
St. Nicholas Church, Mansurovo village.  St. Nicholas Church - Baptism History of restoration work and painting of the temple

NIOR RSL. F. 275. P. 5. D. 2. L. 70-71. Skvortsov N.A. City of Ruza and district. Draft of an unpublished book. 1897-1899:
In the parish of the village of Petrova in the villages of Mansurovo and Trinity there were churches in the past. In the category of 1504, the village of Mansurovo is mentioned (State Charter and Agreement No. 146). In 1623, half of the village of Mansurov (on the Molodilna River of Surozhskaya Stan) with the church site of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker belonged to Pyotr Danilov, and the other half belonged to Prince Georgy Khvorostinin, the church’s arable land was 6 plots (9 dessiatines). According to the inspection of 1681, it turned out to be the estate of Prince David Volkonsky, half a villager Mansurov, “and in that village there is a cemetery and people know it, and there was a church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in that place, and of that cemetery there was a tithe, and a half-third and a tithe of arable land.” And she was in the parish of the village of Yurkina-Rozhdestvena. In 1694, Prince David Ivanov Volkonsky was allowed to build a new wooden church in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker on the old site in the village of Mansurovo... Full text

CIAM. F. 54. Op. 181. D. 1576. L. 5-5v. About the construction of a stone chapel in the village of Mansurova, Ruza district. 1903:
January 29, 1903. Consistory document (petition) No. 724 (1st expedition, 2nd table). To the construction department of the Moscow Provincial Board. Consistory, transmitting the plans in duplicate with estimates (there is no estimate on file) for the construction of a stone chapel in the village of Mansurova, Ruza district, humbly requests to be notified whether the proposed work can be permitted according to the above plans.

CIAM. Right there. L. 6. About the construction of a stone chapel in the village of Mansurova, Ruza district. 1903:
February 5th, 1903. Document of the Construction Department (relation) No. 552. To the Moscow Spiritual Consistory. The Construction Department has the honor to humbly ask the Spiritual Consistory, in addition to its petition dated January 29 of this year, No. 724, to send to the Department a plan of the general area in two copies for the construction of a stone chapel in the village of Mansurova, Ruza district, since this stops the further progress of the present matter .

CIAM. Right there. L. 7-7ob. About the construction of a stone chapel in the village of Mansurova, Ruza district. 1903:
April 16, 1903. Consistory document (petition) No. 2785 (1st expedition, 2nd table). To the construction department of the Moscow Provincial Board. As a result of the resolution dated February 5, 1903 No. 552, the Consistory has the honor to forward to this department a plan of the general area in two copies for the construction of a stone chapel in the village of Mansurova, Ruza district.

CIAM. Right there. L. 8-10. About the construction of a stone chapel in the village of Mansurova, Ruza district. 1903:
For a report to Mr. Moscow Governor, Moscow Provincial Administration for the Construction Department. Protocol. Having examined the project for the construction of a stone chapel in the village of Mansurova, Ruza district, forwarded by the Moscow Ecclesiastical Consistory in relation No. 724, the Construction Department found this project to be drawn up correctly and the construction of the chapel in accordance with it, in technical terms, can be allowed, so only that the work is carried out in compliance with the proper rules and under the supervision of a technician who has received the legal right to do so. In view of this, the Construction Department believes that the said project should be approved and, with proper certification, returned along with (inaudible) to the Moscow Spiritual Consistory for further orders. April 25, 1903. Project of a stone chapel. Plan of the village of Mansurov with mark (A) of the proposed chapel.

St. Nicholas Church. Village of Mansurovo

Story. The first information about the existence of a wooden church in Mansurovo dates back to 1625, when the village belonged to the Golokhvastov family, after which it changed owners many times. Construction of the stone church began under Elizaveta Sergeevna Svinina in 1799; bell tower, designed by architect. Balashov, was built later, in 1820.

In 1853, Major P.I. Vyrubov began rebuilding and expanding the church.

With the participation of architect. N.I. Kozlovsky built a warm refectory with two chapels: a winter one in honor of the Praise of the Blessed Virgin Mary and a summer one in the name of Sts. App. Peter and Paul. The bell tower was also “raised and restored.” In the second half of the 19th century. The church was repeatedly renovated and improved. The priest Grigory Gruzov (1848-1898) was the rector of the temple for many years. Under him, a new chapel appeared, a parish school was built, an apple orchard was laid out, and the swamp was drained.

In 1922, all church valuables were confiscated. The church was closed in 1935, when its last rector was Hieromonk Alexy (Belov). In May 1995, the temple, in a severely damaged state, was handed over to believers. On November 1, 1996, the first Divine Liturgy was served there. Since then, extensive restoration work has been carried out in the St. Nicholas Church: the domes were covered with copper, a new mahogany iconostasis was installed, made by craftsmen from the city of Palekh, icons were painted by icon painters from Mstera, a full series of bells were purchased, a clergy house was built.

Church of St. Nicholas (St. Nicholas Church)- Orthodox church of the late 17th century of the Istra deanery of the Moscow diocese,

The temple is located in the village of Mansurovo, Istrinsky district, Moscow region.


The history of the temple in the village of Mansurova is little known. It required painstaking work with primary sources, sometimes very complex and significant historical and archival research.

The villages of Mansurovo, Petrovo and Yurkino are located in the southwestern part of the modern Istra district, while in the past, in the 16th-18th centuries, they were listed in the Moscow district of the Surozh camp, being almost at an equal distance from the cities of Istra (formerly Voskresensk), Ruza and Zvenigorod. These lands are still full of Central Russian charm, representing a rather rough terrain in the basin of the small rivers Malaya Istra and Molodilnya.

The ancient village of Mansurovo, located a mile from Petrov, had its own history and from ancient times belonged to different owners. At the beginning of the Time of Troubles in the 17th century, Mansurovo was completely devastated by Polish-Lithuanian troops and stood “empty.” Later, the village was owned in turn by: Pyotr Danilovich, Prince Yuri Khvorostin, princes Korsakov and Volkonsky.

The appearance of the first church in the village of Petrovo is associated with the descendants of the already familiar to us ancient boyar family of the Golokhvastovs, who for a long time remained the owners of vast lands in these places. In 1682, the village of Petrovo first briefly passed into the possession of the Volkonsky princes, from them to Ivan Mikhailovich Voeikov, and in 1754, the village passed into the possession of Marya Vasilievna Olsufieva, the wife of the actual state councilor, Senator Adam Vasilyevich Olsufiev, by mortgage. (Sometimes in written sources the surnames of spouses begin with the letter A - Alsufievs).

At that time, in the estate of General Adam Vasilyevich Alsufiev there were two wooden churches: in the name of St. Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra in Lycia, the miracle worker in the village of Mansurovo, and a mile away from it - the Church of the Praise of the Virgin.

It is known that M.V. Alsufieva wanted to build a new temple not in the village of Petrov itself, on the site of the old temple and in the close surrounding of peasant residential buildings, but very successfully chose a new place - on a hill, between the villages of Petrov and Mansurov, at a distance of a mile from both, and this is how would equalize the rights of both old parishes and make the new one equally accessible to all surrounding residents.

The temple in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, built with the zeal and at the expense of Maria Vasilievna Alsufieva, successfully existed for three quarters of a century, witnessed faith, prayer, baptisms, weddings and funerals of local, mostly rural residents of several generations that took place here. The temple, which had become dilapidated over many years, was gradually replaced by 1875 with a new one. Marya Vasilievna Alsufieva died in 1795. After her death, her real estate estate in Petrov and Mansurov was inherited by deed of sale to her son-in-law, actual state councilor Grigory Pavlovich Kondondi, however, already in 1799 he sold these properties to the daughter of a sea captain of the first rank, Sergei Ivanovich Svinin.

With the new owner, Elizaveta Svinina, a new period began in the arrangement of the St. Nicholas Church. The ancient noble family of the Svinins in Rus' has been known since the mid-16th century, from the time of Grand Duke Vasily Vasilyevich, when its representatives came to serve from Lithuania.

For many years, while remaining the mistress of the estate, Elizaveta Sergeevna Svinina constantly took care of the welfare of the St. Nicholas Church. It is known that in , and years she turned to the church authorities with petitions for repairs, renovation and beautification of the St. Nicholas Church. As a result, the church was plastered, a new iconostasis was installed inside, and newly painted holy icons appeared.

During the summer of 1820, a new stone bell tower was built. Its appearance is presented in the drawing known to us, together with the wooden church of 1791. The drawing was signed by the architect Balashov.

Since 1841, the St. Nicholas Church came under the care of the noble family of the Vyrubovs, who made a significant contribution to its final completion. The Vyrubov family, like the Svinin family, was ancient and had its roots in the 16th century. Clergy reports from 1868 report that the St. Nicholas Church was built in 1853 with the diligence of Lieutenant Colonel Pyotr Ivanovich Vyrubov and parishioners on the site of a broken wooden one. In 1875, the church was completed and consecrated, and the main builder of the temple was the landowner P.I. Vyrubov. The architect was Nikolai Ilyich Kozlovsky. St. Nicholas Church in the village of Mansurovo can be considered one of the best creations of N.I. Kozlovsky.

Among the newly found icons was an ancient icon of the Mother of God of the Three Hands with a signature stating that it was sent from Holy Mount Athos by Archdeacon Theophan and Metropolitan Leonty in the year to the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Nikon to New Jerusalem. On the icon there was a note describing the miracle in which a third hand appeared to the Mother of God. It should be assumed that this was a later copy of an ancient and very valuable icon that belonged to the New Jerusalem Monastery, located about twenty kilometers from Petrov.

The long-term rector of the St. Nicholas Church in the village of Mansurov, priest Grigory Ivanovich Gruzov, was an extraordinary person. He began his arduous ministry in 1848 at the age of 26, after graduating from the Moscow Theological Seminary. On July 28, 1898, with the blessing of Metropolitan Vladimir (Epiphany) of Moscow, the fiftieth anniversary of his ministry was celebrated in the church of the village of Mansurov. The shepherd's merits were so significant that this event was reflected in the Moscow Church Gazette. It was during his ministry that a new church, a bell tower, a church school were built, the swamps around the temple were drained, a pond was dug, a ditch was dug around the church, and a garden was planted. Information about the closing time of the church has not yet been found. Apparently, this happened at the end of the 1930s, during the next wave of persecution of the Russian Church, after which, as usual, the remains of church property were destroyed and looted.

One and a half kilometers from the church, the remains of the Vyrubov estate are still preserved. In this abandoned place, one can guess the park layout of the late 18th century, there are a residential outbuilding and service buildings, apparently left over from the last owner of the estate - K.N. Dolgorukov (since 1911).

Revival of the temple

Already in our time, marked by the revival of religious life, when its ancient shrines, monasteries and temples are being returned to the Russian Orthodox Church, a survey conducted among local old-timers showed that even in conditions hostile to the Church, services continued in the St. Nicholas Church until 1936.

During the Great Patriotic War, all the churches in the district were blown up, and subsequently dismantled to the foundation. The Church of St. Nicholas in the village of Mansurovo miraculously survived. After the Great Patriotic War, the empty St. Nicholas Church was first used as a utility room for a pioneer camp, later there was a club here, then it was occupied as a vegetable storehouse. No one was involved in repairing the temple, and it gradually collapsed. The surrounding area was extremely neglected and cluttered, since until 1990 there were trailers for construction workers of the nearby Riga highway.

Only in 1990, minor repairs to the roof, windows and doors were made in the dilapidated church, which partly saved the church from further destruction.

On May 9, 1995, on the memorable Victory Day and the day of church remembrance of deceased soldiers, Father Vadim (Sorokin) was ordained a priest and was appointed rector of the St. Nicholas Church in the village of Mansurovo. The parish was registered based on its affiliation and proximity to the village of Mansurovo. Without knowing it, but driven by God's providence, Dean Father George decreed and secured the historical affiliation of the Church of St. Nicholas to the ancient site of construction.

The first impression of the temple was difficult: no windows, no doors, stone vaults sagging from leaks and green with algae, blasphemously shot faces of saints, many frescoes were roughly cut out, the remaining remains of the ancient beautiful floor were covered with rubbish, the corners were knocked out from the extraction of bricks, the walls are very dilapidated.

On November 1, 1996, with a large crowd of people in the church, the first Divine Liturgy was celebrated, miraculously bridging the gap of 60 years.

In June 1997, reconstruction of the church began. The vaults in the refectory church were re-laid, the roof over them was covered with galvanized iron, and windows were inserted.

In 1998, the walls of the temple were restored to a rotunda. The vault in the altar part of the church was blocked. 3 tons of copper were purchased for the domes. On July 18, 1998, on the day of the celebration of the discovery of the relics of St. Sergius of Radonezh and the Wonderworker of All Russia in 1422, the chapel of St. Sergius of Radonezh, which is located in the village of Zagorye, and the first prayer service was held there. In the same year, St. Nicholas Church acquired its first shrine - a particle of the relics of St. healer Panteleimon, which was included in the icon written on this occasion.

In the fall of 1998, the bell tower tent was covered with copper and a gilded copper cross was erected on it. Soon a cross was installed on the large dome. In the fall of 1999, nine bells solemnly rang at once in St. Nicholas Church for the first time. They were brought from the Urals. The Moscow Bell Ringing Center provided great assistance in installing bells and training bell ringers.

In recognition of his diligent pastoral service, the rector of the St. Nicholas Church in the village of Mansurovo, priest Vadim Sorokin, was awarded the Order of the Russian Orthodox Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh, third degree.

Restoration work and painting of the temple

In the St. Nicholas Church in the village of Mansurovo, Istra District, restoration work began in the summer of 1997.

By 2003, the temple was well dried and the interior walls were prepared for the upcoming painting. A long search for highly qualified and experienced icon painters made it possible to get acquainted with various modern icon painting schools. The Mstera school, rich in historical and cultural traditions, aroused great interest. The best icon painters of the Mstera school painted icons for the iconostasis of the St. Nicholas Church. The icons are painted in the style of the 19th century, which in itself is a rarity. They are made using gold-plated technique, which creates a glowing effect. The work of the icon painters was supervised by Vladimir Anatolyevich Lebedev.

The frescoes were painted by the same masters in order to preserve the stylistic unity of the interior in the quadrangle part of the temple. Painting works were carried out on the basis of traditional methods of monumental painting using traditional Mstera techniques.

An amazingly beautiful five-tiered iconostasis was installed in the quadrangle part of the temple, as well as mahogany icon cases. The iconostasis and icon cases were made by carpenters and carvers of the “Iconostasis Workshop” of the city of Palekh, according to the design of M. M. Mikhailov and priest Vadim (Sorokin). In the same workshop, Anatoly Vlezko and Yuri Fedorov developed drawings of small iconostases for the refectory.

In March 2006, the development of a project for painting the quadrangular part of the church (rotunda and walls) began. The painting is dedicated to the life of St. Nicholas.

In the same month, the iconostasis workshop “Palekh Iconostasis” completed work on the production of 2 carved iconostases, which were installed within the Praise of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Apostles Peter and Paul. The iconostases are made in the style of the 18th century (Baroque).

On January 29, 2007, a Divine Liturgy took place in the church, which was performed by Archbishop Gregory of Mozhaisk. The Bishop thanked the parishioners and personally the rector of the temple, Vadim Sorokin, for the restoration work carried out.

In August 2007, in the St. Nicholas Church in the village of Mansurovo, Istrinsky district, another of the most important stages of decorating the interior space was completed. The walls and vaults of the refectory were painted and picturesque icons were painted for the new iconostases. By December 2007, work on painting the main St. Nicholas altar was completed.

The villages of Mansurovo, Petrovo and Yurkino are located in the southwestern part of the modern Istra district, then
as in the past, in the 16th-18th centuries, they were listed in the Moscow district of the Surozh camp, being almost on an equal footing
distance from the cities of Istra (formerly Voskresensk), Ruza and Zvenigorod. These lands are still filled
Central Russian charm, representing a rather rough terrain in the basin of small rivers
Malaya Istritsa and Molodilnya.

The ancient village of Mansurovo, located a mile from Petrov, had its own history and since ancient times belonged to different
owners. At the beginning of the Time of Troubles in the 17th century, Mansurovo was completely devastated by the Polish-Lithuanian
detachments and stood “in vain.” Later, the village was owned in turn by: Pyotr Danilovich, Prince Yuri Khvorostin, princes
Korsakov and Volkonsky.

The appearance of the first church in the village of Petrovo is associated with the descendants of an old boyar family already familiar to us
Golokhvastovs, who for a long time remained the owners of vast lands in these places.

In 1682, the village of Petrovo first briefly passed into the possession of the Volkonsky princes, from them to Ivan
Mikhailovich Voeikov, and in 1754 the village passed into the possession of Marya Vasilievna Olsufieva through a mortgage -
wife of the actual state councilor, Senator Adam Vasilyevich Olsufiev. (Sometimes in written
sources, the spouses' surname begins with the letter A - Alsufievs).

At that time, in the estate of General Adam Vasilyevich Alsufiev there were two wooden churches: in the name of St.
Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra of Lycia, wonderworker in the village of Mansurovo, and a mile away from it is the Church of the Praise of the Virgin.

In 1786, that is, 160 years after the construction of the first wooden church, M.V. Alsufieva serves
petition to a member of the Holy Governing Synod, Archbishop of Moscow and Kaluga Platon about
construction of a new wooden church in the village of Petrov. From the clergy registers of 1823-1826 we learn that
it was erected in 1791 “through the care of Her Excellency Maria Vasilievna Alsufieva.”

It is known that M.V. Alsufieva wished to build a new temple not in the village of Petrov itself, on the site of the old temple and
in the close surrounding of peasant residential buildings, and very successfully chose a new place - on a hill, between
the villages of Petrov and Mansurov, at a distance of a mile from both, and this, as it were, equalizing both in rights
old parish and making the new one equally accessible to all surrounding residents.

The temple in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, built with the zeal and funds of Maria Vasilievna Alsufieva,
lived happily for three quarters of a century, witnessed faith, prayer, baptisms performed here,
weddings and funerals of local, mostly rural residents of several generations. Dilapidated over the years
The temple was gradually replaced by 1875 with a new one.

Marya Vasilievna Alsufieva died in 1795. After her death, her real estate in Petrov and Mansurovo
the deed of sale was inherited by her son-in-law - actual state councilor Grigory Pavlovich Kondondi, however, already in 1799
year he sold these possessions to the daughter of sea captain of the first rank Sergei Ivanovich Svinin.

With the new owner, Elizaveta Svinina, a new period began in the arrangement of the St. Nicholas Church. Old
the noble family of the Svinins in Rus' has been known since the middle of the 16th century since the time of Grand Duke Vasily Vasilyevich,
when its representatives came to duty from Lithuania.

For many years, while remaining the mistress of the estate, Elizaveta Sergeevna Svinina constantly took care of the welfare
St. Nicholas Church. It is known that in 1810, 1811 and 1817 she turned to church authorities with petitions for
repairs, renovation and beautification of St. Nicholas Church. As a result, the church was plastered, inside it
A new iconostasis was built, and newly painted holy icons appeared. During the summer of 1820 it was built
new stone bell tower.

Since 1841, the St. Nicholas Church came under the care of the noble family of the Vyrubovs, who contributed their considerable
contribution to its final completion. The Vyrubov family, like the Svinin family, was ancient and had its roots in the 16th century.

Clergy reports from 1868 report that St. Nicholas Church was built in 1853 with the care of Lieutenant Colonel
Peter Ivanovich Vyrubov and parishioners at the site of the broken wooden one. In 1875 the church was completed and consecrated,
and the main temple builder was the landowner P.I. Vyrubov. The architect was Nikolai Ilyich Kozlovsky. St. Nicholas Church
in the village of Mansurovo can be considered one of the best creations of N.I. Kozlovsky.

Among the newly found icons was an ancient icon of the Mother of God of the Three Hands, with a signature stating that she had been sent
from Holy Mount Athos by Archdeacon Theophan and Metropolitan Leonty in 1664 to the Patriarch of Moscow and All
Rus' to Nikon in New Jerusalem. On the icon there was a note describing the miracle according to which the third woman appeared to the Mother of God.
hand. It should be assumed that this was a later copy of an ancient and very valuable icon that belonged to

The long-term rector of the St. Nicholas Church in the village of Mansurov - priest Grigory Ivanovich Gruzov was
an extraordinary personality. He began his arduous ministry in 1848 at the age of 26, after graduating
Moscow Theological Seminary. July 28, 1898, with the blessing of Metropolitan Vladimir of Moscow
(Epiphany) the fiftieth anniversary of his ministry was celebrated in the church in the village of Mansurov. The shepherd's merits were
so significant that this event was reflected in the Moscow Church Gazette. It was during his
service, a new church, a bell tower, a church school were built, the swamps around the temple were drained, and
a pond was dug, a ditch around the church, and a garden was planted.

A survey conducted among local old-timers showed that services continued in the St. Nicholas Church until 1936.

After the Great Patriotic War, the empty St. Nicholas Church was first used as a utility room for
pioneer camp, later there was a club here, then it was occupied as a vegetable storehouse. No one is repairing the temple
was engaged, and it gradually collapsed. The surrounding area was extremely neglected and littered, as
Until 1990, there were trailers here for the builders of the nearby Riga highway.

Only in 1990, in a dilapidated temple, by the good will of one of the local entrepreneurs, was a
minor repairs to the roof, windows and doors, which partially saved the church from further destruction. Lonely
standing on a hill among the fields, the abandoned temple was still awaiting the hour of its rebirth. And five years later
the time of rebirth has come.

On May 9, 1995, on the memorable Victory Day and the day of church remembrance of deceased soldiers, he was ordained
priest Father Vadim (Sorokin), and was appointed rector of the St. Nicholas Church in the village of Mansurovo. Soon
together with the dean of the Istra district, Archpriest Georgy Tobalov, he came to his parish - in
St. Nicholas Church in the ancient village of Mansurovo. Then, for the first time in many years, the troparion and kontakion were sounded in the church
Saint and Wonderworker Nicholas.

Then complex restoration work began. We invited specialists - a team of architects under
leadership of Marina Goryacheva and Maria Borisovna Sotnikova. We started with architectural measurements of the temple, identifying
its technical condition. The examination results were disappointing: it was necessary to urgently raise
foundations, excavation of walls, re-laying the masonry of vaults in the refectory and much more.

A boarding house located nearby then became a serious assistant in the restoration of St. Nicholas Church
"Union" of the Gazprom association. Specialists from the Polish company Energopol also provided significant assistance. IN
In the shortest possible time, they put up a temporary roof and installed electricity.

On November 1, 1996, with a large crowd of people in the church, the first Divine Liturgy was celebrated, amazingly
thus bridging a gap of 60 years. Concelebrating with Father Vadim was the rector of the Annunciation Church, Priest Vladislav

In June 1997, reconstruction of the church began. The scaffolding near the temple walls went up and repairs began.
Meanwhile, the vaults in the refectory church were rebuilt, the roof over them was covered with galvanized iron,
windows were installed. The work went on as usual. For the parishioners, everyday, but also joyful, for the glory of God, labors were replaced
Sunday and holiday services, the decoration of which was the soulful singing of the choir coming from
Trinity-Sergius Lavra. The acoustics of the temple are so magnificent that a laser laser was recorded in it (somewhat later).
disc entitled "To everyone who loves Rus'."

In 1998, the walls of the temple were restored to a rotunda. The vault in the altar part of the church was blocked. Was purchased
3 tons of copper for domes. July 18, 1998, on the day of the celebration of the discovery of the relics of St. Sergius of Radonezh
and all Russia, the miracle worker in 1422, the chapel of St. Sergius of Radonezh,
which is located in the village of Zagorye, and the first prayer service was held there. In the same year, St. Nicholas Church found
the first shrine - a particle of the relics of St. healer Panteleimon, which was included in the icon written on this occasion.

In the fall of 1998, the bell tower tent was covered with copper and a gilded copper cross was erected on it. When they raised
and they were installing the cross, the sky was densely covered with clouds, but as soon as it was installed, the clouds suddenly parted,
and the blue sky appeared. Soon the cross was installed on the large dome. And the wind died down again, they suddenly separated
clouds, and the clear sky shone brightly, and 20 minutes later a rainbow appeared. It's amazing that all this happened in November,
on the eve of winter!

In the fall of 1999, nine bells solemnly rang at once in St. Nicholas Church for the first time. They were brought from the Urals,
but purchased with money collected from many donors. Great assistance in installing bells and training bell ringers
provided by the Moscow Bell Ringing Center.

The improvement of the St. Nicholas Church has not yet been completed, and many more tasks await the rector and his assistants
and worries. Although many goals have already been achieved: the reconstruction of the church has been completed at a decent level, significantly
The territory has been landscaped. The central gate was built in the form of three arched spans topped with three domes
with crosses - as it was back in 1903. Installed, amazingly beautiful, carved iconostasis and icon cases from
mahogany. These works were carried out by Palekh masters from the “Iconostasis Workshop” of A. Vlezko and Yu. Fedorov.
Unique icons by Mstera masters, made using the ash-blowing technique, decorated the iconostasis and icon cases. Work
The icon painters were led by Vladimir Anatolyevich Lebedev.

Among the newly found icons was an ancient icon of the Mother of God of the Three Hands, with a signature stating that it was sent from
Holy Mount Athos by Archdeacon Theophan and Metropolitan Leonty in 1664 to the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'
Nikon to New Jerusalem. On the icon there was a note describing the miracle in which a third hand appeared to the Mother of God.
It should be assumed that this was a later copy of an ancient and very valuable icon that belonged to
New Jerusalem Monastery, located about twenty kilometers from Petrov.

The long-term rector of the St. Nicholas Church in the village of Mansurov - priest Grigory Ivanovich Gruzov was a personality
extraordinary. He began his arduous ministry in 1848 at the age of 26, after graduating from the Moscow spiritual
seminary. On July 28, 1898, with the blessing of Metropolitan Vladimir (Epiphany) of Moscow,
fiftieth anniversary of his ministry in the church of the village of Mansurova. The shepherd's merits were so significant that this event
was reflected in the Moscow Church Gazette. It was during his ministry that a new church was built,
a bell tower, a church school, the swamps around the temple were drained, and a pond was dug, a ditch around the church,
a garden has been planted.

Information about the closing time of the church has not yet been found. Apparently, this happened at the end of the 1930s, during the next wave
persecution of the Russian Church, after which, as usual, the remains of church property were destroyed and looted.

One and a half kilometers from the church, the remains of the Vyrubov estate are still preserved. In this abandoned place
one can guess the park layout of the late 18th century; there is a residential outbuilding and service buildings, apparently remaining
from the last owner of the estate - K.N. Dolgorukov (since 1911).