
Assemble a house from matches assembly diagram. Crafts from matches: a master class, recommendations and advice for beginners (130 photos). Craft from matches - panel "Star"

An unusual street ... Houses, wells, palaces, but a mill, a wheel, a tower ... And it is unusual that all this is made of matches.

Crafts from matches

This lesson does not require large expenses. There is no need to purchase any special devices. In addition, the material itself is inexpensive. Several boxes, desire and free time, and crafts from matches without glue will become an original decoration of the room.

The technique for making such crafts is quite simple. Having mastered it, you can first make simple models, and then start creating real masterpieces.

Interesting items can be made without significant costs. And if you take into account the material of the craft itself, then in a hundred years you can sell these matches as rare.

House of matches

First you need to master a simple House of matches without glue will be a prime example of such work.

The work is done by common fasteners. It will take several boxes.

The cube hut will consist of eight matches at the base. They are laid out perpendicularly at the same distance on two main parallel matches. This is the first row of the flooring, on it we lay out the second row perpendicularly.

In the third row, we begin to create a well: we place two matches perpendicularly, two in parallel, while the heads of each pair are turned in different directions. Next, you need to make six more such rows. On the last row of the well, we again lay out the flooring of eight pieces.

In the next row, we place six matches perpendicularly. We put a coin in the middle, with it we hold the structure with our finger and fasten it with matches, which must be inserted vertically into the corners of the lattice.

We build a house of matches without glue further. Now we take twenty pieces and carefully, heads up, along the perimeter, insert them into cells, five on each side. Now you can pick up the house. If done correctly, it shouldn't fall apart. The walls must be compressed to make the structure stronger.

We turn the house upside down and make walls by inserting matches into the cells, then lay out a horizontal layer, alternating heads and ends. Then we squeeze the structure again.

At the last stage, we form the roof. In the corners of the house we insert four matches up to half. We raise the lateral vertical ones to their level. Now we put the matches of the roof perpendicular to the top flooring. We start with two, and add two at a time. To form the roof, we lay on top of the match with the heads towards the center.

Such a house will be the basis of all crafts, which we will talk about further.

Different ideas for crafts from matches

Now let's see what can be done without glue.

The best crafts for beginners are all kinds of houses and wells. They are performed according to the previous scheme. You can decorate them with windows, balconies, chimneys, drawings on the walls.

An example of a craft made from matches without glue can be a well with a bucket. To make it, we take a whole box, a canapé skewer and a shoe cover.

First, we build a well (a house without a roof). We pierce the wall of the matchbox with a souvenir skewer, which, moreover, will imitate a shop. We install it next to the well. We hang the case from shoe covers on a string to the handle of the skewer. Optionally, you can install the bucket on the bench.

However, there are many options for making a well.

The "wheel" is another example of a non-glue pattern. Matchcraft workshops often tell you how to get the job done. This is a very serious business.

First you need to complete the drawing. Draw a circle with a radius of 39 mm on the cover of an unnecessary book. Starting from the zero point, set aside the 34 mm serifs. We get a heptagon, the sides of which we divide in half, we get 14 sectors.

At the points marked around the circle, make a hole with a nail, insert matches there. We lay out supporting matches between them. Each next one goes on top of the previous one. At the end of each circle, slip the last match under the first. Thus, we lay out four more rows. Then carefully remove it - and the wheel is ready.

If you use skewers instead of supporting matches, you get a glass for pencils and pens. In this case, it does not need to be removed from the base. The bottom can be made wider (for stability) and decorated at your discretion.

Crafts from matches: schemes

When making crafts from matches without glue, they usually use the scheme. It must be carefully studied so that during the work no questions arise and nothing has to be redone. Diagrams usually contain step-by-step instructions. At each stage, it is important to use the right amount of material correctly.

When performing complex work, preliminary calculations are first carried out and drawings are made, according to which the creative process will go on. The better the preparation is done, the more accurate the work will be.

Using the basic scheme, you can add your own elements to the work on the craft. This is possible when the technique of working on crafts from matches is well mastered.

Over time, you can learn how to make a variety of crafts from matches: the best ideas and schemes will allow you to create real masterpieces, provided that all the requirements of the work are met.

Crafts from matches: instruction

If you decide to start making crafts from matches, the instructions and diagrams accompanying the work will help you.

The instruction describes in detail what material and in what quantity will be needed, and what tools should also be prepared for work.

Many crafts will look better if you choose the same matches without marriage. Therefore, the instructions also often provide advice on sorting them.

From matches. This is an example of the largest matchstick craft so far without glue in the supporting structures.

It was made by a former oilman. This is a copy of the rig he worked on himself. It took about 4,000,000 matches to create it. The work lasted 15 years. At first, the rig was built at home, but then the author moved it to the garage, where he demonstrates to everyone.

Natalia Tashimova

Dear colleagues! After I made a game from matchboxes I have a huge amount of boxes matches... It's a pity to throw it away, so I decided to make a layout " Russian village". He is at the very beginning of his birth, but I really wanted to show you what I already have. In the future, a well, a barn, a cart, a few more houses and a fence will be made.

In order to make such a house, no glue is needed, only patience and sleight of hand. You will need a box from the disk (in order to turn the house without fear of ruining it, matches and a coin.

We take the first 2 matches and put them parallel to each other at a distance of a couple of centimeters.

On them we make a flooring of eight matches, the heads look in one direction.

On top we make another flooring of 8 matches perpendicular to the first.

On top of the flooring with bed 4 matches well so that the heads in each layer look in different directions.

We need to lay, in this way, seven rows.

We put the flooring on the well again, like the very first one.

On top of this flooring we lay perpendicular to the second, but already from 6 matches.

In the corners of the resulting "lattice" from the inside, insert 4 matches... In order to prevent the house from falling apart, put a coin on top and hold it with one finger, so it will be more convenient. Matches we lower it to the very bottom, so that they would stand exactly in the corners, as well as above. When installing corner matches, for convenience, you can use an auxiliary a match

Now we insert matches to the very bottom along the entire perimeter. The top and bottom planks will converge and diverge. It's not scary, later everything will get better.

The house is still quite fragile, so it needs to be squeezed from the sides. After that, you can remove the coin, gently pick it up and squeeze it from all sides. Also align matches so that nothing sticks out anywhere. The better we squeeze, the stronger it will be in the future.

After squeezing the house, we put it on a stand so that the former foundation turns out to be a roof. And we strengthen it from the outside with vertical matches around the perimeter.

We continue to strengthen the walls, and also let the horizontal ones outside matches... Heads matches should intersect alternately, and not densely to each other. After all horizontal matches installed in the corners, plug in the missing 4 matches.

Raising the vertical layer matches half along the entire perimeter of the house. For this operation, simply push from the underside of the other match needed... We make a roof, how to make it can be seen in the photo.

We lay the roof. It is difficult to explain in words, but you can see everything in the photo.

Well, what a house is without a pipe, windows, and doors.

Honestly, she wrote longer than she did this house.

Matches are a common household item. But it turns out that amazing things can be created from them. Match crafts can look just as impressive as glass figurines. But unlike glass items, anyone can make items from matches. After all, the main condition is the presence of matches. Crafts from them will add variety to the appearance of the room and will be an interesting gift for the holiday.

What can be made from matches

Using matches, you can recreate almost anything. There are 2 methods of constructing matches: with and without glue.

In the first version, matches are bent at a certain angle, and then glued together. A child can also make a craft from matches using glue. This method is the simplest, and is available to students in grades 1-3. Crafts collected in this way are the most diverse. These are boxes, animals, plants, appliances, chairs, tables, houses.

If you don’t know how to draw, you can “paint” a picture with matches. To do this, you can use both the first and the second method.

The size of the match is very small, but the size of the craft can be of any size. The match sculpture, which entered the Guinness Book of Records, measured more than 4 x 6 meters.

How to make crafts from matches

Prepare your seat first. It should be well lit, because the work is painstaking. Cover the table with old newspaper or oilcloth. Pour glue in a saucer, it is convenient to apply it with a toothpick. You may additionally need scotch tape, a stationery knife, tweezers, scissors, small pliers. For strength, the finished product can be varnished.

How to make chamomile from matches

Cut off the heads of the matches.

Cut 4 matches in half and soak in water for an hour.

For wet matches, split one end into a "whisk" (future petals).

And leave to dry.

Glue 8 matches tightly to the adhesive side of the tape.

Draw 2 identical circles on the surface of the matches (you can use a coin) and cut them out.

Spread one circle with glue, and put the blanks of the petals on it.

Glue the second mug on top.

Insert a whole match (stalk) between the circles. Once the glue is dry, the tape can be removed.

How to make a horse out of matches with your own hands

Clean the sulfur from 3 matches and break them as shown in the photo (torso).

Glue the matches so that the same ones are on the sides.

Break two matches in the middle and next to the gray (front legs) to make it look like a semicircle.

Break two matches in the middle and next to the gray (hind legs) so that the workpiece resembles a step.

Glue your legs to your torso.

Cut 2 identical pieces from the match diagonally and glue them (tail).

Glue the tail to the torso.

Step back a few millimeters from the sulfur and break the match (a short piece is a head, a long piece is a neck).

Cut a piece of sulfur diagonally and glue it under your head.

Cut one piece 2-3 mm long (ears) diagonally from the edge of 2 matches.

Glue the ears to the head.

2 more sulfur heads will be needed to make the eyes.

Cut 3 short pieces of the match diagonally and glue them to the neck (mane).

Glue the torso and neck, and the horse is ready.

DIY match house

For crafts, you will need matches peeled from sulfur, thick paper, a pencil, a ruler and scissors.

Draw a diagram of the house on the paper.

Cut out the workpiece and fold it along the dotted lines.

Draw the door and windows. Cut them out, but not completely, leaving "loops" so that they can be opened / closed.

Cover the surface of the door and shutters with matches that are shortened to size.

Stick the matches to the roof area.

When the glue dries, glue the house together.

How to make a well from matches with your own hands

Glue the matches 2 pieces together. It is necessary to prepare such 20 pairs.

Fold 4 pairs of matches into a square, smearing the corners with glue (frame of the well).

When the glue sets, glue the next 4 pairs of matches on top. Thus, the height of the log house is 5 pairs or 10 matches.

Cut the match into 3 parts, and then glue it, as shown in the photo (handle with shaft). Dry it well before installing.

Peel off the sulfur from 10 matches.

Put one such match inside the log house, the other on the log house. Where they touch, glue them together. You need 4 such pairs.

Connect the workpieces in pairs using a short piece of match (stand).

Glue the racks to the inside of the log house, connect them from above with a peeled match (beam).

Clean off the sulfur from 4 matches. Glue 2 matches into the grooves of the posts. Glue the remaining 2 to their ends, forming a square (roof frame). Place two matches next to the posts, heads up, crossing them (rafter legs).

Glue a layer of 16 matches, placing them with their heads in different directions (slope). Make 2 of these blanks.

Glue the slopes to the rafter legs, put a ridge match on top of the roof.

Insert the handle with the shaft into the gap between the posts, resting it on a match-stand.

How to make a house out of matches with your own hands

In addition to matches, you will need bamboo skewers, glue, and scissors.

Glue a rectangle with sides 100 x 180 mm from bamboo skewers. For the first floor, you need 20 rows. Glue them one on top of the other.

After the 9th row there is a window. Replace the 100 mm skewer with 2 x 35 mm. When the window opening is complete, glue 2 skewers over it.

To overlap the first floor, you will need 39 skewers 170 mm long. Glue them as shown in the photo. At the bottom, glue another 39 skewers (floor).

We "build" the second floor in the same way as the first, but for one of the long walls we take a skewer not 180 mm, but 2, 100 and 30 mm each (we form a doorway). Then shorten the sticks again to get the window openings. Glue the openings inside with vertical skewers.

Glue the railing for the balcony.

The second floor also consists of 20 rows of skewers. Glue windows and doors along the contour with 2 rows of skewers (slopes and platbands). Glue the crossed skewers (frame) into the windows. To form the roof, glue 2 vertical skewers (as shown in the photo), and between them a horizontal one.

Measure the distance between the top of the roof and the long wall. From the skewers, glue 2 triangles, two sides of which are equal to the obtained value, and the third -100 mm (gable wall or tong). Glue them to the end of the roof.

Glue 11 matches together to create a pointed wave. Continue gluing until you have a sheet of 7 of these waves. This must be done on a level surface. There are 6 such blanks (roof slope covering).

When the blanks are well dry, glue them 3 one on top of the other. And glue on the sides of the roof.

Cut a strip of paper 180 mm long, about 2 cm wide. Glue the skewers (roof ridge) along it. Give it a rounded shape and glue it over the roof, covering the gap between the ramps. Roll a cylinder out of paper and glue it (pipe). Cut the bottom diagonally so that the angle coincides with the slope of the roof. Cover the cylinder with matches and fix the pipe to the roof.

Glue rectangles from skewers to fit the doors and glue them to the openings. You can decorate them with a keyhole if you like.

The wooden house is ready, it is made laboriously, but this work is within the power of 7th grade students who like to craft with their hands.

The simplest and most accessible material for creativity, by right, can be called ordinary matches. Painstaking work with them perfectly helps to relax, develop patience, imagination, perseverance, accuracy and attention. And in talented hands, products made from ordinary matches can become original works of art.

Necessary materials

In this master class, we propose to make a match house without glue.

To build a house you will need:

  • matches - 10 boxes;
  • box for CDs or a sheet of cardboard;
  • coin - 1 or 2 rubles.

Matchbox without glue

For beginners, instead of a box for discs, it is better to take a thinly rolled piece of plasticine or salted dough as a basis. It is easier to install vertical matches on such a basis.

We start assembling the product. The scheme of work is quite simple. Take two matches and place them on the base parallel to each other at a distance of two centimeters.

Lay a flooring of eight matches on top of them. The distance between the elements should be equal to the thickness of about one match. In this case, all heads should be directed in the same direction.

On top of this level, make another similar flooring, but place the matches perpendicular to the previous ones.

On top of the third level, lay four matches in the shape of a well, so that the heads of each match are directed in different directions.

Place six more rows of matches in the same way. Make sure the heads point in the same direction. The result should be a "well" of seven rows of four matches.

Cover the top of the well with a layer of eight matches, repeating the very first flooring.

Lay six matches perpendicular to this flooring. Later, two more will need to be added to this row.

Four matches should be inserted vertically into the extreme corners of the resulting "lattice". In the photo, these places are circled in red.

In order to make it more convenient to work and the elements of the house do not accidentally fall apart, it is better to put a coin on top of the structure at this step and press it tightly with your finger.

When installing vertical matches, make sure that all the matches at the bottom are in the same corners as at the top. For convenience, you can guide them with a toothpick.
Be extremely careful, as at this stage the house is still quite fragile and can collapse with any careless movement. It's not a problem if the matches that lie on top are dispersed, a little later everything will fall into place.

Now insert vertical matches around the entire perimeter of the house, lowering them to the very bottom of the structure, so that the match heads are on the same level on top.

You will no longer need the coin; remove it with tweezers.

Now the house has stable walls, but to make it really stronger, squeeze all its sides with your hand. At this stage, it can already be taken in hand, it will not collapse, although the structure is not yet completely reliable.

Squeeze each side thoroughly. The tighter you squeeze, the tighter it will be as a result. Make sure to line up all the matches so that everything is neat and nothing sticks out.

As a result, turn the product over with the foundation up.

Outside, begin to insert the matches vertically, heads up, thereby further strengthening the walls.

Then, on the outer walls, start up a new, but already horizontal layer of matches. Please note that the heads of the matches must be crossed alternately, as shown in the photo.

Reinforce the four new corners with matches.

Now, around the entire perimeter of the house, carefully lift the upper vertical layer of matches by half the height. You can push them from below with another match.

Now fold the attic as shown in the photo.

Lay all elements of the upper part of the roof crosswise. To make it clearer, look at the photo.

When the roof is ready, make a pipe out of four matches.

Designate windows and doors with the help of match heads, breaking the matches in half so that they are not visible from the back.

There are many ways to keep your child entertained with interesting and, most importantly, useful entertainment on a dreary rainy day or late evening - making crafts from plastic bottles, creating postcards with your own hands, and making crafts from salt dough and many other developing activities ...

Making all kinds of crafts from scrap materials develops creative imagination, broadens the horizons and stimulates the child's curiosity. One of the ways to spend leisure time with children is to play with matches ... of course, under our watchful eye - after all, matches are fire hazardous and can harm a small child. Some match crafts made by craftsmen are real works of art. But before you start making crafts from matches together with the baby, you can conduct a series of exercises on laying out simple figures on the table.
To get started, prepare a sheet of thick cardboard or paper (you can just use a solid-colored table surface), where you will lay out various figures from matches. Then remove these shapes from the surface and ask the kid to lay out similar ones from matches.Before you start creating DIY crafts from matches, start by mastering simple geometric shapes: (rectangle, triangle, rhombus, polygon) and then show your child how to create from matches simple drawings (star, tree, flag, clock, window, fish). When the child learns to create simple shapes from matches, you can complicate the task a little and start laying out the figures with detailed elaboration. In the composition, you can use halves of matches, buttons, coins or threads (for example, for ears, eyes or noses of animals). Go from simple to complex - having mastered the basics, the child will quickly learn how to create crafts from matches on his own. After the baby gets the hang of easily and quickly spreading different figures from matches, you can invite him to create the same, for example, an animal, but only in a mirror image ... Make a dog from matches that "looks" to the right, and the kid will have to lay out the same dog that "looks" to the left. You can very effectively train the child's memory by laying out figures from matches. You lay out a figure of 6-8 matches, and the baby does the same without a visual sample - from memory (for example, for 1 minute). There are other options for exercises with matches that perfectly contribute to the development of sensory skills in a child: select and count geometric the figures that make up the subject of matches; count the matches themselves that make up the laid out figure; paint the matches in different colors and ask the child to lay out the figure, taking into account the color ratio.
Together with your child, you can create whole paintings and compositions consisting of many matchstick figures. For example, you can lay out from matches a whole forest with Christmas trees, berries, mushrooms and forest inhabitants. Of course, such a picture, on the creation of which a lot of labor and patience of a child was spent, is a pity to "destroy". Therefore, you can transfer it to thick cardboard or a sheet of large-format watercolor paper, sequentially sticking all the matches and other details. You can paint matches, the background is a sheet of paper, sprinkle the laid out figures with sparkles, cereals, rice and coarse salt, having previously covered the matches with a layer of glue. Do not forget that from matches you can lay out not only animals and various geometric shapes, but also letters with numbers, stirring up the child's interest in their development. Having learned how to lay out different letters, the child after some time will be able to compose whole words and phrases from them.

After the child learns to lay out simple shapes from matches, you can start making various crafts from matches with him. From matches, you can create almost any object with the finest drawing of details, the same as in the original. Some craftsmen have created thousands of matchstick crafts with unique detail - airplanes, ships, various architectural objects. Many matchstick crafts do not require special skill to create. It is enough to carefully and consistently craft the object, guided by the scheme of crafts from matches or images of the step-by-step progress of work. One of the most popular crafts is a house made of matches. Below are photos that will help you build a house of matches together with your child. A house of matches does not require any special talent from you. It is enough to show a little diligence and some "sleight of hand". To create a house you will need the following items: 7 matchboxes, 2-3 large (in size) coins, a CD case. 1. Place on the base (CD box) two matches parallel to each other (as shown in the photo).
2. Put eight matches on them (perpendicularly) so that there are equal gaps between them. You should get a "square" as in the photo.

3. Then place 8 more matches perpendicular to the previous ones and with the same equal gaps.

4. Lay out 7 rows of 8 matches in succession, placing the heads in a circle.

5. Place eight matches on top with their heads facing away from the bottom row.

6. Then place six matches perpendicular to the top row (as shown), and place a coin on top.

7. While holding the structure, stick 1 match through each corner. Sliding matches can be adjusted with a toothpick or other match.

8. Continuing to hold the structure, stick a match into each gap along the walls along the perimeter (as in the photo).

9. Gently squeeze the structure from the side of the match house walls (the coin can already be removed).

10. Seal the structure with your fingers on all sides (as in the photo).

11. Press the vertical matches up to their heads. The bottom of the structure will become the foundation of our house of matches.

12. Let's finish building the walls of the house from all sides, sticking the matches with their heads up, as in the photo.

13. Then we form a horizontal layer of walls. As in the construction of a "well", the matches should go in a circle. The heads of the matches alternate with the ends. Then you need to press all the matches from the side of the heads.

14. Then we build the roof of the house. We stick matches along the perimeter of parallel walls (as in the photo)

15. Alternating the directions of the matches, we lay them perpendicular to the top layer of the "well". We start from the edges. 16. First, put in 2, then 4, 6 matches in two central 8 matches. 17. Then we insert the matches with their heads towards the middle between the vertical matches of the roof and squeeze them with the heads of the side matches in a circle.

18. Add windows, doors and a pipe with half matches (as in the photo). Crafts from matches photo: