
Why do you dream that a guy killed a man? I had a dream that they were killing me: why did I dream that someone was killing me in a dream? Psychoanalytic dream book Why dream about Killing

The phrase “They are killing me” can be found in any astrological publication, but its explanations may differ slightly. You should not choose the most optimal option for yourself; it is advisable to study the publication that has already helped decipher such nightly adventures more than once.

What if I dream about being killed?

So, it's time to remember your own murder, how did it happen? This is where you have to strain, because the smallest details, nuances and your own perception of the dream are important. If, after waking up, the night's plot is lost from memory, and only an unpleasant feeling remains, you should not stress yourself out and it is best to completely refuse the help of a dream book - your mood will be normal during the day. But, when a dream is remembered like a clear day, it is definitely necessary to decipher it in detail, to determine further events in real life.

If death turned out to be quick and not painful, then in the dreamer’s life one stage has come to an end, and another is starting and delighting with its prospects. This is not a bad sign for the future, because finally there is an amazing opportunity to try yourself in a new business and maximize your creative potential.

When a sleeping person dies long and painfully in a dream, then in reality some work was not completed. If you do not correct your own mistake in a timely manner, it will become the main reason for a series of failures, public exposure and continuous troubles on the thorny path of life.

If the dreamer killed himself, then nothing good awaits him in life. For example, management will reproach you for lack of initiative and indecisiveness; family does not consider authority; relatives are in a protracted conflict; and friends have secret grievances and gossip behind their backs. The condition is unpleasant, and the fate of suicides in real life is also unenviable.

Murder is the internal rebirth of a sleeping person, when he finally opens his eyes to life, decides to make adjustments to it, become better and live with a perspective for the future. The sign is not bad, but the path to self-improvement will still be convoluted.

If the dreamer’s murder was carried out with a knife or other bladed weapon, then this means that the sleeping person is able to withstand any obstacle in life, is an optimist and is not afraid of difficulties in real life.

A fatal bullet wound means an unexpected outcome to a long-planned case. The result will clearly not be in favor of the dreamer, so you will have to defend your interests, prove you are right, but remain incomprehensible to the masses.

A fatal blow means betrayal, that is, there is a secret envious person in the environment who has made the purpose of his existence to set up a sleeping person. You should be especially wary of such a fanatic, but first you need to reliably determine what kind of person he is.

When you have a dream in which a sleeping person dies a natural death, you need to mentally tune in to new life events that you need to adapt to. It is also possible that there will be a visit from guests from afar who decided to make a pleasant surprise.

If the killer is a complete stranger, it is advisable to consider his appearance, because in real life he is a potential threat to the dreamer. Perhaps there is an unpleasant meeting ahead in real life, and it is advisable to know your enemy by sight.

When a good friend or even a relative becomes the dreamer’s killer, then in real life there will always be tense relationships with this person, hidden conflicts and invisible confrontation. You just have to come to terms with this, but at the same time be always on your guard.

What does it portend?

The family dream book reports that any dreams with a killer in the leading role are an unobtrusive warning for the future, that is, after studying the interpretation of sleep, a person should reconsider his carelessness, increase his vigilance and responsibility to the outside world.

The Eastern dream book reports that such images are a sign of trouble, which is organized by envious people and attackers. So it is preferable to keep your enemies in your “field of view”, to control their actions and plans.

Miller's dream book reports that murder is a sign of sadness, despair, disappointment, melancholy and apathy. This unbearable state was brought to such an unbearable state by enemies who not long ago felt power over a sleeping person. If you don't change the situation, you may end up losing.

With such a night image, the modern dream book recommends increasing vigilance and taking a responsible attitude towards all your actions and deeds. It will not hurt to monitor your health, since during this period exacerbations of old diseases and the emergence of new diagnoses are possible.

The Russian dream book reports that killing oneself in a dream is a prediction of great success, the triumph of glory, victory and the achievement of a higher goal. This is the best dream one can have, and after waking up, things will go uphill in all areas of life.

The erotic dream book characterizes such a mysterious symbol as the routine and boredom of real relationships. If passion is not restored, then such a bland couple is close to a final break in the relationship. But it is advisable to start a new life, choose another chosen one and again experience indescribable romantic feelings and emotions.

Murder is a controversial sign for the future, but in most astrological publications it has a negative meaning. So it is advisable not to get into such night adventures or forget about them after waking up in the morning.

And other positive features.


Who killed a man in a dream?

You killed a man in your sleep▼

If you dream that you are killing another person, then fame, honor, as well as superiority and authority in certain strata of society await you.

How did you kill the person?

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Video: Why do you dream about killing a person?

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Dreamed of Killing a man, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about killing a person in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    In a dream, I, my older brother and my brother’s acquaintance started a conflict with strangers, after which I hit one of the strangers in my car and shooting began, in which I finished him off with a pistol, and my brother and the second’s deputy, after which the police chased us for a very long time but did not catch up .

    snilos chto ja s ljubovnitsej. i nas uvidel znakomyj. steel ugrozhat. ja pytalsja s nim govarit no ne poluhilsja razgovor i ja ego ubil nozhom v zhivot. after sleep. what do you mean, thank you.

    In a dream, my friends and I killed an influential man in a cemetery, and then put him in a coffin with a gray lid and a black bottom. I was hidden during the burial process, but I clearly saw how my brother and someone else buried him. There were about 5 or 7 people. I came a little closer, then they buried it. The weather was normal, there were clouds, there was no rain. This man was rich and influential, he was doing something bad and I didn’t like it.

    I dreamed that my dad died in a mine on June 6 and yesterday it was like 4 months since he had been gone) in the dream he handed me a wrist watch and I asked him who was to blame, he answered me - and you come to me, I’ll tell you everything, after all the moments continuation of these two unknown people fly into my apartment, I take a knife and insert it into the neck of one, but he doesn’t feel it and takes a gun and shoots me in the head. I woke up

    Hello Tatiana
    Help me decipher this dream.
    It was some kind of competition where you had to kill or be killed, we fought on a large bed. The bed was large and dirty. It was a woman, she resisted, I struck 4 times, the last one in the heart with a large nail. She also had a nail or a knitting needle, and she wounded me in the leg. I don’t know her, I didn’t experience anything, I just knew that I had to kill her. and then 3 people came and gave me a prize, it was a very shiny box and they said that I had won. I took it and looked at my hands, they were covered in blood and I went and washed them.
    my mail-

    I dreamed that a man was pestering me and harassing me. I somehow dealt with it quickly. She strangled him. It turned into a piece of soft wire and fit inside a cigarette pack. Then I see myself in my parents’ apartment. I feel like I have a little son and a long-dead grandmother with me. But I don't see them. They know that I killed a man. She hid the cigarette pack with the wire in the closet. The doorbell rings, I open the closet, a wire from a pack of cigarettes hangs on the crossbar on which clothes are hung. I quickly tell my son and grandmother not to say anything about the murder. I open the door, and there is a smiling man standing there who I killed. There are some people behind him. The dream occurred from Sunday to Monday. After that I never fell asleep again. There is still a smiling man in his eyes.

    Hello, it means I’m dreaming that I’m sitting in the dormitory where I live during my studies, at first it was a girl’s birthday there, she asked me to bring cake and juice to two boys, but for some reason one piece of cake and one glass of juice, I bring it there these two boys are sitting (I know them), for some reason I only brought juice and went for a cake, when I returned there was only one boy sitting there, and we were already in the room with the girls, it turned out that the second boy was dead, but I saw him, then they tell me on the phone, or I don’t remember, that my dad was killed, then a little later that my mother was killed, I started crying in disbelief and after that there was a feeling of hopelessness and hatred, after that I woke up, then when I fell asleep again, the dream continued, There is already some man there (as far as I understand from the police) who says that he knows where the killer is and we need to go there, for some reason I go with toys, then we approach the door in the entrance, and some man comes up and tells us something, and asks me to wait and comes into this door, this man who was with me immediately props the door open and shows that he closed the door peephole, after that he tells me to collect the toys and leave, I collect the toys and stand still, for some reason I was in in the image of a little girl already, and this man comes into that apartment and, as far as I understand, a fight began there, and that man kills this man who was with me, and I all woke up, what nonsense, what could this mean?

    Night, estate, house. There is an unfenced area overgrown with bushes. Three figures are walking stealthily, I am hiding. Suddenly they started looking for me. One was coming straight at me. I seemed to grab him and kill him, I don’t even know how. Then the second one appeared, I stabbed this one where and how I don’t know, I just know I’m cutting him with a knife. And then the thought appears, that these murders mean the number TWO with 13 zeros, like that’s a lot of money. Sleep without blood.

    A man attacked me. I was lying on the asphalt, he sat on top and beat me. Then I took him by the head and hit him on the asphalt, after which I broke free and hit him again on the asphalt. There was blood, but not much. Then I tried to wash off the blood with water from the hose.

    Hello, I had a dream where I killed a man with a knife, because I was defending myself from his attack, when there was a battle for life or death and the enemy realized that I was stronger, he cut off a piece of his leg and rudely told me to kill him. I understood that if not me, then me. What could this mean?

    In a dream, my mother and I killed the Chinese, in my apartment, my grandmother’s room, there were a lot of them and we killed everyone with a pistol, in the dream I was afraid that the Chinese would come and kill my mother and me, and most importantly, there was no blood from any Chinese and they disappeared somewhere on their own

    I killed a man in a dream who stole something in a concert hall and ran away. I caught up with him and strangled him. I was on a tram to escape. But I believe very strongly in God and prayed to Him. When I got off the tram, a man came towards me and said that he had found evidence. I agreed. I write poetry and people all over the world read my poems. The Lord sent me this gift. I write them from God. I met an American and at that moment I started calling him so that he would help me and that I was not a winemaker. I kissed him and he answered with a question. Where I am? And then I woke up. Help me explain I could.

    I dreamed that I was watching a man chasing an unfamiliar girl, wanting to kill her, and then the picture changed and another man was trying to kill her, making cuts on her skin, and then I suddenly dreamed of the grave of this girl who was killed

    My dead grandmother locked the toilet in her old house, I tried to open it, I got scared, but I opened it. Then I found myself in nature, tourists arrived somewhere far away, me and someone (I don’t remember who) urinated in front of them, it started some kind of domestic scandal, we all ended up back in grandma's house and my mother attacked me from behind, I pulled her away and she fell into the roses, then I found myself near the store, met old friends whom I had not seen for many years, and a guy started attacking me as a joke with with a file, I jokingly showed how to turn the weapon on the enemy, he exposed his throat, everything slowed down, I thought: why did everything slow down, probably now the file will go into his throat, and that’s what happened, there was blood, his eyes began to fill up and I woke up.

    was invited to work as a bodyguard for Stalin, during an attack on him he shot two attackers. As I remember, I was a classified specialist, there was no information about me anywhere. Some of my friends tried to find out about me, but could not, during the attack on Stalin the second bodyguard was wounded or killed, I hit both attackers with two shots. Stalin was not injured

    There was someone next to me, but I don’t remember him, he was my friend. We found ourselves locked in the same building. And many young people started chasing us and wanted to kill us. And I started to kill them in self-defense. I even cut off the head of one girl because she would not die no matter how I injured her. I killed a lot of people in this dream.

    The dream occurred from Sunday to Monday.
    Excitedly, I walk towards a large private house and load the gun with 1 cartridge, I go into the house and see an elderly security guard, I point the gun at him and take the gun from him. I use this pistol to kill a guard in the head. Then I walk around the house (you’re the only one there), and I shoot everyone I see with this pistol (I always kill in the head), then I go into another room and see my friend (there are friendly relations in life), I point the pistol at his head and pull the trigger , but instead of a shot, I see that the pistol has run out of cartridges, and for some reason the blood from the pistol of the other people I killed flies into my friend’s head, then a feeling of fear overwhelms me, I throw the pistol at his head and run away into the street, where I understand that they are all witnesses who remained in the house (he was not alone there), I turn around to finish what I started, walk towards this house and wake up!

    Summer, wheat fields. The war begins. I run to a large house and kill a couple of people with a machine gun. Then I hide, come out of hiding and kill a man with a brick, smashing his head until his brains fly in different directions

    In a dream I killed a man who was the enemy of my brother. I took the man by the legs and slammed his head on the floor. The man was then beheaded. I saw blood. They offered me to lick this blood, but I refused. But before his death, this man showed me some signs on his fingers. I asked what this means, they told me that he says that you will die anyway

    At the hairdresser, a guy about 25 years old started combing my hair even though I didn’t ask him to. I got angry. He noticed this and began to run away, and I chased after him. We reached the forest. The forest was mysterious. He stood up and began to breathe heavily. I kicked him in the back. He fell and started vomiting blood. I walked up and started choking him. I killed him. I turned around and saw my classmates, they were looking at me. It was clear that they were scared. They started to run. And someone stopped me, I turned around and saw two guys in masks there. One has a theatrical one, and the other has a sad smiley face. I recognized them as Creepypasta characters. Hoodie and Tim Muskie. They gave me katanas. I took. And she ran after her classmates. I caught up with them and cut them in half with the same katanas. After which I started laughing evilly. It began to get dark in the forest. I returned to the place where I killed that guy but he was not there. And I felt that someone was standing behind me, I turned and saw Slenderman. He extended his hand to me and I took his hand. And we ended up in some kind of mansion. All the Creepypasta characters were there. They smiled. And they took me in. They were happy to see me and I was glad to see them too. Then I woke up.

    I'm killing a stranger, a man. He is big and very dangerous. All this happens in the dark. I'm very scared. And I have a knife in my hands. It even seems to me that I am skinning him. I see red meat and some blood. Strangely, the dead man does not bleed. And because I killed a man in a dream, no one says anything to me. As if I did the right thing by killing him. He was a bad person... And then I don’t remember and wake up

Why you dream of killing a person can be deciphered correctly only after analyzing all the details. After all, even the emotions you experienced influence the result of the interpretation. The Dream Interpretation recommends clearly recreating Morpheus’ message in your memory.

There are different versions of what portends murder in a dream. In the first option, a serious conversation awaits you, and as a result, a family quarrel. But if you delay in clarifying the relationship, the conflict will worsen and the difficulties will increase. In this situation, the dream book warns you against lying. Your main weapon is the truth. Otherwise, the interlocutor will be offended, and it will be impossible to reach an agreement.

Another dream book points out the connection between material wealth and murder, and foresees a financial takeoff. Expect a quick promotion, or a rich inheritance from distant relatives. The dream book suggests that you will be able to find additional sources of profit. To summarize what it means to dream of killing a person, it means getting easy money, without much effort on your part.

Miller's Predictions

The famous psychologist interprets murder in a dream as a warning. By participating in a dubious enterprise, you will bring shame upon yourself. Also compiling a dream book, Miller indicated that an extremely unfavorable period had come. It would be better to reconsider your priorities and figure out where you are making a mistake. Then, you will be able to mitigate the events that the dream book foretells.

Why dream if a person was killed in front of you? In reality you will be disappointed in a close friend, and perhaps you will witness his bullying of others.

Unfortunately, we don’t always have good, beautiful dreams.

Sometimes these are nightmares from which you wake up in the middle of the night, and for a long time you try to make sure that it was just a vision. One of these dreams is a dream about violent death. Surprisingly, according to the dream book, murder most often dreams of pleasant events.

Kill with a pistol

If you dreamed that you were killing a person, it means that you cannot admit to yourself your secret feelings and desires. For example, when in a dream you shot someone with a pistol, then in real life you lack warmth and romance.

Moreover, if you killed a woman, then soon a new mutual feeling awaits you. And if it’s a man, then you will fall in love without reciprocity.

  • Killing a person in front of people means confusion.
  • Shooting someone with a pistol in someone else’s house means a visit from guests.
  • Shooting a child means news from a distant city.
  • Your best friend is the envy of your neighbors.
  • Shooting at work means a happy holiday.

Crime weapon: knife

If in a dream you killed a person with a knife, it’s time to think about serious changes in life.

If the victim resisted, try to find a new place of work. And an easy murder suggests that you should change your lifestyle and pay attention to your health.

  • Killing your spouse with a knife means a long trip.
  • To stab a stranger to death is a disappointment.
  • A lot of blood - for the arrival of relatives.
  • Seeing the victim suffer means unpleasant words from a loved one.
  • Killing a brother or sister means moving to a new place of residence.

To see in a dream how a person you have stabbed to death comes to life means you want to renew an old relationship. And burying a victim means striving for an ideal.

Discovering new talents in oneself and the opportunity to realize them is what dreams of being killed with a knife in one’s apartment mean. If you have killed a member of your family, prepare to travel. And if the victim is a thief, then you will be promoted.

Other weapons

Killing people with a machine gun or machine gun speaks about the attitude of those around you. For example, if in a dream you shot a line in a store, it means that your loved ones are jealous of you.

And to see how some victims try to get up and call for help means to be the object of passion of a stranger.

  • Seeing the victim shoot back means receiving gratitude at work.
  • Killing people in war means gaining the approval of friends.
  • To shoot your boss is to unnerve your enemies.
  • Burying a dead person means bringing joy to a loved one.
  • Kill a person and throw the body into the water - friends want to meet you.

Many people want to know why they dream of killing with a machine gun if the victim is a loved one.

  1. Killing your father means you may be betrayed.
  2. Mothers - decisive action is expected of you.
  3. Other family members - expect recognition from a stranger.
  4. And the murder of distant relatives is usually dreamed of to everyone’s admiration.

See murder

If in a dream you saw a person being killed and ran away, it means that in reality you will become a participant in an interesting adventure. And trying to help the victim means possible deception of people you trust.

If your relative committed a crime in a dream, you will soon be able to raise your self-esteem. And an unfamiliar criminal symbolizes indifference and apathy.

  • Seeing a shootout on the street is a sign of a holiday.
  • The murder of a woman in front of her child is a sign of fun and joy.
  • They shot a man with a pistol - to a pleasant surprise.
  • Stabbed a man with a knife to a measured personal life.
  • A victim was poisoned in a dream - to increase vitality.

If you dreamed that your partner killed someone, think about your health. And if a friend killed a person, then you will be able to get out of an unpleasant situation with dignity. Seeing a masked man shoot from a pistol is an easy solution to problems. And if he kills the victim with a knife, then you should think before you take an important step.

If you were the victim

A long journey, a pleasant company or a fun vacation - this is what you dream about murder if you are the victim. If in a dream you noticed a stranger in your house, and then he killed you, get ready for a business trip.

Killing with a pistol indicates a successful trip. And if you've been stabbed to death, focus on not being tricked.

  • You were shot by a loved one - for a noisy holiday in your home.
  • You have become a victim of a maniac - a trip out of town.
  • You were killed in front of people - to a meeting with an old friend.
  • Seeing the face of a killer means vacation in another country.
  • Bleeding in a dream means new experiences.

If you often have dreams in which you are killed, it's time to take a vacation and rest. This should be not only physical, but also mental rest.

If you are being strangled in these dreams, then you are better off traveling alone. And dying in a dream from a machine gun shot means that you can only relax in the company of your best friends. According to the dream book, murder in a dream is very often a good sign. Therefore, do not be upset if you have a similar nightmare.

By correctly deciphering your dream, you can not only set yourself up for positive changes, but also prevent unpleasant events in your life. Author: Vera Drobnaya

A dream or sleep is a sequence of subjectively perceived images that arise in the minds of a sleeping person and some other mammals during the REM sleep phase.

All people see dreams, but the quality of dreams varies greatly: some people remember bright and rich dynamic pictures after waking up, others remember dull and sedentary scenes, and still others, although they see dreams, cannot remember about them after waking up.

The quality of dreams depends on the imagination - children and people with a rich imagination see vivid dreams, while black and white dreams are characteristic of people who perceive only images of objects in their dreams.

In ancient times, people believed that dreams contained a prediction sent by the gods, which must be correctly deciphered. Understanding the essence of dreams was not given to everyone, so they turned to professionals or priests for interpretation.

In order to facilitate the interpretation of dreams, many dream books have been compiled over the centuries based on the most common images and plots of dreams.

The most ancient dream books include “Oneirocriticism” by the Lydian dream interpreter Artemidorus of Daldian, who lived in the second half of the 2nd century. AD Being a practitioner, Artemidorus, based on symbolism, analyzed the fulfillment of the dreams he collected and built an integral system of dream interpretation. He divided all dreams into:

  • ordinary, which are experiences of the present moment that return in a dream (a hungry person dreams of food, etc.);
  • prophetic:

a) allegorical– dreams in which allegorically indicate good and evil to come in the future;

b) straightforward, that is, directly predicting upcoming events.

Artemidorus and his followers believed that the meanings of the symbols are associated not with the individual traits of the sleeper, but with his cultural and religious affiliation. Although Artemidorus took into account many small details, over time the meanings of the symbols he described became outdated and no longer worked. Due to the lack of understanding of this important point, the use of outdated meanings led to a loss of faith in dream interpretation, and it was only at the end of the 19th century, in connection with the emergence of psychoanalysis, that interest in dream interpretation arose again.

At the end of the 20th century, interest in the interpretation of dreams became widespread, and although predicting the future with the help of dreams is still in doubt, people are increasingly interested in what this or that event seen in a dream means.

Any unusual event in reality or in a dream brings anxiety and doubt into a person’s life. This is especially true for such a mystical, unpredictable and inevitable phenomenon as death.

Even a dream about a dead person instills anxiety in the dreamer, and people who dream about murder become especially uncomfortable. There can be countless variations of a dream, but basically this dream is divided into several options:

  • you killed;
  • killed you;
  • killed a friend;
  • killed a stranger.

Miller's dream book states that:

  • a dream about murder means upcoming grief due to the atrocities inflicted on you. There is also the possibility that you will witness someone's violent death;
  • a murder committed by you foreshadows events that will ruin your reputation;
  • if the murder victim is you yourself, this is a warning about the firm intentions of your enemies to thoroughly ruin your life;
  • if you killed your attacker, expect a rapid rise up the career ladder and good luck in business.

Freud's dream book says that:

  • if you kill someone in a dream, you should remove boring, unnecessary relationships from your life. Although you convince yourself that it still makes sense to fight, this is a relationship without a future and there is no longer a place for this person in your thoughts;
  • if you witnessed a murder, this indicates the presence of cruelty in your sexual fantasies. You should not be selfish in sex, since rough caresses are not everyone's taste.

According to Hasse's dream book, if you killed someone, there will be an argument with an influential person. If you dream that you were killed, you need to be more patient.

Cultural traditions greatly influence the interpretation of dreams. So, for the British, murder in a dream means:

  • that you could commit a crime and go to jail. To avoid the bad consequences of sleep, it is necessary to renounce sin and evil in the soul;
  • upcoming quarrels in family life, betrayal of a loved one and parting with your best friend;
  • that peasants and merchants would face robbery or catastrophic losses.

For the French, a dream of murder foreshadows intense pleasure, and for the sick it promises a speedy recovery.
IN Tsvetkov's dream book murder is also interpreted as a positive omen:

  • killing an enemy promises success;
  • if you are stained with the blood of the enemy, big money awaits you;
  • if you dreamed that you were killed, expect joyful events.

IN Vanga's dream book murder is not considered, but it is noted that seeing one’s own death in a dream means a long and happy life with a loved one.

A dream about killing a defenseless person, and especially a child, has a negative meaning. Such a dream is considered a harbinger of serious life losses.

A mother's dream about killing a child is interpreted as a symbol of insufficient attention on her part towards her children. For a childless woman, such a dream is a warning that she is not ready to become a mother at the moment.

It is also important whether you know the person killed in the dream. Loff's dream book states that killing a stranger means an attempt to expel from your life the “dark side” of your personality, which you are ashamed of in reality and which causes you a lot of trouble.

The symbolic interpretation of dreams is inextricably linked with the personality of the dreamer living in a specific historical era in a specific cultural environment. But directly contemplative prophetic dreams do not require interpretation and, predicting trouble, can be dreamed both by the person himself and by a person from his close circle.

Such prophetic dreams include a dream described by biographers of Abraham Lincoln, which the president had a few days before his assassination. Lincoln dreamed that in the dead of night he heard a loud noise that woke him up. Lincoln, hearing the crying and roar of the crowd, went into the White House hall to see what was happening.

In the middle of the hall he saw a hearse with a coffin, a guard of honor and people in mourning saying goodbye to the deceased. Since Lincoln could not see the person lying in the coffin, he asked the sentry who had died. He replied: “The President, who died at the hands of an assassin.” The crying became so loud at this time that Lincoln woke up. He told his friends and his wife about the dream. A few days later, Lincoln died at the hands of an assassin.

The wife of the famous bard Mikhail Krug, Irina, had a similar prophetic dream a week before his murder.
It can be assumed that many predictions do not come true, since people who have had such a dream show great caution and caution. Perhaps this is the meaning of a prophetic dream - to protect a person from misfortune.