
Items for knowledge. How many Vikings could fit in a longship, a knorr? Ships from the Scandinavian sagas today

Emphasizing the knowledge of Rus', described by me in the book AZ BUKA IZTINY, and the film I shot about Andrei's yard, I want to highlight and tell you who Apostle Andrei is. An - night starry sky (according to supposed mythology), d - two, rey - rey. The name indicates that mythology is a real story. The Apostle is also deciphered in the book just as simply (the surface of the table in the strict horizon of the earth). The Apostle's Cross - two rays, between which there are 66.6 degrees (on the day of the min. and max. solstice) (ratio 3:2 as on the flag), to calculate the longitude between the vector directed using the rays of the ridge to the 13 ecliptic constellations RA from vector to the polar star. Do the navies even know this? Or do they now only pray to the saints in robes (similarity in mathematics - pido) having forgotten their skipper Andrew and the apostolic meridian? Why do these guys in robes now perversely tell the navy about the cross on their own flag, and they also kiss their hands? What kind of perverts are both one and the other? Where is everything going? It is easier to become pious than to study business... How could officers forget their craft and humiliate their honor? Let's decipher this term again. And on the table - the ground, the border, the table. An D Rey - night, two, reiki. A table and some kind of rack-and-pinion fixing tool. Do you remember the icon? Of course, no one was crucified on this cross. The Neopops, because of their unsteadiness, distorted and substituted faith, adjusted everything to their Faith. From all the coats of arms of ancient Rus', George the Victorious was made a Jew. I’m generally silent about Jesus, read the book... In what places did Apostle Andrew install his Cross and why and for what purpose? Read in the book... Why did Apostle Andrew choose the Dnieper itself? Previously, people traveling from the sources of the Nile in Africa, through the Bosphorus and Dardanelles, along the Black Sea, the Dnieper and the Velikaya River, noticed that the rack and pinion structure of the Ra ring coincides with a certain logbook by dates, which was kept in order not to verbally lose sight of the calendar date , recording important events of the day. Therefore, this path was called the Apostolic Line and was taken as the prime meridian. If you deviate from the Apostolic Line, for example, by 30 degrees, at midnight, according to the constellations, the ring will show a deviation from the real calendar of 30 damn days. This is how man learned to determine longitude while moving. Now the prime meridian was moved without any reason to England in 1884, and it became known as Greenwich. And we are just Ivans. This ancient Apostolic line coincides with the Nile-Lapland lineament. It is now almost 30 degrees from Greenwich. Read about it yourself here, so much mystical nonsense has been invented, it would take half a day of reading. Now about latitude. Not only did Apostle Andrew move up the river, looking for the source of many rivers, he moved with two tools - a table with a graduated ring of Ra and two slats crossed and fastened together like scissors. What is all this for? we remember that the table was installed strictly at the horizon along a trough with water. Now let’s simply place this Cross on this strict horizontal surface with the axis of the connections of both yardarms and direct its rays at midnight to the polar star and the star in the ecliptic strictly to the south. So Andrey walked until both yards began to show the same angles to the table surface - a perfect result. We check everything from a scientific point of view... We know that the plane of the ecliptic deviates from the plane of the equator by 23.44 degrees. We know that from the equator to the north pole, the right angle is 90 degrees. The rack and pinion device is a deployed polar star pointer from north to strictly south, and, therefore, divides all degrees in half relative to the vertical. We count... (90-23.44) / 2 + 23.44 = 56.72 degrees. To summarize: 30 degrees east longitude and 56.72 degrees north latitude. We open an electronic map on the Internet and point the cursor at the height of 338 meters of the Bezhanitsky Upland... Some kind of devilry. After this discovery I could not fall asleep for a long time. I kept thinking how much knowledge was eventually closed into one. When I wrote the first book and indicated this place... I didn’t know that this would happen with degrees. And after this the neo-popists tell us to simply Believe. There is no Faith on earth, just like there is no faith in the Neopopians. Christianity has been replaced! Proof! Our FAITH has been replaced. It's time for everyone to know this! I ask you to purchase the book AZ BUKA IZTINY (you can from me) and spread the knowledge. Distribute links to my films from my YouTube channel “Kulanoa Vyacheslav” to all sites, groups and friends. No one but us will restore Great Rus'.

The sailing ship Harald Hirfagre, named after the king who unified Norway in the 9th-10th centuries, completed the main part of the transatlantic crossing in the port of St. Anthony on the island of Newfoundland, 60 kilometers (40 miles) off the coast of mainland Canada, the Internet reported. expedition website.

On April 26, the longship Harald Horfagre raised sail in the port of the Norwegian commune of Haugesund, and on June 1 entered the port of St. Anton on the Canadian island of Newfoundland. For the first time, such a vessel of modern construction went the way of the ancient Scandinavians - the discoverers of America.

Along the way, the longship moored in Shetland, the Faroe Islands and Greenland. The ancient Scandinavians sailed this way; those who left their native land for trade or robbery or exploration, they called vikingr - “those who went on a campaign.” This is where the word “Vikings” came from, which we now call the entire ancient population of Scandinavia and Northern Europe - the ancestors of modern Swedes, Danes and Norwegians. The task of those on deck was to follow the path of Leif Erikson, the navigator who reached the shores of America in the year 1000, half a thousand years before Columbus.

“I am proud of the team and what we have achieved along the way. It wasn’t easy, we faced a lot of challenges throughout this voyage, but the crew kept their spirits up and worked hard throughout the voyage,” said the ship’s Swedish captain, Bjorn Ahlander. Under his leadership, more than three dozen people from Norway, Sweden, the USA, Canada, Estonia, Russia, Spain, France and Great Britain set off on a trek across the North Atlantic from Scandinavia.

“It all started as a dream to build a large, sea-capable Viking ship, the kind they talk about in the ancient Norse sagas. The longship Harald Horfagre has now become a reality, having completed a difficult journey across the North Atlantic. This is a dream come true,” said Norwegian businessman and history buff Sigurd Aase. He dreamed of building a real boat of northern warriors, “like in the sagas,” and spared no expense in making his dream come true.

Construction of the largest modern longship began in 2010. Two years later, the ship, 35 meters long and eight meters wide, was launched. Its mast is 24 meters high (for comparison, a five-story Khrushchev building is 16 meters high).

Four years later, on April 26, 2016, the longship left the Norwegian port of Haugesund, the ancient capital of the Vikings, to the shores of Vinland, as they called North America. Under sail and oars, the Harald Horfagre reached first Shetland, then the Faroe Islands, then reached Iceland, and after that Greenland. On the largest island in the world, the crew celebrated the wedding of two crew members.

The harsh North Atlantic stood in the way of Captain Bjorn Ahlander. On the way to Greenland, “Harald Horfagre” had to fight waves, overcome ice, and withstand storms and rain. The violence of the elements gave way to warm sunny weather and calm seas. The most difficult, as Captain Ahlander foresaw before leaving Norway, turned out to be the last section of the journey - from Greenland to Newfoundland - with icebergs, fog and unpredictable winds.

The longship's crew had to maneuver between icebergs in changing winds and unexpectedly falling fogs. The sailing ship had modern equipment, but the crew also used navigational instruments of distant ancestors. Along with the drakkar, an escort ship sailed across the Atlantic, always ready to provide assistance, which, fortunately, was not required.

Having reached the shores of America, travelers do not intend to stop. “Harald Horfagre” will pass along the eastern coast of the mainland, and then move inland along the system of interconnected Great Lakes, visiting the cities of Canada and the USA located on their shores. By mid-September, travelers plan to return to the Atlantic coast of the United States, to New York.

"Harald Horfagre" is the largest of the modern longships. Sagas are told about such huge wooden ships. During construction, we were guided by the Gokstad ship of the 9th century - the best preserved of the ancient drakkars, as well as by the still preserved Norwegian traditions of building fishing boats. Of course, the giant can hardly be called a real reconstruction (if only because it has a motor installed), but it certainly makes an impression.

The curator and owner of the Draken Harald Hirfagre project is Sigurd Aase.

And a few more photos

To study some Knowledge in the Oracle, you need special items.

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Let's consider three types of ships of Ancient Scandinavia: knorr, karvi, drakkar.


Scientists have at their disposal a perfectly preserved knorr, Skuldelev-1. Archaeologists have recovered 60-70% of the material from Ottar (its second name). Knorr length - 15.8 m, width - 4.8 m, load capacity - 26 tons.

© Viking Museum Roskilde, Photo: Werner Karrasch

Scientists have found that to operate such a ship, a crew of 5-8 people is required. And let us remind you that in the middle of the ship there was a large cargo compartment.

This means that the capacity of the ship depends on the purpose of its use at the moment.

If it is transporting cargo - 5-8 crew members and several additional soldiers for protection - 4-5. The main space is filled with cargo as much as possible. In total - a maximum of 12-13 people.

If this is the colonization of a new territory, then you also need to use the space as much as possible for the settlers' belongings. The saga of Eric the Red tells us that 300 people on 25 ships set off on the passage from Iceland to Greenland. We get the same 12 people per ship. It should be noted here that these ships were as capacious and reliable as possible for traveling along difficult routes.

But if we consider simply transporting people, then, judging by the space, this is a maximum of 25-30 people, depending on the level of required walking comfort. Although this contradicts the direct purpose of the vessel.

© Viking Museum Roskilde, Photo: Werner Karrasch


Carvey, the universal ship. Its length-to-width ratio is 4 to 1. This is a key parameter for understanding the possible placement of the crew. Because If the ship is wider, then the capacity of the ship will be greater. Because longships (longships) have a ratio of 7 to 1. And when a ship is rowing, there is virtually no room for more people than are at the oars. Well, the Karvy have a completely different situation.

Prominent representatives of the Karvi are ships from Oseberg (Oseberg) and Gokstad.

Replica of the Ouseberg rook

Useberg Karvy is 21.58m long and 5.10m wide. Carried 15 pairs of oars. Crew - up to 60 people.

In this photo of a replica of the Gokstad boat you can clearly estimate the size of the deck

The Gokstad boat is 23.80m long and 5.10m wide. 16 pairs of oars. Crew - 60-70 people.

The crew numbers for these ships are the maximum possible. When on a trip there was no need for extra cargo and there were enough people on board to row in two shifts.

For carvees or vessels that reach a width of 5 meters or more, you can safely use the formula for calculating the capacity of a boat: number of rowers x 2.

Longships or longships

As already mentioned, the ratio of the length and width of a combat longship is 7 to 1. And to talk about their capacity, you need to study the length of the ship and its equipment with oars.

A bright, well-preserved representative with a large number of replicas is Skuldelev-2. A typical longship is 30m long and 3.80m wide.


There are 56-60 oars on board. Crew - 70-80 people.

The ratio of ship length to crew size is not as good as that of the Carvee. But the speed is an amazing 20 knots!

Roskilde 6 or Roskilde 6 is the longest longship found. 36 meters, width - 3.50m. This is the 39th largest ship in terms of the number of pairs of oars. There are 78 oarsmen or about 100 warriors on board. Giant ship!

Frame of Roskilde 6 in the Berlin Museum

Before the discovery of the Roskilde 6 longship, the sagas mentioned such giants as the “Long Serpent”, owned by Olaf Tryggvasson (34-can) and the “Great Dragon”, owned by Harald Hardrada (Fine-Haired) (35-can).

Most likely, Roskilde 6 belonged to the great Danish king, who was, naturally, Knut the Great.

In the end, we can write a formula by which we can approximately calculate the capacity of a longship, longship: number of oars x 1.33.


Knarr capacity(oceanic merchant ships) - about 12 people with a full cargo compartment.

Capacity of universal ships - carvey- approximately 70-80 people.

Capacity drakkar depends on the number of rowers. The range of longships is from 13 pairs of oars (13 cans) to 39 pairs (Roskilde-6). Those. from 35 people to 100. But according to scientists, most of the longships that were used in the Viking Age as part of armies were 20-25 can. Those. 55 - 70 people. These are the most honest figures, if you take the average high-speed ship as part of the Viking army.