
Read myths and legends of Ukrainians. Myths and legends of Ukraine. The legend about the Ukrainian girl whom God gifted with a song

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Legends about plants and creatures to the project “Folk Symbols of Ukraine” for 3-4 grades by Maria Vasylivna Pylypchynets.


Kozhen people wear folk symbols. National symbols are those that the Danish people love and love the most. Some nations have more of them, others have less. By naming a national symbol, one can recognize what kind of country and language it is. So, if we say maple, then we know that it is the symbol of Canada.

There are a lot of songs and legends about folk symbols, and they are mentioned in rituals and ceremonies. They are hung on shirts and towels. National symbols are our shrines.

Folk symbols of Ukraine: plants and animals. Tree symbols include viburnum, willow, oak, poplars, periwinkle, and black-brown trees. They have long distinguished the beauty of our Ukraine, the spiritual meaning of the people, and convey love to the native land.


For a long time, our people's favorite tree has been the willow. “Without willow and viburnum, there is no Ukraine,” says the people’s order. It is important to see our land without willow. We have about 30 species. Say: “Where there is water, there is a willow.” With its roots, it creaks the banks and purifies the water. When they dug a spring, they threw in a piece of willow log to purify the water. A willow plank was placed near a bucket of water, and a pot for drinking water was placed on it. There was a special kind of public hygiene.

Under the willows, the young began to study, and found themselves in the kohanna.

People have sung many songs about the quiet, modest willow. In many works, I guess the willow and T. Shevchenko. While resting on the deserted waters of the Caspian Sea, Shevchenko planted a pussy willow. After watering the wine, looking at it, the bona yoma on Vtikha grew. The growth of Shevchenkov's willow and dosi. Our willow has the living and kind soul of Levina Mavka. The stolen willow leaves call out darkness and confusion.

The day before the Great Day is called Camel. Then bless the willow. In many villages of Ukraine they planted a sprig of holy willow. It was appreciated that such a willow was especially kissable. Plant a tender pussy willow. Near the land of Shvidko there will be roots and a garnet tree will grow. We cannot allow willow plantations to appear in our Ukraine. The unforgettable words of V. Simonenko from the top “Virostesh, you are on your way...”

And if you fall into someone else’s field,

Willows and poplars come from Ukraine;

Stand over you, ruffle the leaves,

Tight farewell to the soul.


He sings, not casually, saying: “Willows and poplars will come from Ukraine.” Poplars are also our national symbol. With a string of poplar trees they traced the little girl's figure and the unlucky girl's lot. Many songs and legends have been written about the poplar. T.G. Shevchenko wrote “Poplars” accordingly.

According to the good wind,

Walking across the field.

The edge of the road is a poplar

All the way down.

This is the legend. In one village there lived a beautiful girl named Polya and a husband named Khlopets on the name of Strib. The stinks kicked one another. One day, the older people asked Strib to run around the village and make sure everything was calm there. Escape Strib, but not reaching the village, having defeated a lot of enemies. As soon as the wind blew, the young man came home, telling people about those who were studying. They wanted to take away their thinness, their belongings and dump them in the mountains until the enemies deprived their land. The god of flash and thunder, Perun, shook people and wanted to find out why there was a stink here. Having descended to the ground, Perun asked people what had happened. People rose up. And here I amused Paul. She deserved it, and said: “This girl is so good that I will take her for my squad.”

People were happy, because the mother of such a high patron is not given to everyone. And Striba, sensing it, became intolerable. Having spoken to Peruni and said: “I’m sure that you won’t find your own happiness in someone else’s misfortune.” So let nothing happen.” He hit the ground with his club and there, where the share stood, a green tree grew. The people who stood closer said that it was getting worse, and those who stood further away said: “De Paul?” They say: “These are the Fields.” And he took Striba Perun with him to heaven and made him the God of earthly winds.


Since ancient times, people have loved the beautiful viburnum, as a symbol of girlish beauty and tenderness. There it grew as white as the skin. It is beautiful both at the time of flowering, and when the leaves turn crimson in the spring, and when the berries turn red on the ashes of the white snow. The girls embroidered viburnum on their shirts, and wove them into the crowns.

Father's son's sons were given a little spit from the necks of the viburnum, and the weak little little girls were given a spit from the viburnum. Kalina is studied in songs; there are legends about it. In one of them it is told about how the little girl Kalina brought in the swamp enemies-busurmans. Most of them perished, but the young beauty also perished. At the place of its death there was a bush, which was named Kalina in honor of the girl.


Viburnum was used to decorate the cheerful cow. A bouquet of oak and viburnum was placed on the table in front of the newlyweds. And on the oar towel they embroidered viburnum with oak as symbols of girlish beauty and tenderness and human strength and value.

Viburnum was studied in the lands of T. Shevchenko, I. Frank, L. Ukrainka. Before the speech, L.Ukrainka wrote the poem “Kalina” after the funeral of her brother S. Merzhinsky. Whose tops had their weight. A bush of viburnum was planted on the graves of a Cossack or a Chumak who had died.


Oak is a symbol of strength, capability, and longevity. Oak lives a long time. Vidomy in Ukraine 1300-year-old Oak. At the village Upper Khortytsia is an 800-year-old oak tree, under which, according to legends, T. Shevchenko, I. Repin, M. Lisenko believed. The girth of the yoga stovbur is 8m. At Smt. Mizhgir, Transcarpathian region. 500-year-old oak tree.

During the hour of a thunderstorm, oak “attracts” electric discharges the most. For 100 blows of a flashlight near a tree, 54 hits the oak tree.

Two oak trees that grow near the village of Stuzhytsia in Velykobereznyanschyna attract the respect of not only Transcarpathians, but also tourists from other rich regions, write Yulia Yurkovetska, Unicum. The trees are recognized as one of the oldest in Ukraine. Children's Oak and Champion Oak, which cost 1100 and 1300 roki, are unique not only because of their age. Trees enchant with their majesty and beauty. The stench evokes a special energy that is widely bestowed upon everyone who reaches them.

There is a lot of history and legends associated with trees, one of which tells us that moonshine was made near the hollow of the Dodo-oak tree during the hour of Prohibition. The truth is that we probably won’t know for a long time. But those whose trees are not at all simple are deprived of the fact. Ever since childhood (singing through fairy tales and legends), it has been associated with wisdom, strength and singing magic. Many Indian European traditions have a cult of the oak tree, which is considered a sacred tree, the seat of the gods, the heavenly gate through which the deity can appear before people. This tree has always symbolized peace, strength, masculinity, vibrancy, longevity, kindness and faithfulness.

In Ukraine, the oak has always been a symbol of strong and important people. “Mitsny is like an oak tree,” they have long said about the stately young man. It is not surprising that the tree itself has removed all the over-processed symbolic berries, including oaks from ancient geological eras. Trees are the companions of mammoths and other relict creatures. Stinks can live up to two and a half thousand years, and the maturity of an oak tree reaches only... one hundred and fifty. Based on these parameters, our Transcarpathian Children's Oak and Champion Oak have long moved between youth and can share old wisdom. Their dimensions have already reached the “oak” maximum: their height is approximately 30 m, and their crown span is 20 by 25 meters.

At the All-Ukrainian competition “National Tree of Ukraine”, which took place in 2010, the Champion Oak took third place in the category “Oldest Tree of Ukraine”. Proceeding through its dark ages, the tree required celebration and close scrutiny. This was helped by Czech arborists, who, at great cost, lent oak wood. With this rank, the Champion Oak has a chance to impress its greatness on many generations. It’s a lot of time to come to the trees to hug them and take part of the energy from these giants, but no one cares about self-exertion. The circumference of the towering oak trees is over 9 meters; however, if you are to rake from these giant trees at the bottom, you will need to gather a company of at least as many friends. It is important that the Dodo-Oak is the son of the Champion Oak. It turns out that this wise tree itself has had more than 200 fates.

In just over a thousand years, these oak trees have already killed thousands of people from different places, around the clock. Data about those who planted these trees have not been preserved, and even the first written riddles about the Great Bereznyanshchina date back to 1409. This region also belonged to the dominion of the Counts of Drugets. The Children's Oak and the Champion Oak have preserved in their memory the legends and tales about the opryshki of the 17th and 18th centuries: Ivan Varga, Mykola Vasilchak and Ivan Betsu, who took revenge for the poverty of the villagers and attacked the peasants' shirts. There were also Slovaks who moved later, from the other half of the 18th century. The stench directly influenced the development of cultural traditions of the Great Berezny region, near the village of Stuzhytsia. The great oaks felt the knock of the slick stakes while the first drafts rode along them, which, they found, gave people the ability to manually reach not only Uzhgorod, but also to Lvov.

The Children's Oak and the Champion Oak changed the names of their fatherland, firmly entrenching their mighty roots in the ground - Austro-Ugric, Ugric, Czechoslovakia, Radyansky Union, and, nareshti, Ukraine. The wise trees had a chance to watch over this, as the family collapsed at the rocks of war. They loved the stench in the shade of their mighty crowns and their richly smothered vapors. All of their other companions were gaining strength to watch the road... What hasn’t happened in over a thousand years?! Her memory has accumulated a lot of images, stories, and troubles. They have forgotten to look at people because of their height and grandeur until today.

Mothers embroidered oak leaves on their sons' shirts so that the sons would be strong and merciful. They slept on oak furniture, which, they say, added strength to the hour of sleep. The oak, like our other national symbols, has a reverent power. The oak forest makes people feel good when they suffer from illness of the heart.


And we have symbolic trees. One of my favorites is the periwinkle. Tsyu Roslina was named so in honor of the khan of the young man Bar and the maiden Vinka. They decorate a cheerful cow with periwinkle, which they plant for the house. The girls weave the periwinkles into the vines. It's green under the snow. Periwinkle is a symbol of the Kohanna.

We also have a lot of creaturely symbols. The princess has a watch with her beloved creature. The Cossack clock has a kine. In their thoughts and songs they thought about the Cossack and immediately guessed his horse.

Ale’s favorite creature symbols are birds.


People believed that the souls of the dead in the form of birds would turn to the ground. And since these are the souls of the dead, what is their place? In Paradise. And the stench of spring turns to paradise. Apparently, with these two words, “Viriy” was created. And God entrusted the keys to Viriya to Zozuli, as the legend says. He opens the zozulya with the keys of the viri, and releases the birds through the earth. And God has entrusted Zozuli with the long fates of life to people. And birds must fly earlier in order to open it for other birds. It doesn’t come to him that he hangs birds and throws eggs into other people’s nests. Even if it wasn’t there, no one would say anything bad about Zozulya in Ukraine. In folk songs, she was jealous of her mother, who took care of her children, and was aptly called “the little darling mother.”


Our favorite bird is Leleka. Yogo was named after the deity of goodness and kohannya - Lelya. Well, as you know, children are popular in the khanna. From and bring them to our homemade leleka. They said that Lel is alive in the soul of a good person, and it is a cherished thing to build a nest on the support of good people.


The symbol behind the edge is a crane. It’s more painful, like the chicken cranes, people feel when they’re far from Batkivshchyna.

“The cranes are crowing, cruising, I’ll die in a foreign land, I’ll cross the docks of the sea, little winged winter,” how many simple words cry out from the skin’s heart.


The symbol of the mother is a swallow. There is a legend that the oldest member of the family was saddled with Peter and Paul. The homeland gave you an oak wreath as a symbol of longevity. And on the friend of the Most Holy One there was a curse. Before Christianity, the 22nd of Veres was celebrated with the Holy Birth - the patron saints of the mother - giving birth. On this day, children sculpted a swallow from clay and gave it to their mother. Mother saved her by stretching out fate until the coming holy day. When the mother was dying, the children would place the swallow near the house, and on the gate they would place an inverted rake and attach the swallow to the animal. So the stench remained for 40 days and everyone who passed by in the yard knew that the one for whom the whole homeland had died had died. There are a lot of signs associated with the gusset, believe me.


The Ukrainian people are very vocal. A long-standing legend tells about a bird whose songs became a translation of the bird’s song of our Fatherland. This bird is a nightingale.

The old people told us that this little bird had not lived on our lands for a long time. She nested in distant lands and did not know the way to Ukraine. Even if the nightingales were even singing, they flew all over the world and collected the songs of all peoples for the Indian king.

One nightingale flew to Ukraine and settled down next to each other. All the people were in the field at that hour and the village was silent.

– What kind of people live here? - the nightingale thought. - Neither songs nor music. The sun set, and people turned home in droves. Songs were heard here and there.

Already the songs were dull. The hard work took a lot of strength during the day. Here the nightingales fell asleep and made them merry. People forgot about this and fell asleep to their overseas guest so much that they didn’t believe him. Nightingales flew from all lands to the royal garden, singing the songs they brought. And all those people already knew the princess and were angry. Already under the windows the nightingales from Ukraine slept, and the king lost his peace. I have never felt such songs before - and I told that nightingale to sing day and night...

In the spring, the enchanted nightingales flew to Ukraine in droves to listen to our songs, translate them into bird language and carry them to distant India. Our own stinks hang out in the air, so that among the people themselves, the stinks smell the finest in the world.

You can’t count these legends, fairy tales, songs, poems about roads and symbols close to our hearts. The smell is created in the embroidery on shirts and towels.

Ukrainian legend

It was a long time ago. In one village in Ukraine, girls and women decided to show their skills. We agreed that on Sunday everyone would come to the village square, and each would bring the best thing she had made with her own hands: an embroidered towel, lace, linen, tablecloth, clothes.

On the appointed day, all the girls and women came to the square. They brought a lot of amazing things. The old men and women, whom society instructed to name the most skilled craftswomen, were wide-eyed: there were so many talented women and girls. The wives and daughters of the rich brought silk bedspreads embroidered with gold and silver, thin lace curtains on which amazing birds were knitted.

But the winner was the poor man's wife Marina. She did not bring either an embroidered towel or lace, although she knew how to do all this perfectly. She brought her five-year-old son Petrus, and Petrus brought a lark, which he himself carved from wood. Petrus put the lark to his lips - the bird sang and chirped, as if alive. Everyone stood in the square without moving, everyone was enchanted by the song, and suddenly a real, living lark began to sing in the blue sky, attracted by the singing from the ground.

“He who creates an intelligent and kind person is the most skillful master,” was the decision of the old people.

(Reprinted from V.I. Oliynik’s newspaper “On the Threshold of Eternity”)

The legend about the Ukrainian girl whom God gifted with a song

One day the Lord God decided to endow the children of the world with talents. The French chose elegance and beauty, the Hungarians - a love of housekeeping, the Germans - discipline and order, the Russians - authority, the Poles - the ability to trade, the Italians received the ability to play music... Having endowed everyone, the Lord God rose from the holy throne and suddenly saw in the corner girl. She was barefoot, dressed in an embroidered shirt, a light brown braid tied with a blue ribbon, and a wreath of red viburnum on her head. Who are you? Why are you crying? - asked the Lord.

I am Ukraine, and I am crying because my land is groaning from shed blood and fires. My sons are in a foreign land, in someone else’s work, enemies mock widows and orphans, there is no truth and freedom in their home.

Why didn't you come to me earlier? I gave away all my talents. How can I help you?

The girl was about to go, but the Lord God, raising his right hand, stopped her.

I have a priceless gift that will glorify you throughout the world. Is a song.

The Ukrainian girl took the gift and pressed it tightly to her heart. She bowed low to the Almighty and with a clear face and faith took the song to the people.

Where a legend is born…

(Legends of Lviv)

Having emerged in the Middle Ages on seven hills, like many ancient cities, Lviv, unique in its appearance and beauty, was moving towards our future, overgrown with legends. These legends featured church ministers, princes, kings, boyars, warriors, and ordinary people who lived in this beautiful city, and their hard and persistent work made this city better and better. Do we need these legends today? Oh, how needed! It is very important for us to preserve them in order to communicate through them with the past, with the inhabitants of the city of previous eras, so that every day we can independently feel the legendary smell and taste of our native history...

All buildings in Lviv are marked with secrets and shrouded in eerie mysteries. This is especially acute when walking around the city at night. Modern illumination only enhances the unreality effect. In the premises of the SBU on Vetovsky Street (the former KGB), in Soviet times “criminal cases” were written against priests, and many people were tortured - victims of terror. Walking past this building, especially in the evening, you almost physically feel the waves of fear, despair and pain with which it is saturated. They say that workers who are on duty here at night often hear strange sounds and groans. Probably, it is the souls of the unfortunate victims who cannot find peace for themselves.

One of the favorite legends of Ukrainian historians is the legend of the “Necklace of the Baghdad Merchant”. She talks about the justice of Prince Leo, the son of King Daniel of Galicia, after whom our city is named. After the death of his father, he headed the throne and became famous among the inhabitants for his justice, restraint, and thoughtfulness. Even in the old days, Lviv was one of the main shopping centers. There were merchants from the countries of the West and the East, they brought some goods, and brought others from here. Sellers also came from Arab countries. The legend tells about the merchant Abdurahman from Baghdad. He brought frankincense, myrrh, naena pepper, cinnamon, cloves and other goods to Lvov. I sold everything, but still had a very original necklace with precious stones set in gold. In order not to take it to Baghdad, Abdurakhman decided to leave the necklace with a familiar Lviv merchant. But his greatest surprise was when, returning a year later, he could not receive his treasure. Kramar denied having the necklace, as did his wife. Absorbed with worries, Abdurakhman complained about the merchant to institutions and courts, but no one could help him because there were no witnesses. Then Abdurakhman decided to turn to Prince Leo himself. When the Syrian got an appointment with the prince and told him his troubles, he thought about how to fairly resolve this dispute. There is not a single piece of evidence that the merchant left the necklace to that particular merchant. After some time, the prince told the Syrian to go and wait for the debtor in the store the next day. The next morning, Abdurakhman sat on the threshold of the store, and although the merchant drove him away, he returned again and again and waited... But then Prince Lev appeared on a Basque Arabian horse. Having reached the store where the Syrian was sitting, the prince turned to Abdurakhman with reproach for why he did not come to him, offering to come in soon. All this happened in the presence of many people who heard the conversation between the prince and the Baghdad merchant. The merchant and his wife also heard her. Frightened, they hastened to give the Syrian his necklace. The next day, Abdurakhman appeared in the palace of Prince Lev and thanked him on his knees for his help. And Lev, in turn, ordered the merchant and his wife to be seized and nailed to the doors of the store, as a warning to everyone who tried to deceive customers. People also said that in the time of Prince Lev you could put a wallet with money in the middle of the street and, returning the next day, find it in the same place untouched.

Particularly tragic is the legend about a poor girl who once came to the headquarters, which is now in Shevchenko Grove, to wash clothes and, bending over the water, could not straighten up, because someone seemed to be holding her braid. When she asked who was holding her, she heard the answer: “We are the bells, there are three of us: Pan Zloty, Pan Serebryany and their servant Copper. Who do you choose? Thinking, the girl chose a servant, since she herself was a servant. The copper bell jumped out of the water, inviting the girl to take it to the church. The girl hesitated at first, but, hugging and lifting the bell, making sure that it was light, she carried it to the church. When she approached the bell tower, he escaped from her hands and clung to the others. This bell had an incomparable voice, but it did not ring for long. A few years later the girl fell ill and died. They say that on this day, when she died, it hummed very long, and then, swaying, it began to ring loudly, until, due to great sorrow, it cracked and fell silent forever.

Many Lviv legends tell about fierce love. I especially like the legend of the early twentieth century. Sometime in the year 1910, a young successful Lvov lawyer fell in love with a young thirty-year-old woman, the owner of the Pivonia villa on Pohulyanka, and they lived together for about two years. A well-known psychiatrist and friend of the lawyer noted some strange changes in the behavior of his friend. He, in turn, complained to the doctor about an almost pathological sexual dependence on his beloved. The psychiatrist was imbued with his friend’s misfortune and decided to save him. He reviewed all the old case histories, and among them he found the story of our heroine. She consulted a psychopathologist back in 1875, and she was already 45 then. That is, at that time she was no less than 80!!! The psychiatrist had a desire to meet Sarah Braga himself (that was the woman’s name). The lawyer was no longer there at that time. It was rumored that he died of an unknown disease. In addition, as it turned out, Sarah had six more husbands before him, whose fate is also unknown.

Realizing the incredible danger that awaited him, the doctor nevertheless decided to settle in Sarah Braga’s house. It’s hard to imagine how much effort it took him not to give in to the seductive demonic woman. Feeling her powerlessness, Sarah began to age, wrinkles appeared on her face, gray hair appeared on her head... Neither requests nor hysterics helped - the doctor was unforgiving. Quite by accident, he discovered Sarah's secret. One evening, sitting in the living room near the fireplace, the psychiatrist was reading the Bible. It told about Sarah from Media, who had seven husbands, who were later sacrificed to the demon Asmodeus. When the doctor read aloud a passage from the Old Testament, Sarah screamed and ran out of the room. And when the psychiatrist rushed after her, he saw her dead body on the stairs. What a creepy, but at the same time attractive story, isn’t it?!

In ancient times, about four hundred years ago, a ghost appeared in the Lviv Town Hall. It came at midnight in the form of a black coffin, which flew through the halls and stairs, and the echo carried its terrible groan. No one could explain the appearance of the black coffin, but one of the shopkeepers, and that’s what the judges who handled criminal cases were called in ancient Lviv, unraveled the mystery. Once, a panel of shopkeepers did not carefully consider a court case, and an innocent man was sentenced to death. Over time, they found the real culprit of the crime, but it was too late - an innocent person suffered. After this, a black coffin began to appear in the town hall, as a stern warning for untruthful judges.

The next legend was recorded by Lviv writer Stefan Grabinsky, whose works were first presented to his contemporaries by Yuri Vinnichuk. In 1861, the Lviv-Przemysl railway route was put into operation. He was the first in Galicia and in Ukraine as a whole. And a few years after this event, mysterious and wonderful incidents began to appear on the Lviv roads. The frightened “railway” authorities wanted to hide them in every possible way, but tabloid magazines had already begun to scribble about these miracles. A mysterious train appeared on the Lviv tracks. With unheard-of speed, it suddenly appeared in the most unexpected places, and with an incredible roar, it suddenly disappeared in an invisible direction, however, without creating a single collision or accident. It was impossible to catch up with or delay this train. Angry railroad workers were in despair because passengers, frightened by the rumors, were using the trains less and less. One evening a mystical locomotive appeared in a Lviv courtyard. People were waiting for the train from Vienna, which arrived from the western direction exactly second to second. The cheerful faces of the passengers were already visible from the windows when, from a completely opposite, eastern direction, a gigantic gray mass of a ghost train, like a crazy whirlwind, flew along those same tracks to meet the Viennese one. Horror gripped everyone - a collision could not be avoided! But the “mad” train, instead of smashing its comrade to pieces with an instant collision, with lightning fury, flies like a haze through all the cars of the Vienna-Lviv train... and disappears into the darkness. An intact passenger train stands calmly on the platform, and only the very frightened, frozen faces of the passengers, turned to the west, indicate that something terrible and mystical happened on the Lviv platform. The stray train, not very often, terrorized railroad workers and passengers on various trains for several more months, and then disappeared as completely as it appeared. Like this!

If you collect all the legends of Lvov, you will get an incredibly exciting collection - about ghosts and lovers, about castles and cellars, about prisons and torture chambers, about heroes and dragons... By the way, did you know that on the territory of St. George's Cathedral there is a cave in which -did there live a dragon? And do you know what this ancient “Gorynych” ate? Magical young ladies! This is such a healthy diet!!!

It’s hard to imagine Lviv without the special aroma of coffee, which seems to permeate every street. Hidden among them are quite a few coffee shops or “kavaren”, as they once said. Each of them has its own legend, its own mystery and, of course, its own special recipe for making coffee... Fortunately, far in the past are the times when coffee was banned, believing that its intoxicating aroma distracted monks from prayer, and encouraged respectable citizens to do dangerous and dangerous things. absolutely required political discussions. Nowadays coffee is the key to a great mood. That is why Lemberg is associated with all the legends, myths, secrets and riddles that are created over a cup of strong black coffee.

You can talk a lot about Lviv: about its historical value, about the unique geographical location: when it rains, on one side of a Lviv house, part of the water flows into the Black Sea basin, and on the other into the Baltic Sea... But let’s dwell on one more highlight of Lvov. On the one thing without which Lviv would not be Lviv – beer. There is no such tasty and lively beer anywhere in the world. However, there were some legends here too. But of course!

The first charter of the workshop of Lviv brewers that has survived to this day is dated 1425. In the second half of the 17th century, Count Stanislav Potocki granted the Jesuit monks who settled on his land the right to build a brewery on the outskirts of Lviv, on Kleparivska Street, “to brew their own and good beer.” This is how the first industrial brewery in Ukraine appeared in 1715. To pass on this entire rich history to descendants, on October 14, 2005, the first Beer Museum in Ukraine was opened at the enterprise.

The museum’s special pride is the brewer’s qualification certificate, which confirms that the drink was brewed only by masters. The Lvov magistrate saw it to the gentleman who mastered this specialty in 1797. But another, no less diligent person was rewarded for his attention to the quality of beer... with love!

This refers to the engineer Robert Doms, who owned a brewery in the 19th century. Every morning this gentleman tasted freshly brewed beer right in bed. And the young, friendly servant Zosya brought him an amber drink in a huge, almost ten-liter “galba” with a tap. Of course, this beer was very good, because, as a result, Robert fell in love and married the girl. Having sold his brewery, he left with his beloved for Switzerland. And as a souvenir he left us that legendary mug, which to this day is called “Zoska” and is considered the museum’s mascot.

After so many interesting stories about beer, it’s time to try the drink itself. For this purpose, the museum has a special tasting room. If you want to sit longer with friends over wonderful Lviv beer, delicious treats and club concerts, go up one floor to the Robert Doms House restaurant. Who knows, maybe you will meet your love there too?...

Lviv pharmacies are also filled with an extraordinary legendary taste. The fact is that before the advent of Soviet power, each pharmacy had its own name, like ships, restaurants, confectionery shops: “Under the Black Eagle”, “Under the Golden Star”, “Under Themis”, “Under the Hungarian Crown”, “Under the Holy Spirit” ... In those days, the northwestern foothills of the Carpathians were overflowing with oil. Since the internal combustion engine, diesel engine or jet aircraft were the work of the future, the need for oil was not very clear. Once, an entrepreneur from Borislav, who wanted to get at least some benefit from this viscous liquid, delivered a whole barrel of oil to Lviv, to the pharmacy “Under the Golden Star” (today Copernicus, 1). He, planning to receive a considerable reward for it, tried to convince pharmacists to somehow distill the oil into alcohol. Johann Zeg and Ignazio Lukasiewicz, the best experts in their field, forgetting about the production of medicines, tinkered with this task for months. But they were never able to get alcohol. Instead, by heating oil from 150°C to 315°C, specialists learned to produce gas and were the first in the world to use gas lamps. Well, later, a cafe called “Gas Lamp” was founded in that place.

The legends of Lvov are as magical as its narrow streets, squares, pavements... Once upon a time, a long time ago, a poor musician came to Lviv. Residents of the city, holding their breath, listened for hours to his clear, wonderful voice in the central square, and young ladies fell head over heels in love with the sad singer. The guy himself, even in his songs, was irreparably sad. All this because the poor man fell in love with a proud beauty who passed by every day, not noticing either his love for her or the young man’s surprisingly special talent. One day on a cold autumn evening the musician trudged behind the lady all the way to the house in which she lived. The whole night he played melodies about love under her dark windows, only in the morning both the voice and the strings of the lover fell silent. Waking up, people saw the dead body of a young man, whose heart could not stand it because of the great inseparable love. Since that time, old people say, in deep silence and now you can hear how piercingly the Lviv rain hums the forgotten melody of love, and the ancient city cries with it...

The thousand-year history of Lvov has seen bloody wars, floods, invasions of fierce enemies, and terrible fires along the way... But every time this “city of lions that sleep” was reborn anew, showing the whole world its life-giving power, extraordinary will to live...

Earthly giant Kara-Dag

(Legends of Crimea, Koktebel)

The Country of Cognacs is rich in legends. Even the ancient Taurians passed on from generation to generation the story of the most powerful eruption of the Kara-Dag, which occurred in prehistoric times.
It was a long time ago, when there were no people on Earth yet, and only animals inhabited it. At that time, the gods often descended to earth to wander through endless forests or sent their light-winged angelic servants for fruits and nectar. The earth was warm and blooming and there was a place for everyone on it. Huge multi-headed animals ate grass that grew generously under the gentle sun. The endless forests rustled with the deciduous crowns of centuries-old trees, blown by a light wind.
But one day the gods of the underworld conspired and sent an icy whirlwind onto the sun. And the sun went out like a flame drenched in rain. Cold and darkness began to spread throughout the land. Green meadows and spreading trees were covered with ice and snow. And many animals died, and the rest, in order to survive, began to devour each other.
The Earth suffered for a long time. But one day the earthly giant, Kara-Dag, rose up, and streams of hot lava erupted from it. For 12 days and 12 nights they flowed down its slopes and warmed the frozen earth.
And the gods of heaven sent angels with golden amphorae to earth. And the angels scooped up the Karadag lava and took it to the Sun. And the extinguished sun warmed up and flared up again. And the ice melted, and the meadows bloomed, and endless forests again stretched to the sky across the entire earth.
The majestic Kara-Dag calmed down, the lava froze. And grapes grew on its slopes - in memory of the unity of the mountain and the sun. Many centuries later, people appeared on these lands. And for years they served the vines, which had absorbed the sun and fire of the earth. And they began to make a drink from grape berries, similar to lava that warms the earth. The name of this drink is cognac. In gratitude for its salvation, the sun sanctified it and now flickers in every drop of it, warming people.
And only angels still descend with golden amphorae onto the Koktebel land and take their share of the sparkling nectar to the sky, which for many millennia does not allow the huge Koktebel sun to go out.

Kara-Dag - Black Mountain

In the evenings, the enchanting trills of girls’ voices filled the Otuz Valley. Then they sang their wondrous songs, returning from the grape fields. Heading home, the girls always looked warily at Kara-Dag - the Black Mountain, hanging over the valley and obscuring the blue sky. In its depths lived a terrible monster - a one-eyed cannibal giant.
During the day he slept, but even his peaceful snoring was like thunder, and when he turned around, the mountain shook to its foundations. Late in the evening, when it was completely dark, the giant would wake up and crawl out of the lair. His eyes flashing, he began to roar deafeningly, so that the echo rolled across the Crimean Mountains.
The villagers hid wherever they could, and the men took a bull or a couple of sheep to the foot of the Black Mountain. Having tied the cattle in a visible place, they left, and the giant calmed down until the next evening. But in the month of weddings, the cannibal demanded an even greater sacrifice. Even dozens of sheep and bulls were not enough. He roared all night, and the windows shook from his roar, and the fires in the hearths went out. Then he grabbed huge stones and threw them into the valley. Rolling down the slopes of the mountain, they turned into an avalanche that swept away everything in its path.
And then the frightened people chose one of the brides and gave her as a sacrifice to the giant...
For many years he ruled over the Otuz Valley, but people endured. None of them knew how to get rid of him. But one day a strong and brave young man decided to challenge the monster. The villagers laughed at him, because no one believed that the giant could be destroyed.
After waiting for the month of weddings, the young man fulfilled his vow. When the sun set, he headed towards the mountain giant. Dusk fell, a large moon appeared in the dark blue sky and covered the surface of the sea with silvery scales. Human voices, the bleating of sheep, the mooing of cows fell silent in the village, and evening lights flashed here and there. Admiring the beauty of the village, the young man remembered his beloved Elbis and sang an old song:

Love is a bird of spring,
The time has come for her to fly.
I asked the old Greek woman,
How can I catch the love bird?
The Greek woman replied:
“With your eyes you catch a bird,
She will fall on her lips
And your heart will penetrate..."

And then a giant appeared from the gorge. Fascinated by the singing, he asked the young man to bring him a love bird and he agreed. The next evening, the young man again went to Kara-Dag, taking his betrothed with him.
Seeing the huge giant, Elbis stopped in horror. But, looking at her beloved, she overcame her fear and bravely stepped towards danger. She turned to the cannibal and asked him to open his eyes wider to see the bird. The beauty of Elbis was so dazzling that the giant opened his only eye wide in amazement. And the girl pulled her bow and shot a poisonous stone arrow at the giant’s glowing eye. The giant howled and rushed towards the daredevils to crush them, but, seeing nothing, he tripped over a stone and fell into his deep hole.
Because of the giant’s anger, the mountain moved as if alive: huge stones, and even entire cliffs, broke off from it and fell noisily into the sea. His angry breath melted the earth and flowed down the slopes in fiery streams through the cracks. The whole night there was a continuous roar over the Kara-Dag, the top of the mountain was spewing out fire, smoke and ash. An ominous black cloud covered the sky, lightning flashed and thunder roared.
And at dawn it started to rain and everything calmed down. When people came out of their shelters, they froze in surprise. Black Mountain no longer existed. In its place, new cliffs and bizarrely shaped rocks, reminiscent of wild animals, rose to the sky. The sea was no longer angry and gently washed the steep walls of the rocks, flooded numerous coves and caves and muttered something joyfully.

From legends about the glorious capital of our native Ukraine, to local tales about small towns and villages, this entire legendary conglomerate follows one, but even more important goal: to create in people’s understanding about Fatherland – the “great” "small". Therefore, for instilling patriotic feelings in a child, it is of no great help to know the legends about the native land, about the place where the child was born, and about other villages of Ukraine.

Addressed to children of young school age.

Handler – Vita Valerievna Volkova

Among the development of folk legends, a special place is occupied by legendary tales of the origin, history, and etymology of the names of Ukrainian places and villages. This is due to the respect that the skin of the skin, even if another group of people attaches to its history. On one side - respect for our ancestors and pride in their glorious deeds; On the other hand, there is a calm sense of belonging to a more or less significant social formation: legends and tales about places and villages were created by unknown folk poets, who preserved the history of the family, embellishing them. miraculous details and details, allowing me to feel a sense of pride in the rich history of my people, explaining the similarity of geographical names, allowing one to trace the genus.

About Ukraine

Just like our Lord, the Creator, having settled people on Earth, they immediately began to ask God for a special place to live. Only Ukrainians did not get drunk. They were basically Cossacks: they tramped carelessly along the ground, admired the beauty of the world and did not respect anyone. As if they looked around and noticed that people were scurrying around everywhere, settling down in busy places. Then they went and stank to the Lord. They quietly stood outside the threshold and checked, because the Creator himself was already very busy. And when the Creator looked back and shook the long-haired warriors, he was amazed:
- What do you need, boys? - asked the Lord.
- That earthly motherhood is what we want, God!
- May the earth be your mother. Go and settle down on that little land between the seas, pointing his finger down.
- There are already Spanish there, God!
- Yeah, then just leave them and settle down.
“We can’t, Lord, there are French there, and then there are Germans, and there are still so many people.”
Wondering, God burned and repented that everything had already been distributed. And the Cossacks really deserved it - and the Creator did not want to deprive them of their lands.
“Garazd,” said the Lord. “I’ll give you that little spot on the Dnieper that he deprived himself of for the earthly paradise.” It’s just an unimaginable little place – a paradise. The land there is very dear and smells like honey, the water is like milk, and from the sky a song flows into the souls of people. The wicked will wither on that little bank, and they will need to saw and harrow. If you are in fact such important figures as I see, then on this earth you will become rulers, and if not, then slaves of the wicked.
- Zgoda. Good, Lord! It will be as you say. Blessings for the journey!
The Creator blessed them and sent them to the gates of heaven. So the Cossacks dig up the earth and steal it from all sorts of evil spirits. And they named their little piece of paradise – Ukraine.

Cursed mountain

In the middle of the tall poplars and spreading willows, standing high on the mountain, there is a magnificent gentleman's flag. A small river flowed below and there was a spring. Through the swamp there is a fragmented place where only a few people passed through.

You can see from the mat how the backs of the kripaks were bent on the fields. Without having said a kind word to them, there were screams almost out of the blue, and whips whistled over their backs. Every day they shed bitter tears and sent their curses towards the master.

And the lord is alive and having fun. On Great Day I went with my family to visit until the next lord. The carriage broke down under the carriage and the whole family drowned in the swamp.

Nina, on this mountain the grass does not grow thick, and the leaves are devoid of thyme. In the swamp, sedges and toads grow to preach to their children, so that they only warm their backs in this sinful place and live in something else.

On the mountain, after the death of the lord, a church was built, and on Great Day it fell to the ground along with the priest and the Christians who were there. Shortly on Easter Day, if you lie down on this mountain, you can almost hear the ringing of bells. Here is the service of God.

This mountain is located one kilometer away from the village of Chorna Kamyanka.

River Yatran

A quiet evening filled the village. It’s dark in the huts, and there’s only one light in the house. There was a grandmother sitting at the table, and her two grandchildren. Vaughn took a deep breath, shook her head, and called out.

There lived a girl in our village who took her Kokhan Cossack to war. He vowed not to turn around quickly and not to get too drunk. After an hour had passed, nothing had happened before.

An hour passed, the girl was already busy with him and wished God for his return. One day it came before the willows, and the stench disappeared.

Once she didn’t turn around, the villagers started making jokes about her. Having realized that at that place, there was a great, rich and shvidkoplinna river, the stinks began to cry.

In honor of this girl, whose name was Yatran, they named the river that way. And the people, who had lost their hearts in pity for the girl, turned into willows. The stench still rings over the river.

Having finished her routine, the grandmother looked at her grandchildren, who had already fallen asleep. She gently covered them with a rug and soaked in the light.

Bila Tserkva

It seems that the old people, who were still behind the Cossacks, settled here from a certain centurion on the invitation of Bily. And that White one is a lepsky goat. No one can beat him, I can’t take him on the table: the strong man was great and fierce. And before that, he was so desperate, I would have taken him with shaking!

How many times do you go to the Turk - everything turns around. P "e, walks, banquets on weekdays and at the holy place. And as I walked along the Maidan, the earth began to shake. That’s why the otaman walked. courtyard, but for whom, now? God did not give him children.
To whom should I deprive everything? And as old age filled the crowns with white color, ordering us to create a church for the people. Until recently, they say, it stood. There the centurion White is buried.

People called it the White Church, and later it was called the place.


At whose place, now the place of Brovary, there was a majestic forest. Whose fox lives the Robber Nightingale with his comrades. The robbers stole the girls and put several houses in their place. Their women cooked food there, and they went to the farm. The star was named Borvari. Through those that there is a great forest and a robber lives here.
First of all, but in another way, the robbers were engaged in brotheling, then that place was called - brewery. From, who said Brovary, and who said Borvari. From these words the name of Brovary was revealed.


For a long time, there lived a tribe of glades, and they were ruled by three prince-brothers: Kiy, Shchek and Khoriv, ​​and their sister was called Libid. The cities were forested and the forest was large, and the clearings were used to hunt and hunt animals there, cut down the forest, and awakened the city.

Who reigned for a long time in his family, went on campaigns in other lands, and went all the way to Tsargorod. The ruler of Tsargorod gave him great honors.

If Kiy returned from the distant Mandrivka, then, floating by the Danube, he became like a place and became a small city, and wanted to settle in with his family, but they did not give him too much trouble. That’s why the Danubian settlement is called Kievets. Who turned from his city of Kiev and ruled many more rocks with his brothers Shchek and Horeb.

Krivy Rig

He was a crooked Cossack with the nickname Rig. And there is a tavern on the Kodatsky road, which is already available in Sich itself. There is a grave there that is called Baba. Then the skin traveler, bulo, where she turns into a tavern to the crooked Cossack Horn. It seemed like: “How far do we have to go?” - “We’re going all the way to Krivoy Rog, and then we’ll have a bite to eat and get some rest.” That year, all the settlements that appeared in this place were called Krivy Rog.


This is how fateful it was for the shepherds to herd the flocks of the mountaineers on the succulent bows of the Tismenitsa River. In the evening, drive them into the fence, pulling out a long whip (batig) and clicking the hole with it, like shooting from a gun, - the moon was already shining. That's why people called this place Beach.
Over the years, a village grew here, and then - the town of Bich (and then the village of Tustanovichi). There it blossomed, its rocks spread...
Right here the fierce Tatars fought because of the mountains. Having marched with fire and sword through the Galicia-Volinsky principality, they approached the place of Beach. This is the terrible Naughty Bunyaka, a demon, with parhas (shaluds) on his head, long-lasting crowns that scorched the earth, that their servants, under his orders, raised with golden pitchforks, and the insides of him were not in the womb, but call
The townspeople closed themselves off in the city, and the looming large reserves of food began to be destroyed in their hands. Having said that the shady Bunyak, the cover of the inaccessible place can drag on for a long time, and go up to the approach. Having informed the townspeople through the ambassadors, he would like to negotiate and enter the place where he would take the tribute. And what you want is not enough: like the house of one pigeon. The townspeople came in handy, but when they brought the pigeons to the Tatars, the playful Bunyaka punished the pigeons with a singed sponge wrapped in silver thread. Because of this there was a fire in the area. By the hour of the fire they held on to the Tatars’ place. Everything was falling all around. The scourge burned to the ground, and the people who had been caught by the fire and the Tatar sword scattered through the forests.
So the place became poor. For a long time the winds howled in the black fires... In an hour I ordered that in the place where people found a treasure trove of salt, another scourge emerged and began to be called Drogobich.


One prince went fishing. He had been watering all day, and in the evening he had risen to his feet with his mail at the foot of a high mountain. As soon as the old man comes to the bottom, he says:
- You chose a bad place, prince. This mountain is called Mount Lev. She has a furnace, and in this furnace lives a majestic human lion. Soon you will leave the oven and go in search of life. A lot of people died, and in the end people left their place. And this night the lion won’t be able to go far to fish if you don’t get caught. Protect your life, prince.
“The Myslyvets does not flow with the game, but flows at it,” the prince said calmly.
“If you deprive this region of the people, people will always be more kind to you,” the elder and the priest said, bowing.
When night came, the prince did not go to bed. With a sword in his hands, he chatted across the furnace. And from the beginning, the lion roared in the distance, waking up hungry and fierce.
When the head of the monster appeared at the opening of the oven, the prince waved his sword and hurriedly lowered it onto the mighty beast. The mountains trembled before the lion's roar, and the dead beast grimaced to the ground.
To honor his victory, the prince took the name of Lev, and placed the image of the beast on his coat of arms. On the present mountain, higher than Mount Lev, Prince Lev built a castle.
Not far from the bottom of the mountains, people began to settle, hoping for the protection of the mighty Prince Lev from the enemies. So the place, which had become so bad here, began to be called Lvov.


A long time ago, when the Kiev state was still in existence, this did not happen.
The wise Prince Volodymyr, for whom Kievan Rus achieved its greatest power, died, and between his sons a brotherly slayer's struggle began, cursed by the people. Having given birth to Svyatopolk, he was nicknamed the Accursed. You killed the brothers Boris and Glib, and then decided to deal with Svyatoslav. Having learned about the death of Svyatopolk, Svyatoslav decided to flee through the Carpathians to the Ugorshchina. A group of people hired to kill Svyatopolk was already rushing in pursuit of Svyatoslav. The remaining battle was brought together by the small squad of Svyatoslav with the hired killers of Svyatopolk in the Carpathians, not far from the place where the Oryava River flows into the Opir River. Here Svyatoslav, the son of Volodymyr, died, and from now on this place will be called Svyatoslav. And these few wounded, weary warriors, who lost their lives after the death of their prince Svyatoslav, fearing the re-examination of the fierce Svyatopolk, no longer returned to their native place, but went up along the current of the Support and on that place where the Slavka River flows into the Op, we were huts. This is how it happened first after the settlement on the town of our village. And since the warriors were known everywhere as good-hearted, famous in the rich campaigns and battles of the warriors, they began to be called glorious, and their settlement was Slavnaya, then Slavna, and then from which the current name of the village was established - Slav ske.


In the foothills of the Carpathians, above the bubbling river Stryi, lies the Galician town of Stryi.
Stream is our uncle's name. Why is the place called so? Who knows what? But it seems...
Once upon a time, in these places, around the outskirts of Stria, frowning foxes rustled. A raging river snaked between its steep banks. A merchant's road ran along it, as they were going to the edge of the mountains. The roads were not safe: robbers attacked - a man with his brother’s sons. That's who the guy called Stryim from.
Many people have ruined marinas by plundering merchants' treasures. And in old age, someone else’s lies came to light - the striae twisted into three deaths. To get rid of sins, settle in the forests near a low hut near the river, develop an apiary, and begin to live peacefully.
They pinned the robbery and his brothers-in-arms and often came to the stria. That's why the place was called Stryem. The village grew into a settlement over the years, and then became a place - a beautiful Stryi.


The name of this place comes from the fact that in my Yansky word “chuk” is a crossing. Here there will be a tabir of Bohdan Khmelnytsky, divisions on the kuren, say, Chornomorivka, Skubiivka (for the name of the otaman-kozarlyuga and the shelf). To get to the left side of D nіpra, From there they organized the crossing of people. People said: “I’m going to chuk.” There were a lot of crossings, so there was a need for a name. After him, the yam of the senior otaman Kremen began to be called “Kremeniv chuk”, and then briefly - Kremenchuk.


It seems like a long time ago, three princes launched the boats and went along the Ostvitsa River to find a place for a new fort. Outside, directly on the surface, the stinks permeated the wide expanse of mochars, among which were the bushes of the islands, flowing with the waters of the river. The princely chapels landed on these islands. The princes looked at their kindness, rejoiced among themselves and said:
- From here, on this plain, a new settlement will arise.
Stars and names - Rivne.
Following another transfer, the entire lands of the Ostrozky princes competed “equally” according to this place, where the place was founded. These princes, after all, had only 99 places in their Volodin region, and when they added one more, they had “exactly” a hundred.
Old people also say that the name Rivne is similar to the word “riv”, because here for a long time, to drain the pain, numerous settlers dug ditches, ditches, through which the tracts of Rovechchina and Zarovechchina were located.


A man came to the bank of the Bug, set up his own hut and lived with his wife. Suddenly they had two daughters. The father named one Vishenka, and the other - Vinnichka. The girls grew up like berries, blushing and having fun. And when they grew up, they became friends with practical fishermen. They set up Vishenka and her husband a wooden hut on the right birch of the Bug, and Vinnichka - on the left. They lived at the house and danced together. They picked honey from hollows, cut down trees, burned down stumps, dug up the earth in open fires and sowed crops.
One day a strong wind blew up and an impenetrable darkness covered the asses. The birds stopped sleeping, and the darkness faded into darkness. It was not a storm that came, but a terrible one - the Tatars raised a black smoke over the Bug. The Vishenkas and Vinnichkas honed the noble houses, they wanted to take them all away and sell the youngsters on similar markets. There was no way out. Better than death, less hopelessness and captivity. Vinnichka first set her house on fire. Sister Vishenka started chasing the Bug - and the hut is already burning and the hut has been sharpened. Like two candles, the trees and huts burned, the fire crackled. The Tatars dried up in the scorching heat and acrid smoke. And the hearts of the two sisters burst into grief...
The rocks have passed. New people came to the banks of the Bugu and settled here. People from the neighboring villages told them about the bitter share of Vinnychka and Cherry. As a good memory of them, the tributary rivers that carried their waters to the Pivdenny Bug were named after them. There was a stone fort here, and the place where it was named was named after one of the tributaries - Vinnitsa.


On the Teterev birch stands our white-fringed Zhitomir. Quietly in the place of Svitanka, the world is nearby, calm. But that’s just how it seems - a place to boil with the people.
Over a thousand glorious springs Zhytomyr flows...
Even for the Russian princes Askold and Dir, old grandfather was at court as a supporter. Having started to live peacefully, quietly, about the power. For this reason they called it Zhytomyr in Kiev. The princes loved him, and they loved them even more. Askold’s impudent death wounded the old man’s heart. In grave turmoil, he got out of the military and went into the forest. Long after the sun had set, the Drevlyansky foxes, even in the valley between the rivers, would be found. The water is clean, the forest is dense, the grass is knee-deep; No matter where you look, there are animals and birds.
They founded a settlement here and named it Zhitomir.

God's punishment

They say that the Kamyan women were the same people as they were. And that’s how it happened.

God created people earlier beyond the Sun, so the stench lived in the darkness, eating the fruits of the trees. Already the axis appeared to Sontsa. People were angry, alarmed and, in order to get rid of him, they began to go out to the high graves and spit on him. God was formed and cursed for all the people. And the stench was standing there and they were sitting there.

It seems that among these crooked people there is a hope to transform themselves again, to become as alive as God created them.

Mother's heart

Once in the Rohatyn region one despicable young man fell in love with a girl with all his heart, and she, having touched his kohanna with a stick, decided to disbelieve him. Once upon a time, when it comes to zustricha:

I won’t believe that you love me until you bring me to your mother’s heart in half a bowl.

And until God's death, when she gets home, she finds her little one in her sleep. Take the juice, cut open her breasts, take out the hot Mother’s heart, put it in a half bowl and carry it to your divine loaf. According to the dosage, it stutters and falls. Mom’s heart flutters from half a bowl, ends up in a deep hole, and Matusya’s sweet voice reaches her ear:

Sinku, my child, why didn’t you get hurt?

Village Radkivtsi

And in Podillya there is a small village of Radkivtsi, about whose journey there is a beautiful legend.
It was a long time ago. People lived in a small settlement. Peace and blessings fell between them. They grew bread, raised children, enjoyed life. And in successions they went wild until Mr. Radik, who was famous for his wisdom and justice.
The man and his daughter live with their mother, which grows among the densely forested hillocks, dormouse heaps and coppices. There was a lush garden near Mr. Radik’s cabin, where the birds, as they were called in that locality, flew from the many forests. That’s what the birds called to Marichka and her father, and they finally understood the human language, and Mr. Radik and his daughter chirped to the bird.
As if, before the Green Saints, Marichka went into the forest to get some grains and herbs, so that she could take the donkey with them. She was already timid about it herself. The girl traveled from childhood and avoided the extreme mistiness, and she knew the forest roads and stitches well. Marichka was not afraid of anything, she was safe everywhere. grass I felt a bottomless quagmire beneath me.
The girl immediately sensed the wondrous sounds. What is it? Maybe the moose left his herd and is now trying to catch up? Why are roe deer wandering through the forest, perhaps searching for a dzhereltse, so as to catch the sprague? No, it doesn’t look like it. A bunch of articles slipped between the trees. It wasn’t long before Marichka realized that they were Mongol-Tatars. And when she realized it, it was terrible: the patrol of strangers pounced on the girl and overwhelmed her. The attackers tried to show the roads to the village. Marichka could not earn anything. She knew well about the threats they pose to the settlement: they will rob the donkeys, take people away from the villages, and burn down the village. Is it possible to allow this? The girl realized: all she could do was help her fellow villagers. Having hidden a secret in her chest, Marichka was ready to lead the attackers near the village.
The strangers, on horseback, sharpened the young top and destroyed it. Vona showed the way. The little ones meandered along the forest roads, the stinks climbed onto the hump, from which the Devil’s galya could be seen. The horses gained more and more speed and, due to treatment, flew into a terrible quagmire. The overlying Tatars, trying to get out, sank deeper and deeper. Marichka didn’t even want to fight. During the rest of her life, she turned to the birds and asked to pass on her father’s message about the approaching Tatars, and also to go on patrol.
The villagers informed Mr. Radik about the trouble, and they, having gathered the entire community, ordered them to leave the village and hide in the forest. The Tatars, who had separated all the people, burned down the village. And the villages, inspired by the birds, soon became their own new settlements and called it Radkivtsi in memory of Mr. Radik and the birds with whom they dedicated their lives.

Village Martinivka

Once the Tatars attacked our village. And in this village there was a very good girl, Marusya. If the head of the Tatar army received her, he immediately wanted to take her with him, so that she became his.
He drove all the people away and said: “If you don’t give me up to Marusya, then we will burn your entire village with people at once! I’ll give you three days to think about it.”
But people were not ready to give up Marusya for these cruel warriors. The villagers boasted about the village near the Komish, where the rivers grew up and down. Whenever the Tatar army entered the village, the village was empty. The Tatars were getting even more angry and let’s joke about them, if some of the military people realized that things were uneasy among the Komish. The stinks went there and set those comics on fire. People rushed in, cried, and were immediately shot. Crying, screaming, yelping of horses, barking of dogs, heathers of children, prayer and groans for help were all around. The picture that happened that day was very scary.
The head ordered Todi to burn down the entire village. Suddenly the half-heartedness covered the whole village, the thinness roared, the chickens flew, and then the gluttony showed its strength.
And in the middle of the village there was a church, which, according to distant and ancient revelations, did not burn, but sank to the ground, and more children from this village, later created, ran there to the great saints and felt the sound from under the earth bells
One guy, who at that time left the village with his family and went far away, settled in the field, trees and humps, so that no one would be found and began to cultivate the land, building. Various people who followed began to converge and re-establish the whole village, which was named after the first inhabitant. His name was Martin - the axis also came from the name of our village Martinivka.

How did the mood in “Nezalezhnaya” change a year after the Euromaidan?

On Friday, February 20, on the anniversary of the shooting of the Kyiv Euromaidan by snipers, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko accused Russian presidential aide Vladislav Surkov of leading this operation.

“Just the other day, the leadership of the SBU (Security Service of Ukraine) informed me that the Alpha fighters interrogated by it testified that the assistant to the Russian President Vladislav Surkov led the organization of sniper groups of foreigners on the Maidan,” Poroshenko said during the ceremony of presenting state awards. family members of the “heroes” of the “Heavenly Hundred”.

According to the head of the Ukrainian state, the investigation gained access to recordings of private telephone conversations between Viktor Yanukovych and representatives of Russian security forces. Poroshenko claims that “they prepared together in advance for the execution of activists.”

Earlier, on Friday morning, the head of the SBU, Valentin Nalyvaichenko, made a similar statement.

“They (Alfa fighters) gave specific evidence of the location of foreign sniper groups who were aiming at both the protesters and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Within the framework of this proceeding, there are positions, names, copies of passports, dates of their entry and exit, what communications they used, what premises they were in, as an adviser to President Putin, Surkov supervised them in Kiev,” Nalyvaichenko said on the talk show “Right to power" on the Ukrainian TV channel "1+1".

Such an accusation seems absurd - but only at first glance. In fact, it quite logically fits into the new mythological space in which Ukraine now lives.

The coup that took place in Kyiv a year ago – or the “Revolution of Dignity”, as Ukrainian ideologists called it – divided “Independence” into “before” and “after” the Maidan. And these two countries, separated in time, differ significantly from one another. This is evidenced by legends and myths circulating in Ukrainian society.

Myths “before the Maidan” told mainly about the greatness of the Ukrainian nation. And with such Khlestakovism that it was breathtaking. In these myths, Ukrainians discovered Alaska and were among the first explorers of the Aleutian Islands. Ukrainian princes and princesses entered into legendary marriages - either the princess became the wife of the founder of the Hungarian state, Janusz, or the prince married the first Georgian queen Tamara. “In my opinion, Ukrainians have a special role in the development of world civilization. I would call it a donor,” said MP Petro Yushchenko, who was working at that time on the project of the art gallery “Ukrainians in the World,” in the mid-2000s, citing these examples.

Historians of “Nezalezhnaya” seriously argued that the Ukrainians are the descendants of the ancient Trypillians, who lived 5 millennia (!) BC, and built such a high civilization, to which Ancient Egypt would have to grow and grow. They swore that the Trypillian culture was “strikingly similar to the culture of the islands of the Aegean Sea,” and that “at that time, from Crete to the Dnieper there was a single space - not only cultural, but also ethnic.”

Yes, there were also myths that were openly anti-Russian, but they also appealed to the past. For example, the “Holodomor” was presented as a sophisticated genocide of the Ukrainian people, perpetrated by Moscow. Or the myths about the victorious wars of the Ukrainian Cossacks with the “Muscovites” (we know these events as the Russian-Polish War of 1654-1667), the crown of which was considered the “great battle” of Konotop in 1659, when supposedly 15,000 Ukrainians under the command of Hetman Vyhovsky destroyed “150,000 Russian occupiers and the entire flower of the Russian nobility.” At least, this is how this “great victory” (in reality, it was about the destruction of the 6,000-strong Russian avant-garde by the Tatar cavalry) is presented in Ukrainian history textbooks.

But after the Maidan, the mythological space of Ukraine changed dramatically. Its “red corner” is occupied by the myth of the “Heavenly Hundred” - the struggle of Ukrainian martyrs against absolute evil. The evil is, naturally, aggressive Russia, which is supposedly fighting in the South-East and trying to tear Ukraine apart.

This also includes a swarm of myths, so to speak, of the second order. The fact that as soon as the United States arranges supplies of lethal “weapons of retaliation” to Ukraine, Donbass will be defeated, stories about ferocious Chechens from Russia who destroy “cyborgs” in the Southeast, about an armored division that arrived in Donbass straight from Ulan-Ude , and staffed by Buryats. And, of course, the myth that Crimea lives in such unbearable conditions that it sleeps and dreams of how to quickly return to the rule of Kyiv.

And there are countless stories like this. What do new legends and myths of Ukraine demonstrate?

“The Ukrainian mythological space is determined by three basic myths,” says Deputy Director of the Center for Ukrainian and Belarusian Studies, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov Bogdan Bezpalko. – All of them indicate that Ukrainians are not only not Russian people, but have a completely different ethnic, national and even racial origin.

First of all, this is a historical myth. For Ukrainians, let me remind you, their own history was created. Her “father” is one of the leaders of the Ukrainian national movement, a professor at Lviv University in 1894-1914 - and, by the way, a member of the USSR Academy of Sciences - Mikhail Grushevsky. He is the author of “The History of Ukraine-Rus” - a ten-volume monograph that became the subject of heated scientific debate and laid the foundations of the modern Ukrainian historical school.

Roughly speaking, Grushevsky singled out a territory that he considered Ukraine, and considered everything that belonged to this territory to be national, ethnic and Ukrainian.

Another myth is the Ukrainian language. According to research by the American Gallup Institute conducted in 2008, 83% of Ukrainians surveyed prefer to use Russian in everyday communication. At the same time, now most of these people are foaming at the mouth to prove that their native language is Ukrainian, that it has always been subject to oppression, and now it needs to be revived. At the same time, they see the revival solely in limiting the rights of the Russian language.

The third basic myth is the ethnic myth. According to this myth, the ethnic characteristics of Ukrainians are sharply different from the inhabitants of Russia.

Put together, these myths set the basic vector in the public consciousness: Ukrainians are people who suffered from the Russians, and Ukraine is anti-Russia.

The remaining myths are derivatives of the basic ones. For example, the myth about the movement of Ukraine to Europe, which was popular during the last Maidan. It seemed to many then that as soon as Square entered into an association with the EU, Ukrainians would begin to receive salaries and pensions in euros, corruption would disappear in the country, and roads would become perfectly smooth. In fact, the desire to go to Europe was a reflection of the myth about the “differences” between Ukrainians and Russians. The idea was that Ukrainians are Europeans, and Russians are representatives of the Asian (that is, negative) type.

And Russia, which was assigned the role of “pole of evil” on the Maidan, is also an echo of this myth. After all, it was opposed by the “pole of good” - Europe.

- How have Ukrainian myths changed after the Maidan?

– Now, after the military defeat of Kyiv, after two “cauldrons”, a collapse in the economy and the threat of the actual collapse of the state, it would seem that many Ukrainian myths should collapse. However, this did not happen. On the contrary, for the mythologized nationalist consciousness of a huge number of Ukrainians, negative realities turn out to be something insignificant. But the confrontation – imaginary or real – between Ukraine and Russia remains significant for them.

These people eagerly accept Ukrainian propaganda that Russia is allegedly carrying out aggression in the South-East. Yes, this has nothing to do with reality - but the myth has never been based on reality. Myth is a part of consciousness that itself creates a new reality. Ukraine still lives in this new reality.

- How will the situation develop?

– I think that more and more new anti-Russian myths will be created in Ukraine, and the Ukrainian pantheon will be replenished with anti-Russian heroes. Mazepa, Petliura, Bandera and Shukhevych will now, presumably, be joined by representatives of the “Heavenly Hundred” and, perhaps, one of the “cyborgs” who died at the Donetsk airport.

These new myths will be broadcast through the media and driven into heads through the education system. And ultimately, to form the image of a “correct” – deeply anti-Russian – Ukrainian...

“Any mythology built on the glorification of traitors, collaborators, traitors is not viable,” I am sure Professor of the Military Humanitarian University, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Colonel Yuri Rubtsov. – At the center of Ukrainian mythology are such figures as Mazepa, Bandera and Shukhevych. Can a normal society, a nation - if Ukrainians are looking for their identity - rely on this kind of ideological foundations? Of course not.

In my opinion, after the Euromaidan, the trend in Kyiv’s frontal ideological offensive became quite clear. It consists of an unconditional rejection of the entire past - the achievements of the Russian and Ukrainian peoples, including the victory in the Great Patriotic War.

I will give just one example as proof. The other day, Verkhovna Rada deputy Yuriy Bublik submitted to parliament a resolution on celebrating the 125th anniversary of the Ukrainian nationalist Kirill Osmak on May 9. Osmak is known for being a Banderaite, a deputy of the Ukrainian National Rada, subordinate to the German occupation government, and in 1944, together with the head of the UPA Shukhevych, he created and headed the Ukrainian Main Liberation Council.

In a word, in Ukraine people who cannot stand the test from the point of view of elementary morality are raised to the shield. Lately this has been done regularly.

- Why is this happening?

– The current Ukrainian elite, which came to power in the wake of the coup d’etat, is trying to define a Ukrainian identity that could attract some part of society to their side. And while Ukraine is immersed in a propaganda frenzy, it is succeeding.

I think that sooner or later life will discard these myths and reveal their complete insignificance. But, unfortunately, public consciousness is a very inertial thing, especially when it is supported by rabid propaganda. Therefore, one should not expect that the Ukrainian anti-Russian mythology will disintegrate instantly...

Castles and fortresses rightfully occupy first positions in the ratings the most visited places in Ukraine.

Almost every fortress has its own ghosts. Huge underground passages were dug from almost every one, so gigantic that an entire cart with four horses could pass through there.

In a word, there are many legends, but maybe they are not legends at all? We decided to collect the most unusual, interesting, in our opinion, stories about Ukrainian castles.

It has survived countless of its owners and inhabitants, dozens of assaults and sieges and has been preserved in almost perfect condition to this day.

This fortress was most glorified by two women - Sofia Bathory and Ilona Zrini - mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, who, while managing the castle, also managed to quarrel with each other.

And if Ilona went down in history as a brave defender of the fortification, then Sofia Bathory suffered mystical, terrible glory.

It is often said that this woman had an addiction to human blood and not only killed for it, but also took blood baths, sacrificing 13-year-old virgins.

From Transcarpathia we will go to the Lviv region, namely to the Olesky Castle, in the Bug region. There are, of course, ghosts here, but they are not what we will be talking about. This castle is especially important for the Poles because the future King of Poland, John III Sobieski, was born here in 1629.

And it is precisely about his birth that there is much interesting legend. They say that the mother gave birth to the future commander during a thunderstorm.

But even more dramatic is that at the same time the castle was attacked by the Tatars. And just when the midwife laid the baby on the black marble table, thunder struck. As a result, the table cracked and the woman went deaf. Then it was explained as a prophecy: the baby should become a special person.

In 1951 in Olesko Castle Ominous lightning struck again, which started a terrible fire. But the building survived. Although over all the years of its existence the walls were practically destroyed. And only a few decades ago, practically from ruins, the castle was restored.

The castle was built in the late 1630s. First it belonged to Hetman Stanislav Koniecpolski, later to Jan III Sobieski, then to Waclaw Rzewuski; in addition to the holders of the crown, it also belonged to the landowners Sengushki.

And everyone who, from the 18th century until now, had to spend at least a night within the legendary walls, saw its terrible secret.

Translucent, in a white robe and with a black face, Maria. Who is this woman whose ghost was seen by almost all the residents of the village?

It turns out that the soul of the murdered young wife of Vaclav Zhevuski, Maria, has not found peace. He actually killed the countess in a fit of jealousy. He hid the body somewhere in the castle, since he could not bury his victim with all the rituals. Some old-timers say that the body of the young wife was walled up in the stone walls of the castle.

Kremenets Castle


Well, now we offer go to Ternopil region, namely to its Volyn part - . There, today, from Mount Bona, on which the castle stands, there is a very beautiful view.

There is a very ancient legend about these places.

Allegedly, many years ago, even before Kievan Rus and long before the construction of the real castle, the daughter of the Dulib governor of Tours named Irva admired the landscapes every morning from the high (then) fortress tower. Suddenly the mountain was surrounded by an enemy army of Avars.

Seeing the beautiful Irva above, the hostile ruler fell madly in love. He demanded that Irva be given to him. Having learned about this, the girl decided to refuse.


Lock lost among the reeds Odessa region.

On the coast of the Tiligul Estuary you can discover something special. A destroyed bridge hints that a river once flowed here. Now Kuris Palace- this is an architectural monument of national importance, and once it was a unique building of the family estate of Lieutenant Colonel Ivan Onufrievich Kurys.

The estate was not built immediately. In the 1810-1820s, its eastern wing was designed, and in 1891-1892, the main part of the building. The palace was completed after the death of its first owner. The architectural composition of the palace ensemble embodies the Moorish style using Gothic elements.

This type of construction contrasted sharply with other ancient buildings that were being built at that time in Ukraine. The most striking detail of the ancient part of the building, and all Kuris Palace, is an octagonal tower resembling a minaret.

It rises high above the building, allowing you to notice the estate itself from afar. In the new part of the building, a large hall was provided for receiving guests, holding balls and celebrating various celebrations.

Its striking feature was that the main lighting came through the roof. The ceiling was supported by columns, which were decorated with alfrey paintings. This spoke of the emergence of romanticism in the architectural style of Ukraine in the 19th century.

At both sides Kuris Palace was decorated with one-story arcades.

Castle - ship

In the village of Sidorov in the Ternopil region, over the Sukhodol River, the ruins of a castle - a ship - rise into the sky. Built in the 1640s by the Polish crown hetman, voivode of Chernigov Marcin Kalinowski, the castle, with its unusual elongated shape, really resembles a ship. Its length is 178 meters and its width is 30 meters.

The “nose” part of the castle, a majestic tower that served to monitor the area. In the event of an enemy attack, the river would be blocked with dams, and the fortress-ship would end up on an island, among swamps and lakes.

Every old castle keeps his legends. Many of them contradict stories, some are not true at all. However, people tend to believe in them.

Because life is more interesting when you are surrounded by mystical fiction, fairy tales, and legends.

Don't waste time and travel around Ukrainian castles!