on the value of the destroyed object, as well as the income of citizens.

Procedure for receiving monetary compensation

The actions of fire victims aimed at obtaining compensation can be presented in the form of step-by-step instructions:

  • obtaining a report from officials of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, as well as a certificate of the results of the investigation;
  • issuing a resolution to refuse to initiate criminal proceedings;
  • collection of documents confirming ownership of burnt housing;
  • obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate about the absence of other housing on the right of ownership of fire victims;
  • obtaining a certificate and the cost of damaged or destroyed real estate, as well as movable property;
  • issuing income certificates for citizens whose property was damaged by the disaster;
  • obtaining certificates about family composition or extracts from the house register;
  • filing an application for compensation;
  • submitting an application and documents to a state or municipal authority.
Note! Compensation for a fire in a private home can only be paid if the home was not insured and citizens did not receive compensation for damage from the insurance company.

Amount of payments to victims

Financial payment does not mean that citizens will receive compensation for damage in full.

Attention! The maximum payment cannot exceed 120,000 rubles, and not every affected family can count on even this amount.

The amount of actual compensation will depend on the amount of damage caused, as well as the general income level of the citizens who applied.

Verification of these circumstances will be carried out only on the basis of statements from fire victims; state and municipal bodies are not obliged to independently make such decisions.

Regional assistance to fire victims

As a rule, at the municipal level additional benefits are provided for fire victims.

They may include:

  • provision of timber on preferential terms or free of charge for;
  • payment of one-time emergency compensation is needed for each family member injured in a fire;
  • other individual benefits.

For such payments, the reserve fund of heads of local self-government is used, which is approved annually in the amount of 1% of the local budget.

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